Demonism...can These People Be That Fallen And Manufacturing Inflation...

Discussion in 'News, Current Events, and Politics' started by watcherchris, May 21, 2022.

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  1. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Took a ride across the river with my lady friend and we did some shopping out in the country. We like it better out there than do we here in the city.

    While there out in the country I also stopped by my favorite gun shop and managed to find two one pound cans of of IMR 4320 and one of H4831....and purchased both.

    Also researched the possibility of purchasing a semi auto in .308 Winchester calibration...sometimes called 7.62 x 51mm hurry to make this purchase...none at all. Just looking around.

    Nonetheless...while on this journey out to the country we passed a lot of gas stations and I observed the prices...and of course my mind tended to run down rabid trails as usually it does.

    As some of you know...I have been making posts on inflation..and the nature of inflation and its ability to control and or regulate the herd...

    I am referring specifically to the trend line of government deliberately manufacturing inflation by rabid borrowing/deficit spending and thus injecting huge amounts of capital into the economy and thus raising prices to everyone out here.

    What this does over time is raise the costs to everyone and everything in the economy......except for government who has the ability to put this off on the taxpayer. is what finally came to me in all my sometimes rabid musings....down sometimes weird trails...

    And that is ...that the purpose of all this manufactured inflation...and it's attendant blame to control the herd....force us kicking and screaming ....protesting all the way ....into the new world order green deal....against our will and over our objections.....

    To force us if need be into electric cars and any other "Social and Economic limits the government or whomever is the real American Government..wants and needs to put us to support the Internationalist Green New Deal.

    Here is what you need to know....need to be thinking about ...

    Such manufactured inflation...and its controls over the way Americans think and behave is totally against Adam Smith and his teachings on is a rigged bring us into the Ishmaelite Bondage of the Green New Deal...

    This whole government manufactured inflation to the tune of Trillions and Trillions of dollars a violation of everything which Free Market Capitalization stands for ..a violation of all people to make free choices.....

    It is Government deliberately and demonically removing from us free choices by economic manipulation through manufacturing inflation...rising costs.

    It is economic theft......stealing from us our free is rigging the marketplace in favor of government or whomever is the true American Government..

    The True name for inflation, acccoding to olde Treasury and Federal Reserve Documents is Depreciation ....the loss in purchasing power of our dollar....making things cost more.....

    They will tell you that Depreciation/Inflation is in fact..disguised taxation. Thus meaning people are being taxed twice...once when you earn your monies and again when you spend it.

    Want to know why people are angry....???? Most of them do not know this about Inflation/Depreciation....that it is disguised taxation.

    Are those guys in the No Spin Zone willing to tell you this??? Think long and hard on this one...about Ishmaelite Bondage......Knowledge is Power!!!

    I have concluded that someone secretly running the United States Government is determined to limit our freedoms and putting us into social and economic bondage...Ishmael...and thus bring us by default ..into the new Green Deal...without most of us knowing or recognizing it is going on.

    And Inflation appears to be the tool they will use to force us to do what they cannot do by passing laws...the American People will not stand for passing laws...

    So the real Secret Feudal rulers of America are determined to use/misuse the inflation/depreciation route...

    This is is also as I am oft want to describe ....a non representative government....

    It is not a Limited Representative Government..

    It is Ishmael run amok....

    Be Warned these wild...

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: May 22, 2022
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  2. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    0 is part two..for those of us who can think past ESPN and or the famed Kardashians....

    If this government will rig the marketplace against us to bring us kicking and screaming into the Green New Deal.......

    Will they rig an election to help usher in this Green New Deal????

    Be Warned these Ishmaelites...who would put us into their Ishmaelite any means!!!

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  3. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Inflation is a tax on those who have the self-discipline to put back money. The Left loves paying off debts with worthless dollars.

    Preppers put back physical items that are intrinsically valuable. The collectivists hate preppers because preppers are not dependent on those who would be gods.
    TMT Tactical and watcherchris like this.
  4. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Need proof that Inflation/Deprecation is disguised Taxation...

    No matter what they teach you in public those who work or take risks in their labors for their monies....

    A Tax is work you do for which you get no goods or services...because the economic choices are limited by increased costs/inflation.

    Inflation is work you do for which you get no goods or services because your economic choices are being limited.

    They are the same you do for which you get no free economic choices.....thus Unlimited Government...not lLmited Government.

    Inflation is disguised Taxation...

    Once you understand this concept for which most of our MSM would avoid for go back and watch these people, in particular our MSM and Educational System, lie and deceive you about what is going on out here...economically and thus socially...

    I have trained and conditioned myself to think this way whenever I hear the latest economic forecast from "Experts."

    In particular now that I know inflation is disguised Taxation.

    Be Warned these Deceitful Ishmaelites.

    My non Ishmaelite .02
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  5. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Manufactured increases in fuel prices; the Left declares war on America"

    "‘Like A Roller Coaster’: Natural Gas Prices Surge, Inventories Drained Following Biden’s EU Deal"

    "U.S. natural gas prices have skyrocketed nearly 150% this year while inventory levels have shrunk, signaling more consumer pain ahead of the summer season.

    "The Henry Hub natural gas spot price, an indicator of nationwide prices, stormed past $9.30 per million British thermal units (MMBtu) Thursday, up from its early January price of $3.74 per MMBtu and the highest level since 2008, according to government data. U.S. natural gas inventories have been drained in recent months, declining 17.6% year-over-year and down 15.3% relative to their 2017-2021 average, additional data released Thursday showed.


    "Biden Stops New US Oil And Gas Production"

    "Team Biden seeks to stop yet another pipeline even as gas prices rise"

    "If you needed any more proof that the anti-American, pro-Russia, pro-Iran, pro-China, anti-Israel wing of the Democrat Party has captured the White House flag, last week we learned Team Biden plans to put the kibosh on a natural-gas pipeline with US involvement that would reduce Europe’s dependence on Russian energy.

    "The Eastern Mediterranean Gas Pipeline, which would carry Israeli and Cypriot natural gas, is yet another energy resource serving America’s strategic interests that the Biden White House wants gone. EastMed joins a long list that started on Day One with the Keystone XL pipeline, a ban on oil and gas leases on public lands and the October federal court ruling that ended drilling in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska."
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  6. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Why your salad costs 40% MORE: Vegetable prices in the US are increasing due to farming states like Arizona being plagued by drought and the nation's ongoing inflation"

    "Americans are paying nearly 40 percent more for vegetables this year than in 2021 - and experts blame climate change and the nation's ongoing inflation.

    "A new report from Bloomberg states the increase in cost is due to states that grow fresh produce seeing water cuts because of drought and storms destroying crops.

    "Arizona, which produces 90 percent of leafy greens in the US, experienced its worst drought in 1,200 years due to dramatically low water levels in the Colorado River.

    "Farmers in the state will not find relief with the new year, as government officials are set to reduce Arizona's water intake from the Colorado River by 21 percent starting January 1."
    TMT Tactical likes this.

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