Collapsing Of The United States

Discussion in 'News, Current Events, and Politics' started by poltiregist, Jun 18, 2020.

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  1. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Father of 3 killed in grocery store beating, 3 teens arrested"

    "The suspects were asked to leave by security after getting into an altercation with patrons inside the store, and then the fight continued outside, police said. Smith was taken to a hospital in critical condition, where he later died.

    "One of the friends who was with Smith at the time told WSXY the group was "trying to pick on whoever they could."

    "Charging documents obtained by the local ABC station say Smith was "unconscious and bleeding from the head due to the beating" and that the group was "laughing and enjoying themselves" while assaulting him.

    "Smith died two weeks after the assault, the media outlet reported.

    "The suspects left the scene in a red vehicle, cops said.

    "Police did not say how homicide detectives got on their trail, but they did say they arrested 18-year-old Dionta Hughes, 19-year-old Jamarion Evans-Bennett and 17-year-old Jayden Agee on murder charges."



    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      Old Geezer, Dec 24, 2023
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  2. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    race war in the making, perhaps??
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  3. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    It has already started.

    The following story, plus other similar stories, plus exploding gang warfare in the cities, plus plus plus ... all of this is covered-up by the mainstream media. If one points out that the black murder rate is base minimum 6x that of whites, you will be deemed a racist. That same murder rate among blacks is mirrored in the U.K. .

    To add to the anti-white hatred, one must also understand that blacks are killing-off their own. The violent behavior of black youth is totally out of control. This is particularly true in urban areas.

    It's somewhat like in South Africa. White farmers there are being killed (often raped and mutilated prior to being killed), but native Africans in S.Africa are also slaughtering each other and new-comers. Africans from other African nations migrating into South Africa are being targeted for murder by the most horrific means, such as necklacing (putting a car tire filled with gasoline over a living person, lighting it, and burning the person to death, they rejoice as the person screams to death). The mainstream media will not report the chaos and descent into raw savagery in South Africa. It is politically incorrect to do so. When blacks murder, the MSM writes this off as "the results of oppression". Being woke is the religion of the Left. One must never stray from woke dogma.

    TMT Tactical, Blitz and poltiregist like this.
  4. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    The current chaos in the USSA is due to the non-enforcement of laws due to the anti-American defunding of police and due to the appointment of liberal judges brought about by Leftist voters. In the future, this level of crime will go ten-fold due to SHTF events that will eliminate judicial systems in Western nations. The influx of illegal immigrants will also exacerbate the problem because these people are coming-in from nations with ongoing very high rates of violence. We here in the States must attempt to coexist with people who are unable to control their behavior. This is one reason why people who would never think about owning a gun are now buying guns -- the police are unable to reign-in the monsters.

    "NYC Man Who Allegedly Stabbed Teen Girls on Christmas and Yelled ‘I Want All the White People Dead’ Already out of Jail"

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    A man accused of stabbing two teenagers at New York City’s Grand Central Terminal on Christmas Day was freed by a judge just weeks prior after a string of violence, and he now allegedly has stabbed a fellow prisoner at Rikers Island.

    The alleged assailant, Steven Hutcherson, 36, of the Bronx, allegedly attacked two teenage girls at the Tartinery in the Grand Central Dining Concourse on Monday after arguing with restaurant staff over sitting in the establishment’s area. According to reports, he remarked that the two teen girls, 14 and 16, were allowed to sit there, ultimately pulling out a knife and stabbing them — one in the thigh and the other in the back, the latter of whom was treated for a collapsed lung at Bellevue Hospital.

    The man allegedly shouted racist remarks as well. Law enforcement sources told the New York Post at the time that the man yelled, “I want all the white people dead,” and “I want to sit next to the crackers.”

    His stabbing spree did not end there, however. After police took Hutcherson into custody at the Eric M. Taylor Center, he allegedly got up from the cot in his dorm and stabbed his 43-year-old cellmate with a 1.5-inch ceramic blade at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday. The attack left “gashes across the left side of his face and head” of Hutcherson’s cellmate, sources informed the Post.

    These attacks are far from the man’s first infractions. According to the Post, he has been arrested “17 times over the last two decades — and the subject of more than a half dozen domestic violence complaints by a Manhattan woman he has allegedly stalked for over a year, according to sources.”

    Further, he was put back on the streets just before the Christmas Day attack by Judge Matthew Grieco, whom Mayor Eric Adams (D) appointed, with a conditional discharge after threatening a stranger. According to reports, he shouted at the victim, “Why are you working for white people? I’m going to kill this man.”

    He then allegedly threatened to shoot the victim, adding, “I don’t care what kind of green card the government gave you. Open your mouth and say something. I will shoot you right now.”

    “If the judge had only held this individual accountable, two innocent tourists, children, may have had a Merry Christmas instead of an ‘attempted murderous’ Christmas,” a law enforcement source told the Post, which detailed more of Hutcherson’s history of violence and mental health episodes:

    He’s also had a string of encounters with cops for mental health disturbances, most recently on Dec. 5, when he was found acting unruly outside a Bronx apartment building and brought to St. Barnabas Hospital for psychiatric evaluation by police, the sources said.

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    "Woman Walking Her Dog Killed In Sledgehammer Attack on L.A. College Campus"

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    An Asian woman in her 60s was killed in a sledgehammer attack on Christmas Eve morning while walking her dog on a college campus in Los Angeles County, California, police said.

    The woman was collecting recyclables at the El Camino College campus near Torrance when she was suddenly attacked by a man with sledgehammer around 7:00 a.m., KTLA reported. The man fled the scene before law enforcement arrived.

    “A passerby had spotted the fallen woman next to the gymnasium building. Arriving officers found the woman unconscious and bleeding from her head,” according to the report. “Her dog had remained by her side. Paramedics transferred the woman to a local hospital where she died on Christmas Day from her injuries.”

    Campus police identified the suspect as 40-year-old Jeffery Davis after reviewing surveillance footage. Police said they have seen Davis around the community before and believe him to be homeless.

    “The person that we had an idea of who was on the security footage is, we believe, a homeless person we’ve had contact with before,” said Sgt. Francisco Esqueda of El Camino College Police. “So we were able to go to the neighboring county park where he sometimes hangs out and that’s where we found him.”

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    "This California city will stay in the 'doom loop' in 2024 as businesses flee and crime rises, resident warns"

    "Burgeoning crime, struggling businesses and underfunded police have turned Oakland, California, into a "ghost town," said a local safe neighborhoods advocate who believes the city's decline is set to continue into 2024.

    " 'We're in a doom loop,' Seneca Scott, founder of Neighbors Together Oakland, a nonprofit focused on safety issues, told Fox News. 'The doom loop means businesses leave because of the crime and problems, there's less money to hire more police to solve the problem, and down you tumble.' "

    In the UK:|Music

    Blitz and TMT Tactical like this.
  5. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Honestly I don't even remember where I saw the report yesterday , where some towns in the United States are completely discarding their police department . Whether the reason is the collapsing financial situation towns and individuals are facing under our Bidonomics rulers or whether they are simply giving up on controlling runaway crime , I don't know .
    TMT Tactical and Old Geezer like this.
  6. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    I post these incidents happening in urban areas to help rural-dwellers get into the mind-set that post-SHTF that this sort of out-of-control savagery will invade our civilized areas. Example: post-SHTF, who's gonna fund police officers when the dollar becomes toilet paper?! Put yourself in the shoes of the police! Police are people. They have families ... extended families. As a cop, what'cha'gonna'do when it hits the fan? Sacrifice yourself without pay, or take care of your own loved ones?! I know what I would do, "Screw this town, my family comes first!" Right? Right.

    Living in a bucolic region sure doesn't' mean that it will stay that way. I would to God wish this NOT to be true, but you can't just pretend dark realities away. I'm lazy. I'm old. I've struggled throughout my decades of decent health. I DO NOT want to deal with chaos nor savagery. Holy crap, am I ever tired! But what I'm I to do?!!! Holy sh##!!!!!! I've a family to protect. I can't just pretend-away reality.

    Whatever. I hate this world. I'm trapped here. I'll do what I have to do.
    Blitz and TMT Tactical like this.
  7. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    Over here, Rural Police hardly exist any more, there may be some anti social behaviour in the larger towns but its just minor stuff, the big crimes are in the cities and the Met(Central London) Police cannot cope, what with the Pro Palestine marches each Saturday and thugs kicking off and there has been a tidal wave of shop lifting.
    86% of all crimes in this country go unsolved, thats 4.7 Million crimes.
    out of the 43 Police forces in England and Wales 22 have been rated inadequate.
    Blitz, TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  8. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    It may not be totally hitting the fan, however it sure is hitting the streets.

    "Portland Poop Crisis Triggers Bacteria Outbreak Normally Found In Third World"

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    Woke Democrats have caused an absurd amount of problems for law-abiding residents in Portland, including a surge in violent crime, out-of-control open-air drug markets, and widespread homelessness. Parts of the metro area have been transformed into a third-world-like state because of disastrous progressive policies. Now, the combination of failed policies has sparked what appears to be a public health crisis.

    A highly contagious bacteria called "shigella" is spreading across Portland. This bacteria is common in countries found in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia regions.

    In December, there have been over 45 infections of the deadly bacteria in Multnomah, Washington, and Clackamas counties, with nine different strains found in Portland since October. For the year, 218 cases have been reported in the region.

    "Local disease patterns suggest that fecal-oral spread through sexual contact may account for between half and more than two thirds of all cases without international travel. The rest are typically attributed to other types of person-to-person spread including outbreaks among populations with lack of hygiene, shelter, and sanitation, and among people who use illicit substances," county officials told KOIN 6 News.

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    Blitz, TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  9. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    You know Olde Geezer...I have been hearing that some diseases not much known of recent are coming back now.

    Thinking is that many of these Illegals are bringing this into the country with them.

    When I was coming up ...Polio and Smallpox were the big ones.

    Hering that Polio is coming up again in certain parts of the country..

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical and Old Geezer like this.
  10. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Antibiotic-resistant tuberculosis is a growing issue due to TB-infected AIDS patients not taking their antibiotics for the full duration of treatment. The vulnerable TB pathogens get killed and the resistant bacteria live on to reproduce.

    Migrant children already have brought in at least one gastrointestinal pathogen which they passed on to American school children.

    Polio and chickenpox:

    "Due to unvaccinated migrants, nearly 400 cases of chickenpox in Chicago have been identified so far this year, with November and early December specifically marking an increase in cases, according to a health alert released by the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) on December 15. From 2005 to 2022, the city averaged 53 cases of chickenpox per year.

    "As city officials across the country grapple with the influx of migrants who have been bused to several major cities, many officials say they lack the resources to cope with the increase."


    UK / Tuberculosis


    There are statistical records going back past the year 2015 documenting communicable diseases being brought in by illegal immigrants. Legal immigrants have their health checked for our protection and for their benefit -- if diagnosed, they can be treated for whatever their disorder(s). Other countries haven't the healthcare we do. If without insurance here in the U.S., designated hospitals are obligated to treat the poor. Plus there are agencies providing treatment to the uninsured.

    Thing is that due to the unimaginable masses coming into our country at this present time when the White House is an active enemy of the American people, we have absolutely no idea of what diseases are being brought in to our nation.

    Yet another factor is that these masses have within them anti-American terrorists. These terrorists can't bring in nukes and not likely chemical warfare agents. What they CAN bring in are biological weapons. With small (even tiny) colonies of pathogens, one can massively multiply these pathogens in just a matter of weeks with the most crude laboratory equipment. Hazmat suits are readily available to any terrorist crew wanting to set-up such a lab. I've worked where such protective suites were stored just down the hallway.

    Currently, the U.S. and Europe are sitting ducks for biological pathogen mayhem.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  11. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Don't let the old stumblebum fool ya!"

    Begin quote

    Joe Biden may indeed be incompetent, stupid, and even demented. But he's a tool in implementing a malevolent and insidious agenda. This Biden regime is actually Obama's third term, and the agenda being implemented is to bring about the "fundamental transformation" of America that Obama promised. It's all about the destruction of our economy and our system of government, the destruction of America as we know it.

    It's the Cloward-Piven Strategy, and it's now on steroids. It's the roadmap for how to overload and break the system, and to break and eventually eliminate the middle class (and all that goes with it, like small business and the very spirit of entrepreneurship). Anyone not familiar with the Cloward-Piven Strategy can read about it in greater detail in an American Thinker article from November 2009, "Cloward-Piven Government," by James Simpson.

    Inflation (which is really another word for devaluation of our currency and diminution of our purchasing power) is a powerful tool in breaking the middle class. Raising the price of fuel and food will bring more and more households to the financial breaking point and dependence on government assistance. Make enough people more concerned with their very survival than with their rights and freedoms, and you successfully undermine the essence of America.

    The agenda has been advanced by the COVID pandemic, and it's now being advanced by Russia's actions in Ukraine. Under the guise of punishing Russia by ceasing our purchases of Russian oil, the regime now has an excuse for fuel prices to rise even higher, ramping up further the increase that was set in motion by Biden deliberately relinquishing America's energy independence achieved under the policies of Pres. Trump. That energy independence could be restored, but that wouldn't serve the agenda.

    The dilemma of having to choose whether to spend one's devalued dollars on food or on gasoline is already a common experience spreading through our culture. Consider this.

    America is now firmly in the hands of those who would delight in seeing her brought low.

    What they long for, and are now able to envision being accomplished, could be called the Venezuelification or the Zimbabwefication of America. (Zimbabwe, formerly Rhodesia, underwent a redistributionist "fundamental transformation" from "the breadbasket of Africa" to a basket case. See my AT piece from June 2013, "Why Not Zimbabwe?")

    And may I remind everyone that William Ayers, the domestic terrorist who helped Barack Obama get started in politics and (as Jack Cashill makes a convincing case) is likely the actual author of Obama's so-called autobiography, once revealed just how malevolent his and his cohorts' plans were when he said 25 million Americans would have to be purged (he meant "murdered"!) in order to usher in the Marxist utopia that is the goal of the "fundamental transformation." But, just as all other numbers are being adjusted up for inflation, I think Ayers would say today that that number, as well, needs to be much larger.

    End quote

    Fellow preppers, we are now in the year 2024. SHTF events are already in-process. The dollar is yet holding value, however weak, however inflated-away. Turn your dollars into real items; canned meats/fish, rice, dried beans, noodles, canned veggies, seeds for the growing season, more ammo, ... . Put fuel preservative in your petrol stores. Prep your generators, tractors, garden tillers, chain saws, whatever with fuel preservatives. Keep full your vehicles' tanks and reserve tanks. Bring-in your water-storage tanks and prep them for filling. Fully equip your first aid supplies (tourniquets, 4x4s, Providone iodine, chest seals, surgical closing strips, ...). Buy extra chains for your chainsaws and oil your manual saws and pruning saws. Buy the proper chainsaw oils. Sharpen your axes and mauls. Drain your water hoses so that they'll not freeze and rip during the winter cold.

    Think, think, think! The "days of tribulation" are now upon us. This is the end of the good times. What have you forgotten? We are but human and have, by our very nature, forgotten / not considered all for which we should have prepared.

    Best to all of you!!!
  12. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Trumps real crime..and why the left and also many Republicans do not want him to become President again...

    Here.this link....and I agree with Steven Miller...for Trump would curtail much of the engineered chaos we see happening in America.

    Stephen Miller: This is Trump's real crime (

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical and lonewolf like this.
    1. Old Geezer
      The Deep State is no conspiracy theory creation. The Deep State is a living metastasizing tumor within the U.S. government. A national depression / currency collapse might, not certainly, but might just deprive the D.State malignancy of the funding it needs to pay their goons who keep their boots on the necks of those Americans who seek Liberty.
      Old Geezer, Jan 1, 2024
      TMT Tactical and watcherchris like this.
  13. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "J6 political target drops bombshell whistleblower document that changes everything…"

    "There are a lot of very sketchy things that went on during the J6 melee. Based on information that Revolver uncovered, we now know that the Capitol was crawling with feds, federal informants, and possibly other government operatives. There are still many questions about what really happened that day, but we’re getting closer to putting the pieces together

    "In the meantime, the January 6 political prisoners and targets are also fighting back. One of these victims, journalist Tayler Hansen, has just revealed bombshell evidence that shows he was targeted in an illegitimate investigation by the Federal Government due to his reporting on January 6th."

    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  14. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Shotguns are the best when it comes to putting food on the supper table. Shotguns are the worst when it comes to maiming and killing human beings. Shotguns, at short range, make assault rifles look like BB-guns. This is why they are forbidden as weapons of war.

    "1 killed, 5 others injured by Iowa school shooter on the first day after winter break"

    Begin quote

    Hundreds of people gathered for a candlelight prayer vigil tonight at a park where hours earlier, students had been brought to reunite with their families after the shooting at Perry High School.

    Sisters Yesenia Roeder and Khamya Hall, both 17, said alongside their mother, Alita, that the 17-year-old classmate who police identified as the shooter had been bullied relentlessly since elementary school. That escalated recently, they said, when his younger sister started getting picked on, too. Officials at the school didn’t intervene, they said, and that was “the last straw” for the shooter.

    “He was hurting. He got tired. He got tired of the bullying. He got tired of the harassment,” Yesenia Roeder Hall, 17, said. “Was it a smart idea to shoot up the school? No. God, no.”

    Authorities identified the shooter as a 17-year-old student at the high school.

    Dylan Butler appeared to have acted alone and was armed with a pump action shotgun and a small-caliber handgun, Mitch Mortvedt, the assistant director of the Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation, said at an afternoon news conference.

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    TMT Tactical likes this.
  15. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "The real story of Harvard isn’t Claudine Gay’s firing"

    Begin quote

    The purpose of our elite universities is to give credentials that signal fake merit rather than rely on real excellence. That’s why mediocrity rules.

    The most important point about ousted Harvard president Claudine Gay's plagiarism isn’t that she was fired (or was allowed to resign) but rather that she had the job — the most prestigious job in higher education — with such a thin record of academic accomplishment.

    Gay has never published an article — even a plagiarized one — that really mattered or advanced scholarship significantly. She got her job not through merit but because she checked a box. In this, she is not an outlier but a representative of a system of education that rewards mediocrity.

    Our entire elite is like this. People who got their jobs because they checked boxes, not because they achieved something amazing or accomplished something meaningful. That is now the purpose of our elite universities: to give credentials that signal fake merit rather than rely on real excellence.

    This is why you should mock the public health experts who want you to mask toddlers in their schools to stop the spread of a respiratory virus. These public health experts are not smart or accomplished. They have a credential from an institution that cares more about box-checking than merit.

    This is why you should ignore the economists who tell you that mass migration raises the wages of the working class or has no effect on housing prices, even though I’ve heard from multiple corporate leaders that they want more immigration in order to pay their workers lower wages. These economists are not smart or accomplished. They have a credential from an institution that cares more about box-checking than merit.

    This is why you should laugh at the foreign policy experts who will tell you that we should allow East Asia to make all of our steel, phones, and pharmaceuticals while sending all of our weapons to a war in Eastern Europe that has little to do with our core national interests. These foreign policy experts are not smart or accomplished. They have a credential from an institution that cares more about box-checking than merit.

    The real story of Harvard is not Claudine Gay's firing but this: you are ruled by thousands of people who are just as mediocre. Their power relies on tax advantages from the federal government, a DEI bureaucracy backed by Joe Biden's Department of Justice, and the implicit consent of millions of Americans.

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    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  16. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    re: school copycat shooting that happened this week

    Turns out that the shooter was mentally ill. Understand that marginal people are very easily influenced by what they read and see in the mass media.

    "Suspected Iowa school shooter's digital footprint indicates his was possibly yet another trans rampage"

    Begin quote

    Students returning to school for their second semester in the small town of Perry, Iowa, were met Thursday morning with gunfire and bloodshed. The suspect responsible for ushering in the new year with senseless violence appears to have been yet another butcher captive to trans ideology.

    According to authorities, the 17-year-old suspect, a student at the school, stalked the halls of Perry Middle and High School Thursday morning armed with a pump-action shotgun, a homemade bomb, and a small-caliber handgun. He began opening fire on children and staff around 7:47 a.m., before the start of classes.

    The suspect murdered a sixth-grader from Perry Middle School and injured five others, four of whom were students. The fifth victim was identified by the school district as the school's principal, Dan Marburger.

    An archived version of the suspect's TikTok account reveals his bio was limited to an LGBT activist flag emoji. Extra to stating "he/they" pronouns on social media and allegedly engaging with other LGBT activists about transgenderism, the suspect also appears to used the hashtag "genderfluid" and posted, "love your trans kids."

    In one of the suspect's alleged Reddit posts, he noted he was being held back from beginning the sex-change process because he didn't "want to look ugly."

    While acknowledging that the shooter may have been trans, leftists have rushed to downplay the relevance as well as the corresponding trend.

    The 26-year-old behind the Sept. 20, 2018, mass shooting outside a Rite Aid distribution center in Aberdeen, Maryland, was a transvestite who had reportedly been receiving hormone therapy and planning to get a sex change operation.

    The woman behind the 2019 STEM School Highlands Ranch mass shooting in Colorado was also a transvestite transitioning at the time she took aim at unarmed students.

    The lawyers for the man behind the November 2022 massacre at a non-straight nightclub in Colorado Springs, which left five dead and 25 injured, indicated he identified as non-binary, reported Newsweek.

    The female LGBT activist who shot up a Christian elementary school in Nashville last March, killing three children and three adults, was another transvestite who identified as a man.

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    TMT Tactical likes this.
  17. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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  18. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  19. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Things are breaking down so quickly that the police can't keep up with the mayhem.

    "Affluent teen street gang ‘Gilbert’s Goons’ busted in string of caught-on-video attacks on high schoolers"

    "Members of an affluent Arizona gang known as the “Gilbert Goons” were arrested last week in connection to a string of violent caught-on-video attacks on teenagers.

    "The so-called 'Gilbert Goons' have terrorized the community for over a year, and are reportedly involved in the Oct. 28 fatal beating of Preston Lord, a 16-year-old killed during a Halloween party.

    "Cellphone footage of that beating shows a group of attackers circling the victim, taking turns hitting and knocking the boy over as he attempts to escape."

    Surrender your guns to the government. The police will protect you.

    More on the Gilbert Goons ...

    "The story went viral after local teen Preston Lord was beat to death outside a house party in October. Or more accurately, it went viral about six weeks after that, when the Republic started connecting the dots between that murder and a string of local assaults — dots that the police hadn’t bothered to connect.

    "All the teens in Gilbert seemingly knew what happened — the Goons had attacked Lord, as they had attacked so many others, parents and kids told the Republic [the Arizona Republic newspaper; subscription only to read].

    "The influential parents of Gilbert were terrified for their kids’ safety and started doing some social media sleuthing connecting the various attacks, identifying the culprits and collecting evidence. It wasn’t that hard — being teenage idiots, the Goons filmed their assaults and bragged about them online. The Republic’s Elena Santa Cruz and Robert Anglen also tracked them online, publishing an extensive exposé in mid-December, complete with video clips and even a hauntingly blasé Snapchat message purportedly posted by a Goon.

    "I hit a kid and this kid feel hit his head and then they kicked his head in the ground then i got word he died so idk," the post read, per the Republic.

    "Not only had police not made any arrests in the homicide at that point, they hadn’t even connected the case to the rash of teenage assaults and fights that had become a pretty regular occurrence at the local In-N-Out Burger or the gang behind the assaults.

    "It’s important to note that there are two police departments in question here: the Gilbert Police Department and the police department in neighboring Queen Creek. Neither seemingly handled the situation flawlessly.

    " 'In Queen Creek, where Lord was killed, police were called out to break up the party Lord was at just about an hour before he was attacked. They essentially drove past and said they didn’t see anyone actively breaking the law even though there were reportedly 200 teens there, many uninvited.'

    " ' In Gilbert, residents had been complaining for more than a year about the same group of kids launching random attacks on other teens, often at the same In-N-Out. The police department had closed several unsolved investigations into random attacks before reopening them after the Republic’s investigation.

    "A few hours after the Republic published its report connecting Lord’s death to the Goons’ string of unprovoked attacks, Gilbert Police Chief Michael Soelberg put out a statement saying the department hadn’t heard of the Goons.

    "That quickly changed. Suddenly, the Gilbert PD was hot on the trail of the Goons, reopening old cases and starting new ones as more victims came forward. They’re investigating whether members can be charged as a street gang, which would mean stiffer penalties and the ability to charge those who facilitated the assaults, rather than just those who dealt the blows."

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    TMT Tactical likes this.
  20. Blitz

    Blitz Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    The crime rate in QLD major cities is awful. There's a massive uproar due to youth gangs breaking into people's homes, usually armed with knives and machetes, stealing from houses but also stealing cars. It's become the norm.

    It's nothing like that out in the boon sticks. When I went to the shop yesterday, as I was getting back in my car, some bloke in a very nice 4WD didn't even bother to turn off his engine (no doubt so the air con would keep the car cool for when he got back into it).

    I never lock anything where I am. I can't even remember where the keys for the cabin are. When I go to the shops, I leave all the windows open and quite often will put the rear hatchback up if I have the hound in the vehicle, so there's adequate airflow.

    I imagine that's the same sort of scenario in the US, and the UK for that matter, in rural areas?
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  21. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    The crime rate in London is 20% higher than the national average, thats to be expected as the capital has the highest population (9.6 Million), it also has the highest ethnic population in the country, several boroughs have a non British majority population.
    by comparison my (rural) area is 99.99% British English and the crime rate is virtually nil, what crime there are is of the "domestic" variety and the odd anti social behaviour, this place is like a ghost town during working hours and at weekends and is so quiet.
    TMT Tactical, Blitz and watcherchris like this.
  22. Blitz

    Blitz Legendary Survivalist

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    Oh my God. That is awful! And totally disgusting. Imagine having to deal with this shite (literally!)
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  23. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I see Trump has won by a huge majority in Iowa, I expect the Biden administration will bring even more court cases against him now.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  24. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I had not heard that lonewolf...about Trump and Iowa...and tend to agree...

    This is going to be a maddening year.....maddening!!!

    I reckon I am just not interested in circus antics...and this stuff is degenerating into circus antics...desperation.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  25. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    Trump won by 51%, DeSantis came in second on 21%.
    Biden just insulted half the country.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  26. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Political conflicts in the former USA are hot and could soon result in loss of life.

    Already, transformers of power stations are being targeted for sabotage. One can imagine a slew of other infrastructure targets that could be hit by those wanting to attack the government. A direct civil war on battlefields are impossible, but sabotage and assassinations are available to guerrilla fighters.

    "Another North Carolina power substation was damaged by gunfire"

    "A North Carolina power substation was damaged by gunfire early Tuesday in the third known power substation shooting in the state since early December.

    "Crews responded to an alarm at the substation in the city of Thomasville, southwest of Greensboro, where they discovered the substation transformer was struck by an "apparent gunshot," the electricity provider EnergyUnited said in a statement.

    "The FBI and North Carolina State Bureau of Investigations were notified and the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force is conducting its own investigation, the sheriff's office said.

    "In early December, two power substations in neighboring Moore County were damaged by gunfire on the same night, knocking out power for tens of thousands of residents for multiple days.

    "Four power substations in Washington state were damaged by attacks on Christmas Day. Between mid-November and Dec. 8, at least six other attacks occurred on substations in Oregon and Washington."


    "Maryland woman, Florida man plotted to attack Baltimore's power grid, feds say"

    Begin quote

    BALTIMORE — In what federal authorities are calling a case of "domestic violent extremists," authorities on Monday announced charges in connection with an alleged plot to destroy energy facilities in Maryland.

    Sarah Beth Clendaniel, of Catonsville, and Brandon Clint Russell, of Orlando, Florida, are charged with conspiracy to destroy an energy facility, the U.S. Attorney's Office for Maryland announced Monday.

    According to an FBI affidavit obtained by 11 News, Clendaniel conspired with Russell, an alleged neo-Nazi leader, to secure a firearm and "put holes" through transformers at five energy substations that serve the Baltimore area.

    Russell is a former Florida National Guardsman and a founder of the neo-Nazi group, Atomwaffen.

    According to federal court documents, Clendaniel has a terminal illness related to her kidneys and is unlikely to live more than a few months.

    The criminal complaint said Clendaniel is a convicted felon and cannot legally purchase a rifle. The complaint states that on Jan. 14, Clendaniel asked the FBI source to get a rifle for her because she wanted "to accomplish something worthwhile before her death and wanted the rifle within the next couple of weeks to accomplish as much as possible before June at the latest."

    Maryland Gov. Wes Moore released a statement Monday afternoon, saying: "I want to commend the FBI and our state homeland security team for their swift action in preventing a potentially catastrophic attack on several of Maryland's electrical substations. Our state and local law enforcement authorities are working in partnership with the FBI to assist with any follow-up investigative work they need. This collaborative effort is vital to protecting critical infrastructure across Maryland, and I'm grateful to the men and women protecting our state."

    End quote


    Seems these National Socialists (NAZI party members) are going to be a perpetual problem. I don't get it. I get it from a psychology point of view, sure; there's an innumerable number of crazies out there. However, I don't get the NAZI appeal thingy. Hitler showed his @$$ and got his country nearly annihilated. That's not something to which one can look up to. That's beneath pathetic.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  27. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    Shooting up power stations in the USA in nothing new, I remember reports of a similar event many years ago.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  28. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    --- There is a huge difference between the prepared and the un-prepared this morning , especially noticeable in the North western portion of the United States .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  29. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "SHAPIRO: The Left’s favorite lie: widespread white-on-black violence "

    Begin quote

    Last week, a 16-year-old boy named Ralph Yarl — black — accidentally rang the doorbell of an 84-year-old white man, Andrew Lester. According to reports, Lester then shot Yarl twice through the door, wounding him in the head and the arm. According to Clay County prosecutor Zachary Thompson, “I can tell you there was a racial component.”

    This fact pattern immediately sent the salivary glands of the media and the Biden administration into overdrive. Drooling with excitement, the media headlined the Yarl shooting for days; President Joe Biden himself immediately invited Yarl, who survived, to the White House.

    The reason for the journalistic and political feeding frenzy is clear: For the political Left, the narrative of white supremacy must be maintained. What’s more, shocking examples of that narrative must be found. Yarl’s shooting fit the bill. Americans are supposed to believe, as Yarl’s attorney put it, that “blackness is under attack.”

    This is a lie. Not only is it a lie, it is a blatantly idiotic and devastatingly counterproductive lie. That lie provides the impetus toward undercutting police presence in high-crime areas; it provides the basis for racially discriminatory governmental policies; it provides the foundation for the argument that all disparities between the races are the result of white discrimination.

    The truth is far more troubling: In America, while most violent crime is intra-racial (white on white or black on black, for example), in cases in which blacks and whites have violent interaction, blacks are overwhelmingly the perpetrators, not the victims.

    In 2019, for example, 3,299 white Americans were murdered; 566, or 17%, were killed by black perpetrators. That same year, 2,906 black Americans were murdered; 246, or 8%, were killed by white perpetrators. Adjusted for population size — there are far more whites in America (235 million) than blacks (47 million) — this means that approximately one out of every million white Americans killed a black person in 2019, while 12 out of every million black Americans killed a white person.

    Such numbers are reflective of a norm: every year from 2001 on, the number of black-on-white killings has approximately doubled the number of white-on-black killings. When it comes to violent crime generally, the same sad truth applies. In 2019, there were 562,550 reported violent black/white incidents. 472,570 were black on white — 84%.

    The media routinely ignore these facts, since they don’t fit the narrative. In fact, the media have a general tendency not to even mention the race of perpetrators of crimes if those perpetrators are black. The people harmed most by this narrative failure are not white Americans, but black Americans, who are predominantly the victims of black crime.

    End quote
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  30. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    We here in the USSA have had well over 100 fires at food processing plants. Almost all have been at meat production facilities, ranches, chicken farms, and hog farms. These aren't just "large fires", these are monster infernos. Tens of thousands of animals have been killed.

    Now here is yet another "accidental" explosion and fire (looks like we may hit the count of 150 such deadly infernos):

    "Major Texas Chicken Farm Destroyed by Massive Explosion & Fire"

    "A huge explosion has triggered a massive fire at a major chicken farm in Texas, according to reports.

    "Early reports indicate that the Feather Crest Farms in Bryan, Texas may have been completely destroyed by the incident.

    "Numerous fire departments have been battling the blaze.

    "The fire continues to rage on the south end of the plant near Democrat Road."



    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      By the by, major media outlets have stories stating that anybody seeing a pattern to these 100+ fires at food processing plants is a conspiracy nut. If you use the globalist-run web search engine Google, you will get, first up, around 10 news articles trying to say that "all is normal" and that if you see a pattern, then you are abnormal.
      Old Geezer, Jan 30, 2024
      watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  31. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Amerika's "best and brightest"!

    "NYC Gifted and Talented students arrested in horrific, caught-on-video bus beatdown: ‘Weirdo shoulda died’ "

    Begin quote

    Ten middle schoolers were arrested for allegedly assaulting a Coney Island classmate in a brutal, caught-on-video bus beatdown.

    The victim — who one fellow student later callously declared “deserved it” and “shoulda died” — could be heard shrieking in pain as a pack of kids collectively rained punches on him in the Jan. 26 incident, footage shared with The Post and posted on social media show.

    The boy can be seen trying to protect his head from the relentless fists while he’s passed down the aisle by his attackers on an MTA shuttle bus, which brings kids from Mark Twain IS 239 for the Gifted and Talented to the Stillwell Avenue subway station.

    Kids can be seen with their phones out, filming the madness, while others are standing on seats and hanging from the railings.

    The victim “f—ing deserved that he’s a f—ing weirdo and he shoulda died,” according to a chilling caption on an image posted to Snapchat showing two of the handcuffed students.

    “Free them!!,” it adds, referring to the cuffed kids.

    End quote

    Here is the video. The sound defaults to MUTE, so you'll have to click on that button to hear the recorded sound.

    The video shows these young geniuses exhibiting one of their talents:
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  32. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    About what is happening in Washington DC....with our Ishmaelite Government...

    I noted this article of recent.... - Digital Newspaper & Magazine Subscriptions

    To show you how demonism is often a 180 degree flip flop of what really happened and who is doing it.

    It is also often a manufacturing of bad guys for political/social lucre...profit...for someone ..or some group.

    This is called "The Revenge Presidency" if Trump makes it back into office...

    Notice something here historically...for those who remember....what happened when Biden took office in January of 2021.

    He immediately signed a stack of orders reversing so much of what Trump did during Trump's Presidency. I still remember seeing the stack of orders on his desk which Biden signed on his first day.

    The things which benefited the American People and businesses....were reversed for the benefit of certain groups and or contributors....not the American People.

    This is my source for often saying we now have a non representative government.

    The Democrats or whomever or whatever is running this Administrations puppet strings are themselves the Revenge Presidency.

    When one has so little ability to lead for the American People ...and their benefit...liberties and have to mis lead by manufacturing bad keep and maintain power in the minds of gullible Television and or movie trained people.

    And that is exactly the MO of the Biden Administration.....manufacturng bad keep and maintain power....while calling any opposition ...Nazis or worse...
    It does get tiring...and makes me think of Drama Queens....predators....emotional social predators.

    This is how an Ishmaelite works....demonism...180 degree flip flop....while they do the very thing of which they try to label/mis label others. Palestine, Ohio should have cleared this up for us. America last...

    Be warned these both political parties..

    To me...many ..many of the Republicans are only Democrat Lite....Ishmaelites...not the product advertised.
    But they have to make it look like a real opposition party....dialectic .....

    Here is an important clue as to why there seems to be so much chaos run amok around the country...

    Be Warned these Ishmaelites in both political parties..

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  33. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    I see Biden has resorted to using foul language to describe Trump and the Israeli Prime Minister, and probably a few others, not a good look for the alleged Leader of the Free World.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      Biden is a career politician. He has always been a vulgar mean alcoholic. Now he's just another senile old sh##. When his handlers haven't drugged him up enough to appear in public, he's likely wearing diapers and has to have his chin wiped. Serves him right. People like him should have never been born.
      Old Geezer, Feb 7, 2024
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  34. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    it seems Michelle Obama is "terrified" of a Trump second term and is trying to gain enough support to run, just what American needs another Obama in the WH!!!!! not.
    meanwhile Biden talks gibberish in his latest speech, calls Hamas the opposition because he cant remember their name.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  35. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Biden shouts at reporters, confuses Mexico with Egypt as he defends mental competence"

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  36. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    undefensible. he's obviously suffering from memory loss , a lot of elderly people can remember what they did 50 years ago but not what they did last week.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  37. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    it is being said that if Biden is not fit enough mentally to be charged let alone taken to court (for keeping official documents in his garage) then he is not mentally fit enough to be President.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  38. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Biden is a puppet. Barack Obamaramadoodidlywhatever was a puppet.

    When it hits the fan, the self-sufficient will take-out the trash. Might makes right. When there is no "money" to pay the government goons, then it will be the citizen riflemen who will restore order.

    Who are they who can grow their own food?! Who is it that can drop their enemies?! Who digs the coal and pumps the oil?! Who builds and maintains the power plants?! Who is it that can cut the roads, cut the railroad lines, who can destroy the power grids that sustain the fragile urban areas?! Who are those that constitute the backbone of the combat military?! Weakness = annihilation.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  39. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    we all know Biden is a puppet but he's a puppet that should not be anywhere near a microphone, he is just embarrassing.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  40. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    0 is happening...the curtain is coming down and people are seeing behind it.

    What took so long?????

    Or is this a plan by someone drop the curtain and further manipulate the election process or larger goals???

    Not an Ishmaelite.
  41. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Stabbed in the Back: Biden Aide tells Muslims No ‘Confidence’ in Israeli Government"

    Begin quote

    A senior aide to President Joe Biden told Arab- and Muslim-Americans in Dearborn, Michigan, this week that the administration had no “confidence” in Israel’s government to agree to a Palestinian state, and that the U.S. had regrets about the war in Gaza.

    Dearborn has been a hotbed of radicalism and open support for the Hamas terrorists who launched the war with a brutal attack October 7 that killed roughly 1,200 Israelis. But Arab- and Muslim-American votes are important in the swing state of Michigan.

    Therefore the Biden campaign and the Biden administration — blurring the line between partisan politics and foreign policy that it pretends to uphold elsewhere — have tried to appease Arab and Muslim voters in Michigan with increasingly anti-Israel stances.

    The New York Times reported Friday that Jon Finer, the Deputy National Security Advisor to President Biden, was sent to meet leaders in Dearborn.

    During the meeting on Thursday with Arab American political leaders in Dearborn, Mich., Mr. Finer said, “We are very well aware that we have missteps in the course of responding to this crisis since Oct. 7,” according to a recording of the gathering obtained by The New York Times. A National Security Council official confirmed the recording was authentic.

    “We will have to do things for Saudi Arabia that will be very unpopular in this country and in our Congress,” Mr. Finer said. “Will Israel be willing to do the hard thing that’s going to be required of them, which is meaningful steps for the Palestinians on the question of two states? I don’t know if the answer to that is yes. I do not have any confidence in this current government of Israel.”

    The Biden administration is pushing for a Palestinian state as an outcome of the war — a stance that would reward Hamas terror, and that alarms Israelis, who have shifted dramatically from supporting a Palestinian state ten years ago to opposing one today.

    Israelis have also been shocked by recent criticism from Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Biden said Thursday that Israel’s response to Hamas had been “over the top,” and Blinken said Wednesday Israel had been “dehumaniz[ing]” Palestinians.

    The Biden administration has been reluctant to tell Arab- and Muslim-American voters that their support for Hamas against Israel is contrary to American interests and values, and that it helps to prolong the conflict by encouraging Palestinian terror.

    End quote


    Immigrants pushing native-born American workers aside

    "Propaganda Wars Begin: Illegal Immigration Will Boost US GDP By $7 Trillion"

    "One month ago we asked a simple question: at a time when the Biden admin is breathlessly taking credit for a quote-unquote 'strong' job market, how is it not the biggest political talking point right now that since October 2019, native-born US workers have lost 1.4 million jobs; while over the same period foreign-born workers have gained 3 million jobs.

    "A few weeks later, when the grotesque and ridiculous January jobs report hit, we reran the analysis to find something even more jarring. Not only were all job gains in the past year entirely thanks to part-time workers, but native-born workers plunged by a another whopping 560 thousand, bringing the two-month total drop to just under 2 million. This meant that not only has all job creation in the past 4 years been exclusively for foreign-born workers, but there has been zero job-creation for native-born American workers since July 2018 (don't believe us? go ahead and check the data directly from the Fed)."

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  42. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Been waiting for the Biden Administration/Obama Administration to come out with their real agenda..

    Figured this was coming......get ready for the Sampson Option down the road.....

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    Old Geezer and TMT Tactical like this.
  43. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Behind the scenes, the Democrats are in a panic. They are not simply concerned, no no no. The bad thing about panic is that it leads to irrational decisions. "Fight or flight"? They are not going to run away. They are going to go aggressive.

    Like you, I too believe that they will resort to horrific means to accomplish their globalist agenda. Whoever the cabal is that's currently running the White House sure do have the means at their disposal to do great harm to this nation and shut down the coming November national election. If you can't win it, then you can make it go away. What will that take?! War, civil disorder/chaos, ... any excuse to declare martial law. Looks to me like they are trying to start a war. The war in Ukraine could be sent into turbo mode by poking Russia with a sharp stick. The Leftists have already gotten us into a conflict that is none of our business. Why should we fight for Eastern Europe! Truth be told, why should we fight for Western Europe! They hate us. Expanding NATO, what a stupid thing to do! Russia bit off more than it could chew when the Kremlin attacked pathetic Ukraine.

    George Washington told us to NEVER get involved in European affairs. Holy crap, was he ever prescient!

    I see 2024 as a year when SHTF events -- plural -- will certainly happen here in the U.S. and likely around the world.

    Yesterday, I filled up the truck and also filled my 5 gal. gas cans. We mostly drive the little rice-rocket car due to it being very easy on using fuel. Me retiring massively slashed our fuel costs. With reserve tanks in the trunk, me keeping the speed down, that little car could get us 875 miles down the road (1,400 klicks). The truck sure couldn't do that, but it being a 4x4, I could cut off the main highways and use unpaved roads / mountain roads / logging roads / non-roads. I've tested its 4x4 capability and that works just fine. I've mapped the off-roads to take when the highways get jammed. Too, with the truck, I could haul several reserve gas containers, survival whatevers, and goods with which to barter.

    It's only 350 miles to my old stomping grounds, my own people. I'm with my own culture here; however, this place is not home home. I'd like to link-up with a son living further South. He has friends down there (they are very able-bodied and not an old cripple like me). They are a rough crew and know how to fight and have zero compunctions about engaging in such. I can bring them more guns and ammo for their restocking purposes, should it come to that (hope it doesn't). Truth be told, if I die, so what! I want to make my own people, young people, stronger. That's my survival goal -- enabling younger generations to survive. Me, I'm dead. Were I to have to fight to the death, it wouldn't mean anything on my side of the equation. My people would have only lost one old cripple = not much. Too, getting shot dead beats the dickens out of dying of some sort of protracted disorder. I've lots of friends and family on the other side. It would be great to join up with them. They've visited me in dreams (sometimes showing me future events that did indeed come true). So me visiting them permanently is not that much skin off my teeth. Going to be going there anyway. I don't have years and years here, that's for sure.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  44. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    My personal opinion is that the Muslims and Israel are being someone bigger than they ...on a world keep and maintain a dialectic....and towards a private goal.

    That I am historically aware ...the Muslims have been played by the world powers in the West since the 1800s....for power and control by the British Merchant Empire...The Crown/The City....and continue to so be today.

    But this Mix has been changed since the founding of the nation today called Israel.

    And as some level...I believe the Muslims and Israel are both being played by the Globalists ...for more world power and control....

    And like manner to how someone or some group out there tries to continue the same good cop/bad cop dialectic between Russia and the United States.

    The Internationalist Deep State/One Worlders need such Dischord...such dialectic to aid their goals.

    l am suspecting that Israel is getting tired and disgusted with this Fixed/Rigged system and the October 7 Attacks seriously brought this home to them.....but this is being kept out of the knowledge of Most Americans.

    In like manner ..I believe many many more Americans are catching on to the rigged system between two phony political parties...the Republicans and the Democrats....

    I am hearing that today even many minorities are becoming disgusted with the Democrat party and that it has done nothing for them but steal their votes. This gratifies me...but a very very careful of the Republicans as well. For I believe that at some level they are both globalist one world internationally controlled. They are America last when so instructed to do by their masters. The Novus Ordo Seclorum.

    I am suspecting that Israel may be rebelling against world globalist control I believe are Trump and Putin both. I also believe that this is being carefully covered up in the phony rigged news media as well as public education....all for political capital in maintaining the herd.

    For these above reasons...I believe there will be much chaos and discord between now and the coming Presidential election....for the Globalist One Worlders cannot afford to lose the control for which they have worked so long and hard and in secret to maintain.

    That I can tell this struggle for World Dominance goes back into Antiquity...but has taken it's more modern form witht The City...the Crown Merchants out of Olde London...since the loss of the Spanish Armada..

    Occult Theorcracy..

    By Edith Starr Miller.. Occult Theocrasy: Vol. 1: 9781442161733: Miller (Lady Queenborough), Edith Starr: Books Occult Theocrasy, Vol. 2: 9781442162648: Edith Starr Miller: Books


    Secret Societies and Subversive Movements: Webster, Nesta H.: 9781466271852: Books

    Others throughout the centuries have arisen to challenge this world dominance...such as Napolean....such as the Kaisers.....the Japanese....the GErmans.....and today others....or to break away from this control...this yoke....resulting in one conflict after another after another....some small...some large..but the same struggle.

    But this is not how it is presented in our news and or education systems. is all Ishmaelites....and Ishmaelite run.

    I believe that China may be rebelling itself against this rigged system and like the Japanese.....before them...seeking to build their own trade empire.....and for their own reasons...

    And so too did the French under Napolean....the Germans under the Kaiser...then under Hitler....the Japanese.....and on an on an on...

    Thus China seeks closer ties to Russia.

    Not how it is being explained to us here in we have more good cop/bad cop.

    Just my non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  45. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    more like the Muslims are being played by Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis etc.etc.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  46. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    Negative lonewolf......

    I remember way back when the Shah of Iran made a statement out front in an Interview with an American news company and it was broadcast nationwide here. He said, when asked back then, what he thought about oil shortage then ongoing......

    The Shah stated in the interview that there was no oil shortage going on and laughed...

    The people interviewing him were were most Americans who watched the interview.

    Shortly after that the Shah of Iran was overthrown in a revolution and the radical Muslims brought in from Paris, France to replace him with todays remnants of those radicals who overthrew the Shah.

    I believe that this overthrow was a deep state overthrow of the Shah for getting off script and believing he was a real world class leader on the big stage...

    I believe someone today is still playing the Muslims for all they can get...even up to the Middle East Wars....and Saddam Hussein....he too thought he was big enough to operate independently....he too got off script.

    Someone in the West also played Muammar Gaddafi...unto his death when He was working very hard to benefit Libya.....and improve conditions he too got off script though he tried to keep low key.....
    His sin against the globalists was that he was trying and succeeding in benefiting Libya...amassing a large amount of gold...and also drilling huge water wells and resoviors...water wells...not oil....

    Much worse....much much worse...and more dangerous.....he was working to teach the other African Nations to do the same and become independent of the big banks and the Western Powers...a huge huge huge no no in a rigged system.

    Just like President Richard Nixon....who got off too did John F script....these people think they are real Presidents as did Abraham Lincoln.....William al.

    And I think today that someone is playing the Israelis...and it will intensify....mayhap unto the Sampson Option..

    I think that Bebe Netanyahu knows this...but cannot publicly so declare the truth...

    For many of our leaders....are under a dual oath system.....a public oath for which most of us know..but in secret ....another oath....for which most do not know even exists....and are forbidden to publicly speak of it.

    This is Occult...concealed ...never to be spoken about to outsiders not under the same oath..

    Are the members here catching on yet????

    And so too it was with the Shah of Iran....a secret rigged system. And the Shah died never speaking publicly about this...He got cancer rather quickly too.!!! Sound familiar????

    My question is many in the news media and pubic education also know this is going on but are forbidden to tell outsiders that this is happening.??? For they too at the top are also under this secret oath...
    How do I know this ....they are clearly in bed with leadership.

    Someone is continuing to play the Muslims ....just as they are today playing Americans and the same global strategy for control of the whole entire system.....the Novus Ordo Seclorum.....

    The whole global system.

    I also believe someone in this rigged system is trying to play Vladimir they have played so many of our Presidents as they played other world leaders throughout time.

    And in line with this world system...they are trying to play Donald J. Trump in the same manner..

    How do I know this.....why the very same fingerprint........................Good Cop/Bad Cop......again and again and again and again ad nausea. is the pattern of operation which gives it away.

    You members do not have to buy into what I am saying...most certainly ......

    But watch for the patterns....repeating themselves throughout history.

    We who Believe..are told to watch the patterns of things which are in Heaven and here on this earth...and what I am describing is the pattern of things here on this earth.

    For what is happening here on clearly not the pattern of things in Heaven....clearly.

    For the Counterfeiter in this devout and zealous world political religion cannot change his spots..

    For this is a substitution substitute the line of Ishmael for the line of Issac...and this is going on at the highest levels among our leadership on a world wide scale.

    Be Warned these Ishmaelites.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  47. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    I dont know about being played but I think the Muslims are still fighting The Crusades whereas the West moved on long ago.
    TMT Tactical and watcherchris like this.
  48. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    The leadership of the west is still fighting their secret crusade for world domination.....,of resources/manufacturing and also trade routes..and not necessarily with only the Muslims...but with others as well.

    And this is a secret war...a war left primarily undefined to most of us by a constant stream of distractions and deflections.

    This all too often keeps most of us from detecting what the other hand is doing....and they are quite good at it.

    Not an Ishmaelites
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  49. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    well thats the elite for you, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  50. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    --- This video takes us into " Old Geezers " back yard . The last few seconds of the video may drive home to some " the reason we are preppers " .
    TMT Tactical and Old Geezer like this.
    1. Old Geezer
      Thanx much
      Old Geezer, Feb 14, 2024
      TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
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