Escalating Crime In America

Discussion in 'News, Current Events, and Politics' started by Old Geezer, Aug 16, 2023.

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  1. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Criminal activities are increasing in the former United States.

    The media is reporting the exact opposite. They are cherry-picking statistical numbers to support their Leftist leanings. Often the MSM will also use language that attempts to lessen the severity of criminal behavior. They also will refuse to tell any specifics that will support non-Leftist opinions. Black youth organizing lootings over social media is reported by the press as "teenagers removing merchandise" at this or that retail store. To find out details, one must go the posts of these events as witnessed by bystanders or posts by the thieves themselves who are delighted and proud of what they have done. The media deems truth to be racist.

    Among the numerous reasons for these attacks is that mainly urban areas are caving into pressure from Leftist and minority community activists. The municipalities have greatly increased the value of items stolen before felony charges can be brought. These cities are no longer requiring bail -- the robbers are literally back on the street before the police paperwork is completed. When thieves are sentenced, they rarely get much jail time at all, if any.

    The Left and their media operatives WANT the redistribution of wealth. Part of their dogma-set is the belief that oppression causes crime. American History reveals obscene levels of oppression and violence towards the Irish and the Chinese. Chinese ghettos were burned to the ground with the people still occupying the incinerated dwellings. Anti-Chinese groups shot dead Chinese people and were not punished for the murders. Retail stores and restaurants had signs stating "No dogs or Irish allowed." These cultures are now non-violent; they do not go out on looting sprees. Today, Chinese Americans are grade point curve-busters at universities -- if the universities admit them. Universities have quotas that favor blacks and Hispanics -- mainly African Americans. Universities have many Chinese students ... students from Communist China. Pro-communism is the bias on university campuses. Conservative statements by students result in them receiving lower grades, verbal attacks and often overt aggression (getting punched, being knocked to the ground).

    I digress.

    So here's a thread intended to be a sort of barometer of crime rates here in the States. Crime is increasing in the U.K. and Europe; however, those crime rates are minimal compared to the U.S. The UK and continental Europe are still very mono-cultural. An insufficient number of migrants have arrived there to cause any big shift in statistics. Sweden is ramping up in the murder statistics realm as their migrant numbers represent significant population percentages in multiple urban areas.

    As people migrate from India, murder rates don't go up; this, because the country of India doesn't have terrible murder rates to begin with. Hispanic immigrants into America only have a 2x / double murder rate than European Americans -- this 2x isn't that bad, really, I'm not kidding. African Americans have a murder rates 6x - 8x that of Europeans and Hispanics (often Hispanic murder statistics get concatenated in with European-American numbers). Black families, black culture, is in open collapse. No fathers at home = out of control adolescents = high crime = mind-numbingly high murder rates.

    Side note: The vast numbers of Hispanic migrants currently flowing into America will cause problems, has already caused problems. This due to Hispanics pushing blacks out of their neighborhoods, so that their own people can move in. Hispanic gangs commit violent acts that result in displacement. Hispanic gangs have fire-bombed black homes. In the L.A. metro area, Compton used to be over 90% black. Now, it is only 33%. Overseas press don't often report such matters.

    Even before catastrophic SHTF events arrive, there are increasingly more areas where a prepper should not live. They will be in danger now; plus as times get even worse, people may find themselves in situations so violent that the bugging-out option is negated. Yes, that level of violent chaos -- total pandemonium and death.

    Last edited: Aug 17, 2023
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  2. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "California woman violently dragged in parking lot by purse-snatchers, good Samaritans rush to rescue"

    "A terrifying video captured a 75-year-old woman being dragged across the pavement in a California bank's parking lot by purse-snatchers in broad daylight.

    "The violent robbery happened Monday just after 11:15 a.m outside a Bank of America in Hacienda Heights, California, suburb of Los Angeles.

    "Los Angeles Sheriff's Office said that unidentified woman was leaving the bank and walking in the parking lot when the suspect ran up to her and grabbed her purse, which was over her shoulder. The determined woman refused to let go of her belonging causing the thief to knock the woman onto the ground and drag her for several feet.

    "He continued dragging the stunned woman until two good Samaritans rushed to the scene and chased away the suspect.

    "Detectives told FOX 11 this robbery is the latest in a string of robberies spanning multiple cities and counties. Additionally, detectives believe the same suspects are involved.

    " 'Property can be replaced, but the life of someone is most important to us," LA County Sheriff's Department Deputy Miguel Meza told FOX 11. "If you're going to get your vehicle, your purse, or anything of value stolen, or you're put in a situation where someone's trying to take anything from you, let the person have it. We don't want you to be physically hurt.' "


    More videos from this past month concerning muggings:

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  3. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    America seems to be the most violent Western country.
    I dont know if that is because of the availability of firearms or in spite of it.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  4. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    In the current USSA the violence, witnessed in primarily urban areas (rural sometimes gets it), is due to the collapsing of the nuclear family and civilization in general. Adolescents have no paternal discipline / self-control regulation between their ears. They have no fear of being punished for aggressive behaviors. Add that laws have become lax. Obviously, these factors constitute a recipe for disaster.

    When purchasing a firearm, there is a background check for a criminal or mental illness (committed to Psych care); however, too many times the involuntary commitment records are not getting into the criminal records data. Why this is happening, I haven't a clue. It's dangerous for police officers also -- they don't know when they are rolling up on a paranoid schizophrenic.

    On the gun ownership side, it is my wish that all owners of firearms keeps safes for firearms and valuables. When people leave their home unoccupied, often they have not secured weapons nor jewelry. This represents thousands of dollars worth of items to be stolen and sold on the streets. This makes burglars very happy! If one has these items, for heaven's sake, buy a robust/tall safe! How stupid not to do so. "I live in a safe neighborhood," B.S.! Thieves predate out into the neighborhoods, DUH! Nowadays, folk are buying "doorbell cameras". Videos from such routinely show burglars driving by homes and knocking on doors to case the houses they are seeking to burglarize.

    Don't put a fake security sign out in front of your house. I have a sign, but by god, I DO have a security system. These are great for theft prevention, yet don't forget that these are tied to fire and smoke detectors. You don't want your house going up in flames!

    I don't want some pukes to steal my firearms! Thus, I have gun safes. There are now quick-access safes -- it only takes seconds to open them. When you come home, then you can access a firearm. If you live in an area you deem dangerous, then get a carry permit. All getting a permit requires is training, a clean police record (better not have a drunk driving record), range time, and paperwork. I got a permit in my home state. I may be a near expert on firearms and have had an instructor's certification for rifle and handgun, nevertheless, I learned things in that instruction course. I certainly learned the laws regarding carrying a weapon and learned what the police expected of me -- invaluable that, right?! Yes.

    Back to firearms and crime. Prisoners make zip guns while incarcerated. Firearms are easily manufactured with minimal machining equipment. Illegal firearm manufacturing happens all around the world. Machinists can manufacture weapons in their basement. When handguns are banned, all that happens is that their black market price goes up. Sweden bans weapons, yet the migrants establish their own trade routes for firearms and grenades. On this planet, there are hundreds of billions of rounds of ammo. I've bought ammo out of India, Germany, Yugoslavia, Greece, Indonesia, England, Russia, Austria, Mexico, communist China (that "fell of a truck"; crap quality), Italy, Egypt, .... and wherever else. I go to the range and blast away, thus the need for cheap ammo, i.e. military surplus. If some product exists on this planet and there is a demand for it, then you can buy it or barter for it. Welcome to Earth. Welcome to the human species.


    TMT Tactical likes this.
  5. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    In America, illegal firearms drive the violent crimes of armed robbery and murder. Stop-and-frisk procedures employed by law enforcement officers gets illegal guns off the streets and thus lowers violent crime rates. However when cops use stop and frisk procedures, they are deemed racists. It is illegal for a person under the age of 21 to purchase a handgun, yet teenage gang members carry handguns. The laws mean next to nothing.

    The following article is profoundly biased pro-Left, however it does have numbers. Interpret the numbers for yourself.

    Me, I'd not care if all of the violent felons and violent gang members died tomorrow afternoon. However, these felons do great harm to civilized humans.

    Hopefully, more felons will be shot and killed by civilians with carry permits.

    Meanwhile, gun owners must make sure that their firearms are not stolen by the trash element of "humans". Buy gun safes, people!!! There are small handgun safes with quick-open mechanisms. These can be bolted to the floor or wall. Do not let your firearms fall into the hands of out-of-control aggressors.


    "Understanding the stop and frisk debate in Philadelphia, in 5 charts"

    "In the midst of Philadelphia’s ongoing gun violence crisis, some people are asking whether the controversial policing practice stop and frisk is part of the answer. "

    "Most of the shooters, and most of the victims, are Black men between ages 18 and 30. In about 18% of incidents, it’s tied to the drug trade. More than half the time, it starts with an argument, according to the City’s 100 Shooting Review Committee report. Released earlier this year, the report was part of a multi-agency effort to address increasing homicides and gun violence.

    "The crisis has led some city leaders and community members to reconsider the idea of “stop and frisk,” a decades-old policy that gives police officers discretion to stop anyone they believe has committed, is committing or is about to commit a crime, and to frisk that person if they suspect they’re armed. Philadelphians can learn more about their legal rights during a stop online.

    "Some residents feel that ramping up policing in neighborhoods affected by gun violence could restore a sense of consequences and deter crime. Others are worried that increased police presence will only lead to violent encounters between officers and Black residents, especially young Black men.

    "Since about 2015, about 79% of people arrested in Philadelphia shootings and about 80% of shooting victims have been Black, according to a recent report on gun violence. Those who support the return of stop and frisk believe it can be implemented equitably. But, opponents say that police officers’ racial bias will inevitably lead to disproportionate rates of unjustified stops and searches of Black men."

    Blacks say that they are being targeted, yet the violent crime rates among young black men are eight times (8x) the rate of other races.

    If you are a police officer, you can't do your job to protect the community due to Leftist laws.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  6. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I am getting very tired and even disgusted with being held in Ishmaelite hostage and bondage to someone else's race biases...and or sensitivities....

    IF not race is sexual orientation biases to hold us hostage and in Ishmaelite bondage.

    I do not have to approve of anyone's sexual orientation.....period. Sexuality is an individual decision ...not group think.

    These people have no clue how disgusting they are to individual liberty and thinking...,

    I just happen to believe that people should have more on the ball by which to define themselves than race and sexual orientation.......much much more.

    In a bit of sarcasm...but truth to it....when government joins the sexual orientation fray....government becomes , to me , a pimp for votes.

    Only high degrees of education can dumb government down the toilet in trying to control the herd in these manners.....race pimps and sex government.

    And once again...I will declare that when government does this to our children in public schools......bring them into adulthood and sexuality earlier and earlier ages......they are stealing the very childhood from our children and grandchildren.....

    Let them be not steal their childhood from them at earlier and earlier create predictable and controllable future voters.. Do not pimp out our children and grandchildren to Ishmaelite politics as well.

    Shame on you ....people in leadership positions....even in public education.

    Ishmaelites run wild over America.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  7. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Knife-wielding maniac knocks out San Francisco churchgoer, then leads cops on a chase punctuated by explosions: Police "

    Begin quote

    A felon with a history of blowing things up attacked a churchgoer and led police on an explosive chase through San Francisco Sunday night, according to the San Francisco Police Department. When captured, the suspect allegedly asked his arresting officer how many points he had racked up on Grand Theft Auto.

    The SFPD indicated that officers responded just before 6 p.m. on Sunday to a report of a man brandishing a knife and assaulting a parishioner at Saints Peter and Paul Church across from Washington Square Park in the North Beach neighborhood.

    Officers arrived on the scene within minutes of the incident ["... violently assaulted this parishioner, punching him in the head..."] and spotted the suspect stealing into a vehicle and preparing to flee the scene. They called for medical aid for the victim, then gave chase.

    The SFPD noted that the suspect, who has been identified as 42-year-old Concord resident Daniel Garcia, failed to yield to pursuing officers. Instead, police said Garcia threw two improvised explosive devices at pursuing officers.

    One of the IEDs was reportedly a pipe bomb, and the other was a Molotov cocktail.

    Supervisor Aaron Peskin of North Beach indicated that upon his arrest, Garcia asked an officer "how many points he got in his Grand Theft Auto game" — a video game series featuring a star system corresponding to the level of attention the player's murder and mayhem has warranted from the in-game police.

    "In 23 years of doing this stuff, this is probably the most bizarre," said Peskin.

    Garcia was convicted and sentenced in 2012 to 35 years in a federal prison for "malicious use of explosives, possession of a destructive device in relation to a crime of violence, and two counts of possession of unregistered destructive devices."

    He planted a bomb underneath an SUV belonging to his former tenant beside an apartment building in Fairfield. The bomb went off, sending shrapnel into both the vehicle and the neighboring building, where children and others were sleeping.

    Garcia had apparently targeted the former tenant because he had left behind trash when moving out.

    The U.S. attorney at the time said, "The defendant’s attempt to resolve a minor private dispute by detonating a bomb endangered the lives of all those who were sleeping in the apartment building in Fairfield that night. While it is fortunate that no one was harmed, the defendant’s actions, together with his possession of a second bomb in the residential neighborhood where he lived, merit a long prison sentence."

    Evidently, Garcia did not serve the entirety of his prison sentence.

    Garcia was also arrested in May on domestic violence charges and for illegally owning a firearm. KPIX indicated he was scheduled to appear in a Contra Costa courtroom to face those charges on Tuesday.

    End quote


    So in May of this year, Garcia was arrested for being a felon in possession of a firearm. Yet, he was released back into society. Think maybe that this sort of crap leads citizens and police to believe that there is no justice in today's America?! If you can't protect yourself, nobody else will. The police have their hands tied by judges appointed by Leftist administrations, state and federal.
    Blitz and TMT Tactical like this.
  8. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "24-time convicted felon arrested for murder, Sheriff John Nowels weighs in on repeat offenders"

    Begin quote

    SPOKANE, Wash. — Over the weekend, a 24-time convicted felon was arrested for Murder 1st Degree, demonstrating just one example of the continuous “Revolving Door” of criminal justice in America, when ex-offenders are released to the streets only to offend again.

    "And we say that we're giving them programs that help them from recidivating, but here we are facing historic high crime rates in the state of WA. That is no coincidence,” Spokane County Sheriff John Nowels said.

    On Tuesday, Sheriff Nowels weighed in on the idea of the “Revolving Door” of repeat felony offenders, calling for action from voters across the state.

    "This problem with the criminal justice system is far bigger than just a jail, it's far bigger than just our court system, it's far bigger than just what's going on at the state level,” Sheriff Nowels said. “It's a culmination of all this underinvestment that is causing people that are 24, 25-time convicted felons to be out on the streets to victimize the public again. It's unacceptable."

    Ex-offenders on the road to never truly quit crime. Sheriff Nowels said without the right enforcement, rehabilitation and incarceration, softer crime will lead to violent crime.

    In the last 15 years, Nowels said the Washington State Legislature has dropped on the ball on providing stable, effect incarceration.

    "Systematically over the last 15 years, the Washington State Legislature has been reducing standard sentencing ranges for any myriad of crimes, like drug crimes and property crimes,” Sheriff Nowels said. “Which means, they're letting people out of prison."

    46-year-old Steven White is just one example, right here in Spokane. He was scheduled to make his first appearance in Spokane County District Court Tuesday afternoon but refused.

    According to the Spokane Police Department, White is a 24-time convicted felon with criminal history that includes residential burglary, riot with a deadly weapon, robbery, assault, and theft. At the time of the incident, White had an active arrest warrant, issued by the Department of Corrections, for failing to comply with his community custody requirements.

    According to court documents, SPD Officers believe White stabbed an innocent man, 44-year-old Shan Anderson, 14 times near the Wall Street Via-duct late August 26. In the days that followed, detectives obtained nearby security surveillance footage that showed a man “clearly” to be White thrusting his arm or hand downward into Anderson.

    White was arrested for Anderson’s murder on September 2.

    "Our rights as law abiding citizens to be safe and comfortable outweigh the rights of the people who are committing crimes to have comfortable outcomes for them,” Sheriff Nowels said. “It's not that we shouldn't be investing in helping people get better, but we can't do it at the expense of the safety of our law-abiding citizens.”

    Sheriff Nowels is one of several county leaders in favor of measure one, which will appear on the November ballot. Measure one would enforce a new sales tax that would allocate funds raised between April 2024 and December 2054 to go to a new jail.

    There are three goals the county believes this tax will help them reach by 2028. First, to restore the current jail to its original design of 462 beds, one inmate per cell. Right now, there are closer to 900 inmates. Second, to construct a community correction center which would help with drug abuse and job training. And finally, to close Geiger Corrections Center and construct a brand-new jail.

    “The state is shifting the burden onto local communities,” Sheriff Nowels said. “We are seeing that playout in our jail population, and it’s going to get worse.”

    End quote

    Old Gzr: Think of Amerika's urban cancers, as "Little Africa". NEVER visit Amerika's cities!
    Avoid with all due diligence! This is for your safety and the safety of those who accompany you. NEVER, bring your family to Amerika's cities. The latter is just too dangerous. If you must go to such urban areas for business travel, do your research first. ONLY attend safe areas and avoid areas that are deemed dangerous.

    I've been on numerous business travels to dangerous cities. I ALWAYS did my research first. I always have at least a sharp lock-knife on me. I'm over 210 lb, a bit paunchy, but in no way fat, my shoulders are abnormally wide, my chest thick; others have called me and my youngest son "intimidating" (uhhh, I don't know why; hmmm, it's their opinion; my father, his one brother, and grandfathers actually were dangerous if provoked; me, I don't get it; no qualms about killing, but that's true of all men quite frankly, not just my people, duh!; whatevero_O, I don't understand a lot of sh##).

    America's countrysides and national parks are beyond beautiful. Please visit! Our national parks are sublime when it comes to beauty and majesty! Just avoid our cities. The latter is super easy. :):):):):):)

    On vacation? We welcome visitors with open arms! I swear this to be beyond true. Family-friendly? Oh heavens yes! Bring the kids to see unimaginably HUGE areas of Mother Nature at Her most-Beauteous!

    The online photographs do not even begin to speak to the soul-inspiring beauty of our national parks. Make your vacation plans ahead of schedule, do your research, book accommodations based on lots of study and do so ahead of time. Avoid tourist-traps in addition to our urban areas -- both are embarrassingly hideous.

    Know that we welcome you! In nature, in its MAJESTY, prepare to be overwhelmed. The photos do not do justice to Mother Nature's grandeur. Me, I suggest two weeks or more, not just one-week's vacation. One week only semi-acclimatizes one to the spiritual adventure. A vacation is more than an amusement! This is a spiritual thing. It is really important in one's life, important in one's family's life. Remembrances are the spice of life. Returning to Nature is a spiritual journey. Make it so.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  9. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Suspected Foreign Gangs Breaking Into American Homes, Multi-Antenna Device and Advanced Tactics Points to Chilling Reality"

    Begin quote

    President Joe Biden’s immigration crisis is hitting home in an all-new way.

    Now, upscale homes in what used to be considered safe neighborhoods are getting a taste, too. And one dangerous piece of technology is playing a role.

    According to WXYZ-TV, Detroit-area law enforcement agencies have formed a task force to crack down on a sophisticated group of thieves that has been targeting high-end homes across the country, but especially in Oakland County, Michigan.

    Oakland County, just north of Detroit’s Wayne County in the southeast corner of the state, has been the scene of high-profile home robberies by a suspected international crime organization that appears to be drawing members mainly from the South American country of Chile.

    What makes the group particularly dangerous is its practice of using jamming devices to incapacitate security systems and cellular phone communications in the target homes.

    In one surveillance video released by Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bruchard during a news conference Wednesday, a robbery gang is shown breaking into a home. One of the men, behind the man who broke into the door, is carrying a jamming device — studded with antennae to stifle alarm frequencies.

    Because they disable Wi-Fi in a given area, they can cut off cell phone service in a target area as well.

    Granted highly trained, transnational gangs of sophisticated home burglars aren’t the first thing that comes to mind over the sex traffickers, drug cartels and potential terrorists that are the usual nightmare fodder from Biden’s immigration invasion, but the Michigan experience shows that it’s a part of it.

    And it’s a part of it that’s all to likely to literally hit home — with a jammer playing its dangerous part.

    End quote

    Old Geezer: Kill them. Death to invaders. Aggressors have no right to go on living.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  10. Blitz

    Blitz Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    How on earth did he get out of prison? He should have been imprisoned for the full sentence and not be released until 2047. There's a serious discrepancy of some 24 years he should have served (if my maths is right).
    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      The judicial system in Amerika is shattered. Another factor is how to lock-up so many violent felons. South Africa has the same problem.
      Old Geezer, Jan 19, 2024
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  11. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Arrest docs: Naked man beat Fort Worth delivery driver to death with firewood "

    Begin quote

    An arrest affidavit obtained by NBC 5 says a naked man beat another man to death with a piece of firewood in Fort Worth on Saturday night.

    27-year-old Chrisantus Omondi is charged with murdering Scotty Jackson on Wendover Drive while Jackson was out delivering firewood before this week’s winter storm.

    Kasey Deleon told NBC 5 that her father, Scotty Jackson, was crazy in a good way – an outgoing, hardworking man who chopped and delivered firewood in Fort Worth to earn extra money.

    She found out those details from a man who lives on Wendover Drive who didn’t want to be identified from this story. On Saturday night, the man received a firewood delivery from Jackson at his home.

    “As Scotty was handing me a piece of firewood and I was putting it into a wheelbarrow, as I turned to my left I just noticed this naked Black man just showed up out of nowhere,” the witness told NBC 5.

    Fort Worth police identified the assailant as 27-year-old Chrisantus Omondi. The witness said Omondi was screaming and aggressive and shoved him to the ground.

    “As I’m falling backward, I see he picks up a piece of firewood and hauls off and hits Scotty in the head,” the witness said.

    The man told NBC 5 that Omondi hit him in the arm with firewood and started running after him.

    “Looking back and realizing it as he’s chasing me, I’m staring death in the face,” the witness said. “This man is here now to kill both of us.”

    The man told NBC 5 he was able to make it inside his home and call 911 – and could only watch as Omondi continued beating Jackson with firewood repeatedly.

    End quote

    Old Gzr: I wish some neighbor had shot this animal dead before it killed this good citizen. Had I seen this happening, I would have sent some serious lead into the attacker (lever .357 rifle loaded with 10 rounds of 158 gr. hollow points).
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  12. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "8 high school students in Las Vegas arrested on murder charges in fatal beating of classmate"

    Begin quote

    LAS VEGAS (AP) — Eight high school students in Las Vegas between the ages of 13 and 17 have been arrested on suspicion of murder in the fatal beating of a classmate, authorities announced Tuesday at a news conference.

    Las Vegas police homicide Lt. Jason Johansson said investigators were still working to identify two more students believed to have participated in the Nov. 1 fight that he said was over a pair of wireless headphones and a vape pen.

    Johansson said the local FBI office assisted with the arrests Tuesday morning of the eight students. The two outstanding students will also face murder charges, he said.

    Authorities did not identify the students because they are juveniles. Johansson said he and his team are working with the local district attorney’s office to determine if they will be charged with murder as adults.

    Johansson said the 17-year-old victim, Jonathan Lewis Jr., remained hospitalized with severe “head trauma” and other injuries until his death about a week after the fight. The coroner’s office in Las Vegas ruled the beating a homicide.

    The fight, Johansson said, had been prearranged after the headphones and vape pen were stolen from the victim’s friend.

    Johansson said investigators believe that the victim originally wasn’t supposed to be involved in the fight but had accompanied his friend to a nearby alleyway, where the brawl was scheduled to take place after classes ended for the day at Rancho High School in eastern Las Vegas.

    End quote


    Murder indictments are now up to the count of four:

    "Four Las Vegas high school students indicted on murder charges in deadly beating of schoolmate"

    "LAS VEGAS (AP) — Four high school students in Las Vegas were indicted Friday as adults on second-degree murder charges in the deadly beating of their schoolmate in November. The fight left 17-year-old Jonathan Lewis Jr. dead and was captured on cellphone video that went viral. A prosecutor said Friday in court that the indictment also charges the teenagers with conspiracy to commit battery. The Associated Press is not naming the students because they were juveniles at the time of the Nov. 1 beating. Las Vegas police say 10 students between 13 and 17 participated in the beating in an alleyway just around the corner from Rancho High School. Nine have been arrested. Prosecutors say the other students are awaiting separate hearings."


    TMT Tactical likes this.
  13. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Hmmmmmm....thinking here about a .308 Tactical I am not keen on the 5.56mm.

    I have the .308 in bolt actions......and also the 5.56mm in a heavy barreled bolt action...very accurate.....but nonetheless thinking about a .308 Tactical. I want a 20 inch barrel if it can be had....but so many now days are 16 or 18 inch.

    Reloading for this calibration is not difficult....same and or similar bullet as 30.06.

    Taking my time in research....

    Also thinking about the Taurus 692 in .38/.357 ...with the additional 9mm 4 or 6 inch barrel.
    Though I am not keen on the 9mm is difficult to argue with the knowledge that 9mm is everywhere today....logistically speaking. Not more difficult to reload than .45ACP or .38 special.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. TMT Tactical
      Bear Creek Arsenal has 20 inch complete AR10 chambered in 308. Just an FYI.
      TMT Tactical, Jan 21, 2024
      watcherchris likes this.
  14. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    there is escalating crime everywhere not just in America as more and more people refuse to respect the laws of the country. society is breaking down.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  15. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Two legged wildlife run amok...

    I am starting to hear stories coming out about certain drug store chains....closing their stores in certain neighborhoods due to crime/shoplifting etc...etc...basic two legged wildlife run amok.

    And the siren cry in these neighborhoods is Racism.


    A television and or movie education run amok...

    I believe this pattern is going to be happening more and more and more and putting more stores in a position of unprofitability.....and thus closing their doors....

    And again the same siren cry....Racism.

    It gets wolfie after awhile.....very wolfie..

    Even my local grocery store is being slowly overrun by two legged wildlife....often stealing from the meat well as elsewhere.

    I remember being astonished some years back to find baby formula locked well as other items.

    Also that the female of the species could be such an shoplifter....I had no was a wakeup call.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  16. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    One big reason I report on violent crimes is that they are a portent of the chaos that is coming.

    "Y'all ain't seen nothin' yet!" is applicable.

    Even now, we're witnessing gangs kicking people in the head until they die. Monster humans forming packs is current news.

    Multiply this current insanity by 100x. That's what is coming.

    Solid citizens, generally passive folk, are going to go rabid when they can't feed their kids.

    I won't watch these sci-fi zombie movies. Yet, when people use the phrase "zombie apocalypse", maybe they're not too off the mark.


    Even in U.S. rural areas, robberies and home invasions are popping up. Matters here in the States have gone insane. It's not just in Africa where farm families are attacked.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  17. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Olde Geezer.....

    Wow Olde Geezer....thanks for reminding me...

    Back when I used to work Graveyard shift...11 pm to 7am ...we would start our week at 11pm on Sunday night and be off at 7am on Friday Morning for a 5 day week.

    Your remark on zombies...reminded me....

    If I wanted to see Zombies...all I had to do was hang around early in the morning on Mondays and watch Day Shift coming in to work after a hard weekend running the streets or whatever they did to occupy their weekend.

    There were some serious Zombies in that pack operating on Automatic Pilot...after a hard weekend.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  18. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    I was in London many years ago for a family wedding, got onto the Tube/underground train system late in the evening and saw all these zombies hanging onto the overhead rail, was certainly a culture shock for me.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  19. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Welcome to Memphis

    "Popular Memphis DJ decapitated in Berclair, brother says"

    Always remember to film yourself while out killing people:

    "Las Vegas Teen Accused of Filming Himself Killing Retired Cop Faces New Charges For Stabbing Months Before"

    "The teen accused of filming himself murdering a retired police officer in Las Vegas is now facing charges in a separate stabbing.

    "Jesus Ayala, 18, and 16-year-old Jzamir Keys, are accused of running over retired California police chief Andreas “Andy” Probst, who was riding his bike in a cycling lane in August last year. Both teens filmed the incident.

    "Now Ayala, who is awaiting trial for the murder scheduled for September 16, is facing new charges related to a separate stabbing incident that happened before the fatal hit-and-run on June 27, 2023, the New York Post reported.

    "The teen was arrested on January 17 for the 'extremely violent' attack that left a victim suffering multiple stab wounds, including a large injury to the head, FOX 5 Vegas reported."



    "NYC stabbing spree suspect charged with attempted murder after wounding at least 5, NYPD says"

    "NEW YORK -- Mayor Eric Adams and the NYPD commissioner are praising members of the city's police force for quickly nabbing a suspected serial stabber.

    "The suspect is accused of attacking five people, and is being linked to a possible sixth case.

    "Top police brass also reiterated Wednesday just how random each stabbing was, saying no two victims share a commonality. "



    "Officer shoots suspect who stabbed 2 with knife outside Atlanta train station, authorities say "

    "ATLANTA — A transit officer shot a man outside a downtown Atlanta train station on Wednesday after he stabbed two people and then attacked the officer, stabbing him in the hand, authorities said.

    "The suspect, who was not identified, and the first two stabbing victims were in stable condition, Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority spokesperson Stephany Fisher said in an email. The officer received stitches to the hand.

    "Fisher said the officer saw the suspect wielding a knife and stabbing the two people in a bus shelter area outside the Five Points transit station around 11 a.m. Officials said the suspect then charged the officer, who fired his weapon twice and stopped the attack. "


    At least this story has a somewhat happy ending. The good folk didn't get hurt. Downside is that this aggressive genetic trash will likely survive its gunshot wound. I wish this semi-human thing would have just died. If the police want someone to kill it, then I volunteer. It should be gut-shot and left to scream to death. We could play music and dance around it while it dies. I've finished my lunch while watching an innocent young man die. I said prayers for him. I'd not say prayers for this thing.

    "Mississippi mother hides in closet, shoots home intruder to protect 3 children"

    "A Mississippi mother protected her three children by shooting a man who allegedly broke into the family’s home wielding a knife, according to a Carroll County Sheriff's Office press release.

    "Deputies said before Goss left, he drove his truck into the home’s dining room area after he could not kick the front door down.

    "While this was occurring, the mother and her three children were hiding in the closet also known as the family's designated safe room. The mother prayed, and the children recited scripture.

    "According to the press release, Goss had found the family hiding in the closet. As he entered the closet, still holding a knife, the mother shot him. Goss then fled the scene.

    "The news release said other deputies responding to the scene found a vehicle matching the description given by the husband. A felony traffic stop was attempted in the parking lot of Acy’s Store."

    upload_2024-1-28_19-38-23.png Dear lord!, look at this freak! Look at those psycho-eyes. Put out those eyes and cut off its hands.


    "Teen stabbed North Miami Beach High classmate with steak knife, charged with attempted murder"


    "Man Who Carried Out Machete Attack on NYPD Officers in Times Square on NYE 2022 Pleads Guilty to Terrorism Charges"

    “ 'Last New Year’s Eve, Trevor Bickford attacked courageous NYPD officers protecting those celebrating in Times Square as part of his effort, as he later told law enforcement, to commit jihad in New York City,' said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland. 'Today’s guilty plea should serve as a warning: terrorists who target and attack law enforcement and endanger the American people will be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law.' "


    Random crazy violent attacks ... no predicting ... where is one safe???!!!!!

    "Witness to stabbing at Cumberland Farms in Palm Springs disarms knife-toting suspect"

    "PALM SPRINGS, Fla. — A 43-year-old man is accused of stabbing another man at a Cumberland Farms gas station in Palm Springs, where another man intervened and disarmed the assailant in what appeared to be a random attack.

    "Jose Miranda, 43, was arrested on a charge of attempted murder with a deadly weapon in connection with the New Year's Day attack.

    "According to a Palm Springs police report, Enrique Velazquez was pumping gas at the Cumberland Farms along Military Trail when Miranda approached the victim from behind, pulled out a knife and stabbed him multiple times. A large fork also fell out of Miranda's pocket, police said."
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  20. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Here are a series of home invasion stories. There aren't many good defense stories. These are mainly to be taken as news stories exhibiting about how bad things are getting here in the USSA.

    If you are a new firearm(s) owner, do please seek instruction. This is imperative. Remember that everything you've seen on television and in the movies is upside-down, backwards, round-'n-round, astoundingly wrong. Me and me woman were just watching a Western movie. This movie was produced in just the past few years. I didn't even bother to count the number of outrageous inaccuracies. The stack of that crap would be way too tall. I would have enjoyed the movie so much more had there not been so many historic and weaponry inaccuracies. The errors were that bad. Imagine attending a concert or an opera and having to endure many of the musicians being totally out of key-signature. This would spoil the occasion for you and your lady. Try as you might, you'd not be able to ignore the cacophony.

    Bought a firearm? Then, get the training !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  21. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    For any person who is a decent shot, the human head is a rather large target. For a trained sniper, the human head is an enormous target within 200 yards. Actually, these folk do head shots out past 400 yards. I've got two 7.62 NATO chambered rifles that will shoot MOA when loaded with target ammo (both like the same ammo ... go figure). ALL sniper rifles would put my rifles to shame (put my shooting capabilities to shame ... especially now that I'm old). Within 100 yrds, if an aggressor makes the fatal mistake of ceasing body movement, a head shot is an easy shot. Think about it, when squirrel hunting with a .22 rifle, you're going for head shots. A squirrel's head is smaller than a tangerine. If a hostage negotiator can get the perp to stop moving around and talk, POP! goes the weasel. Once saw news reports lauding a sniper who shot a revolver out of a nut-case's hand. Sorry, but the rifleman was only 75 meters away. No offense to the sniper, but that's not a difficult shot.

    "Florida bank robber holding 2 hostages at knifepoint shot and killed by sniper during standoff: sheriff"

    "A suspected robber holding two people hostage at knifepoint inside a Florida bank was shot and killed Tuesday by a law enforcement sniper during a tense standoff, authorities said.

    "The suspect, identified by the Lee County Sheriff's Office as Sterling Ramon Alavache, 36, had a long criminal history, which included drug trafficking, aggravated assault, and carrying a concealed firearm from several states, officials said. "

    OldGzr: Sniping armed felons needs to happen far more often.

    While on the topic, let's look at some terminal ballistics demos:

    5.56 FMJ (military) vs. 7.62x39 FMJ (military) vs. 270 SP spire-point (hunting) vs. .450 SP (hunting) vs. very evil aggressive cantaloupes:

    The above vid. demonstrates that hunting ammunition is violently more deadly than military ammunition. This we all know, but the above was a fun video to watch.

    German military 7.62 NATO blue plastic training ammo. Yes, plastic ammo. The case is plastic and the bullet is plastic -- as a matter of fact, the case and bullet are one piece of plastic. When fired, the plastic bullet tears off of the case. The head of the cartridge is brass of course. The head must house the primer and keep all of the pressure forward of the breech. These are for training purposes only. The German military uses these so that outdoor practice poses no threat to civilians beyond the training range. I've only fired a very few of these cartridges. Centuries ago, I got some just as a lark. Or too, you can sight a rifle at very short range to adjust windage and get a round on paper.

    Here's a .308 vs. milk jug at 1,000 yards. Takes the fellow three shots, but the first two misses were close ... i.e. he had to walk the rounds in on the target. Great shooting I think. Sniping isn't his job. He's just having fun.

    223 vs 308 - Cinder Block Watermelon Test. The guy is using FMJ i.e. military rounds (5.56 NATO vs. 7.62 NATO)

    The following vid. gives zero information. Doesn't state target distance. Doesn't state the rifle's chambering. Doesn't state bullet type. I present this only because the vid is just downright beautiful.

    Quick Tip: 7.62x51 NATO vs .308 Winchester - What's the Diff?

    Last edited: Feb 8, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  22. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Doorman saves woman from broad daylight robbery as onlookers do nothing and suspects run away laughing"

    Begin quote

    "Muggings are so common in the upscale neighborhood, women stopped wearing jewelry while shopping and walking their dogs."

    Shocking video shows a broad daylight robbery in an upscale New York City neighborhood, where a doorman saw the commotion and came outside to scare off the thieves as onlookers stood nearby and did nothing to help the female victim.

    The two thieves slammed her up against the side of the building, hassling her and rifling through her belongings before the doorman came outside.

    They ripped the purse off her shoulder, grabbed her phone and ran off laughing as the woman, panting, tried to give chase.

    She gave up and gestured at a group of adults who were standing there and let the suspects run right by them without doing anything to help.

    Doormen at surrounding buildings said they had witnessed a number of muggings and scooter robberies.

    According to the NYPD, a huge spike in crimes involving thieves riding a scooter and snatching purses or phones from walking women correlates with the arrival of a massive influx of migrants.

    Another video, provided by the NYPD, clearly shows the suspects' faces as they sprint away around the corner.

    "It's bulls---," a building manager in the neighborhood told Fox News Digital. Muggings, break-ins and other crime have become increasingly common in the area over the past three to four years, he said, following riots across the U.S. and a rise in anti-police sentiment.

    The scooter robberies can be violent. In December, surveillance cameras recorded a woman being dragged down the sidewalk by thieves holding on to her purse before she collapsed and slid across the pavement into a metal pole. They rode off with her belongings and caused injuries.

    Police earlier this week announced arrests in connection with a Venezuelan robbery ring suspected of 62 similar crimes.

    End quote

    It's a shame that some bystanders didn't elbow these muggers as they ran past. Maybe somebody could have put-out at least one of their eyes.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  23. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    crime and lack of morals is affecting all western democracies probably as a result of mass migration.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  24. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Things are out of control now. Think about the unimaginable violence coming post-SHTF. There will be human wolf-packs roaming, feeding off of the weak. Leave a vehicle vulnerable and they'll drain the gas tank to fuel their trucks and motorcycles.

    Post SHTF, locals will have to shoot into roaming gangs before the gangs begin to act. Don't wait until after you have been attacked. If they have hostages, you'll have to shoot through the innocent hostages to eradicate the gang members. Loss of life post-SHTF is going to be mind-numbing / soul-killing. All felons must be eradicated, whatever the cost.

    "Man charged in Dolton shooting outside Auto Zone was on electronic monitoring awaiting murder trial"

    Begin quote

    DOLTON, Ill. (WLS) -- The Cook County Sheriff's Office said a man who was on electronic monitoring while awaiting trial on murder charges has now been charged in a Dolton shootout that injured 4 outside an Auto Zone last week.

    Police said that while Lewis was on electronic monitoring, him leaving his home location did not trigger an alert because he was on state-mandated free movement at the time. The SAFE-T Act provides all people on court-ordered electronic monitoring two days of free movement per week in order to conduct essential tasks like grocery shopping, job interviews, attending religious services, getting medical or mental health treatment, or other "basic activities" defined in the act.

    Last Wednesday, Dolton police responded to the Auto Zone parking lot in the 1100 block of Sibley Boulevard where four people had been shot after an apparent crash and shootout.

    The sheriff's office said responding officers found 30-year-old Torrey Lewis of Markham in the driver's seat of a Nissan Maxima. They also found a rifle and a handgun in the front passenger area of the car.

    A second man who had also been shot was found in the backseat of the car.

    Two other men with gunshot wounds were found outside the vehicle.

    Police said the shootout had occurred between Lewis' vehicle and another vehicle. They also determined the Maxima in which he was found had been reported stolen out of Chicago in December.

    Lewis was arrested and charged in 2018 and initially ordered held without bail, but in May 2020 his bond was reduced to $300,000 with electronic monitoring after he posted bond.

    Lewis is charged with felony aggravated unlawful use of a weapon in connection to the Dolton shootout. He remains hospitalized from his injuries, but in an initial court appearance Tuesday he was ordered held in custody upon release from the hospital.

    End quote


    If your looting gang needs to clear roads post-SHTF:

    Steal fuel, you're gonna have to do a lot of that.


    Roads blocked? Steal construction equipment and bulldoze everything out of your way. You can steal diesel fuel to run the heavy equipment you've stolen.



    A stolen farm tractor can easily pull vehicles off of post-SHTF jammed highways. (I keep heavy chains and heavy manila ropes in my 4x4 truck.)

    Last edited: Feb 9, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  25. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    Post SHTF there will be a huge die off, with no fuel and no electricity many people will die within weeks, there is only so much food available even in a country the size of America.
    people can only steal so much food - a lot will be wasted- and with supplies limited to what is already produced the quantity is finite, after that unless they can grow their own food and protect what they grow( most people have no clue about where their food comes from or how it is grown) then their time on this earth is limited and starvation is a hard way to die. they need food to live and they will die even quicker without clean drinkable water.
    food and water are the priorities for life, anything else is secondary- even clearing blocked roads comes a long way down the list, in fact blocked roads will stop people from going any further which in the long run might be a good thing.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      Things are very different here in the States relative to England. America's Heartlands are enormous. Most folk in these food and fuel regions are tough and self-sufficient. The cities in the US Hrtlands are like other urban areas -- they are filled with weak, non-self-sufficient people. American Heartlanders will have to deal with desperate aggressors fleeing the cities. Post-SHTF, urban gang-bangers will invade the civilized areas where most will be shot dead. Some will cause trouble for longer periods of time ... maybe even months. Post SHTF, I'd not want to be anywhere near New York nor London. The suburbs will be royally invaded near the megalopolises.
      Old Geezer, Feb 13, 2024
  26. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Lost generations

    Feral teenagers

    "One shot dead and five injured as teen gangs clash in New York Subway"

    Begin quote

    An argument between two groups of teenagers riding the New York City subway exploded into deadly violence Monday when shooting started after the train's doors opened at a station, killing a man and wounding five others.

    The gunfire broke out on an elevated train platform in the Bronx at around 4.30pm, a time when stations throughout the city are filled with children coming home from school and many workers are beginning their evening commute.

    A 34-year-old man was killed, police said. The wounded included a 14-year-old girl, 15-year-old boy and three adults, ages 28, 29 and 71. Some of the victims were believed to have been involved in the dispute and others were bystanders waiting for the train, police said, describing four of the injuries as serious.

    "We don’t believe this was a random shooting. We do not believe that this was an individual indiscriminately firing into a train or a train station," NYPD’s chief of transit, Michael Kemper, said at a news conference.

    A hunt was on for at least one shooter, who fled the scene. Police didn't rule out the possibility that more than one person fired shots.

    “It was total pandemonium,” Luis Rodriguez, 34, told The New York Post. “It makes you scared to ride the train.”

    End quote
  27. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    there are feral youngsters in any city in the Western world, its a fact of modern life.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  28. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    "3 KFC locations have joined the mass exodus of businesses leaving Chicago due to rampant crime"

    Begin quote

    Residents of Chicago are concerned about the future of the local economy due to the number of established businesses closing their doors and taking their business elsewhere.

    Law and order in Chicago has been deteriorating since former mayor Lori Lightfoot supported measures to defund the city’s police department in 2020.

    Less than one year later, due to the explosion in crime, Mayor Lightfoot had changed her tune and was begging the federal government for more law enforcement resources.

    Illinoispolicy reports: While the number of murders in Chicago declined in 2023 – as they did in most major cities – Chicago still leads the nation in the number of homicides, with 644 killings and 36 mass shootings.

    That’s 36 mass shootings if you use the FBI definition of four or more people shot.

    Use the Chicago Police Department’s definition of mass shootings as three or more shot, then there were 83 mass shootings in Chicago.

    End quote

    In the case of Chicago and other urban areas, the term "mass shooting" is most times a misnomer. Rather, these should be called "gang-related homicides".

    The number of deaths was down a touch in 2023. Maybe it's that the gang-bangers are running out of people to shoot. Still, that place is reproducing fast enough to keep the homicide death-count outrageously high.


    "Where It’s Most Dangerous to Be Black in America"

    "Black Americans made up 13.6% of the US population in 2022 and 54.1% of the victims of murder and non-negligent manslaughter, aka homicide. That works out, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data, to a homicide rate of 29.8 per 100,000 Black Americans and four per 100,000 of everybody else."

    [Emphasis by Old Gzr]


    Around the world per Wikipedia

    Old Gzr: To get the following table short enough to fit on this page, I had to chop-out some lesser known nations. The entire table can be seen on the Wiki article link above -- just click on the above then scroll down to see all of the nations listed.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  29. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    " On-duty cop arrested for shoplifting $140 shoes while in uniform: ‘embarrassing for the department’ "

    "A Mississippi cop was arrested by her colleagues for allegedly shoplifting sneakers while on duty and in uniform — getting taken into custody in her own squad car.

    "Now-fired Columbus Officer Robin Conner, 33, was busted Wednesday at a Dick’s Sporting Goods when an employee stopped her walking out in a $140 pair of tennis shoes, her police chief, Joseph Daughtry, told the Columbus Dispatch.

    “ 'We’re putting her in jail,' said the chief, who was among those who responded to arrest his own uniform-clad officer. "


    This is reminiscent of cops looting stores after hurricane Katrina.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  30. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. TMT Tactical
      TMT Tactical, Mar 3, 2024
  31. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    A young woman from England almost got killed in very dangerous American city, St. Louis, Missouri.

    To our site's visitors -- especially to those from overseas -- should you ever wish to visit America's cities, you must first check to see which are particularly dangerous. There are websites where you can obtain this information. Most of St. Louis is a no-go area.

    When using the Neighborhood Scout site, enter the city's name (it may ask you in which state the city or town is located). When its map comes up, go to the upper right corner of the map and click on the handcuffs icon to bring up the map showing the danger levels of the city's neighborhoods. The default map is the "most expensive neighborhoods" -- if house-hunting, this is very handy.


    On the crime map of a city, assiduously avoid the neighborhoods marked with dark purple. Also thumb down on their site and see the ranking of the city relative to the state and nation as a whole.


    "US Premier League star's ex-girlfriend, 22, is left fighting for life after being dragged under a car for two blocks in horror hit-and-run while hiding from terrifying shootout in St. Louis"

    Begin quote

    The ex-girlfriend of an American soccer star is fighting for her life following a horror hit-and-run after being caught up in a shootout on the streets of St. Louis.

    Ellie Bentley, 22, finally regained consciousness on Saturday after spending two weeks in the ICU following the incident at 3am on February 25.

    She suffered severe injuries, including fractured limbs, and spent two weeks in the ICU; a GoFundMe page has been set up to help pay for medical expenses

    The British woman, who moved to the US last year with her then-boyfriend Indiana Vassilev, was exiting her car when a gun battle broke out.

    Bentley dashed for cover and hid underneath a nearby vehicle as the bullets began to fly in the Grove neighborhood of St. Louis.

    But unbeknownst to her, the car she was seeking refuge under was occupied with a male driver making a getaway in a bid to escape the pandemonium.

    Police responded to the scene on February 25 at 2:52am following reports of shots fired, after a group reportedly attempted to get into the wrong car.

    The mix-up led 35-year-old Andre T. Wilson to allegedly open fire on the group, hitting a 25-year-old man five times in the chest, according to Wilson's arrest affidavit reported by FirstAlert4.

    Wilson then allegedly fled the scene on foot, while the victim was rushed to hospital in critical but stable condition.

    Prosecutors then charged Wilson a week after the shooting with first degree assault, armed criminal action, unlawful use of a weapon and unlawful possession of a firearm. He is being held without bond.

    Bentley was rushed to hospital having suffered several broken limbs and was placed in intensive care for two weeks, before finally being released on Saturday.

    She has since undergone five major reconstructive surgeries and will have additional operations in the near future.

    Her family has since traveled from the UK to be by her side as she continues to make a recovery, with a GoFundMe page set up to help pay for mounting medical expenses.

    'Like most 22-year-olds, I enjoyed dance, going to the gym, and yoga, and devoted two-to-three hours a day to physical fitness. Now I can't move my legs or my right arm,' Bentley said in a statement through her lawyer.

    End quote




    Ellie Bentley, 22, from England:



    On the night Bentley was injured, Andre T. Wilson (pictured), 35, allegedly opened fire on a group when they tried to get into the wrong car. As Bentley ducked for cover, the shooting led another driver to speed off and strike her, leaving her injured in the road.



    Dionte Taylor, 25, has been charged after allegedly hitting Bentley as he fled the scene of the shooting.

    Last edited: Mar 12, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  32. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
  33. Blitz

    Blitz Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Although we don't have many shootings (other than some random dude with a firearm who usually gets killed by the police), our knife crime seems to be on the up, unfortunately. We had some random bloke the other day in a shopping centre near to where my brother lives, casually walking around knifing people. Like, really? What the actual Flock?
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  34. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    too many with "mental health problems" wandering about in public with a knife.
    when was the last time anyone saw a Policeman or woman " on the beat"? that hasnt happened over here for years, Police are now Reactive not Proactive i.e, they only act AFTER a crime has happened not stop it happening.
    Blitz and TMT Tactical like this.
  35. Blitz

    Blitz Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Queensland (in particular) is incredibly under policed. There are supposed to be around 2,000 new recruits but that will do next to nothing, especially in rural areas.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  36. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    Police hardly exist in UK rural areas any more, we see the odd Police car flying through but no Police are seen on the streets in the towns and havent for a long time like decades.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  37. Blitz

    Blitz Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    We have a police station in the town 10 minutes from me. I take (took) dog daily into town for a jaunt around bush areas. I swear to God, 99% of the time, there would be a cop car (4X4) sitting in the car port. Yet, you NEVER see them actually doing anything. Worse still, they are never actually open. You can knock on the door but no-one will come to the door, even with the cop car in plain sight. I asked why and was told they don't have enough staff. OMG! Seriously?
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  38. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    the nearest Police station is 10 miles away and that is only used for training purposes-which isnt very often, many rural police stations have been shut over the last 15 years we have been here and the ones that havent have had their staff numbers cut in half.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  39. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    You Brits need to be supporting more immigrants on the public breast/purse..and not supporting Native Englshmen....

    Native Englishmen in last place in their own country....just like is coming here to America.

    What is wrong with your thinking????

    The very same pattern which is happening here in the USA....

    Your Constabulary has been defunded..the very same thing educated, sophisticated, enlightened, intellects are doing here in America. The result is that in the Cities...the two legged wildlife is taking over...

    And eventually it will spread to the rural areas....albeit slowly ..but it will spread as people try to escape the bigger cities.

    What also disturbs me that more and more of the drug culture is spreading out into the countryside with it's attendant legged wildlife...

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  40. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  41. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Why American crime statistics make ALL Americans seem violent. It is primarily one demographic group responsible for a massively disproportionate number of violent crimes here in the USSA.

    "Street shooting in Harrisburg leaves 2 men dead, 3 people wounded: video"

    "HARRISBURG, Pa. — New video shows a street shooting in Pennsylvania’s capital city that left two men dead and three other people wounded.

    "Harrisburg police found three of the victims when they responded to reports of shots fired shortly before 8:30 p.m. Tuesday. A fourth victim showed up at the scene a short time later, and all four were taken to a hospital, where the two men were pronounced dead, police said in a news release. Their names have not been released.

    "A few hours later, the fifth victim went to a hospital for treatment. The wounded victims — a man and two women — were all expected to recover, authorities said. Their names and further details about their injuries were not disclosed.

    "Authorities said Wednesday that a motive for the shooting remains under investigation. No arrests have been made."

    Philadelphia rapper Phat Geez shot and killed in Brewerytown: video

    Last edited: Jun 3, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. View previous comments...
    2. Old Geezer
      Old Geezer, Jun 3, 2024
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  42. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Beating a woman until she loses her baby is a misdeamenor in Chicago

    "Chicago couple brutally assaulted by teens while on date, pregnant wife loses baby after attack"

    Begin quote

    The teen suspects said, 'we own the street,' as they mercilessly beat a husband and his pregnant wife in Chicago neighborhood

    The husband and wife were walking on the street when they were surrounded by an unknown number of teens Friday evening near Grand Avenue and McClurg Court, FOX 32 Chicago reported.

    The woman, whose name is Nina, told the outlet they were kicked, stomped on and punched repeatedly. She was two weeks pregnant at the time of the incident and found out afterward she lost the baby, according to FOX 32.

    She said her husband was also viciously attacked by the group, which held him down during the assault. She told FOX 32 the teens used pepper spray and kicked her stomach.

    Police officers responded to a call about a battery in progress at 9:17 p.m. According to the Chicago Police Department, a 14-year-old male offender struck the 40-year-old male victim in the head. A 17-year-old female offender pulled the female victim's hair. Her age was not provided.

    The Chicago police logo on a police uniform. Police said two teen suspects were arrested after the assault and charged with one count each of misdemeanor battery.

    End quote

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  43. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Escalating crime and aberrant behaviors in general serve as a barometer of a coming storm within society. Horrific events are coming, but Western civilization is also crumbling on its own as we speak.

    The masses of everyday folk are not prepared for societal breakdown and they sure aren't prepared for wars and cataclysms.

    The mainstream media is massively complicit in the hypnosis of the populace into a state of manageability, a state of being placated grazing cattle hidden from the terrors the ranchers, i.e. government officials and deep-state employees, have allowed to exist, even to grow. "Shhhhh, don't stampede the cattle!"

    You'll not see the true brutality of crime on the evening news.

    Top Secret: Things are getting deeply sick out there.

    "Woman attacked with hammer to the head and robbed in NYC subway station"

    "NYC — A woman was left with a fractured skull after she was attacked with a hammer on the head and robbed in a Queens subway station Thursday.

    "57-year-old Nina Rothschild, a New York City Health Department worker, is in critical condition after police believe she was hit as many as 13 times."

    Keep the next video in your mind ... especially so for post-SHTF preparedness.

    One needs barriers (possibly mobile barriers) inside their house so that one can be shielded. Such a barrier would be a wide shield construction with dolly wheels for portability. The barrier should have several layers: wood, scrap ceramic tiles, epoxied fiberglass layers, a sheet of aluminum, ... whatever. If your home is not brick nor concrete block, just a wooden frame house, then consider reinforcing walls to a height of your choice. Bullets are not stopped by wooden framed walls. Gravel can be shoveled into a chamber between two plywood walls. The width of this internal chamber will be determined by you given the level of threat. The thicker the wall means that more gravel would be required, but too the weight goes way up proportionally. The Army uses steel mesh for walls and heavy rocks between. Military walls must stand up to heavy machine gun fire and RPGs.



    "Dallas tenant opens fire, shoots at men pretending to be maintenance workers"

    "DALLAS — A tenant in a Dallas apartment is seen on video shooting through his apartment door as two men accused of pretending to be maintenance workers attempted to break in.

    "According to the Dallas Police Department, just after 6 p.m. on Aug. 19, officers responded to a call for service at the Interlace Apartments where two male suspects had knocked on a victim’s door claiming to be maintenance.

    "Dallas police are still looking for the suspects and haven’t yet made any arrests."


    "Teen targets unsuspecting woman, assaults her from behind and robs her in NYC"

    "Video shows a teenager run up behind an unsuspecting woman, assault her before robbing her in NYC, as other teens cheer in the back."


    "Man assaulted and robbed in NYC, police investigating"

    "The NYPD is investigating a violent robbery where a group on mopeds stole an e-bike from a person, then deliberately rammed into the victim, assaulted him, and snatched his cellphone."


    "Man beaten, knocked unconscious in South Seattle robbery"


    "Man almost run over after fighting off possible would-be thief: doorbell video"


    "Greenwood shootout leaves families terrified amid rising neighborhood violence"

    "The shooting was caught on video and shows at least three possible shooters firing at an SUV speeding off. They then take off in their cars, chasing after the SUV and continuing to fire, shattering car windows as bullets go flying.

    "Many neighbors in the area heard the gunshots, and several had property damage to their cars and homes."

    "College Station police investigating shots fired during poolside brawl"

    "COLLEGE STATION, Texas – A Memorial Day gathering at a College Station pool ended with a fight and shots being fired.

    "The incident happened just after 9 p.m. at the Woodlands of College Station apartment complex on Harvey Mitchell Parkway."


    "Shootout ensues following fight in South Dallas parking lot"

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  44. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Secret Service agent robbed at gunpoint during President Biden's trip to Southern California"

    "A Secret Service agent was robbed at gunpoint in California over the weekend, according to local law enforcement. It happened at the same time President Biden was in California for a star-studded Los Angeles fundraiser.

    "George Clooney, Julia Roberts and Barbra Streisand were among those in attendance at the star-studded event, which reportedly raised more than $30 million.

    "Tickets for Saturday's gala at the Peacock Theater in downtown Los Angeles, which an invitation described as a 'historic night,' ranged from $250 for a single person to get in the door to half a million dollars for special access, photos with Biden and former President Obama and invitations to an after-party.

    "Tustin police say agent opened fire during robbery.

    "Authorities said there is no known threat to the public."


    TMT Tactical likes this.
  45. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    The president of El Salvador is doing a whole lot to reduce violent crime in his nation.

    The murder rate there has fallen by 50% due to murderers getting put into prison.

    Of course, the Left is complaining about violation of the rights of criminals and those who support them. On the other hand, the people can now more safely walk the streets of El Salvador. And, we are talking, MUCH more safely, because chaos and death had begun to rule the streets.

    The president of El Salvador, Nayib Armando Bukele Ortez, cracked-down on violent crime, specifically gang violence. To this end and to his credit, he created and has filled an enormous prison to lock-up violent monsters. Congratulations to you, president Ortez!

    "El Salvador Transfers 2,000 Gang Members to Mega-Prison Cecot"

    Begin quote

    El Salvador transfers 2,000 alleged imprisoned gang members to mega-prison. More than 2,000 gang members who were imprisoned in different prisons across the country were transferred to the Center for the Confinement of Terrorism (Cecot), the mega-prison symbolizing the fight against gangs in El Salvador, announced President Nayib Bukele.

    “We transferred more than 2,000 gang members from the prisons of Izalco (west), Ciudad Barrios (east), and San Vicente (southeast) to Cecot,” the president indicated on his account on the social network X.

    The state of exception, under which more than 80,000 alleged gang members have been detained, was decreed by Congress at the request of Bukele in response to an escalation of violence that claimed the lives of 87 people between March 25 and 27, 2022. In a video posted by Bukele on the X network, gang members can be seen dressed only in white shorts and barefoot while being led running into Cecot under a strong security device of the police and guards of the General Directorate of Penal Centers.

    “There they will pay for the crimes committed against our people; incommunicado with the outside, with no possibility of leaving, nor of ordering crimes from prison,” President Bukele assured. Cecot was built in Tecoluca, 74 km southeast of San Salvador, and occupies 166 hectares, on 23 of which eight pavilions were built within a perimeter with 19 watchtowers.

    End quote
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  46. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
  47. Max rigger

    Max rigger Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Father's Day there were 70 shootings in Chicago alone.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  48. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Father's day in Chicago, hmmmm

    Talk about mass confusion.

    Begin quote


    41% of Illinois babies are born to unwed mothers, totaling 54,022 births per year.

    5,379 Illinois babies are born to teen mothers each year, for a rate of 14 births per 1,000 females aged 15–19.

    920,000 children live in single-parent households, representing 34% of all Illinois children.

    • This includes approximately 278,000 Black children (72% of all Black children in the state), 266,000 Hispanic children (40% of all Hispanic children, and 314,000 White children (23% of all White children in the state).
    End quote

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  49. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    Here's an idea: If you want to have a shootout with rivals, select some venue out in some forested area, some empty field away from everybody. Decide. Take your violent sh## somewhere out there where there's not civilized human beings. Otherwise, one day, we civilians are just going to start killing you all with our deer rifles; i.e. one shot, one kill. Post-SHTF, when there's no cops about, we're going to wipe-out the lot of you gang-bangers.

    Stand and fire. Do not "spray and pray". Wanna go to war? Act with bravery. Be a man. If you can't do that, then do us a favor. Stick your gun in your mouth and blow-out the back of your own head.

    Do not harm bystanders. Control your glandular behaviors.


    Live recording:


    The following folk are the innocent folk. Violent low-lifes make life terrible for everyone in their community. Apparently, these trash-people can't bring themselves to care about women and children.

    Last edited: Jun 21, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer

      Old Geezer, Jun 21, 2024
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  50. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Armed guards escort some South Bay delivery drivers due to crime concerns"

    "Delivery drivers in the South Bay say they're increasingly worried about becoming robbery targets.

    "It's happening enough that at least one company, Core Mart, is now hiring armed guards to escort its drivers.

    "NBC Bay Area contacted Core Mart's parent company, but they declined to explain why they're now providing the guards.

    "Darrell Cortez, a retired San Jose police officer who now works in corporate and retail security, said, 'Unfortunately, this is what society has become now with armed guards guarding merchandise from the retailer because there seems to be a sense of lawlessness in our society.' "
    TMT Tactical likes this.
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