Viral Apocalypse

Discussion in 'The Apocalypse' started by ThePriest, Apr 28, 2016.

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  1. ThePriest

    ThePriest Member

    Blog Posts:
    We all see on the news of all the viruses that pop up around the world. Just recently a case of Anthrax in Australia, and in Africa we all know Ebola. What if one of these viruses were to break out widespread all across the United States. It would not be chaos and destruction like everybody thinks, at least not at first. If this were to happen the country would eventually breakdown in stages. First you'; ll have small cases of it popping up around and people trying to keep it quiet, and it's just getting worse and worse until something has to be done about it. Then the government would try to take control and order everything to be under quarantine, and we will all have to follow very strict guidelines and probably have no freedoms.

    Things would sit for a while, but eventually, people would stand up and begin to rebuild. Most likely you will have protesters and political leaders at first trying to make changes. But when everybody figures out that to much of the population has been infected then there will be worldwide panic. Now the buildings are getting broken into, and the shelves are getting cleared. All the pharmaceutical stores will be wiped clean, and garbage will be everywhere. Now it's time to jump in and join the rest of the people and survive.

    The first thing you're going to want is food, water, shelter and warmth pretty much the basic needs of survival. Then if you have been infected by any virus, you are going to need medicine obviously so you can stay healthy. Finding medication will be a challenge because all of the stores will be wiped clean and everything will probably be strictly bartering and trading. Being a part of an apocalyptic world would be worse than a never-ending nightmare.
    John Snort likes this.
  2. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    during any kind of apocalypse, there will be a huge DIE OFF of the unprepared and the unwilling, you will need to sit this out until the die off has run its course, this could be weeks but its more likely to be months.
    the survival rate will be quite low, some estimates put it as low as 5-10%.
  3. John Snort

    John Snort Well-Known Member

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    As the threat of terrorism grows I believe that it won't be long before terrorists start using biological weapons. They already did make that threat during the Ebola outbreak but didn't follow through. Can we have a viral apocalypse? There is a high likelihood that we can and must for that reason be prepared for it.
  4. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    it is possible, with the fast modern transport systems these days someone can come from the other side of the world in about 24 hours.
    in the case of a pandemic, total personal isolation is the only real cure, shut yourself away from the outside, lock all doors and windows, nobody comes in or out until the virus has run its course(another reason for having a food stash).
    John Snort likes this.
  5. Destiny

    Destiny Member

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    After I watched the movie "Contagion" I started thinking about a devastating it could be to the world. Luckily, I live way out in the country and wouldn't have to worry about it as much as the city folk. We also have a well and would have to worry about water contamination as much.
  6. Arkane

    Arkane Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Biggest danger in a pandemic if you are locked away is again .gov!
    If the .gov come knocking to do a welfare check/forced evacuation
    What then? have you got this covered?
  7. BeautifullyBree

    BeautifullyBree Active Member

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    It's unfortunate to think about. I know I'll be among those who die. I'm not prepared in anyway really. Watching shows of this type of thing make me feel even less prepared. I do wonder if its a luck of the drawl type thing or more of a survival of the fitest. The only time I'll now is when it comes. I guess in the meantime I'll attempt to prepare.
  8. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    being prepared does not ensure survival, but it gives us an edge on those who haven't prepared.
  9. iseeyou

    iseeyou Member

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    I'm not in any way prepared at all for apocalypse but hanging around in this forum made me seriously think what we're truly up against if an apocalypse were to happen and i have to admit, it's really scary and the chances of me surviving is slim to none. I'm just going to hope and pray it will never come to that but prep at the same time.
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