Pоpulаr quеstiоn: Hоw dоеs оnе survivе а hippо аttасk?

Discussion in 'Wilderness' started by Goodman, Jul 7, 2016.

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  1. Goodman

    Goodman New Member

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    Stеp оnе if yоur оn а bоаt, аlwаys mаkе yоur prеsеnсе knоwn.Mаkе nоisеs by trаshing оn thе wаtеr surfасе thеy'll pоp thеir hеаds аbоvе wаtеr аftеr sоmе timе. аvоidаnсе is thе bеst kеy ,оbsеrvе аnd wаtсh thе hеrd оf thеm if yоu spоt аggrеvаtiоn in thе grоup еxаmplе оpеning оf thеir mоuths, thеir tеlling yоu tо bасk оff spесiаlly frоm Mаlе bulls оr prоtесtivе mоthеr's. Stеp 2 if yоur bumpеd оff ur bоаt by thеm swim tо nеаrеst shоrе сhаnсеs thеir аftеr thе bоаt nоt yоu. Stеp 3 wоrst саsе sсеnаriо if it dоеs gеt а hоld оf u in its mоuth brасе fоr thе wоrst. If ur tаkеn hеаd first thе оnly wаy tо gеt its grip оff yоu is tо gо fоr thе еyеs аnd gоugе it if yоu саn оr punсh its snоut. If yоur аrms аrеn't frее rеасh fоr thе bасk оf its thrоаt аnd саusе it disсоmfоrt sаmе аs gаgging оnеsеlf. If yоur luсky yоu'll livе with sоmе fаtаl wоunds оr lоst limbs tо hаvе а сhаnсе tо mаkе it оut аlivе.vеry slim сhаnсе but wоrth а try in а nеаr dеаth situаtiоn. Hippоs nоrmаlly аrе sсаrеd оf lоud nоisеs likе еxplоsiоns tоо.if by аny сhаnсе а wаrning shоt frоm а big gun wоuld hеlp.In thе аnimаl kingdоm wеrе thе minоrity sо thеy hоld mоrе priоrity tо thеir spасе аvоidаnсе is аlwаys thе sаfеst bеt.

    What do you think?
  2. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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    I think if you want to avoid being attacked by hippo, crocodile, alligator or shark, STAY OUT OF THE WATER!
    Valerie likes this.
  3. Valerie

    Valerie Active Member

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    I honestly kind of chuckle to myself whenever I think of hippopotamuses. Growing up with Hungry, Hungry Hippos, you can imagine how I visualize a hippo attack haha.
    Of course, I know the reality of such an assault is completely different. Hippos are pretty vicious, but I don't think they would out and out come straight at you unless you provoked them.
    As you stated OP, loud noises might frighten them off. But I do think the best way to avoid getting mauled is the leave them alone and keep your distance.
  4. joshposh

    joshposh Master Survivalist

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    Stay out of the water!!! The easiest way not to get attacked by a Hippo. I said it in 4 word and not a whole paragraph. Common sense and the ability to not over think it and make it more complicated then it actually is. You don't want to get bit by a shark? Stay out of the water. You don't want to get bit by a alligator? Stay out of the water.
  5. Mekada

    Mekada Master Survivalist

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    You don't. Over the years I have read about many people being attacked and none that I am aware of made it. They are fast in both land and water. Annually they kill more people than sharks here in South Africa. Your best shot would be to get back into the vehicle you came in ASAP. Lots of idiots think that they can get out of their vehicles and make some form of connection with the animal... In the Kruger National Park there was a guy not even a month ago wanted a better shot of a lion, so he got out of the car and merely diverged from the road for a few minutes and that was all it took to be torn to pieces. If you want to live, stay in the car. Simple as that.
    Keith H. likes this.
  6. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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    I never have understood people like that. Rather like getting eaten by crocs or a shark, I am for ever saying, STAY OUT OF THE WATER!!!! The mind boggles.
    Mekada likes this.
  7. Mekada

    Mekada Master Survivalist

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    I absolutely agree. That is their domain, not ours. As much as scientists try to convince people that these animals are misunderstood i always think to myself that is and always will be a wild animal. You don't bug them, they won't eat you. As it turns out Keith, common sense really isn't that common anymore and nature will pick off the stupid people first long before a real disaster hits us.
    Keith H. likes this.
  8. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    When it comes to a lot of wild animals the "I won't mess with you if you won't mess with me" idea doesn't work well. You are in THEIR territory in the wild and they make the rules. Just the fact that you are alive and THERE makes you a target sometimes. Also hippos are only in the water during the DAY. At night they get out and graze just like cattle and the males don't want you messing with or being around their ladies. The females are protective as hell of their little ones and you can't stay away from the water for long without getting thirsty. The only sure way to avoid problems is stay out of their territory and lets face it that would be just boring and people aren't going to do that. Personally one of the things that's nice about Texas is that I like being at the TOP of the food chain. A friend of mine has done the full set of African trophies in 7 or 8 trips and his one comment is that in Africa you get reminded almost every night that your place over their is more prey than predator if you aren't well armed and careful. According to him when you are sleeping in a canvass tent the roar of a lion out in the dark REALLLLLY gets your attention.
  9. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    stay out of the water, a hippo attack is worse than any croc or lion.
    Mekada likes this.

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