Greed Any Thoughts

Discussion in 'The Apocalypse' started by kevy39, Apr 12, 2018.

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  1. kevy39

    kevy39 New Member

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    This would be the core cause of shtf in my opinion. It could lead to a vast amount of scenarios. Any thoughts?
    Keith H. likes this.
  2. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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    Lots of thoughts mate! Yes greed is something I never could understand. I mean once you have enough, what is the point in getting more? Greed is driving the genocide in West Papua which is sanctioned by the US & Australia. We have trained the Indonesian troops & we are literally paying them to commit genocide on our WW2 allies!!! I hope the shtf in a big way & I hope Trump & Turnbull & the rest of our corrupt government get disposed of!
  3. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    You guys need to be very very very careful on this topic line.

    I say this because socially this is the source of much confusion social engineering circles...and in what is becoming rapidly the political/social tool to "herd" people into group think rather than thinking for themselves.

    I will remind some of you that people acting in their own self interests are the very source for much of our inventions and inventiveness which has put the Western World on the map as far as producing the greatest plenty historically ...that this world has ever seen or known.

    And the knowledge of this plenty and how to produce it has been exported to other places in this world.

    This has today been perverted in its sources, methods and social structure to one of guilt and blame to where those nations which can produce and have this know to get a system to work.....are put under the social and moral obligation to make other countries work free.

    That these nations which know...must carry these other nations on their shoulders to provide for make their systems work or produce.

    Thus these people and nations ...must by social guilt and by bullied and intimidated into providing for these other nations. To carry them ...often work twice while only getting paid once.....

    This kind of guilt and social politics is in fact....involuntary servitude....slavery of the nations which can produce and their people. It is often nothing more than a political/social shakedown.

    This is exactly what kind of mass deceit happened in this country with Health Care. Those who could and would work were made to pay twice...a very inflated and expensive price for their health care...much higher than previously paid..and then again for those who qualified ...for free.

    People were paying twice..which is why it became so expensive for health care under Obama Care.
    This system became a form of Involuntary Servitude enforced by government. Economic Slavery to pay for those who could not afford it.

    But it was never advertised in this manner via public education nor a lying deceitful media... nor by leadership.

    If you protested ..or publically were labeled all kinds of slurs and labels to get you to conform to the "Herd."

    My point in this is to be very very very careful what one thinks is greed.

    Ask yourself...a simple question ...while the topic is so obviously designed to prevent thinking as is so much parroted out by public education today..and also the Main Stream Media and including our phony leadership.

    People acting in their own self interest???? What law is being broken here????

    People who do not want to do the labor carry so many others on their shoulders like the statue of Atlas...and the Globe.... except that someone out here wants us to feel guilty for our largess and ability to produce..and thus keep us producing for everyone else

    I have understood this kind of thinking for a long long time now...since finally telling my own brother to leave my home wherein he stayed with me for over a year while I carried him...thinking I was properly loving him as my brother while he continued to party party party while I was constantly working. My own brother used and misused my home as a pit stop while I was working even weekends to keep him secured....clothed, washed, and fed. I became the pit crew....while thinking I was properly loving my flesh and blood.
    He knew how to party party party...but not how to do his own maintenance. And it is still so today. Always knew where and how to find drugs and alcohol..but avoided real risks/labor...verses good times and party party party.

    Be very very careful...about the nature of the world trying to put guilt and greed on you as control make you voluntarily herd yourself and your family into their belief systems and systems of control....or be labeled greedy.

    I do not buy into it and have little interest in the herd and what the herd thinks.

    For I also know what is the "Pareto Principle."

    Also known as the 80/20 rule

    80% of the people in any group do 20% of the work and therefore the Risks associated with work or labor...risk taking.

    20% of the people do 80% of the work and therefore the risk taking.

    Be very very careful when speaking of Greed......what you think is greedy....for very very few people know of or have ever heard of "The Pareto Principle " or of Vilfedo Pareto.

    I think about the Pareto Principle every time I think about someone trying to bring up about the Greed topic...I also remember my own brother.

    My .02,

  4. kevy39

    kevy39 New Member

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    Sorry to hear what happened with you and your brother. Hope it all worked out.

    When I speak of greed and the reason for my post was not to inspire anyone’s thoughts but only to talk about my views and learn about others views. I don’t mind the thread being deleted if you so wish mate. If admin would oblige
  5. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    It is the Chuck Schumers and the George Soros' of the world who wish to annihilate Liberty, annihilate the right to own private property, the right to own and defend one's family with firearms, and who wish to rule over those they see as "inferior" serfs of the countries of the world. Trump is an arrogant city-boy -- conservatives held their noses and voted for him. Such was better than putting communist aggressors in power. Nothing will get better on this planet until the megalopolises are scraped off the face of the Earth.

    Whoever protects you, owns you.

    The Good Farmer burns His fields and turns under the soil in preparation for the new growing season.
  6. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    Oh...goodness no.

    I am not in favor of deleting the thread at all and sorry if I gave that impression. I take no offense at the topic line but am just very well aware of how the topic or label of greed is being used and misused to "Herd" people into group think today without many even being aware of it.

    I am not big into herding or Group think. I stepped off that train years ago.

    As to my brother he is his own man and must live his life as best he can. We are still brothers and nothing will change that. I just do not want to live like that or around such high maintenance people.

    I am not into greed per se...and give to people or groups for whom I choose. I do not want someone telling me or forcing me to give or cede to their beliefs or charities/causes against my will and over my objections.

    That Kevy39 is my view....on greed and guilt associated with it.

    People going about their own private daily business .....with their own resources is not greed. It is private business.

    Remember what this world would have us do and cede to their beliefs and default.

    Once you have enough as described or defined by someone else... have an automatic higher moral and ethical obligation to provide for others...from your labors....your monies. You have a higher moral and ethical obligation/duty to default.

    No one wants to describe this as involuntary servitude...or slavery....loss of liberty.

    I do not agree with much of what our country has historically done in other countries and for which the average American is woefully ignorant. This going back to General Smedley Butler....and Central America in the early 1900s.

    General Smedley Butler wrote the book "War is a Racket."

    In this book he describes how many American companies have a vested interest in the profits from war.
    And this book was written between WW1 and WW2.
    I have this book in my private collection along with other books along this line.

    Another significant book describing the interference of many companies including banks and insurance companies insuring the loans.....into foreign affairs for profit concerns "The City" or the one square mile of London...the olde city and their meddling in world affairs for profit...including WW1 and WW2.

    The Empire of the City.


    E. C. Knuth.

    When you get the patterns down of how these things operate in the media and in can see this repeating in history ...over and over and over.

    And it appears it might happen again with Syria for similar historical reasons.....Resources or the ability to ship and trans ship said resources....geography.

    But if history is such an poorly taught subject in school so few would be able to recognize it as this happens again and again and again in different generations.

    What is so seldom described or defined in thread such as this one trying to get a handle on "Greed" is that there has historically been a "Resource War" going on since the 1500s when England took the lead in this war from Spain and continues unto this day. England here meaning "The City " with her boot lackey to do her dirty work for her...The United States.

    This is not the average street Englishman..who is as dumb, ignorant, and uninformed yet emotionally put on the hook and reeled in as is most of America.

    Well......nonetheless...I am not advocating for shutting down this thread... but thanks for asking...or bringing it up.


    Not an Ishmaelite.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2018
    kevy39 likes this.
  7. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    Ambition and wanting to have good things are motivators for people to work hard and prosper. Greed is the negative version of these positive emotions. Just as prejudice means that you like something bigotry means you dislike something without actually knowing it. Prejudice starts with I like me. In general people like people that they feel are LIKE them. If I'm watching a boxing match between two fighters that I don't know much about I will generally favor the one that I feel the closest connection to. If there is a white boy from Brookland fighting a black boy from Houston I'm prejudice and am going to root for the Texas fighter every time.

    Greed doesn't mean that you want to be successful and have good things. Grees means that you want as much as you can get even if it means taking it away from others that need it. I consider it sort of sick that we have people that are near trillionaires and yet we have children in this country that are sick and have no medical care. Old people that are eating cat food because they have to decide between food and medicine. Veterans dying because the country they fought for and served offers up medical car that is inferior to what I offer my DOG.

    Greed is what you have when someone has all the good things they could ever want to excess and then takes the pension away from the people that actually worked and made you rich so they can be richer. In the end greed is the thing that drags down all great civilizations. When the rich have everything and everyone else is wallowing in poverty Heads roll. We are getting close to that point in a lot of places all over the world. Greed wears a lot of different faces. When everyone is starving having a dozen children is greed. We have entire countries that are only surviving because we feed them. If we lose that ability the population in many countries will drop by 90%.
    kevy39 likes this.
  8. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    We need to be very very careful here with this kind of thinking and this is exactly to what I am speaking...

    Do we have the right and moral/ethical ground to make trillionares more disposable and expendable than other people because they are trillionares. To limit the freedoms and property of trillionares or anyone else and thus make them disposable and expendable .....because of who they are.

    All these phonies are going to do is get rid of trillionares...and then go for the billionares and then millionaress..and then down to the ordinary dispose and expend them for social causes.
    No rocket material needed to project this line out to a conclusion as to where and how it will go.

    One is not automatically guilty of some ethical and moral trespass or socially lacking because they are trillionares.
    This is a false assumption on the part of many people.
    I know of no law that says it is illegal or immoral to be a trillionare.....therefore we will be justified in taking their stuff/property and giving it to someone else.

    That is exactly what Obama and company did with Obama Care....put many Americans into bondage and held them economically hostage to provide freebees for someone else.
    No one had the stones to speak up and say it is not moral and ethical to have some work twice or more to provide for others.

    Do we have the moral and ethical high ground to hold trillionares or anyone else hostage and in bondage to make them work twice or more to give freebees to others?? To make trillionares disposable and expendable bondage for our social and political conscience???

    What happened in France about ten years ago when they tried this very thing???? Greatly raising taxes to fund their social programs??? Frenchmen, who could and had the ability, were leaving the country. They are not stupid...they knew what it was...bondage.
    This has long since been pushed to the back pages of history or further ..but I remember.

    Someone is trying this very template and pattern right now in America....disposability and expendability towards a people by race...calling it "Privilege" right now and today in America.

    And some of them are talking about taking property from people by race....and giving it to another people by race.

    Once you open this have the very basis of overturning everything about America.......Wealth redistribution.

    This is nothing more than making one group expendable and disposable to and towards another group.

    But some people feel justified because they falsely believe it will solve a manufactured problem....manufactured for the purpose of political chaos creation/power.

    I caught a woman at work with this very thing....and she had no answers....the conversation just broke down.....she had never been challenged in her thinking ...only defaulted through....with out challenge.

    She kept bringing up how unfair it was that people like Trump got more tax write offs than did she???
    That somehow it was immoral that she did not get the write offs that Trump and other such people did??

    I listened to this long enough and just asked her.....what law did Trump Break??? What law was violated here.??

    She stumbled.....and eventually admitted that he had broken no law.

    You have to be able to think your way around this kind of thing.....implied guilt...lack of morals..when in fact no law has been broken...or violated.

    My point that this can very very easily slide into the slippery slope.

    This is why "Victimization" is so often used on an uneducated emotional non thinking gets them to cede to someone else for power and control....without thinking...only reacting to a stimulus which is often not even theirs.

    I tend to get very very cautious when I hear or detect the "Victimization " pattern being played on me.

    For this is Ishmael.....and Ishmael is bondage...with her children.

    My .02,
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2018
  9. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    If the wealthy gain their wealth on the suffering of others and continue to rape their fellow citizens you are damn right I'll judge them. This is not the way things were originally designed to operate in the US but greed has made it the way or the land. It is personal greed that encourages rich business people to close their factories here and move them to other countries where they can pay a paulpers wage to people that are little better off than slaves. They became rich and in the past that wealth was based in assets not CASH. Individual wealth was mostly limited to a smaller level because profits were reinvested into the companies and not pocketed. Sam Walton became the richest man in the world paying 75% and higher personal income tax. He actually paid very little though because when he made a prophet he built another store. His wealth was in his assets.

    The way it used to work was that you had big companies owned by big families. They were run with an eye on the future because the family was run by generally one strong person. Now businesses are owned and run by stockholders and all they care about is the money. Going bankrupt so you can default on your pensions fire most of your working class people and "restructure" after they pocket most of the cash.
  10. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Texdanm....I believe this is the very definition of what government has become today.

    You are once again describing a quirk of Government here. It has become more advantageous for companies to build another store....rather than invest in their people. This is due to the MO of the tax structure....again a function of government.
    The tax structure governs what is happening in the economy. It is not determined by whether a product is useful or desired by the consumer..but by what the tax structure dictates.

    This is not a definition of "Free Market Economics" but is a definition of Fascism. Business is in private hands but run by strong state control. tax structure.

    Over time the businesses begin to look for the one facet of the marketplace they can indeed control....and that is labor costs.
    They discover it is more advantageous to move the business outside the country due to the taxes and then the labor costs.

    If a business does not do this their competitor will and eventually their competitor will buy them out to run or take their business off the their competition.

    Notice that Trump is changing the tax structure and some businesses are making a comeback and returning to this country. Some are even paying their workers a bonus.

    It is the tax structure...and this will return with a vengeance if the Left wins congress and then eventually the White House again. The taxes will return back to what they were and even will again leave the country. Not because they want to..but because they must if they are going to survive.

  11. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    Greed that is without bounds is just plain evil. Greed isn't just about money. I is about power over the lives of others. It eventually changes from I want to have to I want you NOT to have. It is an illness of the soul and this is slowly taking over our world. In the past this wasn't really possible because of distance and the size of things but now for the first time in history it might be truly possible for this type of evil to be successful. It isn't their wealth that they seek is making all the rest little more than slaves that have to beg for life. These people make Hitler look like Mary Poppins!

    I basically decided some decades ago the TEOTWAWKI was about our only hope...
  12. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    And Texdanm, Once again we have in your position and quote...... the very definition of government.......true today and going back into history.....

    I'll tell you and the members here something for which no one absolutely wants us ever to be able to think through......and for ourselves and about greed.

    Many years ago when the Susan B. Anthony coin came out the Treasury department put out an information flyer....showing how we could re arrange our cash registers to accommodate this new One Dollar coin....
    I have this flyer in my private collection.

    Now in this flyer, printed back in the 1980s, they stated that the one dollar bill costs nearly 2 cents to produce and circulate....they last on the average some 6 months.

    The Eisenhower dollar coin costs some 8 cents to put in circulation and last for many many years.

    The Susan B. Anthony coin costs some 3 cents to produce and would last for many many circulation.

    When the government circulates a 1 dollar paper bill for 2 cents ....and will not give us any gold and or silver for it.....this represents a 5000% mark up/profit because we give up 100 cents of our labor to get one.

    But they get 100 dollar bills for the same price...there is no more paper and no more ink.

    But we give up 100 dollars of our labor to get one.

    This represents a 500,000 % mark up/;profit on a 100 dollar bill. They are not going to give us a 100 dollar weight in gold or silver for it.

    There is no possible way a government which makes 500,000 percent on a 100 dollar bill could possibly be interested in balancing a budget!!!

    Now I have known this about the paper notes for over 35 years now and it got so bad under the Obama administration that little talk surfaced about balancing a budget.

    This continues to day under the Trump Administration.

    Now ...what are you or anyone else out here going to teach me about greed?????
    Power and control over others?????

    And we have government and social engineers trying to imply that because someone is successful in their field and or business....they must be morally and ethically questionable???

    I don't think so Texdanm!! Im not taking a bite out of that apple when I know about the secret of the fiat paper money and how governments abuse and misuse their power to extract and control markets/people when they try to teach free market economics...but are in actually teaching step removed from Communism.

    That is why the social justice position on "Greed" is to me gaslighting.

    And I am not just talking about America in the paper fiat money business...for all the nations of the world on paper money are in on this scam for power and control over others.
    For they are how they put their people into bondage while getting them to believe they are free and fight their wars for the favored few in control of these systems.

    Just like they are doing right now/today for the umpteenth time in Syria and other places.....for someone's lucre/profit.

    This is a dirty little secret even the "Holy" El Rushbo and Sean Hannity will not cover. They do not dare....expose this "Greed."

    Thanks to all for their posts,
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2018
  13. AntonyRaison

    AntonyRaison Active Member

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    All I will say is no matter what the situation is, even if its not shtf you have those that have and those that have not,
    and those that are targeting others for what it is they have.
  14. Jim B

    Jim B Member

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    I am not nor have ever been a fan of personal greed or as some call it hording. Now, no matter what the reason why one would feel the need for creating a cache that goes beyond any logical need, it still makes no sense to me. It kinda seems like a waist unless one has other's they are trying to assure future security. I myself can't say what these Business Giants are thinking when they feel the need to exploit their bread and butter (their employees) to keep their profit margins above logical needs. This does sound like greed to me also. But to insist on taking what is theirs because of what others don't have seems no different than what we in this forum prepare for, in defending what we have against those who would take from us because they don't have. Very slippery slope!
  15. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    By Jim B,

    How about because it is done with someone's monies...their sweat..their labor..their risk taking?? It is their stuff...their private property..not public property. Anything else is bondage...involuntary servitude....slavery.

    How about I make the decision that you "Hoarded" too much without considering me as a "Victim" and therefore I get some of your stuff..without work and without risk making you feel guilty and matter that it was all your planning...your work...your risk get it all in place for me to prey on you ...via "Professional Victimization Politics???"

    Does this sound familiar today??? This is sometimes called today..Social Justice Warrior!!! of Enlightenment. I was describing is their private property...and they decide how it is invested, made, and or distributed???

    Anything else is bondage...involuntary servitude....even fascism or communism??

    Historically ..once the Enlightened groups whittle down the giants..they go for those in the middle and whittle them down..and so on and so on until the whole ball of wax is whittled down.

    Don't believe me...just watch Rhodesia/Zimbabwe and soon to be South they kill off their goose..their egg.. and their nation. But it will never be put in the news as I am describing. They will blame anything and everything but what it really is.

    My .02,


    Not an Ishmaelite
  16. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Need we revisit the tale of the ant and the grasshopper.

    Responsibilities are foisted upon us by our Creator via the particulars of the universe in which we find ourselves. Facing life's difficulties is supposed to make us grow. I've had words with God concerning the latter; however, we are supposed to grow, that's not up for debate.

    Many people choose not to take on responsibilities. Often they expect others, i.e. you and me, to take care of them and their children.

    F____ that!

    I promise you that there is no sin in putting back for hard times.

    Noah got to build a boat, save some animals, and save his family. The Prophets have predicted the "end times". Not only do I believe Them, I can see it coming myself -- and I sure am no Prophet. I'm going to get ready for the sake of my family and whoever else I choose. This is my choice. I'm not preparing to feed the unprepared. They have their chance right now to wake up ... or not.
  17. Jim B

    Jim B Member

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    By watcherchris,

    How about because it is done with someone's monies...their sweat..their labor..their risk taking?

    That's my point exactly. The thing your missing is it's all that from not just them but their employees and their "involuntary servitude", because they either except the scraps from their masters table or starve. I see like you said and I paraphrase your quote " No one here will teach me anything" To me anyone can learn if they are at all willing to hear other points of view.
  18. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Why should people learn when they have the NFL , the Kardashians, and the MSM looking out for them?? A television and movie education in Emoting as well as a substitution for thinking.

  19. Jim B

    Jim B Member

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    Fortunately greed can come in not only monetary or physical possessions. It can also be a need for more knowledge than the status quo would call normal. We all being survivalists here look for an abundance of information which is widely regarded as a bit quirky. Heck some even say escaping reality. I agree with your point about not needing to learn in today's society for most. This to me is the worst kind of stupidity (ignorance), so I will be greedy when it comes to learning what I can. Those who don't, will perish in the end and they will then be the crazy ones.
  20. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    Greed...??? To me it is normal and good for someone to work and want to be successful. This means that you get to have a lot of possessions that you like and have the money to do and enjoy the things in life that you get pleasure from. There is absolutely nothing wrong with doing this and how much you want and gather makes no difference. There is no wrong in being rich or wishing to be rich.

    Where this normal and good drive changes into greed and bad things is when you start adding to your wealth through either taking necessary things from those that have less or depriving necessities from those in need. There is nothing wrong with going to nice restaurants and eating $500.00 meals or wanting to do this. It would be wrong if this meal was taken from the hands of starving people leaving them with nothing so that you could have your fancy meal. If you know this and still partake then this is greed and gluttony and WRONG.

    These days it is common for rich people to add to their wealth by filing bankruptcy so that they can default on their commitments to retired people and their workers. They walk away richer while the people that worked and made the money for them are left with no job and no pension. This is greed and wrong. In the past a person got rich by putting as many people in their country as possible to work and from that work they took a percentage. Now days it has become popular to add to wealth by putting these people out of work and moving the work to places where they can basically use slave labor that they will pay very little to.

    When you add to your wealth through the misery of others rather than in making things better for others then you are greedy and evil. An American that closes a profitable factory here so they can move it to another country just to increase their personal wealth is a criminal traitor to his country and should be treated as such.
    Jim B likes this.
  21. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Jim B,

    I can't argue this point with you ...for I am in agreement.

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