Big Brother

Discussion in 'News, Current Events, and Politics' started by Old Geezer, Dec 23, 2021.

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  1. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    What you get when electing government-loving power-gluttens:

    "Gun rights group urges senators to press Yellen over Treasury targeting gun transactions"

    Begin quote

    A gun rights group representing over 2 million members and activists is urging senators to grill Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on alleged privacy violations committed by her department.

    Yellen is set to testify before the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee on Thursday. In a letter sent ahead of her testimony, Gun Owners of America (GOA) requests that committee lawmakers press the secretary on recent revelations that federal investigators asked banks to search and filter customer transactions for terms related to the firearms industry.

    "Congress cannot allow the federal government to continue establishing and expanding databases on guns and gun owners," wrote Aidan Johnston, director of Federal Affairs for GOA. "Whether it is the misuse of gun store records and financial data by the Department of Justice or firearm transaction data by the Department of the Treasury, data collection on guns and their lawful owners must be stopped."

    Financial institutions were told to look for transactions with terms including "Trump" and "Maga," as well as "Biden," "Kamala," "Antifa," "White Power," "Camp Auschwitz," "Proud B," "Storm, the," "Capitol," "Groyper Army," "Threepers," "boogaloo," "civil war," "last sons," "kill," "shoot," "gun," "death," "murder," "Biden," "Kamala," "Pelosi," "Schumer" and "Pence."

    FinCEN also provided banks with suggested terms and Merchant Category Codes for the firearms industry, including GOA partners like, LLC, Browning Arms Company, Glock, Inc., Sig Sauer, Inc., Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc., and others.

    The transactions had to meet all of those parameters before they were flagged to FinCEN investigators, meaning the vast majority of firearms transactions or transactions involving one of the suggested terms were not alerted to law enforcement.

    Even so, GOA raised concerns that the Treasury is "teaching financial institutions how to search financial data to find gun owners by flagging potential firearm transactions."

    End quote
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  2. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "RFK Jr. Scores Big Win In Lawsuit Accusing Biden Admin Of Censoring COVID Vaccine Info"

    Begin quote

    Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has notched a victory in his legal battle against alleged government censorship of statements he made on social media that were critical of the COVID-19 vaccines.

    A federal court has granted a preliminary injunction against the White House and other federal defendants in a lawsuit brought by Mr. Kennedy Jr. that accuses the Biden administration of orchestrating a campaign to pressure social media platforms to censor vaccine criticism.

    Judge Terry A. Doughty of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana issued the ruling on Feb. 14, stating that Mr. Kennedy Jr. has demonstrated a strong likelihood of success in proving government infringement on his free speech rights.

    The injunction prevents the defendants—which include the White House, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the FBI—from taking any actions to coerce social media companies to remove or suppress content containing protected free speech.

    The injunction remains on hold for the time being, however, as the proceeding in Mr. Kennedy Jr.’s lawsuit has been consolidated with the case of Missouri v. Biden, which is pending before the U.S. Supreme Court. The freeze will be in place for 10 days after the Supreme Court rules in Missouri v. Biden, which is based on the same evidence.

    Mr. Kennedy Jr., along with plaintiffs Children’s Health Defense and Connie Sampognaro, a health professional who says she was harmed by the government’s censorship campaign, have alleged in their class action complaint that the Biden administration violated their right to free speech.

    They accuse President Joe Biden and other federal defendants of systematically and repeatedly using “destructive, coercive threats” to force social media platforms to censor protected speech.

    The Biden administration is also accused of entering into “collusive partnerships” with social media companies and working with them to censor constitutionally protected expression

    The lawsuit singled out several of the “countless examples” of the Biden administration’s alleged censorship campaign.

    One was the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story on social media ahead of the 2020 presidential election, with the complaint calling it “an act of censorship that deprived Americans of information of the highest public interest” and that “may even have swung the outcome of that election.” Polling has indicated that many voters would have picked a different candidate had they been aware of the laptop’s contents, which included information suggesting President Biden was involved in his son’s overseas business dealings, contrary to his repeated denials.

    Another was suppression of reporting or expression of opinion that COVID-19 originated in a Chinese regime lab in Wuhan.

    The third example was online suppression of facts and opinions about COVID-19 vaccines “that might lead people to become ‘hesitant’ about COVID vaccine mandates, again depriving Americans of information and opinions on matters of the highest public importance.”

    In his order, Judge Doughty found that Mr. Kennedy and the other plaintiffs are likely to succeed on the merits that the defendants colluded to influence the actions of private social media companies “by ‘insinuating’ themselves into the social-media companies’ private affairs and blurring the line between public and private action.”

    In July 2023, Judge Doughty also granted an injunction in the Missouri v. Biden case, which is now pending before the Supreme Court.

    More than 50 officials in the Biden administration across a dozen agencies were involved in efforts to pressure big tech companies to censor alleged misinformation, according to documents released in 2022.

    End quote
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  3. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    "misinformation" code for "wrong think" and the US arent the only ones guilty of this, the EU has a whole department for it.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  4. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    by Olde Geezer....


    Where have we seen this movie in times past...??

    Yup....Democracy on parade....Da Tovarich?????

    Just goes to show you ....Democracy is not the same as a Republic.

    Ishmaelites run wild...doing what they do best.....Da.???

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  5. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Mainstream Journalist Sounds the Alarm: ‘Free Speech Is a Breeding Ground for More Trumps’ "

    Begin quote

    A far left mainstream media journalist has warned that the First Amendment in America “is a breeding ground for more Trumps” in the future.

    Lawrence Martin, a journalist with the radical Globe and Mail outlet, published an article on Wednesday arguing that free speech in America must be banned. reports: Martin opens his article with excitement over the prospect that the U.S. Supreme Court might come down on the side of the Biden administration in Murthy v. Missouri.

    Martin, evidently accustomed to this style of overreach under the Trudeau regime, wrote, “There was a bit of good news about the future of public discourse this week. The United States Supreme Court, even though stacked with right-wingers, sounded like it was ready to give the Biden administration the go-ahead to try to persuade social-media platforms not to put out content promoting nonsense about the presidential election, conspiracy theories about the pandemic and other assorted bilge and crackpottery.”

    According to Martin, who once served as the Globe’s bureau chief in Washington, a ruling in favor of greater censorship of those views deemed undesirable by the powerful would “be a victory for regulation of the internet.”

    “The greater likelihood is that extremes of free speech will continue to be tolerated, creating a pathway for more Donald Trumps,” wrote Martin. “The extremes came following the arrival of the internet and social-media platforms. They created a tsunami of free expression. Despite the grumblings we still hear about the lack of free speech, these platforms gave more of it to the masses than anything ever before.”

    Martin makes it abundantly clear why this is a problem: “The masses were finally weaponized — not with arms, but with a communications instrument that empowered them against establishment forces like they had never been empowered before.”

    “Would the rise of the hard right and Mr. Trump have been possible if the internet had been given guardrails? Not a chance. The internet gave him — before his account was suspended in 2021 — 88 million Twitter followers,” wrote Martin. “With that came the freedom to circumvent traditional media and create an alternate universe.”

    Martin further lamented that the internet has “undermined” the establishment media, which has repeatedly been exposed pushing consequential falsehoods and manipulating the public.

    To “reverse the trend,” Martin advocates for “rigid regulation.” However, he acknowledged that “the free speech lobby in the United States is as fierce as the gun lobby.”

    End quote

    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer

      The EU’s Digital Services Act (dsa) went into effect this year. ...

      The European Digital Media Observatory published a report in December defining disinformation. The definitions include talking about climate change and lgbtq issues the wrong way, criticizing electric vehicles, claiming that violent migrants are a problem and a drain on taxpayers’ money, and saying the government cares more about migrants than their own people. ...
      Old Geezer, Mar 22, 2024
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  6. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    And this about stupidity run a rabid about entitlement....

    Wow...............Da Tovarich?????

    Talk about being herded out of your rights and liberties...

    Talk about being a subject with privileges granted by the Sovereign...which can be taken away or modified at the whim of the Sovereign...

    This is nothing but a hidden form of ....."Absolute Power ....Divine Right of Kings."

    Are we ever supposed to think this far without permission of our betters???? Are we ever supposed to think outside the box....given to us by our Sovereign......Yes...Comrade????

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  7. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Deep State Good, Total Surveillance State Even Better"

    Begin quote

    So the Deep State is good, but the Total Surveillance State is even better.

    The Deep State and The Total Surveillance State are viewed unfavorably for self-evident reasons: the unelected Deep State is anathema to democracy and the Total Surveillance State (and its oh-so-profitable handmaiden, Surveillance Capitalism) are anathema to democracy, freedom and personal liberty.

    A recent attempt to cast a favorable light on the Deep State breezily conflates public/civil service with the Deep State, a purposeful misdirection of the definition of the Deep State: the Deep State is not the sum total of public/civil servants or federal employees; it is the unelected governmental structure that makes decisions on behalf of the nation's citizenry without their knowledge, input or approval.

    The Deep State's job is to keep the Imperial Project humming along regardless of whomever has been elected to the Presidency or Congress. The protocols of the Republic require some appearance of oversight by the elected branches of the state over the unelected branches of the state, but elected officials aren't about to shut down the Imperial Project--the maintenance and expansion of all forms of cultural, economic, financial, diplomatic and military power, a.k.a. soft and hard power. Oversight boils down to "don't do anything which embarrasses us optically."

    The positive potential of the Deep State lies in the asymmetry of competence and functionality between the elected and unelected branches of the state. If the elected state devolves into a circus of incompetence, PR charades, self-aggrandizement and dysfunction, then having a competent, well-managed Deep State is a very good thing, as the incompetent, dysfunctional elected state can provide entertainment value without doing irreparable damage to the nation.

    The problem, of course, is that since we never really know what the Deep State is up to, it's impossible to tell if it is operationally competent or not. But since we know the political circus is dysfunctional and corrupt, the possibility that the Deep State is still competent and less compromised by corruption is cheering.

    The tricky part, of course, is who gets to define anti-social behavior? Those in charge of the Total Surveillance State tend to view criticism of their efforts as undeserved ingratitude, and so criticism of the Surveillance State becomes a form of anti-social behavior that must be stamped out.

    Other potential threats to those in charge slide easily into the programming of automation and surveillance, and so dissatisfaction is no longer expressed in action (protests, etc.) but inaction: people drop out of being productively employed, marrying and having children.

    There are many reasons for the collapse of marriage and birth rates in East Asia and elsewhere, but courteous public behavior, automation, EVs, cleaner skies, factory-to-consumer supply chains and a well-ordered society don't seem to have the power to reverse this mass opting out.

    So the Deep State is good, but the Total Surveillance State is even better. Everyone obeys the rules, society becomes harmonious, and for reasons that escape those in charge, people give up on work, marriage and having children. Other than that, it's all blue skies for Deep States and Total Surveillance States.

    End quote
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  8. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    This is how you replace the representative government ....of ..for and by the people with an un or non representative government.....a government of non elected people who are there administration after administration.....and are really and privily running the show..

    I am suspecting that this is the problem with Trump......he is against such an Non Representative government.....or the herding which is planned for America after the Communist Chinese Bee Hive model...

    What is being described is the Bee Hive model...with the Queen Bees at the top..................Ishmaelites....and or authorized government bondage...involuntary servitude....

    I am not aware that not being social is against the law or immoral.
    Many of us are very selective with whom or when we choose to socialize and are mostly independent choice.

    Da Tovarich?????

    There is an interesting headline for which I shall have to follow the story....about Argentina....wherein the news is claiming that the new incoming President has fired some 70,000 government employees....,

    I am suspecting that similar should be done here with our bloated government bureaucracies.

    Went yesterday to a relatives house in Surrey county to help him with his riding lawnmower to get out a stuck fastener in the bottom of the steering column....of a Troy Built riding lawnmower.

    It took some doing and why they put in a fastener with a Philips head screw is amazing and put it in with Loctite.

    We had to remove the steering shaft to get it out by grinding the head off the Philips head screw and then carefully removing the very tight shaft of the screw with vise grip pliers but we got it.

    It is a 5/16 by 18 thread screw and I suggested he install one just a bit longer ....and also locktite it with blue non hardening locktite....adhesive...but this fasteners should be a hex head replace the Philips head screw

    If necessary ...drill a small hole across one corner of the hex head bolt and then also to a close spot on the steering shaft.

    And then lock wire the bolt in a manner to keep it from backing we do with many fasteners on these ships and submarines...with some .035 diameter stainless lockwire..

    Lockwiring can be a specific skill set if you have never done it on critical equipment ....particularly in very tight and cramped quarters like on a submarine.

    Friday before I left work....I had to get into my tool box with an olde master combination lock on it..which has a stuck combination dial.

    I took out my lock shims and they were pretty much worn out....but I have some .005 shim stock material..and managed to fabricate two lock shims...and thus opened this worn out olde lock on my tool box to get out my pry bar and use it on a job.
    Again...problem solving skills outside the box...


    Thinking outside the box...or herd.......

    Why .....we cannot do that ...we must conform to the Bee Hive and the Queen everything...even our very Souls..

    How dare we think and then act outside the box...or Herd...!!!!!

    What is even worse..........much much much that we teach others to think and act outside of the 'Bee Hive and the Queen Bee...!!!!

    How Dare We so do!!!!!!!!!

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2024
    1. Old Geezer
      I like this new Argentine president. So far the only BIG mistake he's made is to tie their currency to the dollar.
      Old Geezer, Mar 31, 2024
  9. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    It is very very important to the Queen Bee system that when you are fed a constant stream of gaslighting...that you inhale a very very deep breath of this gaslighting and enjoy it....for your benefit...

    A lie ...deception or half truth can be much more palatable when you are conditioned or programmed to believe it is for your benefit ...while putting you into more involuntary servitude to a rigged system....

    But never...never ...never ...think or act...conduct yourself independently.....why that would be unsocial...

    How dare you not submit to the gaslighting.....and cheer it matter how stupid or against our liberties and or freedoms it really is....

    Herd mentality......Wow!!!!

    Remember something....about how we live and how it came to so be....

    Most of the inventions which save us time and or monies were thought up and invented by people who could see.....and or solve problems and issues outside the box of normal thinking.....,people who could solve puzzles so to speak.....and some of them very complex puzzles.

    These are not stamped out thinking people......

    Remember that.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  10. Max rigger

    Max rigger Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Big Brother is everywhere, this is an open forum, anyone can come in, see a post they don't like and report the forum. Everything you type online is out there for 'BB' to look at et al but there a couple of questions we should all ponder.

    "Do I care what data 'BB' gathers about me"? and "Will I change my life style to prevent data harvesting"?

    I don't like so many people/agencies/businesses knowing so much about me but until things go breasts up I'll carry on using everything available to me, from computers, to electronic banking, to Alexa listening to my every word, new technology etc etc etc etc etc the list is endless.

    I'd hate to be on my deathbed in (hopefully) several decades time and realising I'd made things harder in my life when the end of the world did not happen. If we do collapse (getting more likely) I have a positive mind set and a strong skill set; they will hopefully see me through and if they don't I've had a great time...'Alexa, play my blues list 4' If only Alexa could pour me an Old Granddad over ice it would be a near perfect companion.
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  11. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Picked up a very large bottle of Peach Crown Royal this weekend and put it away with the other four bottles of Gosling 151 proof dark Bermuda Rum for which I have also put away for hard times.

    I am not a big drinker...but appreciate a fine drink with a fine meal....

    Oh...and I am on plenty of lists going back to my days in uniform. Agree with your rationale Max..

    Running HF on split transmit and receive SSB is probably more secure than this forum.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      I just replied in one current string here about moonshining. One legal brand is peach moonshine. The distillery uses his name, Rogers (first name ?? :mad::mad: can't think of it, but I know it). I'll go find his first name and put that below. I've noted variations of flavor in their runs of this likker. Rogers had been massively illegal for most of his "career". He's got a lever .35 Remington. He notches each kill on the rifle's furniture, with differentiations for deer, bear, or hawg. There's not much left of that rifle's stock!!! :D:D:D:D Hunter extraordinaire! This is carried in Virginia liquor stores.

      Old Geezer, Mar 31, 2024
      watcherchris likes this.
  12. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    You know Olde Geezer...I had forgotten until reading your post that someone had gifted me a Mason Jar of corn liquor purchased at the ABC store some years back. I've never opened it....and it is stored upstairs in a room...and I am sure at that proof level it has a very long shelf life. I also have stored back there six bottles of Bacardi's 151 proof longer available to the public.... and also those four bottles of 151 proof Goslings Dark Bermuda rum at 151 proof. As I said I am not much of a drinker but on occasion I enjoy a drink with a fine meal....or if I am ill....I take a couple of shots of the hard stuff.. and go to bed...

    Other than that I desire no career in drinking as have so many I have known over the years....and to the destruction of their households/families. is there... like many of my preps... and standing watch on the ready line should the need arise..

    Not an Ishmaelite
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  13. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    just be glad none of us live in Scotland, the SNP have just brought in new "hate " laws where one complaint can get someone 7 years in Prison just for saying the wrong thing-even in the privacy of their own homers.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  14. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    by lonewolf.....

    I understand how it is Comrade..........

    I would not worry so much about the Russians in the Ukraine.....when it is obvious that we have Communists a plenty here in our own countries.

    And I believe someone is working hard to institute these very programs here in the make us into Subjects.......aka...herding..into compliance..

    Da Tovarich???

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  15. Max rigger

    Max rigger Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Look who's running Scotland, this new law pretty much stops non muslims talking about Islam, one word out of place and off to the clink you go; the whole thing is a farce.

    The last three days here has sounded like a battle zone with all the fireworks being set off, the Spanish love Easter and any excuse they can find for have a fiesta. Its just so good to see so many happy people enjoying life...a sight thats not easily found these days in the UK.

    My kind of Sheriff
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  16. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    yeah but look at the shower we have running the country and I dont just mean the conservatives.
    look at the people running the 3 nations on the mainland, all Asians, makes you think dosent it.
    Scotland has the worst health of any western nation, Scots die younger than anywhere else in the developed world, maybe the SNP should worry about that and not "hurtie" feelings.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  17. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    Sunak wants to bring in a law to criminalise homelessness, with a fine of £2,500 or prison time, where the hell do they think a homeless person can get £2,500? another bonkers law from Politicians who dont live in the real world.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  18. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    I found an article in the news here about that Scotland Law about which you folks are speaking here...

    Indeed.....Communistic control over peoples freedom to speak... or give their opinions......

    This is the difference in being subjects and citizens with rights....

    Someone is going to try to institute such laws here in the States as well.

    Here this link..

    Scottish Leader Says Criticism of Hate Speech Law Only From 'Right Wing' (


    All religions are the same religion...all gods are the same god.....

    All sexes are the same sex.....all sexuality is the same sexuality.....etc etc etc al.

    Da Tovarich!!!???

    One size fits all...whether you like it or not.. no dissent differing opinions...

    More of the ultimate Herding.

    More to loss of freedom and liberty....

    This is what logical ...educated,illuminated, Enlightened wise men/Ishmaelites do.....they herd people...out of their freedoms and liberties...


    Not an Ishmaelite ...not a Comrade..
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  19. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    Scotland has different laws to England, the SNP's time is coming to an end at the time of the next General election whenever it is- October probably. Scotland will have a Labour govt then.
    Scottish Police are already at breaking point so this so called hate law will tip them over the edge, if they bother to police it which they wont.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  20. Max rigger

    Max rigger Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    800 complaints to police in under 24 hours using this new law, the Blue/pink haired studded tattooed idiots are having a field day
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  21. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    a lot of complaints about something the First Minister ( aka Hamza Useless) said back in 2020, when he complained about the number of WHITE people in Scotland, falling foul of his own law.
    1. Old Geezer
      Oh my god, sorry about all this insanity on your side of the pond. We here in the former America have been invaded; yet, we are armed to the teeth. I'm going to a gun show in a regional mini-town this coming weekend. Not looking so much for guns and ammo (stocked-up in that regard), but these shows (thousands of guns and tens of thousands of rounds of ammo) also have all manner of other survival equipment: military surplus, bullet-proof vests, flack-jackets, helmets, night-vision equipment, range-finders, specialty ammo, parachute flares, ammo cans, food preservation supplies, knives even custom/homemade knives, ... on and on and on ... . These shows have venues that are enormous ... giant warehouse-sized places. I'm getting so gimp that can't walk these huge places.
      Old Geezer, Apr 4, 2024
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  22. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Agree Olde Geezer...

    When I bother to go to the local gun shows....I usually do not bother to buy guns ..but more for books and information's...gear and related equipment's off the beaten path...

    Last weapon I purchased at a gun show was a Viking steel sword....which I mounted on a wooden plaque made out in my garage...and then mounted on my wall in my radio man my woman calls it..
    My Holy Ground....Highlander!!!

    There are guns aplenty on the bulletin boards at the gun club..

    And like you ....I'm not interested in prioritizing a whole lot more......unless I get a very exceptional cannot turn it down.

    Oh...and I too do not do a lot of walking now days...I am getting to be high mileage..

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      Totally agree. Too, my back and hips are failing me. There's one nearby where I could attend, but I'm not going. Got other preps and house chores to do. When shopping at the gun stores, I like to buy something in support of their businesses, so I'll buy boxes of ammo. This ammo I can get cheaper than at the gun shows. In times past, gun shows were the cheaper choice. Not anymore! You've been there and have seen what I've seen. The prices have become gouge prices. Excess ammo will become barter. Too, I'm passing ammo down to younger generations. Post SHTF, FMJ ammo can be used for animal control. My dad, "Shoot'em through the lungs, boy. They'll run off somewhere else to die."
      Old Geezer, Apr 6, 2024
  23. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Yup Olde Geezer....I'm with you on this one... hips in particular....they tell on me when I least expect it..that high mileage thing.

    Agree on the ammo...and it's prices. I mostly buy reloading supplies here with a mind to stocking up while we can still get it....and of course supporting local merchants.
    I like to support the local merchants when I can ....versus the big franchises.

    Same here...other preps and chores to do as well.

    Keep them in the X ring....

    Not an Ishmelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  24. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "The Global War on Free Speech"

    Begin quote

    You could soon find yourself in jail for life because of something you said. You could be placed under house arrest and blocked from going online because of something the government fears you might say in the future. You could find yourself denounced to authorities by a “friend,” who would collect a bonus from the government for turning you in. And you could find the police on your doorstep because of a statement you made in the privacy of your own home.

    If you live in Washington State, you are already a governor’s signature away from having neighbors paid to snitch on you. The state House and Senate passed a bill in March that will create a hotline where callers can receive up to $2,000 by reporting “hate speech.”

    The law empowers the government to “provide compensation … to persons targeted or affected by hate crimes and bias incidents.” A “bias incident” includes speech where “criminal investigation or prosecution is impossible or inappropriate.” So you could make a perfectly legal comment but still be reported for a bounty. Is Washington trying to set up its own Stasi?

    New York Governor Kathy Hochul has announced plans to expand her state’s hate crime laws. She also has set up a phone number and a website to report hate crimes and “bias incidents.” Michigan’s House has passed Bill 4474, which would make it a felony to cause someone to “feel terrorized, frightened or threatened.” “Misgender” someone, and if he says he feels threatened, you could face five years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

    If you live in the United Kingdom, you already have to watch what you say online—even in private group chats. A former police officer was jailed for 20 weeks over a joke he told in a private WhatsApp post. A man who filmed his dog giving Nazi salutes was fined £800 (us$1,000) because he posted it online. Police have investigated journalists for refusing to use someone’s preferred pronouns.

    If you’re in Scotland, you really need to watch out. Starting April 1, a comment made in the privacy of your own home could land you in jail. The Hate Crime and Public Order Act has officers and prosecutors policing “hatred” against people of certain ages, disabilities, religions, and those who are transgender or homosexual. Government advertisements are prompting people to report each other to police or at convenient and discreet “third-party reporting centers” located in a salmon wholesaler, a caravan park, a mushroom farm or a sex shop. If you misgender someone or insist that marriage can only be between a man and woman, the Scottish government wants to hear about it.

    In one bill, Canada is legislating against retroactive crimes, future crimes and thought crimes. Its C-63 Online Harms Bill would enact a life sentence for “incitement to genocide.” According to activists, “misgendering” is violence, and refusing to allow transgender people into the bathroom of their choice is genocide because you are trying to erase all trans people. Will Canada adopt this definition?

    If a judge finds that you expressed “detestation or vilification” of a protected group, you could lose up to $40,000 and go to jail for five years.

    If the government thinks you might commit a hate crime in the future, it can put you under house arrest for a year and block your communication—including the Internet. Access the Internet anyway, and you could go to jail.

    This bill also applies retroactively. Someone you annoyed might be trawling through your social media posts for something that could send you to jail and force you to pay him $20,000 to compensate for the “hate” you subjected him to.

    Overseeing all this activity is the Digital Safety Commission, which can block any content, hold secret hearings, and has no oversight. Unlike police, it can investigate and punish you without a court warrant. The Canadian Civil Liberties Association says this board has the power to “interpret the law, make up new rules, enforce them, and then serve as judge, jury and executioner.”

    It makes you wonder what current Canadian leaders are planning. These same powers could be used against liberals when conservatives win a future election. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has famously dressed in blackface and could himself be convicted for some of the things he has said or done in the past under these nebulous definitions and unaccountable enforcement bodies. Do the leftists who currently control the legislature and judiciary believe they will never have to give up that control?

    To counter the rise of the “far right,” governments are getting much more involved in policing speech. Last month, a 16-year-old German girl was pulled out of chemistry class by three police officers because she shared a TikTok video of Smurf cartoon characters supporting the Alternative für Deutschland. Some AfD members are outright neo-Nazis, but this draconian crackdown on speech by those currently in office could be even more dangerous.

    “We should treat right-wing extremist networks like organized crime groups,” German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said in the Bundestag in February at a parliamentary debate. “Those who mock the state must have to deal with a strong state ….” She wants the government to go after the bank accounts of “right-wing extremists” with a high “potential for action and social influence.” Some of these “right-wing extremists” are genuinely dangerous; others simply want less migration and fewer climate-change restrictions. But the German government will be determining where to draw the line and when to shut you down.

    At the same parliamentary debate, Thomas Haldenwang, head of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, said the government must not allow right-wing “thought and speech patterns to become part of our language.”

    Why are so many governments oppressing free speech so drastically at the same time?

    In many of these countries, this is an attack on objective truth. Say that a man in a dress is still a man, that mass immigration has downsides, or that homosexual “marriage” hurts children and society, and someone in power who labels these demonstrably true facts as “hate” can shut you down. A government that silences such statements is at war with reality.

    End quote
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  25. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Holding you accountable to someone else's sex...sexuality choices against your will and over your objections is Rape...

    You cannot be forced to approve of someone else's sexual choices...and or pay if you do not .

    You as Individuals have the right to approve or disapprove of someone else's choices by separating from them....

    This is social and or economic rape on the hands of government.....and also an instrument in the hands of government to herd people into "Absolute Power....Divine Right of Kings."

    Remember what I keep trying to say about so called modern .Educated..Intellectual, enlightened, Gnostic, wise men with degrees next to their names....

    Their policy...their dogma....their religion is that .

    'All religions are the same religion ...and therefore all gods are the same god."

    And this is what you are getting from such wise men and or intellects in government....

    And thus you are not free to choose the fruit by which you will agree or tolerate....around you and your children...your family.

    This liberty is taken away from you and put into the hands of government.

    Remember something else....about these caliber of very subversive intellects.....they are sexualizing your minor children down to very very young ages in public school into this sexual religion/dogma...and therefore in essence stealing from them their very childhood and bringing them into adulthood before their time....

    One has to be intellectually bankrupt not to catch on to what they are doing to our children and grandchildren in public schools....let them be children....adulthood will catch up to them in due time....but let them be children.

    We are talking about people here with degrees who should know better but are bankrupt....and in leadership positions.

    We are talking here about the long term fruit produced by such intellects in the seats of power desiring more power and authority over the herd..

    Talk about a stupid bunch of people in power....and government.

    These people are Ideologs...not people with real practical common sense knowledge or experience. In short...they are bullies.....trying to rule the herd by absolute power.....divine right of kings.

    They seem unable to solve real problems and issues which affect all Americans...such as inflation...but they can support Trans....and other such sexuality....but no support for Palestine, Ohio after that train derailment?

    Catching on yet..???

    Do I need a PHD to figure this out????

    I call Bravo Sierra on this one.

    People should be much much more than sex and or sexuality...and this is the very best leadership can do ...

    Hold the people hostage and in Ishmaelite bondage to someone else's sexuality..and or sexuality choices.

    One has to become educated to be so stupid.....,..and then think this is real leadership.

    but it is it not????

    Be warned these Ishmaelites who do not solve any real problems or issues but turn everything they touch into dung....

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  26. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    As I am so often want to say....America is to become England and our people subjects with privileges....not rights under the Constitution ....but privileges granted by the Sovereign....

    Thus you cannot be trusted with your monies....over a certain the economy....remember that 600 dollar nonsense they were talking about ......a few years back.???

    You cannot be trusted with your guns.......

    Not be trusted with your children or grandchildren..

    Not be trusted with your viewpoint or opinions...

    Not be trusted with your private property....

    Not trusted with your value system...morals...ethics et al....but must take on government authorized morals and ethics.....

    If you cannot be trusted with all of this.........................

    Oh....but you can be trusted with Fentanyl...and or other mind altering drugs....aplenty....

    Why would we become so giftedly stupid as to think we will ever be trusted with a vote???????

    Catching on yet????????

    Are we supposed to be able to think this far ..on our own and without permission of our betters????

    Da Tovarich.....

    Do not look at Russia......they are already here.....these Ideologs.

    Keep your eye on is the Marxist Communist Chinese model they are trending to follow here under the guise of intellectual government....even in the UK.

    Ishmaelites run wild.......with the goal to herd America and Americans....under that model.

    The perfect utopian bee hive....

    Da Tovarich?????

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  27. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Be Warned these Ishmaelite Bee Hive Ideologs in leadership positions.....

    We are not the Bee Hive drones working for the Queen Bee....this is Feudalism.....Royalty.....

    Do not lose sight of my warnings about "Absolute Power....Divine Right of Kings."
    It comes in many camouflage what they are trying to do in building the perfect Bee Hive....utopia.

    Be Warned...these Ideologs...

    My non Ishmaelite ....non Bee Hive .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  28. Max rigger

    Max rigger Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Chris you do know that brits have more freedoms than the USA as does Scandinavia, the bulk of the EU and Switzerland?

    As the 'Land of the Free' your nation is not doing too well in the personal freedom stakes.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  29. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I can buy a gun without asking Mommy-Daddy for permission to do so. If I wish to carry a handgun in public, I do have to get a permit to carry; however, my state has to issue that permit if my criminal and psych histories are clear of any nasty events. My little town is very safe, so I've not sought to get such a permit.

    Living in the South, if someone breaks into your home, you can shoot them and face no charges. Many states have a castle doctrine wherein it doesn't matter if the thief is there to steal a television, they can be shot simply for being inside the residence to do harm, steal, go crazy. The owner doesn't have to retreat if a loony breaks in, he can just open fire. Needless to say that in those states burglars rarely break into occupied dwellings. In liberal states, home invasions happen all the time. In this area, the District Attorney couldn't care less if you put an end to a career criminal's life -- one less turd to imprison, cost savings, no court expenses.

    Criminals get to carry no matter what -- gun control means nothing to criminals. However, Americans are now leaning Right-wing due to the liberals releasing criminals, psych cases, and illegal aliens out onto the streets. Due to our revolving-door "justice system", it isn't safe to enter many/most urban areas, especially minority neighborhoods.

    The crime rates where I live are much the same as in Europe. There is a minority section of this town and the violent crimes occur there. In America, black-on-black crime is THE entity making our murder rates higher than other Western Nations. Swedish areas of Sweden are massively safe unless migrant gang warfare spills over into their areas. Sweden now has the highest murder rate in Europe. But it is their migrants who fight with machine-guns and hand-grenades, not the civilized people. .

    Now that I'm retired, my Social Security checks pay for my mortgage bills, food, water, electric, gas and all other bills. Our house is around 2200 sq. ft (112 sq. meter; 3 bedroom, 2 bath, Huge den) -- the mortgage bill is just over $800 / month and taxes being $110 / month = around $950/month. My health insurance pays for my medications, doctor's office visits, and medical testing. What medical deductibles we have are such that any provider simply allows us to pay something like $150 / month -- this, irrespective of the principle. One's medical bills are not allowed to alter one's credit rating in America. The wifer and I have a credit rating is at the very top of the scale / couldn't go any higher. I was paying a marginal deductible on my meds for a while after retirement, but now I'm paying zero deductible / co-pay.

    Americans have higher free speech levels. I can say outrageously bigoted crap about minorities and minorities can call me a white m#####-f###### cracker ... in public, in writing. Some may say that free speech is dangerous. But then, Liberty is very dangerous.

    I'll take sacred Liberty over being "protected" by Big Brother any day.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2024
    TMT Tactical and watcherchris like this.
  30. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    I disagree Max.........,subjects are not citizens with rights.......but privileges granted by the Sovereign...... And the Sovereign can change or revoke those privileges at the whim of the sovereign.

    But I also think that is the plan for the USA....Subjects...

    Islam is church and state combined......just as is Roman Catholicism......accounting for why so many from here south of the border want to come up here....

    Today in America someone is trying to put government in the position of being the religious authority with a secular religion called Politics and full of zealous adherents.

    And we know this because the most outstanding thing this ersatz government can do is to try to hold the rest of us hostage and in political Ishmaelite bondage to someone else's sexuality and or sexual orientation.....

    That is it....peak performance......tops!!! That is real leadership....!!! thinking, educated, disciplined individual.....defines themselves by their sexuality...and then tries to hold others into Ishmaelite bondage to their position ...

    Really dumb....not only that ....for those of us who know what is real leadership......that is not it.....

    "Real Leadership!!"

    That is not what thinking Americans see and detect coming out of Washington DC.

    When you have put your....a--- errrrrrrrrrrrrr......backside on the line for your learn quickly what is real leadership....and for what or whom you will follow....and take real real risks...

    But I think you already know this Max...and I may be speaking to the the expression goes.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  31. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Today in America someone is trying to put government in the position of being the religious authority with a secular religion called Politics and full of zealous adherents." -- WatcherChris

    Precisely. Government as god. Nauseating reality is that sheeple bow before government in a state of reverence.

    The most dangerous people on Earth are followers. Dictators would get ground-up were it not for the masses of sycophants out there. "Trust in government", how vile, how embarrassing.

    Government is like some medication -- it's sometimes necessary due to the flaws inherent in human nature. Medicine must be given in the smallest quantities, else it will turn into a poison.

    People imagine the body's fighting-off of cancers as being the purview only of the immune system. Nope, when adjacent cells detect a cell that is out of control, they surround it, deprive it of nutrients, thus killing it. The whole of the body kills cancers. When this doesn't happen, the entire body dies.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  32. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    By Olde Geezer.....

    There is a philosopher the intellects often like to quote named Hegel....or if you like GFW Hegel..

    George Fredrick Willheim Hegel....

    Known for a philosophy which seems to be running rampant or if you prefer....rabid...

    "The state is god"

    or more formally..

    “The march of God in the world, that is what the state is.” (§258ad.)

    Hmmmmmm.....what happened to separation of church and state?????

    Catching on yet?????

    Be warned these Ishmaelite deep thinkers.....these intellects.....these philosophers.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  33. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    at least we have a chance to remove our leaders every 4 or 5 years, if religion is in charge we cant do that.
    TMT Tactical and watcherchris like this.
  34. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    Agree lonewolf....Ishmaelites in charge..

    Just remember...lonewolf......the precedent Oliver Cromwell set for us Yanks....and Englishmen as well.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  35. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    Oliver Cromwell is long dead, do you mean Precedent or President? LOL.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  36. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Precedent....not President....Precedent..

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  37. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Usually, candidates are candidates, i.e. pro-big-government.

    Here, Trump has a chance of winning, thus the media and the deep state are in panic / firefighting mode.

    We will see to what lengths they will go to shut-down the November election and fix future elections. The biden regime has opened our borders to masses of young men invaders. Currently, this treasonous White House has let in 10,000,000 foreigners.
    TMT Tactical and watcherchris like this.
  38. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    This is why Trump is despised...why the Deep State players in and around Washington DC are in a panic...

    “He Disrupted The Money Flow” - Why Trump Is Despised by Washington (

    Ishmaelites run wild........across this country.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  39. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    Brussels Mayor shuts down Conservative conference because he dosent agree with the opinions being expressed, free speech has no place in Europe anymore. the mayor called the conference " far right" but thats just an excuse to ban it. there was absolutely no hint of violence just people expressing an opinion.
    The European Union is nothing more than a modern updated version of communism and Britain was right to leave and these events in Brussels today proves it.
    surprise, surprise, the link dosent work- big brother at work, but if you go onto the express page online its the headline item.
    please note this conference was held in London last year without any interference from TPTB.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  40. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Your children belong to Big Brother.

    Rule by edict:

    "Appeals Court Backs Forced Vaccination of Children without Parental Consent"

    April 20, 2024

    Begin quote

    An appeals court has backed efforts to vaccinate children without parental consent by shielding those who force kids to take Covid shots.

    A North Carolina Court of Appeals issued the ruling in the case of a clinic, where personnel gave a 14-year-old boy a Covid mRNA shot without consent from the child or his parents.

    The mother of the boy sued the Guilford County school board and Old North State Medical Society over her teenage son’s forced COVID-19 vaccination in 2021.

    However, appellate judges agreed that a federal law protected both defendants from legal liability.

    The court ruled that the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act) protected the clinic and its staff.

    Additionally, the court concluded that the Guilford Board of Education, which hosted the clinic, was also covered by the PREP Act.

    The judges declared that the PREP Act protected the defendants from being held liable for battery, violation of Tanner’s mother’s constitutional liberty and parental rights, and violation of Tanner’s bodily autonomy and plaintiffs’ federal constitutional rights.

    While North Carolina state law provides that “a health care provider shall obtain written consent from a parent or legal guardian prior to administering any vaccine that has been granted emergency use authorization and is not yet fully approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to an individual under 18 years of age,” the court found that the PREP Act pre-empts state law.

    The PREP Act, which went into effect in 2005, states that when the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) declares that a disease, health condition, or threat to public health or threat of same constitutes an emergency, the Secretary may recommend the use of one or more countermeasures.

    The PREP Act also has a broad provision preempting state law that provides that no state law may be in effect that conflicts with the PREP Act.

    To further define who was covered or granted immunity under the PREP Act, the Secretary set forth a declaration on Mar. 17, 2020, that defined “covered persons” as including, “manufacturers, distributors, program planners, and qualified persons, and their officials, agents, and employees, and the United States.”

    The court further found that the school board was granted immunity under the PREP Act as it was a “state or local government…[that] provides a facility to administer or use a Covered Countermeasure.”

    End quote
    poltiregist and TMT Tactical like this.
  41. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    so vaccines are now mandatory in the US are they? what ever happened to freedom of choice ?
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
    1. Old Geezer
      In some states, cities and universities, this is still true. Heartland America has stopped this insanity.
      Old Geezer, Apr 23, 2024
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  42. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Those that don't want to see their children or grandchildren given the early death shot need to get them out of public schools . Protect them and guard their safety from the communist extermination team . My last grandchild remaining in the public school system will be out of their grip " forever " in 6 more days . My entire tribe remains as pure blooded and look forward to normal life expectancy , But that is not taking into consideration the highly likely Nuclear and Global War approaching .
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  43. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    One reason for getting away from "civilization" that most folk don't consider is that our next plague could be a REAL plague -- something like a genetically-engineered pneumonic plague (pulmonary, not bubonic) or a hemorrhagic death virus. These puppies exist in WMD labs all around the planet.

    If these get out by whatever mechanism, accident or act of war, nobody will be safe when interacting with others. Staying put and being set for food, water, and energy will be the ONLY survivable option. Covid made people sick and killed a bunch of folk who suffered from chronic medical conditions. Weaponized diseases kill.

    If I want to take over a nation, I want the buildings, the roads, and as much of the infrastructure to stay standing as possible. I just want the people wiped out so that I can occupy that nation with my own people sometime in the future after my attack. Bio-warfare and EMP warfare get me this result. After a couple of years or so, I'll have the bodies of the enemy bulldozed into pits and move in my own people -- I'll have already vaccinated my people against the bio-killer. If I do air-burst / neutron bomb / EMP blasts, there will be very little fallout. Bio and EMP attacks negate the need for digger nukes in a nuclear war event (diggers are for military installations and ballistic missile silos -- these MUST be taken out during a war). Digger nukes spew horrendous layers & paths of hot fallout which can be radioactive for years -- cesium-137 = half life of 30 years. If I go into an overt nuclear war, I'll destroy the crop lands that I want to use for my own people = stupid move.

    "Fallout typically contains hundreds of different radionuclides. Some stay in the environment for a long time because they have long half-lives, like cesium-137, which has a half-life of about 30 years. Most have very short half-lives, so decay away in a few minutes or a few days, for examples iodine-131, has a half-life of 8 days. Very little radioactivity from weapons testing in the 1950s and 1960s can still be detected in the environment now. "


    From Wiki:

    Americium-241 (241 Am, Am-241) is an isotope of americium. Like all isotopes of americium, it is radioactive, with a half-life of 432.2 years

    Strontium-90 (90 Sr) is a radioactive isotope of strontium produced by nuclear fission, with a half-life of 28.8 years.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  44. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    so many of our cities resemble ant hills, it only takes something like a pandemic to see people dropping like flies, in fact that was the very phrase a friends wife who worked in a big hospital used.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  45. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    This Spivak editorialist seems to sum-up the observations of those who see the biden administration as an enemy of the Constitutional rights of the American people and Sacred Liberty itself.

    "RFK Got It Right"

    by: Kenin M. Spivak

    Begin quote

    Biden smugly refuses to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.

    When presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. told CNN last week that he sees President Joe Biden as a greater threat to democracy than Donald Trump, mainstream media, academics, and elected Democrats exploded in vitriol.

    Speaking on CNN’s Erin Burnett OutFront, Kennedy said, “I can make the argument that President Biden is the much worse threat to democracy, and the reason for that is President Biden is…the first president in history that has used the federal agencies to censor political speech, so to censor his opponent.” Kennedy added: “The greatest threat to democracy is not somebody who questions election returns but a President of the United States who will use the power of his office to force the social media companies…to open a portal and give access to that portal to the FBI, CIA, the IRS, the NIH, to censor his political critics.”

    Biden is not actually the first president to use federal agencies to censor political speech. Presidents John Adams and Woodrow Wilson used the Sedition Acts of 1798 and 1918 to do so, and President Roosevelt censored opponents during World War II. Nonetheless, Biden has undoubtedly overseen the most massive censorship enterprise in U.S. history, and the first to be enjoined by federal courts. That progressives embrace Biden’s affront to a right central to our democracy underscores how far the Left has travelled from its once-avowed principles. While the attack line that Trump is a fascist is so well-worn that most of us ignore it, too little attention is given to authoritarians on the Left. Fascism is a vicious ideology that was responsible for millions of deaths in the twentieth century, but communist and other socialist systems are guilty of at least ten times more murders in the name of class warfare.

    Diktats enjoining protests and speeches by Christians, Jews, and pro-life Americans, or requiring oaths of obeisance to diversity, equity, and inclusion to be considered for medical school admission, faculty appointment, or promotion in the U.S. military come from the Left. Condemnation of those who deny the manifest falsehood that there are only two sexes, or that mental defects do not transmute biology also come from the Left, as does support for squatters, criminals, and (provided the objective is progressive) violent demonstrations.

    It is the Left that proclaims there should be no borders, that illegal migrants should receive housing, medication, and education at taxpayer expense; that seventh-generation descendants of slaves and similarly pigmented recent immigrants should each receive many millions of dollars of reparations to be funded by melanin-deficient immigrants who also escaped harrowing persecution, none of whom owned slaves or have ancestors who did. Along with DEI, CRT, ESG, and affirmative action, these theories of eugenics and racial stereotyping are advanced by the Left in place of merit, individual freedom, and liberty.

    Last year, a three-judge panel of the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously agreed with federal district court Judge Terry A. Doughty that the evidence was likely to establish that the Biden Administration had engaged in a broad attack on free speech in violation of the First Amendment. The court elegantly modified Doughty’s preliminary injunction to prohibit the defendants from taking “actions, formal or informal, directly or indirectly, to coerce or significantly encourage social-media companies to remove, delete, suppress, or reduce, including through altering their algorithms, posted social-media content containing protected free speech.”

    > The Biden Administration has coordinated criminal and civil attacks on Trump timed to take him off the ballot and out of the presidential race before the first vote has been cast;

    > The Justice Department has been weaponized, using SWAT-like tactics against peaceful protestors whose views do not comport with progressive dogma, while often refusing to enforce the law against leading Democrats and those who support progressive causes;

    > Biden has repeatedly sought to destroy the Supreme Court’s legitimacy, issued executive orders he knows to be unlawful, and proudly admitted to end-running Supreme Court decisions with which he disagrees;

    > Biden has adopted whole-of-government DEI policies that violate the Fourteenth Amendment and federal civil rights laws;

    > Biden refuses to enforce federal immigration laws; and

    > The Biden Administration has designed, executed, and continues to defend a whole-of-government effort to censor, deplatform, demonetize and limit political speech with which it disagrees, ranging from Covid, to inflation, the economy, humor at Biden’s expense, and the censorship program itself.

    Trump’s political and litigation strategy failed to change or delay the presidential transition in 2021. There is no evidence that his administration ever indicted, imprisoned, taxed, or withheld a government benefit based on the politics of the individual. By contrast, backed by far-Left prosecutors, judges, journalists, federal bureaucrats, FBI agents, automatic weapons, regulators, and the full power of the federal government and progressive states, Biden is engaged in a massive attack on free speech and the financial rights and liberties of his political opponents.

    By most standards, Trump may often be a nasty blowhard, but Biden, who willfully and proudly refuses to faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, or to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States, is by any rational standard the far more dangerous threat to democracy.

    End quote
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  46. Blitz

    Blitz Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I was going to apply for my South African passport a while back, but after all the crap they wanted - including fingerprinting, I couldn't be stuffed.

    I sure as hell wouldn't have implants. Though, if a government required it and there was no way round the process and you had to travel, I suppose you'd have no choice.

    I can't even begin to fathom what it will be like in another 50 years. Or even 20. Unbelievable.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  47. Blitz

    Blitz Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Talk about one extreme to the other. Some country's residents would die (excuse the pun - or not) to be offered MAID, as referred to above.

    Here's a thought. Why not give the option to murderous criminals? Waste 25 plus years in prison at the expense of the government, or how about MAID? Quick, painless and a shiteload less expensive. Even if one took up the offer, that would save hundreds of thousands of dollars. I'm thinking of Martin Bryant - serving 35 years + 1,600 years approx without possibility of parole (well, obviously). He was in his late 20s when he went on his shooting spree. If he dies in prison at, say, 78, that would be 50 years at Her (or His now, I suppose) Majesty's pleasure. I'd vote for it.
    Old Geezer and TMT Tactical like this.
  48. Blitz

    Blitz Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Nutters like that should be ratted on. There's way too many of those type of dropdeads in Queensland, trying to hide out.

    As a result of their little fiasco, Australia is now implementing a national firearms registry, whereby police in ALL States are aware of ALL firearms registered, regardless of the State. Not sure that sentence made sense. What I mean is, at present, different States have different firearm registries, they aren't linked. If you have a licence in NSW, QLD police don't currently have access to that information.

    "The register will allow law enforcement to assess risks by: providing frontline police officers with near real-time information on firearms, parts, and owners; and linking firearms information with other relevant police and government information, including from the national criminal intelligence system."
    TMT Tactical and Old Geezer like this.
  49. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    My dad's dad taught me how to tie a hangman's noose before I was grammar school age.

    In his day, they had hangings behind the county courthouse.


    This infuriates me to the max.

    There are socialist states here in Amerika who have Soviet-type firearms laws as seen in Australia, Canada, Europe and England. In today's Russia under Putin, it is far easier for a citizen to obtain a firearm than in Western Europe. Thing is that there are as many / more US states who are 180 degree opposite. In Constitutional states, carry permits are readily available if you have no felonies nor domestic abuse convictions (to include any history of restraining orders) on your record. Involuntary commitment to a psychiatric hospital is also a disqualifying entity.

    The once United States is now completely and irrevocably divided into America and Amerika. Thus the coming second civil war. This second war will be utterly different than the first. This one will be a guerrilla conflict -- assassinations and sabotage.

    It tells you a lot about a government if that administration doesn't trust its honest citizens. The Left will not admit that violence is due to people being uncivilized. In their eyes, to think like that is racist. Americans of European and Asian origin have the same violent crime rates as in their countries of origin. The Asian murder rate in America is down at, if not below, 2 / 100,000. During the L.A. riots back in the early 1990s, many Koreans armed-up to defend their businesses from the hordes of looters. These Koreans didn't go offensive then and to this day have been the very example of great citizens. Their possessing firearms means nothing ... except that should they get attacked again, they will be prepared.

    Blitz likes this.
  50. Blitz

    Blitz Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    What gets on my goat, is that the government think that having a national registry will make any difference. Would it have made a difference and prevented the cops getting shot by the nutters? Highly unlikely. They were aware one of the nutters was suspended from having a firearm. That should have been sufficient.
    Old Geezer likes this.
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