
Discussion in 'Mental Preparedness' started by TexDanm, Feb 9, 2019.

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  1. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:

    Charity begins at home and to some extent it may need to stop there. We have discussed here the problem in an after apocalyptic period of turning away people in need. I’m going to offer you a slightly different perspective on that and charity in general.

    Let’s look for a bit at the MODERN idea of charity and how it has changed AND the long term effects of modern charity. Modern charity is simple; you see someone with needs and you GIVE them what they need for the temporary relief of that need. Hungry people get food, homeless people are given shelter. People without decent and warm clothes get clothes…etcera…

    What does this do for them past the immediate respite from their need? Sadly if people are hungry it is a problem that goes far beyond needing food most of the time. Most of the people we “help” with our charity and welfare care are people that because of some action or lack of action on their part has caused this. If you are lazy to the point of you will not even go and get the free food that is always available in places like the US once we start feeding you it becomes a lifetime thing. It didn’t address the core problem at all.

    Not only did it not address the care issue it made it worse because you have rewarded their lazy lifestyle. These people then teach this as a great life choice to their kids and you end up with a generational issue that just grows and grows. Nowadays most people that aren’t mentally deficient try to not have more children than they can support. Since these people have had that requirement removed, and the system actually rewards you for having more and more kids that you can’t support by giving you more and more stuff, they have LOTS of kids.

    The people that go into this have no desire and no INCENTIVE to try and improve their lots except by demanding more and more from those stupid enough to work. We have carried this insanity to international charity and in places where people really are starving to death we feed them just enough to survive so that they can also have more and more kids that in the long term we either support them or watch hundreds of thousands or millions of them just die.

    The fact is that no matter how much we give or how much we have to give, at some point , there will eventually be more of them than we can support without us joining them in starvation. There are places around the world where this is almost on the edge of that cliff. The problem is that we have never addressed the real problem.

    If you are hungry you need help. That means figure out why you are hungry and help you fix that problem. This USED to be how it was done. During the depression in the 20s and actually through most of the thirties there were a lot of people that had a hard time feeding their families in the US. NONE of them starve to death. There were soup lines in every city where you could go, stand in line, and get a meal. The government started up all sorts of work projects all over the country and the men were offered jobs. The Civilian Conservation Corps CCC built parks, cleared land, built government buildings. They did all sort of things. The men would go where ever the project was and usually the government housed and fed you while you worked there and paid you money that you could send to support your family. This was a solution to several of the parts of the problem. It offered work to the men and in doing that gave them an incentive to find a better job, often with some of the skills they learned. It fed and clothed the men and allowed them the pride of supporting their families. It also sent the men else where and reduced the pregnancies that you had no magic pill to prevent.

    Eventually the Liberal democrats managed to some how convince us that this sort of thing wasn’t “fair” and that people shouldn’t have to work at menial jobs or beg for the things that they WANTED.

    If someone has needs we should offer them a job. If they can’t feed their kids offer them a tubal or vasectomy and then a job. People that have kids that won’t support them should have their kids taken and given to people that want kids and then they should be allowed to starve to death if they wouldn’t work. THAT is real freedom. The same needs to be offered to countries that can’t feed their people. Require them to control their population or let them choose the freedom to let nature take its course.

    The reason for this long-winded missive is that in the event of TEOTWAWKI we will be forced to change these sort of ignorant mistakes. If someone comes to me hungry, if I have the food to spare, I might offer them some work that would allow them to EARN a meal. If they wouldn’t work they wouldn’t eat and if they got pushy they could end up as garden fertilizer.

    You don’t need to feel bad, it is their choice just as it was their choice not to prepare. Sadly their children will have to share their fate unless they wish to let their kids stay and they leave and never come back. A lot of people that are prepared for their personal survival will end up going down because they tried to offer modern charity in a different world. That means more than just not GIVING things away unearned. It also means that you don’t give someone a second chance. If you catch a thief and let him go he will come back and may bring friends.

    There is going to be so many things that will have to change and the ones that will be hardest may well be some of the ones closest to your heart. In my case, as is so common with me, this problem can be taken care of by an application of one word…WORTHY. What makes someone worthy of my help that means that they have and will do whatever is necessary to have avoided the problem and now do what it takes to solve the problem. Anybody, no matter how hard they tried, can end up in trouble. If on the other hand you did nothing to avoid the problem then you are the one that chose that path and I’m not going to reward your bad decision making.

    In a world that requires a lot more effort to survive than it does now your charity may place you in the same boat as someone that just didn’t even try to prepare. I’m not sure how, other than thinking about it now, you can prepare for making this sort of hard choices but you don’t want lack of perpetration in this area to undo all your work preparing in the other more physical ways.
    TMT Tactical, Sourdough and Keith H. like this.
  2. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    Sorry about being so long winded. I really do think that this is something we all need to think about ahead of time...
    TMT Tactical, Sourdough and Keith H. like this.
  3. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

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    Not long winded but very concise. It did need to be stated and folks do need to start thinking along these lines. I raised a few eyebrows when I said I would turn away a hungry child during a SHTF / WROL situation. It was not because I don't like or feel for children but simply because it would not solve the child's situation.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2019
  4. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    you cannot feed others post SHTF without having a separate stash of food for this purpose, if you feed them from your family's stash then fairly quickly its your family that will be the starving ones.
    that's just on the practical side, never mind addressing the reason why these people haven't got any food in the first place.
    sheeple aren't going to be around for long once the stores are empty, maybe 3 weeks to a month without food, so if anyone comes to you after this time you have to ask yourself how they have survived that long? maybe by stealing from others? or maybe begging from anyone they come across?
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  5. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    After things settle you will need to look at people differently. as you say, most of the sheeple will die out real fast as will the wolves that preyed on them. A thug will die the first time he acts like a thug towards a survivor.

    What you are going to need to do is make some rather fast decisions. this new person must have some kind of skills simple because he is still around, alive and healthy. Are these skills that you might benefit from? Is this person a threat to you and yours if you let him look around and then leave? Can you live with yourself killing people on a suspicion and will you survive if you let people know where you are and some idea of your situation?

    In most cases you will not need these folks but there are some skill sets that you always want to have room for. Medical and Dental and people with special skills and training hat your group lacks need to be evaluated and possibly allowed to join. What you must avoid is making decisions based on how someone looks or how charming or rough they are.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  6. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

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    Very sound advice and many points to consider. It may be wise to have some prepared tests to determine if the person is and can do what they say they can. Example: I claim to be a doctor but when asked what this medicine you had prescribed is used for, I can't answer, then you can determine the facts from fiction. This could be applied to someone claiming to be a VET, or a Nurse or any other specialty profession you would consider keeping them around for. After a few weeks/ months on the road, most folks would be looking rough, if not, there is big red flag. How did they stay so nice and tidy, while enduring the difficulties of a SHTF even and why do they now need your help? A lot to consider BEFORE you are in a life and death decision making situation. Very good points TexDamn.
  7. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    The biggest worry to me in letting anyone in that you don't know is the chance of letting in a drama queen or king. Some people just thrive on constant drama and can turn any group into a feuding arguing mess. en or women that spend too much of their attention to your group members of the opposite sex may be a deadly. I've seen this happen several times in various groups of friends. Some people are just trouble. You need to be ready to move fast if you have made a bad decision.

    A close friend of mine had a wife like this. She flirted with everybody and any time there was work to do she was a girly girl. Of course she liked to talk a good show and act like she was all equal and as able as long as nobody ever asked her to get off her butt and actually do anything. She made the other wives a little uncomfortable and most of the men while liking the eye candy didn't like being around her too much. finally her husband got tired of her crap and divorced her. Had she been in a survival group she would have needed to have a fatal accident. I have a male friend that is a male version and I have always said that in the end times I would have added his wife and kids to our troop but he would have had to vanish.

    Survival is cruel and some of the decisions that you will be forced to make will be hard to live with.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  8. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

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    Your post points out the reason I am so locked into the family group or no group. Too many people that are disruptive, or dangerous. The old saying about "One Bad Apple ruins the barrel" is absolutely correct. One disruptive person can and will destroy the most effective group. The problem is how to get rid of he bad apple, once SHTF. The hubby or wife may object to their mate disappearing and hold resentment, just waiting for the right opportunity to get revenge. How about those that side or even like the disruptive person, are they going to go along with the sudden disappearance of the disruptive person? Just too many chances for catastrophic failure, not worth the risk to me. Well stated TexDamn.
  9. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    i'm not really expecting any "visitors" post SHTF, we are too far from any big city for it to be an issue, first good winter storm will see this county cut off from the rest of the country, it happens every year and without people to repair the damage its going to stay that way.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
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