Hawaii Volcano Could Trigger Underwater Landslide, Tsunami

Discussion in 'Earthquake' started by Old Geezer, May 15, 2018.

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  1. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    The volcano ongoing now in Hawaii, May 2018, could trigger the landslide of the Hilina Slump on the on the volcanic island's east coast. Such a landslide would trigger an earthquake in excess of 9.0 in Hawaii and would set out a tsunami several hundred meters tall. The Pacific coast of North America would have its cities scraped off -- Los Angeles would be particularly vulnerable. A small landslide would only kill a few thousand, however if this went truly apocalyptic, millions would perish.




    Caribou likes this.
  2. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    We are past due for a major seismic event. With our now massively increased population mainly located near large bodies of water it is naturally going to be a huge loss of life when it happens. The East Coast is as vulnerable to this threat as the West Coast. There are volcanoes in the Atlantic that could toss a hundred foot tsunami at the Eastern Seaboard. It would sweep Manhattan Island like the Hurricane in 1900 swept Galveston Island almost clean. We just keep building in places that WILL eventually take a hit of one kind or another and millions will be threatened.
    Caribou likes this.
  3. Caribou

    Caribou Master Survivalist

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    Las Palmas, in the Canary Islands, could send a 3,000' tsunami to the East Coast of North and South America. There is a crack down the middle of the island that threatens to split off a third of the island.

    Lituya Bay in Alaska had a tsunami in 1958. This report says it was 1720' (520M). Other reports say it was slightly higher.

    There are two types of tsunamis. Those causes by earthquakes are limited to about 10 meters in height. A tsunami caused by a landslide has no known limitation in height but will wholly be dependant on the situation.
    TMT Tactical and Dalewick like this.
  4. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Geologists know about the dangers they know about. Multiply by at least 10x that which is known to get an idea of the potential catastrophes waiting to happen. Boo-boos beneath the seas.

    All that an ocean has to do is slosh and all of the cities on its coastlines will disappear.

    If over a billion people disappear one afternoon, I'm thinking that it will sort'a-kind'a get people's attention.
    TMT Tactical and Caribou like this.
  5. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    People, in general, have a very limited view of the harsh facts about the world that we live in. Let's face the truth and that is that we tend to look at history as being mostly what happened in the areas of our ancestors for the last one to three thousand years with most of our actual knowledge being only for the last 6 or 7 hundred years as far as global knowledge.

    The story of Atlantis and the Biblical flood as described in the holy books of most religions in the past are almost certainly descriptions of natural disasters. A Tsunami a few thousand years ago wiped out all coastal areas on probably most coasts. These things just happen and in the distant past other than the few survivors nobody other than those really knew that it had happened. When those survivors showed up sometime later with their wildly unbelievable tales of a wall of water that just came out of nowhere on a clear day and wiped out their coastal homes it was just not taken as fact and became just another legend told by strangers. Most were sort of forgotten or modified to make the story better. The Atlantis story could be a story made up of the bits and pieces of stories of more than one great flood that wiped out small coastal cities.

    Over and over this planet has been hit by BIG rocks. The results of this have varied from near-total extinction events to smaller ones that just killed everything for a few thousand miles around. Our short history view is a tiny part of the history of this world. We are like little 5 or 6-year-old children in the sense it has not ever happened to us then it is unlikely to happen ever. We are well past due for a big event. The rise of our current civilization has been during a time of almost unprecedented quiet. There hasn't been a lot of worldwide vulcanism, the weather has been mild and stable and no big rocks have come down to smite us for a while.

    All up and down the West Coast there are signs of repeated tsunamis of just unbelievable sizes. Over and over mankind has been slapped down by various natural disasters. 50,000 years ago something killed all but 5000 people. All people anywhere are descended from those 5000. There are indications of a major impact. The impact caused a shock wave that passed through the planet causing a just massive volcanic upheaval on the opposite side of the planet. The end result was probably several years with no sun and then years of acid rain that killed much of the plant life.

    There is every indication that things such as this are not all that uncommon. I have often wondered if the repeated severe pruning of our population isn't in part the reason that people tend to overpopulate every chance that they get. Once we eached a certain level predators no longer had any real effect on our population. When things reach a certain point in the past wars have been our method of population control. Second to that the various plagues and such occasionally thinned us out.

    We now have just about wiped out our predators both large and small to the point that our population has exploded. Unless nature steps in and somehow trims back our population's war is inevitable. One of the unfortunate facts of our heritage is that only through death have we been able to advance and survive. The plague thinned us out and then after that people were again of value and not just more mouths to feed. The plagues in the 1300s led to the Renaissance in the late 1300 through the 1500s. The wars of the early to mid 20th century led to a period of unimaginable advancement in the second half of the 20th century. We went from wooden kites for airplanes to the moon!!!

    The process advances in a geometric pattern meaning that the cycles advance faster and are shorter. We now don't allow the small natural disasters to slow our planetary population growth. We feed the masses when there is a famine and run to aid the helpless when there is a disaster. I am afraid that in the end, our kindness is going to speed along our next fall.

    We are setting ourselves up for another total kill off and not a population trimming. There are so many people now that a disaster that killed millions would have little effect. In the past, the normal thinnings killed about 20% of the population but the big die-offs would wipe out entire populations and have a 50% or greater death rate. We are looking at a minimum death count of 3 billion. The thing is that the second part of this sort of fall might kill more people than the initial disaster did.

    There was a book called "The Naked Ape" about the evolution of man. Good reading by the way but I think that it might be more accurate if it was "The Crazy Ape" instead. At the rate of our population growth cannibalism will be all that is left if we don't find a way to bring our population under control. We don't like to talk about it and it is scrubbed out of our history except for mention of it among uncivilized savages. The fact is that it has been common all over the world and is a precursor to a fall. It is what happens just before something comes along and kills a bunch of people. There are rumors...
    Caribou and TMT Tactical like this.
  6. Pragmatist

    Pragmatist Master Survivalist

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    Good morning TexDanm,

    A great essay above. It's my way of thinking.

    Actually, the "Flood" - 2 are known - were proven to be correct material for the later stories. The "proof" is from current methods of science. The Black Sea had originally been a large area of human settlements ... perhaps similar to our Salt Lake City basin area. Igneous rock would have saved the area but the section next to the Mediterranean Sea, was sedimentary. The "weathering away" allowed the Med waters to flood the low areas that are now the Black Sea. The other flood, famous from the follow-on story of Abe and Mrs Sarah, left UR, Persian Gulf and took a trip to Egypt. "Ur", now underwater, ... I'm writing this from memory but the books are here...is near Basra and UmQusar, that swampy area where the Gulf meets current Iran, current Iraq. There was a huge flood and the core samples of sediment deposits establish that a flood occurred.

    One contrary opinion: the natural predator of the human species is the mosquito. Our lore and history proclaims it to be the snake. This is only because of our species' lack of knowledge. Geometrically more deaths are caused by mosquitoes than any other creature. Mosquito populations are still large and growing - and now also weaponized.

    True; important / critical point: Cannibalism is a suppressed topic. We humans, in our natural, pre-civilization state, are cannibals. Daniel Defoe, circa 1707, hinted at this in his book "Robinson Caruso".

    Like I say: Civilization is new. Advanced-level civilization is very, very new.
    TMT Tactical, Caribou and varuna like this.
  7. varuna

    varuna Tree killer & a cat person

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    Less known fact. The "Flood" like narrative also appear in the far east (far away from Mediterranean coastal basin). SWAG in my part, it may based upon composite real historical event worldwide, albeit not as severe as the story narrative. Keeping in mind that the definition of "World" even today is always vary from one culture to another.

    Snake only become "predator" after the proliferation of what we known today as "organized religion" monotheism. Snake was typically associated with life or medicine before that.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  8. Pragmatist

    Pragmatist Master Survivalist

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    Good morning Varuna,

    Yes, I've heard of eastern lore about floods. The lore developed for similar reasons as the western ones. Massive events, like floods, caused major "problems" and the stories were part of the society's lore.

    I've keep a 2 page article from China Daily of years ago on the origins of the dragon. The dragon started out as a snake. The Chinese dragon was a beloved symbol representing goodness.

    It was the European version that was feared. The Europeans had their dragons as feared symbols.

    Europe's artists had the creature breathing fire on the crops, capturing virgins and fighting knights. The dragons lived in caves.

    The pleasant Chinese dragons had the body of a serpent/snake, the scales of a fish, the legs and paws of a tiger and the talons of an eagle. There were 4 talons except for 5 on imperial dragons. Much more...the Chinese artists must have had plenty of time and support for their artistic products.

    Snakes, in the western tradition were - generally - considered predators. The "elite" knew also of the healing aspects of the snake. Recall out still-used caduceus symbol. The fangs injected the deadly poison but the tongue was known in olden times as containing some healing biochemical ingredients. It's not a clear, no exceptions, story. See "Number 21: something - my notes are old and vision not perfect.....

    Western civilization's polytheism was fully organized and much carried over into the monotheistic views. "Moses made a copper serpent and mounted it on a standard".

    Now, I also have in my notes: "the tongue of the viper kills him" Job 20:16. If the fangs inject the poison, what this about the tongue ?!

    Not too much is new under the sun.

    Foot Note: Remember "Dragon Lady" ?
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  9. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    The Black Sea thing is really interesting. There existed a freshwater sea/lake there with people living on its banks. At some point, there was a breach in the Bosporus and the waters from the Mediterranean came gushing in. They say that it was a flow equal to a hundred times that of Niagra. For the people living on the shores of the freshwater lake it was truely like their entire world was flooding.

    Indeed the stories of floods are found all over the entire world. It is not just a Europeans and Middle Eastern thing. I suspect that the "floods" may be many different times and disasters that have over time sort of been merged. You KNOW that the Pacific and Indian Oceans have tossed tsunamis many times over the thousands of years that people have lived along their beaches. The Atlantic is somewhat less turbulent at this time but in the past, there have nonetheless been tsunamis.
    TMT Tactical and Caribou like this.
  10. varuna

    varuna Tree killer & a cat person

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    Actually the "flood" narrative all around the world is the flood was caused by deluge (never ending rain) rather than just flooding, Which made me believe at some point in prehistoric time the disaster did happen, and the survivors pass on the story to their descendant who later on (after the invention of writing system) wrote it as part of their religion / mythology.

    I always wonder why there isn't any geological research related to this subject :confused:
    TMT Tactical and Caribou like this.
  11. Caribou

    Caribou Master Survivalist

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    There is geological research. In recent decades they have discovered meteor strikes all over the globe. Some of these craters are on the sea floor. These strikes would cause a massive tsunami. They would send much seawater into the atmosphere. It would also vaporise a humongous amount of water which would necessarily be returned to the ocean by global rain.
    Radar and TMT Tactical like this.
  12. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    The stories of disasters get sort of mixed over time. Even now you can watch how stories morph over relatively short times. After a thousand years several floods stories will tend to sort of merge into a single flood story. Also when you talk about things that happened several thousand years ago you have to try and imagine their world view. When people live their entire lives never going more than 20 miles from the place of their birth their "world" and world view is vastly different from ours. Even here, before WW2 a lot of people never traveled more than 50 miles from their home. A few thousand years ago something could happen a hundred miles away and you might never hear about it. When people started moving around the stories traveled too but things have a way of changing with retellings.

    I have had the pleasure of experiencing several deluges and believe me they are massively impressive. I can't imagine what it would be like to experience that and not know what was happening. A cloud came up and then in a matter of a day or two 4 or 5 feet of water fall out of the sky and everything is flooded. For me, I knew it was a hurricane. I knew it was coming and knew about when it would pass. People, even a little over a hundred years ago could be just wiped out by this sort of storm. Look up the Galveston Hurricane of 1900! It basically wipes the island almost clean and killed thousands.
    Caribou and TMT Tactical like this.
  13. Pragmatist

    Pragmatist Master Survivalist

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    Good morning TecDanm,

    One more "thingy" - to borrow a term from Old Geezer - connecting the stories and lore of both eastern and western hemisphere,...

    Both eastern and western civilizations produced artwork involving the symbol what we Westerners now call the "swastika". This symbol came from basket-weaving societies of both hemispheres.

    I vaguely recall one of the WWI or immediate-post WWI US Army reserve or National Guard divisions had a shoulder patch with a "swastika" design.
    TMT Tactical and Caribou like this.
  14. CountryGuy

    CountryGuy Master Survivalist

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    I believe one of the Indian tribes in the SW also predominantly used the swastika in their art and symbolisim. So does make one wonder what the original intent was prior to it being hijacked by the Nazi's and turned to a symbol of evil. Knowing how the Nazi's were fixated on the occult I'm guessing there was symbolism to it that they seized on.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  15. CountryGuy

    CountryGuy Master Survivalist

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    That is where my mind was also going. I mean if the geologic record shows the events in the Med and Asia occuring around the same time It could likely go back to a massive meteor(s) strike into the oceans. I mean think of the energy released and tsunami unleashed if one massive meteor struck in the Pacific, Atlantic or Indian oceans. The tidal waves would be massive and the amount of water and debris thrown into the atmosphere would be unimaginable. So as many of the above posts have mentioned massive "floods" that wipe things out quickly followed by weeks of rain causing more floods, likely from all the water that was thrown into the atmosphere cooling and precipitating.
    TMT Tactical and Caribou like this.
  16. Pragmatist

    Pragmatist Master Survivalist

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    Good afternoon Country Guy,

    Had to look it up - it was in my VA cemetery notes.

    Above link explains the 20th century aspects. I believe ... got a book or 2 somewhere here on symbol origins ... the original symbol came from the basket-weaving community of early civilization.

    Buddhists sometimes use the Swastika symbol but all lines are in the vertical / horizontal plane and not like the Third Reich's diagonal lines. This info in my VA Cemetery notes because VA only allows Buddhist interred vets to have "Wheel of Life" symbol on headstone. My file folders do not win awards for specific stuff per label only.
    CountryGuy likes this.
  17. Caribou

    Caribou Master Survivalist

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    The swastika is indeed an ancient symbol from multiple cultures that held occult value to the NAZI. The symbol is neither good nor evil but has become associated with evil since the 1930's. Today it is associated with socialism and racism.
    CountryGuy and TMT Tactical like this.
  18. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    CountryGuy, TMT Tactical and Caribou like this.
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