Surviving a demonic attack

Discussion in 'Survival Stories' started by remnant, Jun 18, 2016.

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  1. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I don't believe in demons.
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  2. mrghostwalker

    mrghostwalker Active Member

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    Demons have no power over someone who belongs to Y'shua. They can neither posses nor control.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  3. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    I consider much of politics and the MSM today to be demon possessed by the outright lies and half truths they so often tell in generating confusion amongst the people.

    The impeachment farce is textbook of this zealous and maddening track possession.

    Agee with Olde Geezer about climate change....another devout and zealous religion of demonic possession to attempt to herd others into their control.

    Universities and in particular British universities like Oxford became home and welcoming many Continental radicals who fled the failed revolutionary attempts in Europe about 1848.

    Look into the eyes of one of these university trained snowflakes and tell me what you see???

    How about Antifa???

    I watched U Tube today for the entirety of the SOTU address and you could see the possession in the eyes of many in the audience who believed in Dependency on Government versus what the President was talking about ...independency....strengthening America by independency.

    I don't watch CNN/Chicken Noodle News because I can see how far they are from reality ...versus idealism....dependency....even racism....out and out racism. I consider this demonic in it's origins and misrepresentation.

    There are others as well and I take Fox New with a huge shaker of salt.

    Ishmaelites run wild..

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  4. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    I have had a couple of upper level administrators who proved beyond any shadow of a doubt that demons exist.

    Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely ... and then you have your demons who gnaw their way out of Satan's distal sphincter who are simply evil and intrinsically so.

    May they burn in Hell eternally. May their eyes melt in their sockets. May they never see the Face of God nor feel the Warmth of His love. May they experience over millions of years the disintegration of their essential being. May they be abandoned into outer darkness eating their own selves into the waste of chaos and absolute nothingness.
    watcherchris likes this.
  5. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    nope, demons are all in the mind, and I don't have that kind of mind, or maybe I've just got a clear conscience??
    watcherchris likes this.
  6. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    lonewolf….to your credit and though we may disagree on certain do not strike me as a person who would out and out "Herd" another. Disagreeing is not herding....and nor is disagreeing criminal....though some would try to so imply.

    Most people want to be left alone in their labors and or efforts and do not want others telling them what to do or not to do with their time, labors, and monies.

    This is not the case with msny ofthe Climate change people..they want to herd people behaviors.....herd people socially and wide....thus politically herd people...imply a higher criminal act...a moral and ethical trespass.

    I find this kind of behavior in international climate change goals to be demonic in that its is against our American principals of Limited Government and individual liberty.

    To me...this kind of Climate Change goal is of the "Fallen"..which is demonic in it's herding origins.

    It is Ishmael and of bondage..and many of our college educated leaders have bought into its and it is against their oaths of office....but they seem to know it not.

    My Non Ishmaelite .02
  7. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "For the Left, Children Are Either Obstacles or Tools"

    "In the aftermath of a leaked Supreme Court draft majority decision prospectively overruling Roe v. Wade, the left in the United States has gone into full-fledged panic mode.

    "That outsized panic has manifested as a variety of unconvincing or blatantly immoral arguments: the argument that abortion is a necessary adjunct to women’s freedom—as though contraception doesn’t exist, and as though women are never responsible for their own sexual decisions and the consequences thereof; the argument that unless society provides for any number of government programs, abortion should not be prohibited—as though the solution to lack of universal child care is the death of the child; the argument that conservatives will next attempt to outlaw interracial marriage—an absurd slander on its face.

    "Underlying all of this is a perverse and inverted view of children’s role in society. To the left, children in the womb are utterly disposable; at best, women may choose to preserve their lives, but if not, they have no separate interests to be considered.

    "In fact, children are to be treated as potential obstacles: as Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said this week, 'access to reproductive health care, including abortion, helped lead to increased labor force participation; it enabled many women to finish school. That increased their earning potential.'

    "This explains why the left has now embraced the language of 'forced birth' to describe laws protecting the unborn: pregnancy is no longer seen as the possible biological outgrowth of sexual activity, but as a dramatic foreign imposition on women.

    "The default, for the left, is childlessness; pregnancy is somehow unnatural. Thus, the entire Democratic Party apparatus now refuses to countenance even the mildest restrictions on even late-term abortion.

    "Once children are born, the left then sees them as sources of grief and pain for their parents. This, too, cuts in favor of abortion. As former President Barack Obama once stated about his daughters, 'if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby.'

    "As children grow, the left sees them as the center of recruitment efforts on behalf of their favored politics. Children should be indoctrinated in the ideas of racial essentialism and historic guilt, so as to turn them into political widgets on behalf of utopian social change; children should be confused about the nature of biological sex and gender, so as to justify the sexual attitudes of narcissistic adults.

    "Hence the left’s outsized rage at Florida’s Parental Rights in Education bill, which merely banned sexual orientation and gender theory indoctrination for children through third grade. As the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus sang in 2021, 'You think that we’ll corrupt your kids, if our agenda goes unchecked. Funny, just this once, you’re correct. We’ll convert your children. Happens bit by bit.' No wonder President Joe Biden told teachers two weeks ago, 'They’re all our children… They’re not somebody else’s children, they’re like yours when they’re in the classroom.'"


    "71 Signs From Pro-Abortion March in DC"

  8. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Overturning Roe Vs Wade is propaganda.....pure propaganda....herding of people by their fears and insecurities.

    What is being proposed is returning Roe Vs Wade to the individual states....not overturning it...

    What is being proposed is a change of jurisdiction in Roe Vs Wade...

    But our phony media shilling for phony political party stoking fears and insecurities in people over this issue.

    Most Abortions performed are not for the health of the female.....nor rape or other such fear mongering cases. Most Abortions are birth control take care of unwanted pregnancies.

    My personal belief is that the Demonic Aspect of Roe Vs that the public is being made to pay for someone else's errant sex life exchange for the female vote.

    Roe VS Wade is a vote buying scheme....which accounts for the rabid religious zeal of the left over this issue. warned....for the so called Conservative Republicans ...none of them are telling the public this truism.

    This is how I know the Republican party is not conservative.

    Women should be able to get all the abortions they want...but not on the public purse.

    We ..the public not need to be subsidizing someone else's sex life for votes.

    Now...that is Demonic....a lie.....a deceit....what is going on about Abortion.....and has been going on for as long as Roe Vs Wade.

    Roe Vs Wade is Ishmael.......bondage of the American People to support someone else's sex life in exchange for the women's vote Democrat...

    And those lying deceitful Republicans are in on this Ishmaelite bondage...of the American too is the Main Stream Media.

    Be warned these Ishmaelites.

    My Non Ishmelite .02,
    Old Geezer likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      "Most Abortions performed are not for the health of the female.....nor rape or other such fear mongering cases. Most Abortions are birth control take care of unwanted pregnancies."
      Yep, back in the day, in the USSR, the average woman during her fertility years had seven abortions.
      In the current USSA, the Democratic Socialists use abortion to control the number of African-Americans. They need the black vote, however they do not want the cities to be overwhelmed with "too many minorities" -- let's face it, the slavers want to control their property. Blacks killing each other?, that the commies can use to further their gun-confiscation goals.
      Old Geezer, May 16, 2022
  9. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    I don't believe in demons nor any of that Beelzebub B.S.; but I tell you what, isn't it freaky that whenever the communists need more gun control, all of a sudden a mass-shooting shows up?!

    I also don't believe that the Left is sacrificing all these millions of unborn to Satan; however, the Left's lust for death is really, really creepy.

    The biden puppeteers are trying to start a nuclear war via the Russian invasion of Ukraine. If that's not beyond sick, I don't know what is.

    And the famine-generating events, what's all that about?! Were I superstitious, I'd call it demonic.

    However, there are faces to be put with all this evil. Plus, there are those many faces we'll never see in the news. If only they could be burned away to leave us with at least a modicum of cleanliness!
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  10. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    "Overturning Roe Vs Wade is propaganda.....pure propaganda....herding of people by their fears and insecurities."

    "Roe v. Wade, a landmark legal decision in 1973 that recognized women’s constitutional right to abortion in the United States, was overturned on June 24. U.S. President Joe Biden described the Supreme Court’s decision as “a sad day for the Court and for the country.”

    Very little propaganda and a lot of prediction! Now we get to go back to state-by-state insanity and fighting!! Just my personal opinion in the first trimester it is nothing. In the third trimester, it is murder. I'm not sure where in the middle the line should be drawn. If the first trimester is a crime maybe they need to make masturbation a crime too. More stupidity can't make things any more messed up.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  11. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    I do not believe women should have a constitutional right to abortion on the public purse. Have all the abortions one wants ...just don't have the public paying to support someone else's sex life without the public getting any foreplay!!!!

    A woman's sex life and abortion should be on her pocketbook or on her insurance....

    Asking myself how many insurance companies want to pay for five to seven abortions for a woman???
    I did not know that about Russian women and abortions...Olde Geezer!!! women have earned Equality...this means equal responsibility.....not on the public purse. No safety net on the public purse!!!

    But that would mean commitment when one can do it forever as a jobs program on the public purse for the female vote and for the democrat party. "Forever a Victim!!!"

    But remember ...only the males can be a commitment-phobe!!!

    Ishmaelites run wild...

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  12. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Demonic attacks in the news:

    "Justice for All? Over 50 Attacks on Pro-Life Groups Since May, and Not a Single Arrest"

    "The latest beneficiaries of the Biden regime’s two-tier legal system are the pro-abortion fanatics who have attacked over 50 pro-life centers since May 8, shortly after the draft Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade was leaked. While Biden’s handlers are doing everything they can to circumvent the Court’s decision and keep the sacrifices to Moloch going everywhere, Old Joe’s desperately corrupt and politicized Justice Department has not managed to arrest a single person in connection with these attacks. What a surprise."


    "WASHINGTON – Churches and pro-life centers across the country are facing increased acts of violence, but messaging from the Biden administration and other officials isn't as strong as they would've hoped.

    "Sources tell Fox News the FBI has opened almost 200 threat assessments since the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade was leaked in early May.

    "The FBI acknowledged that a majority of the threats are against pro-life organizations. Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America also says it has recorded at least 45 incidents of violence at affiliated groups since the leak and fears more may be coming.

    "'I'm concerned that this is going to escalate, especially after that decision day when we had Maxine Waters, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and others standing outside of the Supreme Court really egging on the most extreme elements of the pro-abortion movement,' said Mallory Carroll, vice president of communications for Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America. 'We have seen this rise in vandalism and violence against pregnancy centers.'"


    Human at 2 months of age -- fingers and toes, I can even see his nose.

    His heart is beating and his brain is growing.

    poltiregist and TMT Tactical like this.
  13. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    At that point, the fetus is about half the length of your thumb. It may have a tail and is still months away from being a viable child even in the BEST case scenario. I'm not pro-abortion, I'm pro-choice. If someone doesn't want a child enough to abort it then you are probably not doing it a favor by forcing it on the parents. A 14 or 15-year-old has no business having a baby. Why ruin two lives if she and her parents don't want to go through with the pregnancy.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2022
    Max rigger and TMT Tactical like this.
    1. Old Geezer

      "How Can I Find an Accurate Number of Parents Waiting to Adopt?"

      "While it is difficult to find an exact, accurate number to answer this question, Some sources estimate that there are about 2 million couples currently waiting to adopt in the United States — which means there are as many as 36 waiting families for every one child who is placed for adoption. Based on this couples waiting to adopt statistic, many couples are waiting to adopt.

      "Consider this: about 10 percent of women in the United States — 6.1 million — have difficulty getting or staying pregnant. While not all women facing infertility will pursue adoption, a 2002 study by the Centers for Disease Control shows that more than half (57 percent) of women who use infertility services do consider adoption."
      Old Geezer, Jul 17, 2022
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  14. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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