Have You Ever Tried Being A Vegetarian?

Discussion in 'General Q&A' started by WildSpirit, Jul 17, 2017.

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  1. WildSpirit

    WildSpirit Active Member

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    Vegetarianism is a way of life that is becoming increasingly popular around the world and has been increasingly seen as a very efficient path. So, the culture of veganism is becoming present in various aspects of food and this obviously has pleased a lot of fans. :)

    But what about you? I mean... Have you ever considered joining this way of life? Or is this something that never crossed your mind? :rolleyes:
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  2. joegirl

    joegirl Member

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    No. I have never tried to be a vegetarian. I have never found any reason to be. I am perfect healthy and fine with my current choice of food and lifestyle. That's not to say veganism has no benefits. It has loads of benefits but its a matter of personal choice and it's not for everyone. I like eating red meat and lots of it :)
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  3. Neiltarquin

    Neiltarquin Member

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    I do that every now and then. It's like my cleansing diet. All vegetalbes and fruits for 3 days.
    To be a pure vegetarian is not going to happen to me. I love my protien so I will still eat meat.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  4. CivilDefense

    CivilDefense Expert Member

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    No, nor do I have any plans to. If others derive benefits from the diet, more power to them, but some the claims are suspect. Eating lean meats is fine for omnivores like us humans.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  5. Tumbleweed

    Tumbleweed Expert Member

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    I am not a vegetarian; however, I eat a lot less meat than I used to when I was younger, and more greens and vegetables. I am not sure if you are referring to a vegetarian or a vegan, since you seem to have used both terms interchangeably in the opening post.
    There is a lot of difference between the two, however, because a vegetarian eats protein foods like milk, eggs, and cheese. An actual vegan does not eat any kind of food that comes from an animal source at all; so they have to get all of their protein requirements from legumes or greens.
    Truthfully, I have never liked the process of killing an animal to eat it, and that includes chickens and maybe even fish, although I am better with that.
    I know that most people just get their meat, dairy, and eggs at the grocery store, and many of them are not connected with being around animals raised for food at all.
    I think that when the times get hard (and I believe that we are getting closer to that time), and there is no more food in grocery stores; people will have to learn about butchering and cleaning their own meats for food unless they are going to become a vegetarian.
    I don't think that this is going to go well for someone who has no experience in doing this, and it might be a good idea for that kind of a person to start thinking about what kinds of plants can be foraged and eaten instead.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  6. WildSpirit

    WildSpirit Active Member

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    Yeah, it's all about personal choices. But unfortunately, this is not how millions of people think and end up becoming alienated because of it (and this is very worrisome :oops:). So, they easily become annoying people.
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  7. WildSpirit

    WildSpirit Active Member

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    But you have to recognize that your idea is a very interesting one because I you at least try to get some kind of balance on the two important sides of the scale. Clever choice! ;)
    TMT Tactical and Neiltarquin like this.
  8. airfightermax

    airfightermax Member

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    I have never tried to become a vegan my whole life. The idea of not eating meat is simply something I can't think of!

    Humans were meant to eat meat, so I don't think I'll need to change that in myself.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  9. WildSpirit

    WildSpirit Active Member

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    Of course humans would never imagine going without eating meat (historically speaking :D), but times change... And the priorities as well. But I also fit into the team of those who can't live without eating meat. :p
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  10. RosieCheeks

    RosieCheeks New Member

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    I am not a vegetarian, but I am on its way, I guess. I have managed already to exclude dairy products, meat and poultry from my diet. The only non-veg food I have is fish and seafood, which I adore. Not sure if I would be able to manage without it.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  11. Rhodolite

    Rhodolite New Member

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    Closest I got when I was much younger. I'd eat a lot of veggies and whatnot but the only meat I'd willingly eat was chicken and eggs because the smell of cooking beef was nauseating. Seafood I avoided because of horrible food poisoning as a child. There's no way I could be vegan or vegetarian but I'm not adverse to having more veggies than meat on my plate as a whole.

    Btw lots of Hindu and Buddhist followers are vegetarians, so it's not much of a stretch for people to historically follow that kind of diet.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  12. Scarlet

    Scarlet Member

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    It comes to my mind, however, when I heard that we need to eat meat to help our nerves and body muscles to function well, I doubted being a vegetarian anymore. I adhere now in healthy balance diet composed of more fruits, vegetables, nuts, seafood and less lean meat. I do have a habit of just eating salads and fruits sometimes but meat is still a part of my balance diet.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  13. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    no I wouldn't become a vegetarian I like meat too much, but the trick is not to solely eat meat or solely eat veg, the best diet is one that has a bit of everything, humans are omnivores, we eat many things.
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  14. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    actually the modern diet is rubbish compared to our ancient ancestors, our cave man forebears used to eat 2000 different foods, modern humans only eat about 200.
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  15. BethSztruhar

    BethSztruhar Member

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    No, I never tried. I don't even want to. I don't think it's healthy, I need my meat at least one time a week. Sure there are probably articles about how you can maintain a healthy diet as a vegetarian but for me it's false. My friend was a vegetarian and then he starrted to eat meal again and said he feel a lot more energetic and healthy.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  16. Corzhens

    Corzhens Master Survivalist

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    I have been seeing this thread but I was avoiding it. And now, maybe I have to tell my story. Yeah, I have tried being vegetarian. During Holy Week (that religious observance comes in March or April), we tried to abstain from meat. That is the tradition in our Catholic religion. But in our home, we extended the abstinence to include fish. In other words, we become vegetarians for 6 days, that's Monday to Friday, and ends our abstinence on Easter Sunday. That's a big sacrifice because we are meat eaters. But in the recent decade, we stopped doing that practice. Why so? It's so difficult to abide with abstaining from delicious food particularly meat dishes.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  17. Neiltarquin

    Neiltarquin Member

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    Thanks, the idea was not mine. It was my cousins idea. I just tried it and it actually good.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  18. PedroP

    PedroP Active Member

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    Speaking from a Physical educator perspective avoiding meat altogether is bad for you. You need a balanced diet to be healthy and balanced means you should eat a bit of everything. Some people claim they don't eat red meat because of cholesterol and fat and that's reasonable. Now, in my opinion, there is no reason to avoid eating lean meat like chicken and fish. Meat is protein and protein means better muscle repairs when you exercise.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  19. Clara1993

    Clara1993 Active Member

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    Yes I did for a week :)
    I like meats soo much especially red meats :) I know it's not healthy but yeah I do, So Back then when I was around 18 I had an illness which required me to stop eating meats till when I get better, so my doctor gave me a diet but vuess what I was only able to follow it cor a week!! And I went back to ask him for alternatives I really can't spend more than a week without meats :) so I can't be a vegetarian. And I think They are missing the most delicious thing :)
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  20. Tumbleweed

    Tumbleweed Expert Member

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    I have basically become about 90% vegetarian, and i am actually enjoying this way of eating. Since I did not do it for either religious or moral reasons, I don’t feel guilty if i do eat meat; but I have found that I do feel much better when i avoid most animal products in my diet.
    All animal foods are inflammatory, and inflammation in our body is what causes pain and sometimes swelling in our body. My arthritis is being mostly kept under control just by the change in diet and eating anti-inflammatory foods and avoiding the inflammatory ones.
    When I do use meat, it is more like just for flavoring and enhancing the meal, and not as one of the main components. I add a little bit of hamburger when I am asking a pot of chili beans, as an example. it gives the chili a better flavor, but it is not enough meat protein to set off my gout or arthritis.
    When I make a salad, I will add eggs, cheese, or a little shrimp or chicken to the salad; but the main meal is the salad vegetables.
    There are enough protein foods that I never have any problem getting as much protein as I need, and I was actually getting a lot more than necessary before when I was eating more meat, dairy and eggs.
    I make veggie burgers instead of hamburgers, and I have found that they are quite delicious ! All in all, I am finding a lot of benefits of eating this way, and so far, no downside to doing it, and I am glad that I made the change.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  21. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    nope, i'm a CARNIVORE, I love eating meat!! not necessarily every day, we do eat fish and eggs as well.
    we recently got hold of some goat burgers which were very nice, we try not to buy much supermarket meat you cant be too sure how its been treated maybe just the odd chicken and bacon, most of our meat we buy from one of two local suppliers who only sell locally reared meat.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  22. perkin steel

    perkin steel Expert Member

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    No i can't do even think about it
    TMT Tactical and lonewolf like this.
  23. Ken S LaTrans

    Ken S LaTrans Active Member

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    No. I was raised on a working horse and CATTLE ranch.

    I find most vegetarians and ALL vegans to be generally pretentious assholes....show me a crossfitting vegan and I will show you someone who will annoy me within a nanosecond of having met them.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  24. Travis.s

    Travis.s Expert Member

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    While I try to eat as much fruits and vegetables as I can. I still can't from a prepper point of view cut out any potential food source due to an ethical concern ( tho I would have to draw the line on other people as a food scorce)
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  25. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    I'm glad that neurotic, weak people go vegan. It weakens them further -- good! Maybe they'll become so weak that they can't make it the the polling places. These folk most often vote socialist due to being masochists, professional victims, sheeple. People who want to be ruled, I want OUT of my country.

    God created herbivores to be food for the carnivores. Let the looters dig them out of their homes and BBQ them. "Yum-yum eat'em up!"
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  26. Richa94

    Richa94 New Member

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    Yes, Once I tried to become a vegetarian and I fail in that horribly:(...Even for a month, I'm unable to adopt a vegetarian diet and back to my non-vegetarian diet because in those day I realized that it not my cup of tea and now I'm happy with my decision:).
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  27. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    vegetarian diet is okay if you want to be weak and skinny, I mean have you ever seen a FAT vegetarian? most Snowflakes are vegetarians-if not vegan- it fits in with their lefty, pc attitude.
    I think being veggie is okay for the here and now when food is abundant but what are they going to eat post SHTF, a lot of the year there is nothing growing, humans have an omnivore diet for a reason.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  28. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    I have gone pure carnivore once or twice but never tried to live on bunny food only. I know a woman that was bat poop crazy about being vegan. She was sick all the time and finally had to get off it if she ever wanted to have a baby. She had starved herself to the point that she stopped having periods and could not conceive.

    I think that it is like a lot of things and a little of it is fine but if you go to excess your body doesn't do well. We were evolved to be omnivore and need the assortment of foods to insure that we get all the things we need to be healthy and function.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  29. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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    I do not see any advantage or point in becoming a vegetarian. We do not eat meat all the time, & when we do it is only a small amount. Something to bare in mind is that game is available all year round, where as flora is not & it is not plentiful. I can live for a long time on meat alone, but I will not last very long on a diet of just greens & berries. The amount of energy you can burn up foraging can be more than you can replace with what you find.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  30. Oldguy

    Oldguy Master Survivalist

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    Vegan is just another mental dis-ease!
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  31. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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  32. Ystranc

    Ystranc Master Survivalist

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    Each to their own but I'm a strong believer in the need for a balanced diet, if someone wants to be vegetarian there are plenty of sources of vegetable protein available to them but on the whole I prefer to avoid Quorn and soya products unless they're used dehydrated in emergency rations (once I need emergency rations I won't be in a position to be choosey) These vegi protein products are too processed in my opinion.
    I enjoy eating meat, especially if it's wild meat that I've raised, trapped or shot, I love eating game, fish or fowl and rarely buy farmed meat.
    What I will say is that the western diet often contains an excess of meat, we eat it because it's readily available, we can easily afford it and we enjoy it.
    Many people have become completely divorced from how meat is reared and slaughtered preferring their meat to arrive in neat little shrink wrapped styrofoam trays. I feel that that is sad because it devalues the meat and the life that was taken in order to provide it, it also means those people never get to feel the satisfaction of a clean kill and providing for themselves.
    TMT Tactical, Keith H. and lonewolf like this.
  33. Tumbleweed

    Tumbleweed Expert Member

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    What ever a person chooses to eat, and whether they eat meat or not; the most important thing is to eat HEALTHY foods, foods that will actually nourish your body.
    I don’t think that it is too good to focus on any one food group, but it is not necessary to eat the prescribed “three balanced meals” each day either. As long as you are eating fresh , real food, and not processed foods, your body will make use of them.
    I do eat a lot of greens and fresh veggies, and I also eat some meat and animal foods, like eggs, cheese, and yogurt.
    Right now, I want to lose weight, and I am fasting part of each day. It is called “intermittant fasting”, and it helps with anti-aging, disease prevention, and re-setting your insulin receptors. Mostly, I still eat low carb foods, but I eat a variety of carbs, proteins, and healthy fats.
    TMT Tactical and Ystranc like this.
  34. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    I eat anything. I gave up on listening to the stupid fad foods and fad advice that "Doctors" put out. There for awhile they acted like eating eggs was the kiss of death. Now once again they are talking about how good they are. My wife's Grandparents lived into their 90s and were healthy as heck. They ate eggs and bacon at least once a day every day and raised and ate pigs constantly. I refuse to worry about cholesterol and most of the other fad things that are mostly just things to put money in Doctors and Pharmaceutical companies pockets. I have no interest in living past my good years. People are living longer but I'm not sure that they are living better these days. I have never known anyone that was hardcore vegan that was really very healthy. I HAVE known a bunch of very miserable ladies that spend way too much time starving to try and be unreasonably skinny.
    TMT Tactical, Ystranc and Keith H. like this.
  35. Morgan101

    Morgan101 Legendary Survivalist

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    No. I have never thought about it. I don't ever want to think about it. To me most vegetables won't even stay down. Growing up in the Southwestern U.S. we learned very early on that Vegetarian is an old Indian word. It means " Bad Hunter ".
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  36. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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    Not actually a true fact, but it sounds good ;)
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  37. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

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    NOPE, never going to happen, I will not be a bad hunter.
  38. Bishop

    Bishop Master Survivalist

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    I read eating for your blood type and found out I was supposed to be a gatherer I do like vegetables and nuts most grains but really I love meat
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  39. Brownbear

    Brownbear Master Survivalist

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    A strange mix of thoughts and ideas going on in this thread.

    I have tried vegetarianism in the past, with no detriment to my health whatsoever.

    What is interesting about this thread is that nobody has touched on the merits of a purely agrarian diet in terms of population survival. Some estimates suggest that rearing animals for meat consumes up to ten times as much plant based food as would have been needed to provide an equivalent amount of food to the consumer. On that basis should humans consider vegetarianism as a better way to manage food production?

    Comments in this thread that suggesting non meat eaters would be weakened and, hence, somehow survivors would dispose of them more quickly to allow the remainder to survive trouble me somewhat. Does everyone not want to survive, vegetarians, vegans and meat eaters too?

    In a SHTF situation hunting may not be a productive long term solution for all. Over time ammo will become scarce as, if hunting becomes a large-scale survival mechanism, will game animals. In that situation humans will need to resort to foraging which, ironically, would be more vegetarian based.

    Through human history hunter gatherers have predominantly eaten proportionately more vegetables, nuts and fruits due to availability than meat (there are notably exceptions, for example those peoples in the very far north) and that would suggest to me that perhaps our diets should be weighed more towards non meat than towards meat as a main food source.

    Perhaps also we should look towards our teeth for an answer, for those who believe in the theory of evolution, our teeth have evolved for both meat and non meat eating. We have evolved longer digestive tracts in order to process food that is lower in protein (which is available through fruit, nuts and vegetables, not just meat).

    Either way, if TSHTF you will, like me, eat whatever it takes, so it is probably best to keep an open mind on these matters.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  40. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    humans are omnivores, we eat both meat and vegetables and fruit, whatever is available at the time, i'm not sure that being a vegetarian or vegan in SHTF would give enough nutrients to survive. not something i'm ever likely to try.
    TMT Tactical and Brownbear like this.
  41. Brownbear

    Brownbear Master Survivalist

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    It might be the only way if the animals die off
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  42. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    why would they? anyway we would be "opportunists", eating whatever is available at the time.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  43. Brownbear

    Brownbear Master Survivalist

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    So would a lot of others. Farm animals will go first and hunting is a difficult enough game at the best of times.
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  44. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    depends where one is, I don't think you and I will have much problem in those regards.
    I don't think I will survive very long on "nut cutlets" only!!
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  45. Brownbear

    Brownbear Master Survivalist

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    Haha, you're not wrong there :)
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  46. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    The only serious Vegan that I have known was sick all the time. She is a bit of a "nut" and always blamed it on all the "poisons" in both our environment and processed foods. She was one of those that didn't eat meat, drink milk eat cheese or anything with eggs in it and refused to eat any processed foods like flour or white rice much less anything canned or frozen.

    She married another rather eccentric type and they made a great pair and made a sort of living selling organic garden raised produce and making and selling set ups for making biodiesel. The only problem that they had was an inability to conceive and have a baby. Finally a Doctor told them that as long as she insisted on nearly starving herself to death that she would never get pregnant.

    They struggled and finally she gave in and started eating a little meat, eggs from free range chickens and eating some dairy products. Within 6 months she was pregnant. On her diet she was like an anorexic except she had a little more meat on her bones. Nonetheless without more fats in he diet she just couldn't function in a normal healthy manner. Not only did she get pregnant she got healthy.

    I like vegetables but I also like meat. Actually I like FOOD and m easy to feed. Nearly all of the crap that you hear about the various BAD foods are stupid lies paid for by other groups that want to undercut their competitors so that they can make more money or stupid stuff from people that don't understand and fear modern science.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  47. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    a diet of processed foods only is bad for you, and we try to cut out as much stuff with palm oil in it as we can, trouble is its in most things, its okay in its natural state its what they do to it to put it in processed foods that's the problem.
    ready meals are processed foods as well. a lot of people eat mostly this if the contents of their shopping trolley's is anything to go by.
    Ystranc and TMT Tactical like this.
  48. Ystranc

    Ystranc Master Survivalist

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    There are a few of the B vitamins that are not naturally available from a purely plant based diet (they can however be produced from yeast) but everything else is available. There are supposed to be quite a few health benefits from eating a vegetarian diet, that said I favour a balanced diet including meat, fish, poultry, fruit, nuts, dairy and vegetables.
    I do not eat as much meat as is usual in the West/US/European diet but what I do eat is mainly wild meat and exceptionally high quality.

    I suspect that when there is no other choice we will all eat whatever is available. I doubt anyone will be vomiting because their mother has hidden some greens under their steak and fries...just as I doubt any moral considerations will prevent a vegetarian from enjoying a bowl of meat stew after they'd been hungry for a couple of weeks.
    Brownbear, TMT Tactical and lonewolf like this.
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