Digital Currency And The Coming Herding...

Discussion in 'News, Current Events, and Politics' started by watcherchris, Apr 29, 2023.

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  1. Brownbear

    Brownbear Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Except that ULEZ zones are being rolled out in Bristol and Birmingham, so this is spreading.
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
    1. TMT Tactical
      The more it spreads, the more people that are going to get P.O.. The more people that become financially affect by these liberal regulations, the more people will start to vote conservative. The silver lining to these dark clouds.
      TMT Tactical, May 8, 2024
      Brownbear likes this.
  2. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I don't think our voting system is any longer valid. Conservatives have stopped believing in polls, voting results' accuracy / honesty, and in the federal government itself. The anger / overt hatred & loathing people of the Left and of the Right have for each other is now reaching levels that will lead to bloodshed. If this summer, rioting protesters begin to march into the suburbs, there is a very high likelihood that they are going to get shot. Antifa is arming-up and receiving training in Muslim countries. I see Antifa and their lot returning fire should the middle class attempt to protect their homes from arson and looting. Oligarchs such as Soros are pumping money into groups preparing to go violent.

    The international oligarchs, China, Russia, and even the very large banking concerns are buying as much gold as they can afford and at a rate that will not panic markets nor drive up precious metal prices. They don't want to upset the golden apple cart.

    The government digital currencies are being created for the peons to use and when they are mandated to be used by the general population are going to be used to control the peons -- slavery using digital chains.

    The big boys trade in gold and military equipment. Industrial metals and minerals plus precursor chemicals also are used in trade by governments and the international DEEP pockets.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  3. Brownbear

    Brownbear Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    In London the Mayoralty there is Labour (socialist), I am not sure about the other two locations.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  4. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    they are both Labour.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  5. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    ULEZ is a labour pet project so you will get them wherever there is a labour administration, Plymouth has a Labour council so I expect it will pop up there soon.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  6. Brownbear

    Brownbear Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Labour or not, it is a form of monetary control (I expect that the Government have reduced the money given to local councils that are Labour run. This happened a few years back. Playing politic with peoples lives).
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  7. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    I think the govt has reduced the money to ALL councils hemce the rise in council tax and lack of road repairs.
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  8. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    By Olde Geezer...

    Agree with Olde Geezer in most of this...but did not know that Antifa was receiving training in Muslim countries and arming up. That is a new one to me.

    The Pattern of which you are describing Olde Geezer is not goes back into the 1800s of which I know in Europe and the various revolutions which took place after the the 1840s....wherein it got more organized and or sponsored.....though I think some of this goes back to the late 1700s. It only got more formally organized after the Internationale...which became the Communist programs..

    What is of irony to me is that most people think that Communism originated in the East some where....when it originated and became sponsored by groups from Western nations.

    Nonetheless...I was not aware that Antifa was looking to Muslim help to get more organized. This causes me to ask who or what is the real controller....Master of many Muslim Nations....I suspect at some level ....Deep State interests....on an international level.....Deep State Ishmaelites....loyal to no country or people...or religion/power..but their own.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  9. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Turkey Bombs Iraq, Syria, Targeting Kurdish Group It Says Trains Antifa"

    Begin quote

    Turkey bombed Iraq and Syria, striking a Kurdish militia it has accused of training members of the left-wing, international antifa movement involved in protests across the United States.

    As U.S. protests broke out in the wake of last month's police killing of George Floyd, Turkey took the opportunity to highlight the alleged links between the PKK in Syria and the presence of antifa, a historic anti-fascist, left-wing movement with no central structure, but blamed by President Donald Trump for inciting violence amid nationwide demonstrations.

    Trump has accused antifa of stirring unrest in the United States since at least 2017, but announced late last month he would declare the group a terrorist organization over its alleged promotion of riots and destruction of property in the latest rallies against systematic racism and police brutality. Days later, the Turkish government issued an official graphic channeling the U.S. president's remarks.

    The graphic, published on June 3, offered a timeline of antifa's history as told by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's Directorate of Communications and linked the movement to the PKK and People's Protection Units (YPG), the Syrian Kurdish faction that leads the Syrian Democratic Forces.

    "Although its full name is Anti-Fascist Movement, some Antifa members trained by the PKK/YPG terrorist organization do not hesitate to carry out acts with an entirely fascist mentality," the poster read, alongside images of fighters in Syria with antifa and YPG flags.

    That same day, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu encouraged Trump to take a tougher stance on antifa, as well as Kurdish separatist groups. "When Antifa draws its weapons on Turkish soldiers in Syria and operates with the PKK/YPG to stage attacks on us, allies like America must show the same sensitivity," he told the local 24 TV outlet.

    "Are they only a terror group when they touch you? But when its Turkey or another country nothing needs to be done? This is not the right approach. If you are declaring Antifa as a terrorist organization you should do the same with the YPG also," he added.

    End quote


    "Bombshell: Antifa Are Receiving Military Training In Syria"

    October 9, 2017

    "The blog Vlad Tepes has the story (h/t

    " 'American and European Antifa members are being attracted to the US-backed Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) due to their anarcho-communist politics, who are in turn persuading the Antifa extremists to fight alongside them in the “Rojova revolution.”

    " ' reports: Security agencies are concerned that these Antifa members will continue the “revolution at home” once they return. Already FBI sources have revealed Antifa literature and photos taken in the Middle East which were found in the hotel room of suspected Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock.
    ' "


    TMT Tactical likes this.
  10. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    A sun spot could cause the gold spot to head up into the ionosphere. Could the sun's flatulence become an economic hacker of the First order?!

    "US Power Grid & Communication Networks Survive Extreme Geomagnetic Storm"

    "... Intense solar storms can disrupt the digital economy.

    "G5 represents the highest level of a geomagnetic storm on a scale from G1 to G5. This intense space weather event led to disturbances in some satellite orientation and operations, as well as deterioration in radio communications that rely on ionospheric transmission. Additionally, there were some outages in GPS networks.

    "Elon Musk reported hours ago, 'Major geomagnetic solar storm happening right now. Biggest in a long time. Starlink satellites are under a lot of pressure, but holding up so far.'

    "Two decades ago, the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta wrote a paper titled "Playing the Field: Geomagnetic Storms and the Stock Market," outlining that 'people affected by geomagnetic storms may be more inclined to sell stocks.' However, stocks are mostly traded by algos in today's market... "
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  11. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I have not gotten on my ham radio base station in a couple of weeks I have no real idea what radio speaking....atmospheric conditions are like or even if I can link up with my friend in Tennessee some 400 miles down range.

    I shall have to get on the ball here....also to keep current check on the operational status of my gear..

    With spring breaking other priorities have preceded these checks.

    Best get on the ball on this.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
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