Gov't Of Nyc Disceiminates Against Asians

Discussion in 'News, Current Events, and Politics' started by Pragmatist, Sep 10, 2020.

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  1. Pragmatist

    Pragmatist Master Survivalist

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  2. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

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    Nothing new, the democrats pander to the votes, not all the minorities, just the big voting block minorities.
    Old Geezer likes this.
  3. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    What....why this cannot possibly be true...this is New York City ...not possible.

    Surely you folks must be mistaken!!!???

    The only cities and or states of any virtue in America are New York City and California....everywhere else is flyover country...nothing to be seen or known there in flyover country.

    Why everyone out here knows that New York City and California automatically represent all of America and the very Best of America by default.....what is wrong with you people????

    The rest of Flyover America is never to have a voice for we are not worthy.....of a voice and must automatically default to New York City and California....

    What is wrong with you people...get in lock step....get properly and politically/socially is your duty...

    Da Tovarich????

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2020
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  4. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Were I of Asian extraction and was painfully aware of my family's struggles to get to America and to survive in America when Asian workers were treated little better than dogs, I would be boiling angry towards anyone who dared use the term "white-adjacent" around me. Were I Asian, I would know full good and well that my people got ahead via hard work, emotional maturity, and wisdom. Asians came from being considered even as nothingness to a place of singular respect. They deserve ALL of the wealth for which they have worked.

    One triggers a Leftist when bringing up the examples of races, other than Africans, being worked to death in the factories, on the railroads, in the mines of America during its bad old days. Triggered Leftists have an adolescent tantrum when reminded of reality and come up with catch-phrases to protect their giant egos and their intensely neurotic obsession on their New World Order's canon of beliefs.

    Here, let me come up with a term to really get a member of the Secular Humanist cult revved-up: "Afro-worship". Leftists make up all manner of excuses to cover-up the failures of Black communities within urban areas. This is more than a trifle irrational. It is some form of neurotic obsession. Therefore why not call it "Afro-worship"?

    We read about how fed-up Black folk are getting with their sissy little college crowds hanging around their protests; how angry they are getting about Antifa interference in their business. I can fully see where the Black community might be able to make use of the term, "Afro-worship". I mean, how would you like it if some bunch of neurotic crazies began fawning over you?! I would tell my followers to get lost, "Get out'a here! What's wrong with you?! It's like you are worshiping us -- now that is sick! Leave me alone! If I can't take care of myself and my family, how horribly pathetic would that be!"
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  5. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    I think that there will always be a Sodom and Gomorrah. Once a place starts to slide it draws rats, flies, and filth like a dead body. I'm afraid that NYC and Chicago are going to slide into darkness never to return. I have watched this on a smaller scale several times. A little town starts getting a little rough around the edges and the good hard-working people start to leave for safer quieter places. Their homes end up in the hands of others that have lower standards and suddenly the town becomes a rundown pest hole that good people avoid. It takes longer in the huge ant piles but once the slide starts it is almost impossible to stop.

    With the modern computerized system, there is no real reason for these huge cities. The industry has left them and more and more the rats and flies take over. Liberal do everything in their power to encourage this. Filth votes for more filth and that makes them more and more powerful. I'm sorry but there comes a point where the only solution is to clean, tear down or burn a place that has become nothing much more than a source of disease and petulance. There comes a point where the rats can breed faster than you can trap and kill them. If it is a building it will be condemned.

    We seem to be getting near that point with several of or at least parts of many of our once greatest cities. Hell, our nation's capital has one of the highest murder rates in the nation and isn't safe once the sun goes down. Have you noticed that places that are capitols seem to attract this sort of problem? Do you think that maybe some rats dress better than others but the rats know nonetheless and come to them?
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  6. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    I've observed three ways in which a town large or small can be destroyed / fall into hellish days.

    If a town -- even an entire country -- centralizes authority, aggressive folk begin the process by which they take over that power structure. These aggressive sort are almost always rather evil. Lord knows that they will be out for themselves. I was raised in a small town that was all sweetness and light during the day -- especially on Sundays. When the sun sat, that town turned into something else. My lot made their money at night. The situation was, however, not violent. Those who ruled the night took-out the trouble-makers. Local and state officials were paid-off. Watched my dad write the checks.

    Some cities sink into chaos. The glue of civilized behavior cracks and falls away. The liberal mantra of "do what feels good" is usually the proximal cause of the glue cracking. In San Fransisco, the rampant sexual promiscuity allowed the AIDS virus to spread like wildfire. In the cities of today, Leftist governments have given the go-ahead for adolescent tantrums to go unchecked. These tantrums have now evolved into violence and arson. This process will continue and end up in raw chaos -- the innocents will not be spared. Savagery murders cities and countries.

    Lastly, some cities have their economic base disappear. The city then disappears. This can and has happened without overt violence. It is a rotting and rusting into nothingness.

    Here's an example of evil perpetuating evil:
    South Africans were freed from decades / centuries of oppression. Now they are oppressing themselves. What went wrong? The bad guys took-over the centralized power structure created under apartheid. The ANC has become the iron fist. "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  7. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    Most people these days relate illegal activity to evil and they are not the same thing. There are some things that are always evil and some things are MADE evil by the people that do it or run the operation. One of the sure things about people is that anything that they don't do or don't like they, if given the opportunity, or power to do so will try to prevent others from doing and enjoying that thing.

    A lot of our laws and a major part of our law enforcement time is spent trying to keep people from doing things that they like to do and in many cases are GOING to do legal or not. By doing this the LAWS in the end make a relatively simple thing into a huge criminal enterprise run by people that now WILL turn it into an evil thing.

    Over the many years, we have made all sorts of things illegal. Sex is illegal, all sorts of things that actually cause no real harm until they are made against the law like Marijuana are illegal. There are people rotting in prison in this screwed up country for doing things that are totally legal across the state line. Then things that are truly evil and often dealy will be state-supported. A poor man can rob a convenience store of fifty dollars and get decades in a high security prison and a rich man can imbesel MILLIONS and ruin the lives of hundreds of people and he will get a few years in a country club prison.

    the problem with our system is that capitalism is like a game of monopoly. In the end, only one person owns everything. We are now in the end stage of capitalism. The rich own the industries and are moving their factories out of this country so that they can be billionaires instead of just millionaires. The middle class is dying. So many of our totally must have industries have been taken over by people that have NO concern for the health or survival of our country. When you can only have rich people as your leaders guess what. They are going to get richer at your expense and will only do what is best for them and their peers.

    we need to rewrite our system. All people should do is elect local homegrown people to the next level of the government. those people then elect the next level and so on. Serving in office should be a well paid but one-time thing. No lifetime people that make their living selling their influence. The way it is done now we have no choice but to elect people that we don't know much about and only those that either, like Trump, has a few billion dollars to finance their run or sell their souls to the party to finance their run are allowed to serve in an office at the top levels. Most of the time the person that you elect to the higher offices are nothing more than puppets for their party.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  8. Pragmatist

    Pragmatist Master Survivalist

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    Good morning TexDanm,

    All so true - especially re the dwindling middle class.

    I do not think "we" can rewrite "the system". Elections don't work. Here, they are rigged.

    The knowledgeable with organizational skills are just too independent a bunch - Preppers are in this grouping - to even attend meetings, let alone meet to even rewrite outrageous local government regulations for review.

    The pending results of the "new" system are already in. The Federal Reserve System will fund government. The inflationary costs of this will not be absorbed by the non-middle class. Inflation is a form of indirect, hidden tax.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
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