Can a psychopath perform well as survivalist?

Discussion in 'General Q&A' started by Endure, May 22, 2016.

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  1. Endure

    Endure Expert Member

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    Not a pretty common question but is something that makes me wonder sometimes when I end up reading some subjects related to psychopathy and human survival. Would a psychopath thrive in a dangerous environment? Their untapped disposition towards violence and selfishness could help them to perform better as hunters and to adapt quickly?
  2. Arkane

    Arkane Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Yes a psychopath will thrive as there are advantages in being a psychopath!
    But there are also disadvantages!
    Overall they will fare no better or worse than any other!

    Survival will be more about luck than skill or goods!
    Many sheep will die in fact most will but then some will survive by sheer luck!
    Survivalists/preppers will survive but not all as some of even the best will succumb to bad luck!
    When it happens there will be no guranttees about anything but bad spelling!:oops:
  3. Tom Williams

    Tom Williams Moderator Staff Member

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    Lol im doing well here lol
  4. Arboreal

    Arboreal Active Member

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    They likely will, as long as they can conceal their psychopathic nature - like in the modern society, except that in a post-disaster environment, the penalty for being discovered might be swifter and more brutal...
    On a bright side, Grammar Police will likely be one of the first things to go down the drain, so nobody will be bothering you about it :D
  5. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    a psychopath would probably function a lot better in a disaster than a lot of the sheeple will!!:p
  6. John Snort

    John Snort Well-Known Member

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    If people have to stick together in order to survive, a psychopath wouldn't survive long because they'd be driven out.

    It would also depend on the skills someone has learned.

    What of in the wild? If the psychopath doesn't know how to hunt, trap animals or find themselves a safe shelter they wouldn't last long in the wild either.

    In an urban environment I'm sure they'd perform better than the average person but no better than a prepper.
  7. meganisonfire

    meganisonfire New Member

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    I believe that a psychopath can do well as a survivalist. I think that they can do well because they have violent and abnormal behavior. This behavior can allow them to fulfill basic survival needs such as killing animals for food and protecting themselves against predators. I do have a few doubts about their survival though. I think it depends on how crazy the person is on whether they could survive. There might be a small percentage that do such outrageous behavior that it interferes with their ability to survive.
  8. QtheMyst

    QtheMyst Member

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    Psychopaths are characterized more by antisocial behavior and a lack of empathy than by violence generally. Therefore, I think they would do quite well in survivalist situations where they need to survive alone, because a lack of companionship wouldn't bother them. However in a small group that needs eachother to survive, they might have a lot harder time than a more social person who is better able to blend in with the group.
  9. Arkane

    Arkane Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Psychopaths will lead most groups!

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