Demonstrating Clearly That The Standards For President Are Not That High..

Discussion in 'News, Current Events, and Politics' started by watcherchris, Nov 12, 2021.

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  1. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Been watching clips about this Rittenhouse trial...and the Prosecution is getting re write the narrative in their view...the MSM as well.

    But to their credit the Judge is having none of it.


    In the middle of all this chaos the President Joe Biden chimes in and labels Rittenhouse a "White Supremist."

    I have been thinking this with some past Presidents.....and it seems to me that back in history ...Presidents knew not to make statements about on going trials across this nation and let the process work out through the Legal System.

    Seems to me that a President making such an statement is grounds for a defendant not being able to get a fair trial...a mistrial..

    When did leadership get so stupid and entitled...that they think they are part of the media conducting the trial separately from the legal system???

    I keep bringing up the point or issue that the standards for President of the United States are not as high as we have been mislead to think that they are....and here we have this President clearly demonstrating my point.

    When did our leadership become so fallen that they think they are sitting on the only one in town and the law means nothing....

    This is chaos....not leadership...

    Ishmaelites run wild....

    My non Ishmaelite .02
    TMT Tactical and Old Geezer like this.
  2. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    The judge in this case seems to know their stuff and are not putting up with a bunch of antics...and misdirection....drama.

    None of that Ishmaelite stuff.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  3. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    First off, I have to repeat that I'm not sure of where what biden sez comes from or if sometimes he actually is speaking as himself (????). We know that when he goes off script that his mind wanders off to who knows where.

    Given the above ... or whatever ... or whoever is speaking for biden, or biden his toxed-brain self, ... calling Rittenhouse a "white supremist" is overtly inviting trouble -- as in violence. This because should Rittenhouse be found not guilty of any form of murder, then Antifa and BLM are given the green light to go on another one of their rampages -- making their statement by stealing tennis shoes, looting liquor stores, and generally smashing and burning down the town. Antifa is best at the latter, i.e. window-breaking and felonious arson.

    Police departments have cancelled police officer leave requests in anticipation of rioting post-trial. Let's face it, the anarchists and redistributionists will likely riot even if Rittenhouse is convicted on all charges.

    In sum, the Left is totally out of the closet. I was reading some CNN and Miami Herald articles and they have, of course, already convicted the defendant.

    What with all of the economic news being negative and the world getting ready to go to war, the Left needs some distractions for the hoi polloi. Rioting in America's streets would help out a whole lot.

    Were I an inner city merchant, I would have already have closed my business and moved somewhere far from any big city. But let's say that I had no financing to move my business; right now, I'd be boarding up my windows, buying water hoses and fire-extinguishers, and whatever else. I'd end up in jail, but never-the-less, were the savages able to get into my store, I'd take my shotgun and shoot onto the floor so as to ricochet the shot up and into my uninvited "guests". The sound of "wailing and gnashing of teeth" would be heard all'round.

    If citizens dare defend themselves in Blue states, then marshal law will be declared. I'd like to see Red states bring no charges against people defending their lives and livelihoods. Let the communists scream.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  4. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Pro-Democrat-biased polls show that Americans do not believe that Joseph Biden is the actual president of the United States.

    MSM sound clips, brief interviews, and White House press secretary statements are massively insufficient to establish the qualifications of biden being able to hold office as President ... or any office in government.

    Joseph Biden must be interviewed at length about current events here in the U.S. and abroad. Biden must be asked the hard questions and not be allowed a teleprompter, nor be given a list of questions that will be asked. The questions must be asked by not only the leftist-leaning MSM, but also by conservative press interviewers. This ostensible president, Joseph Biden, must respond with very detailed and reasoned responses. Knee-jerk, scripted responses do not suffice.

    The Democratic Party owned mainstream media routinely asks hard questions of conservative law-makers. Therefore, it is only fair that such difficult questions be asked of the American President / Commander in Chief ... of the most powerful nations currently existing on this planet.

    If Joseph Biden cannot engage in such, then he is proven to be not qualified to hold the office of the President of the United States.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  5. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    It is becoming more and more evident that the standards for President of the United States are so fallen...that these very standards are no where near as high as we have been lead or mislead to believe that they are.

    I have been thinking this from as far back as Jimmy Carter....but only recently learned details about Gerald well.

    Now....if the standards for President are not really that about a Senator , secretary ...cabinet al. How about a judge???

    You see??

    This is become more and more evident with the passage of time. The mask is coming off....tilting...become awry.

    We are getting a look underneath where we are never supposed to be able to see.

    Oh.....and this applies to the media as well...for by pimping for the political party apparatus...clearly most of them on the shows that their standards are not that high as well. And people are noticing.

    Now of the names for such an rigged fallen system ..going way back to the Olde ones who came before us....


    You members decide for yourselves...for your own reasons...not group think.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  6. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I see VP Harris intends to stand for President in 2028!!!!
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  7. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    standards cant be that high if a stumbling old fool who dosent know where he is or why can be President.
    I know he's only a figurehead but its not a good look and its the reason why the Ukraine invasion went ahead, if someone more vigorous was in the WH I dont believe we would be where we are now, even October 7th might not have happened and I dont think we would be talking about WW3.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  8. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    The election was stolen in 2020. At first I didn't believe the amount of voter fraud. Sure, in Democrat-run cities, the dead always vote and the welfare crew gets to vote multiple times -- that's how things have been rigged forever. However, when the evidence came out, the testimonies came out, and the videos came out documenting the massive voter fraud, I was then punched in the gut.

    This will happen again, 2024. Democrat voters will include unsigned mail-in ballots (which will be signed/created by Democrats who work where votes are counted), paid voters voting multiple times, illegal aliens, tombstones, ... .

    The system can no longer be trusted. Government corruption has gone way too far to be repaired. The anger of the people is at the boiling point. This pressure-cooker is going to blow.
    TMT Tactical likes this.

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