California's Rising Sea Level

Discussion in 'News, Current Events, and Politics' started by Pragmatist, Dec 15, 2019.

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  1. Pragmatist

    Pragmatist Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    Good morning all.

    A good subtitle for this article could be: " Get Air Mattresses and Water Beds Ready"

    Per ...

    Accepting sea-level rise caused by climate change, would it not be advantageous to start building the mentioned 100,000 more housing units INLAND ?

    I suggest that Marin County, California Planning Manager Jack Liebster discuss his sand dunes plan with his counterparts at Virginia Beach, Virginia. With Federal $$$, all OK. Without Federal $$$, "Go east, young man, go east".
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  2. varuna

    varuna Tree killer & a cat person

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    They should build seawall or large scale floating habitat. Example of 23rd century NYC with it seawall


    TMT Tactical likes this.
  3. Pragmatist

    Pragmatist Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Good morning Varuna,

    Even with a seawall, is New York City a viable place for sophisticated urban activity ? The area is in Hurricane Alley and the population doesn't win awards for innovation.

    How will a sea wall get funded ?

    The picture of the Statute of Liberty and the aircraft translates to HAZMAT cargo near the buildings (statistically speaking). This is not state of the art urban planning.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  4. Dalewick

    Dalewick Legendary Survivalist

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    Bad science to scare the masses. LOL! I guess it has nothing to do with the San Andreas fault line moving so fast. I have never figured out how these folks think the ocean will rise in one spot, but not everywhere. Plate movement, beach erosion, reef destruction, and so much more all effect ocean front property.


  5. Caribou

    Caribou Master Survivalist

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    My family has owned a marina since the 1950's. There has been no rise in sea level. Now, a fault could let go and dump some of CA into the Pacific, or rise some more land out of the ocean but global warming, nope. As Dale said, global warming affects the globe. Listen to what the global warming people are saying and then follow the money.
  6. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    Why is the water rising in California but NOT on the Gulf Coast?
    Caribou, TMT Tactical and Dalewick like this.
  7. varuna

    varuna Tree killer & a cat person

    Blog Posts:
    Its 23rd century, pretty sure they do have the technology for large scale weather control

    Public funding of course. With every coastal cities on Earth having those seawall.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  8. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Sea level rising or land level falling?

    In Florida, the ground level is falling. Ground water is being pumped out for human/industrial use = land sinks.

    Again: Earth could be warming a bit, however man-made factors are but a part of it. Green party = Red Communist Party. It is important for the socialists to collapse Western economies to bring-in their social welfare state "utopia". Youthful Americans today are without self-sufficiency, without a robust work ethic, thus will be easily enslaved. Mentally ill professors are helping the commie cause by indoctrinating today's mush-head youth. People who can't make it in the real world, often become "educators". "Protecting Gaia from capitalism" destroys economies.

    The above disease process mainly occurs in urban areas where people find ways to pretend to work, find a way to get government checks, or choose a life of crime. In the Heartlands of every nation, the people must actually do useful work lest the machinery of civilization would collapse.
    Caribou and TMT Tactical like this.
  9. Dalewick

    Dalewick Legendary Survivalist

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    Yep! This is how control works!
    TMT Tactical and Caribou like this.
  10. Pragmatist

    Pragmatist Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Good morning Dale,

    ... and the real winner is the United Nations where the child was given a place to ramble.

    Dr Judith Curry is being eclipsed by orgs like the UN.

    I think it's time that America's house-cleaning involves formally exiting the UN, less a few specialized agencies like IMO and ICAO, and placing US funding and efforts into an improvement - and anything's an improvement - with restricted membership.

    Greta Thunberg is a contemporary version of the Walt Disney Mouseketeers.
    Dalewick and TMT Tactical like this.
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