Bee venom therapy

Discussion in 'Herbalism - Medicinal, Practical, and other Uses' started by cluckeyo, May 31, 2016.

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  1. cluckeyo

    cluckeyo Well-Known Member

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    When I was growing up, my dad had an apiary (bee farm). He was very comfortable working among the bees. And though he did get stung sometimes, he said after a few times, he couldn't even feel it. He read where bee venom had medicinal value, for treating arthritis pain. My mom was experiencing some pain in her thumbs and on her knees. He would go out daily and get some bees, put them in a jar and bring them inside. Then he would take the tweezers and get them out one by one, holding them on her areas of pain, while they stung her. They completely got rid of her arthritis after awhile. Being 90, he no longer has his bee farm, but sometimes being 90, Mom says, "I sure wish I could get some bee stings".
  2. BeautifullyBree

    BeautifullyBree Active Member

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    That is amazing. I've never heard such a story before. I hate getting stung by bees. You could run into problems with this for people who don't know they are allergic . My dad is deathly allergic to honey bees.
  3. barbecueIt

    barbecueIt New Member

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    Bee therapy, now that is another news to me. I wonder how the bee venom works or is it because of the pain of bee sting, your pain tolerance increases that arthritis or rheumatism does not affect you anymore. I'll search more about this.
  4. lexinonomous

    lexinonomous Member

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    I have heard of bee venom therapy and from what I understand, it's not very healthy. I believe it was an episode of "obsessed" or "addicted" that I watched, where a woman would keep jars of bees and sting herself. Now that I'm thinking about it, I'm pretty sure it was an episode of "My Strange Addiction." The woman believed that the bee stings could be beneficial to her arthritis. This just seems silly to me. There are so many other options that are not nearly as risky. It just sounds risky to me. I'd be too afraid of developing an allergy to the bee venom and one day having a terrible reaction to the bee sting.
  5. cluckeyo

    cluckeyo Well-Known Member

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    Neither of my parents ever had any trouble with their bee stings. And it worked very, very well. Local honey also has medicinal value, as it wards off allergies to those who eat it. If you live in the same area where the honey was harvested, then that honey is very, very healthy to eat.
  6. jonthai

    jonthai New Member

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    That's amazing! I never knew about that.I hate being stung by a bee and I would just imagine myself being filled with fear. It's really impressive that bees have that capability to cure such diseases, and maybe, with some research, we could find natural remedies for those.
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