A Good - Get Out Of Dodge - Evac Vehicle

Discussion in 'Other Not Listed Situations' started by Pragmatist, Feb 18, 2021.

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  1. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    yes, thought so, wife has a cousin who lives in Vancouver.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  2. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    As to the question of British security measures for government, I sure am way out of the loop about any of that.

    As to Biden's support of the UK, he himself is a dying meat puppet. The Leftist political machine that owns him is a poor ally for the UK. They would have the UK as a vassal of the European Union. Indeed, their goal is to turn the former USA into a vassal of the world collective of which they dream. Therefore, during some attack on the UK, the leaders of the world collective would see the EU as being the agent to "come to the aid" of Britain -- i.e. take over what was left of the UK government structures. The will of the British people means absolutely nothing to these would-be gods.

    Most citizens of Western countries are now lab rats living in urban and suburban settings. They are incapable of putting up any sort of fight. They are even dependent on their fragile delivery systems getting food and clean-enough water to them. The gods of government need them only to keep the social machine going. A huge number of the rodent people could die and no one would care, UNLESS the rodents who do important things started to be put at risk. Then, aid would arrive or the needed rodents would be removed to safer locations. To controlling people, fear among the peasants is always a good thing.

    Think about this: What if the needed mice began to abandon the cities -- and thus their needed functions within the machine. The controllers in government would likely restrict their free movement and insist on their remaining where they have been living, plus completing their job duties. This would allow them to continue getting the food-ration stamps. I see a future with food and fuel rationing -- some event can be used as an excuse. No event? The government will make one happen. Conspiracy theorists have it that the backers of biden made promises to keep conflicts alive. Biden's puppet-masters have already executed a raid in the Middle East. Leftist regimes always promise peace, yet must keep wars going to justify their central control. We are living in Orwell's 1984.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  3. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    Cities are not natural environments for human beings, they are an artificial construct where people could share communal services, sewers, piped water, electricity, schools etc.
    this means also that people can be controlled by removing or restricting those same services.
    TMT Tactical and Dalewick like this.
  4. Max rigger

    Max rigger Master Survivalist

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    Last ten or fifteen years has seen a lot of 'hardened' data centers being set up in the UK by the government and the private sector; places like mines. Boris would not be in the Downing Street shelter for long before being moved, there are better equipped and secure options available to the government.

    London is an overpriced shite hole at the best of times, dread to think what if it would be like if the power and or water failed for a couple of weeks or more. Visitors only see the tourist spots, they don't see the often grim conditions the average person has to live with everyday, high rent, poor housing, low pay et al.

    What me and Lone Wolf would see as a dump is seen by a lot of immigrants as a damsight better than what they fled from...thats why they come here.
    Dalewick likes this.
  5. Pragmatist

    Pragmatist Master Survivalist

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    Good morning Max,

    Still, something's missing from this description of the activity.

    Why would anyone take the risks with the dangers to get to east end London when there are nicer and better places not in the UK ?
    Dalewick and TMT Tactical like this.
  6. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    In America, it is because the illegal immigrants already have family here. The ones who have made it in (didn't die in the desert / didn't get nabbed by ICE) and have been here a while become the anchor points. In Europe they are called "no go" neighborhoods due to the violence and the lack of acceptance of the people of that nation. Muslims consider Christians as infidels, as being soft / non-fighters / unarmed, as being morally reprobate thus the rapes (women wearing revealing clothing are considered by these people to be "loose women" / prostitutes; they use their religion as an excuse; truth be told, Mohamed would have such men executed for interpreting the Koran in this vulgar fashion -- this is anti-religious behavior; "sayiya" translation, "iniquity").

    Collectivists in government say, "Oh, they have family here; where's your heart!" I get puke in my mouth when I hear those big lies. I'm not brain-damaged like biden, but I guess most Kumbaya people think with their bleeding hearts and not with what brains they possess. The collectivist aggressors know that sheeple just bend over and take it, so they tell the most enormous lies imaginable.

    Gang membership is another anchoring point. Many juveniles without parents coming out of Central America, especially El Salvador, are newbie MS-13, et.al.. These kids are scouts. To become members of these gangs, they had to show how mean they were by committing serious crimes, to include murder. If the gangs get enough "kids" here, those kids can take over streets. This allows higher echelon gang-bangers who are over age 18, thus subject to arrest, to move in and widen turf. If the kids get arrested, often they are back out on the streets in no time flat. Legal adults get locked up for some time, plus they stand-out, they are covered in tattoos and draw attention. For the gangs, it is best first practice to flood the streets of America with their kid members.

    In the human body, cancers spread like this. Metastatic cancer cells spread throughout the body via the bloodstream. The cells that are not destroyed form anchor points in what had been healthy tissues, then the cancer cells begin to multiply like mad. In young healthy people, normal tissues recognize unhealthy cells, wall them off, and secret hormones that induce apoptosis (cell suicide) in the cancer cells. In unhealthy tissues, in aging tissues, the cancer cells are not detected and thus not immediately killed as they should be.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  7. Max rigger

    Max rigger Master Survivalist

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    For one thing, illegal and legal entry to the Uk is big business, people make money getting people here, its an established business. Then there is the belief still held by many that the UK is the land of milk and honey, you get here and your given a nice house, great money off the government but those days have gone. Contrary to what the gutter press promote, nobody lives well on benefits in the UK these days.

    I'm a rampant commie according to some members but I'm not, if it was up to me all the people arriving in dinghies from France would be given clean clothes, a hot meal and sent straight back to France and the French should send them back to the country they entered France from and so on, country by country.

    We simply can't sustain high levels of immigration to people who won't really contribute to UK society and the economy. Is this view harsh? Yes, is it needed? Yes.

    Wish I'd not come home, been reading about Prince Harry and his wife Megain, what pair of pricks. I wonder how much Netflix would pay plain old Megain and Harry Markle? If they don't like the monarchy then resign your titles.

    Suggested names for the new baby, if its a boy name it Rich and if its a girl name it Sue. What a pair of Grifters.
    lonewolf, Dalewick and TMT Tactical like this.
  8. Pragmatist

    Pragmatist Master Survivalist

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    Good afternoon Max,

    You wrote above the basic theme presented by the daily contributor Forum Members.

    Illegal fortunes are being made off of the designated refugee / human trafficking trade.

    I treat the Brit's royal scandals just like the American royal scandals involving the Kennedy dynasty, the NY Governor getting job as a right of inheritance - primogeniture. All the visable signs of royal families will fade from public view and the new batch of "invisable" leaders will arrive. We are seeing this currently happening.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  9. Dalewick

    Dalewick Legendary Survivalist

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    Max, Here the people bringing immigrants across our borders are referred to as coyotes. They aren't really the problem. The people that they work for are. The ones that hire smugglers, drug cooks, distributors, muscle and the rest of there cartels are the real problems. I consider them a symptom of the disease that affects the planet. Until humans can learn to be content and leave recreational drugs alone they will never work to make there lives better where they are. Somewhere along the way humans started believing they could make there lives better without work. I believe it's killing us as a species.


    PS - I know Harry and Meghan resigned from their royal duties, but what does that mean? They get paid for doing nothing? Do they still get money for being "Royals"?
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  10. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

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    Dale, as I understand it, Harry & Megan have been completely cut of financially. They are on their own now, hence the Netflix and Oprah crap.
    Dalewick likes this.
  11. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    for once I cannot find anything to disagree with in the above.
    TMT Tactical and Dalewick like this.
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