Collapsing Of The United States

Discussion in 'News, Current Events, and Politics' started by poltiregist, Jun 18, 2020.

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  1. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I'm neither a member of the Christian nor the Jewish religions; however, the religious persecution I see in today's America reminds me of the rise of the NAZI Party in Germany prior to WWII. This sort of dictatorial regime behavior should be a warning to everyone. Seems history has been forgotten yet again.

    "Most House Democrats oppose resolution condemning attacks against churches, pro-life facilities"

    Begin quote

    Measure passes after over 400 churches, entities targeted with violence over past five years

    (The Center Square) – Nearly all U.S. House Democrats voted against a resolution condemning attacks against anti-abortion facilities and churches. The vote came after a report was published showing violence escalated against churches and pro-life groups last year ahead of and after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.

    The House passed the measure 222 to 219 Wednesday mostly along party lines. Three Democrats voted for it: Reps. Vicente Gonzalez of south Texas, Chrissy Houlahan of Pennsylvania and Marie Gluesenkamp Perez of Washington.

    The resolution “condemns recent attacks of vandalism, violence, and destruction against pro-life facilities, groups and churches” and “calls upon the Biden Administration to use all appropriate law enforcement authorities to uphold public safety and to protect the rights of pro-life facilities, groups, and churches.”

    End quote


    "Anti-Christian hostility reaching 'unprecedented' levels in culture, government under Biden, observers warn"

    Religious nonprofits who spoke to Fox News Digital warned of increasing cultural and government hostility toward Catholics and other Christians under the Biden administration.

    Their warnings come amid skyrocketing rates of church vandalism, legislation targeting church sacraments and the alleged weaponization of federal law enforcement against people of faith.

    According to the report, 69 acts of hostility against churches in 29 states have already occurred during the first quarter of the year [2023], including 53 acts of vandalism, 10 arson attacks or attempts, three gun-related incidents, three bomb threats and two other incidents such as assault. The statistics represent approximately three times the number of hostile acts that FRC recorded in the same time frame last year.

    Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League, told Fox News Digital that activist secularists have grown militant and have seized the reins of power in recent decades. He said the source of hostility has shifted in the 30 years since he has headed up the nation's largest Catholic civil rights organization.

    "When I first started out, most of the anti-Catholicism was coming from the media, the entertainment industry, the arts, education, primarily there," he said. "It's changed. It's coming now more from the Corporate 500, from the United States government, as well as from some state and local governments."

    Donohue mentioned bills proposed in multiple states that would require priests to break the seal of confession and the proposed Equality Act, which he said would pull public funding from Catholic hospitals that refuse to perform abortions or sex reassignment surgeries.

    "The church is not encroaching on the government, it's the government encroaching on the churches, and it's coming most viciously from the Biden administration," Donohue told Fox News Digital. "I've never seen a more anti-Catholic administration in my life."

    End quote


    Communist biden admin. however DOES seek to protect Muslims:

    "Statement from White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on President Biden’s Establishment of First-Ever National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia "


    "North Carolina High School Student Suspended Over Use Of "Illegal Alien"

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  2. Blitz

    Blitz Legendary Survivalist

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    That's insane. I didn't realise how much influence the Biden government has had on religion factions.

    In Aus, we have a marked division between "white" and Muslim factions. The two go together like oil and water.

    Regardless of whatever religion, one would have hoped mankind had evolved further than it has.

    Why is it always a case of "history repeating" and it's never good, memorable history?
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  3. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "NYU Prof. Galloway: The National Guard Would’ve Been Sent In if Black Students Faced Hatred Jewish Students Do"

    Begin quote

    On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” Professor of Marketing at NYU Stern School of Business Scott Galloway stated that there’s a “striking” “double standard” in the treatment of campus demonstrations over the past week and stated that if he did the same thing to black students, “we’d call in the f*cking National Guard.” And “what is clear to me is that free speech is at its freest when it’s hate speech against Jews.”

    Galloway said, “The double standard here is pretty striking. Dylann Roof goes into a Charleston church and kills nine members of a black church, if I went down to the plaza of any of these universities with a white hood, a Confederate flag, and signs and started saying, globalize Dylann, kill black people, there’d be no need for context, we wouldn’t be talking about free speech, I’d be out of academia. And if I whipped up students into a frenzy such that we started harassing non-white students on their way to the library and I started getting in their face or even throwing things at them — and that has happened — we wouldn’t be having a conversation about the First Amendment, we’d call in the f*cking National Guard. And what is clear to me is that free speech is at its freest when it’s hate speech against Jews.”

    He added, “I think you’ve got to cut a 19-year-old a pretty wide berth. The point of being 19 is you act stupid and you learn and you move on. I’m glad a camera wasn’t following me around…when I was 19. The faculty, if we made the mistake of hiring you and you want to support Islamic Jihad or the Islamic Republic, then, we made a mistake and we should rectify that mistake. We pay these people, and if they are not taking the temperature down and they lack the critical thinking that they can’t criticize a murderous autocracy, pretty simple, they should be fired.”

    End quote
    Blitz likes this.
  4. Blitz

    Blitz Legendary Survivalist

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    Too right!

    When was the Klu Klux Klan around? (If I've got the name right).
  5. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    As background for the following story, let us remember Donald Trump's first presidency and all of the atrocities he committed. Dive into your memories and recall how he sent all of his political opponents to "re-education prisons" where Democrats were tortured and often murdered. Remember how Trump shut down universities who didn't agree with his policies. Newspaper companies were raided and thousands of reporters were whisked-away never to be seen again. Trump packed the Supreme Court with his personal cronies -- this is why there are now 21 Supreme Court justices. Let's especially remember the hundreds of thousands (possibly millions) of black and Hispanic citizens he had executed. Blacks -- particularly black people -- were rounded-up and machine-gunned.

    "James Carville Lashes Out at Young Voters Turning on Joe Biden: ‘F*ck You!’"

    Begin quote

    Democrat strategist James Carville lashed out at woke young voters who have turned on President Joe Biden, saying they would have “no rights left” if former President Donald Trump were to win the election.

    The former Clinton adviser made his position known in a video posted on Sunday.

    “So I hear this a lot: ‘James, young voters are just not into this. It’s two candidates — one’s in the 80s, one is almost in the 80s — they’re concerned about things that Washington politicians, and you just can’t blame them for’ — Oh, shit. Fuck you!” Carville yelled.

    Carville advised those voters to watch “what is happening in the Supreme Court.”

    “If you’re 26, do you see what they’re doing? First of all, they’re gonna take every right that you could possibly have away from you,” he said.

    Carville referred to the conservative Supreme Court justices as “illegitimate whores.”

    “Don’t teach anybody that the current Supreme Court has any moral or legal legitimacy. It doesn’t. It’s in there because of contrivements, and it’s in there because of weakness and cowardice,” he said.

    End quote

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  6. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    --- I have been refraining from posting videos of lately as I know you guys time is limited for watching such things . This clip though I considered worthy . To save time you may want to skip about the first 1/4 , if you decide to watch . Summary - Storage facilities are being swamped with customers that have lost their homes as they could not financially stay afloat . They are putting their possessions in storage facilities and living and sleeping in their cars . I have mentioned this now present and ongoing phenonium before , but here is confirmation . --- Businesses are firing their employees and hiring illegals . -- On a more personal note , one of my sons called me a few days ago to tell me his company that transports oil and oil products up and down the rivers in the United States has fired almost all of it's personnel . The only boat remaining that the company has not fired everyone on , is the boat he is on , but it too has already been sold , so he is expecting to join the ranks of the unemployed . Fortunately as a clan of preppers , his home that we built is debt free and he has zero debts , no vehicle debts , no nothing except a couple of utility bills . He even plans to cut the biblical cord with a community water system and install a pump to start sucking all his water from a creek . Sometimes his solar system sells back to the power grid electricity and when that occurs has a zero electrical bill . -- The collapse is a slow walking disaster , that those that did not take prepping serious are falling silently through the grate . The crematoriums are seeing a thriving business .
    Last edited: May 5, 2024
    Old Geezer and TMT Tactical like this.
  7. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    The puppeteers of biden use their lackies in the mainstream media to suppress the catastrophes this regime has wreaked on the U.S. economy. Thing is however, those who must go grocery shopping and those with tax bills and credit card bills and mortgage bills and utility bills, and ... on and on, perpetually FEEL the grinding pain in their budgets.

    When the communist media lies to them, this simply increases the anger.

    Were the former United States to have legitimate elections, the Democrats would be kicked to the curb. However, during the coming November 2024 will be soaked in voter fraud. The Left provides "walking around money" to people who vote multiple times, money for non-citizen illegal voters, and voting poll over-counts by urban election committees who are over 90% Democrat. Conservatives must vote en masse to overcome all of the voting fraud that has become all too commonplace.

    Tammany Hall was a NYC voting machine decades ago, but that sort of urban voting machine politics is now alive and well in all urban voting districts.

    This is why that a collapse must first occur to allow the rebuilding of a Constitutional nation. Thing is, today's human nature has been the exact same thing for centuries. The folk who brought about the American Constitution did their level best to try to negate the human beast's genetic predilection to corruption. They divided the federal government up into three branches who could fight each other = only bills that everyone could agree upon were to become law. The Founding Fathers sought conflict as a way to keep the federal government very small and to distribute real power to the individual states and the citizens living therein. Don't like your state? Move to another one.

    Centralized power ALWAYS goes corrupt. One cannot pretend-away reality. Matters are as they are.

    "King Canute and the tide"

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  8. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Here’s the real reason DC prosecutor Graves is busy rounding up J6 grannies and ignoring actual crimes…"

    Begin quote

    It probably won’t shock you to learn that while crime soars in the DC Swamp, Biden’s favored prosecutor, Matthew Graves, is fixated on rounding up J6 grannies and grandpas. That’s what the data shows. So, while Graves busies himself keeping America safe from non-violent Americans who merely wandered around the Capitol with a police escort, hardened violent criminals are snagging sweet deals and hitting the streets again.

    DC's unelected prosecutor:
    – Declined to prosecute 1/3 of gun cases
    – Dropped 37% of charged cases
    – Reduced 50% of convictions to just misdemeanors, usually by offering generous "golden ticket" plea bargains

    If we want to tackle gun violence, we need a new U.S. Attorney. (1/

    — DC Crime Facts (@dccrimefacts) May 6, 2024


    The real kicker here is the “why.” Why is Graves so hell-bent on imprisoning “grannies” that he’s letting serious crimes slide? Sure, it seems obvious; he’s on a “MAGA hunt,” but it goes a bit deeper than that.

    It’s a question that begs for an answer. Well, investigative reporter Julie Kelly has hit the nail on the head about what Prosecutor Matthew Graves is up to and why. It’s election season, and Joe Biden needs more than just Trump behind bars—he needs a “domestic terrorist” narrative. To sell that narrative, he needs data proving MAGA is the biggest threat to his precious democracy. Enter Graves, who’s busy rounding up J6 grannies and pressuring defendants to plead guilty. Julie points out that the DOJ is desperate to inflate their domestic terrorist statistics before the 2024 election.

    This is all about the DOJ padding their stats for Biden. Once again, we’re seeing election interference, a game the left is becoming really skilled at.

    End quote
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  9. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    A high number of dogs taking missing . If they are being placed on the supper table by hungry neighbors , no doubt they wouldn't want their supper menu known . Just yesterday my wife was in an animal shelter and noted a crying woman looking for a missing dog . -- In my stash is snares with locking devises . Once caught , the more they pull , the tighter they get with no slack ever given back . No barking that way . -- I will say though eating dogs is no part of my plan . My preparations are for much better dining than that . -- I am not saying people are eating dogs in the U.S. as I haven't been invited to sit at someone's table to try canine but hunger for citizens is much more acute than most realize as people struggle to keep a home , pay bills and eat . --- Of course non-citizen illegals are eating well .
    Last edited: May 8, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  10. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    I really don't think we have that many folk from Southeast Asia.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  11. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    because human beings are "tribal" by nature, that could be by class, or race or religion, people tend to band together with people who are like themselves, well most of them do anyway!! (lonewolfs excluded).
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  12. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    My dog eating post above , brings up memories from my past . Years ago here in the United States I knew a family that I visited regularly that got in dire financial straits , just as we now commonly see . The money flow going out was not matching the finances coming in . On their diner table " regularly " was armadillo . The neighbors about didn't know they were in such a financial condition with the exception of basically me . Eventually they lost their home and a large tract of land . -- Life experiences such as this is what makes a serious prepper . --- I just thought I would add , I myself have seen the day where I would pick up road killed critters and take them home for my family to eat . Much rejoicing when a good road kill was found . Those days are in my past now , but for many it is their present situation or their future .
    Last edited: May 10, 2024
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  13. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I want to do more with road kill, saw a dead deer today but the crows had got their first.
    wife isnt keen on my suggestion, dosent want her kitchen messed up, LOL, but post SHTF it will be a different matter, meat is meat.
    I'm not adverse to eating dog if it comes to it, but pet cats I'm not so sure about, there are plenty of those around here.
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  14. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Take some microbiology courses and you'll not be eating any roadkill.

    Bacteria are downright amazing ... and in the worst sort of ways.

    The acidity levels in the stomachs of dogs is FAR higher than in humans.
    Blitz and TMT Tactical like this.
  15. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    there was a guy in Cornwall who lived on roadkill meat (The man who eats roadkill- on you tube), you just have to cook it well.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  16. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "These 15 People Went Over Niagara Falls and Survived"

    "Annie Edson Taylor was the first documented person to go over the falls and survive. She tested out her method first on a cat. Once the cat survived, she got in her oak barrel and successfully descended over Horseshoe Falls on her 63rd birthday, October 24, 1901. She did not sustain any significant injuries. Annie was ultimately looking for a payday from going over the falls, but never really made a fortune from the feat."


    upload_2024-5-10_4-57-22.png This day / that day

    Blitz and TMT Tactical like this.
  17. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    what is the relevance of this post? is this something that will happen post SHTF and why?
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  18. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    You really don't get it, do you?!

    As in life, it is not on me to explain.
  19. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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  20. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    nope I dont see the point you are trying to make with that post.
    maybe its a cultural thing or maybe it got lost in translation.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  21. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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  22. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Oft times, my humour is a derivation of British humour.
  23. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    American Humor is vastly different to British humour.
    the two are not the same.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  24. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Most American humor isn't humorous and now that political correctness has infected the media, humor has gone totally dead.

    I'm given to sarcasm and cynicism which I learned watching mountains of British movies, comedies, TV shows, ...

    Telling an enormous lie with a straight face is observed very often in both British humour and in American Southern humor, especially in Appalachia.

    I love Monty Python ... even when they are just being silly ... which I normally avoid like the plague. I am profoundly bigoted against ignorant people. I wish that all stupid folk would disappear. Stupidity mixed with excessive pride / hubris should be punished by firing squad.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  25. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    stupidity and pride will make many people fail post SHTF and failure will be fatal.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  26. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Wow!!!!! James Carville???? Wow!!!

    To me this is a description of what the Left is their Ishmaelite Herding over America and Americans.

    This became abundantly clear when poor Americans could not get Thanksgiving dinner because the Illegals got it.

    As I am want to declare......all too often....America and Americans working, laboring, and paying taxes for first place and clearly coming in second, third, and fourth place in their own country.

    Who is the Fascist here???? Who and what is not the product advertised??

    By the way...this also included the phony ersatz Republicans masquerading as conservatives...but are not.

    Remember something about these Fascists in power now...

    You cannot be trusted with your monies...over 650 dollars..

    You cannot bet trusted with your children and or grandchildren...

    You cannot be trusted in your views and or opinions.....particularly if it does not match the emotional herd.

    You cannot be trusted to be armed...not just physically ..but mentally and spiritually as well.

    You certainly cannot be trusted with independent thought and Ideas.

    Do you really believe you are going to be trusted with your vote??? What do you really think for what the illegals are here and represent....the new voting block...because you cannot be trusted for what the Deep State plans are for America.....a fascist Ishmaelite controlled herd.

    Ta Tovarich?????

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: May 11, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  27. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Here...let me illustrate how you are being BS'ed by the left and also the phony right Republicans about the abortion issue......

    The Abortion issue is being passed off to a gullible but uninformed overly emotional public a basic right...even under the Constitution.

    The fact of the matter is that Abortion is not covered or mentioned under the Constitution and is not under Federal Jurisdiction.

    However...what the left found out is that the Abortion issue..if it could be pushed through under Federal financing.....could be used as a vote buying scheme in perpetuity.

    Remember...I stated that you could not be trusted with your vote....well here it is.

    This is how the Left works very hard to rig the vote protecting the female sex life....

    The American people for years and years have been made to pay for Abortions to protect the sex lives of women ....without Americans even getting any foreplay. ......seriously!!!!

    This guarantees a huge lot/block of the female vote...

    They are rigging the elections...Abortion is a vote buying tool. what the Supreme Court did and rightly so...


    The 10th Amendment to the US Constitution....

    The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

    You see.....simple is it not???

    Now ..I think women should be able to get all the Abortions they want or need...but not on the public purse.

    We the people do not need to be financing someone else's sex life ..without us getting any foreplay!!!!

    You see...simple is it not?????

    The Abortion issue is in essence.....putting some into Ishmaelite Involuntary pay for and or protect someone else's sex life for their vote....without the American People getting any foreplay.

    Now.....why do not the phony conservative Republicans explain this???? Or even quote the 10th Amendment.

    or the 13th Amendment covering Involuntary Servitude????

    This is in essence...our own government needing us dumbed down on many things for certain groups to keep and maintain power and control of the herd keeping us ignorant.

    And I am talking about both political parties here..needing us stupid..

    Because I believe that all too many of the phony Republicans are only Democrat Lite.

    Be Warned these Ishmaelites who's investment is often in our ignorance of many things.

    The Supreme Court got the Abortion issue right on this is contrary to the 10th Amendment.l And the abortion issue also puts Americans into involuntary servitude to pay for someone else's sex life..contrary to Amendment 13 of the same Constitution our leaders take an oath to protect and defend.

    Be warned these Ishmaelites......who would lie and deceive us ....both political parties.

    The Abortion issue is fascism at work...big time.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  28. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Be very very warned of these phony Fascist Ishmaelites in both political parties who's investment is in our many many things around us...daily.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  29. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    I just received information through " Steve Poplar's Poplar Report " that there are now sites dedicated to scrounging through dumpsters . I got the impression the sites are attempting to glorify and present scrounging through other people's garbage for survival as a trendy , smart and acceptable life style .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  30. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    it may be survival for some but if thats how they survive then good luck it wont be possible post SHTF, we "skip dive" as its called here but for non food items to use for projects, here its mostly timber and building supplies.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  31. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Teen accused of firing 26 shots from AR-15 at car is released on bail by ‘woke’ judge "

    "A 'woke' Washington, DC, judge is facing backlash after he opted to cut loose an 18-year-old accused of firing more than two dozen rounds from an AR-15 into a car full of people.

    "Lloyd U. Nolan Jr., a judge on the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, last week ordered Amonte Moody to be released on house arrest ahead of his trial — despite acknowledging that the teen’s alleged actions could have killed someone.

    "Moody, who was slapped with charges including assault with a dangerous weapon, had allegedly sprayed 26 shots at an SUV carrying four people on Independence Avenue in the early hours of April 22.

    "Nolan’s decision to still grant the teen pre-trial release in the face of his alleged crime quickly sparked outrage on social media, with many accusing the judge of being a George Soros “puppet” and pointing to his history of “woke” online posts.

    "The Facebook posts the judge had previously shared included a meme in 2019 declaring he was 'still woke,' as well as another promoting Black Lives Matter, according to Fox News.

    "He also previously posted a link showing he’d donated to a Gideon’s Promise fundraiser in 2020 — a group founded via a fellowship from lefty donor George Soros’ Open Society Foundation.

    "The judge’s social media account was switched to private as the backlash against his recent bail decision mounted."

    upload_2024-5-15_3-49-45.png upload_2024-5-15_3-52-37.png
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  32. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "NYPD identifies man wanted after actor Steve Buscemi randomly attacked in Manhattan"

    "KIPS BAY, Manhattan (WABC) -- Police have identified the man wanted after actor Steve Buscemi was punched in the face during a random attack in Manhattan last week.

    "The NYPD identified the man as 50-year-old Clifton Williams.

    "The latest development comes after the 66-year-old Brooklyn native and current Manhattan resident was slugged in the face while he was walking on Third Avenue near 27th Street this past Wednesday.

    "Witnesses say Buscemi ran after his attacker.

    "Buscemi was taken to Bellevue Hospital where he was treated for bruising, swelling and bleeding to his left eye.

    "Buscemi's "Boardwalk Empire" co-star Michael Stuhlbarg was hit in the back of the neck with a rock while walking in Manhattan's Central Park on March 31. Stuhlbarg chased his attacker, who was taken into custody outside the park."


    "New York City grapples with spate of random attacks"

    May 13, 2024

    "Residents in New York City are on edge following a string of unprovoked attacks, including two high-profile incidents in the last week. A tourist in Times Square was stabbed over Mother's Day weekend while an award-winning actor was punched in the face by a stranger just days earlier. Nikki Battiste reports on what the NYPD is doing to keep the Big Apple safe."


    "Man accused of punching seven random women in New York City is arrested"

    "Police say the man punched women, sometimes in the face, on their heads, or on their backs.

    "Daquan Armstead, 31, of East Bronx, was taken into custody on suspicion of hate-motivated assaults on seven women from late March to mid-April in Lower Manhattan, police said.

    "Police told NBC New York there have been 95 unprovoked assaults in Manhattan so far this year, with 50 of them involving victims who are women.

    "At least one arrest was made previously in connection with a series of attacks earlier this spring that gained attention after some of the women told their stories on TikTok."

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  33. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Black street party goes hyper-violent:


    "New video of party before 25 shot in Akron, 1 man killed, multiple hospitalized"


    "27 People Shot in Ohio, One Dead, Suspect At Large"

    Begin quote

    Twenty-seven people were shot, one fatally, shortly after midnight Sunday morning in Akron, Ohio.

    The deceased individual was a 27-year-old man.

    WKYC noted that police received numerous calls on the shooting.

    A police source said, “Shortly after those calls came in, the call center received notifications from local hospitals that multiple persons were arriving in the emergency departments with gunshot wounds.”

    Police also indicated, “One firearm and several dozen casings have been recovered from the scene,” USA Today noted there was a “street party” in the vicinity of the shooting prior to the shots being fired.

    End quote


    Home video camera picks-up party-goers fleeing the shooting:

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  34. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Restaurant chain shuts down nearly 50 locations in California following minimum wage hike"

    "Rubio’s Coastal Grill, a California Mexican restaurant chain, announced the closure of 48 restaurants in the Golden State amid rising business costs.

    "The Los Angeles Times reported that the chain decided to shutter nearly one-third of its restaurants following a 'review of its operations and the current business climate.'

    " 'While painful, the store closures are a necessary step in our strategic long-term plan to position Rubio’s for success for years to come,' the restaurant chain announced Monday."


    Old Gzr: Having once worked in the realm of industrial automation control, let me tell you that in future, fast-food chains' outlets WILL be automated for the purpose of massively lowering the number of their human employees.

    Already, we see "self-checkout aisles". In future, unskilled labor WILL be totally replaced by automation. The current socialist labor laws will necessitate this shift.

    God-government regulations = the laying-off of human employees. This is one of those 100% realities.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  35. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    If you can learn to do the job in less than 6 months, you are unskilled labor. If a human can be trained to do a job in less than 6 month, a machine can be built to do that same job. When the minimum wage is $20 per hour, the cost to automate is quickly approaching the break even ROI (Return On Investment) point. Minimum wage was intended to be a career starting point, not a living wage. When the machines have taken all the unskilled jobs, the government will be obligated to support these non-working, unemployable people. I.E. welfare generation. Schools and higher education facilities have shut down most of the trade courses and left it up to the unions to train the future trades people. Unions limit the number of apprentices, thus creating a high demand for a limited number of qualified people. Supply and demand created high wages and that increases costs. The trade occupations maybe the only safe future careers. It is very difficult to automate a plumbers job or an HVSC technicians job. Just an example.
  36. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I was some time ago in a fast food restaurant and got fed up with the idea of placing my order to an automated machine..and walked out.

    I like dealing with a real person and even tend to skip the grocery store lines/self service wherein there is not a cashier.

    I reckon it is the olde school in me. Feels too much like being herded...and also insulted by a machine.

    I think someone here is correct in that in the future most of the workers in the fast food business will be replaced by a machine......

    The jobs will be in servicing and feeding stuff into the machines.

    Tend also to that in the future the jobs which cannot easily be automated....will be the last to cede to machines.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  37. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    All that stuff in Kalifornia is about politics trying to survive at public keep getting voted in ....while most of the public does not realize that they are voting themselves out of a job.

    I found it interesting to learn that at 20 bucks an hour ....the costs passed on to the customer is pricing so many on the lower wage skills....out of the marketplace....even they are finding it difficult to afford fast food....

    Ironic to me....

    But...........................It is politic. Politic survives....but at the expense of whom?????

    Eventually Kalifornia and New York will price themselves out of business..but not before causing huge chaos across the land.

    It is highly insulting to me this pattern wherein Kalifornia and New York are all of America and the rest of us must needs follow suit behind these states. That the rest of us are flyover country.

    States need to find a way to break out of this stranglehold of Kalifornia and New York....for to me ....this is Ishmael run wild...

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  38. Max rigger

    Max rigger Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Norwegian Roald Amundsen led the first expedition to reach the South Pole. Half way to the pole the set up a depot of supplies for the return journey and killed the dog's they no longer needed (lighter load) to feed themselves and the remaining dogs, this camp was nicknames 'Butchers camp'. A practical way to boost your vitamins.

    Captain Scott did the same with horses.

    I've more than likely eaten dog on my travels and I've knowingly eaten horse meat in Europe

    "- Share on Facebook- Share on LinkedIn- Share on Whatsapp- Share on X- Republish
    10 min read

    There is a long history of consuming dog meat in South Korea , mostly from nureongi dogs. The flesh of canines is traditionally believed to imbue those who eat it with health benefits. But now, the tide of popular opinion is turning against the practice — and bringing with it new laws limiting, and potentially eliminating, the dog meat trade altogether. The shift in attitude is also putting some South Korean dog meat farms out of business.

    Here’s what you need to know about the dog meat trade, what it reveals about hypocrisies in the West, and what you can do to help end the practice of eating dogs.

    Which Country Is Famous for Dog Meat?
    Most people are aware of the dog meat trade in Korea, but Korea is not the only country eating dogs.

    Despite being less associated with the practice, China is the largest consumer of dog meat in the world. Eating dog is also common in Vietnam, where the industry is supported by farms in neighboring countries such as Thailand, Laos and Cambodia.

    Elsewhere in the world, consuming dog meat is less common. That said, several other countries lack laws criminalizing eating dogs, while they may have rules preventing slaughter, farming or sale. Such places include the United States and the United Kingdom, where a person could theoretically kill and eat their own dog, but selling it to someone else is illegal. '

    Source: people are aware of,dog meat in the world.
    poltiregist and TMT Tactical like this.
    1. TMT Tactical
      When it actually hits the fan, dog meat will just be another menu item. Soft hearts disappear with the arrival of an empty stomach.
      TMT Tactical, Jun 5, 2024
  39. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I think that well before an all-out economic collapse there will come to pass a massive number of unemployed.

    Add high unemployment with high inflation and you get millions of very angry people. Now, flood the streets and neighborhoods with millions of illegal immigrants. Masses of illegal immigrants also puts a tremendous amount of stress on social services and school systems. And, the political divide leading up to the November election has the two separate political American nations furious at each other. America is turning into a pressure-cooker without any sort of pressure release valve.

    Think maybe we'll see conflict leading to violence even before it hits the fan?! I sure do.

    "California: 48 Rubio’s Locations Closing Due to ‘Rising Cost of Doing Business’ "

    Begin quote

    The popular fish taco chain Rubio’s Coastal Grill will be closing 48 locations in California due to the “rising cost of doing business.”

    A Rubio’s spokesperson confirmed to KTLA that underperforming stores in the Golden State will be shutting due to the “current business climate.” As many as 24 Rubio’s locations in Los Angeles will close along with 13 locations in San Diego and 11 locations in Northern California.

    Rubio’s made no mention of California Assembly Bill 1228, which took effect in April and forced companies to pay a fast-food workers a minimum wage of $20 an hour.

    “Many restaurants have responded by raising menu prices and, in some cases, laying off workers,” noted the outlet.

    “Fast food inflation has a disparate impact across racial and ethnic groups due to different levels of fast food consumption,” it noted. “According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 42.4 percent of non-Hispanic black adults consume fast food, compared with 37.6 percent of non-Hispanic white adults, 35.5 percent of Hispanic adults, and 30.6 percent of Asian adults.”

    End quote


    "Illegal Immigration and Black Voters"

    "Over the last several months, media coverage of the anger and frustration expressed by American citizens over the influx into their neighborhoods of massive numbers of illegal aliens has become a nearly daily occurrence. Increasingly, the coverage has focused on inner-city residents outraged that their local governments have subordinated the rights and needs of American citizens to the interests of foreigners.

    "Historically, black Americans have competed with illegal aliens for resources ranging from housing to medical care, but nowhere has the competition been more intense than in the jobs market.

    "The U. S. Commission on Civil Rights has conducted several hearings over the last two decades directly or indirectly related to the effect of illegal immigration on black wage and employment levels. Each of these hearings was conducted prior to the recent massive wave of illegal immigrants. Yet even then, the testifying experts — regardless of where they stood on the ideological spectrum — concurred that the effect of illegal immigration on black employment was appreciable and, in some cases, dramatic. Indeed, as far back as the period between 1960-2000, illegal immigration accounted for a significant relative decline in black wage and employment rates because a sizable percentage of each cohort competed in the same low-skilled labor markets. Accordingly, relative employment rates for black males in low-skill job categories dropped by as much as 7 percent; wages dropped by up to 9 percent. (The evidence also showed a notable increase in black male incarceration rates for each percentage decrease in wage and employment rates. A host of other maladies naturally followed.)

    "The current flood of illegal immigration has also aggravated the competition between blacks and illegal aliens for government and social services. For example, Steven Camarota of the Center for Immigration Studies recently testified before the House Judiciary Committee that 59.4 percent of households headed by illegal immigrants access public benefits, amounting to approximately $42 billion per year. Over the course of a lifetime, the average illegal alien is a net fiscal drain on public coffers of $68,000. The roughly 4 million children of illegal aliens cost public schools $69 billion per year."


    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  40. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    People who trust government

    People who vote for government programs

    The sheeple are easily fooled. Show the most minimal amount of "authority" and the sheeple will believe them. Authority figures to sheeple = store clerk, a senile president, MSM newscasters, FBI, movie and TV actors, communist Congress members, ... the list is long.



    TMT Tactical likes this.
  41. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    A homeless guy results of the " Biden Depression " ., was living in the woods living on a military disability check decided to walk from North Central Arkansas to somewhere in Oklahoma . Fortunately for him he managed to join up with his also homeless brother " Biden Depression " that was living out of his car " homeless guy number two " , and thus shortened his multiple hundreds of miles walk . Homeless guy number one had to only walk about 100 miles .The point being , it appears that I will be purchasing from homeless guy number one that was living in the woods , his solar powered refrigerator . Homeless guy number one was simply going to abandon his few worldly possessions and start walking his hundreds of miles journey . However in comes homeless guy number three " Biden Depression " that I have brokered a deal to purchase the refrigerator and have the funds sent to homeless guy number one . --- I don't know about you guys , but the " Biden Depression " appears to be very real here .
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  42. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Likely you guys have heard of the " Biden-villes " homeless encampments . Homeless guy number three from my above post was just telling me of the whereabouts of the hidden homeless encampments in my area . Around these parts the homeless prefer to remain inconspicuous and hidden away .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  43. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Every major city is now "Biden-ville". And, all the "third-world" tent cities are planned by the Social Democrats.

    Chaos is a necklace of gemstones to Satan.

    Biden may be a walking dead man, yet his soul belongs to his Father.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  44. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    By Olde Geezer...

    Wow !!!!!!!!!!

    Speaking of homelessness.....

    More and more about town I am seeing the evidence of more homelessness.

    More and more when I stop by the local grocery stores and convenience stores about town ....there are people pan handling.....

    A pretty good tell tale of homelessness and desperation....

    The other day I saw one of these fellows panhandling in front of a convenience store and the local constabulary showed up and he walked rapidly away....interesting reaction.

    I am thinking that more and more this current desperation will rapidly increase....and it will not be safe to go to the grocery store and or convenience stores. These people will be driving away paying customers needing to conduct business.

    Even many of the local Waffle Houses, famous for 24/7 service, are only doing take out orders and not seating customers after a certain hour of the evening.

    Two legged wildlife is taking over.....Ishmaelites.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2024
    poltiregist and TMT Tactical like this.
  45. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens, believes in disarming decent citizens so that felons cannot steal their guns and perpetrate death and violence in communities. Here is another view: How about removing violent felons from society.

    Liberal: "We can't lock them up forever!"

    Old Gzer: Yes we can. Cut out government waste, which is insanely high, and the money to separate these "people" from society will become available.


    "One person fatally shot when hijacked Atlanta bus leads to police chase"

    "Atlanta police said one person was fatally shot on a commuter bus Tuesday afternoon that led officers on a chase for miles from the city into neighboring suburbs, with television news footage showing it barreling through rush hour traffic and striking several vehicles.

    "Atlanta police said the bus was eventually stopped miles away in neighboring DeKalb County. The suspect, identified by Schierbaum as 39-year-old Joseph Grier, was taken into custody. Grier, a convicted felon with 19 prior arrests, was armed with a handgun, Schierbaum said. [emphasis, Old Geezer]

    "Television news footage showed the bus striking multiple vehicles and crossing onto the wrong side of a road with police in pursuit. At one point, a police vehicle appears to get in front of the bus, but it kept going.

    "The pursuit ended when the bus went off the roadway, DeKalb County Police Chief Mirtha Ramos told reporters. Authorities then used a BearCat to "immobilize" the bus, she added.

    " 'Today has been a very active day, but let me be clear, we're talking about gun violence that is a result of too many people having guns in their hands,' Dickens [Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens] said. He added that it's possible that mental health issues may have played a role, but added that 'you're talking about too many guns in the hands of individuals that should not have guns, too many guns on our streets, too many guns in our homes, too many guns in our schools and buses, etc.' "

    Career felon Joseph Grier:


    "Man who hijacked Gwinnett transit bus, lead officers on chase identified, charged with murder, kidnapping "

    Begin quote

    ATLANTA — A man who forcibly hijacked a Gwinnett County transit bus on Tuesday, leading officers on a wild chase where a passenger was found dead, was identified and charged according to jail records.

    Bus chase with 17 hostages ends fatally, unrelated to Peachtree Center shooting.

    Fulton County Jail records show that 39-year-old Joseph Grier was charged with the following:

    Kidnapping (11 counts)
    Hijacking a motor vehicle (1st Degree)
    Aggravated assault (14 counts)
    Possession of a firearm or knife during the commission of or attempt to commit certain felonies
    Possession of a firearm by a convicted felon

    Grier was at another crime scene hours earlier, where three people were shot at the Peachtree Center mall. In the video interview with 11Alive, Grier is seen wearing a light grey shirt and holding a watch. He told 11Alive reporter Molly Oak that he was in the Wells Fargo and hid during the shooting.

    11Alive has also learned, per jail records, that Grier served time between October 2011 and November 2014.

    In April 2011, he was convicted of multiple counts of aggravated assault on possession of a knife during a crime in Fulton County. A couple of years earlier, in 2008, he was convicted of aggravated assault in Cobb County, and in 2005 was convicted of child molestation in DeKalb County.

    According to new information from the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, Grier was a passenger on board the bus who got into an argument with another male passenger. As the fight escalated, that other passenger pulled out a gun, which Grier took and began threatening passengers with it.

    "Grier then shot the passenger and ordered the bus driver to flee the scene while threatening passengers with the gun," the release goes on to state.

    Authorities said Grier led a pursuit across multiple jurisdictions with 17 passengers on board. The chase ended in Stone Mountain, where the bus was disabled by law enforcement using spike strips and a BearCat vehicle.

    End quote


    Bolt gunsafes to the floor.

    "Hornady RAPiD Safe Keypad Pistol Vault with RFID Steel Black"

    "The Hornady RAPiD Safe Keypad Pistol Vault with RFID Reader is an excellent starter unit to RAPiD Safe technology. Its fast, dependable touch-free entry offers convenient access to handguns and valuables. It features heavy duty tamper-proof steel construction and three entry methods: Patented RFID reader, access code, mechanical key. It is pre-drilled for permanent mounting and ideal for use in drawers. Comes with two RFID tags that can be selectively programmed to open this safe and any other RAPiD Safe you own."



    Standing gunsafes can be purchased in a vast array of configurations ... and pricing, of course. As I always say, these safes also come in fireproof versions which allow you to store important documents and family keepsakes. Heaven forbid you have a house-fire, such documents and family photos stand a FAR greater chance of survival. Stamp collections, coin collections, military awards, ... think about all of the items that are near and dear to you and your family. Store your ammo in fire safes.

    I have one monster safe and two smaller safes. One of my smaller safes has a rapid-entry push-button lock. I do NOT simply store firearms in these.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  46. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Authority figures end up abusing their power.

    My dad and his mates paid-off the state congressmen. The owners of the honky-tonks / gaming houses paid-off the sheriff and his deputies. People gamble. Welcome to Earth.

    Eternal truth about the human species: "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

    Another truth: "Might makes right." Those in power determine the content of history books.

    A good one out of three police aren't corrupt. Another third are going through the motions to make retirement. The other third are monsters. Better be able to protect your own family and have a lawyer / retain a lawyer who has the soul of a badger with terminal hemorrhoids. Own weapons. "Better to be tried by 12 than be carried to your grave by six. "


    Post-SHTF, righteous officers of the law, not receiving pay (the dollar will be toilet paper), will return to their kin and community and help-out there. They will be needed MASSIVELY at home.

    Those who stay with the force will either be saints or monsters.


    Note also how members of today's FBI have become mercenaries for the Leftists occupying the White House. Biden's surely not in charge. Biden my have to wear Depends lest he soil himself.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      When he died, my dad was penniless (alcoholism and gambling) save for a drop of life insurance which paid for his funeral ... and that's about all. As a teenager, I had to sell-off his business and gambling machines to some seriously dodgy men. But then, knowing Dad's crew, I knew eyes and behaviors of killers. Most were nice to kids. Maybe that's what got my mom and I by.
      Old Geezer, Jun 14, 2024
      TMT Tactical likes this.
    2. Old Geezer
      Unless you are a congressman's son, you cannot pay-off the federal boys! Note that these folk are often NOT people from America's Heartlands. They are often NOT religious and do not have spiritual hearts. Many are monsters. My dad paid ALL of the federal taxes on his gambling machines. Think of the fed.s as NOT being human (some are -- duh! -- yet many/most have cold blood running through their veins; some are overtly anti-Christian; some are overtly antisemitic).

      Old Geezer, Jun 14, 2024
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  47. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Mob ravages California mini-mart during flash robbery near airport, shocking video shows"

    "The gas station's owner said several hours passed before police responded to the crime

    "Dozens of people ransacked a gas station mini-mart near the San Francisco Bay Oakland International Airport in Oakland, California, early Friday morning, leaving the store destroyed.

    "Shocking surveillance video shows suspects in a flash mob tearing apart the store as they rifled through the refrigerated section and shelves, smashed items and filled shopping baskets full of loot.

    "Sam Mardaie, the owner of the 76 Gas Station & Mini Market on Hegenberger Road, told FOX 2 the thieves caused an estimated $100,000 in damage at the store and that they threatened two employees working at the time."


    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      Old Geezer, Jul 7, 2024
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  48. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Family calls cops 37 times, receives death threats from encampment of violent vagabonds behind dream home: ‘I can’t even use my backyard’ "

    Begin quote

    Their dream home has become a place of nightmares.

    A New Hampshire family is being terrorized by a homeless encampment that sprouted up behind their historic home, leading to violent encounters with the vagrants, according to a report.

    Robin Bach and her husband spent years restoring their 19th-century dream home in Concord to raise their two children, ages 8 and 11 — but have been plagued by the campers living in the woods behind the palatial abode.

    They’ve received death threats and have heard gunshots and screams from beyond the tree line. A swingset in their backyard, bought in 2020 during the pandemic, sits untouched by her terrified children, who will only play in the front yard.

    Since purchasing the house in 2018 with grand plans to renovate and raise a family, Bach has called police 37 times, according to police records reviewed by the newspaper. Six calls were for an area check, another six for disturbances as well as domestic violence and criminal trespassing incidents.

    During one of their first summers in the house, Bach’s husband found a man, who they had previously seen lurking in the woods near some tents, sitting in their backyard. When he asked the man to leave, the interloper threatened to shoot him.

    While Concord police can go and issue no-trespassing orders at any time, CSX also has its own police detail that will sweep the area and arrest people.

    Police are able to clear out the camp and have done so a few times and tried to connect them with local programs to find stable housing — but that’s the extent of the city’s involvement on private property, meaning the litter stays.

    And, after the police have moved the campers out, they just return in a matter of days, Bach told the Monitor.

    Last year, about 650,000 individuals in the US lacked a permanent place to live, according to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, a 12% increase from 2022 and the most since tracking began in 2007.

    End quote



    "Some Libraries Across US Become Targets of Violence, Inside Edition Investigation Finds"

    Begin quote

    Some library workers say that safety issues have put employees and library-goers at risk. “Libraries find themselves at the intersection of housing instability, untreated mental illness and rampant drug use,” library analyst Kelly Clark says.

    Libraries are meant to be a safe and quiet place for learning, but some library workers across the United States say that safety issues have put employees and library-goers at risk.

    Calls coming from local libraries have inundated many police departments. According to police records, there have been over 500 calls to authorities from the San Diego Central Library in the past year, including a report of a fatal shooting.

    Shelly Jamison’s son Trey Walker was fatally shot outside of the library after police say he confronted a man who tried to steal his friend’s backpack.

    Vincent Facey patrols the aisles of a library in upstate New York.

    “You have individuals who want to talk loud and intimidate people, so we try to alleviate that and move them along,” Facey tells Inside Edition. “The last thing I thought that I would ever have to do would (be) draw [my weapon] on someone in the library.”

    Facey spent 20 years as an NYPD officer.

    “Most people that come to the library are good people that want to enjoy the library, that don’t want to be afraid to come into the library and use the services. And that’s what we try to do, make them safe,” Facey says.

    Inside Edition found homeless people sleeping in the San Diego Central Library.

    “Libraries find themselves at the intersection of housing instability, untreated mental illness and rampant drug use such as fentanyl use and methamphetamine use,” library analyst Kelly Clark says.

    Clark’s librarian wife, Amber, was shot and killed in 2018 by a man whom she had banned from entering the library due to disruptive behavior.

    End quote
    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      Old Geezer, Jul 9, 2024
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  49. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    The homeless situation in the United States is way worse than it appears most people know . The homeless usually try to be as inconspicuous as possible for various reasons . At this point most towns of even moderate size have homeless encampments that are normally hidden from view of the casual observer . The communist that gained control of the U.S. desperately do not want the average citizen knowing how for down the drain pipe , they have flushed the U.S. economy , which has resulted in the increased homelessness . -- Though I don't know , many believe the present economic situation is on par with the so called " Great Depression " and quickly worsening . --- I recall posting on this forum a long time ago of the situation of the homeless in countries such as Venezuela and showed this situation as what we could view as the future of the U.S. . I was trying to give preppers a look into the future . Well we are now there and it will get worse . I hope our members are positioned to guard their preps from the starving , desperate hoard that is increasing in number .
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2024
    Old Geezer and TMT Tactical like this.
    1. Old Geezer
      Many SHTF scenarios are already in progress.
      Old Geezer, Jul 11, 2024
  50. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    try living in Britain, most housing goes to migrants who go to the top of the housing list before people who have lived here all their lives.
    and it will only get worse, much worse, under a Labour govt.
    Max rigger and TMT Tactical like this.
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