SHTF-what does this mean to you??

Discussion in 'Other Not Listed Situations' started by lonewolf, Apr 3, 2016.

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  1. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I have tried to have this discussion many times on other forums.
    to many people this side of the "pond", it means little more than "minor" inconveniences, a short period of illness, a trade union strike, travel problems, electricity blackouts and the odd winter storm, such things that last a few hours, a few days or a week at most, then its back to "normal".
    this seems to cover about 99% of the people in the UK who call themselves "preppers", this and nothing more.
    try to discuss something of a more long term or permanent duration and one is labelled an idiot, a kook, a fantasist or mentally deficient!!
    it seems that few people will ever consider anything that does little to interrupt their cosy little lives and trying to discuss same you get the same reply as if talking to one who is not prepared in any shape of form, its the "it'll never happen" mentality or "normalcy bias" if you like.
    given what is happening in the world today, I think the human race has not been this close to the edge since the end of WW2 70 years ago.
    but trying to convince others of this seems to be a hopeless task.
    Keith H. likes this.
  2. Tom Williams

    Tom Williams Moderator Staff Member

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    Me and mime are ready well prepared when shtf means we cut of road and and keep on doing what we do
    Prairie Dog and Keith H. like this.
  3. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    being "prepared" means different things to different people, some are okay for a few days, some for a few weeks, some even for a month, but more than that? very few prepare for anything long term, which was kinda the point of my OP.
    m33kuh and Keith H. like this.
  4. Arkane

    Arkane Master Survivalist

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    SHTF to me is something drasticly more than just a cyclone or anything that can be completely recovered from!

    There are two things running at present, first is a long slow dive into the next iceage and the second is the long running PANDEMIC of "STUPID"

    But many other things are not far off!
  5. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I don't think SHTF will be anything natural, most natural things seem to be clear up the mess and start again, no matter how bad the actual event is its something that wont actual make societal collapse occur(unless its a meteor from space that is!).
    I think any societal collapse will be brought about by a man made happening, economic and political occurences are the main ones that spring to mind.
    the problem with modern humans , especially this side of the pond, is that we have become a race of "specalists" and rely on others to do things that we cannot, self reliance has become a dirty word , government and big business systems have taken over where once we did things for ourselves.
    Prairie Dog and Keith H. like this.
  6. Tom Williams

    Tom Williams Moderator Staff Member

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    Unrest the people fed up with the goverment is hapening more often and everywhere gangs illeagles white black religion all things are getting more often and more violent be ready allways have a plan have more than one stash place and place to go ME IM GONE ALLREADY. WAS FED UP 34 YEARS AGO
  7. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    the world has been going downhill ever since the end of the 1960s.
  8. Arkane

    Arkane Master Survivalist

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    I vacated britan 48years ago
    Never been back
    Never intend to go back.

    I see no reason to leave this nearly perfect paradise!
  9. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    a lot has changed in Britain during the last 48 years, more people for instance, the population now stands at 64 million.
    85% of that number now lives in cities, they are 4 generations removed from the land on average( my mother was a farmers daughter).
    most do not know where their food comes from, and sometimes which animal, nor do they care.
    in a societal collapse situation the survival rate is expected to be between 10-5%, i'm sure you can do the math!!
    Prairie Dog likes this.
  10. Tom Williams

    Tom Williams Moderator Staff Member

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    Britain as a island is tough to survive a few well placed nukes game over sorry
  11. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I have always though a nuclear war is unsurviveable anywhere, its about the only scenario I don't prep for.
    Keith H. likes this.
  12. Tom Williams

    Tom Williams Moderator Staff Member

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    Even here thats the one thing that will put us down no place safe after that
  13. Arkane

    Arkane Master Survivalist

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    I have always though a nuclear war is unsurviveable anywhere, its about the only scenario I don't prep for.

    Even here thats the one thing that will put us down no place safe after that

    One advantage of being down under!

    We ain't worth many if any nukes and our population is very spread out!
    also while the northern hemisphere will high levels of fallout most everywhere very little will get south of the equator

    So while any survivors up there will glow in the dark we down here will still need torch's!
    I have recorded all handles here for posterity! so atleast someone will remember you!:D
  14. Tom Williams

    Tom Williams Moderator Staff Member

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    When nukes fly most will die then those that are well bunkered will last awhile but nukes are bad for all
    Prairie Dog likes this.
  15. Arkane

    Arkane Master Survivalist

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    I used to prep for nukes but no longer as where I am is not worth a nuke or down wind of anything worth a nuke!
  16. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    nuclear warheads these days are much smaller than those in the cold war, an area could be targeted better than the old style carpet bombing.
    one reason I moved from my last location is because they were talking about building a new reactor at a location 15 miles from where I was living-that was 7 years ago.
  17. Arkane

    Arkane Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    No nukes in Aus
    Just a new state of the art research reactor for making that radioactive medicine stuff and research!
    and that is 900km away from me
    lots a built in safety, excessive amounts of safety built in!
    Most potential targets are coastal with a prevailing offshore wind!
  18. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    prevailing wind in my area is FROM the south west which means the wind is blowing AWAY from my location.
    Keith H. likes this.
  19. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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    I totally agree with lonewolf, we can not possibly know what may happen from one day to the next. We here are prepared for everything that we can possibly survive, & that does not include a nuclear war or an Alien invasion. Anyone who thinks "that could never happen to us" & is not prepared for it, is going to have a hard time of it.
    Personally what a shtf situation means to us is that we no longer will have to pay Rates/Tax, & there will be no law enforcement. Right now BOTH are an impediment to us in regards to self-sufficiency & self-reliance. The law is unable to protect us, but it limits what we are able to do. I have no illusions as to how hard & dangerous it would be, but we have had a lot of experience with raiders & other survival situations so we are prepared.
    Priorities? Get a piece of land away from town & city as soon as you can. If you can't afford it, scout out some good locations whenever you get the time.
    Cattail Pond in Butterfly Valley in Wychwood Forest. A good water supply is essential & it will also provide food.
    Prairie Dog and Mekada like this.
  20. DaBozzLady

    DaBozzLady Member

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    I totally agree with most of what was said above. In no way shape or form, can we continue to believe or even think "This will never happen." That's usually when it does. Times have changed and because of technology, global warming, the effect on the ozone, etc., more than likely like the Mod said it's a better or safer chance to say that the issue will be manmade. But for years, there's been stories of the so called "elite" dedicating millions to research the options of them leaving the planet, setting up bunkers, or going underground at the risk of the rest of the population staying behind to fend for themselves. If that's the case, look out!! My Mom was a farmer and so was her Mom and so on. So we learned early on in life how to cook/clean animals for food as well as grow our on food. I've sort of gotten away from that because I'm trying to provide a better life for my family but the original and main concepts are still there, so when SRHTF...I know what to do. But definitely preparing is a major part of the battle and an outlook that borders on skepticism and reality. The posting and thoughts on here help as well as the mentality that "One day something will happen, it's better to be prepared than not prepared-mentally, physically and emotionally. One good major thing..I already have the land!!

    So with that being said, do you think people will be able to "pay" their way out of the disastrous scenarios? And pay doesn't necessarily mean money if you get my drift.
    Keith H. likes this.
  21. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I've always said with regard to prepping:" i'd rather be proved wrong than proved right", but I don't think I will be, proved wrong I mean.
    I don't know about any "payment" but people will either live or die by the decisions they make, the first decision anyone has to make is whether to prepare, 99% of the British population have already failed that one.
    Keith H. likes this.
  22. DaBozzLady

    DaBozzLady Member

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    Ouch!!! 99%??? You think it's that much? Question? Do they even prepare for small disasters like tornadoes, floods or hurricanes? I know some people don't think that will happen either, even if they are watching it on the news.

    And yep, I agree. Those are the only two options -or rather the results - when decisions have to be made-whether quickly or in a timely fashion.
  23. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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    Interesting question, & one I have though about many times. As a for instance, it is quite obvious to me that the Australian government does not give a damn about the people, but what about their own families? Take climate change for instance, this is going to get worse, further down the track our grandchildren will be facing real problems. So do these politicians simply not care about their own families, or do they have a plan to protect them? Personally I don't think they give a damn about anyone, not even their own families. They are too rapt up in corruption, making more money, gaining more power. They have no thought for the future, only the now.
    Prairie Dog likes this.
  24. Arkane

    Arkane Master Survivalist

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    "So with that being said, do you think people will be able to "pay" their way out of the disastrous scenarios? And pay doesn't necessarily mean money if you get my drift."

    Females have been doing just that since the start of the species one way or another! I see no reason why it should stop!
    Same rules apply, trade carefully!
  25. judyd1

    judyd1 New Member

    Blog Posts:
    I think most people worry about what's happening in the world today, as reflected by the increase in movies that deal with natural disasters, alien invasions, political intervention from other countries--all doomsday scenarios. Natural disasters are the easiest to prepare for; millions have faced and survived natural disaster of one sort or another. But there are just some scenarios we can't prepare for. We have to be like a raft on the water, taking it one hour at a time.
  26. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    don't base your survival on movies they are only entertainment for the masses.
    most people have forgotten anything they might have learned from the movie about 5 minutes after the closing credits.
    DaBozzLady likes this.
  27. glreese

    glreese Member

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    I think it means a disastrous event that takes out a lot of lives. I think it is important to prepare for any type of situation. It's always good to have back up food and shelter. It's also important to have weapons.
  28. ToTang45

    ToTang45 Expert Member

    Blog Posts:
    The grid goes down long term with no forseeable end, and all hell breaks loose among the population.
    It literally becomes a situation of forgetting the old way of life that we had and adapting to a new one.

    And that's where prepping comes in. The assurance you get with a head start in building your new post SHTF life, for you and/or your tribe/family.

    I don't like when people call it an apocalypse. No one will survive the apocalypse.
  29. sunnytn

    sunnytn Well-Known Member

    Blog Posts:
    The grid goes down...we will instantly be put back in time to that of the late 1800s and for how long...nobody knows. Just something to think about.
  30. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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    To me a SHTF situation is an event that lasts longer than a month & is life threatening or involves serious discomfort. Cyclone Tracey back in 74 was such an event for me & mine, & we were lucky to survive. If the grid were to go down for over a month I would imagine this would be life threatening for some & certainly discomfort, especially in winter in the cities. There are of course larger scenarios, such as an invasion by a foreign power, but I think terrorist attacks & natural disasters are more likely at this time.
    For people living in the city, a blackout means: No electricity for home lighting,cooking,air conditioning or heating. No power for electric transport road vehicles. No street lighting or shop lighting, no fuel, shops will close. There will be looting, & house break-ins & it will not be safe out on the streets at night. Food will have to be purchased at open air markets for cash only. There will be no traffic lights & transport will come to a standstill as soon as vehicles run out of fuel. Underground tunnels & railway stations will flood, & there will be no train transport running anywhere. When transport comes to a halt the garbage will start to build up on the streets. All remaining fuel reserves that do not require electricity to deliver will be taken by the military, the police & emergency services.
    Long term there may be curfews imposed & martial law. Being on the streets even in daylight if you are seen carrying any baggage will be dangerous. Causes of Blackouts are: Over use of electrical appliances in winter especially heaters. Over use of air conditioning in summer. A terrorist attack on the grid. An EMP attack. Bad weather, storms, cyclones etc. Earthquake.
    Can anyone add to this?
  31. Arkane

    Arkane Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Power failures happen and the world has not ended!
    Most people in most locations will in most cases expect the power to return within hours, it always has!
    So those hours will be in most places and times be just normal hours! no riots, looting etc!

    It is those places where there are substandard humans just looking for an excuse to go feral that will riot and loot first! ( take note I am not referring to any race or culture )
    Those humans know who they are and are most probably not on this forum!
    If you live with or near these people moving now would be a good idea!
    If the power remains out then everything begins to unravel, some places faster than others!
    After a few days of no power and the growing chaos everything will just snowball into a complete mess.
    In cities and towns etc the only way to restore order will be the restoration of the power, if that is not fourthcoming then neither is help!

    Some small towns may not notice much for the first few days but they will not be immune and will suffer also!
  32. Para173

    Para173 Well-Known Member

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    If you stop to think about things, more than likely if Great Britain, Canada, Australia or the U.S. gets hit with something real hard, more than likely a certain number of people will survive. More than anything our societies will be thrown back to a more primitive level because of massive damage done to their electronic infrastructures but, for the most part, the basic parts of our outlying areas will remain intact. Analysis would sort of indicate that we would end up with a sort of society which might parallel something like what we had in the early 1900's. In other words we would have vehicles that ran, older ones that use points and plugs instead of computer chips for ignition purposes, and steam engine trains instead of electric engines. In some places you would see the return of animal (horse drawn) wagons, coaches and carts as well as people riding animals too. I don't see a complete collapse in some of the scenarios but I do see a serious regression.

    A good example might be the reversal of government power too. The federal governments, which are strong right now, could possibly see a reduction in their authority because of time delays and a lack of timely responses in some cases. What that means is that local governments then become the more active or more immediate responsive elements for the citizens in their areas. An example might be that here in the U.S. when bank robberies happen here the federal authorities investigate such crimes. If the federal authorities are spread too thin or don't exist in a certain area, then the local authorities will have to step up, fill in and do the investigations. So if a bank gets robbed by a gang in some small town the local police department or local sheriff's office may end up being the ones having to track down and arrest the bank robbers. Same thing could be true with other federal authority situations too.

    Another thing that will become more important will the family core. As things get harder more and more families will band together in tighter and tighter groups. Like early pioneer families here in the U.S., you could see a group of the same family members living together on the same farm. Back many years ago, it was not unusual for 3 or 4 families to live in individual homes that were close together on the same farm that they all worked as a team. These families were all interlocked either by blood or marriage so that they all had a solid link to one another. It was this link that gave everybody security, safety and comfort as they went through a hard life.

    While I don't think what we might face will be a picnic, I also don't think that we will be seeing a world like one involving a Mad Max scenario either. I think that realistically we should plan for something in between what we have now and something between a Mad Max scenario.
    Keith H. likes this.
  33. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    i think you can forget Mad Max, I've always said if the power grid goes down we will go back to a pre industrial revolution lifestyle, here in Britain that's the mid 18th century.
    however the majority of the British population will not survive because they are 4 generations removed from the land, 80% now live in cities and get ALL their food from supermarkets, they don't grow their own food and most would not know how to, once the supermarkets are empty and no chance of resupply and the filling stations are empty- that would take about 48 hours at most- then that's the beginning of the end for most.
    Keith H. likes this.
  34. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I think its the same in most westernised countries these days, people have moved on and become technologically dependent for their daily survival, but they don't realise it.
    the old skills and knowledge have been lost and reliance is put on computers and globilisation- shipping stuff in from the other side of the world.
    when I was a kid, we ate stuff that was "in season", if it wasn't in season we didn't have it to eat, now people complain if some exotic item isn't in the shops.
    my parents and my friends parents all grew their own food, not all of it even then but a lot of fruit and veg was home grown, this was in the days before supermarkets( I didn't see my first supermarket until I was 22) and chances are when you ran out of something the shop was shut- they didn't open 24/7 like now, so you didn't- run out I mean!! larders and pantry's were common place, now they are looked on as something "quaint" and old fashiuoned.
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2016
    Keith H. and Mekada like this.
  35. Mekada

    Mekada Master Survivalist

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    I think likely SHTF situations in South Africa could occur from(but not limited to) a number of situations:
    -The 'Fee's must fall movement' expanding to beyond free tertiary education demands.
    -Political instability between the tri party alliance that makes up the ANC.
    -Julius Malema's Economic Freedom Fighters who have been advocating violence against minorities for a while.
    -The severe drought that has crippled our our already strained food sources and reduced our fresh water sources significantly.
    -Our power grid going down again. A little over a year ago we had stints where we had no power... Sometimes for hours, sometimes for days. It cost us millions and we lost a great deal of investor confidence. Our Rand has fallen so badly in the last few years that we are on the verge of being downgraded to junk status.
    -Our economy... Our finance minister is being charged with corruption and although most people know him to be innocent, our president - Jacob Zuma - is probably the most corrupt individual to ever walk the earth and is trying to bury him. This has resulted in a dramatic drop in the value of the Rand against major currencies.
    -Riots... Over here when people are mad there are protests and people get attacked and infrastructure is burned down, and people are always angry. After more than 20 years of 'democracy' most people are worse of than when they were under apartheid. Fewer jobs, horrible health care, no water and electricity in some places... Prospects don't look good for most.
    -Xenophobia. Our country has 11 official languages and we can't get along with one another, when you add foreigners from North Africa things get ugly. The local people blame them for taking their jobs and opportunities and they often feel the brunt by looters and mobs.
    Keith H. likes this.
  36. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    yes, as well as the general outline of SHTF common to all countries and locations, many places will have other problems which are specific to their areas and theirs alone.
    Mekada likes this.
  37. Mekada

    Mekada Master Survivalist

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    Absolutely. Fortunately I don't believe that a nuclear incident is likely for us... Although you never know.
  38. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    no, me neither.
  39. Mekada

    Mekada Master Survivalist

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    Unless the Uk shoots down a Russian fighter...
  40. Mekada

    Mekada Master Survivalist

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    Actually I am uncertain as to which side of the fence we will be on if war breaks out... I think we will honor our communist ties unfortunately.
  41. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    no, we'll leave that to Hillary (Clinton):p
  42. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    Communist? since when has SA been communist? first I've heard of it.
    Mekada likes this.
  43. Mekada

    Mekada Master Survivalist

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    The ANC consists of 3 individual factions:
    The ANC itself
    The SACP: The South African Communist Party
    COSATO: it is a trade union
    These 3 form the tri-partheid alliance. During the 1960's to the early 1990's many of today's struggle icons went to Russia in exile. They received weapons and training and indoctrination into the communist philosophy. Our thinly veiled democracy is nothing more than a sham to fool the world. Money buys influence and business. Power breeds corruption and most of the people in power are woefully under qualified but well connected. Our laws don't apply to politicians and many of them literally get away with murder.
  44. Ronnie Sanders

    Ronnie Sanders Member

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    I'm ready for anything that could happen you never no what will happen
    Keith H. likes this.
  45. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    yes, you are, but most of the population is not and never will be.
    Keith H. likes this.
  46. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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    And there in itself could lie a threat to all those that have made preparation. Most as I think you have said before will not make it far out of the cities, if at all, but there will be those resourceful ones that will try & seek help from country dwellers. I hate the thought of having to turn people away, but it will have to be done if it is warranted.
  47. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    i don't believe in a country where people don't walk more than 200 yards from their vehicles that post event they will be in a position to walk very far, and just where are they going if they do? if, as I believe, they will just wander about, hoping and praying to find food, water and shelter, then I have nothing to worry about being several hundreds of miles from any large city or urban centre, they will perish long before they even get out of "the home Counties" or "the black country".
    Keith H. likes this.
  48. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    actually, do you really think that people who have saved up the deposit-usually for years- then bought a house and spent years and years-anything up to 25- paying the mortgage, are just going to up and leave and go wandering the land just because there is no food in the shops or the power is off??of course they aren't. i'm not saying that anyone who lives near a big city isn't going to have problems with looters, because they will, but these looters wont go far, maybe a days walk then they will return home with whatever they have looted. the only people who might leave a British city are those in the inner city who have been burnt out by the rioters, like we saw in the Tottenham riots some years ago.
    I know "the golden horde" is a favourite of some of the American bloggers but I have never subscribed to that particular scenario, not in Britain anyway, most people think "nowhere is safe" in the UK(usually its some Londoner who thinks this) a thought I am very happy to encourage as it makes my remote corner of the country more secure!
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2016
    Keith H. and Mekada like this.
  49. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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    In England as you know, villages are not very far apart. When my second born son visited England on his own, he arrived late at night. He got a lift to Chichester, but walked from Chichester to Bognore Regis & thought nothing of it. Now I do not know what anyone might find in these villages, but I think it is reasonable to assume that some people will find food & shelter to keep them going. They will learn along the way how to improve their position. They may stay in these areas, depending on the resources they find, or they may use these villages as stepping stones to places further away.
    Yes I agree with you. most will stay or fail to make the journey, but there are a lot of people, & I don't think all of them will go under so easily. There are going to be some like you, resourceful, driven & determined.
  50. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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    I do agree, I think you have it pegged for the majority. But I can't help thinking that there will be some like you & I that will act sensibly & put life before possessions. People with a sense of adventure who will dare to leave home. Whether these people would pose a threat is hard to say, extreme conditions calls for extreme measures.
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