Collapsing Of The United States

Discussion in 'News, Current Events, and Politics' started by poltiregist, Jun 18, 2020.

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  1. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    She could be a next door neighbor or kin. We are of the exact same culture. My default accent sounds just like her.

    Many rural folk feel as does she -- civilization is ripping apart. Consider that in rural areas, matters are still cohesive. Example: She has a Church community within which she is a member. This is unifying and during horrid times, those people will become a mutual support system. Yet, even in the Heartlands, situations and the behaviors of locals is devolving and rapidly so. The lady in the video is getting a bit overwhelmed emotionally.

    She speaks of helping the homeless. Good on her. When it royally hits the fan however, ALL support communities will be massively overwhelmed. She, her Church, her community will have to "circle the wagons" for themselves. As prepared as they might be; still, they are going to take it in the teeth. She needs to settle her heart.

    I feel for this lady. I would that I could magically lower her anxiety level. Her concerns are profoundly valid, yet anxiety works against you. Dark to say it, but she needs to be less concerned about others and focus more on her family and her own community -- especially her Church. Churches can be a resource center. Such is exceedingly the case with the Latter Day Saint (Mormon) community. LDS members who have been coworkers have let me in on their prepping modalities. They are ready and note also that they are armed.

    Today, I posted a video wherein a sheriff has been put into a positing of having to get his community ready for hard days that are coming when we get hit by terrorists who have invaded our communities. This is an example of what all communities should be preparing for, but not just the focus on terrorist attack scenarios, but all of the crap that is now certain to happen. Communities should be putting back food. Is that happening? No.
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  2. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Gang-bangers act on their urges. They have next to zero impulse control and lack the intelligence to make it in regular society. They are also are given to hyper-aggression. When they begin killing each other, innocents get hurt. Put their infighting in a crowded venue and you get many innocent victims. If one is concerned about American "gun crime", then they should take into consideration that it sure isn't the average populace causing the mayhem.

    "Kansas City Chiefs rally shooting result of 'dispute between several people,' 2 juveniles in custody"

    "Shots were fired at the end of the Chiefs victory parade and rally in downtown Kansas City, Missouri, yesterday.

    "One person was killed and 21 others were shot, including children, officials said. Three of the victims remain in critical condition as of Thursday.

    "Three people are in custody, two of which are juveniles.

    "Officials say they do not believe the motive was terrorism and that the shooting was the result of a 'dispute between several people.' "


    Here are Kansas City rally shooters being taken into custody:

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  3. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    only sheeple go to these sorts of large events usually in large cities and large stadiums, both in the US and UK-Manchester Arena bombing being a case in point, preppers and survivalists should be security minded and stay away from such places, personally there is nothing in a city I want and I have no reason to go there.
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  4. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    I'm utterly unable to abide crowds.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  5. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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  6. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    Beginning in a few hours , Trucker boycott of taking food and anything else into New York City . This is the response of the Communist attack on Donald Trump in the communist Kangaro courts . This could get interesting as their food will run out in about three days , That is if the truckers hold strong and united . Rural people living outside the New York sewer may have to have their firearms ready as the lawless , starving begin to leave the city in search of resources .
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  7. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    would be interesting to watch if it does happen, may give us a glimpse of how the sheeple will react WTSHTF. although I have a good idea how they will react already!!!
  8. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    Donald Trump has now endorsed the trucker boycott of New York City . He calls these boycotting truckers " patriots " .
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  9. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Personally, I myself, wish to see this thing gain ground and affect urbanites who have voted for the servants of Big Brother.

    It is the Will of our Creator that we should show mercy to those who trespass against us; however, there also is the matter of Justice. Are we to kneel before those who deny their station in this life?! Are we to enable those who would oppose the Will of the Creator of all things?!

    Those who know me , know that I will not turn away from Justice. The same is true of all others who are nauseated by the vile acts of those who defecate in their hands and throw their feces towards the Face of God.

    I am not alone. I am not alone to the tune of tens of millions. We are disgusted. We are infuriated.

    Arrogance inevitably circles around and annihilates those who stand proud before their Creator. These daemons may not see it coming. Such is not on me, nor mine.
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  10. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    I do not like New York, New York..or what we know as New York City. Too crude....too crass..too coarse. little to .no gentility as you still find here in the south.

    I do give them credit for one thing...and that is getting up and keeping moving immediately after 9/11 happened.

    I do not know if we could have handled it so in the south had it happened down here..

    My hat is off to them for this.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  11. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Why haven't terrorists hit Wall Street?!

    All they need do is use a dirty bomb. Panic the sheeple.

    Most Amerikans are weak. Many have never fired a gun and those who have, haven't practiced sufficiently, haven't put tens of thousands of rounds downrange during practice sessions. Note that this is also true of police. Many urban police have never fired over a thousand rounds of ammo. The latter reality is beyond pathetic. It's little wonder that urban police "spray and pray". They are not confident and many are afraid during a firefight ... as opposed to instinctively going hyper-violent and neutralizing the enemy. Many cops have never shot and killed animals. This is a dangerous weakness.
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  12. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    --- A high percentage of our members are of the older and wiser variety . As has been discussed before the ability to obtain medicines can mean the difference of survivability . Being able to actually see a doctor can also be a issue . This link try's to put into perspective the situation as of " today " . The situation will only worsen for the remaining portion of this year . It may or may not improve next year .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  13. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    its already happening over here, I havent seen a doctor face to face since before the pandemic, probably at least 5 years, now its all telephone "consultations" or a video call. which is why many people go to the emergency hospital even if "little johnnie" has only a sniffle or a sore throat.
    most medicines arent a problem as the health centres dish them out like candy, all except anti biotics which have been over prescribed in the past and we now have superbugs resistant to antibiotics.
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  14. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    My storage antibiotics came in from the company JASE (

    I was also able to get an arthritis medication through them at a discount price. I want to have extras on this Rx because my arthritis is bad.

    Get your physician to order the max units/day so that you can have reserves when Rx supply lines go intermittent or outright fail. For antibiotics (abbreviated ABX on your med. records) , get several varying types. ABX are specific to pathogen families. Example, the penicillin group are best at attacking the Gram-positive crew of bacteria. Gut bacteria are often Gram-negative anaerobes ... oops! You'll need another class of ABX. This is a classic example of "one size doesn't fit all". If a patient comes in, is in septicemia, and will be dead before blood tests get back, physicians will "shotgun" the unknown pathogenic bact. felons with multiple ABV families. The person will be dead anyway if you don't do something. Antibiotic kits have varying types of agents. The kits have instruction booklets. READ THE DANG BOOKLET!!!!! Ask your doc or other folk if you can contact them. Your doc may want you to take this or that ABX that is in your emergency pack. This is ONLY for when Rx supply lines have been cut.

    Speaking of which, if possible, get to be friends with physicians, nurses, EMTs, Paramedics, veterinarians, ... or anybody whose job it is to fix mammalian bodies. Note: getting to know residents is great ... however, once they complete their residency, they are off to who knows where. I've known innumerable. Where are they now? I may (?) know where three are now ... but that's a big maybe. Farewell! I wish you all a wonderful life !!!!!! May you all save thousands of patient lives!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Humans get hurt. Humans get sick. As we get older, these bad thingies happen more and more often. So it goes.
    poltiregist and TMT Tactical like this.
  15. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    "Drug Shortages"

    Currently there is an environment of drug shortages.

    I'll have to get a bit long-winded here. Multiple things going on.

    First big problem is that China is unintentionally or intentionally slowing supplies of prescription drugs and the precursor chemicals with which Western manufacturers manufacture the pharmaceutical final product medications. This has been occurring for at least one year. Do NOT expect this to go away.

    All Rx supply lines are controlled by massively large and massively complex computer systems. Their central servers must be freaking HUGE. Add to this, there are multiple of these supply systems using multiple delivery companies. It's very easy to see massive digital train-wrecks happening. On top of this. Multiple hacking attempts happen to them PER DAY. No joke, it's per day ... say 3 out of Eastern Europe ... or, 5x out of communist China. These systems have very robust firewalls; however, there are limits to all protection modalities.

    I had one med made by one company. Uh-oh! Got my phys. to write my Rx for, like, double what I normally took. He too was a survival kind of guy, ex-military, plus his religious beliefs guided him. Short story, he knew that it was going to hit the fan worldwide. Over time, I had stored bunches of this med in our refrigerator. Guess what happened. Yep, boom!, the company stopped making it for a period of over one year. Zero production. China precursor problem? Who knows! Company eventually went back into production. But I had my meds, plus I got a similar chem agent / med. / Rx. Doing these things got me through that production gap.

    Another Rx I'd been taking forever, one that is taken by millions of Americans wasn't available to one pharmacy chain I use. So, I called another and found that they too were having trouble getting it. This happened two years ago.

    Now I have a backup antibiotic Rx kit. One contained in this ABX package got me through a BAD bout of bronchitis last winter. Of course, I got that Rx at the pharmacy. I didn't have a backup kit at that time. Do now!

    If the current shortages turn out to not be major in your region, DO expect major disruptions in the future, the near future.

    Our current bumbling / catastrophically stupid presidency (whoever they are) has gotten us into heated conflicts with both China and Russia. At the very least, expect continued hacking to happen to major infrastructure concerns. Medical facilities are not exempt from attacks.

    Actually, expect MUCH GREATER levels of hacking.

    This year, 2024, is going to be a terrible year. Catastrophic events could too-easily occur. Even for preppers, this year and next (if we make it to 2025) are going to be beyond dark.

    Whatever you have to do to acquire the preps you need, just do it. If it's mean or dark, don't tell anyone. Certainly, don't tell me. I know nothing!

    Last edited: Feb 28, 2024
    poltiregist and TMT Tactical like this.
  16. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    Biden has just avoided a cognitive test because the WH says he dosent need one, seems like the WH staff need a cognitive test if they cant see what the rest of the world can.
    TMT Tactical and watcherchris like this.
  17. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    This is how Ishmaelites too often work....

    A standard for them and another standard for the rest of the herd. A double standard.

    This is also a definition of Royalty....the very system the Founders here did not want....knowing too much about European History going back to ancient Rome and Greece.

    I also suspect that many many Americans are becoming aware of this kind of royalty/double standard at work....though I also believe many cannot sufficiently vocalize it. They do know something is very very wrong with what is going on in and amongst leadership in this country.

    Be warned these Ishmaelites....especially in positions of power.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    Last edited: Feb 29, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  18. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    Biden isnt royalty far from it.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. TMT Tactical
      He thinks he is "POLITICAL" royalty.
      TMT Tactical, Feb 29, 2024
  19. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    agree with

    Biden and his group are puppets...front people ...there to hide and protect the real royalty running this country and the world........for private reasons.

    This is also true of most leaders throughout this world... ....put there by the real royalty...

    One of the British PM's was to so state in their writings....many many years the effect that the real leaders of a country are not people for whom you have ever heard of their names.....and they work hard to keep it so.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  20. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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  21. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    The rapist biden administration doesn't care about migrant missing children.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  22. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    "Wow...I just found this on Breitbart News...
    "MSNBC's Wallace: If Trump Is Elected, America Will Be 'Threat to the World Order' (
    "Ishmaelites run wild.....America last..


    Trump would be a threat to the New World Order oligarchs and control freaks who wish to snuff-out Liberty amongst the people of this planet.

    Trump was no threat to world order in his first administration. He appointed some conservative and military hawks to positions where they began operating behind Trump's back to support covert CIA operations that did do harm to world order. One hopes that in his second term that he will be more careful about those who he appoints to agencies who could wield too much power. Another hope would be that Trump would gut the federal government of agencies that should have never existed in the first place.

    America getting involved in the business of countries all across this planet must be mightily reduced.

    Trump says that he will do everything in his power to end the debacle in Ukraine. Ending the support of the ruling nut-cases in Kyiv would be a great start. Doing this would greatly increase world security.
    poltiregist and TMT Tactical like this.
  23. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Promises, promises.

    If the following idiots want to move out of America, then they should start a "Go Fund Me" account. I'll contribute.

    "Media’s Donald Trump Panic Pushes Liberals to Emigrate"

    Begin quote

    A growing number of Americans are getting ready to emigrate as former President Donald Trump zig-zags back toward the White House, an American journalist [Paul Strobin] who owns an apartment in central Italy said.

    “Trump has signaled that in a second presidential term, he would further escalate his war on blue America,” wrote pro-migration author Ron Brownstein in the January/February issue.

    “Returning Trump to the presidency would reopen wounds that have barely healed in the [illegal migrant] communities he has said he would target immediately,” fretted author Caitlin Dickerson.

    “He doesn’t just want to surveil, miseducate, and repress children who are exploring their emerging [transgender] identities,” worried Spencer Kornhaber. “He wants to interfere in the private lives of millions of adults, revoking freedoms that any pluralistic society should protect.”

    Progressives at major media outlets will twist the anti-Trump message far above 11 during the next few months.

    End quote
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  24. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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  25. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    0 far we have leadership.....

    Biden holds meeting with actors to prep for State of the Union (

    Joe Biden Gets SOTU Prep Advice From 5 Celeb 'Presidents' | HuffPost Latest News

    Sounds to me like Biden should fire many of his advisors if he has to act Presidential......or get advice from about scraping the bottom of the barrel.

    Leadership is not an acting is leadership....and people who have put their lives and safety on the line for their monies...recognize quickly real leadership.....skills, and or knowledge. And these people know it is not an act.
    Are these people in Washington DC and the beltway ...that intrinsically stupid.????

    It reminds me of a movie years ago.....something about a submarine off the coast of Kalifornia with Japanese sailors on night and one of the sailors is saying....."Hollywoooooooooooooooooooood."

    As if this sailor was in the presence of was so comical. Satire of course..!!

    I would not trust Hollywood to feed my pets.... Come to think of it.....I would not trust most of what passes for leadership today to feed my pets as well.

    But you members decide for yourselves and for your own reasons.....

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  26. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    As many will remember, Trump during his first term as US President reinstated the enslavement of black Americans, had Hispanics machine-gunned, filled detention centers with millions of registered Democrats, invaded Canada, bombed China using nuclear warheads, had abortionists murdered by his black-shirt goons, ... on and on. It was all just unimaginably terrible so him getting back in will likely see him have a "Back to Africa" movement as did President Abraham Lincoln ... and worse ... much, much worse.


    "When Abraham Lincoln Tried to Resettle Free Black Americans in the Caribbean"

    Begin quote

    On the night of December 31, 1862, a day before he issued the final Emancipation Proclamation to effectively end slavery in America, President Abraham Lincoln signed a contract with Bernard Kock, an entrepreneur and Florida cotton planter. Their agreement: to use federal funds to relocate 5,000 formerly enslaved people from the United States to Île à Vache (“Cow Island”), a small, 20-square-mile island off the southwestern coast of Haiti.

    Since the early 1850s, Lincoln had been advancing colonization as a remedy for the gradual emancipation of the nation’s enslaved. While he strongly opposed the institution of slavery, he didn’t believe in racial equality, or that people of different races could successfully integrate. And unleashing nearly 4 million Black people into white American society—North or South—was a political nonstarter. So despite the fact that most Black Americans in the 1850s had been born on U.S. soil, Lincoln advocated shipping them to Central America, the Caribbean or “back” to Africa. “If as the friends of colonization hope…[we] succeed in freeing our land from the dangerous presence of slavery; and, at the same time, in restoring a captive people to their long-lost father-land,” Lincoln said during his eulogy for statesman Henry Clay in 1852, “it will indeed be a glorious consummation.”

    “Lincoln saw colonization as a practical solution to the millions freed by the Emancipation Proclamation,” wrote Jayme Ruth Spencer, a scholar of the Île à Vache effort. “Thus the proclamation would satisfy those who wished for emancipation of the Negro as well as those who feared that the freed slave would overrun the North.”

    On August 14, 1862, Lincoln met at the White House delegation of Black leaders to make his case for the voluntary emigration of African Americans to countries outside the U.S. “Your race suffer from living among us, while ours suffer from your presence… It is better for us both, therefore, to be separated,” Lincoln told the delegation.

    End quote


    Remember, Trump killed hundreds of millions of people -- maybe billions -- when he was first elected president. Elect him again and most likely, he will do it again. BEWARE!!!

    Last edited: Mar 7, 2024
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  27. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    WTF? is this a joke?
    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. TMT Tactical
      Part satire and part history lesson.
      TMT Tactical, Mar 9, 2024
      watcherchris likes this.
  28. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    0 is satire...

    It appears now ...more than ever...leadership in this country ...especially our current crop of leadership needs us massively to the true nature of their lies and deceits.

    Note the nature of the massive lie in this article...for those of us who really know the true nature of inflation/depreciation...

    Buttigieg: Biden Will Continue to Fight Deficit by Raising Taxes (

    Difficult to believe that this individual went to college and thinks he knows something about basic economics...

    This is a person showing their backside...

    Raising Taxes only puts limits on the private economic sector...Work you do for which you get no economic choices.....this is the definition of a tax...

    This also happens to be the definition of inflation/depreciation....a you do for which you get no economic choices.

    Most people do not realize that they are paying two taxes here...when we earn our monies and when we spend them due to increased costs...for goods and services.

    And now these so called intelligent, educated, enlightened....wise men.....leaders want to raise our taxes...again.

    This is in essence a third tax......

    No where in this so called solution do you hear limiting government deficit expenses/money creation out of nothing.

    Remember stupid works.....they need us stupid...and Buttigieg is so demonstrating how stupid they need us to be be verily unawares of how “Fallen” they have become...
    We are not only .....not defending our own borders...but we are defending the Ukraine's borders by further deficit spending here in America....

    We are not only supporting our own government by massive deficit spending.....but.....we are also supporting the Ukrainian government by our own governments massive spending in defending the borders of the Ukraine... With no end in infinitum.

    We are supporting two “Fallen” governments.
    Catching on yet..???

    Are we supposed to be able to think this far without permission from or betters in every and anything.. think I am just bashing democrats am not..

    Notice how the so called conservative Republicans are silent on this????

    I can hear their silence...the Republicans are in on the “Fallen ” deficit scam.
    These phonies in leadership positions.....both political Parties....must limit the private sector....and loosen controls on government....unlimited government...

    This will do nothing to reduce the deficit when government can unlimited ...create more money for the next cause celeb....they will just tax the private sector more and more and more....and lying about the real nature of what is going on economically.

    A fiscally unlimited government is “Absolute Power....Divine Right of Kings.”

    And now this bunch in leadership positions want us to support Illegal Aliens better than they support Americans...

    Catching on yet.???? For that too adds to the deficit.

    Once again...are we supposed to be able to think this far on our own???

    Be Very Very Very warned this type of Ishmaelite in leadership positions.....and their lies.....deceits.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  29. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    all politicians lie, its in their job definition.
    TMT Tactical and watcherchris like this.
  30. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Yeah...but when you see this over and over and over and becomes part of an identifiable religion...a devout and zealous religion at work. Now we are into Demonism....the devout and zealous religion of lies...

    Our coinage says/states on it...."In God We Trust"

    When ...where and why ...did the United States Government switch gods and tell no one they had so done???

    What is the historic name of the father of lies????? By name please????

    Again...are we even supposed to know this...and much much much worse and more dangerous ...teach others to recognize this right in front of us?????

    Want one even deeper than that on the father of lies......ask yourself..a question about our churches and ministers and the father of lies....

    Why are not our ministers teaching us this about these liars...and their relationship with the father of lies.....and particularly among our leadership.???? About the "Fallen" nature of our leadership...both political parties.??? Why too are our ministers silent on this????

    Because most churches have tax numbers.....a tax price support .....on the public purse..

    This makes a mockery out of separation of church and state....

    Again...are we supposed to be able to think this far on our own .....without permission of our of intellect...reason and logic???? Wise men..???

    Be Warned these Ishmaelites in leadership positions....even in our churches..

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  31. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    best to think for ourselves, listening to TPTB telling them what to do, how to behave is what the Sheeple masses do.
  32. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    America's race war has actually already begun.

    "Missouri Teen Arrested After Footage Shows Her Brutally Beating Girl Into A Seizure"

    The first link might work. Watch it now. The third link below has now been wiped by the oligarchy.

    "Police in St Louis, Missouri have arrested a teenage girl after footage emerged of a confrontation showing a savage beating of a student from Hazelwood East High School.

    "The disturbing video shows the girl repeatedly smashing the other student’s head into the concrete while repeatedly calling her a 'bitch,' and then leaving her having a seizure on the ground.

    "A group of students then began an all out brawl before police were called to the scene close to the school this past Friday.

    "The girl reportedly suffered a traumatic brain injury and is listed in critical condition in hospital, while the assailant was arrested on assault charges Saturday, taken to the St. Louis County Family Court and held in custody through to Sunday.

    "Social media content suggests that the victim had been the target of bullying at the school."


    "Another white student beaten brutally by black students. 'This is now an epidemic, possibly even a pandemic.' "

    "BREAKING: A student was beat up by a bunch of thugs in the bathroom in @CUSD200"

    "He was knocked unconscious and suffered a concussion. The perpetrators allegedly only received 2 days suspension.

    "You didn’t hear about this story because it doesn’t fit the narrative."


    "'Punched because they were Jewish': College students recovering after alleged anti-Semitic attack"

    "COLUMBUS, Ohio (WSYX) — Two Ohio college students are recovering after allegedly being assaulted in an anti-Semitic attack.

    " Someone asked him, are you Jewish? He said yes, and then he punched him in the face and broke his nose," program director at the Schottenstein Chabad House Sarah Deitsch said.

    "Deitsch and other Ohio State University Jewish community members at the Chabad House said they woke up to the news of two Jewish students targeted and assaulted near campus early Friday morning.

    " 'We got a call early in the morning from another student letting us know what was going on,' Deitsch said. 'We were devastated. This is a terrible, terrible thing that happened to these college students.'

    "WSYX is not sharing the names of the victims out of respect for the families but did speak to some of their colleagues and friends.

    "Columbus Police said the two victims were leaving a bar when they said they were assaulted by two Middle Eastern males after a verbal altercation occurred."

    Another link to same race crime:


    "Cincinnati man pleads guilty to federal hate crime for assaulting student, feds say"

    Begin quote

    CINCINNATI (WXIX) - A Cincinnati man pleaded guilty Wednesday to committing a federal hate crime by physically assaulting a student based on the student’s race.

    27-year-old Darrin Johnson admitted that he attacked an Asian American victim on Calhoun Street at the University of Cincinnati in August 2021, according to Attorney Kenneth Parker of the Southern District of Ohio,

    Court documents show that during the assault, Johnson made racist comments toward the victim about COVID, such as, “Go back to your country... you brought the kung flu here... you’re going to die for bringing it.”

    Court records also say Johnson threatened to kill the victim then punched the victim on the side of the head.

    Parker says the impact of the punch made the victim fall and hit his head on the bumper of a parked car. Johnson continued to attack the victim until two bystanders restrained him, court documents say.

    The victim suffered an orbital contusion, an acute head injury, and other injuries, Atty. Parker said.

    In October 2021, Johnson pleaded guilty to misdemeanor assault and criminal intimidation and was sentenced to serve 360 days in county jail.

    Parker says the recommended sentence for Johnson is up to 22 months in prison.

    End quote
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2024
    1. Old Geezer
      This link as shown above, no longer works. The oligarchy hasn't banned it, they have wiped it as if it never existed. = dead link
      The wiped video shows a black girl repeatedly slamming a white girl's head onto the pavement -- you can hear her skull crunching. The video continues, showing the white girl having a grand mal seizure. The current "official story" is that "teenagers have been fighting in this neighborhood for a while now". This is a race crime. This is an attempted murder perpetrated against a while teenage girl by a black girl. The white girl may not live and if she does, her mind and personality will have been destroyed. The black girl should be sentenced to life in prison.

      Last edited: Mar 12, 2024
      Old Geezer, Mar 12, 2024
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  33. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    re: Above / white girl beaten into a coma:

    Due to the national attention brought to the near-fatal beating of a teenage white girl (the girl may not yet survive). Prosecuters have charged the black female assailant. Often, the communist media successfully covers-up black-on-white violent race crimes. This time, the news got out.

    This 17 yr. old child had been perpetually been bullied by black girls at her high school. Finally, she felt that she would have to confront the people who were destroying her life. In doing so, she has lost her own life. Even if she survives, she will never be the same person due to the extensive brain injuries she has received. If shown Mercy on High, she may recover or be taken from this horrifically unfair world in which we live.

    As a prepping type of personality, keep these events in your mind. Know that you will be shown zero mercy. Act accordingly.

    "Missouri AG wants 15-year-old who bashed teenager's head into concrete to be tried as an adult"

    Carlos Garcia reporting for Blaze Media
    March 12, 2024

    Begin quote

    Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey said that a 15-year-old suspect who was caught on video slamming a teenager's head into the concrete should be tried as an adult.

    The victim suffered serious injuries and was transported to a hospital in critical condition. A suspect was arrested on Saturday, and she is being held by St. Louis County Family Court on assault charges.

    "This evil and complete disregard for human life has no place in Missouri, or anywhere. I am praying for the victim," wrote Bailey in a statement on social media.

    "The criminal should be charged and tried as an adult," he added. "If the victim dies, that offense should rise to a homicide."

    Bailey also called for reform of the Missouri juvenile justice system while being interviewed on a radio show Monday.

    "Well this is horrific, and we’re seeing this happen more and more across the state where juveniles are committing violent crimes," said Bailey.

    "I’m going to be following this case closely," he added. "I think there needs to be some accountability in our juvenile system. People are starting to notice that and it’s causing problems across the State of Missouri."

    On Monday, threats made against the school led to many students leaving early, but the school made it clear that they were not dismissed early. Parents of students at the school are saying that bullying and lack of security at the school have been a growing problem.

    One student said the victim who was brutalized had been told to "fight back" after being bullied in the weeks before the horrendous incident.

    End quote

    Old Gzr: Fighting back without sufficient weaponry and without "shock and awe" WILL get you killed.

    Weapons mean absolutely nothing unless you have spare magazines for pistols, revolver reloaders, and stacks of ammo. Pump shotguns have only 6 rounds in the tube -- maybe 10 or 12 with extended tubes (12 ga. with short 21/2" shells -- i.e. "low recoil" shells -- will allow you more loaded ammo; turn this weapon sideways and cut a horizontal swath). However, even this does NOT cut it when confronted by a mob. Within the shotgun realm, you will require multiple shotguns and a 6-O'clock good-guy or good-gal reloading your shotguns and covering your 6-o'clock. Think MUCH higher magazine capacity when attacked by a mob of dozens of armed attackers. Think using smoke grenades to conceal your ever-changing position. For mass-attacks, fire dozens / hundreds of rounds into areas of attack.

    We are looking at civil battles/war and race battles/war. Prep accordingly. Never become sanguine about such matters. When Western economies fall, do you imagine that government, FEMA, or military can protect you?! You are terminally-naive or brain-damaged if you do. Living in rural areas is being much safer, nevertheless if you aren't armed, then you are likely in DEEP trouble. Rural areas will require that locals link arms and take out the trash. For the magnitude of what is inevitable, there are precious few safe places north of the equator. Are you one or two thousands of miles away from the SHTF events?! If so, maybe you don't need weaponry. But that's no certainty.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  34. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Raising up a new generation of communist activists:

    "California activist group paying teens $1,400 in taxpayer money to undergo 'social justice' training"

    "According to the Free Press, the group Californians for Justice (CFJ) inked contracts with the Long Beach Unified School District (LBUSD) between 2019 and 2023 for this endeavor. These contracts, which the outlet obtained, showed that the LBUSD used taxpayer funds to pay CFJ almost $2 million to facilitate equity and leadership development training for students and teachers. Aside from this, the contracts also allotted a total of $20,200 to 13 parents for their participation in the group’s programs.

    "But a Jewish high school teacher who spoke on condition of anonymity expressed worry that their concern 'is becoming a reality.' The teacher noted that the partnership between the activist group and the school district is solidifying misinformation in young kids. 'That’s something that they’re going to hold on to forever, because they learned it at school,' the teacher said."


    "Poll: Fewer Jewish college students feel safe on campus"

    Begin quote

    ‘No parent should ever have to wonder whether it’s safe to send their kids to certain schools – but that’s the sad reality for American Jews today,’ said ADL President Jonathan Greenblatt

    Most Jewish college students no longer feel safe on campus, a stark contrast to how they described their feelings prior to Oct. 7, according to a poll released Wednesday by the Anti-Defamation League.

    This story was originally published in the Forward. Click here to get the Forward’s free email newsletters delivered to your inbox.

    Before Oct. 7 — when Hamas attacked Israel, prompting a war in Gaza — 67% of Jewish college students said they felt very or extremely physically safe on campus, and nearly the same proportion said they felt very or extremely emotionally safe. But in this latest ADL survey, 46% said they felt very or extremely physically safe and 33% said they felt very or extremely emotionally safe. Those who reported feeling somewhat safe fell from 47% to 37%, while the proportion of those who felt not at all or a little safe rose from 11% to 18%

    End quote


    "Gun Ownership: A Shift in American Jewish Thought"

    Begin quote

    Note to reader: I published this article 6 months prior to The Slaughter of October 7. Unfortunately, it is more relevant today.

    The rise of Jewish gun ownership challenges traditional beliefs and confronts rising antisemitism.

    The American Jewish community has a long history of broad opposition to civilian firearm ownership.

    This curiosity aligns with reform Jewish progressive thought. It correlates with the Christian-based philosophy, “Turn the other cheek,” a philosophy contrary to Jewish history, scripture, dogma, and survival.

    The UnJewish ideologies of “progressive” democrats remain the perplexing and self-destructive choice of many of today’s Jewish American voters. With congressional kapos like Vermont’s Bernie Sanders and Michigan’s Andy Levin, it’s no wonder that Antisemitic tropes flourish, hatred of Jews fester and condemnation of Israel echoes within our halls of justice. Perhaps Lady Justice needs her blindfold removed. Jewish loathing of fellow Jews epitomizes Pogo’s dictum, “We have met the enemy and he is us.” (1)

    Despite the unprecedented antisemitism exuding from the democratic party, Jews continue to vote for and make excuses for Antisemitic anti-gun representatives Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar as well as the sixteen democrats who voted NOT TO CONDEMN BDS. Among these sixteen, six had hoped to harness the 2020 democratic nomination for president! A Shonda indeed.

    Now for some good news: According to a recent PEW Research Center survey 75% of orthodox Jews identify as republican, and the largest cohort of Jewish-voting republicans are those under thirty. (2)

    An explanation of this paradigm shift in political ideology among our Jewish youth is the fact that 85% of Jews between the ages of 18 and 29 have been victims of antisemitism.

    We are further commanded in Exodus 21:14, “…if a man plots deliberately to slay his neighbor, you shall take him from My alter, that he may die.”

    We are repeatedly commanded by the Almighty to defend ourselves, to protect others, and to kill would-be murderers. In today’s world, this means the legal possession of a firearm. Tikkun Olam and Kumbaya are ineffective means of self-defense.

    End quote


    Jewish people are all too aware of what hell can come upon the Earth. Yet many today are as unprepared for catastrophes on Earth as were European Jews before the Holocaust years during the 1930s and 1940s. In October of 2023, HAMAS terrorists and many hundreds of Gaza Palestinian civilians supporting Hamas attacked Jewish settlements in southern Israel -- yet another Holocaust. The Israeli civilians were not prepared ... and neither were the Israeli police in that area nor the soldiers in the Israeli military base that was overrun there.

    DO NOT BE LIKE THEM. Not only should you be able to protect you and yours, you must also put-back food, water supplies & water filters, along with all of the other preps one must have when cut-off from supplies. In the coming months / years, cities, even small towns, will get cut-off from the rest of that state, even other states /the country as a whole. NO federal agency is up to the task of overcoming that which is just over the horizon. FEMA, National Guard units, the U.S. military, nor any other disaster relief agencies have the resources. Take some time and consider the cascading downfall events after national power grids are shut down. China's military has been working on how to gut America's infrastructure for years now. They are hacking into our automated control networks for years as a test for future massive attacks.

    Be VERY prepared for having your electricity cut off for weeks, months, maybe even longer. Within this survival site are many topics and solutions to hard-times' events. Remember history! Make sure that your family and your loved ones survive. There are matters in this world that you cannot just put off until whenever ... it'll never get done. However, your family will "get done" and not in a good way.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  35. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I am picking up on steps being promoted among leadership to stop Americans from arming and or training ...including new definitions....making militia a bad name....Equivalent to insurrection.

    To me this is just leadership trying to protect a monopoly...against the public and their oath of office to the Constitution of the United States....or put another way ...a non representative private government for private purposes...not for the people.

    Put another way insurrection has already happened....before January 6.

    Be Warned these Ishmaelites run wild..

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  36. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Any of you members picking up on a host of new gun control measures being promoted in the Virginia Assembly ....and promoted into new and coming laws....severe gun restrictions across the board ......ala....Kalifornia, Washington State, Oregon... et al???

    Curious about this....

    I am hearing such stories....low level...

    If this is true it is being done by stealth....

    Be Warned these Ishmaelites..

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. TMT Tactical
      These new gun laws are not being hidden, they are right in your face proposals.
      TMT Tactical, Mar 16, 2024
  37. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Information being sent to me by e-mail , Oklahoma government is advising citizens to take following actions for April 8th. " the day following Easter Holiday " - Have a full tank of gas , houses that use propane have their propane tanks filled . Have water stored up that will hold them for at least two weeks , and food stored up for at least a two week period . The National Guard will be deployed . A Nuclear Radiation response team is being activated . --- Now for Texas , I don't know yet of their particular responses but do know " they have already declared a " State of Emergency " for April 8th . --- As for Arkansas - They too are deploying the National Guard on Nov. 8th . The Arkansas government are planning to use off road vehicles to reach those in dire circumstances as they expect the roadways to either be completely jammed with vehicles or at best moving at a snail's speed . -- I encourage our members as this information begins to flow in to " update us " . --- As for myself , I have other information flowing in on this situation that I need to open up and gather more information , so I leave the forum for now .
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2024
    TMT Tactical and watcherchris like this.
  38. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    "Virginia: More than a Dozen Anti-Gun Bills Sent to the Governor!"

    "The newly elected Virginia General Assembly has prioritized restricting law-abiding citizens' Second Amendment rights and has made good on that priority this session. This year, dozens of anti-gun bills have been considered in both chambers of the General Assembly and now more than a dozen anti-gun bills have been sent to Governor Youngkin with more on the way as the legislative session comes to a close March 9th. While the bills have been pushed forward in the name of "public safety," this is nothing more than an attack on the law-abiding gun owners in Virginia. "

    Old Gzr:

    Youngkin will veto these for-show bills. He's done so in the past and he will do so again. If he votes socialist, he will destroy any odds of Virginia voters to continue voting Republican.

    The heavily populated northeastern-most counties, the Richmond & Norfolk counties, and the city of Charlottesville (a communist bastion due to the University of Virginia being located there) will continue to vote for socialism. Count on the useless bureaucrats, communist professor indoctrinated youth, and the welfare crew to continue voting for bloated government The spiritual monster, LBJ, knew what he was about when he created the Great Society welfare state that bombed nearly into non-existence the two-parent family = today's chaos.

    Communist university professors have done herculean work in the realms of annihilating Christianity, educating communist Chinese students here to gather intel for the PRC, passing-over Asian-American students, demonizing Israel and Jewish students, providing aid and comfort to radical anti-American Muslims, and turning-out media graduates who, though air-heads, sound as if they have a mind ... until cornered intellectually.

    Virginians who are actual Americans will continue to vote conservative.

    Virginia vote 2019; Republican counties in Red, Democrat counties in Blue:


    2023 Virginia vote (same colors for party affiliation).



    Virginia is the current dis-United States of America in microcosm. The citizens are divided and they are angry enough to fight.

    University of Virginia 2017



    "Richmond Virginia Second Amendment Rally - The Safest Place You Could Be In America On 1/20/2020"

    "Va. sheriff will deputize residents if gun control laws pass"

    "Sheriff Scott Jenkins said he would swear in ‘thousands’ of auxiliary deputies as a measure of community protection"

    December 19, 2019 09:09 AM

    Begin quote

    CULPEPER, Va. — Citizens packed the Culpeper Board of Supervisors morning meeting for a hot topic discussion on an adopted resolution declaring the locality a Second Amendment Constitutional County.

    Many donned bright orange stickers reading, “Guns save lives,” and the local sheriff vowed to deputize scores of residents, if necessary, to push back on potential state-imposed gun restrictions.

    The seven-member elected Culpeper County Board unanimously passed the resolution, joining a growing number of localities doing so in reaction to expected gun control legislation in the now Democratic-controlled Virginia General Assembly.

    “All my adult life, in the military and in local government, I’ve sworn to uphold the Constitution and I’ll be damned if any politician down in Richmond or anywhere else is going to get me to change my mind,” said Supervisor Bill Chase, a Vietnam veteran.

    The overflow audience in attendance erupted in applause at this statement as Chase invited Culpeper County Sheriff Scott Jenkins to the podium to share his thoughts on the Second Amendment.

    “The right to bear arms—some believe that the Second Amendment gives us that right, when in fact it’s a God-given right. If you don’t believe in God, it’s a law of nature that every creature can defend their lives from threats,” Jenkins said.

    The sheriff, elected in November to a third term in office, said he would not violate his oath of office by declining to enforce new gun laws, but asserted he was prepared to act otherwise.

    End quote
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  39. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    The coming April 8th solar eclipse is going to jam roads in the states over which the eclipse-effect can be seen. Oklahoma is but one of these states. Other states are expecting the same behavior from human gawkers. Highway Patrol officers aren't happy about all of this craziness. Oklahoma is going to get 20 to 60 thousand visitors. Wow, how "wonderful". :rolleyes:

    Officials say parts of southeastern Oklahoma will experience a total solar eclipse.

    Oklahoma is expected to receive an influx of anywhere from 17,000 to 66,000 visitors to watch the solar eclipse, according to a study conducted by the

    During the eclipse’s period of totality, the moon will completely block out the sun. This area stretches across southeastern Oklahoma, completely covering McCurtain County, and parts of Choctaw, Bryan, Atoka, Pushmataha, Latimer, and Leflore counties. The town with the longest total eclipse viewing time will be Shults, Oklahoma, approximately 3 miles east of Idabel, with 4 minutes and 19 seconds of viewing time, according to The eclipse will pass over Oklahoma starting at 1:44 p.m. CDT and end by 1:51 p.m. CDT on April 8th.

    The large influx of visitors to southeastern Oklahoma could overwhelm and back up the area’s road systems. The major highways in the area are US-70, US-259, and State Highway 3. These roads are mostly two-lane highways passing through small towns, according to OHP.
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  40. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Wow....panic over solar eclipse.....Wow!!!

    I am curious about the nature of today's gaslighting......going on out here...also the non thinking going on .

    I am curious to know what the 2nd Amendment says about public safety.....or even about hunting....and why someone would try to frame the Amendment in those terms???

    Even our current President was so dumb as to try to frame the 2nd Amendment in and gun ownership in terms of Hunting....I caught that right away.....what a deceiver...

    I have to assume that they think no one will notice...

    To my limited knowledge the 2nd Amendment says nothing about public safety...nor about hunting....

    Astonishing to me that todays ersatz leadership would try to frame it so.

    Be Warned these Ishmaelites in leadership positions...for in the will get neither safety ...nor security ...nor hunting....under such deceiftul

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  41. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Frankly the responses that we are seeing from States concerning activating their National Guard Troops and particularly the activation and repositioning of biological and radiation response teams , appears to be more inline of what one would expect from a terrorist attack , not the sky going dark for a few minutes . Needing to stock up on food and water to last for weeks , just doesn't seem logical for what someone would need for the sky going dark event .
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
    1. Old Geezer
      In the event of a full-throw nuclear event, your compound(s) won't make it unless you have bunkers or if the prevailing winds spare you (which could happen). However, your preparations will set you in excellent stead for the coming intentionally-launched plagues and grid shutdowns. These ARE going to happen. I need not tell you to isolate when these happen -- that, you've wisely have made preparations. For decades now, innumerable countries have been weaponizing Ebola -- think of that horror. We preppers must be prepared to do hideous things. Who wants to shoot people who haven't prepared?!. I don't want that on my soul, but what are we to do! There MUST be survivors to carry-on future generations and to educate future generations. I have a hard-copy library in my home (books) and also have music CD's from all around the world (I'm a musiholic, runs in the family). Meantime, we must go on to ensure that a future becomes a reality.
      Old Geezer, Mar 17, 2024
      poltiregist and watcherchris like this.
  42. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Well, it's not a panic on the part of state highway patrol departments. The numbers of eclipsers (for lack of a better term) is disquieting to those who have to maintain sanity on the roadways. Tens of thousands of fold simultaneously jumping on interstate highways, adding to the already packed situation, is just NOT good. This phenom will also over-pack venues where many people gather.

    At EVERY large public event or sports event, hazmat suits have to be standing in the ready. The public doesn't get to see them, but trust me big-time on this topic. This is SOP. Where I've worked there was routine training for physicians and first-responders in the use of theses suits and treatment protocols. The big treatment protocol is just to get out'a there with some survivors. You gotta don the hazmat suit to exfil these folk -- they may be alive now, but 15 seconds from now they may be seizing.

    Agencies ordering-up or deploying more hazmat suits isn't a concern for me. I wish that a whole more would have been deployed long before 2024.

    What with all of the foreign terrorists coming in via the open southern border, the likelihood of a terrorist attack goes up into the stratosphere. Sarin and weaponized anthrax (directed to hit the pulmonary system) are very effective and outrageously cost-effective versus nuclear weapons. And talking about spreading terror! Wow, can't beat these puppies.

    America is 95%+ sure of getting a mass population attack. The biden regime is letting-in trained terrorists and saying to the sheeple, "Don't worry, be happy." Me, I don't see us dodging the coming bullet(s). I did what I could do to get the medical community trained ... including bio-weapons. I'm now retired. I'll leave it the younger generations ... my prayers are with them ... literally, these first responders are folk you should remember in your prayers. Look what happened on 9/11. Less than ten thousand were killed. What is coming will be far beyond 9/11, far beyond mind-numbing.

    Covid was just a test.
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  43. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I have two respirators and two poopy suits/Pillsbury dough boy suits in the back of my car...and a box of those blue gloves as well. A two inch roll of duct tape too. Your post reminded me of those supplies.

    Need to get a couple more sets and put them here at the home. Duct Tape is one item I try to keep in stock aplenty around here..

    Good respirators are expensive.

    Not an Ishmaelite
    Old Geezer and TMT Tactical like this.
  44. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    --- This is a source that I do not normally tap into or put much Creedance in . However I am always ready to stop and absorb view points from just about anyone regardless as to whether I agree or not . This link is presenting a different perspective that , I would think a open minded prepper would want to be aware of .
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  45. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Likely every United States dweller on this forum is aware of the automobile parts shortages , even the newer models . Even common ordinary replacement parts may take months to receive " if ever " . Today I learned the communist have a law as to where an automobile past a certain year model can not be cannibalized to salvage for replacement parts . The communist have decreed if it is older than the date they drew out of the air , then the automobile must be crushed and destroyed with not any parts salvaged . -I have no idea when the communist passed this decree , as I said I just learned of it today .
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  46. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Another matter United States dwellers need to be aware of - We all know the starvation the public schools have been conducting on its helpless students , as in meager amounts of food for the students . " The government is going broke " . Now it appears this has been taken to a new level of food deprivation . If any on here has kids or grandkids in a government run school . they may want to look into this further and take appropriate responses .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  47. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    --- A source for my last two posts .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  48. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I have not seen any reference to the government either " running out of food or money " , not sure which or perhaps both . Thus cutting off the needy from what used to be called " food stamps " . I am not sure what the appropriate term is for that these days . I will throw this out into the wind to see if any of you guys have knowledge of this going on .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  49. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    plenty of people using food banks over here, these didnt exist when I was working, my generation learned how to budget and if we didnt we went hungry.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  50. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    --- Firing Americans to replace them with cheap illegal labor being exposed on this link .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
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