Fighting off a home invasion

Discussion in 'Safety' started by remnant, May 26, 2016.

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  1. lalakai

    lalakai Well-Known Member

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    Most people live in the first stage of the Cooper color code, never really aware; they walk into traffic, pay and take their change without counting, walk past the person laying on the side of the street and never see them, drives on a flat tire and never realizes it. In this stage they are blindly believing that a combination of luck, "it won't happen to me", and police will save them if trouble comes up. Operating in the yellow stage will keep you alive longer, giving you time to react, to apply the OODA loop and hopefully avoid a dangerous situation. When the decision to act pushes you into the amber level, now all your senses are focused and you start the OODA loop with the new information. Doesn't mean you have to stay at amber.......if the situation de-esculates then move back to yellow. Having the groundwork/tools to survive a red level incident means you planned well, kept calm, used the options to minimize the threat to yourself and others.

    Everyday, each of us goes through the color codes and OODA loop without really thinking, you do it automatically because you've done it day in and day out. LOL remember this the next time you are approaching a traffic light that's been green're looking to see if the crosswalks lights are white or're seeing how much traffic is coming from the side make a decision to go.....then the light turns yellow and you start the loop again with the new information.

    But the difference is consciously looking for the little triggers that could represent danger, actively being aware of your surroundings instead of blissfully waltzing through. All of us have done it and lived......except for the ones that "it did happen to" and they died in the white stage.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  2. Oldguy

    Oldguy Master Survivalist

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    So that is normal for you?
    What country/hellhole do you live in?
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  3. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    When I was 16, someone opened our backdoor screen door but not the main door. It was 5 am or so. So I got up and dropped two shells in my cheap Spanish double-barrel 12. I guess the shells were just birdshot. I stood in the living room at port arms watching that door through the breadth of the kitchen. I expected the person to break a pane of glass, reach in, and undo the lock. Nothing happened.

    Had someone reached in, I'd planned on blowing the guy's hand off. I'd just gotten that puppy; had paid for it by mowing a whole lot of yards. I'd killed a few critters with it. I thought that shotgun was the prettiest thing! No big deal the shot; I was on my high school rifle team. The human hand is a huge target at no range whatsoever. At school we were shooting for the 10x dot at 50 feet.

    I saw a car drive super slow up our road. I considered the whole deal really, really strange. Unloaded the Spaniard and went back to sleep; it was a Saturday or a Sunday, & I could sleep in.

    Next day I go open my back door to find the newspaper. It had been a substitute paperboy. Nobody EVER opens a back door. Usually the paper was slid into the metalworks of the front door. Tell my parents and my dad said, "Well isn't he just our little protector!" I felt all proud.

    The paperboy was in zero danger. I'd have not shot through the door unless there was some sort of invasion going on.

    In a town due north of us, a woman shot through her front door and killed her ex-husband who was attempting to break in. He was a prize-fighter and had beaten her on previous occasions. Seeing as how that this monster was eventually going to kill his wife, no one gave a second thought about her killing him. I do think however that she was charged. Too long ago. Anyway no jury in my neck of the woods would have even convicted her of "improper disposal of trash" much less murder.

    I was 10. An older boy (13?) at my church dumped a tube of .22s into his dad and this killed that sh## excuse for a father. His dad had started in on his mom again and the boy wasn't going to see her go to the hospital or morgue, so he emptied his .22 auto into the @$$hole. No charges were filed against the boy. He came back to church maybe a month(?) later. I heard my friend's dad, an elder in the church, talk to the boy in the reception area / atrium; I was right up next to them. He put his arm around the boy's shoulders and told him in a lowered voice, "You didn't have no other choice. Don't worry on and on about this thing. You are forever welcome here." The kid went on into the worship area and sat in a church pew. I don't think his mom ever came to church -- I have no image of her in my mind. Anyway, the whole event just went away. Nobody ever talked about it -- not because it was some taboo topic, just that the boy's dad got his just deserts and that was that.

    "For the wages of sin is death; ... ." Romans 6:23
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2019
    poltiregist and TMT Tactical like this.
  4. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Wherever the human species inhabits, there is good and evil in the making. To what rare sublimity can the soul attain and to what depth of damnation it can fall! And the choice is with each soul.

    I would that goodness was a contagion of rare proportion and that peace would always rule. Such is not the case.

    God made the sheep to graze. He did not make us so.

    "The Assyrian came down like the wolf on the fold,
    And his cohorts were gleaming in purple and gold;
    And the sheen of their spears was like stars on the sea,
    When the blue wave rolls nightly on deep Galilee.

    "Like the leaves of the forest when Summer is green,
    That host with their banners at sunset were seen:
    Like the leaves of the forest when Autumn hath blown,
    That host on the morrow lay withered and strown.

    "For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast,
    And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed;
    And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill,
    And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!

    "And there lay the steed with his nostril all wide,
    But through it there rolled not the breath of his pride;
    And the foam of his gasping lay white on the turf,
    And cold as the spray of the rock-beating surf.

    "And there lay the rider distorted and pale,
    With the dew on his brow, and the rust on his mail:
    And the tents were all silent, the banners alone,
    The lances unlifted, the trumpet unblown.

    "And the widows of Ashur are loud in their wail,
    And the idols are broke in the temple of Baal;
    And the might of the Gentile, unsmote by the sword,
    Hath melted like snow in the glance of the Lord!"

    "The Destruction of Sennacherib" by Lord Byron

    God destroys evil. Sometimes He does so with his angels of death. Sometimes He leaves it to us.

    God's Will be done.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  5. Oldguy

    Oldguy Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    When you have no words of your own you quote others words
    and out of context:)
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  6. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

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    Oldguy, and what Utopia do you live in? I live in the beautiful free state of Arizona and I would not trade it for any place else but I am also not stupid or blind to the evil potential of some. Now those are my own words and in context.
  7. Oldguy

    Oldguy Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I live in South East Queensland AUSTRALIA matey top end of the gold coast.
    It is full so please do not come here.:D
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  8. Snyper

    Snyper Master Survivalist

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    It's the real world.
    It's called "contingency planning".
    It has nothing to do with "fear" and everything to do with preparation.

    I live 7 miles from a one stoplight town, but my next door neighbor 100 yards away had an armed fugitive knock on his front door after he had wrecked his car during a high speed chase that started 30 miles away.

    Luckily he looked out a window before opening the door and saw a guy wearing boxer shorts trying to hide a shotgun under his coat.

    I suspect he chose that house instead of mine in part due to the 7 large dogs I had at that time.

    It was the next day before they finally found him hiding in a garage that, ironically, was at the home of a Deputy Sheriff.

    Ask those people at the mosque in NZ where is a "safe place" in this world.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  9. Snyper

    Snyper Master Survivalist

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    That's not so far from where a guy just shot and killed 50 people.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  10. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    The communist Chinese are heading south. They will not stop.

    Maybe not in our lifetimes, but in the lifetimes of our grandchildren, China will bully Australia into doing its bidding. China will move millions of its people into Australia and no Australian will even get to whimper. Oldguy, you imagine your land filled with people. The Chinese most assuredly do not see it that way.

    Australia is essentially unarmed and will thus be raped.

    Throughout all of human history, the phenomenon has been repeated innumerable times. Under the map name "Australia" should hang the shingle "Future Victim".
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  11. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    When my words fall short, I know the words of wisdom to select for the subject at hand. There are wiser men than I.

    You are not one of them.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  12. Oldguy

    Oldguy Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    That's a long way from me matey!
    bit like saying Europe is not so far from new York !

    Evil work there, not good at all!
    but expected
    All these small jihad terror attacks by muslims on Christians there was bound to be pushbacks!
    Yesterday was a pushback but the media is unlikely to mention it that way!
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  13. Oldguy

    Oldguy Master Survivalist

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    That maybe so but we are unlikely to become a radioactive slag heap like the USA
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  14. lalakai

    lalakai Well-Known Member

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    .......before this thread drifts too far away we might want to remember that everyone's perceptions and responses are different. Not right or wrong, just different. How one person packs a bug out bag will be very different from the next and each will have their own valid reasons why. But I can learn from both of them and that helps me.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  15. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Death before dishonor.

    And the cities of my country are cancers on the skin of this once noble nation. One has skin cancers burned off.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  16. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

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    The topic was Home Invasion. If your utopia does not have home invasions, then you probably don't have much to say on the topic. In my wonderful Free State, we do have home invasions occasionally, so I will plan to deal with them, if in the rare occasion it should happen at my home. I do not stress or lose any sleep, because I have already planed to deal with it. Just like knowing how my vehicle will act if I have to use the emergency hand break to stop (actually had to do it once). Planning removes any stress of being a future victim, without doing the Ostrich routine.
    lalakai likes this.
  17. Oldguy

    Oldguy Master Survivalist

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    sadly my utopia is not perfect:( but home invasions are for the most part Druggies on Druggies
    Actually over 80% of crime here in paradise is drug related and is druggie on druggie based
    If one stays away from illegal stuff one is left alone!
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  18. lalakai

    lalakai Well-Known Member

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    I live in a town that's about 2 steps above "Mayberry RFD". Police response time is less then 90 is that small. Walked out going to work one morning and found a drunk on my front porch, asleep?? Called the police and he was able to sleep it off in the holding tank. Another time my son went to make a midnight run for snacks and found another drunk asleep in our car?! He was very belligerent and confrontational, thinking we were snooping in his car.....our car was in our driveway, not on the street.

    We're not on the wrong side of town, not on a main travel route between bars, and definitely don't have illegal activities going on in our house, but sometimes it just happens no matter how hard you try and avoid it. So you take the precautions you can and hope fate is kind to you
    Radar, Morgan101 and TMT Tactical like this.
  19. NomadWill

    NomadWill Expert Member

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    My neighborhood I live in is kind of crap and people's houses and cars get broken into all the time, and it being out in the country the cops don't really come out this way too often, so in the case that there would be a home invasion We'd be fending for ourselves. But Luckily we have a 12g shotgun, and knives falling out of our ears. So I think we'd be ok.
    Radar and TMT Tactical like this.
  20. Morgan101

    Morgan101 Legendary Survivalist

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    I would like to think the best way to fight off a home invasion would be to not have one in the first place. If your home has been invaded a lot of things were probably wrong before that happened. Not always, but consider the security measures you should take to see that your home DOESN'T get invaded in the first place. This link provides sound advice.

    Some of it can be pricey, but a lot is common sense, and some you may not have thought of.

    This did happen to us, and fortunately we had been forewarned. Do you ever have strangers in your house? Usually a contractor, maybe a handyman doing repairs or odd jobs? When they leave check every door and window to make sure they are still locked. We had a guy doing work at our house. He had done several jobs for us. One time he brought a guy to help him that we did not know. When they left one of our windows was unlocked. That window had not been unlocked since it was installed when the house was built. You can never be to cautious when it comes to safety and security. ;)

    We don't use Social Media, but we have friends, usually the kids, who will tell the world when they are going on vacation, and how long they will be gone. Really dumb idea!! :confused:
    TMT Tactical and Sourdough like this.
  21. Sourdough

    Sourdough "eleutheromaniac"

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    Nice Post...........

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  22. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Just fell asleep in front of my computer! Ha ha ha! Welcome to old age! :D:D:D:D:D:D Will be working from home tomorrow, so it doesn't matter so much -- all this computer crap. Multiple computers, what's all this crap about?! What stupid sh##! It's 3:08 am -- one of my favorite calibers, synchronicities writ large.

    Yesterday, I physically worked like a dog on my property. I'm too old for this! Our Creator cuts us zero slack.

    Growing old in the modern age. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Having to deal with this computer crap since the early 1970's. :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: One must laugh at themselves! Just pulling time now before I die and go to be with my deceased loved ones. They come to me these days in dreams and bring me information. Gosh, I appreciate that sooooooo much!!!!!! Who can turn-down help from above?! Not me! Thanks, ancestors!!! (Kind'a scary though. The greater universe -- the one beyond this one -- is frightenly enormous. Gonna be difficult at first. So it goes.)

    I just found the following links. Parse through these, everybody. See if anything in here can be of help to you. I cannot decide for others. I'm but one human ... and that is all I am. One cannot learn without humility. In my country, every year, folk have to defend their own families due to the breakdown of civilization. We're all in this together. Best wishes to y'all! Rough ride, but then that's the nature of this world ... not fun.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  23. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    3.08AM?? no wonder you fell asleep at the computer, burning the candle at both ends isnt going to do anyone any good. go to bed at a proper time and you may live longer, its why I've made it this far. you wont be fighting off any home invasions if this carries on.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  24. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Riverside residents taking protective measures after rash of burglaries, home invasions"

    "With the rash of violent dwelling invasions robberies in Riverside, native gun store house owners and conceal-carry instructors mentioned they’ve seen a significant uptick in prospects.

    "Riverside has seen 4 dwelling invasion robberies and 10 burglaries in simply the previous couple of weeks."


    "Police ID Suspected Intruders Fatally Shot During East Hartford Home Invasion"

    "Police have identified the two teens that were fatally shot during a suspected home invasion last Thursday.

    "Officials said 16-year-olod Isaiah Jose Lopez of Hartford and 15-year-old Isaiah Miguel Nevarez of Meriden were shot to death after breaking into a home in East Hartford last week.

    "Authorities said the investigation indicates that the teens attacked the resident during a home invasion.

    "Officers responded to Graham Road shortly after midnight to investigate reports of gunshots and found both teens who had been shot.

    "The teens were treated at the scene and rushed to local hospitals, where they were pronounced dead, police said.

    "East Hartford Police Detectives are investigating this as a targeted home invasion, police said.

    "The investigation indicates that the young men entered the home and attacked the man who lives there, who was armed with a handgun and fired, striking them both, police said."


    "Four people sentenced in home invasion killing of Dakota County man"
    "Four people have been sentenced over the killing of a man in his Dakota County home.

    "The Dakota County Attorney’s Office announced that Nicholas Alan Taylor, 30, of St. Paul, Timothy Tuit, 36, of St. Paul, Ryann Elizabeth Smith, 23, of White Bear Lake and Stephanie Peabody, 26, of Welch were sentenced Thursday.

    "All four played roles in the killing of Chris Lafontaine, 55, of Greenvale Township.

    "Deputies found Lafontaine’s body bound together with several ligatures in the bathroom. His cause of death was determined to be an 'asphyxia type death,' according to the criminal complaint"


    "Neighbors respond to Asheboro home invasion"

    "ASHEBORO, N.C. (WGHP) — Police have made an arrest in the possible home invasion that led to two people being shot early Friday in Asheboro.

    "Jailen Harris, 25, of the town of Badin is charged with felony first-degree burglary.

    "Upon arrival, police found two men shot near this home on Traci Street. One man was behind the house with multiple gunshot wounds on his body. The other had gunshot wounds to his leg. He ran and made it to a house a short distance away on Hinshaw Street.

    "One was airlifted to a Forsyth County medical center with serious injuries. The other was taken by ambulance to a Guilford County medical center.

    "Police arrested Jailen Harris on Friday after his release.

    "Investigators tell FOX8 it appears the victim of the home invasion shot at Harris and the other suspect.

    “'You’re breaking into somebody’s personal home,' said a woman who lives in the area and didn’t want to be identified. 'What do you think is gonna happen?'

    "The woman said this isn’t the first break-in in this neighborhood.

    “'The last past like five to six months for whatever reason like four or five houses have been broken into,' she said."

    "Police are still trying to piece together the details of what happened. Some eye witnesses report that the home invasion included as many as three robbers, but the police have only captured one suspect. Here’s what we do know:

    "Attempted Home InvasionThe alleged burglar(s) started the robbery rather politely – by knocking on the door. The home owner was home at the time, but he did not come to the door for unknown reasons. Taking that as the cue that the house was ripe for the picking, the thief or group of thieves attempted to break into the home.

    "The thief used a brick to shatter the window of the front door – meanwhile, the home owner phoned 911. According to Plano Police Officer David Tilley, the home owner told the dispatcher that there was a break-in and that he was going to defend himself with his firearm if necessary.

    "They say that what you know can’t hurt you, but in this case that definitely doesn’t apply. The would be-thief’s ignorance nearly cost him his life. The robber broke into the house and confronted the home owner at the top of the stairs. The thief then charged 'towards (the home owner) at a rapid pace,' said Tilley, forcing the home owner to raise his gun in self-defense.

    "The home owner shot at least one round at the robber, striking him. The suspect quickly fled from the residence – the first and only smart thing that he’d done all day.

    "The robber hopped in his car and peeled out, but neighbors gave a full description of the car and a few other men who were running from the scene to the police. The authorities located the man in his vehicle a short time later and hauled him off to a nearby hospital where he is in unknown condition."
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  25. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    I am rather fortunate in that I live in the suburbs of a mighty metropolas of nearly 500. I never lock a door. Often leave the keys in my car and truck and sleep real well without a worry of intruders. Being somewhat isolated is part of the reason but I think the biggest reason there is so little crime here is that we are almost 100% armed and hunters. Most criminal types are pretty cowardly and don't want to let me try my luck at blowing a hole in them. I honestly don't know anyone here that isn't armed and more than willing to shoot anyone that enters their home without invitation and tries to take anything.
  26. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Fear engenders respect.
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  27. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    the time to stop home invasions is before they even get into the house.
    make sure all windows are shut, fit decent window locks and lock all doors when going out.
    a good dog will alert the homeowner long before the criminal gets anywhere near the front door.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  28. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    LOL, I am almost EXACTLY the opposet of that description Lonewolf. I never lock my doors or windows. I don't even know where a key is to my doors. My dog liked everyone and other than licking you to death she was no threat. My cat isn't so friendly to anyone except family but he isn't any protection. What I do have is a gun beside my chair in the livingroom and a gun on the headboard of my bed. Actually there are guns in every room of my house except the bathrooms.

    I think that when you live out in the country you don't have as many people around you and the kids here have plenty of places to go that are not a temptation to mischef that involve other peoples homes. Where I was raised, even though I lived in town, there were lots of places to hunt and fish within easy bicycle range.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  29. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    What I recall about a youngster...was the Crayfish in the rivers. I'd never before seen a Crayfish. Also ,there were some big catfish in some of those rivers as well.

    Lizards everywhere..horn toads too.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  30. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    I used to have a horny toad for a pet every summer and then would release them for the winter months. They are nice little critters. The thing about Texas is that it is huge and has almost every type of terrain. I was raised in the swamps of coastal Southeast Texas and now live in the big pine forests. As you head west it gets dryer and more hilly. We have some mountains but they are not like the Rockey or Smokey mountains. They are mostly more like over grown hills. What we do have a lot of is endless rolling hills and plains.

    I was raised in a more coastal area with lots of lakes and swamps. That is the thing about Texas. It is big enough that it is spread out and has almost every kind of terrain except big mountains. The Davis Mountains are pretty but not real big or high. They are more like just big rocky hills compared to the bigger mountains in other parts of the country.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  31. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    oh dont get me wrong Tex, out here we could leave our doors unlocked and nothing would happen, (in fact I have done it-by accident) everyone here knows everyone else and where you live, even where you work, but leaving doors unlocked would probably invalidate the house insurance!
    TMT Tactical likes this.
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