Aloe Vera

Discussion in 'Herbalism - Medicinal, Practical, and other Uses' started by cluckeyo, May 23, 2016.

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  1. cluckeyo

    cluckeyo Well-Known Member

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    Aloe Vera is a great medicinal plant. It will heal a sunburn. That's what I keep it around for. They are easy to grow. The gel that is inside the leaf can be smeared on various hurts and it heals them quickly. I started a tiny aloe acouple of years ago and it has grown into an enormous plant. I put pea gravel in the bottom of my pot for drainage and I used compost and sand for the growing medium. The thing went absolutely crazy.
    Crys B. and Beautiful like this.
  2. QtheMyst

    QtheMyst Member

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    I agree, aloe vera is a fantastic plant! It's great on all kinds of burns and also good for minor things like scratches and bug bites. It's a beautiful plant too, even I can grow one which is really saying something! It's edible too! You can eat it raw or cook with it. :)
  3. DaBozzLady

    DaBozzLady Member

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    I agree. An aloe plant does provide you with multiple options. In Florida, I have some friends who grow the plants in their yards and some are really huge. They've had them for years. But they do come in handy. A friend of mine who has dreads washes his hair with the gel that comes out of the plant and it keeps his hair conditioned. It has been known to help with skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema, and even poison ivy. It will also help with bad breath and in large doses, it can be used as a laxative.
  4. Sealpikachu

    Sealpikachu Member

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    This is a fantastic remedy! My grandpa keeps a plant outside of his house and, when we were little, used it for everything. Whether it was a cut or a burn, he wouls just go outside and cut a small part. He'd apply it to our injury and it would go away ridiculpusly quickly. It would also be completely painless as opposed to other remedies.
  5. acheno84

    acheno84 Member

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    I have so many aloe plants outside of my house it's insane. I have recently put a list on a freecycle page to give some away for free because they are taking over! I love keeping it around though because it's great for so many skin remedies. Definitely worth growing a few in a small area of the yard for health reasons!
  6. BeautifullyBree

    BeautifullyBree Active Member

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    I love natural aloe vera plants on my sunburns. I always found them fun to use. The bigger the leaf the more aloe vera in it. Out first plant lived a long and happy life.
  7. HealthandVitality

    HealthandVitality New Member

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    Good old Aloe Vera, you cannot beat the plant for it's excellent properties on skin care. I use the face gel and it has turned down a few years off my looks, I cannot recommend it enough.
  8. viva93

    viva93 New Member

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    My mother always had a few aloe plants around the house. She said that they are almost impossible to kill and the aloe gel in the leaf is borderline - magical.

    We use it in many ways around the house, for sunburns, mosquito and other bug bites. You can use it for general small scars and scabs, it is refreshing so it is good for herpes and other skin infections.

    On the other hand it is not edible at all and can cause stomach problems!
  9. barbecueIt

    barbecueIt New Member

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    The magical aloe vera! I use them as a conditioner and they are really great! Did you know that you can eat the jelly aloe vera? A milk tea store in my area mixes them in lemonade juice and the taste is delicious!
  10. OfTheEarth

    OfTheEarth Member

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    Fun fact: This stuff also works wonders on ring worms and certain rashes. I had a MEAN ringworm case on my right armpit from carrying my backpack around + other factors (Old backpack that had been sitting for a while, used it because it had more space).

    When I say mean, I mean like...I've never seen one just take up so much space, the little asshole. They spread a bit, started to bother the dickens outta me. Found out aloe vera worked, bought a couple stalks from the mexican grocery store here (God bless the only people in town to carry fresh aloe), and 2 days later I could tell they were already all fucked up. Shoulda stayed off my armpit if you wanted to live, little wormy. Now die.
  11. Jea

    Jea New Member

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    Aloe vera can also cure pink eye and styes. A co-worker applied aloe vera straight off his plant and gently coated it on his infected eye. Within 24 hours, his pink eye was all cleared up! He also treated it on his cat. Bonus points for pet friendly medicinal remedies!

    Also, drinking aloe vera infused drinks are SO good! Try to find the Savia Original Aloe Vera Drink at your local grocerer. It's got tiny bits of aloe vera in it. Reminds me of bubble tea.
  12. thePENofGODx0x0xz7

    thePENofGODx0x0xz7 New Member

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    I often drink those Aloe Vera juices that you can find at the supermarket for about a dollar.
    Some times when I diet I just stock up on them and don't eat much other than small snacks for the day.
    I must say that I never feel dehydrated or malnourished when I do this.
    Michelle likes this.
  13. Vinaya

    Vinaya Expert Member

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    Aloe vera is a multiple purpose herb. You can use aloe vera internally as well as externally. We have aloe vera plant in our garden, and since many generations, we have been using aloe vera for various kinds of conditions. We use aloe vera gel on burns and cuts on our skin. We use aloe vera to cure constipation problem, we use aloe vera to heal skin rashes.
    Beautiful likes this.
  14. Michelle

    Michelle New Member

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    Can you post a picture of it now? I'm planning on getting a plant soon. It's good to drink. I like the aloe pulp drink. Can we post pictures of our growing aloe plants here and share more knowledge about crafting products and growing tips? I'll post a pic when I get one.
  15. Rere

    Rere New Member

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    I agree, aloe vera is a fantastic plant! It's great on all kinds of burns and also good for minor things like scratches and bug bites. It's a beautiful plant too, even I can grow one which is really saying something! It's edible too! You can eat it raw or cook with it. :)
  16. Chiari

    Chiari New Member

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    I agree. There are over 200 types of Aloe plants, being the most popular ones the Aloe Vera (the one with white dots) and Aloe Arborescens (also known as the "Climbing Aloe") plants. The star of the Aloeaceae family is the first one, with many medicinal properties and uses.
    Beautiful likes this.
  17. Chiari

    Chiari New Member

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    Have you heard of Aloe Vera smoothies? You can combine it with coconut milk, mango, peach or blueberry.
    Beautiful likes this.
  18. SouthernMama

    SouthernMama Active Member

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    Aloe Vera is a wonderful plant! I have several at my house. We use aloe for so many things, medicinal, beauty, food.
    We even use it on my granddaughter for diaper rash. This is definitely a plant that you want to have a few of.
  19. BethSztruhar

    BethSztruhar Member

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    I love it! I have a lot, so if I'm injured I'm using it and it helps. What's more: my skin is really sinsitive, so my scars don't really heal. Even after a few years, you can still see them. So I'm using Aloe Vera now for my old scars and even if this takes time, I can see the process.
  20. scaruso3

    scaruso3 New Member

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    While most people know aloe vera is great to use when sunburn, I recently learned a new trick. If you put some of the aloe from inside the plant into your tea every day, or even coffee, you will notice much smoother, softer skin. I have yet to try it but heard it really works wonders.
  21. Scarlet

    Scarlet Member

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    Aloe vera is a versatile plant because it has many uses. I recently found out that it is an air detoxifier so you can place it inside your house to purify the air that you are breathing.
  22. Richa94

    Richa94 New Member

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    Aloe vera has medicinal effects, It helps to cure certain ailments. It is one of the effective natural remedies it uses to treat sunburn, helps in the healing wound as well as used in Haircare or skincare treatments.
  23. Crys B.

    Crys B. Active Member

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    I didn't know that it's edible. That's good to know!
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