How to broil.

Discussion in 'Primitive Cooking' started by tb65, Jun 18, 2016.

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  1. tb65

    tb65 Active Member

    Blog Posts:
    I was watching a survival show where two people burned a snake. In the show I was watching two survivalist found a snake they were going to eat and ended up cooking it to the point that it burned and wasn't edible. From what I know about cooking food over a open fire is that it's the same as broiling. You cook the meat close to the fire in the beginning to get it crispy then move it further away from the fire and cook it the rest of the way. This will cause your meat to be crispy on the outside then tender and well done on the inside.
  2. Destiny

    Destiny Member

    Blog Posts:
    What survival show were you watching?
  3. tb65

    tb65 Active Member

    Blog Posts:
    @Destiny I was watching a episode of naked and afraid. On this show I've seen people cook there food and it turned out really tough, I could tell by the way they were eating it.
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