Demonic Insanity In Gun Control.....are They For Real???

Discussion in 'News, Current Events, and Politics' started by watcherchris, Feb 13, 2022.

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  1. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    you can only fire one gun at a time, LOL.
    mind you I'm the same with knives.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  2. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    I am bidexterous and can shoot two guns at a time. I write, throw and do some things left handed BUT I general shoot right handed by first choice. Where I differ from most people is that while I have a prefered hand for different tasks I can and will change hands if it is needed, easier, or my right hand gets tired.

    LOL, I drove my Dad crazy swapping hands back and forth. He was a typical righthander and might as well been one handed for all the good he could do left handed.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  3. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

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    I can use both hands except for writing and throwing. I shoot with both hands. Right hand for pistols and left hand for long guns. I can alternate if needed. Better vision in left eye, so long guns are usually shot left hand. Pistols it does not matter, either hand works.
  4. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I suppose you guys know about the dominate eye thingy , where it comes to shooting and a test or two that can be self performed to find which is your dominate eye . Left hand or right hand shooting is a filled septic tank that could be quite controversial as in its relation to the dominate eye .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  5. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I am right handed and right eyed.
    I dont know what that implies! LOL.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  6. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Mainstream media shuts-down reporting on California church mass-shooting due to shooter being pro- Communist China / anti-Taiwan. The media would normally be frothing at the mouth about this and using it for their civilian disarmament campaign, however the pro-communist biden regime can't offend their handlers in Red China and the media takes their orders from the same people that set the agenda for these collectivists currently running the White House.

    "California church shooting motivated by anti-Taiwanese hate, authorities say"

    "The gunman who carried out a shooting at a California church was motivated by his hate of Taiwanese people, authorities said.

    "The shooter killed Dr. John Cheng and wounded five others during a lunch held by the Irvine Taiwanese Presbyterian Church. The group worships at Geneva Presbyterian Church in Laguna Woods, located in California's southern Orange County.

    "The suspect has been charged with one count of murder and five counts of attempted murder. He is suspected to appear in court on Tuesday, and a federal hate crimes investigation is also ongoing."
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  7. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    What is it about churches that suddenly they are so important or threatening that people have to go there to kill other people???

    At one time it was public schools...suddenly the trend line seems want to change or shift to churches.

    Am I misinterpreting events.....???

    It just seems like there is a shift going on out churches.

    Asking myself if this will become a noticeable future trend line???

    If this is Ishmaelites going after the line of Isaac???? And coming out in the open with it???
    No longer hiding it!!??

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  8. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Really sick, isn't it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

    Sometimes a Church or Synagogue is attacked by nutcases with a specific group of people are located / concentrated. Anti-Semites hit synagues and most recently in California, it was some commie who hated Taiwanese. Taiwan has ramped-up arming with Western state-of-the-art weaponry -- this has absolutely infuriated China.

    Me, I think that the attacks on religious places of worship has a Very Dark component to it. The Left has now lumped religious people in with the conservatives they want dead or at least silenced. Even Liberals attending liberal churches risk being excoriated unless they work political correctness into their stated belief systems. In areas of nations where there exists more Leftist screeching, there are more Churches attacked.

    And it's not just Arabic folk attacking Synagues -- they do that as a pass-time. No, this is white liberals venting their aggression on the Christianity they hate.

    Religion represents the codification of rules. Liberals are adolescents and adolescents loathe rules, "Nobody is going to tell me how to live my life!" And these folk often lash-out. This is why the biden regime is calling the most dangerous group of terrorists existing in Amerika as being conservative Christian militia groups. Forget overt terror cells, forget terrorists flowing-in amongst the tide of illegal aliens, forget BLM, forget Antifa ... those evil conservative Christians are Amerika's enemy.

    The January 6th riot at the Congress Building is being called a violent insurrection by the Democratic Socialists. To hear them tell it, dozens of armed men crashed-in blazing-away with their "assault rifles" killing members of Congress and burning the place down with their fire-bombs. It took hundreds of troops to put down this insurrection, right! Wrong. But the screeching Left NEEDS the story, so they make up the story, and their half-wit sheeple followers believe this "official story". This BIG LIE also promotes the registration-then-confiscation of firearms from the peasants.

    Leftist dogma: conservatives are nutcases and Heartland America is made up of hillbillies.

    Howard Vulgar Stern:

    "So now we have a minority viewpoint- RUNNING the country. How much longer are we going to put up with this bullshit? Where some hillbilly in South Dakota gets a more important vote?"

    People who are disciplined and self-sufficient are LOATHED by the Left. "All possessions are to be held in common! Yours is ours!"
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  9. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    By Olde Geezer..

    Verily agree on the Very Dark component...

    And yes..I have noted this trend line you are describing..mostly in liberal areas..

    I've noted this trend line too......

    I've noted this pattern or trendline as well.

    What I am piecing together is a pattern in which we now have a very very Non Representative Government ....masquerading as a Representative Government...

    To do this consistently ...they must have a Non Representative Media to help them push their lies and deceits.

    What thinking people notice is a 180 degree flip flop of what most Americans order to usher this country into their New Age....New Order...which is nothing more than a return to the Olde Age..and Olde Orders....Feudalism...Royalty........or put another way...

    Absolute Power....Divine Right of Kings.

    This is also a definition of Communism.

    I have noted a subtle misdirection in the media.....over the years..

    And that is....that America is only New York.....California...particularly Hollywood.....and Washington DC....Everything else is flyover country.

    I do not agree....

    But this tells me that Election Rigging must continue...just as our news and information is favor of a Non Representative Government....

    I also suspect that we are getting a very strong non representative Education today as well...for our children and keep and maintain a non representative Ishmaelite system.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical and Old Geezer like this.
  10. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Looking at it from another often more familiar to a lot of Americans with primarily a television and or movie education.....

    As a reflection of leadership and leadership techniques....the Main Stream Media has more and more become Tabloid Like...much like the pulp tabloid magazines and newspapers when one goes through the check out stands at the grocery store or the chemist.

    I find myself insulted when going through the checkout stands.....and so too when trying to decode the Tabloid news media.

    The News Media and it's tabloid fingerprint are now a reflection of what tries to pass for leadership today in their manufacturing of bad guys to keep the American People emotionally unthinking...and just reacting.....
    We now have Tabloid Leadership....and you can see many of them coming.....
    We now also have Tabloid Hollywood ...who know better than the rest of us how we should be living, thinking, spending our monies....and taking care of our we should vote.

    GWW Hegel....thesis, anti thesis, synthesis...or as most of us know it.....Good Cop/Bad Cop.

    After you have seen this movie in so many variations you can see and or smell them gets predictable....

    White Supremacy....good cop/bad cop...GFW Hegel...or put another way ...manufacturing a bad guy for political lucre....profit.

    This Phony Biden Administration and their puppet masters are heavily co dependent on race and racism as if they were on a drug habit..and cannot let go. You can see and smell them coming...and people buy into this stuff without recognizing they are being played...

    To their credit ..some people are catching on and it is a growing number.....but be prepared for more of this to be manufactured.

    One can see and detect the same litany of "usual suspects" playing the race card out of that incident in the grocery store up in New York.

    You can smell them stroke their much needed race drug habit...race dependency.

    Ishmaelites plying their trade....their stock in put people into their Ishmaelite bondage.. Tabloid equals bondage when filtered through much of leadership and the MSM today...equals wild..

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  11. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    I don't care if it is the left or the right, the thing to fear is extreemism. Where I was raised I got to see both in power and control and neither worked for crap. We had a town that was run by the Klan right across the river. Ths was a pretty good sized place with over 10,000 people. Black people took their life in their hands to even stop at a freeway side gas station. There were big signs at the city limits making sure that they were warned in the most graffic of terms. They were VERY conservitive.

    The city that I was raised in has become almost as bad in the other direction. White flight has made it worse and worse. There was no way in hell that I was going to run my daughter through their schools past elementry school. The elementry school was ok for a couple of years because my Mom retired from there as the librarian and most of the teachers had known my daughter since she was born.

    One of the reasons that I bailed when I did was simple. When the teachers start to quit because they feel threatened by both the kids and parants it is time to leave. Hell they would give a kid a passing grade just to get rid of them and to avoid the threats if they failed a kid with a 45 average... And THAT s how you end up with kids that have a diploma but can't read and write enough to fill out an application! People like that are their own worst enemy. OUR worst enemy is not these people. It is the liberal government that seems to want to encourage this sort of thing!!!!
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  12. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Mail-in voting/rigging must continue to keep the 666-crew in power. They'll continue flooding America with tidal waves of illegal peasants. The MSM dogma factories will have to run hot. And then too, there's several wars in the making. World-wide famine has really come in handy for the legion of the anti-christ. Fuel prices are on a path of parabolic increase. The crushing of unapproved speech is a necessary and happy rape of the people by the collectivists. The would-be gods must castrate all who would pose any challenge to their conquest of the souls of humankind.

    poltiregist and TMT Tactical like this.
  13. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    The Klan running a place is anti-Conservative, anti-Libertarian.

    The KKK is a glowing example of the Democrat Party (the party of slavery) construct of centralizing power.

    Seems we can't be riding the fence anymore. The enemy of America is here. The enemy has taken the White House. The enemy's goal is to first hamstring America, then offer America up as a sacrifice to the international collective. The international collective hates God.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  14. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:
    The thing that I couldn't understand was that a lot of these folks were fairly normal in all other ways. Educated, skilled workers, generally good church going people. What you have to understand is that many of them do not considded black people to be fully human like them! They had no problem with people of hispanic origens or really anyone else as long as you didn't have a DROP of Black in your blood.

    Side note... A girl fainted at graduation one year. When she was introduced to her boyfriends Dad. He was VERY black. He took totally after his Mom who was VERY blond and white. I guess that he knew what it would do to his place in things so his Dad just didn't make any appearances until graduation.

    That really is sad. people should be judged by their actions and not by where their ancesters came from. The guys dad was well educated and was well employed as a supervisor in a Texaco refiery. The saddest part was that he had a younger brother that didn't have as smooth of a ride after this. Bigotry has no conection to intelegence or morals. I knew some very good people that had a problem when Black people were allwed to eat in previously all white resturants.

    I never had a problem with people of color as long as they didn't expect me to kiss their butts just because they were black. I was a sort of odd case. I sort of had three Grandmothers. My Dad's Mom, My mother's Mom and the WONDERFUL sweet Black lady that breast fed me when I was a baby and couldn't keep formula down and my Mom dried up. I had Granny, Nanny and Big Mama. The cool thing was that her Mama had done much the same thing for my Dad. My Dad's mom was widdowed with two very young boys. She had to work and couldn't bring the kids with her so he was taken care of by Saidie. who was Big Mama's Mother.

    The relationships between the races in Texas at least are generally not like you would think. We had Kluckers but even they were not agressivly racial. They mostly just wanted to live seperatly and not have much to do with people of color. When there was a problem it was usually the government at some level trying to force them to change and also trying to force black folks to move there. They even built some project housing but they had to import people from else where to live there and they didn't stay long at ALL. It sat empty for a while until they gave up and allowed poor white people to live there. SO MUCH for no discrimination due to RACE!!! The government is the biggest bunch of bigots that there are. Their us and them just isn't racial.
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  15. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Looking back just a few years, one notes that gun-ban laws have non-complience rates of over 95%. Bad laws create citizen felons who now hold total and utter disdain for the law, even the government itself. Raise taxes, more people cheat on their taxes; plus, more people become scofflaws for other statutes. People begin seeing government as the enemy. So, maybe more stupid laws will push the people into disassembling central government -- a very positive thing to do.

    Real men and women do not kneel before god government. If the collectivists start arresting honorable citizens, then there will be a second Civil War. Americans have the history of killing the king's soldiers in their genetics. My blood line and that of several million in this region came from the Over-Mountain Men who proved their worth in the latter 1700s; plus, they killed-off traitors to the new America.

    Here are some states who created hundreds of thousands of scofflaws citizens:

    New York

    "Massive noncompliance with SAFE Act"



    "CT: Massive Non-Compliance with 'Assault Weapons” and “Large Capacity Magazine' Registration?"



    "Gun Group: Only 3 Percent of Californians With Assault Weapons Registered Them After Latest Gun Law"



    "Trudeau 'assault-style' weapon ban 'ineffective,' says Alberta chief firearm officer"
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  16. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    "why is it that it is only in America where these mass shootings and killings occur?" Ted Cruz -I think it was-was asked this very question by a SKY reporter and could not answer it, he turned on his heel and stormed out of the interview.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  17. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    What....only in America....surely you jest lonewolf.....

    Tell me that you have a memory longer than a sound bite..

    I seem to recall an incident in a place named Nice, France wherein a fellow took a tractor trailer and killed some 85 people by running over them.

    How soon we forget???

    If Not guns...people will and do figure out another way.

    Oh..and it seems to me there were some bombings on busses in the UK as well....

    One of the known reasons that the PLO and other such Islamic based organizations switched to bombs and other such means...running people that many of the Israelis are armed....

    Now they are clearly going after native peoples in the nations to which they have moved and thus carrying on traditional Islamic instruction to kill the infidel...but no guns??

    Don't worry will be happening here in America ...soon enough......while our government continues with their predictable blame game....

    Ishmaelites run wild..

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  18. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    we werent talking about islamic terrorists or people with machettes, your changing the subject again.
    we were talking about GUN control.

    Biden has been in politics for 50 YEARS, has he ever accomplished anything or has he always been this useless ????
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  19. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Because only in America does the press give mass-killers tens of millions of dollars worth of coverage on television and on their online news. The Amerikan media will give this latest nutcase day after day of press-time.

    To a psych case, there is no difference between fame and infamy.

    "The 1927 Bombing That Remains America’s Deadliest School Massacre"

    "In the end 44 people died, 38 of them students. It wasn’t the first bombing in the country’s history—at least eight were killed during the Haymarket Square rally in Chicago in 1886, and 30 when a bomb exploded in Manhattan in 1920. But none had been so deadly as this, or affected so many children.

    "As community members rushed to help after the explosion, getting rope to lift up the collapsed roof and pull the students and teachers from the rubble, a member of the school board named Andrew Kehoe drove up to the site. Kehoe stepped out of his truck filled with dynamite and shrapnel, aimed his rifle at it, and fired. The ensuing explosion killed the school superintendent, several other bystanders, and Kehoe himself.

    "... There’d been several unusual incidents prior to the bombing: Kehoe killed his neighbor’s dog, beat one of his horses to death, and argued with members of the school board over the cost of ongoing taxes for the consolidated school. ..."


    The murderer was crazy and people looked the other way -- a crazy man who everyone knew stored explosives.


    The shooter in Texas was just an ordinary kid, right?! Maybe not:

    "The school shooter who killed at least 19 kids had an obsession with the video game Call of Duty and cut his own face with a knife just for fun, friends said.

    "A friend claimed that Salvador Ramos, 18, used to shoot people at random using a BB gun."


    Luckily in Amerika, the media refuses to show images that are too violent for children. The media protects children from violence and sexual matters which are much too intensive for their age.




    TMT Tactical likes this.
  20. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    Let's cut to the real problem in the United States . The bigger problem is not how many guns citizens have , it is the brain failure of the citizens . Something has gone terribly wrong with a huge portion of the population when it comes to different-ing between fantasy and reality . Take for instance those that will believe people can become any sex they deem for the day by just pretending it so . They believe in the new green deal presented by the socialist in some crazy fantasy . Look at what is presented on televisions around the clock shoving ridiculous reality shows for people to watch with the pretense it is for real . Even though a camera crew is obviously there following the reality show actors around , some people actually believe it to be for real . --- There have been theories floated before as to what is causing this phenomenon . Perhaps those wearing tin foil hats are not so crazy Afterall . Every gun in the United States could be taken away but it would not solve the problem . Only if the brain problem is confronted and solved will it stop .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  21. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    and also this...

    I think we were discussing at its essence...violence ....and also If I remember ....Sweden is awash in guns and explosives...and also France....shootings going on in the middle of they day.....down the streets in Paris...caught on film...AK 47s

    And you want to bring it down to Islamic limits??? Really????

    Violence is it not??? And these people have been and will continue to be active in this country....again....with guns or whatever they can muster.

    84/85 people is not petty cash....

    However....I cannot argue/debate this statement of yours......

    Let me say only that it is clear to me that Biden is an Ishmaelite

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  22. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Shock: DPS Reveals Uvalde Shooter Entered Thru Unlocked Door; No Armed School Officer"

    "The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) revealed Thursday that the gunman who murdered 19 children and two teachers in Uvalde on Tuesday walked into the school through an unlocked door, and did not encounter any school police.

    "Previously, the media had been informed that the 18-year-old who carried out a mass shooting at the Robb Elementary School had been confronted by an armed school resource officer outside school, and had exchanged gunfire with him.

    "On Thursday, DPS Regional Director Victor Escalon told reporters that at 11:28 a.m. on Tuesday, after the gunman crashed a pickup truck near the school, he began his attack. The gunman climbed a four-foot-high chain link fence around the school, and fired at the school as he approached. He also fired at two eyewitnesses at a funeral home nearby. By 11:40 a.m., he had approached the west side of the school. He “was not confronted by anybody” outside the school, armed or otherwise.

    "Escalon added that there was no school resource officer on campus, and that the first report came to police at 11:30 a.m."


    Old Gzr: The primary reasons to lock school doors and to have a security guard in schools is to prevent noncustodial kidnappings and to reduce drug sales from older (more dangerous) street dealers. Security guards also reduce the number of assaults on teachers and students by aggressive students who have yet to be expelled. Every year dozens of teachers are hospitalized by their students.

    "Texas coach has broken arm after he’s chased, beaten by middle schoolers"

    "A Texas physics teacher was chased and beaten by a group of middle school students who broke his arm in the attack, video shows.

    "The assault occurred at Langham Creek High School in Houston on Thursday when students from Aragon Middle School attacked assistant baseball coach and high school physics teacher Michael Shott during a baseball practice, according to reports.

    "Cellphone video posted on social media shows Shott sprinting away at full speed through the high school parking lot, attempting to evade several pursuing students while others follow, taking videos of the attack on their phones."
    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      "2 Teens Arrested in Connection with Buffalo High School Stabbing, Shooting"

      "The security officer says he was shot as he was running to help the stabbed McKinley High School student."

      "Buffalo, New York – A 14-year-old student was stabbed multiple times and a security officer was shot on Wednesday at McKinley High School.
      Reunification Realities: 7 Lessons Learned from a School Active Shooter Exercise
      Related: Reunification Realities: 7 Lessons Learned from a School Active Shooter Exercise

      "Authorities say the incident happened around 3:45 p.m. by the school parking lot during a dispute involving several individuals, reports WKBW."
      Old Geezer, May 26, 2022
      TMT Tactical likes this.
    2. Old Geezer
      THE central reality in all of the chaos being witnessed in the former United States of America is that the glue of civilization has come undone and that madness is replacing it.
      Old Geezer, May 26, 2022
    3. Old Geezer
      One of the media's talking-head gods comes out actually speaking what the Left truly desires.

      "Keith Olbermann tells Dana Loesch that, 'To put you Conservatives out of the School Children Killing business, America is going to have to take all your f[***]ing long guns' "

      "Keith Olbermann declared in a tweet on Wednesday that 'To put ... Conservatives out of the School Children Killing business,' the U.S. needs to confiscate their long guns."
      Old Geezer, May 26, 2022
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  23. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    NO, we were discussing the school SHOOTING, the latest mass killing in America, when is it going to stop?
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  24. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    "... when is it going to stop?" -L.W.

    When the mass-media stops glorifying it.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  25. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    that wont stop those with mental health problems getting their hands on guns.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  26. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    it is said the Police waited outside the school for AN HOUR before they went in, in the meantime the shooter was inside killing 9 and 10 year old kids.
    is that what they are paid for?
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  27. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

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    Nothing will stop the mentally ill except early mental health intervention. Elementary, junior high and high school mental heal evaluations will help spot these individuals before they can act. If no guns, they will simply switch to bombs or Molotov cocktails.
    Old Geezer likes this.
  28. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Contrary to the Average American raised on Tabloid thinking...and or emoting.....that position was confirmed in certain court cases...that the police are not here to protect the public per se....

    Police Have No Duty to Protect the Public - The American Prospect

    The Police are Not Required to Protect You — Barnes Law (

    Police Do Not Protect the Public. That was the 2005 court ruling. – MindingHearts

    Are we catching on now about Living in Disneyland????? Read the third link in view of the latest recent incident.

    The natural government political/'social solution is always to disarm the public......people who had nothing to do with what happened......

    This from people and groups in government who cannot even balance a budget.....but can arm the rest of the world....and get involved in all kinds of foreign wars to protect someone else's profits.....many of them not even the Ukraine....

    There are some unbelievably stupid...stupid Americans out here..

    If Americans cannot be trusted with their guns.......why would they ever be stupid enough to think they will ever b e trusted witih their vote....with their own children.....with their own monies????

    Da Tovarich!!

    Owning a gun in America is a Right from God...not a privilege granted by the Sovereign...which is where these lying phonies in leadership positions want us to go.

    Down in Texas and other states.... wherein they are being overrun by wild pigs...the most common rifle to hunt them is the AR 15....

    Did this leadership ...phonies, liars, and deceivers miss that knowledge or are they deliberately lying and deceiving the public about hunting with an AR 15???
    Also the 2nd Amendment says nothing about Hunting....nothing at all.....yet these phonies want to frame the conversation about gun ownership in terms of hunting...
    Talk about a bunch of liars...and phonies...

    Yet most Americans do not even know this about the 2nd Amendment.

    This is how one knows what kind of phony and liar the Biden Administration trying to frame the 2nd Amendment in terms of Hunting when the 2nd Amendment is not at all about hunting..

    Not all of us have television and or movie tabloid educations.

    I helped a team of people to off load two uranium 235 fuel cells. last be installed into a nuclear reactor....

    Will be off loading two more tonight.....

    Later we will be installing them ....

    And these people are worried about me with an AR 15 or any other gun......??

    You gotta be educated in the tabloids to be that stupid...or you have to be a politician....preying on peoples emotions for votes..

    Not all of us live in Disneyland with other people taking the risk out of life for us.

    The solution to this is computer education at under Covid clearly our children and or grandchildren are not safe in our public schools...common sense.

    But don't worry....we cannot be putting the teachers unions out of work....too many Democrat votes are counting on the powerful teachers unions in this country.

    Our children must be held hostage in unsafe public schools to keep the teachers unions....votes in effect.

    This is what happens when Ishmaelites run wild...Catching on yet????

    Da Tovarich!!!?? Or Disneyland...or both???!!

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: May 27, 2022
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  29. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    In times past, the mentally ill were taken into custody. The judge would give them the proverbial "72 hours" during which they would be evaluated by psychiatric staff at a hospital with a psych ward. If found of unsound mind, they would be adjudicated as being of "unsound mind". This judgement went on record. For them to return to society, they're mental state would have to be a closely restored to normal and most times someone would have to be assigned to be their guardian by the court system. These people would have a permanent record of having been found of unsound mind.

    Currently in America, one must fill out what we often call the "yellow sheet" and on this sheet one is asked if they have ever been convicted of a felony or have been judged mentally ill. After filling out this federal form, a background check is run. If it is found that they are lying on this sheet, not only will they be denied the purchase of a firearm, they can face many years in prison.

    America no longer houses nor follows those with mental health problems. If police arrest a person who is mentally ill, they are most often turned right back out on the streets without any form of mental evaluation whatsoever. Thus our streets are filled with the "homeless" who are comprised of over 75% mentally ill.

    The shooter currently splashed all across the pages of the MSM would have in days past been arrested. Used to, if you cut your face on purpose and went around shooting people on the street with a BB gun, then you would have ended-up in a psych ward.

    We no longer prosecute most firearm law violations; even when a person has a felony record, the firearm charges are the first charges dropped. We no longer house nor follow the mentally ill so that they can be treated and to prevent them from harming themselves and others. Add to this, the media's need to promote their Leftist agendas via what they refer to as "news reporting".

    Media motivations best put by Don Henley, "Dirty Laundry"

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  30. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    by lonewolf....

    No it will not ...stop a system dependent on it's existence to control the herd.

    I think that by the time the left gets done the only mentally deficient people out here will be "Deplorables!"

    Right wing...conservative, Christian, Trump Supporters.. These people are not good folk.. They loot, riot, foment revolution, insurrection....think for themselves...not group think....don't believe in CRT....Believe in God...not Government...and God Forbid....want Limited Government...not Un Limited Government....why that is outrageous!!

    Yes...indeed...these people and groups are mentally Ill...big time..!!!

    These people need to be watched...constantly!!!!

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical and Old Geezer like this.
  31. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I think everybody now realizes that the Amish are the real problem here in America. Their levels of aggression are truly mind-numbing. The Amish terrorize America's agricultural countryside stealing chickens and other livestock. Get in the way of the Amish and you are done for! If only we could do something about the Amish problem!

    upload_2022-5-27_15-41-16.png Beware!
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  32. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Law-Abiding West Virginian Woman With Concealed Firearm Stops A Mass Shooting"

    "Instead of waiting for the police to arrive, a woman with a concealed carry license in West Virginia acted fast to stop a crazed man with an AR-15-style rifle who was about to kill dozens of people at a graduation party.

    "'Instead of running from the threat, she engaged with the threat and saved several lives last night,' Charleston Police Department Chief of Detectives Tony Hazelett told local news WCHSTV.

    "The incident occurred Wednesday when Dennis Butler,37, was angered by a group of people hosting a graduation party who told him to slow down through an apartment complex in Charleston. He returned 30 minutes later, parked his vehicle, jumped in the backseat, and discharged his weapon toward the group of 30-40 people.

    "Unbeknownst to the shooter, a law-abiding citizen with a CCW was within the group and quickly drew her weapon and engaged Bulter with direct fire, fatally wounding him.

    "'There was a graduation party, a party with kids,' Hazelett said at a press conference. 'So obviously somebody just graduated high school and another birthday party. We could have had a casualty shooting there.' He estimated between 30 to 40 people attended the parties.

    "There were no injuries reported besides the gunman. Police have yet to release the woman's name, though they said she's not part of law enforcement and is just an average law-abiding citizen."

    Yahoo / BBC report of same

    "A US woman has fatally shot a man who opened fire on a crowd of people with a semi-automatic rifle in Charleston, West Virginia.

    "Dennis Butler, a 37-year-old with an extensive criminal history, was killed after he targeted a group of around 40 people attending a birthday party.

    "Police spokesman Tony Hazelett said the woman's quick reaction saved lives and may have prevented a mass shooting.

    "Butler was found dead at the scene from multiple gunshot wounds, police said.

    "Mr Hazelett said it is not yet clear how Butler obtained the weapon - which he was not legally allowed to carry as a convicted felon."


    Hurray for the woman who foiled this media-generated copy-cat event! In so doing, she also removed a mega-dangerous convicted felon off the streets -- something the Amerikan "judicial system" seems incapable of doing.

    Goodbye Dennis! We're NOT going to miss you.

    TMT Tactical and watcherchris like this.
    1. View previous comments...
    2. Old Geezer
      The shooter in Texas was known as the person who was going to shoot-up the school and nothing was done about it. Even when he started the shooting, some police waited an hour before going in. NOT one father who grabbed his barber's shotgun, went in, saved his kid and teacher wife, plus the kids in that wing of the school. That father did NOT wait.

      "Texas gunman was known as 'Yubo school shooter,' made threats on social app, according to users"
      Old Geezer, May 28, 2022
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  33. Max rigger

    Max rigger Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    So an eighteen year old legally buys two AR15 rifles plus 375 rounds but can't go in a bar for a beer until he's 21...something pretty messed up there IMO
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  34. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I got out of the US Army National Guard....because we were shooting 155 MM towed Artillery....and the guys were out there with coolers full of beer. I did not like that sort of thing.

    I have a rule here and stick to it....because I know I am gifted sufficient to do very stupid things and stone cold sober...

    I don't drink and operate machinery ..including my lawn and truck.

    I am not against drink......and have plenty at this residence...brewed and distilled both.

    I also do not reload ammunition and or handle firearms when drinking...and I seldom take a drink.

    But If I so desire one ...there is plenty here at this location. I mostly have drink or two if I am feeling get the deep rest I need to heal....usually the distilled stuff.

    I just do not like career drinkers....male or female both...and I've known a plenty.
    Oh..and years ago....I got verily tired and disgusted with drunk women wanting to come over to this residence....It just gets to be too much!!!

    I do not think much of people who define themselves by drink, by their sexuality/sex, sexual orientation....race and or other things people deceive themselves into thinking are glorious.

    Not for me thank you.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  35. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    for reference...

    The Second the Constitution of the United States.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
  36. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    In grammar school I'd drag my uncle's German Mauser (brought back from WWII) out of the closet and immediately take the bolt out of it. Had a .22 automatic rifle at age 12. High School issued me two rifles beginning age 15. Dad got me a revolver at 17.


    Real world:

    Discipline or no discipline

    Genetically strong or genetically weak

    Weak people are able to rule themselves. Weak people need to be ruled.

    It is time for Americans and Amerikans to go their separate ways.


    A known mentally ill 18 yr old who was not dealt with by society

    I guess I'm from a different time. In my day, he would have been dealt with LONG BEFORE AGE 18.
    TMT Tactical and watcherchris like this.
  37. Max rigger

    Max rigger Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I like guns, I will eventually go through the strict procedures which allows me to own firearms but...something is fundamentally wrong with gun ownership regulations in the USA and I'm talking at a grass roots level wrong; enough is enough now.

    The USA is a laughing stock these days, laughter with a tinge of sadness at these mass murders. All the world sees is a once great nation being taken over by the radical left/trans/LGBT/woke mob and a load of mentally ill people killing innocent folk while legally owning firearms. Something has to change drastically and if you can't see this then I dread to think what the future holds for the once proud nation of the USA.....lads, don't worry about the fall of Europe because that won't happen in our lifetimes if at all but the States has now entered the FUBAR Zone. You don't see it because your living in that zone but outsiders looking in see the chaos your descending into.

    I wish you all the luck in the world because you need luck and better judgement for a better future to be born.


    Attached Files:

    lonewolf likes this.
  38. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    I like guns too, whilst I dont own a "firearm" as such due to personal reasons connected to the UK licencing rules.
    however, I have seen a photo of the gun used in the school shooting and it appears to be a purely combat weapon, its not for hunting, its not for animal control, its strictly a weapon to kill people, and yet an 18 year old can purchase one legally, and whilst an 18 year old can these killings will continue.
    no need to do away with the 2nd amendment, but it needs bringing up to date.
  39. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    This is America...with a very unique document in the entire history of the world.

    A document designed to limit Government...not the people....but Limited Government with the knowledge from history that a " Limited Government " does not have the ability ...because of these limits... to interfere with the freedoms and liberties enjoyed by the people.

    This is very unique in the history of this world...."Limited Government"

    There is declared Rights from God....not privileges of a subject granted by men..or in historical the Royalty.

    This is why our leadership is called...."Mr. President"....not Your Grace or My Lord et al...

    The Chaos we see about is is the result of failed Government and some of us believe this is a carefully thought out long term dumb down America and the point that the need more and more every aspect of their lives...not independence or "limited Government."

    Government here is not to be The Sovereign.....

    This is about as dumb as it a Limited Government....this is Unlimited Government and limited people.

    This dumb as it gets...

    I own several combat weapons...complete with Bayonets for them.....

    A Ishapore Lee Engfield..a 1903 Springfield and also a WW2 M1 Garand rifle....also a 1911 ,45 ACP handgun.

    The Enfield was a bit more difficult to find the bayonet for it but eventually I did locate one which would fit.

    And that rifle in the case being discussed is indeed used for hunting. The key here is the character of the individuals using these tools.....

    This is true of anything in life....including and especially Alcohol......

    Here...hunting wild hogs with the AR 15....

    Hog Hunting With AR-15 | .223 | Thermal: 59 VIDEOS (Must Watch) (

    Not sure what some of you are thinking here..???

    It is clear to me of recent events that Americans cannot be trusted with their votes.....

    So why would we be trusted with our guns....???? Our monies.....our children/grandchildren???? Our independent thoughts and Ideas...??

    Why do we need to be fighting other people's wars..and or arming them as well....??? America last place..while working and risking for first place...

    I can clearly understand why our ersatz international leadership did not like DJT....he was not one of them.

    We are Americans...not Englishmen....not the Aussies or New Zealanders/Kiwis.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  40. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    While I am at it......

    In Iraq and in close in to is learned that, properly used, the 12 gauge shotgun is superior to the AK 47.

    I have spoken with combat veterans in WW2 who went house to house against the Germans in France ...shortly after D-Day...

    They told me that the M1 Garand Rifle was not good in house to house combat.....what these Americans wanted was their 12 gauge shotguns...on which they had been raised. They knew it's devastating power close up.

    Many of them wound up turning in their M1 Rifles and drawing the Thompson Machine gun or the M3 Grease gun in .45 ACP for close in work...but they verily wanted the 12 Gauge shotgun...for such demanding work.

    Also is not known but someone developed a fully automatic shotgun in WW1 and it was outlawed....way to destructive against human wave attacks....across the trenches.

    There are cannon shells.....out there loaded with buckshot.....a 105 mm shotgun shell.....

    Again...not sure what some of you are thinking here....

    What I know is that someone out here wants Americans to be armed in name only...and at the same time dumbed down...and someone is doing a very good job of this.

    This included informatoin....Knowledge.....thinking ability....

    Not just a mind full of Sports demigods and or Hollywood nonsense.

    Be Warned these Ishmaelites.....who would put us into their Ishmaelite Bondage via ignorance of everything...

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  41. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Bon Appetite.....

    Occasional Letter Number One, 2006. | Nikkieg23's Weblog (

    I doubt that most...and in particular Most Americans have ever heard of this letter or even such concepts...and remember...this was back in 1906......

    I strongly suggest some of you thinkers.....not emoters...bookmark this for future reference.....

    Be Warned these Ishmaelites...

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  42. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    Guns don't kill people. People kill people. There has never and will not ever be a case where a gun loaded it self and started shooting people. As for the Black Rifle, AR15 being a weapon of war, it is not. It is simply a semiauto rifle. Those that actually know firearms, know the 223 / 556 is actually a fairly tame bullet, compared to most other hunting rounds. It is a fun range weapon, a very good pest control weapon and is outstanding when used for hunting purposes, when used against appropriate game sized animals. As for the high number of deaths related to guns, over 50 percent are suicides'. The next big category of gun deaths are gang members killing each other. More people die in auto accidents than gun violence. We don't ban autos. Age is not a viable factor, mental health is the issue. With the last mass shooter, it would not have made any difference if the age was 21, he would still have committed the crime. The schools need to do a better job of security if they insist on being "Gun Free" (OPEN SEASON) zones. The media needs to stop reporting the names of these shooters, no pictures, thus eliminating the famous factor. Focus on the victims and nothing on the shooter. The shooter would just be called A--Hole #1.
  43. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Looks like the communists will get their gun bans. Maybe this is what was necessary to get the civil war going.

    Heartland Americans are not a subservient lot. They simply don't roll-over as do members of herds.

    Gun bans plus a collapsing economy, not only do I see storm clouds, I hear thunder.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  44. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:
    People were killing people in MASS a long time before the first gun was made. One reason things are so bad now is that the gun laws make a person with a gun almost invincable until the cops get there and DECIDE eventually to do something.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  45. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I see coming to a neighborhood near you ....Preppers being listed among the Christians, Conservatives, DJT supporters, Pro Americans ...and Deplorables....and of course expected...yeah... even taken for granted/demanded...that they have a higher duty and obligation to take second, third , and even fourth place with their preps to maintain others who have not prepped.....or face the crowds.....the mobs...

    Agree with Texdanm.....people were killing en mass....and for various reasons...and often by ones own government....

    Today this is called Democide versus Genocide.

    Democide - Wikipedia

    I am sure most of us already know this information via television and or movies...sports conditioning. Hollywooooooooood.......Hollywooooooooooood......Hollywoooooood!!!!

    Note this one particular.....I know they will scream this one from the evening news and or the halls of public education.

    Here from the section called "Estimates."

    The question for those of us who prep and think for ourselves is....are we getting more unlimited government or less unlimited government???
    262 million in 100 years is a lot of people no matter how you cut the hands of governments.

    Now I am not agreeing with what happened in Texas...but I am aware of the record of history....and what all too often happens there...and all across this globe.

    I am also very aware that the consistent track record of performance of this bunch currently in office is chaos and confusion.....and no end in sight.

    My non Ishmaelite . 02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  46. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    As I 1967...Jane Mansfield and her driver were drunk......when that happened.'m had to be a firearm....!!!

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  47. Max rigger

    Max rigger Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    An often used phrase that looked at dispassionately makes no real sense and no bullet is tame, you know that. The USA is in deep deep trouble with this latest shooting which could be the straw that breaks the camels back and forces radical changes in gun laws. Nobody wants a ban on guns but you sure as hell need to take a long hard stare at the state the nation is in and introduce really tight licensing laws.

    You don't get these killings anywhere else so that must say something to you; its time to admit something really has gone drastically wrong and get off your collective ass and get it sorted.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. TMT Tactical
      Max, you should have read my post completely. I stated "Those that actually know firearms, know the 223 / 556 is actually a fairly tame bullet, compared to most other hunting rounds." We do not have a gun problem, we have a lack of mental stability in a small group of individuals. Why do these mass shooting almost always occur in "Gun Free Zone". The answer is simple, targets there don't shoot back. If guns were the actual problem, then gun ranges would have mass shootings. Murder is already a crime, so what gun law would stop a mentally disturbed people from committing mass murder? When these mental defective are screened out by the medical profession, then the shooting will decrease. These child killers did not just wake up one morning and decide to injure people. There were HUGE red flags at to their mental instability. All ignored by the schools and mental health organization. There is the problem with mass shooters, not the guns.
      TMT Tactical, May 29, 2022
  48. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    By Max Rigger...

    A right under the Constitution is not something for which one issues a license. Not sure what you are thinking here....again....Citizens versus Subjects....

    Licenses are for privileges granted by the Sovereign....not rights under a Constitution from God. One does not license God....

    One has to become dumbed down not to know or understand this concept.

    Some of us here as Americans Still know this difference....though someone here in public education is trying to avoid this topic assiduously .

    On top of all that ...our own government is not to be trusted to be our government has all too often armed people and nation who have turned on too has the UK Government....and continue to so!!!!

    One of the very very worst things a people and nation can do to arm it's government against the people is an unlimited government deficit money supply....common sense.

    But these phony leaders want us to have common sense gun control....when our government cannot be trusted with money.

    This does not make good nonsense...

    Remember History...

    The Japanese only had a brown water Navy and or merchant fleet.....

    Someone showed them how to build modern arms...a navy ....aircraft, aircraft carriers, battleships, destroyers, cruisers, and submarines.....and sail the Blue Seas....

    They did not get this on their own. It had to come from the West at a time when very few nations had this know how or could even afford it.

    I can figure this out for myself as I am in shipbuilding and have worked on Nuclear Submarines and Aircraft Carriers....both.

    Someone has lied to us big time to keep us distracted and from figuring out this history for ourselves.

    I own and reload for a 7.7mm Type 99 WW2 Japanese Arisaka rifle....and when one reloads this chambering ...the bullet used is a 150 grain British .303 bullet or the 180 grain .303 bullet....Coincidence???

    Be Warned these Ishmaelites out here in Leadership positions.....who would whore out our Rights from God into privileges granted by the Sovereign....particularly by licensing...

    Someone needs us dumbed down so that we no longer know the Rights from God and privileges granted by the Sovereign...the difference in Citizens and Subjects.

    Be Warned of these Ishmaelites....who would craftily put us into their bondage with what seems on the surface like good intentions...but is in fact...Ishmael...and not of Isaac.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  49. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    Well this is an American problem and its up to the US to fix it, its not for the likes of us non Americans to say one way or 'tother, but until it is fixed many more mothers and fathers will be mourning their slain kids.
    in contrast, there has only ever been one mass school shooting in the UK, on 13 March 1996 at Dunblane in Scotland when 17 were killed.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  50. Max rigger

    Max rigger Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    The right to bear arms comes under the 2nd amendment...amendments can be amended.

    These mass shooting are simply not acceptable at any level, personal or societal. The concept of armed school guards is not one thought about outside of the USA...your on your own folks.
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