First Nation B.c., Confirms Bodies Of 215 Children. You Can't Care.

Discussion in 'The Hangout' started by George Collins, May 29, 2021.

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  1. George Collins

    George Collins Expert Member

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    This is terrible. You can't care. The people alive today never died. They do the killing. 1000s to 10s of thousands of people have been killed by gangs. Countless broken lives and destroyed families. It will just be a excuse to make more drug addicts, more junkies, more prostitutes, more gangs, more gang violence, more broken homes, more destroyed families. That's it.

    The peoples, whom did this, need to go to prison, if still alive. I don't like this. But this is all you can do for them really. Just a excuse, for more drugs, and all that creates. I'm a human rights activist, saying that. We do not want more dead, and destroyed families, like maybe, your own here in Canada. As they have more "just cause" to come after you and yours. Jihading your family. This is the way it is.

    [URL unfurl="true"][/URL]

    Just being redundant. No one seems to really care anyway.

    White people were victimized to. No one group, had a monopoly on victimization. It's just. No one has a care, that white people, were victimized to. So various groups, got treated like whitities (white-tees) to.

    People were simply poor, and gotten taken advantage of. The more poor you are, the more you get taken advantage of. To this very day. That is the way it is.

    Alex Jones talked about before. Canada, having several of the largest mass graves, on the planet, officially in it. I found a story on our nation news site, About this issue.

    I suspect, many of those people, in those mass graves, are white women, and there children. Worked to death (scrubbing floors), beaten to death, as they had children, born outside of wedlock, back then.

    Forced to have sex, outside of marriage, to not starve to death. Story was gone, after I told some people. The same day. The government, let the church, do that all, all others to, who did that, to those woman and children. It was the British monarchy, that was the government. Whatever gets said.

    I just caught, the tail end, of all kinds of things, as a kid, just changing, and witnesses all kinds of things, as a kid, in school and outside. Even used a slat and chalk, that got replaced, with pencils and paper.

    Lots of this happened, while Canada, was under British occupation.
    Last edited: May 29, 2021
  2. George Collins

    George Collins Expert Member

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    There is something called F.A.S.D. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Dysfunction. Knew a award winning reporter, whom did a story about this, in the native community. Basically, the mother was heavily drinking while pregnant. Then, the baby is more likely to be born with this. A special form of brain damage. They have no morals. Are born with no morals. The moral part of there brain has been damaged. To one degree or another.

    Other drugs too, might do similar things, to unborn children.

    This has been going on, for more than 100 years in the native communities, in Canada anyway. There have been announcements in the past 2 years lets say, during covid-19, of gelled alcohol for cleaning your hands, not being sent to these communities, because of concerns of basically drinking the alcohol somehow. That's how bad it is still.

    Not only do some of these peoples, white, black, Asian, etc. Not only, not have any morals, they also can be extremely violent. I mean extremely violent. If you have been around some of them, as I have been around here. Sent here for example, to go to trial. So I have some personal experience, with them, these types. Extreme examples. You are literally worrying about, getting into a fight, with one of them, and actually be, in a fight, for your life.

    A example to clear this up. Even a world class MMA fighter, would have to worry for there lives. To give you just a glimpse. That person may on the spot smash a glass bottle and then start stabbing you with it over and over again. Just like that. Because of not just anger, but raging. Just mad at something. Drunk and or on drugs.

    R.C.M.P. die out in these communities, because someone got mad basically.

    I have some native blood in me. Had some full on, native friends growing up. We use to party every weekend like other teenagers. Never any problems like this. I believe they would be shocked to. It is just a excuse to them, all done to them, if anything at all. White people (children) went to residential schools to. They were just the local schools, before they were called, residential schools.

    If others come around, there "angel wings" sprout (P.R.). If they don't stop, for some reason. They get shut down, fast, by the others, right there, on the spot.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2021
  3. George Collins

    George Collins Expert Member

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    So the survivors are getting lots of money. The tax payer has to pay for that.

    Why are these payouts not being payed for by government workers? Out of there pay, and salaries, and benefits, and pension? Especially the pensions? The tax payer will still be paying. But then the people whom at least enabled this to happen, are paying to. Every single time. They pay themselves personally.

    You see, everybody wins. Call it the "murder and misery we caused" tax. Your government, my government, is the people in it. Because they are in government. They simply. Can get away with doing more.

    For some strange reason. Serious laws, seem to be different for them? Like they can get away with murder for example. Even that front desk worker, is above the law, whom deliberately, did not help you as good as she should have. So now you are stuck in poverty for longer. With your family. Or that's why your child is a drug addict or dead or as good as, etc. Yawn.

    Why? Why? Why? Are they above the law? Why don't they get fired even? Institutionalized corruption? Rampant institutionalized corruption? They all want to. They all do. Just not all caught yet.

    Where is the white poor peoples compensations? The ones still alive? Not a care. There true nature is showing. What they still are.

    The poor white people, in the past anyway, were always bad, right, basically? All others, perfect little angels, right, basically? Unless about gangs, and drugs, and martial arts, basically. TV, movies.

    Now white people have to bend over still, because there feelings got hurt. Once. So many peoples careers in government, are tied to racism related activities occurring?

    White people are not perfect. That is some type of serious problem. All others, are not perfect. But they have some "just cause" for whatever they did and do. Because they got upset. When white people get upset it is called racism and hate crimes. When all others groups get upset, it is right and just.

    Treated like this in out own countries. In our own homes. Called this. Right foreign devil. Infidels. Still racists. Well not you but everybody else? We pay to have this done to us?

    Causes more controversy (politicians love it) and gets them more money, more of our wealth, and they get even more power over us. That right, your criminal racist. Don't forget, you can not swear at them either.

    Remember how the main stream press, made racism words, like a song, stuck in your head, through repetition. Then you get angry, and you might have by mistake, used that word. That was done to you on purpose, by the press, and your government. The criminal justice system and the press was waiting for you to? Right?

    I did ask CNN, to send me a list of words, that they were planning, on making racist. So I could practice right away, not using them. Less groups getting upset and maybe even murderously violent then. As they still get.

    Canada had changed the constitution, or charter of rights and freedoms, or maybe the criminal code, so that, minority groups, could actually assault you, if you made a racist comment, or slur, at them. Basically. Even by accident. So, even is some public debate, they could do this to you, in Canada. Maybe still can, if it was not changed back.

    They make you angry though, and you attack them. You would be charged with a hate crime. It may have not been called a hate crime. That is what they judge would have been told though.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2021
  4. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    gangs again, enough.
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