Surving in the ocean

Discussion in 'Finding, Purifying, and Storing Water' started by cluckeyo, Jun 3, 2016.

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  1. cluckeyo

    cluckeyo Well-Known Member

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    My father, who is now 90 years old, just told me about a survival skill that he learned when he was training for reconnaissance in the marine corp. back inWorld War II. He was dropped off out in the deep part of the ocean and had to swim 5 miles to get back. Removing his pants, he tied knots in the legs, waved them abruptly, in a fashion to trap some air in them. Then used them as a pontoon to float. The next time he would do the same thing with this shirt, tying off the arms. He said he made it 5 miles doing that trick.
    Keith H. likes this.
  2. Corzhens

    Corzhens Master Survivalist

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    I have to admit that being in a shipwreck is probably the most scary for me. I know how to swim but it's not the swimming that matters especially when the waves are strong. Last year we went to an island province where we had to cross the sea for 45 minutes on a small boat with 80 passengers. We were being tossed by the strong sharp waves so even if the 2 islands looked near to each other, I do not think that we could survive by swimming. First enemy is panic. It is scary to be on the water especially when you imagine sharks or any scavenging sea animals. Next is your stamina of enduring the long distance swim. Next is your physical conditioning because I have read so many cases of swimmers dying due to cramps. My best best to survive is to swim with other survivors.
  3. judyd1

    judyd1 New Member

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    Now that sounds like a very helpful thing to know. It sure beats letting your soggy clothes drag you down and make you tired as you're trying to swim your way back to the shore. And Marines would find this sort of training especially appropriate. I hope to never have to use this kind of knowledge. It's enough to know that if I needed the information, it would be there.
    cluckeyo likes this.
  4. joshposh

    joshposh Master Survivalist

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    Look what I found. You're right about the flotation method. As long you keep the pair of pants wet it will hold the water. Very good tip in case I get thrown in the middle of the ocean.

    cluckeyo likes this.
  5. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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    Good Post & Quite correct, this is a well known method. A good reason for not wearing shorts!!!;)
    cluckeyo likes this.
  6. m33kuh

    m33kuh Active Member

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    I've quite seen this a lot on youtube floating videos. Very informative and could potentially save a life when in an ocean survival situation.

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