Do You Pray?

Discussion in 'Religion, Religious Views, and Life After Death' started by remnant, Jun 30, 2017.

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  1. remnant

    remnant Expert Member

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    I have a prayer dragnet spread through the day and make it a default decision to wake up at midnight to pray. I am a Christian and I have seen a huge counterattack by the powers of darkness but I am now prevailing. Thats my experience, what about you?
    holditdown86 and Tina Thompson like this.
  2. kgord

    kgord Active Member

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    I pray but not at specific times. I try to pray for those who are experiencing hard times in their lives. I also pray for myself sometimes as I need it. I pray for the other people in the world as well. I am not sure what good my prayers do, but in case they are heard, I do it.
  3. Its Evan G

    Its Evan G Expert Member

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    I pray here and there but I really should do it more often. Guess now is a perfect time to start!
  4. jeager

    jeager Master Survivalist

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    You bet I pray.
    I've been hobby studying Christianity for 30 + years and find it fascinating.
    33,000 denominations of Christians all reading the same book.
    Go figger.
    I'm in A.A. recovery and we pray at the end of every meeting as a group.
    We hold hands and or hug one another.
    Men, women, straight, homosexual, trans, bi.
    People that suffer together are closer connected.

    As an aside...........

    "tortured genius." Of the many varieties of psychosis, creativity appears to be most strongly linked to mood disorders, and especially bipolar disorder, which Jamison suffers from herself. For example, one study tested the intelligence of 700,000 Swedish 16-year-olds and then followed up a decade later to learn which of them had developed mental illnesses. The startling results were published in 2010. "They found that people who excelled when they were 16 years old were four times as likely to go on to develop bipolar disorder,

    I'm not just alcoholic I'm also bi-polar.
    My I.Q. is way above average.
    Next week I'm supposed to go on meds but I don't want too.
    I kinda like being 5 fries shy of Happy Meal.:D
    I do take Cymbalta for depression/p.t.s.d and I'm o.k. with that.
    Where I was a police officer it was a war zone.
    4 of our guys went to mental hospitals and 2 committed suicide.
    One went to prison for selling cocaine.
    A couple others should have.:mad:
    koolhandlinc likes this.
  5. Okaviator

    Okaviator Member

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    I tend to pray only in the afternoon before bed and before every meal. However, I know many people that pray much more than I do in my religion.
  6. airfightermax

    airfightermax Member

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    I pray sometimes, yeah. Used to do it regularly before sleeping at night but now when I'm too tired I just head straight for bed. I believe in praying since my parents are devout Christians, so their praying habits kinda got passed on to me.
  7. sakakimakio

    sakakimakio New Member

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    I have friends who atheist and said praying was a sign of we weak and incapable to achieve something later by hoping. I simply said to him, yeah I do weak, but its okay, I'm a normal human who always depends on others being such as air to breathe, animal for food, etc. That's why I pray to show my gratefulness for The Maker.
    jeager likes this.
  8. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    The hardest prayer to pray is to pray that the Will of God be done. It takes one profoundly brave person to be happy with the outcome of such a prayer. You are praying to be made stronger and cleaner -- and if praying for another, you are praying such for them. Think about what it will take to make you as strong as a mighty oak -- what storms have such magnificent trees endured?! Think about intensity of the fire it will take to burn off the dross covering the gold lying within your heart. It is often the Will of God that your loved one be gathered unto Him. What can your heart take? God has no qualms about ripping open your chest and looking inside. He will smile as he breaks your legs to make your arms strong.

    And the Good Farmer burns His fields and plows them under to prepare for the next growing season. This is what is happening in our world right now. It is going to get intense beyond measure.
  9. jeager

    jeager Master Survivalist

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    My opinion of atheist is that they are lazy.
    It must be pretty easy just to shrug and say there is no Power great than man.
    It's also arrogant to believe man alone is the alpha and omega.
    (the beginning and the end)
    Some say the universe is chaos.
    However scientists that study the cosmos marvel at the order of it.
    Our own star, the sun, for instance.
    We live in the Goldilocks zone.
    Not to hot, not to cold, just right and have liquid water to sustain life.
    Perhaps we sprang from water.
    From pond scum.
    WHAT? you are thinking.
    This guy believes in evolution and he's a theist!?
    Sure 'nuff.
    I have two science degrees and have no issue with special creation and evolution.
    Who is to say the Creator God didn't use evolution to create mankind?
    Perhaps God is the ultimate cosmic scientist?
    The Creation story is just that.
    A story written for the people of that time in words they could understand.
    The word science didn't even exist back then.
    Just my not very humble, educated, arrogant, opinion, born of a high i.q.
    and fine education.
    Well I said I was arrogant didn't I?:p:p
    ( aw don't getcher shorts twisted ):)
    By the way I have been hobby studying religion, mostly Christianity for over 30
    years and my 2nd degree came from a Presbyterian university.
    Our first text book was a Bible.
    I have zero problem blending aspects of evolution with creation.
    Christianity. 33,000 denominations all reading the same book.
    Go figger?
    sakakimakio likes this.
  10. Scarlet

    Scarlet Member

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    I heard a preaching why the power of darkness is powerful during 12midnight until 3am. There is a truth behind it because most are asleep and no one prays during those time.
  11. koolhandlinc

    koolhandlinc Expert Member

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    I also go to AA. I pray 2 times a meeting.

    I pray the serenity prayer often through out the day. Occasionally, I will do the steps again if I think I need and then do some extra praying.

    My first sponsor went off and started doing all sorts of stuff. I tried to talk to him. Finally I separated myself from him. My current sponsor is great.

    I had a friend who gave me a tape of an old man who was a speaker at an AA meeting. He was funny as all get out. Had the crowd laughing to beat all. Then he says the reason he is there was, he gave the date and time of his car wreck. He hit a car with a woman and 3 children. He gave their ages. He said before that day he was a fun loving happy go lucky guy. He would have never planned to hurt them. He never dreamed he would do that. He never . He began to cry like a baby. He plead guilty and severed time. He wrote the family and asked permission to visit. It took several years before they allowed him to. He said every day when he thought of that family he cried. He said everyday he will work to try to keep anybody else from having the same experience. A family lost their lives because of him.

    It was on a cassette tape. I would listen when I hunted. My drive was so far I would go out of range of radio stations. So I listened. One day I was driving drunk and I thought of him and that family. I love kids and do not want to harm kids.

    That tape changed my life for the better.

    I do pray daily and often. I get mad. I pray. I am unsure. I pray. When I look at my kids. I pray, God help me! What have I done. 2 times!! God Help Me! LOL
  12. omegaman

    omegaman Expert Member

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    I dont beleive in God. I do pray sometimes, as do most people. I think of it as a psychological remedy for healing and getting stronger and try and find guidance within yourself.
  13. Ystranc

    Ystranc Master Survivalist

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    I don't pray but I don't deny the existence of God, I have no need to. It's not that I'm lazy as Jeager believes, Just indifferent. I'm able to take responsibility for my own actions and I don't need help. I always try not to disrespect others religious beliefs and I would ask you not to disrespect me for not sharing yours.
  14. WildSpirit

    WildSpirit Active Member

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    Always! ;) But I don't follow any kind of schedule or standard to pray. I always try to pray when I need it, no matter the time or the place. I don't see the church as the only place where I can pray, or where my prayers are valid.

    If I have faith, my prayer is valid everywhere. :cool:
  15. CivilDefense

    CivilDefense Expert Member

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    That has always bothered me. If there is a one supreme being, who has perfect knowledge of the universe and his creation, and he had a perfect message to impart to said, how is it that virtually none of his followers can agree what that message is? Logic dictates that all 33,000 extant sects cannot all be right, but they can all be wrong.
  16. Jameson

    Jameson New Member

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    I do pray. I am a Christian and I believe in the power and promise of prayer. I could recall of a couple of occasions when I experienced my prayers being answered and I watched it play out in beautiful reality. I think everyone should always maintain contact with their creator.
  17. joegirl

    joegirl Member

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    Yes I do pray. I am of the Christian faith and do believe in praying. I have prayed so many times for things to happen and those happened only because I prayed.
  18. PedroP

    PedroP Active Member

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    I don't pray as an independent activity but I come from a spiritual back ground and I believe we all have spiritual guides that advise us and gives us comfort during troublesome times. So I am constantly in contact with them and I light candles and do other things for them as well.
    BTW I have a blog on the subject feel free to stop by:
  19. Tina Thompson

    Tina Thompson New Member

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  20. Tina Thompson

    Tina Thompson New Member

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    Yes I pray every day. The attacks from the dark side are phenomenal right now. They're everywhere I go, especially on the internet. I had an incident on here last night. If you bring up the word God or Jesus, or end times, people go nuts if they're not in agreement. To the point of blaspheming God and saying things that just blow my mind. We are truly in a battle. My advice to others that are experiencing this is to take Jesus's hand and don't let go, cause we're fixin to go for a ride.
  21. holditdown86

    holditdown86 New Member

    Blog Posts:
    Its comforting to know that I am not alone in regards to receiving retaliation from the powers of darkness in response to praying ..being an intercessory prayer warrior is not for the faint of heart...and the enemy hates it...I ask that you pray for me please...
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2017
  22. James Grant

    James Grant New Member

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    My approach to spirituality is an integrative, holistic, non-religious, but also non-religious one. At the moment I am on my way to continuous prayer. Not prayer with words, although I pray regularly for certain people and situations, but constant union with the divine.
    Morgan101, Radar and TMT Tactical like this.
  23. Richard Earley

    Richard Earley Well-Known Member

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    When I go to bed after reading 3 chapters in the Bible...When I wake before reading 3 chapters in the Bible...Many times in the day for my food or just a simple thank you to God for giving me one more day and such a beautiful day to live...When I have read the Bible all the way thru I close it and thank God for giving me the honor and pleasure of reading His word..Then I begin again at the beginning and I will continue to do so till the day I die...J.I.M.B.F...
  24. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    with all this reading and praying, do you actually get any work done?:p:)
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  25. Morgan101

    Morgan101 Legendary Survivalist

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    Almost every day. I am Catholic, so it is the Memorare in the morning. In my office I have holy cards for St Jude, and St Anthony. I will pray for special causes, for people in need, and for mankind in general.
    MBB and TMT Tactical like this.
  26. Pragmatist

    Pragmatist Master Survivalist

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    Good morning all,

    No, do not pray. Will, however, stand guard on the walls for you.

    Don't know the origins but some non-human involvement helps me when I help myself.

    Would never even think of entering those social clubs with the possible exception to hear holy words from the Reverend Jimmy Swaggart.

    I do read much and have visited some holy places; Wailing Wall, Church of the Nativity, Cannon Beach, Oregon, and that new Buddha statute in Hong Kong.
    Radar and TMT Tactical like this.
  27. Radar

    Radar Master Survivalist

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    TMT Tactical likes this.
  28. Richard Earley

    Richard Earley Well-Known Member

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    I am retired now everyday is a Saturday....As for work clean up the apt take out trash go shopping shooting and fishing...Being retired sure is tough...
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  29. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    The dogmatic religions are dead.

    Life after death accounts affirm that dogmas mean nothing in the worlds to come. We are here to evolve spiritually. Our ancestors pray for us. They meet us when we die. I've had them come to me in dreams and give me a heads-up about things coming. I've told others what I was told and when those things came about, others have been more than just taken-aback.

    They pray for me, so I pray for them. I haven't the vaguest idea of what to pray for. I am blind terrified to say, "May God's Will be done." God's lessons are unbearable. God has snapped my spine. Once, literally.

    I pray to the Prophets to protect me from the evil folk in this world. I pray to them to protect me from God being nice.
    Radar and TMT Tactical like this.
  30. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    yep, same here.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  31. MBB

    MBB New Member

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    Same here. I thought I prayed a lot before this year came crashing in, now I know I do. So glad to have my faith with me through this mess. I have an image of the Divine Mercy on my front door and all doors and windows have been blessed with holy water. Praying death and sickness pass over this household and for an end to the virus, protection for all who still have to work and cannot quarantine. Praying for God's mercy, forgiveness, and protection. I believe we need to be praying more than we need to be prepping and we need to be prepping constantly.
    Morgan101, Radar and Richard Earley like this.
  32. MIsha Bakunin

    MIsha Bakunin Member

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    I am a catholic, and I pray, but lately I have not been as much. My last girlfriend was anti-christian and alas I think she indirectly put distance between God and myself. However I might stray a little but I am always still Christian...
  33. Richard Earley

    Richard Earley Well-Known Member

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    Every morning every evening before every meal and several times in between...Jesus is my best friend...You could not find a better friend..
    Radar likes this.
  34. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    Not very much. I figure that the big guy can get along fine without my advice or pleas. My prayer is the Prayer of Serenity.

    God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
    The courage to change the things I can,
    and wisdom to know the difference.
  35. F22 Simpilot

    F22 Simpilot Master Survivalist

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    I grow tired of praying. I fell like no one is listening. I don't even think my prayers are answered. Often times I speak to the "one", the creator and just have a conversation. Not in the way I was nuts or something, but in a way like why this or that and why did you design all things like this? Being the creator of all I wonder why such things are the way they are, etc. Been a very curious person all my life and just ponder.

    I have a friend that's an archaeologist and he told me some of the things they unearth and kept under wraps by the government due to religious and other things. One has to wonder just what all that is. He tells me it could upset the delicate balance of religion or what ever and cause a problem. Thus the Feds keep it all under lock and key like the ending to Raiders Of The Lost Ark.

    Very curious world and universe we live in. Many people have no idea...
    Radar likes this.
  36. Pragmatist

    Pragmatist Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Good morning all,

    So the story goes ...

    An area of our vast fruited plain is routinely subject to large-scale flooding.

    An old man retiree, living alone, in a somewhat decent upkept house was comfortable and content with his living arrangements.

    The media and community's public safety departments sent out warnings about anticipated heavy flooding enroute.

    Some filled sandbags, some evacuated, the old man had not a care in the world and continued with his routine.

    The waters started rising making roads dangerous to drive on. Some members of a Neighborhood Watch org passed the old man's house and asked if he wanted to leave the area with them since it was safer to travel in a group with younger, healthy people. He said no and mocked them.

    The waters rose even higher preventing people from leaving their houses. A rescue vehicle with megaphone stopped at this guy's house and asked if he wanted them to take him to a safe area. The old man said No! and told them to get away from his house.

    The waters rose even higher and those who could climbed onto the roofs of their houses. The old man was one of these people on their house roof.

    Minutes later the flooding increased and the old man was swept away and drowned.

    In the state of being after life as we know it, so it was reported, the old man caustically yelled out: "Oh, Lord, why did you forsake me ?!"


    "What the HELL do you want ? I sent neighbors to help you. I sent your society to help you. I sent a SAR team help you.
    Now go help yourself. End of discussion"


    We learn from this true story that Divine Intervention requires one to be a Prepper.
    Radar likes this.
  37. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Speaking of prayer, my wife just told me that John Prine is in the hospital with the Covid19 virus. He is in critical condition. This is bad. John smoked and he got neck cancer, then he got lung cancer. He survived both of these cancers. Surgeons took part of one lung to remove the cancer.

    I just looked and found this bad news in the newspaper

    My heart is breaking. Been to see him in concerts a couple of times. Love the man.

    If his body gives out, he'll be in Heaven in two shakes of a squirrel's tail.

    Bonnie sings Prine

    Summer's End

    The Tree of Forgiveness

    Let us pray.

    Radar likes this.
  38. Morgan101

    Morgan101 Legendary Survivalist

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    To each his own. I won't force my beliefs or my religion on anybody, and I don't want anybody forcing their beliefs or religion on me. We all seek our own path. I believe God gave us a free will. Others may not believe in God, but that is their choice, or perhaps their free will.
    Radar likes this.
  39. Jabango

    Jabango New Member

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    I used to as a kid then realized it was for nothing. I'm an atheist now.
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