Dealing With Fear

Discussion in 'Mental Preparedness' started by PedroP, Jul 1, 2017.

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  1. PedroP

    PedroP Active Member

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    Do you currently employ any methods you created or learned through others to deal with your own fear?
    In my training, i was taught to handle fear naturally. My teacher made us experience a little bit of fear in every session through methods like making us defend ourselves against knives and other blunt weapons. Confidence is something we build over time and varying the situations you're exposed to, and most important learning from them is what creates tough people.
  2. Koala

    Koala Well-Known Member

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    Well, they do say that fear is your greatest enemy! Your mentor/teacher sounds very wise because overcoming your fear is by facing it head on.

    My own methods that I use to deal with my fear would be pretty simple. It is meditation. Before I started to regularly meditate I had a lot of fear in my head and unreasonable thoughts. Ever since I am practicing meditation I feel so at peace with myself. It pushes all of my fear away and it truly helps. I don't need anything else.
    PedroP likes this.
  3. Corzhens

    Corzhens Master Survivalist

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    I think the only way to deal with fear is by building up the confidence. Fear is common to children particularly at night when the bedroom is dark. Explaining the dark that nothing would harm us will give the child courage although I admit that fear is still there. But getting used to sleeping in a dark bedroom will really build up the confidence and fear will be gone. With other things, it is the realization that we have to accept and get used to things like accidents that it can happen.
  4. explorerx7

    explorerx7 Expert Member

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    Fear has the ability to hold some people hostage. No matter how much they seem to be gathering up the confidence to counter their fear, there comes and instant which just drives them back to square one. I have a natural fear of heights no matter how I may try to convince myself that I would be able to conquer my fear, I find that I unable to counter that queasy feeling whenever I get up there. My answer to this problem is trying to stay away from heights as much as I can.
  5. PedroP

    PedroP Active Member

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    Oh yes, he was indeed. Lately, i have been suffering from this same problem. It seems I get into this "Doom mode" and I start hallucinating things that aren't really happening. It's like all of a sudden my life makes no sense anymore, I will never find a job, my girlfriend is cheating on me etc etc etc. So I researched the internet and read that meditation is a very good practice to calm a restless mind. Can you share some tips?
    Koala likes this.
  6. Koala

    Koala Well-Known Member

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    Yes, I would gladly help you, Pedro! What specifically interests you? Just the general meditation? There are many, many different techniques. Some might fit you better than others.

    I think the best way to start is perhaps look up guides on the internet and YouTube. My routine consists of two meditations per day. One in the morning and one in the evening. I really suggest that you give it a try! Make sure to find the technique that fits you the best though - you have to be comfortable when you perform it.
  7. PedroP

    PedroP Active Member

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    Nice knowing it can be done more than once a day. I will look into it for sure.I have been looking into the Vipssana technique. Supposedly it helps clear the mind and tell true from lie in our lives. I haven't always been like this you know, which makes me even more frustrated. I used to be confidence itself, always calm, always steady always bold. I still retain some of these characteristics but every since i moved back with my parents it's been an uphill struggle to keep my cool. Thanks for the tips :)
  8. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Most of the mind-numbing, soul-killing, crap that has happened to me came out of the blue, could not have been prevented, and there is no mental training for such spiritually sick, godless, purposeless, existential filth. Either you get past it, or you don't. In the middle of life's damnations, you can say to yourself, "I might get to the other side of this." God is taking a cigarette break and your friends likely aren't with you either. You are alone and being crushed into nothingness. I've not gone too insane, but I'm not right. Life scars the soul and apparently God is not anxious about bringing any manner of balm or closure or spiritual solace.

    I have nothing to offer except to say that after such spiritual rape, you get more than a little bit numbed, you become emotionally blunted, you do not apologize for drinking, and the next time it happens, you are just as helpless as the last, but you care less and less. I guess the only "upside" is that lingering numbness. Several people who know me won't ride in a car with me, due to my not caring whether I live or die. On a business trip, I had fellow workers riding with me when a bus pulled right in front of our path (I'd say I was going around 50 mph). I said, "Gosh, I wonder if we are going to crash." The people in the car with me were screaming.
  9. PedroP

    PedroP Active Member

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    I know how you feel. Even though I haven't felt things to the extent and intensity you have. About a year ago I was going through similar problems. I didn't know what the hell was going on or what I should do about it. I had lost someone very dear to me, which I cared much about but obviously didn't care about me the same way. Then a friend told me to come over to his place to talk. I figured we'd drink and talk about problems but he introduced me to his Spiritual African religion. It has changed my life. I'm not saying that religion is the solution. I'm saying that when the shit hits the fan you gotta hold on to something and that's what i held on to.
  10. arachnophobik

    arachnophobik New Member

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    Remember that fear and hesitation are the greatest enemies. All it takes to overcome them is either face them head to head, or not to mind them at all and just give it a sudden go. I've found that whenever I fear to do something, I just take a quick second to inhale a bit of air, and I let go a big rush of adrenaline to finish what I need to do. Remember to give yourself credit even where it isn't due, it helps you build up your confidence better.
  11. texsun54

    texsun54 Member

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    It is natural to feel fear, it is how you deal with it that counts. Without fear you would not have caution, and you would react irrationally. What you don't want is to allow fear to paralyze you. The best way to overcome fear is being prepared, with preparation comes confidence and even when afraid if you feel you are prepared it will give you confidence to react to the situation. Preparation may be as simple as walking down the street and thinking about how you would react if this or that happened and having a plan or an escape route in mind.
    Ystranc likes this.
    1. Ystranc
      Finally someone mentions caution...fear is an evolutionary necessity. Fear gives us the adrenalin rush, the strength and speed to fight off an attack or to run from overwhelming odds.
      Social conditioning is the enemy because your natural reactions are blunted so you freeze or panic when you should really be attacking or running
      Ystranc, Jul 14, 2017
  12. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    what fear? there is nothing in my life that makes me fearful, and I think the same goes for most of the population today.
  13. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    I see religion / "mysterious stuff about the Universe" as preparation for what comes after this world. I've had the dead tell me in dreams what was going to happen in the future, I told family member about something I was shown in a dream, the event happened within a week and the event photo was in the local paper, the family member I had spoken-to freaked-out massively, they thought something was wrong with my soul or something. I've never gotten any lottery numbers -- what's that about! My ancestors still allow bad stuff to broadside me. The dead I'd like to talk to, they don't show up, or maybe I see them in a vivid dream for a flash message ... one time in 40 years! I've seen one relative on multiple occasions, I liked him, but didn't know him super-well in life -- he's the family messenger, apparently. Go figure. Were I making this stuff up in my head, I sure wouldn't have it go like this.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2017
  14. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    My brain's fear circuitry is messed up / burned / now is toast or something. I fear bad things happening to others who I care about, but then I don't care about many other people at all. As for myself, I kind'a no longer exist. I don't like pain, that says I'm still alive, maybe.
  15. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Me, I react. I'm one of those who need to "hesitate" / take the time to think. Me, something / someone hurts me, I hit back. I need to cool down. My dad was worse. I'm working on it, I think. Getting better, maybe. God knows at this age, I should be better with my actions. But if something hurts, it hurts, and there's the matter of reflexes, some hard-wired, some learned. I'm not going to be around for a whole lot longer ... or God will poke me with 20 more years. I'll shoot myself before taking to a bed; there's a 100-percenter.
  16. texsun54

    texsun54 Member

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    I find it difficult to believe anyone that says they don't feel fear. Sure you may be free from daily anxiety from the fear of daily circumstances, but at some point you will feel fear, feeling fear is a self preservation mechanism. You look both ways before crossing the street because you fear being run over, you are not terrified about crossing the street because you know to look first ( being prepared). You don't touch a flame because you fear being burned and that is because you know fire is hot ( knowledge ). You like everyone else experiences fear, but fear is mitigated by knowledge and preparation. It does not diminish that we feel fear, but how we manage it.
  17. PedroP

    PedroP Active Member

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    Seems like a classic case of mediumship. There are many types, some people talk to the dead, some people listen only or see only and some people get prophetic messages of what's about to happen. If I were you I'd go to Spiritist centre. What you have is a gift and it can be developed to benefit you and those around you. If that's is what you want of course.
  18. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    I have close to no psychic ability whatsoever. Remember, they come to me. I can't even make this happen myself. And visitations only happen in vivid dreams and I hardly ever ever ever have vivid dreams. I get Buddhist-like waking daytime synchronicities all the time (strings of three to five closely linked events); however these things happen TO me. I have like ZERO control over such. My wife keeps up with my dreams and pays attention to them more than I do. I will say that I do know when I'm getting a heads-up, but don't fully understand what the dickens I'm supposed to do about it.

    And I get life "mile markers" -- hard to describe. It's like, "You've passed stage B and are entering part C." I don't know what to make of such. I once met a very Holy Soul in the next world during a turbo-vivid dream. I got laughed at. No joke. I got laughed at. He was like Santa Clause and the Buddha wrapped up into one, 10x. I mean, His was a jolly laugh, you know like a great grandfather being amused by a three year old great grandchild. Talk about being humbled! That made me feel totally tiny -- any thoughts I had were insignificant, meaningless next to the Thermonuclear Uber-Powered Mind I was standing in front of. And He was a created being. He wasn't God or anything approaching Divinity -- just some super spiritual, super mature really really really nice being (who couldn't control his laughter at meeting me). I think this stuff happens because I've come so close to getting killed before. I think I got torn-loose from this world. It's the best explanation I can come up with. I'm sane. Too sane. I've had formal psychological evaluation and was found to be outrageously sane. I can't hang my hat on crazy, apparently. Maybe I wanted to be crazy so that I could just say, "Well, I'm crazy." So it goes. Dear God, why couldn't I have had a normal life. This blows wind. It's all quite disturbing.

    As to the topic of survivalism, boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, something awful is on the horizon. I mean, this ain't up for debate. Hell is just over the hill. I can see its fires lighting the night sky. I can smell it.

    I have absolutely no idea of what it is or when it will hit. However, what's coming is going to tear our world apart.
  19. Arkane

    Arkane Master Survivalist

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    After the grim reaper has had 15 attempts on me I consider myself on borrowed time!
    In that I do not fear any more! I rejoice at still being alive and will until I am not!
    I live quietly and just get on with it for I know not when the grim reaper will return!
    When he returns I will stand and face him as before!
    No hate no anger just total defiance!:D
    Ystranc likes this.
    1. Ystranc
      Do not go gentle into that good night...
      Ystranc, Jul 14, 2017
  20. PedroP

    PedroP Active Member

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    That's what i told you. You have 0% control over it because even mediuship can be trained. Actually Mediuship is a bad term. I prefer the term perception. I believe the world is energy and when we learn to interiorize ourselves we begin to notice things we didn't notice before and others didn't also. Among those things there are of course, spiritual and otherworldly things like talking to the dead and foreseeing the future. I'd search for a way to develop myself spiritualy if i were you. It's never too late ;)
  21. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    OK, so you make a good point. I've watched videos of mediums and have seen maybe two who could be the real deal. They were not the big-name, big $$money$$, folk whose names everybody knows. Actually, I've forgotten their names now.

    Some things I do know for certain: When praying for the newly departed, pray them AWAY from this filthy lower plane into where they are supposed to go -- towards Divinity. In the following worlds, one experiences the effects of Divinity, not Divinity itself, not some human-looking God. The sun brings life to the Earth, so let's go live on the sun, because we'll be so much more filled with life living on the source of life, right. Wrong! You would be toast in a nano-second. One life-after-deather said that he experienced a "Godliness" atmosphere on the other side and was told by a departed family member on the other side that they referred to this as the "Breath of God". Me, I find that very poetic. There is as much difference between this world and the next as there is between the life of a fetus and this world. Time and space -- the parameters of this world -- may have some meaning in the next world, but are petty and low and are, for certain, non-binding.

    The human brain is a quantum heterodyning device that allows the bringing of True Meaning into this crude low-frequency material (observed/slowed energy). I use the radio's function as a metaphor. Think quantum decisions heterodyned onto a biologic carrier frequency. If you think this is gobbledygook, then you are correct. I'm being logically illogical or illogically logical -- we are now through the Looking Glass, after all.

    Oh, and Carl Jung was correct about the collective unconscious. This is why little kids can have memories of "previous lives". There is no reincarnation. Since the child's mind has not individuated, it can pick up on memories out of the collective unconscious. Think of such memories as flotsam and jetsam floating to the surface. Witness an object being "annihilated" into a black hole. Entity information concerning is "deposited" at the event horizon of the black hole. Such is the same with the lives of souls. Nothing is ever ever ever ever ever ever lost. We are talking about a realm wherein ideas are solid, where Purpose is a cinder block. Human religious texts call it all manner of names such as the Book of Life. In Hinduism we witness the term Karma associated with an individual soul -- again, nothing is lost.

    We evolved in this world and will continue to evolve in future worlds if our intentions are clean, we put in genuine effort, and ask for Guidance. We all need guidance. I'm still learning stuff about this world and I've been here over six decades.

    All of this is totally NOT understandable to us in this plane of existence, period. A person can wax poetic and come up with some pretty metaphors and that's about it.

    1 Corinthians 13:12

    12 "For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known."
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2017
  22. PedroP

    PedroP Active Member

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    Indeed. I believe we are here as an experience, a "test" before we face the real deal. You've made some good points there but for the sake of the topic we could continue discussing in private. Just PM and we can share theories.
  23. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Yes, however we've probably covered what there is to cover. I mean, this stuff is over my head.
  24. greymanila

    greymanila Active Member

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    When I had a heart attack a few years ago, and was being wheeled to have emergency surgery....I had the oddest feeling. I wasn't afraid to die. Don't get me wrong, for a few moments, I wasn't afraid because I have lived my life to the fullest and felt like I wronged no man.

    But...when I saw my wife and family crying for me...then I became afraid. Afraid what will happen to them if I pass away. Right there and then, I wanted to live. To live for them. To take care of them.

    And so, until now, I still have that fear inside me. That's why I exercise, I work, I save money, I prepare for any calamity to come. Because I have my family to protect...
    Ystranc likes this.
    1. Ystranc
      Fear for yourself and fear for others are very different. Your fear is founded in love and I respect that.
      Ystranc, Jul 14, 2017
  25. PedroP

    PedroP Active Member

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    I believe we should do our best to be healthy yes. especially if you have a family to look after. What I don't agree with is people worrying only about saving money and working and not enjoying life. I mean we ought to spend some of that money no? Go on a trip, buy a bike, go camping, buy a gun (Or more guns :D). The one thing we can be certain in this life is that everybody is going to die but not everybody is going to live.
  26. Ystranc

    Ystranc Master Survivalist

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    Fear is an evolutionary (sorry creationists) tool, it teaches us that standing on the edge of a clif might be a dumb idea. It teaches us that getting injured isn't good either. Pain is a negative reinforcment to teach us to fear injury. Fear when managed properly can be your friend, it gives you speed, it gives you strength. Fear causes your body to go into survival mode by withdrawing blood from your extremities back to your body's core and your brain. You breath faster, you're eyes become more acute. Fear is your's just that you're crippled by your social conditioning.
  27. PedroP

    PedroP Active Member

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    Yes it's an interesting point of view indeed. Personally, i think fear ought to be managed pretty well otherwise it might control us. There is no such thing as a fearless person (Maybe someone with some pathology) we all feel and deal with fear in different ways. My teacher taught us to get used to fear little by little by inputting small elements in our training like knives and other blades. When we realized we were practicing disarms with live blades without flinching. Sure it worked for me.
  28. overcast

    overcast Member

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    I live in apartment away from the city. Here there are not many transport. Not many shops and people around. So the loneliness is one fear that I have dealt with. I am thinking that fear of anything is just a phase or some sort of transition our mind goes through. Once it gets used to it then it is possible to deal with it. But that the time period of adjusting with the fear is something we all have to deal with it. It's not easy though.
  29. PedroP

    PedroP Active Member

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    You are absolutely right. Fear is nothing but a defense mechanism. A natural response to a potentially dangerous situation Still if the area you live in is so desolate I'd consider investing in some ways to defend myself. Actually, even if the area wasn't desolate I'd advise anyone to learn some self-defense skills and get a gun or a knife and learn to use it.
  30. Deathisue

    Deathisue New Member

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    Fear is a mechanism that the body uses to survive in a dangerous situation but sometimes it can be more of a problem in risky situations, it is necessary to feel it but you have to know when to control it, a man with fear is one who delimits his potential without ni Even know he's doing it.
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