Herding Via The Return Of Critical Race Theory.

Discussion in 'News, Current Events, and Politics' started by watcherchris, Jan 23, 2021.

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  1. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    It gets tiring ...someone out there who only has race and racism on their mind 24/7 and wants to "Herd" the rest of us into their racial bias/co dependency.

    There is and has been for years a editorial writer...named Leonard Pitts....on the left side of many editorial pages.

    I have very seldom seen Leonard Pitts write about anything but race......................race...race and more race.

    When Leonard writes about topics other than race...he does a good job...and I like his writing...but over the years like Al Sharpton and Jessee Jackson....they become broken records.....making everything and anything about race....race..........amd more race.

    People do not want to be held hostage to someone else's obvious professional racism..to where it gets to become a type of "Shakedown"....a hustle....and someone out here has manufactured race and racism to where it has become a social and political/monied...hustle..for profit and power....

    People are starting to notice this....Whoopie Goldberg too...same pattern. it gets predictable after a while.

    I do not want to measure everything in my life by the prism of someone else's racism. Not interested in this.

    I try to treat everyone the same....mostly to be left alone. Do not mess with me and mine.

    The worst thing to me ...in this ...is that they are doing this to our defenseless children and grandchildren ...making them into their brand of professional programmed racists.

    In this ...as a very very good woman taught me....may she rest in Peace.....what they are doing by this path/trail ...is stealing the very childhood from our children and or grandchildren and bringing them into adulthood..via their racial biases and before our children's and grandchildren's time.

    I call this Whoredom. Social/Political Whoredom. .........also known as "Demonism."

    Be Warned these Ishmaelites hell bent on their kind of Bondage.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  2. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Communists raping the souls of children, just one component of their war against God:

    "Gretchen Whitmer’s Critical Race Theory Crusade: ‘We Believe Education Is the Key to Promoting Social Justice’"


    "Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s (D) government has fought tirelessly to inject critical race theory indoctrination into her state’s schools — now having her administration provide material promoting race essentialism to teachers.

    "Whitmer’s Educator Advisory Council published a report called 'Social Justice and Anti-Racist Educator Resources' that gives schools and teachers the materials they need to push race-essentialism, ensure that race is seen as a central determinative factor in everyday interactions, and teach some children that they are oppressed and others that they are oppressors based entirely on the color of their skin.

    “'The compilation aims to help colleagues begin, continue, and further their own work to FIRST educate themselves and then bring anti-racist teaching to all grade levels and subject areeas [sic],' the report’s opening statement said.

    "The first resource, to begin 'starting your journey,' is a Medium article titled “106 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice.” This piece, in what appears to be a February 2022 update to a 2017 article, says, 'Our work to fix what we broke and left broken. The work isn’t done until Black folks tell us it’s done.'

    "In addition, this article recommends that the number one thing white people can do for racial justice is 'follow your local Black Lives Matter chapter' — the group along with Antifa primarily responsible for burning down American cities in 2020, destroying the lives and livelihoods of an untold number Americans, including and especially black people.

    "Another suggestion is to 'Understand and share what ‘defund the police’ really means,' explaining that 'it’s about a new, smarter approach to public safety, wherein we demilitarize the police and allocate resources into education, social services, and other root causes of crimes.'”
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  3. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    I am currently reading a book by F. A. Hayek...titled..

    It is a dry and wordy tome....and Often I need a dictionary to keep up....but it has very interesting tidbits in it from mostly an economic angle about the failures of Socialism.

    One of the fingerprints the author specifically mentions and covers is " Social Justice" and what a scam it is and much of socialism is totally against capitalism ...the very tool which allows us to live at something above a basic substance level.

    Also of much interest to me in line with social justice/socialism is the Use and misuse of words...to deceive ...not to make clear. I also found this aspect of leadership to be very intersting....including the very word...Social/Socialism.

    Have two other books by F A Hayek for which I will be reading....on economics...capitalism and liberty.......illustrating the point that all of them are related...not separate....the ability to own and control ....for your purposes ..your property.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2022
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  4. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Truth be told, socialism would work were human nature not human nature. Money/power is more addictive and brain-destroying than heroin, crack cocaine, oxycodone, and crystal meth ever thought about being addictive.

    In capitalist systems, anti-trust laws must be rigidly enforced. That is currently not happening, therefore all of these psycho-bully oligarchs are springing up. These bugs must be stepped-on and crushed.
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  5. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Agree Olde Geezer...and this happens in Socialist/Communist systems ...the corruption ...as well...Oligarchs...

    People tend to get Herded in both systems and herded into conformity. Agree...power is a very big drug to many people...in particular through a bought and paid for central government ...either in a Capitalist government or a Socialist/Communist type government.

    People make thousands upon thousands of individual decisions daily about how to conduct their lives and businesses.

    There is no possible way a central government can control this unto productivity...without something collapsing ...becoming a dung pile...and we see this happening here in America right now.

    This is why many socialist/communist nations had empty shelves unless you shopped at the stores for party members.

    Empty shelves......Hmmmmm....sound familiar???? What is currently happening in many of our stores..

    Da Tovarich????

    I do not need experts or a rigged media to explain this to me......either in a so called Capitalist nation or a Socialist/Communist nation.

    My take is that we are being lead/mislead into a Socialist/Communist economy/political structure without most of us even being made aware of it.

    Too much ESPN and Kardashian mentality keeping us distracted...we think it cannot happen here..

    Covid Passports are and will be the equivalent of Communist Check points...on the highways and transport centers.

    You cannot get goods and services to the customer when you constantly have to stop for checking your papers..Hence emp;ty shelves...

    We are losing our Free Market Economy....and going to stronger and stronger Central Government.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  6. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    These parents in New York able to afford private school for their children must now sign a loyalty oath to communism or send their kids to schools where their kids will be beaten-up. More evidence of the breakdown of civilization.

    "‘They want parents indoctrinated’: Several woke NYC private schools require parents to take ‘anti-racism’ training, sign pledges — or else"


    "Several New York City private schools mandate woke training for parents — and some parents said if they refuse to participate in the controversial programs, their children will not be admitted to the schools.

    "The New York Post reported that at least five elite private schools in the city require parents to attend training in “anti-racism” and “diversity, equity and inclusion.”

    "One of the academies accused of pushing controversial theories is Brearley School, an all-girls private school in Manhattan. The student application states that “parents are expected to attend two diversity, equity, inclusion and anti-racism (DEIA) workshops per school year.”

    "Parents are also expected to write 500-word essays swearing their allegiance to those values, and should their child be accepted into the elite school, parents must sign an oath pledging their support of those values. "

    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      "Waukesha Mass Murderer Treated With Kid Gloves"


      "The influence of Critical Race Theory is apparent in the trial of Darrell Brooks for the automobile massacre of six innocent people and injury to 60-plus individuals at a parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin in November 2021. Additionally, we can see the influence of such disparate movements as feminism, deconstructionist philosophy, and nihilism. These varied influences have enveloped the trial with an Alice in Wonderland aura, where there is virtuous posturing but not sufficient rationality, dignity, professionalism, and seriousness in play."
      Old Geezer, Oct 22, 2022
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  7. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    LOL LOL LOL.....the parents are paying to educate their children...not themselves....

    Am I missing something here.....???

    Talk about herding...,....so not only are they herding the children in school...but they want to also herd the parents too.

    Talk about domination....lack of choices....options....programming....brainwashing.....

    What I learned many years ago by way of an Economics PHD who would give talks freely and on his own time..traveling around the country ...is that the position of many in the top tier of public education ....is that they are very very threatened by the thinking patterns and knowledge of adults over their children and do not want the parents influencing the education/programming/brainwashing going on in public and now private schools on their children.

    They do not want the parents affecting the education of their children....ie programming/brainwashing/official government sponsored, promoted, and programmed racism.

    This is pure Ishmaelite....

    What we are seeing here, more and more , is official government sponsored and promoted...authorized racism...while claiming to fight racism.

    And they cover it up with deceitful terms like Equity....pure gaslighting to cover up authorized government racism.

    Here..I bookmarked this some time back for just such an post....

    Mills’ Education Dept. Refuses to Remove Video Calling ‘MAGA’ Covert Racism, White Supremacy (breitbart.com)

    Alcoholism, Drug Abuse Counselors Warn of 'White Institutional Values' (breitbart.com)

    WI Dem. Gov. Evers' Department Told White People to Wear Bracelet as 'Reminder of Privilege' (breitbart.com)

    Laura Ingraham: You may not think so, but you’re a rotten racist - YouTube

    I am collecting and bookmarking such articles when I find them to install on just such posts as this one..

    What one comes to realize, when one recognizes the pattern of what is going on in leadership positions in this country...what is trying to pass for leadership......is

    How heavily dependent this current government is on the division of our people on anything they can do to manufacture ...bad guys to control the herd....

    And in particular they are dependent on "Racism".....not to cure racism..by bringing the country together....but by division ...to stoke the fans and flames of racism by manufacturing bad guys..by manufacturing racism....manufacturing racists.

    This becomes clear....

    They will also do this with Sexism.....and Sexuality.......manufacture bad guys for political lucre...for votes.

    Once you see and recognize this pattern going on ....the left becomes predictable.....you can see and smell them coming....


    Be very very careful of the Republicans...for they are mostly silent on this line of thought...indicating to me that the Republican Party is in on this scam by a conspiracy of silence.

    The main thing is that it is necessary for many out here to learn to recognize this scam...this pattern of operation among phony leadership out here today...
    That you recognize their drug like dependency on Racism to aid in their dividing up this country for votes and power...and that this is not real leadership by both political parties....but it is politic.

    Be Warned....for this is Ishmael....attempting to put is into their whorish bondage!!

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  8. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    This critical race theory B.S. is simply another symptom of a collapsing civilization.

    Ancient Rome got very strange and exceedingly decadent there at its end. We currently only have a pretend currency. People don't know which sex it is to which they belong. When the dollar REALLY tanks (the 2008 recession was a joke and what we've done to fix it, guarantees a monetary collapse) the riots will be non-stop. Ex-patriots will be kicked out of the countries to which they moved. In South Africa the locals are already murdering people from other sub-Saharan nations. Race wars here in the USSA will flare-up.

    To tell the truth, I can't count all of the disasters in the making. And add geophysical events that are very overdue. We've had some bad hurricanes, but the killer quakes out on the West Coast have yet to hit. Famine is going to hit all continents and even here in America, farmers are hurting from rising costs and bad weather. On and on

    I've been thinking over anything that I could have forgotten in the making of preparations. Spooky-crazy are these days.
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  9. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    By olde Geezer.....


    As I recall my limited knowledge of the early history of this country....the penalty for counterfeiting is death!!!!

    But agree with the bulk of your post Olde Timer....and what is going on ...and coming...

    My non Ishmelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  10. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Thinking about the base nature of what is going on out here......in line with counterfeiting.....

    With all this Trans business....are they not counterfeiting people as well???? Human Beings????

    Have we really and verily fallen that far.....?????

    Is this the very very best that logical, reasonable, intellectual men can do ....make men in their image...and not God in His Image????

    Is this what it means...under mans logic, reason, intellect for men to sit in the high places in the sides of the North????

    Be Warned these Ishmaelites.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2022
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  11. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    I have spent some years studying Occult beliefs and religions ...and as a result become aware of something out here called Counterfeits....

    Counterfeits exist in multitudes of way of which the average American has not a clue..that they are out there.

    I believe we are never to have the ability to think this far on our own ....without government approval and or blessings.

    Absolute power and divine right of kings at work on us...to keep us properly herded and controlled.

    Critical Race Theory is a counterfeit....designed to put more power in the hands of government....to help government manufacture a crisis to solve....to manufacture in the minds of gullible people....a new bad guy.
    It is my belief that they never intend to solve this manufactured crisis...but only to use/misuse CRT to control the herd....for power and control.

    The irony of this in history .....is that this is the technique of the Nazis....manufacturing a bad guy....

    And remember ..todays phony leadership ...tend to manufacture bad guys and call them Hitler...in anything of which they do not approve.

    Are any of you catching on yet????

    Did the Nazi party die out or did they change forms....and live on in governments seeking to go to Absolute Power....Divine Right of Kings????

    Now watch something here.....you members do not have to buy into this line of thinking ..I may just be a conspiracy nut....

    Will the very devout and zealous social and political religion of Climate Change become the next dogma to curtail or limit our freedoms under the Constitution ....because of this other Manufactured Emergency"??"?? And I mean here...Forever!!!??

    Can any of you members recognize this pattern of Operation taking place in the future....because of the next manufactured Emergency. Was this technique...dogma ...Pilot Tested for control under Covid 19???

    Is someone or some group/groups ...willing to use a counterfeit ...to gain control and put limits on our freedoms and liberties under the Constitution ....such that they can go to Absolute Power ...Divine Right of Kings....Forever!!???

    Remember what happened in the Roman Empire after their loss to Hannibal at The Battle of Cannae. The survivors ran back to Rome and declared...

    "You must give us all powers to protect Rome from Hannibal!!"

    And the Senate so did!!!!

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2022
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  12. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:
    I was raised near a place where rabid racism was flaunted and encouraged. There were no black people in this small city and they made it clearly and well known that none would be tolerated. If you were black you did NOT want to even stop at a gas station to get gas there. It was a full blown Klan town.

    LOL, they didn't like me very much either but did have enough sense to leave me be. I was one of those long haired hippies. Actually I was the leading edge of what was to come. I was a long haired motorcycle riding cowboy. We just traded our horses in for more power.

    I hate getting my hair cut. I owned my own company. It was not a hazard to me in my profession so I don't get it cut short ever and only get it trimmed to get rid of split ends and to keep it neat and mostly out of my face. LOL, a friend of mine that has always had short hair and regualrly made smart ass comments about my hippi hair doesn't say much any more. LOL, my hair is still past shoulder length, thick and dark brown. He is all but bald! What little he has left is almost white. A little around the fringe is it.

    I like my hair long enough that I can pull it back in a band and keep it out of my face if I'm working. It is sort of funny. When I was young some people seems to think that the hair was statement of some kind. I just mostly don't like getting my hair cut and hate the sun on my neck.

    I have never been one of the herd. I am a loner of sorts with a couple of friends that I ocassionally do something with but mosty I'm just a family sort. I don't tolerate a lot of crap from people.
    TMT Tactical and watcherchris like this.
  13. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I grew up in a city and didnt see a black person until the mid 60s and that was an American sailor, didnt regularly see a black person until the late 70s early 80s.
    my parents wouldnt let me have long hair so once I left home I grew my hair long and grew a beard, I still have both and havent had a shave or even a hair trim for at least 40 years.
    I've been a loner most of my life, had some good friends over the years but because of family or job or both they have all moved on, I dont really do people anymore, I prefer animals, they dont let you down like people do.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  14. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    I have been around black folks all of my life. When I was little I had a black Nannie and she would bring her kids over to play wih me a lot of times. I think that part of the problem these days is that our government wants us to act like everyone is the same and that just isn't a fact. It is not just racial either.

    LOL, back in the late 70s when the auto industry crashed a lot of people from up north came to Texas to work in the oil industries. It was...interesting. I think that maybe people in the North must argue and yell more than we do in Texas. They had to learn FAST that if you get loud you do NOT poke a man in the chest here to make a point!!! They would they would yell and then poke and then not understand why they got hit in the face and stomped.

    Men my age were raised an taught not to yell or be loud. That was seen as a sign of weakness and feminine. Yiu learned that if someone like me said in a low quiet voice, "You need to back off this crap." that meant that you were treading close to getting stomped. I don't fight. I have a ton of patience but if violence is called for I am not going to fight with you. That infirs that you are going to get to hit me and THAT is never a part of my game plan! LOL So far it has worked pretty well for me. I learned young that my face is pretty but not worth a crap for fighting. One hit 0n the nose and it is broke, squirting blood all over hell, and both eyes swell almost shut and turn black!!!
    TMT Tactical and watcherchris like this.
  15. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    most races in the UK tend to stay among their own people these days, not always been that way, I once knew a prince from Tibet and a guy from Ghana, knew a couple of half caste's too, never treated them any different to anyone else, its not the colour of their skin its how they behave.
    I've never been racist but I am Xenophobic, I treat all strangers with suspicion.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  16. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    LOL LOL LOL.....lonewolf....

    I don't have much use for racism from anyone...and mostly want to be treated as I treat most people...leave them alone.

    I am pretty much a loner....though I can get along with folks at work...no problem. But when I get off the clock...I mostly want to e left alone. I have few friends by choice.

    I don't treat everyone with suspicion...I just want to be left alone.....things tend to stay less complicated like that.

    I don't approve of people who are heavily dependent on racism .....to increase their stature or power....over others.

    Hence, I greatly disapprove of this current administration in office as from the very beginning speeches they clearly demonstrated that they are heavily codependent on Race and Racism....to keep and maintain power over the Herd.
    CRT is a form of bondaage...
    CRT is the Drug Habit of this administration...and the left..

    I am not impressed with their scam.....their Drug habit of cultivating/manufacturing racism......to attempt control of the herd.
    This bunch is clearly too Ishmaelite for me..

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2022
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  17. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I've been a loner most of my life, I prefer to be alone, its my natural state, dont have much/any time for other people, I recently had to spend a few hours with relatives and was bored to tears, all sheeple, thank goodness I wont be seeing them again before at least next Summer-if then.
    TMT Tactical and watcherchris like this.
  18. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    I have found that bigotry is usually ignorance or social programming from the people where they lived or parents. I don't care what the color of your skin is, where your ancestors came from, or sexual preferance is. I will judge you on your actions and level of honor.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  19. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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  20. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    "Students Speak Out On Anti-White, Anti-Christian, Anti-American Culture At Florida University"


    "CRT, the experts said, is rampant across the nation, not just in Florida. And that means conservative students nationwide are struggling to navigate college systems, where they face disdain for their beliefs and encouragement to reject their core values.

    "A Christian law student, who supports the National Rifle Association (NRA), told The Epoch Times he didn’t know he’d been reported as 'an extremist' for expressing conservative views until FBI agents knocked on his apartment door. They questioned him about his political views for more than an hour.

    "A journalism student said she felt bullied by a professor who forced students to parrot her scorn for America’s 'systemic racism' and affirm 'progressive talking points' on immigration, gender-identity issues, 'queer theory,' intersectionality, transgenderism, religious faith, and the ideas of Karl Marx, author of 'The Communist Manifesto.'

    “'I can’t write what I truly believe' about these issues, Mia said. 'When I did that, I got an F. In order to pass a class, I have to affirm leftist ideas I don’t believe in. When I repeat all the talking points and present them as ideas I believe wholeheartedly, I get As.'

    “'It feels like being brainwashed when they reward you for repeating their ideas and punish you for saying things that go against their beliefs.'"
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  21. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    I have this very very unusual belief..that people who are heavily dependent on race and racism to gain power and control over others are racists. The Extreme Irony, to me , is that they claim to be trying to solve racism.

    People ought to be so much more than race....much much more.

    I do not approve of people or governments trying to hold me in Ishmaelite bondage by race or racism....

    You have to become educated to become so giftedly stupid that you become foolish...

    I also believe that people should be so much more than sex, sexual orientation and whatever nonsense they will come up with next...to gain power and control over the herd....ie....votes....just like these professional racists running all around this country also holding people hostage and in Ishmaelite bondage.

    If the best people have to hold others in control and bondage is sex, sexual orientation......et al....as people ...they are no more than base animals. People/human beings should be so much more than these base indexes...of identification...much much more.

    And with that ...includes holding others hostage and in Ishmaelite bondage to control their speech....telling them how they should be addressing others...or is it called today..pronouns.

    I do not approve of such censorship/bullying.....1st Amendment.

    You see......these things are not evolution...but de evolution...

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2022
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  22. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    I also have this very very strange belief.;...that I do not have to approve of someone's sexuality, sexual orientation...whether gay , straight or whatever....

    Anyone who tries to herd me by such sexual approval to go along with the herd...is to me guilty of social sexual rape....social injustice.

    I choose... and for my own reasons...as to whom or what I will approve in those arenas....not someone else.....and certainly not government.

    I do not approve of people censoring/herding..others or forcing sexual approval onto others.....against their will or over their objections.

    In like manner.....i do not approve of censorship/herding in language to accommodate...such.

    Be Warned of these Ishmaelites run wild....

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  23. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    I also have this very strange belief....that the Insurrection did not happen on January 6, 2021. For I believe it happened on Election Day 2020.

    How do I know this ...by the deliberate chaos being manufactured all across this nation.....across all avenues of our American Structure..

    In public schools....in race relations, In simple economics....clearly in leadership...

    Chaos after Chaos ...after Chaos.

    Or as they often say...Ordo Ob Chao...or order from chaos..

    Manufacturer the chaos ...sufficient to bring in a new order....and it will not be an American Order...but an international order..wherein we have leadership by manufacturing bad guys to hide and conceal their failures.

    Be Warned these Ishmaelites...

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  24. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    What happened on Jan 6 was a total embarrassment to the Euro race. What humiliation could be worse?!. What stupid in-breeds were responsible. The buffalo-horned fellow must have a negative IQ!

    True insurrections involve bullet bullet-chipped walls and blood-soaked floors. Jan 6 was anything but that. Insurrections involve dozens of deaths with armed aggressors opening-fire with military weapons. --- Jan 6 sure wasn't that.

    City-boy Trump didn't ask for that. He asked for public support, i.e. fill the streets.

    If dumb-@$$es misinterpreted Trump's meaning; well, then that's on them. Trump was/is a city-boy. Trump was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. The vote was outrageously corrupted (welcome to American History 101), nevertheless trespassing is illegal. The silly-people who broke-into the Capitol Building were a joke AND they were NOT armed. Somebody on the Federal side let them in, else they would have been cut in half. This was allowed.
  25. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Agree Olde Geezer....I believe too that it was allowed and encouraged by the left...for political capital...leverage...manufacturing of a bad guy for political gain.

    How do I know this....because Conservatives do not so conduct themselves....but leftists do.

    I believe someone had infiltrated the crowds for the purpose of leading the gullible....this was an Inside Job.

    I also recall Trump telling the crowds to "Peacefully" go to the capital to protest...not to become destructive in that manner. The part about "Peacefully " is totally ignored today in news coverage of the event.

    Peaceful protest/assembly is not against the law....in America....not yet!!!

    Agree also about True Insurrections. Thinking of John Brown's Insurrection at Harpers Ferry in 1859 by comparison to January 6, 2021. A huge difference.

    I am often want to state that our leadership think most of us know so little history..and they would be correct versus ESPN and or the Kardashians.

    But not all of us.

    I also know that if Trump wanted chaos.....as is clearly the goal on the left...he would not have stepped down and instead would have protested and caused chaos himself..

    We do not see that from Trump...but from the lefrt....chaos after chaos after chaos...including manufacturing bad guys against those who would speak out.

    This is a very important tell tale of what is coming....because this appears to be all the left and their occult concealed leadership know....how to cause chaos to reach their goals.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2022
    Old Geezer and TMT Tactical like this.
  26. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    An economic collapse would royally injure -- maybe even kill -- my wife and I.

    Nevertheless, Leftist and urban "culture" must be annihilated. A Sodom and Gomorrah wipe-out is the only cure to the spiritual cancer that is killing the souls of the human race. We are here to grow spiritually, this to prepare us for our future evolution in worlds beyond this (utterly unknowable stuff; I've had a glimpse of this -- just a glimpse). All life-after-death accounts affirm this to be true. Even hard-core orthodox materialist physicians are having to admit this now that patients with total brain shut-down pathologies have come back to confirm such (irrespective of their religion, they have the verifiable elf-same out-of-body experiences).

    We read ancient histories that have been corrupted by human frailties (example: the Bible; the Bhagavad Gita ...) and see that cultures throughout history have often come to catastrophic endings. Such things just happen via pandemics, geophysical catastrophes, catastrophic wars, ..., you name it.

    There are eight billion+ people on Earth right now (8,000,000,000+). This is not maintainable given our current cultural and technological status. This WILL end badly ... VERY BADLY ... and the people alive today are simply NOT prepared -- not mentally nor physically prepared for the unimaginable catastrophes headed our way. The psychological decompensation is going to be such that individuals crashing is going to turn into masses of people crashing. The violence and suicidal behaviors is going to be mind-numbing. One must arm themselves in addition to putting back survival stores. No place will be safe. This is going to be profoundly disturbing to those with the hardest of hearts. Witness the Jewish Holocaust, now multiply by hundreds. What is coming is going to be spiritually nauseating. The word "terrible" doesn't even begin to describe the immediate future of our species.

    We must all prepare to the extent that one can. How horribly sad. Too, we must enjoy these days left to us. Our current situation will be fleeting. Prepare. Become as mature as possible. Renew connections with family and friends. We haven't much time at all left to us. I wish everyone the best.

    I've lived longer than my parents by a decade / decade and a half. So it goes.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  27. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    I have always said and will continue to say, there are too many humans on this piece of rock in space, and I have always thought that as humans we were never supposed to evolve to this level, we have somehow managed to outgrow nature and natural evolution, the rise and fall of populations based on good or bad harvests has been done away with , something has to give and at some point there will be a massive die off of the human race, one can either prepare now for what is to come or they can be part of the sheeple "nothing bad will happen" die off.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  28. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Not sure I will make it through what is coming Olde Geezer as I too am in my autumn years....but prepare what and when I can...including at work.

    By Olde Geezer,

    Been working to change out the power steering pump in my truck....got most of it done yesterday ..but have developed a leak in the high pressure line. Will be troubleshooting that today....fingers crossed.

    I like to have this truck working and on line as it has both long range HF amateur radio in it as well as short range VHF/UHF radio. My car has only short range VHF/UHF. And my scooters ...only short range VHF/UHF walkie talkies.

    This Ukraine business has me a bit worried in that It may escalate by design...and so too do events surrounding Taiwan. Do not take your eyes off Taiwan.

    Here in America I am worried about Economic conditions...running away here this coming year...and this leading to runaway two legged wildlife..lots of it.

    We clearly have to live and work within a budget...but our government does not.

    This creates conditions for a massive economic collapse...and again by design.

    Be Warned these Ishmaelites who would put and keep us into their bondage...

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  29. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    Many people would say that I am in the autumn of my years too given my age, but then I have never acted my age and I'm not about to start now!:D
    we are as old as we feel, not how many years we have been on this earth, well some of us are, sheeple age quicker than preppers dont you know? ( its all that panicking they do everytime something goes wrong-it ages them!)
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  30. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    TMT Tactical likes this.
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