Be Realistic

Discussion in 'General Q&A' started by Jim Cobb, Jul 11, 2017.

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  1. Jim Cobb

    Jim Cobb New Member

    Blog Posts:
    If there is a single bit of advice I could pass along to my fellow survivalists and preppers, it is this -- be realistic. Understand that while working hard to increase your abilities is important, it is just as critical to understand your limitations. If you plan to bug out on foot, for example, and you get winded walking to the mailbox, odds are a journey of 250 miles isn't going to end well for you. Sure, once upon a time you could manage 20+ miles a day while humping a ruck. That was 30 years and 95 pounds ago.

    I've lost count of the number of preppers I've met who have a good supply of heirloom seeds and plan to feed their family with what they grow but have never gardened before in their lives. They figure they'll just dig up a garden patch in the backyard, drop the seeds in the ground, and a few weeks later reap the bounty. It really, REALLY doesn't work like that!

    Or the ones who have stockpiled a ton of gold and silver rounds, booze, and candy, figuring they will just barter for whatever they need after a collapse. While planning for trade isn't a bad idea, sort of like hedging your bet, the whole point of prepping is to have what you need ahead of time rather than relying upon anyone else to have enough extra to share.

    Or those who have invested in enough armaments to equip a small nation and plan to as necessary from neighbors and such. This isn't Hollywood and you aren't Jason Statham or Dwayne Johnson.

    Survival skills, like any other skill set, are perishable. They require regular practice to remain in good working order. Learn from your mistakes while you have the luxury of making them with little to no risk. Know your limitations while working to overcome them. Adjust your plans as you go along, taking into account your slowly increasing abilities. Think about it like this - a year from now, you'll wish you'd started today.

    Above all else, though, examine your plans with an objective eye and give some thought as to how realistic they are. Adjust and adapt as necessary.
  2. Ystranc

    Ystranc Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Jim, great post! Clear and straightforward without any mention of zombies whatsoever...
  3. Tom Williams

    Tom Williams Moderator Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    Well said !! To survive takes knowhow and the ability to do it we started in 78 and many years and hard work later we are better off than most
  4. jeager

    jeager Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Survival is far and away more than weapons and food stores.
    While those may be quite important attitude is everything.
    Being prepared with hard goods is essential but without the proper mind set
    those things may not carry one through.
    Imagine if a major shtf comes depression, anxiety, cut off from our easy
    lifestyle could be devastating.
    Why I'm in favor of books, board games, chess, and treats to raise the spirits.
    An occasional candy bar or other favorite treat can raise the spirit.
    FAITH: A belief in something that cannot be proven nor disproved.
    I can't prove there is a God of my understanding.
    No one can prove there isn't.
    I would not want to be an atheist.
    I rather very much like believing in a Power great than myself.
    Rebuttal on faith is not necessary nor solicited.
    I'm not particularly religious as in following a particular denomination
    or church.
    I'm am baptized however.
    Well.................hedging against the unknown can't hurt now can it? :>)
  5. Neiltarquin

    Neiltarquin Member

    Blog Posts:
    True. Other preppers seemed to overthink things and go stock what ever they can think of. In reality things work differently. The less you have the more likely you will survive because your focused on survivingbrather that protecting what you have.
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