Are You Ready For A Financial Collapse?

Discussion in 'Financial Planning' started by Ben Brown, Mar 11, 2018.

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  1. Ben Brown

    Ben Brown New Member

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    I have been looking at Venezuela's economic collapse as a way to prepare for a financial collapse. Their country is beyond broken at the moment, as their government has a food rationing system to stop black market food sales, there is no medicine left in the country causing a high fatality of newborns, there is limited power and crime has skyrocketed. Yep, it's a SHTF situation.

    There's a prepper that currently lives in Venezuela writing about all of the stuff he, and his family, has had to put up with, and how he has managed to keep his family healthy despite the crippled economy and his own job loss.

    It's an amazing resource, to read someone's own account of their methods of survival in a current SHTF situation. It has definitely been helping me learn a thing or two about how I can better myself not just for a financial collapse, but also job loss or any other financial stresses.

    Here are some of his post links:
    - How to diversify income sources and deal with job loss
    - How to manage with a crumbling power grid
    - How to manage with an inflated currency and crippled economy
    - How important a team and family bond is in a financial collapse
    - How to survive with severe food shortages and government rationing
  2. PriscillaKing

    PriscillaKing Expert Member

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    He's a good writer. Thanks for sharing!
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  3. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    There are so many different ways that an economy can go bad. You can have inflation that makes your money worth less and less. A Depression can make money so scarce that its value goes up. You can have a situation where your money is worthless because there is nothing to buy with it that is worthwhile to your situation.

    I've tried to make some allowance for all of these various problems. If the power goes down credit/debit cards and checks will be worthless really fast. CASH in fairly large quantities would be worth a LOT!!! I like Silver and have a pretty good collection of that too. I have a lot of my cash in the form of coins. A dollar coin costs a dollar but may in the future be worth more as a collector item. No matter what its is worth a dollar. I dumped gold because the prices got so high that it is totally impractical for use as currency. A small BB size bit of gold might be worth 30 or 40 dollars but I can't see anyone wanting to accept it at that rate.

    There will always be some things that will have value. While I dumped my gold coins I still have a lot of gold and silver rings and jewelry with some diamonds up to 3 carats. Food, Ammo, Guns, Fishing tackle, Tools and hardware will always have value and I think that my books could be a major resource. Dice, cards and board games will be worth a lot when there is no TV, Movies, Cell Phones, Radios or Computers. Knowledge and skills are always marketable.
    Ladybugmo and TMT Tactical like this.
  4. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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  5. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:
    I expect us to be gifted with a massive runaway inflation as Biden imports as many new welfare people as possible. He plans on thowing open the borders and yelling come to America and go on welfare and be wealthy. The stupid Americans will work hard for you and suport you in a fashon unimaginable in most other countries.

    When you just print and give away money it slowly devalues the efforts and work of the stupid people that work hard and make everything operate. Why work when you can go on welfare and live as good or better than you can as a working class person. They can always add to their income by robbing workers of what they earned.

    We NEED workers and in the past people came to America to get jobs and help build our once great nation. Unless you are 100% Native American this describes nearly all Americans. Some of us came by choice and some were somewhat less willing imigrants but one and all we came and WORKED. Now they just come and get instant citizenship and go on welfare in some places. This is bankrupting California. In Texas they leave real fast if they don't work. That is being slowly degraded though as the liberals in Washington are trying to say that demanding proof of citizenship or meeting the requirements of people before giving them a free living is discriminatory.

    The long term plan of the liberals is the destruction of the UNITED STATES of America and the creation of the Republic of America. I have never understood why people in New York or California care what we do in Texas for example. They don't like guns in the hands of honest people. They like making sure that the criminal element is safe. FINE. They live in the Uninted States and that is fully their right but why do they want to make other people in other states live that way? The last time that this was tried was by the Lincoln Republicans and the result was a Civil War.

    Lincln was the first Republican presedent elected. Back then people understood what was meant by Republican. No it is strangly disguised as the Republicans are more for the traditional shape and rule of our country and the real republicans have a new name...but the same intentions. They will gladly destroy this country to get their way. We were saved once. If you study the facts of history rather than the fabes of history you will find that lincoln was not greatly loved even by thr people of the north. What other Presedent has been saddled with a vicepresedent of a different and opposing beliefs.

    When he was assasinated the effort to make the US into a republic collapsed...for a time but it is back. I fear that the end result will be the same. The USA is a nation made up by many very different people. In many ways and from intention the individual states are more like countries in ther rights to individual rule with only certain constitutunially agreed basic rules. Twice Germany has tried to make the other European states fall in line under its rule. The result has been hellish war. I don't see the states of america being forced into a centrally controled national government any easier than the Europeans states.

    If allowed to do so, Biden will lead the US into a second civil war and like the second world war this one will be more devistating than the last American civil war. If the US falls how long do you think it will be before Russia and China make a move?...
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2021
    TMT Tactical and Amber Wolf like this.
  6. Pragmatist

    Pragmatist Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Good afternoon Ben,

    In reply; yes, am ready.

    All that a private citizen can do, is done here.

    Even in a robust economy, a private citizen has problems getting prescribed an appropriate stockpile of RX pharma.

    Otherwise, this place is a decent homestead.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  7. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    No, I'm not ready.

    I've done what I could do and will do as can do; however, now I'm an old man. I'm hoping I can help my young.

    I'm seeing my dead in my dreams. Many of my preps are not for this world.

    If anyone gives me trouble in the mood that I'm in, may God have mercy on them. They'll see none of that from me.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  8. Pragmatist

    Pragmatist Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Good morning Old Geezer,

    Ref above line 2, I think we have the same "ailment". I learned about it when reading commentaries on Sigmund Freud. Freud, too, had it. Called "TongusAngst" (spelling?), it's the real existential "death anxiety".

    I disregard what the monotheist and the polytheist "religions" teach. It cannot be prepared for,

    Soren Kirkegaard was generous in his use of the expression "fear and trembling".
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  9. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    When you guys have the time I suggest reading about what your future and your kids future is going to be like by reading the feeds made available on the original post by Ben Brown . The divide between pretend preppers , fantasy preppers and real preppers is growing as reality settles in . Whether someone is prepared or not I enjoy reading their posts . We are entering interesting times for the truly prepared and tragic times for those that never went down the path of a prepper .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  10. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    As for worrying about death, I fear and loathe the process of dying. However, as to being dead, that I do not fear. I will LOVE being free of this world. In this world, I feel chained-down. I've been shown tiny glimpses of the next world while in vivid dreams. I've have had premonition dreams, told others what I saw, then when these things happened, the people I've told were shocked -- my mom almost fainted one time. My wife pays close attention to what I see in the vivid dreams. Regular dreams mean nothing. My vivid dreams are RARE.

    The next world is so VAST that you almost feel like you are going to torn apart by entering it. I felt like that. Beauty can be so overwhelming as to be frightening. Me, I don't feel clean enough for that place. This is what I should be working on -- being a better person. I spend too much thought on the spiritually damned souls who work to make this world more unclean than it already is.

    I tossed religious dogma at age 14. The Founding Fathers of the USA were mostly Deists, not dogmatic Christians. Look-up the Jefferson Bible -- I'm fond of telling people to do this. Jefferson took the spiritual teachings in the New Testament and used them as his Bible. He tossed the parts of the Bible that were man-made and the leftovers from cults that were prominent back then.

    I love the teachings of the Prophets and shun the man-made corruptions of Their teachings. We can only look to the Prophets. Deity is utterly beyond us. In the next world, the Will of God will be more accessible as will infinite libraries of knowledge (that you can access IF you are spiritually ready to receive the Wisdom; yet another reason to grow-up in this world).

    It's also very bright over there. I witnessed wise men (? tall ancient souls, don't know who they were) looking down on the life of a person; however, they were so bright, I had to turn my head. They were discussing her accident, she had had a car accident. I told my mom and a couple of other people about her car accident (I didn't hardly know this person). Her car accident came a week later. It was bad; however, she lived. Showed my mom the newspaper with the photo of her car (upside down on the road). Mom was shaken; her knees buckled -- I thought I'd have to catch her, but she grabbed the kitchen counter at the sink and didn't actually fall.

    I've had dreams that I cannot talk about. Too much to handle.

    What with age and the physical conditions I have, I feel like I'm just pulling time in this world. Every so often I get an opportunity to help people. My job helps people. So, I push on. But I sure don't feel good. It's all pain and fatigue now. Sometimes I get bursts of energy. My upper body is strong. My hands are steady.

    On this site, I try to warn people about what is coming and to inform about prepper stuff I've done for my family. I'm constantly finding information for this site and ON this site. I've learned a whole lot by reading people's posts. Preppers often feel like Noah building his Ark and warning people about the great flood that is coming. Me too.

    I watch the people of the world walking towards the cliff, some are already falling off the edge. Great masses are behind them. I scream at them, but they cannot hear me, or won't hear me. I retreat to the forest to breathe. The "waking world" is a bad dream. When you die, you simply wake up in the next plane of existence. If you have had a prayer life, there will be those to greet you and show you about.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  11. Pragmatist

    Pragmatist Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Good afternoon Old Geezer,

    Appreciated reading above.

    Yes, am familiar with Jefferson's "cleaned up" Bible.

    Perhaps Noah's ark actually represents the Prepper community.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  12. arctic bill

    arctic bill Master Survivalist

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    you know it is funny i feel the same
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  13. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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  14. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Stock market compared to a casino

    I take offense to this. The gambling operations in which my dad and his mates were involved were FAR more stable that the tragic mess on Wall Street. PLUS -- and this is a big plus -- they called what they were doing "gambling" and "amusements". This was pure honesty on their part. Today, we hear the phrase, "legitimate investments". What a lie! The entire economic system of the U.S. is tottering on the brink; banking systems, the stock market, government spending -- all have lost all semblance to sanity.

    Y'know, if a building is going to fall on its own, just stay away from it. Trying to make it fall faster can only get you into trouble.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  15. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    My plan for financial collapse is self sufficiency . When money is practically worthless with hyper inflation the best use for all that worthless paper may be to wipe nasty butts or to help start a fire to cook a cat or something . I made the best decision of my life years ago when I locked the door of my home and walked away leaving all my furniture and moved to begin over as a serious prepper . Later I had that house burned to the ground . I had made the decision my house and land was just material items and life was much more than material items . I was not moving for financial gain but unexpectedly I prospered at my new survival retreat . We moved up at my survival retreat from sleeping on the ground in a tent and bathing in a creek to one of the most prosperous family groups in the community . We keep adding to our financial independence by improving our ability for complete self sufficiency . We give credit to our success to a higher power . --- Even a copperhead snake in our tent camp didn't deter our determination to start over .
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2021
    Ladybugmo, paul m and TMT Tactical like this.
  16. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    Something someone may be interested in . Years ago a childhood friend called me and asked if he could come live on our survival retreat . He was also kin as our children had married each other . I told him to come on and I would find him a spot . He was planning to leave in route to our retreat the next morning minus the wife . That night he was found all bloody laying in his bathroom dead . His new wife automatically had possession of his million dollars he was planning to bring with him on his move to our survival retreat . He had been staying at our survival retreat previously for a while until he fell in possession of the million dollars and the woman lured him to his death . Survival , prepping and finances can be interlocked .
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2021
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  17. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    "The First "Global Inflationary Depression" Is Very Possibl"

    "It is possible that we might soon be witness to the first global inflationary depression. This is not a mix of words we normally see placed together. Several factors make this scenario possible. First, we seldom have depressions but instead, tend to roll through mild recessions, however, what we face may be far more severe. Second, in the past, times of falling economic activity have generally been deflationary as defaults rise but this time, not so much. Third, but not least, in the past, many events tended to be regional rather than global, but over the years as economies have become more interconnected the resulting codependency presents an increased possibility of problems spreading across the world.


    "This all folds into the story of how for decades the monetary illusion created by central banks collaborating with governments has delayed an inevitable crisis by not dealing with reality. This means when the forces pent-up over the years finally break free events will most likely occur faster withfar deeper ramifications than many people expect. When imbalances are ignored, bad things occur. When things finally blow up in the faces of those creating and promoting MMT we can expect to hear them claim it was not their fault and it was because of a general misunderstanding of the role of money and credit in the economy.

    "All of this is likely to have profound consequences for various inflation-sensitive assets around the world.The one thing we can count on is that when things crumble, the old, "we should have done more" or the "it would have been far worse" lines will flow forth. Those in charge often find great comfort in spouting such nonsense. We have been lulled into complacency and have given central banks too much credit for being able to control the economy and stop financial crises. The first global inflationary depression may not start today or tomorrow but it is coming and when it arrives most people will have never seen it coming."

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  18. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    My solution " self sufficiency " . If a dollar ain't worth spit , the self sufficient will be doing just fine as everyone else dies or lives like an animal .
    Ladybugmo, TMT Tactical and Dalewick like this.
  19. Dalewick

    Dalewick Legendary Survivalist

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    I agree with what Poltiregist says above.

    The ability to have and create new shelter, work the land to harvest food, hunt and gather what is available and produce your own clothing and tools, are the MOST IMPORTANT ASSETS anyone can have. Anyone that is lacking in any of these areas, better get it right now. When the time comes that you need them will be too late to try and learn them.

    Life is a hard task master and time prowls the land as a lion, devouring all that are unprepared to defend themselves.

    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  20. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    If you break your leg and get an open fracture -- the bone is sticking out of the skin -- can you repair it yourself? Me, I'd like to be able to pay a physician or veterinarian to fix me if I'm unable to fix myself or a family member.

    Even in the worst of times, people traded and used barter. Silver has intrinsic value in addition to being scarce. I was at one large gun store and one smaller gun shop today. All popular ammo calibers were 95% sold out. Prices for ammo have gone up 3x for popular calibers and prices for firearms have gone up 2x. When the communists in the current USSA administration begin using military power (the vetted ones, the soldiers who are minority redistibutionists and sycophants; real soldiers will desert and return home to America) against civilians and totally burn the Constitution, these prices will go even higher. Even though real Americans will have to defend themselves against the USSA collectivist assaults, they have the advantage of being self-sufficient. Currency (beans, bullets, industrial metals) will be used in the surviving parts of America ... but not in Amerika. Americans will survive. Amerikans will die.

    Rural people in some European countries will also survive. All of the available shotguns in Austria sold out a few months back; plus there are numerous hunters in Austria. This is good. I'm glad that productive people their can defend themselves against interlopers. I do not know the conditions in Hungary. I do know that when the USSR broke-up, Russian soldiers were selling not only firearms, but anything that wasn't nailed down. I'm hoping that there are a bunch of weapons available to the Heartland people of Hungary. Austria and Hungary have been just saying "No!" to mass immigration -- hope this helps save their nations. Hope they can drive-off those who wish to "share".

    Year 2015, Austria:
    Some weak, inferior, limp-wrist sociologist claimed there was nothing to fear. I hope he gets to "interface" with some "redistributionists".

    Old saying: "A liberal is a conservative who has yet to be mugged."

    If we go Mad Max, then only the young and perpetually healthy will survive. Even then, these young athletic sorts will have to have a bunch of luck so as not to ever get significantly injured or develop infections.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  21. Pragmatist

    Pragmatist Master Survivalist

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    Recent history has quality reports on what was needed and what worked.

    These reports aren't in People Magazine nor taught in schools but they're out there.

    In WWII China and environs, medicines, foods and tools get highlighted in the reports.

    Augmenting these WWII reports is the more recent - not even "history" to some of us in the older age bracket - South Vietnamese "Boat People" refugees. They used skills to "get" a river boat and outfit it for ocean use. The outfitting performed at night. They had a couple who could navigate it. Some made it to Hong Kong and were given save haven at a just built refugee camp in New Territories.

    So neglected because of the web loaded up with so much JUDY bags advertisements are the basic construction skills. Think of the naval architects Sawyer and Finn. Who can build a raft like Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer ?
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  22. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    people can only barter if they have something to trade, most people will not have anything to trade, look at what happened here during the pandemic, people were laid off from work, many of the companies they worked for collapsed, and that was with the furlough scheme and food banks, in a full scale financial collapse these things will not be available and people will die because they havent got the money to buy food or pay the electricity bill and I bet other bills like council tax will still be levied.
    I bet the only people who will have anything to trade will be the rich and some preppers, the masses will have nothing but the clothes on their backs.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  23. Dalewick

    Dalewick Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    If someone has "nothing" to trade, that is there laziness. I've been in enough big cities and there suburbs and there will be plenty of "trash" laying around that with some knowledge a person can collect buckets or barrels and create water filters. You can collect wood and create charcoal for numerous uses. Scrap metal can be melted and cast or forged into needed items. etc.

    Many years ago I built a water filtration system for a small village in Thailand out of the trash I found around the village and some charcoal I made. It cost me 1 T-shirt for a separation between sand and gravel and gravel and charcoal. You are only limited by your own creativity.

    poltiregist and TMT Tactical like this.
  24. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Making charcoal

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  25. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Cans of smoked kippered herring last for several years. (Me, I love them for lunch.)

    But look at the handy size and shape of these cans! Plus, you can stack them. With the easy-pull ring, they open without effort. They are like giant coins.


    People want to hold / exchange concentrated wealth. Exchange of gold often occurs in underground bank vaults. In international circles, concentrated wealth is often exchanged in the form of large gemstones of high quality, few inclusions / quality faceting / rare colors (ex. chrome tourmaline). But sometimes significant wealth must be carried on the person, let's say for a face-to-face transaction -- unseen guards wearing civvies are all over the place, the air is electric, humans with psychic abilities get the creepies and need to leave, Satan smiles, there is that rare laughter in Hell.

    upload_2021-3-8_0-29-23.png Here's a cute little $8,000 item; small, but a small bag of several such specimens adds up to real money. Turning crystals into surface-to-air missiles.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2021
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  26. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    The Masses are not preppers and they will have nothing to trade, they can be surrounded by trash and to them its just trash and worthless. thats why the mortality rate will be huge because they have nothing to fall back on, most people here shop every 2 or 3 days, once that is gone they will have nothing, no food, no water, no supplies, nothing.
    Dalewick and TMT Tactical like this.
    1. Dalewick
      That is sad, but not surprising.
      Dalewick, Mar 8, 2021
  27. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Socialist administration driving another nail in the U.S. economy's coffin

    China getting its money's worth first out of their engineered virus, now out of their puppets

    "President Biden will head to Capitol Hill Wednesday night for the first time since Inauguration Day (a casual visit by the president would risk spoiling the narrative that the Capitol remains a battle-scarred wreck since the Jan. 6 'uprising') to unveil the second part of his 'Build Back Better' plan, a $1.8 trillion proposal to expand the American 'safety net' that will be financed by hefty tax increases on individuals and businesses, including a nearly 40% tax on short-term capital gains that spooked the market when it was first reported last week.

    "The scale of the plan, which has been named 'the American Families Plan' and is intended to compliment Biden's "American Jobs Plan" unveiled four weeks ago, has increased in scope since the first details of a preliminary version were leaked to the press earlier this month.

    "With spending spanning a decade, the plan's main features include: $225 billion for child care spending, another $225 billion to create a national family and medical leave program. $200 billion in funding for universal access to pre-K schooling for young children. And $109 billion for two free years of community college, as well as additional subsidies for Americans to purchase health insurance. On the tax credit side, the plan extends a tax credit for up to $3,600 per child until 2025. Biden is scheduled to speak at 2100ET, according to his public calendar."

    Remember, all problems can be fixed by throwing money at them. Stolen and fake money supposedly work also.

    Joe biden, a hands-on kind of guy!


    TMT Tactical likes this.
  28. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    AND the money printing presses are going into overdrive !!! :mad::(
    Old Geezer likes this.
  29. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "One Bank Warns Soaring Food Prices Will Lead To Social Unrest"

    (DB = Deutsche Bank; CPI = consumer price index)


    "In a nutshell, this is a problem since food is a large component of CPI baskets in Asia, and 'this large inflationary impulse in the region that houses more than half the world’s population should result in higher wage costs in the factory base of the world. As CPI and PPI rise in Asia, it will feed through globally in the months ahead.'

    "Today, DB's Jim Reid picked that chart as his 'Chart of the day', repeating what readers already know, namely that Bloomberg’s agriculture spot index has risen by c.76% year-on-year, noting that 'that’s the biggest annual rise in nearly a decade, and there are only a couple of other comparable episodes since the index begins back in 1991.'

    "Like us, Reid then patiently tries to explain to all the idiots - like those employed in the Marriner Eccles building - that the importance of this record surge 'extends far beyond your weekly shop, as there’s an extensive literature connecting higher food prices to periods of social unrest.' Indeed, you’ll notice from the chart that the last big surge from the middle of 2010 to early 2011 coincided with the start of the Arab Spring, for which food inflation is regarded as a contributing factor.

    "While this is hardly new - we discussed it in 'Why Albert Edwards Is Starting To Panic About Soaring Food Prices' and in 'We Are Edging Closer To A Biblical Commodity Price Increase Scenario' - Reid also reminds us that emerging markets are more vulnerable to this trend, since their consumers spend a far greater share of their income on food than those in the developed world.

    "The DB strategist then goes all-in and says what everyone is thinking, namely that 'this trend of higher food prices leading to social unrest extends far back into history and surrounds many key turning points. The French Revolution of 1789, which overthrew the Ancien Régime, came after a succession of poor harvests that led to major rises in food prices. It was a similar story at the time of Europe’s 1848 revolutions too, which followed the failure of potato crops in the 1840s and the associated severe famine in much of Europe. And the 1917 overthrow of the Tsarist regime in Russia took place in the context of food shortages as well.'

    'So while it remains to be seen what the consequences of today’s surge in food prices could be, Reid cautions that 'given the hardship that’s already occurred thanks to the pandemic, a fresh wave of unrest would be no surprise on a historical basis.'"

    OG sez: Whereas the U.S. will not initially be hard-hit by international steep rises in food prices, the U.S. will inevitably be sucked into the chaos. Food panics cause wars and if planet-wide, we're talking world war. The current admin in D.C. is annihilating the dollar. If the U.S. has to help other nations with their food supply issues, where's the money going to come from?! Print more money?! Nope, sorry, the faux dollar printing machines are going to crumble -- and very soon at that.

    We all hear the Chinese war machine getting fired-up.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  30. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Here Are The Companies Hiking Prices In Response To Soaring Inflation"

    "Earlier today we noted that the one thing every company was obsessing during their Q1 earnings call: inflation. As BofA equity strategist Savita Subramanian calculated, mentions of 'inflation' quadrupled YoY, and after last week, mentions have exploded nearly 800% YoY. More striking was her observation that as 'mentions skyrocket to near record highs from 2011' these point to at the very least, 'transitory hyper-inflation ahead.' This is an official statement from a Big-4 bank, not some tinfoil conspiracy blog.

    "What is more concerning is that not only are companies talking about inflation, they are also responding to soaring input costs by hiking prices either in absolute terms or by stealth shrinkflation.

    "We presented an example of the latter over the weekend when we showed how Costco was masking nearly 15% inflation by selling a paper roll with 140 sheets for the same price it used to sell 160 sheets.

    "One thing we do know: once companies hike prices, they almost never cut them again. In fact, most companies would rather file for bankruptcy rather than reverse their pricing strategy, especially since among the most striking outcomes of Q1 earnings season are record high profit margins. Well, guess what happens to those margins as input costs continue to soar - either they collapse (and turn negative), or companies hike prices. Guess which choice they will pick.

    "We can't wait for all the above companies to cut prices as soon as the 'transitory' period is over."

    Old Geezer sez he ain't never heared of any sich thang as this hyar "transitory inflation" they izza going awn about. o_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oo_O:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::D:D:D:D:D:D

    Old Geezer izza thinkin' that thar sheeeeeeeeeuut is gawnn'a hit th'fan, don't'cha'know.

  31. Ystranc

    Ystranc Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Almost entirely paid off my mortgage yesterday leaving just enough of it to keep it open should I want to borrow against the house at short notice, for instance if adjacent land became available.
    Even if inflation and interest rates skyrocket I am now insulated from it far more than the average guy as I am almost completely debt free and close to being self sufficient.
    BSHJ and poltiregist like this.
  32. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Runaway Inflation Warning"

    "Inflation signs grow more disturbing in an economy that should be showing deflation and decreasing prices. Regardless of what the mainstream news and politicians say, the issue of inflation is a not short-term issue, not transitory. Based on the explosion of cryptocurrency, and the words of the Federal Reserve, there’s no limit to money printing and radical economic policy, and no limit to how worthless the U.S. Dollar may become. The dollar is certainly a dead duck. Runaway inflation is inevitable. The drunken-sailor federal government, along with loony Federal Reserve monetary policy is proving a growing disaster for poor, seniors and the huge number of unemployed. Hyperinflation is already here. Here’s how we know.

    "We’re in the middle of the Greater Depression of the 2020s, but not everyone can tell because the country is awash in conjured up cash. Extreme stock market volatility, massive unemployment, widespread destruction of small businesses and the middle class, large swathes of industries on artificial life support, very low productivity, shockingly low GDP prove that most prices should be falling. But they’re not — and here’s why:

    "Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it. Third world countries are not the only victims of massive inflation crises. Some of the most powerful, most educated, economically literate countries in the world have experienced shocking inflation throughout history. The high intellectual Weimar Republic was one of them. Like today’s U.S. Federal Reserve, the Weimar Republic’s federal reserve believed that printing massive quantities of money was the best of difficult alternatives. They printed money until it became so worthless that a wheelbarrow of money was required to buy a loaf of bread. Their money became so worthless that it ended up with a most efficient use of making kids toys, kites, arts and crafts, wallpaper and fire kindling. Today’s governments can be even more reckless because they are not limited to expensive paper, the government can print hundreds of trillions of dollars electronically and through non-physical financial instruments.

    "Sell in May and go away? The stock market is showing signs of unease. The biggest gains shall be made by those who own lots of bitcoins, and who short sell low-quality stocks. What are the wealthy buying in order to protect and take advantage of inflation? Along with gold, stocks (not low-quality or overpriced stocks) and bitcoin, real estate is one of the best tactics to ward off the ill effects, and to benefit from inflation."

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  33. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Biden Economy Hurting Hollywood: Production Hit By Inflation as Price of Construction Material Skyrockets"

    "Hollywood went all in for Joe Biden during the presidential election and now the entertainment industry is reaping the rewards in the form of runaway inflation that has caused the price of making movies and TV shows to skyrocket.

    "Production executives said key supplies are about 10 percent higher compared to just a few months ago, according to a recent report in The Hollywood Reporter. That includes plywood, which now costs three times as much as it used to, as well as items including steel, glass, and paint.

    “'In the last three months, the cost of materials have shot through the roof,' Doug Jeffery, founder of 41 Sets, a North Hollywood company that specializes in set design and construction, told the Reporter.

    "Some believe Hollywood’s inflation woes could even be higher.

    "Michael Petok, an executive producer on ABC’s Black-ish, Grown-ish, and Mixed-ish, told the Reporter that 'on the shows that I do, it’s gone from maybe $25,000 in total materials — $10,000 of that being lumber — to $45,000 or so.'”


    All of this inflation is just temporary, right?! Wrong.

    "What the Fed might not have expected, however, was a big increase in wages. That’s the single biggest cost for lots of companies.

    "Higher wages alone are not a cause of inflation, it should be kept in mind. If workers are productive enough, companies can increase pay without any harm to their bottom line or a general increase in inflation.

    "Yet it’s far from clear that workers being hired now will turn out to be more productive.

    "The cost of labor is not like the cost of raw materials and other business supplies. Unlike the cost of commodities, wages rarely go down .

    "If wages keep rising, companies will be tempted to pass along higher labor costs to consumers in the form of high prices. And that could result in higher inflation for a longer period of time than than the Fed expects"

    "The central bank has stuck to its prediction that inflation will drop back toward 2% by next year. But many are beginning to wonder.

    “'The writing is on the wall: The Fed’s temporary-inflation mantra is sounding more dated by the week,' said senior economist Sal Guatieri of BMO Capital Markets."
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  34. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Listening to inflation reports by U.S. government officials is about like listening to " Bagdad Bob " . We are just getting a prelude to what our future holds as we follow Venezuela's example on running the economy . No turning back for the crumbing economy with only rigged elections for our future .
    TMT Tactical and Old Geezer like this.
  35. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:
    I well remember the last time, back in the late 70s, when we had double digit inflation. It is one of those things that has its good points and its bad points. At that time I was in a really good place. Where I worked had just signed a 4 year contract. The company had got what they thought was the best part of the deal. We signed a contract that gave us a 25 cent raise with another 25 cents coming along each new year of the contract. What we got for accepting that was a cost of living system that ended up eating them alive. Going in I was making $4.74 per hour. Minimum wage was $1.65 per hour so we were doing pretty well. Good insurance, 13 paid holidays and all sorts of little things like uniforms and at cost foot wear. By the end of the 4 year contract I had gone from $4.74 to $9.86.

    I also got several credet cards and went on a buying spree during those four years. I bought a Mimi14 for $165.00 I sold it for about $750.00 with a thousand rounds reloads and 7 30 round after market magazines and a few other things like a leather sling that I made and a flash suppressor. I had probably run 15 to 20 thousand rounds through it and had my eye on another gun. I bought a house for 25 thousand and it doubled in 4 years. I paid 185 an ounce for gold and 8 dollars an ounce for silver. All was in the form of American gold and silver eagles.

    I have only one debt. I bought my wife a new car a few months ago. I wanted to see her enjoy it instead of make her wait until I was dead to get it. Inflation is a buyers market. If you want it or need it buy it now because it may double in cost in a year. We aren’t to that point yet but if Biden has his way it is coming. LOL, I remember last time when the gas pumps had to be set to sell half gallons because they only could sell at a max of .99.9 Cents per unit. I remember gas at under 20 cents a gallon!!!

    We here on this board are better off than most people will be. We are already thinking ahead and are prepared for things to not be sunshine and lollypops. If worse comes to worse we could live on fish. We are catching about thirty catfish a week right now. I am feeding four families fish almost every week. Last week we laid down 8 pounds of boneless filets. They can’t inflate that. I might also add a gator tag to my lists this year. Gator is mighty fine eating. There are places up the river where the deer cross the river. I have grabbed one by the horns a couple of times and also half drowned a hog before pulling it into the boat and hog tying it. There is just a lot of food easily gathered here. Hell my cat has been dragging a little rabbit in pretty often lately. I think that we may be heading into another rabbit infestation year. That seems to come about every 8 or 10 years.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  36. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    A word we should all be using: "shrinkflation"

    "Cars and houses are two of the least likely things to spike in a recession. Yet they did, right through the pandemic lockdowns and mass-layoffs.

    "This is, without question, inflation, but is it broad-based enough for normal people to start noticing? Yes and no. It’s definitely spreading from stocks and bonds to cars and food. But a lot of it is still hidden by governments and companies that don’t want to acknowledge it. One way this is accomplished is via 'shrinkflation' in which prices stay the same but portions shrink or quality declines. The next chart shows that the process was already under way in the candy market before the pandemic.

    "By definition, shrinkflation can’t go on forever (or your Snickers bar will simply disappear). But quality can deteriorate for a long, long time, so it’s not clear when most people will conclude that inflation is real. Someday, though, they’ll have to."


    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  37. BSHJ

    BSHJ Expert Member

    Blog Posts:
    Interesting story.....since she had all the $$$, did you invite her to the retreat?
  38. paul m

    paul m Expert Member

    Blog Posts:
    I think that everyone here is aware that the Global Economy is starting to tank. My own prepping for the last ten years has been based on this happening.Frankly, a global depression is far more likely than any of the scenarios talked about on survival forums. Hell, we are starting to get through to the other side of a Pandemic,and aside from the unfortunate deaths because of it,Covid has led to economic woes,because of shutdowns etc. These economic problems were already starting to become apparent,and Covid has merely accelerated them. Roughly speaking,The Economy runs on ten year cycles. Forget politicians,they have zero sway on what happens to The Economy.The world still functions without them.

    That’s why I am glad I paid the house off, bought precious metals, and got cash on the hip.
    1. Old Geezer
      smart smart smart
      Old Geezer, Jun 7, 2021
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  39. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    The 2008 thingy was not catastrophic. No cities burned, as memory serves.

    What's coming is going to be a worldwide depression. Current monetary systems are not based on reality. Some fat cats are really gonna take it in the teeth. What they'll have left is the roof over their heads ... which is something. Disturbing thing is that all retirement accounts are going to tank -- that is going to be a crushing blow to the middle class.

    I think we all know that the chaos that will follow government checks going worthless will result in violence ... and a lot of it. Even small towns will go broke. Taxation will be for naught -- can't get blood out of a turnip.

    Conflict will follow.

    There will be street battles and there will be regional wars. Inevitably, one or more regional wars will go nuclear. We'll see how the dominoes fall after that.
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  40. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    "What's the easiest way to write off $200 trillion+ in promise piles not saved for?

    "It helps to slam silver-laced keyboards and create mass trillions more in fiat currency aggregates.

    "Hey, look at this dot plot, as we further fiat monetize, buying more unmarketable IOUs this crony market can't sop up.

    "Hell or highwater, ruining the currency to nominally meet what we cannot legally default upon, that's our endgame into the next.

    "This week too, the fiat Fed created more currency out of thin air to further monetize. By buying more 'assets', ballooning their balance sheet by the biggest amount in now three months running.

    "Turning now to the ongoing fiat Federal Reserve's financialization running amok.

    "The ongoing denial by the Federal Reserve that its running bailout policies are not exacerbating the wealth gap has become nothing short of a public farce."
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  41. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Like the question , which came first the chicken or the egg ? The more serious question " which will come first " , economic collapse , a social credit system based on China 's system or total Civil War ? Everyone has their own theory . All the above S.H.T.F. scenarios are on the verge of reality . My bet is on a Venezuela style collapse here in the U.S. . Possibly , a communist style Social Credit System combined with economic collapse for a double whammy . Conceivably it could be all three at once for a triple whammy.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2021
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  42. arctic bill

    arctic bill Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I would not mind some inflation. I am retired and have a large amount of money that makes almost no money. my wife even has more, she has GIC that pay almost nothing. we are looking forward to a bank rate of something healthy like 7-10% . the government are keeping the prime rate in Canada at .025 . How can we live on that. I understand they want the economy to borrow money at very low rates so that the economy will grow . they should raise the rate to decent rate .
    My two cents .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  43. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Problem is when inflation outruns investment interest returns.

    This is particularly true of shrinkflation. Shrinkflation is when something does not go up in price but sure does go down in quantity and quality.

    Loss of buying power is what it is. That is where we are headed and we are doing so big time.
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  44. Max rigger

    Max rigger Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    Same in the UK, you get @0.50% or if you tie the cash up for five years you can get around 1.5%...£/$300 a week on a million. I'm buying my retirement property for use around 2035 cash this year sometime and my brother and I just had a very healthy inheritance so I'll be buying two basic properties to rent out and generate income, my brother will at last be debt free. I'm paying into pensions etc but I'll be looking at creating a modest property portfolio in the UK to top up my pensions; I ain't working till I drop.
    Ystranc and TMT Tactical like this.
  45. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Almost all retirement accounts are going to be wiped out. I moved mine into real-estate-backed because I will only take about a 50% loss in them -- my employer matches input, so I'll semi-break-even ... maybe ... if I'm lucky. Not counting on it. Investment real estate includes urban -- which is to say, "Could be gone up in smoke." Society as we know it is going to melt-down / burn. My REAL investments are in survival items and the guns'n'ammo to secure them. If I get killed -- well -- I'll have taken a few with me, me and my cohorts. If I get to take my enemies with me, I'll die with a smile on my face. I'm ready to leave this world and be with my Creator and with my family who have passed before me. Part of me looks forward to death. Freedom at last!!!!!!!!!

    All major banks and financial institutions are going to fail catastrophically.

    2035 :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D World economies will be gone.

    If you have a deed and a shotgun and X-thousand rounds of ammo (family on your 6'O'clock), then you own the property. "Might makes right." If you can't protect it, you don't own it.

    If you don't believe this, you are still a child.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  46. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    inflation has always been a fact of life, its just something that happens.
    I can live with some inflation it wont affect my lifestyle that much.
    what will affect everybody is if the economy collapses then we are into a societal collapse scenario.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  47. Max rigger

    Max rigger Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Well said LW. England has not been in profit since the days of Henry V. Financial meltdowns happen historically (1772 onward) on a global scale and guess what, economies bounce back, they always have and they always will. 07/08 took a decade to recover from but we have. People lost jobs, people lost homes when they couldn't meet the repayments, people lived on the benefit system but for the vast majority the impact of the crash was a big fat zero, nothing, we didn't starve, the cities didn't burn and life went on.

    "All major banks and financial institutions are going to fail catastrophically." of course they will poppet :)

    "If you have a deed and a shotgun and X-thousand rounds of ammo (family on your 6'O'clock), then you own the property. "Might makes right." If you can't protect it, you don't own it." Another gem from Old Geezer, load of absolute bullocks as usual of course but his sayings make me feel so good about myself and the rational view of life I hold they are a pleasure to read...keep them coming, its good to see a man (or woman) of advanced years trying to keep the old grey matter ticking over...good for you sir.
  48. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    The economic collapse of Europe during the 1920s and 30s led to WWII.

    The coming economic collapse of the West will also lead to war. Where will the wars begin? Who knows? The better part of the world is a tender-box; Ukraine / Black Sea, China / Far East, Middle-East, ...

    Any one of the upcoming wars could go nuclear. "Bouncing back" from nuclear war might just not be so easily accomplished.

    Self-assured youth who have never witnessed hellish days are often sanguine in their misperceptions of how things work in this world. When you see a person who has been spiritually gutted by reality, it is indeed an interesting look that is frozen on their face.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  49. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    The UK economy has suffered because of the pandemic, , some people have lost jobs, some firms have closed down never to reopen, the hospitality and tourist trades have lost a lot of money, but it will recover, this Covid wasnt the big one, it was merely the preparation for the big one.
    its a pity the masses only seem to care about their foreign holidays and not something more severe.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  50. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
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