Congressperson Conquistador Cortez Is Evil

Discussion in 'News, Current Events, and Politics' started by Pragmatist, Jul 14, 2020.

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  1. Pragmatist

    Pragmatist Master Survivalist

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  2. Morgan101

    Morgan101 Legendary Survivalist

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    Bear with me for a minute. I will be on the soapbox.

    AOC is a liar and a total fraud. Yes, she was born in the Bronx. Her family moved when she was five. That would not qualify you as an expert on crime. The rest of her life she lived in Yorktown Heights, 45 miles North of New York City. Demographics: 90% white; average household income $137,000 per year. Her father was an Architect. From Yorktown Heights High School she went to Boston University, annual tuition $56,000 per year. It doesn't sound like she had it to damn tough. Now she wants to parlay this into the voice of the downtrodden.

    She grew up with just as much privilege as anybody. After graduating from college in seven years she attained the lofty position of bartender and waitress, then ran for Congress. Why anybody listens to her is a total mystery.

    O.K. I'm back. Off the soapbox now.
    wally, TMT Tactical and Sourdough like this.
  3. Sourdough

    Sourdough "eleutheromaniac"

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    Because they are actually even more clueless, lost and floundering then she is, sadly.
    wally, TMT Tactical and Morgan101 like this.
  4. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Here are some old sayings that just happen to be true:

    "A Republican is a Democrat who has yet to be robbed."

    "Crime causes poverty."

    As to poverty, let me first say that at base minimum 30% of homeless people are mentally ill (me, I'd put the number as being over 60%). If someone is mentally ill and not taken care of, they will end up on the streets. Therefore, these afflicted people are poor and it most assuredly is not their fault.

    Communist creed, "They are trapped in poverty." My family wasn't. I came from poor. If you can't better yourself in America, then I don't know what to tell you. There are Down Syndrome people working in restaurants. I've watched these folk balancing their checkbooks at a half-way house.

    If one makes an effort and one has morals, that person can at the very least have a decent life in America. If one has a greater level of ambition or is simply curious, then they can get grants and aids (often paid-for by the "evil" rich people) or can borrow money to go to school and better their station in life. We must not forget all of the community colleges and trade schools that usually get people better paying jobs than a master's degree will provide.

    In my world, though people didn't have a whole lot, families deeply valued getting an education. Kids were rewarded for studying and making good grades. My parents didn't have many books at all, but they bought the full set of the World Book Encyclopedia. As a little kid, I would sit and read from it. First, I'd pick out a random letter, then pull that volume and begin reading.

    The something-for-nothing crew are worthless.
    wally, TMT Tactical and Morgan101 like this.
  5. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    She evidently wants us to put uneducated unworking ghetto gang bangers in charge. She is like nearly all idiot liberals and has no grasp of reality. She is like that poor fool Mayor in Seatle that thought it would be the Summer of Love when he allowed the Trash to take over the middle of his town.

    Personally I hope that those idiots in NYC, LA, Detroit, and Chicago, and all the other liberal run states and cities DO defund their police and stop enforcing the laws. That will introduce them to the REAL world real fast. Anyone not willing and prepared to defend themselves will be someone's bi+ch. The ghettos will burn and the gangs will rule with their SPECIAL form of love. They love taking everything you have of value, raping your women, and killing anyone that resists them.

    Sadly the Black voter has a very short memory. Over and over they have helped liberals get elected but if you look back at these periods the lot in life of the average Black person has not only not improved but in most cases, it has seemed to get worse. Look back into the 8 years of Obama and you will see that the Blacks got almost nothing from his administration. The same could be said for the Clintons. If it didn't put money in their pockets the Clintons didn't do it. Liberals TALK about things but in reality, they never do it...The Republicans are not much if any better.

    Politicians make a lot of promises. Once elected they laugh about fooling the idiots with the same lies AGAIN and that is the last time they even think about the promises that they made.

    The problem is that the Government is almost NEVER a cure for people's problems and when they even try it usually makes things a lot worse. Nearly all of the legitimate problems that Black families have will only be fixed by THEM changing the way that they act and deal with these problems.

    They complain that they get sent to prison more often than White people. This is true and the only solution is to raise your kids and teach them not to commit crimes. Instead, they are proud of their criminal records and wear their pants drooping imitating what it is like when you are arrested and they take your belts away.

    They complain that they are dirt poor compared to White people. The solution is again simple. Teach and insist that your kids work hard in school and graduate. Tell your little girls that popping out babies starting at 15 or 16 is NOT the way to success. Take the balls out of your boy's hands and put a book in it. DO NOT have any more kids than you can support. If you can't even support yourself then don't have kids until you can.

    I think that sports should be taken out of public schools. It makes little to no difference in your adult-like other than offering up a lot of pain from damage you did and allowed to be done to your body in the name of winning a meaningless game for your town or school. Boys don't do this mostly for the winning and comradery, they do it because it attracts the girls.

    The number of kids that seem to think that is their ticket to fame and fortune are misguided. It is so poor that they would be more likely to skip the ball play and just buy a lottery ticket every week. I have known several that touched the golden ring. I worked with a guy that had a Superbowl ring. He played third-string for three years for the Pitsburg Steelers. What did this get him? Bad knees and back and qualified him for a dead in a job as a near minimum wage orderly in a psychiatric facility. He was a big boy and supplemented his income as a bouncer in a bar. We worked together there. My day job was a good-paying job as a machinist in a big shipyard. I bounced for a little while because I was big and a friend ran the security for the place and he wanted me there to have his back.

    The male animals like to spawn as many children as they can and support NONE. The women need to either pick better men or at least use birth control. Black lives Matter, Black people need to act like it and offer their children more than a life on welfare with periodic trips to prison for 25% the males and endless pregnancies with no partner for the females. there is a guy on death row. He was 32 years old and was proud to have 26 children that he was sure were his and 8 more that might be his. Of his 32 years, he had spent 15 in prison for assorted violent crimes. He had a father or maybe a sperm donor might be more the truth, two half brothers and one full brother in prison for violent crimes and serving long or life sentences.

    Until the Blacks decide that they WANT to have better lives there is actually no way we can help them. We have been trying for most of my life and the more that we have given them the farther down they have slid. Now they want the right to kill and loot indiscriminately. You actually don't help when you GIVE people something without expecting them to do something to make that gift worthwhile.

    By giving them money, homes, cars, food, and clothing we have taken way any reason for them to work and try to better themselves we instead are breeding an ever-growing group of losers with no pride, no ambition, and no future.
    wally and TMT Tactical like this.
  6. randyt

    randyt Master Survivalist

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    she makes me want to puke
    wally and TMT Tactical like this.
  7. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    AOC is out-of-the-closet about the revolutionary communist thingy. It is at least honest about that aspect of itself.

    I most worry about the legions of the invisible damned. Witness the malignant "deep state" within government. They are a cancer difficult to detect. They kill a nation by eating its internal organs.

    Oceans of idiots follow these malignant souls.

    wally and TMT Tactical like this.
  8. Pragmatist

    Pragmatist Master Survivalist

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    Good morning all,

    Forgot the formal term but there is a term for finding something while looking for something else.

    I just found something to help illuminate Congressperson Conquistador's background.

    In the 6 March 19 Wall Street Journal, they carried something from the Daily by Jose Lambiet of 4 March 19.

    WSJ is paywall so am going to practice my typing. All credit to above sources.


    Mrd Blanca Ocasio-Cortez, the woman who inspired US Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cotrez to take up the fight for the 'little guy' says she always knew her daughter would make something of herself.....

    Her dad and I were preparing for Alexandria's birth and still picking names the 56-year old mom of 2 said in an interview with

    Mrs Blanca Ocasio-Cortez ... - is still settling down in Eustis, Florida, a small city ...Orlando.

    'I lived in the New York area for most of my life but I started being unable to afford it.' Blanca said in the living room of her modest but tidy Florida house.....

    'I was cleaning houses in the morning and working as a secretary at a hospital in the afternoon. I was working from 6am until 11pm. And I prayed and prayed, and things worked out. After the children graduated from college, I figured it was time for me to move to Florida.

    Blanca said it was a no-brainer, adding: 'I was paying $10,000 a year in real estate taxes up north. I'm paying $600 a year in Florida. It's stress-free down here'

    wally and TMT Tactical like this.
  9. Pragmatist

    Pragmatist Master Survivalist

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    TMT Tactical and wally like this.
  10. wally

    wally Master Survivalist

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    AOC is a tool...the sooner shes out of power the better off everyone will be....
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  11. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    AOC is the living proof that our current version of Democracy is no longer functioning and stable. We need to return to a Democracy that is closer to what the founding fathers designed and placed into law.

    Originally people that couldn't support themselves could not vote, people convicted of a felony didn't vote, Only people that owned property voted, only legally entered citizens could vote... There were things like women, black people, etc not voting and that wasn't necessarily right at the time and today is wrong.

    The thing is that people that can't or didn't take care of themselves and function in a successful way should not tell those that are successful how to run the country. By allowing ANYONE to vote we see these idiots voting for cake and circuses. Why shouldn't they, they are not paying for it even in the form of taxes. If Biden is elected in November we no longer deserve our freedom and we will get what we deserve.

    Don't blame it on the Black people, they are only about 10% of the voting population. It isn't women they split pretty evenly in most votes. The problem is that too many white conservatives won't get off their lazy ass and vote. They will bitch and complain but they don't get out and vote.

    UNDERSTAND this election and the last were the only opportunities in modern times to vote for and elect a person that wasn't handpicked by the two parties for us to vote for. Trump is far from perfect and someone needs to take his cell phone away and forbid him to say things without someone screening his words before he says them but he is the first president in my long life that has actually tried HARD to do the things that he promised. Both parties make a lot of promises but most are laughed about and forgotten the day after the election results are final. I REMEMBER the Republicans "Contract with America" Not one thing that they promised was ever done or even presented and tried to be done.

    This is probably the last time that Americans will have the opportunity to vote for someone that is disliked by BOTH parties almost equally. In my opinion, anyone that all real politicians dislike pretty equally must be better than a hand-picked political puppet that is going to do nothing but line their pockets and parrot the party line no matter how stupid or corrupt it is.

    Trump is a terrible politician!!! He says things all the time that NO politician would ever say. Well, he ISN'T a politician, he is a businessman that has always told it like it is and has not changed. You know what he believes and he will tell you exactly what he wants to do and what he thinks about people. He is like a real person and not a manakin for spouting a planed party dogma. If you base your vote on what politicians SAY while running for office you need to look at their past and you will see that they SAY a lot but do VERY very little of what they promise and say.

    I NEVER listen to a political speech. It is a written document written to say what that party thinks people want to hear and has almost NOTHING to do with what that politician believes or plans to do. Instead of listening to lies take the time to study their voting record. Then you can base your vote on what they DID in the past and WILL DO in the future rather than on stupid lies and promises that they never intend to keep.

    AOC promises pie in the sky and turning our world into a pastoral paradise. the REALITY is that the only way to do that would require most people to be killed and the remainder rigidly controlled with any decenters killed the first time they stray. People are NOT a pastoral or naturally gentle species.

    Even the Bible recognized this. As soon as there were two naturally born people one killed the other. Even the Bible tells us that people can't live in paradise and are a violent and mean spirited species. How many times did the Bible tell of people getting so bad that even their creator had to kill or massively punish them? Even if you don't accept the Bible as a holy book, if you read it you will understand that people are not by nature a gentle or charitable group. The entire old testament is basically a list of stories of the repeated fall from grace of people and the endless terrible things that we love to do to each other.

    AOC and others like her ARE the serpents in the garden reborn...
    Old Geezer and TMT Tactical like this.
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