Bringing Along Your Dog In The Wilderness

Discussion in 'Safety' started by Corzhens, Jul 12, 2017.

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  1. Corzhens

    Corzhens Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    This is not a wild idea because we are doing this for years although only in guarded campsites. The dog is truly man’s companion because they give us a sense of protection. One camping marshal said that the dog can sense snakes so it’s good if we have the dog when we are on the trail. And at night in the tent, the dog can warn you of potential intruders in the area. However, we bring our dog along mostly in the mountain resort but not in the wilds yet.
    Koala likes this.
  2. Koala

    Koala Well-Known Member

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    Yes! A dog is truly a man's best friend and companion. I've read many stories where dogs protected their masters even with their own lives - from wild animals such as wolves.

    Sadly, we don't currently have a dog. Our last one died of old age but we did always bring her with us for our hiking trips. Not only it was a great exercise for her but it was extra protections for us.

    Also, many people use their dogs for hunting purposes. They can help with many things.
  3. Bishop

    Bishop Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Yes I away take my dog to the woods with me he is my best friend
  4. PriscillaKing

    PriscillaKing Expert Member

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    Dogs (and some cats!) can help with hunting, if you're willing to eat squirrels and wild hares...I suspect I'd get there after a year or so.

    (Some cats have brought me mice and voles just to show off their catch, and then I've lived with some that guessed that I wouldn't be interested in mice but might appreciate a squirrel or rabbit. Occasionally a pair of social cats who work as a team have even managed to herd in a possum or terrapin. Twice, a pair of cats have directed a pair of lost dogs--once it was a hunter's stray beagles, and once a pair of thrown-away puppies--into a cage or trap. There's quite a range of survival skill and intelligence among cats.)
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