Forever A Vote For Me...and My Party....

Discussion in 'News, Current Events, and Politics' started by watcherchris, Feb 13, 2023.

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  1. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I have been thinking some things through and want to pass this by the members.....for their consideration and or inspection....

    What I notice here is a pattern ...carefully hidden and or concealed...such that the average American will not notice it....

    Also ...many of these patterns of deceit and or herding the people like cattle...are accompanied by guilt and or shame....,such that none will protest...or speak out ....none will dare to think outside the box of where someone or some group wants us to be cattle sheep.

    Abortion....,..,abortion is a scheme to win the female vote to the left and on the public purse....
    It is a guarantee of a woman's sex life on the public the public.

    I think that women should be able to have all the abortions they want or need...but not on the public purse as a vote buying scheme...which is mostly about what the abortion issue is....,a scheme to buy votes for the left..

    Be aware of this continued buying ...for victims...,ever a victim....

    Women cannot be responsible for their own sex lives....government must do it on the public purse.....for their vote.

    CRT....Critical Race Theory is official government sponsored , promoted , approved racism....sufficient to buy the black vote...for the left.
    And it is being promoted in public education and centers of higher learning..
    CRT is manufacturing a bad guy for votes.

    For those of you who do not has gotten so bad.....that the left cannot win without the black vote....
    Thus they have come up with a scheme of promoting racism...sufficient to get African Americans to vote for manufacturing a bad guy....
    You will see this happen again......and again...and again....on one issue after another.

    Or put another way ...the left or democrats cannot win or govern without a manufactured emergency.,,,or crisis.
    Here...ab0ut 4.00 minutes into this video....

    Tucker Carlson: This is the cruelest thing any president has ever done - YouTube

    LGBTXYZ or whatever name they will call it next...

    Again, another group being carefully cultivated and catered to for their vote.

    No one is telling you that you have the ability to accept or reject anyone's sexuality for any reason you decide. You can accept or reject people for your own reasons...particularly their sexuality.

    This is why it is insanity for a people to define themselves by their sexual orientation ....simply because people should be more than that....much much more.

    To force people to accept someone because of their sexuality or sexual orientation is and pollitical

    What is worse....much much worse....someone is brainwashing children to accept very very young ages...before their time....through public schools...

    What government is like manner to CRT.....for votes....

    What Government is sponsoring is the theft....the stealing of the very childhood from our children and or bringing them into adulthood before their time....let them be not brainwash them into adulthood before their time.

    One has to be progressively educated into extreme demonism to do this to children and thus bring them into adulthood before their time. Translate that as extreme political desperation...the end justifies the means.

    A very very good woman taught this lesson to me.....may she rest in Peace.

    What I have detected is that all three of these issues are carefully cultivated and promoted for votes...for a particular party.

    By the blame game....manufacturing bad guys ...for votes..

    What was that bad guy in Germany who manufactured bad guys for votes and power?????

    Catching on yet......Divide and Conquer....not Unity....not thinking ..but emoting.....

    Be Warned these Ishmaelites who would divide this nation and people...for manufacturing bad guys....

    And also be Warned the media in bed with these professional Dividers/predators.

    Ishmaelites run wild..

    My non Ishmaelite .02
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2023
    Ladybugmo and TMT Tactical like this.
  2. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Be Warned these Ishmaelites...

    Be Warned these Predators.....Predators by division.....

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  3. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    If one has a Jesus Christ complex, then there must be those out there who require salvation.

    Victims require saviors, an elite, who know what is the best path to redemption. The political Left needs victims, real or imagined.

    To a liberal, poverty is always due to oppression. To them, lack of intelligence, impulsivity, and predilection to aggressive behavior aren't factors leading to poverty. The poor are oppressed and require Leftist policies to obtain salvation.
    TMT Tactical and watcherchris like this.
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