How Are Things Where You Live

Discussion in 'News, Current Events, and Politics' started by TexDanm, Aug 10, 2020.

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  1. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    How are people acting where you are. We are all seeing the almost endless stupidity that seems to be growing in the major cities in the East Coast, West Coast, and around the Central North. From what I can tell is that even in states that are seemingly going crazy that it is very limited and only in the big liberal run cities. I have friends in Illinois, Washington State, and California, and where they are none of this crap is happening.

    As far as I can tell where I live, the black folks here think that they are crazy. There doesn’t seem to be any tension between people here. Maybe it is that most of the Black people that I deal with are employed family folks. Even my Niece who lives in Chicago says that it is quiet where they live.

    I personally think that this is mostly a staged Liberal run media thing. The places where it is happening the Mayors and city councils seem to like it and are resistant to anybody trying to stop it. I have actually watched the media do this here. When they executed a black panther leader a few years ago the media showed up. When they would do an interview they would gather a bunch of black people behind the person to give the impression that it was a big deal. I watched them do the same thing when Texas executed the first woman in many, many years. They will make it a big media event even if it isn’t by staging and carefully editing their pictures.

    The point is that the media, supported by the Democratic party is trying to stir up a race war. The insane thing is that it would be a short war. Most black folks want to have nothing to do with those crazy people. The number of actual problem people is TINY compared to the number of people that are getting sick of it. If the balloon goes up there will be a lot fewer liberals and blacks that want to riot. Within a week it will be over.

    Seriously, how are people acting where you live?
    wally and TMT Tactical like this.
  2. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I think most of this is because of the upcoming American elections, things wont get really stupid until after the elections and depending who wins things will really explode.
    what happens in the US affects the rest of the western world, eventually and in a short time frame.
  3. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    People in Heartland America are simply going on with life. Farmers' markets still full swing, blacks and whites nod and say howdy!, gasoline is under $2/gallon, gun shows are reopening, my squash have died (good), students are back at school, the prices of gold and silver have jumped-up like crazy, ..., same-ol'-same-ol'. You'd not know that the socialist cities are a seriously sight. We're getting along. The economy is crap. At the home-supply stores, business is good; people growing food, repairing their homes, adding on, ... all that. The folk escaping the cities don't come here, because it's just too far away from the lifestyle to which they have become totally addicted.
    wally, TMT Tactical and Sourdough like this.
  4. randyt

    randyt Master Survivalist

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    no real change here...
  5. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    The main changes here in rural U.S. . We are seeing an invasion of people trying to escape the Democrat run states and cites . While I don't blame them we really don't want them . Many are trying to take up the prepper lifestyle . -- Another change like most everyone else I will take the free money giveaway the government is slinging out . The downside of this Venezuela tactic is inflation is growing rapid . The bigger that rolling snowball gets the faster it will grow . -- As for as attacking communist . We have had two attacks on specific white families in my area . One was conducted by a outside the area group that came in to attack a particular business selling things such as rebel flags and t shirts . Then in another attack , they targeted a family at their home with a flame thrower . --- I am seeing more people toting side arms as it is legal for open carry here . A lot of folks toting a gun hoping to get a chance to shoot a commie .
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2020
  6. randyt

    randyt Master Survivalist

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    I don't want them coming to my area. The vast majority eventually comes around to bringing the shitshow that they left to where I live.. I've seen it in small doses here and there. Screw them, they can stay where they are and live in the shit they created.
  7. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    As near as I can tell there ARE no racial tensions in the off mainline semirural to rural parts of East Texas. West Texas is heavily Hispanic and they are great people. evidently, the trouble-making border crossers go to California. They are not in any way encouraged here. No benefits for illegal aliens. No patience for people that won't work. Our Texicans are even more hardcore on that than the anglos.

    The insanity in the cities in flame is based on the actions at the top and not at the bottom. The leadership of those places encouraged and have continued to encourage the insanity. They have basically told them to do as they please. the took away all of the nonlethal tools that the police had like rubber bullets, teargas and such and they may as well as told the cops that if you shoot a black looter even in defense of your life we are going to prosecute you for murder. Then they cut the funds so that if the cops are stupid enough to go when called they may be working for free. No overtime pay.

    The cops need to one and all call in sick and go cry at a psychologist that the pressure, stress and endless attacks are eating them up and just be off work on medical leave. Trump needs to just let the cities burn to the ground and even if called should tell them that all federal operatives are busy maintaining the borders and safety in places that are trying to have a safe and American way of life. If they WANT to act like a third world country we need to help them and refuse to allow food trucks to enter those places. When they get hungry enough they will leave and settle down. Hell put them on Busses and send them to Texas. We will use them for target practice.
  8. Dalewick

    Dalewick Legendary Survivalist

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    Except for the couple media spots where they tried to make it look like something in Morgantown and Charleston, WV everything is the same considering race relations. Trouble makers make trouble and criminals do bad things, if they live long enough around here. In my area, crickets chirping. People are people and everyone is still friendly.

    I am more surprised by the number of people wearing these mask (that number is dropping) than I am by anything else. My state has about 1.7 million people and has had (if the numbers can be believed) 116 deaths. My county has 1 death reported and that individual was extremely ill from several other health issues (she was dying) when they say she contracted COVID-19. Her nurses say she had pneumonia. Who to believe.

    wally, watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  9. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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  10. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Hadn't seen neighbor I like for a while (he's black, I'm white, we're approx the same age). He's been in jail for putting a new wife of his in the hospital. Got out and was home today, he yells at me, we talked about how things are going in the country, how crazy things are, how our bodies are decaying like America is decaying. I like him and his daughter (who is a grandmother). They are not afraid of work. He's got a son'in'law I don't like (Hispanic drug dealer); that one accused me of being five-o / po-po; I set him straight (young men should respect their elders); friend and I were sharing some gin on the porch (one of the pre-prison events), then drug dude chimes-in. There will always be trouble-makers. Friend's other white neighbors aren't friendly to him. He and I share having hard childhoods and having a proper work ethic, y'know, all that sh##.

    The races are pretty much getting along here. I mean shoot, Norman Rockwell painted an ideal reality. Anybody who believes in "ideals" & theories is a child and will never grow up. I say that folk can default to nice. Given the circumstance, that neighbor friend would kill me (one time he threatened to beat me blind, but we kept on drinking and talking). I'd do him down if he went crazy. But we default to nice. Why not. It's the Will of God. God calls the shots. God's Prophets lay down the law. God wants us to act nice. So we should act nice. Seems to me to be doable. Ain't no paradise, but then this world was created / engineered to be a bucket of puke. Hold your nose. Be nice. There's my "deep thoughts" on the matter.
  11. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    An interesting environment to live in . That kind of living condition is alien to me .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  12. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    It would be hard for me to feel like skin color is very important or that being Anglo/Saxon European is very special. I am very much the last of a way of living that was common in the rural South for many decades actually over a century. There have been black ladies raising me all of my life. The first was my Mammy and she breastfed me for the first 9 months of my life because my mother was unable to. we ALWAYS had Black people that were a part of our extended family. They took care of us and we took care of them. My last sorta Mama my parents buried when she died. She took care of me and my brother regularly for 12 years. I played with black kids for most of my life where we lived, or all-white neighborhood was separated from an all-black neighborhood by a strip of forest. We met and played together all the time in those woods.

    A lot of people have the idea that people in the South are bigoted and don't get along with black people. Actually we get along with them great. Do you notice that the riots are almost all in the Liberal North, East and Weast Coasts? The biggest difference is that in the South we don't kiss their ass and avoid getting to know them. We live together really well. When my Daughter was little nearly all of her playmates were black and they were at our house all the time. we had BBQs with them and ate dinner together occasionally. They were just neighbors NOT black neighbors.

    we probably are less afraid to use the N word. that is mostly because we see black folks as just people and they call trash black people that too and understand that it has nothing to do with them. I don't throw it around people that I don't know but among friends, we all call a spade a spade. If you can't relax and act as you would with a white person it will create a tension that makes it hard to be close. A close friend and neighbor who was from Trinidad told me one day with a grin that in Trinidad it is white people that are the Niggers. Most of them jumped ship and about all they do is drink steal and refuse to work. His kiddos were the sweetest kids that I have ever known. as soon as the trash started moving into the area he was the first to bail out and move. I saw this happen several times. The good black folks hate the trash even more than white folks do.

    Where I live now my neighbors are about 50/50 Hispanic/white with one black family. the only trash is one of the White families. I like Hispanic people. they are very family-oriented and nearly always good quiet neighbors.
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  13. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Since childhood, my life has been a teeter-totter between legal/illegal worlds, economies. My folk were solid citizens, it's just that sometimes money was needed. There was NEVER any thievery. If you stole, you were not a man, you were a low thing. Hungry? Grow your own or kill it. You didn't steal it.

    My dad's dad kept a police spotlight (w/swivel handle) mounted on his driver door. He was out at night a lot. See some animal's eyes in the headlights, he'd throw his spotlight on it. Edible? Bang. He was a most deadly shot. Rabbit for supper. No head to cut off -- he'd blown it off.

    Pap worked himself to death. Died of a series of heart attacks. Coffin nails, cigarettes were his weakness.

    Gambling operations, moonshine hauling, working the "amusements" side of the economy were the trade of my dad and his brothers. This was to them a valid work environment. Their lot were an interesting crew of fellows, part of my male role-model set. My mom dragged me to church and there amongst that lot I found men who were not weak, who were respectable, and thus role models. All most all of that latter crew had legal jobs. But on both sides of the tracks, their were certain core standards of behavior. One did NOT cross certain lines.

    I know of a grand total of one innocent man who was killed. The murderer was shunned (Dad lost a gambling spot/concession due to that @$$hole; I didn't like him from the get-go; my pappaw would have helped hang that one, back in the day, pap liked the hangings). A kid at my church killed his dad. His dad needed a good killing. The kid (13 - 14 yr old?) was immediately welcomed back to church with open arms.

    Actually, truth be told, I had a solid moral upbringing.
  14. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    0 about Salty.....

    Took me awhile to realize that when first starting in this shipyard so many years go.....about how many of the olde timers were raised...Salty...not sugary and sweet....

    The women too.....many of them...very different from today's women...

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  15. Max rigger

    Max rigger Master Survivalist

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    Don't the commies have guns too? In media we are seeing a lot of yanks carrying guns on the street, driving round showing them. Big guns + big truck = tiny pecker I'd bet ;)
    1. View previous comments...
    2. Old Geezer
      Maxi fri##er wishes his was bigger -- a little troll with an inferiority complex.
      At least the boy's inferiority complex is backed-up by an accurate consensus of the screamers down there in the wet fetid basement of his unconscious mind. Listen to them, Max. They are your true friends. They are your true family. They love you and want what is best for you. They will always be there for you. Feel their hugs.
      Old Geezer, Aug 12, 2020
      TMT Tactical and Dalewick like this.
  16. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    Max rigger you are correct in the surmises that some of the commies have guns to . That is why most on this forum are expecting a Civil War in the near future in the U.S. . Either way the election goes in November , we are sitting on a powder keg with people on both sides eager to get the blood flowing .
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2020
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  17. LastOutlaw

    LastOutlaw Legendary Survivalist

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    Yes, we are sitting on a powder keg. I would like to make a couple of points on this though. I keep seeing people blame it on the Dems ... sometimes on the GOP. I need to point out that this is not a right or left thing regardless of how much the press tries to make it so. It isn't a black and white thing either.

    The powers who are instigating all of this simply want to clear the US Constitution out of their way so they can continue to implement their one world/globalist agenda they have been working toward for so many years. (Proof of this is the many years of indoctrination of our children in the public school systems and the dumbing down of the curriculum.)

    This is a nationalist vs globalist thing. This is a socialist-communist attempt to take over. If you do not see that then you are probably to some degree part of the problem.

    As for what happens in America shortly affecting the rest of the world ... that is true to some degree. However many things get implemented in Europe before they are attempted to be implemented in the U.S. such as this whole socialism push. Once again I'll say it may be because of the U.S. Constitution.
    1. Dalewick
      Well stated.
      Dalewick, Aug 12, 2020
      LastOutlaw and TMT Tactical like this.
  18. Dalewick

    Dalewick Legendary Survivalist

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    MaxR, Yes, even the commies here can have guns (Arms/firearms). It's an American right. It was and is important to Americans. That's why it's the 2nd Amendment in the constitution. Good luck with taking up firearms for a sport. If your allowed to own one, I can recommend a M1A for a very accurate long range rifle.

    2019ef1ee5fadc9eb52e649df6cb201d.jpg ab1bab40a0c8633620155fa41ab77cfb.jpg

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  19. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    quiet where I live, nothing much ever happens here its too rural, too far from the big cities.
    everyone knows everyone else and we get on fine.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  20. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Max Rigger...

    You are showing your feminine the I stated in another post..physical ...not Spiritual.

    There are many on this site/forum who can think and act on the Spiritual side...

    Notice this is upper case S used here.

    Your spirit tends to show itself with the lower case s....and I don't think you are even aware of it. Or even of what it bodes to the aware....

    No problem Max...Rigger....I merely make note of it to those who can see, hear, and understand.

    I tend to go along with Olde Geezer in tend towards juvenile thinking and actions.

    Not a problem by me with this...once again I make note of it......

    I've raised four children....I can understand this kind of thing trying to pass for excellence and even the moral high ground.... but am not particularly impressed.

    You should be aware that a number of us on this site have worked in very dangerous and or hazardous occupations for our which we have taken and often extreme risks for our families.

    My point here being that we are not impressed with such posturing, particularly on a street level approach....a newspaper and television/movie education approach...belying undisciplined emotions.

    A great number of us here have had to severely curtail and discipline our emotions to bring our monies home for our families....not cater to them.

    And this Knowledge and Experience...shows up in how and why a person posts....Capital K and Capital E used here..

    Hope this clarifies some things about the people on this forum.

    We have to go out into this world to make our livings..but are not particularly impressed with it ...having gone to different parts of the world....and knowing what is out there...even in this country.

    We are not interested in keeping up with this world....or it's changing winds....Not impressed....

    And some of us know too much history to be impressed with this world.

    Now...we do make note of how others .in particular and get along in their part of this nation and I find that interesting and useful information's on a street level and often not ever covered by our Main Stream Media....

    Thank you for that coverage TexDanm and Olde Geezer.

    Just thought I would let you know Max....hope this helps and clarifies...

    Not an Ishmaelite.

    Post Script... the way Max Rigger...

    IN this country communists can own guns...but when the Communist's/Socialists take over...private ownership of guns is off the table....verboten..

    Precisely the path the left in this country are attempting to go....

    When Americans cannot be trusted with their guns....they will also not be trusted with their vote..

    Not difficult to figure that one out.

    We here do not need an "Expert" to translate for us.
    Dalewick and TMT Tactical like this.
  21. Max rigger

    Max rigger Master Survivalist

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    I'm British so it will be a SMLE Enfield .303. :)
  22. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    shotgun for me, maybe one of those pump action ones.
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  23. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    I Have an Enfield and like it...

    An Ishapore Enfield in 7.62 x 51 mm calibration...NATO Standard..


    Just picked up a Ruger Precision Rifle in the same calibration...

    Have not had time to work with it as of yet....lots going on here in addition to watching the Atlantic Ocean for storms...

    For the most part people in this city have been behaving themselves and not eager to join in on that BLM And or ANTIFA business.

    There have been a couple of marches and such but most of the locals do not seem interested versus making a living..

    Here too ...many suspect outsiders of coming in and doing the stirring up of these issues for headlines...

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2020
    Dalewick and TMT Tactical like this.
  24. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    It is that way here too. Living in the rural places is very peaceful. I have enough space between me and Houston to watch without a lot of worry about it coming here. I chose where I am from the beginning based on a long term survival plan. Small but not too small. Isolated from too many people but not so far out that we will be alone if we need help after the fall. I have watched a fall and know what it will look like and believe me, it is UGLY.

    I was raised in a place that is now a rotting hell hole. What at one time was a thriving growing little city is now a Violent Trash Run cesspool. They bankrupted the School district to the point that it may lose its certification. The city itself has gone broke and stopped paying its bills.

    Middle and upper-middle class flight allowed the lowest elements of a to take over and that is what we are seeing now in many if not most of our biggest and what at one time were our Greatest Cities. When the good hard-working people leave a city it will slowly become a ghetto. Over and over they have "integrated" places and in the end, it destroys those places. Eventually, the good hard-working people are going to have to stop running. When that happens things will get VERY interesting.

    The TRUTH is that the problem trash is a very tiny percentage of our population. the problem is that the politicians like to use them to scare the rest of the people into the line that they want. the Democrats try to import more trash as fast as they can. They don't want educated hard-working people, they want instead, the losers, the illiterates, the people that refused to fight for freedom in their own countries, and the criminals from all over the world.

    The insanity that is going on is supported and encouraged by the liberals. The liberals have taken over the Democratic party using the same tactics that trash has taken over so many cities now. It seems that good, hardworking people that are both on the left and the right would rather move and rebuild than fight for things. The Republican party is no different and is run by a tiny minority that have nothing to do with more of the people that they are pretending to represent.

    At some point, We the Real people of this once great nation are going to have to nut up and force our expectations on those that would take it away or we will lose it. There is nothing wrong with being a part of a herd as long as you like where that heard is going. When it is going someplace that we do not like THAT is when we will either become once again a strong people and demand change or we will die as a people and just become livestock for those with the strength to demand their desires. are we seeing our new masters in the riots? we are letting a small minority take over our country without a fight. If we allow it that is what we deserve.
    Amber Wolf likes this.
  25. Dalewick

    Dalewick Legendary Survivalist

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    Interesting choice. I had a great uncle that had brought 2 Enfield 303's back from Borneo during WW2. Fired them several times. Interesting old rifles. I've thought about getting one for my collection. Just haven't haven't found one nice enough to suit me yet.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  26. randyt

    randyt Master Survivalist

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    I love the SML, have a mk4 longbranch, mk 4 BSA and a couple ishapores mk 3 in .308 oh yea a mk 3 in .410
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  27. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Though obsolete, I love'em. I have two that are in excellent shape. I've old ammunition on stripper clips that was turbo cheap. I've now found ammo that is affordable ("Rifle Line" by PPU). Shame is, the ammo is out of Serbia -- the fellows who attacked our embassy. I've got bunches of ammo left, but it is the stripper clips that I actually value over the ammo (I occasionally get split case necks with those, doesn't hurt so long as a no-go gauge proves your rifle chamber good-to-go). My Greek ammo that was bound for Hong Kong's Gurkha Brigade but fell off a truck is just the best. These have non-mercuric primers, annealed necks, and lacquered primers. I got some of this Serb .303 SP BT ammo at $16.50/20 rounds. The FMJ coming out Serbia is cheaper yet. Anybody who has Enfields but lacks ammo should buy a few hundred rounds if only for range-blasting. Oh, this ammo has annealed necks.

    My Enfields are in great shape, so can reach out there to touch someone ... within the limitations of this breed of rifle engineering -- which isn't bad, don't get me wrong. The Mk IV no. 2 has a vernier sight; I sighted that one at 200 yrd, it's down a half-foot-ish at 300 (it can manage 2 minutes of angle with the right ammo). Haven't shot my Aussie Mk 1 no. III Lithgow in a forever, however I was cleaning several rifles the other evening and this Lithgow was among those I put true in the cleanliness dept.. The bore looks as though no one has ever fired it -- I sure have, but paid attention to its maintenance. It too will do two minutes. Their furniture is not dinged at all. Pretty, pretty!
    Dalewick and TMT Tactical like this.
  28. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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  29. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    OK, we simply are not in a SHTF situation with this Chinacovid virus ... however, you'd think the cities were. Urban areas are de-compensating and the electricity is still on. Obviously, the overwhelming majority of folk have not and are NOT storing any food AT ALL.

    Witness Dallas:

    Urban folk, go out and buy bags of rice and bouillon cubes. Cheap-sh## canned hams are under $5. Throw in a few 20 lb bags of beans! Come November we'll be in a full-bore civil war!
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  30. wally

    wally Master Survivalist

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    nothing really going on here but seattle is a mess. i did note some damage/vandalism downtown the other day but there were less than a dozen "peaceful protesters" at city hall...i had to really try hard not to steer my vehicle towards them j/k :)
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  31. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Commie boy lectures white suburbanites. Reads whitey the riot act. Tells white people to submit to collectivist rule:

    "If you’re a white person living in the suburbs of a major city and worrying about whether protesters might do damage to your property or person, I’ve got some news for you: You’re a coward. It should go without saying that Black Lives Matter and it should further go without saying that white property matters less, but home ownership does wild things to the morality and paranoia of white families. If you have a little house in a suburb like me — or a big house for that matter — it’s a good time to remind yourself of one very important thing: You don’t get to opt out of citizenship.

    "Also, and this is more of a practical point, most protesters are non-violent. And even among the small subset of protesters who are employing violence, few do some randomly. If you don’t live in a police precinct, shut the f### up [censored by O.Geezer]. If you do, send me an email. I want to hear that story."

    Take that whitey! Submit to these people who hate you for being industrious, intelligent, and able to "just say, No!," to your biologic drives. If you don't, some peaceful protesters who are genetically incapable of controlling their lusts will burn your home down. You will be assimilated inevitably, so just give up now and your rape won't be so terrible.

    Last edited: Aug 14, 2020
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  32. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    rule of law still applies, anything else is illegal, if anyone tries to burn your house down, SHOOT TO KILL!!"
  33. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Things are not exactly uplifting around Amerika and in the Western World this week so far.
    Lost Angeles city hall, hauling down one of the founders of oppression in the USA (urban USSA one could say):
    More sub-humanity in Chicago; just when you thought that they couldn't sink any lower in intelligence and morality:
    North Carolina; just when you thought that they couldn't sink any lower in intelligence and morality:
    Seattle ... again:
    Portland ... again; local district attorney, Mike Schmidt says that he will not prosecute the violent two perpetrators who were arrested by police during last night's riot (Wed 13 Aug 2020):

    One wonders if Mike Schmidt would prosecute suburbanites were they to defend their homes from the savages. Hmmmm ... I think that he would, especially were the suburbanites not people of color.

    Local media actually speaks to a conservative restaurant-owner near the end of this video. Leftist shop-owner initially supported the communists, but seems to have begun the educational process to becoming at least a semi-rational person after having her business attacked by her own fellow travelers. Me, I hope Seattle becomes unlivable. Before building a wall between America and Mexico, I'd build walls around Amerikan urban cancers in an attempt to stop the metastasis process. The bleeding hearts created these jungles, let the bleeding hearts bleed out. I think they need to get to know oppressed people in a MUCH more intimate way.
    Birmingham, UK; sharpened piece of metal leaps into the air and assaults a human:

    Belgium, social-distancing; ah "youth"!:
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  34. Max rigger

    Max rigger Master Survivalist

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    Bit of advice for you, never quote from the Daily Mail (AKA The Daily Heil) and never quote Farage, he's a prize twat. Linking to either destroys any credibility you may have.
  35. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Max Rigger...

    I eat spaghetti and noodles....trail mix too peanut butter..

    Difference is that I purchase them for myself...not on the public purse.

    I don't put much stock in a lot of what passes for Main Stream News sources.

    I do have my doubts about many and Short Wave listening, for many years before home computers were available, taught me to question many of our Main Stream Sources...not just the minor ones...

    I can remember when a intern was known to be having an affair with the President of the United States and right in the White House.

    Most of our Main Stream news outlets were aware of it but would not put it in the press. It took one of the minor pulp papers to flush out the story because the Main Stream Media would not touch it.

    Once the story broke at the hands of one of the pulp magazines ..the story could not be avoided...even by the Main Stream Media who's obvious purpose was to run interference for certain politicians and parties...

    I can remember listening to the BBC one morning when I'd gotten of work on the midnight shift...and was fixing breakfast.

    This was shortly after the Falklands Islands war. The BBC announced that the British Government was taking bids for oil leases off the Falkland Islands.

    And I was so ignorant that I believed the war was for the residents and sheep on the Falkland Islands..

    That was one of my big wake up calls about the nature of many of the Main Stream News outlets...paper/print as well as electronic.

    It was back then that we began calling the famous CNN as Chicken Noodle News....

    But don't worry ...I do not trust Fox News as well.

    I will make up my own mind and for my own reasons....

    I still listen to Short Wave Radio on my ham radio set and long wire antenna and also down at work when we are not busy ...on my portable short wave set...A Tecsun model wide..listening.

    My Non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical and Old Geezer like this.
  36. randyt

    randyt Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    just heard on the radio that the mayor of shitcago is finally upset about the 60 million dollars of damage commited by BLM .
    WTF too so long?
  37. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I seek not the advice of children. When children have their tantrums, they must be smacked to the ground, lest they never achieve adulthood.

    You sir are a sycophant who cleans the rear end of your Big Brother with your tongue.

    It is one thing to cower before false gods, it is yet another to take unto yourself their vile amusements.

    Your dress is not presentable and your lipstick is smeared.

    My advice to you is to keep up the pretense of manhood and to daily wax more arrogant. I wish you whatever strength it is you need to climb higher and higher ... before you fall.
    wally likes this.
  38. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Sixty million? I cannot imagine the true price being only $60M.

    It is not as though these damages are but matters of physical repair. How long will it be that anyone with common sense engages in commerce where chaos has reigned? There are not only businesses lost, there is the very matter of the business of business itself lost to return no more. Brothers and sisters, we witness urban areas losing their sphincter-control. I'll not take my vacation money, nor my investment money, to places crippled with incompetence and certainly not those places that reek of incontinence.
    TMT Tactical and randyt like this.
    1. Dalewick
      The price of a life can't be calculated....especially the lives of children.
      Dalewick, Aug 14, 2020
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  39. randyt

    randyt Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I think it may have been 60 billion, I couldn't recall... but it is a whole bunch.
    TMT Tactical and Old Geezer like this.
  40. randyt

    randyt Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    of course they will want the taxpayer to pay for it
    TMT Tactical and Old Geezer like this.
  41. Pragmatist

    Pragmatist Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Good morning Max,

    More than once I've written here that it really doesn't matter what pub is quoted from. If it's in the public domain as an aspect of media, it has a slant. Besides the Daily Mail, even the Wall Street Journal and Financial Times have opinions built into their analysis-type articles. I still recommend read the pubs for the 1. words, the 2. terms, the 3. phrases used.

    Before the web demolished the pulp media, my favorite newspaper was "Journal of Commerce". Reading sailing schedules, daily prices of petrol , copper, gold, ... gives more insight than the Wash Post's "Analysis".

    For actual real news, I rely on shortwave radio.
  42. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    If a drooling idiot reports to me some event, yet it sounds somewhat plausible, I then go looking for images, recordings, the accounts of others, ... Should what I discover support the initial report, I will not again look down upon this person. I will have been corrected, actually. Could it not be that God loves the idiot and finds me lacking in that I lacked trust in a truthful soul. The "idiot" could be one of His more radiant creatures. "And the first shall be last and the last, first."

    I often read stories (mostly they are but stories) in sources such as CNN. Then I check the veracity thereof. If I find no truth, I am at least amused at the strange lengths these pseudo-intellectuals go to support their Secular Humanist dogmas. I really wonder how many of these folk made decent grades in calculus. The CNNers are busy at social engineering, yet they could not pass muster as actual engineers of anything. Unable to do well in calculus? Find some other enterprise than one involving engineering, especially when presenting yourself as some font of wisdom. Most who believe in the divinity of Lenin are spiritual drunkards, often literal ones.

    In the former USSR, most workers lost two days-worth of work per week due to the alcoholism that was pandemic. The USSR banned birth-control for there perpetually existed the need for more workers. The average Soviet woman had, on average, seven (7) abortions in her lifetime -- under socialized medicine, women wanting abortions got them. Odd, but socialism and infanticide go hand-in-hand. Alcohol was not banned, lest another revolution occur. Socialism cannot be borne without some form of inebriation.

    It seems the Daily Mail has reported numbers provided by the World Health Organization that would support the belief that the socialist country of England is besotted with alcoholics. Communist media, the MSM, has a habit of suppressing inconvenient truths.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2020
    Rebecca, wally, TMT Tactical and 2 others like this.
  43. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Wow Olde Geezer....

    Don't candy coat it ...tell it straight!!!

    There was an Economics Professor .....who went around the country giving lectures on the scam which was going on in America about many things....for which someone out here .in America did not want Americans to think go reason for themselves.

    This professor went to Russia just before the Moscow Olympics...he went to Leningrad...he saw the status of Russian streets...the lack of cars...gas stations...empty shelves in the stores......and precisely what you described....drunkenness.

    As an Economics professor it did not take him long to figure out that Vodka was the one commodity not in short supply though he never did figure out the supply chain.

    The store shelves were mostly empty ...but vodka was not in short supply....anywhere.

    He said there were only a handful of gas stations in Leningrad back then indicating how many cars there were on the roads.

    He also said that you never have to worry about the Russians outproducing you .....they re a bunch of sots..

    He also predicted that America would never come to the could not have 5,000 plus Americans running around Russia seeing how un super power it really was....and thus bringing that information home to the rest of America....and Americans.

    I knew about this concerning Russia over 30 years this professors lectures I have on cassette tape.

    He summed it up by stating that someone, for many many years, has been building up Russia as a phony super a tool to keep Americans properly in line and affrighted. And someone over there is using America to keep the Russian People properly line.

    Good cop/Bad cop...

    Thesis ...anti Thesis.....Synthesis.

    The State is god...

    Da Tovarich!!???

    I think he was correct.

    Once I understood this about Russia.....,

    Once I understood that I do not see Russian cars....Russian made cell phones...laptops.....refrigerators, tools, sinks....hardware...nuts and bolts.....none of this stuff made in Russia....for sale here in America.....

    Once I understood this ....I also understood, right away, the lying phonies here in America screaming Russian Collusion.....

    What a bunch of phony gaslighters....preying on American fears and insecurities...while smooching up to the backside of China..

    One verily begins to see how much disrespect the body politic has for the intelligence of the Average American voter...and I mean both political parties..

    Ishmaelites run wild with their whoredoms...their devout and zealous religion of bondage..of the mind and soul.....Politics.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2020
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  44. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    By the Way Olde Geezer....

    In reading Amaury de Reincourt's book "Sex and Power in History" an interesting tidbit comes out in examining the sexual roles in Soviet Russia about women of "Equality." the great socialist dream...and what it did to women in Soviet Russia..

    So many women were working in addition to their home responsibilities and the males were drunken half the time....that the overworked women were living on the average two years less than the males by the 1960s....Claims the author Amaury de the chapter titled "The Communist Reality."

    I found that very interesting and a piece of information which can never be allowed to be known by the average American...hooked on ESPN and the Kardashians......Dr Phil et al.

    Ishmaelites run wild....

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical and Dalewick like this.
  45. Max rigger

    Max rigger Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Learn to pronounce

    noun a person who acts obsequiously towards someone important in order to gain advantage"

    You got that one wrong, nobody important here.

    Thats the second time you've mentioned my spirituality and thank you for your concern but there is no need, I am a man of faith and I often talk to the one true God, she is inspiring.

    'Before you fail'? I won't, never have and never will. I plan and plan and plan, implement and stick to a plan and it works. My life plans to date:

    Join army and learn a trade.....done

    Plan a post army career that will give me a high income....done

    Plan a debt free semi retirement at age 55, planned and in the process of in progress

    I'm methodical, I enjoy going from A to B to C et al. I find self achievement rewarding and believe I care for my fellow man regardless of gender, sexual orientation, colour or religion, something you need to strive for old man before you meet your maker, she may ask you awkward questions at the gate.

    Back on track, how are things where you live?

    Sadly it seems people are acting like the virus has gone, I've noticed less social distancing when out on the streets sort of things. The shops are fully stocked in fact there have not been any real shortages all through the pandemic other than people buying ludicrous amounts of bog roll and that only lasted a short time. In some ways being a small island has helped in terms of infrastructure, the supply chain has proven to be robust, suppliers have done a great job, home deliveries have worked very well. Bigger countries like the USA have and will continue to struggle with things like retail home deliveries due to distances and a more stretched supply chain but that said they were well behind the UK and most of Europe in that area so have been playing catchup. I expect a lot of area lockdowns before the summer ends.

    Keep safe, my lad is finishing off work at the moment and we'll be off in the camper later today.
    1. Old Geezer
      There will be no fiat currencies alive 14 years from now, therefore anything monetized on any current currencies will be lost. Land will still be there (maybe not in the Netherlands). Over 10 years from now, far less than that really, digital dollars and euros will have been inflated out of existence.
      You'll need some serious firepower to own land. Deeds are ink on paper and mean nothing. Ancient wisdom, "If you can't protect it, you don't own it."
      It is mind-numbing to imagine that current currencies will not fall. Nobody on this site believes that world economies will survive.
      Old Geezer, Aug 17, 2020
  46. Pragmatist

    Pragmatist Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Good morning Max,

    Am not that familiar with US struggling with retail home deliveries.

    The distance factor ended long ago.

    I have a couple of old National Geographic magazines with the ads saying "Prices slightly higher west of the Rockies". This price differential ended long ago. Availability to the door is a function of wealth. Pay the price and presto - the order is present.

    Am not familiar with a US struggling supply chain. I worked as a reserve Federal emergency manager for distribution of petroleum and it's distillates via the US inland waterways. The US supply chain re oil exceeded continental Europe's and the British isles - includes Ireland. We have a US owned refinery at Bantry Bay, Irish Republic.

    Guess if the RX pharma supply chain works when the dentists I do volunteer work in Appalachia need stuff.

    Much current US consumer rationing is not related to the supply chains. Much politics involved.

    Am curious; what type training / work did you do in the military ? I ask this because I attended some veterans meeting in Hong Kong and the Brit's had better vet programs that we Yanks. Some of the meetings even had in attendance the colonial police officers who worked with the troops eg the Malaya emergency.
    TMT Tactical and Dalewick like this.
    1. Old Geezer
      My comment for maxine rigger ended up here. Should have been one post above.

      Last edited: Aug 17, 2020
      Old Geezer, Aug 16, 2020
  47. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:
    The mask thing is idiocy. People wear them THINKING that they off protection but the FACT is that they, even the N-95s, offer almost no protection from airborne viruses. When you are wearing a mask what you ARE doing is protecting others from covid19 IF you have it.

    It is stupid because even when you have already had it and now are incapable of spreading it you STILL have to wear the danm things. The only reason for ANY of the precautions was to SLOW the spread of the virus so that the hospitals would not get overwhelmed. the truth is that only the places that seemed to want to get overwhelmed had a problem. There are the same places that can't figure out how to keep their trash citizens from rioting, looting and setting their cities on fire.

    I have spent most of this summer either in or running back and forth to the hospital. After what we saw happening in New York there were plans made to set up a few MASH type facilities. Didn't need them. I had surgery last week and the hospital was like a ghost town. This is a huge medical center and there were only two of us set up and scheduled for surgery that morning. I had surgery there last year and it was a madhouse.

    the FACT is that Covid19 has a mortality rate among people under the age of 60 that are in good health is about the same as any flu and less than a lot of them. Covid19 KILLS old people and people with preexisting morbidities like COPD and such. The mortality rate for military personnel is way below 1%. Most kids that catch it only experience it as the sniffles.

    We are destroying our nation and world hiding from a disease that is not a pandemic. It is an epidemic and not all that deadly. The high mortality rate in NYC was because ANYBODY that died there was declared a Covid19 fatality without even running the tests. Just as the Liberals support and encourage the riots in their cities they WANT Covid19 to be a super scary deadly pandemic so that they can blame it on Trump and get their Demented fading old man elected so that they can get a RABID Liberal into the White House. I doubt that if elected that Biden will last a year. His running mate is terrifying if you read up on her and study some of her decisions while a District Attorney in San Fran instead of listening to the liberal propaganda sources like CNN and such.

    the only way that we will ever get free from Covid19 is for all of the healthy people to get it and be done with it and go back to work. the only people that need to hide are people that have bad health problems already and ANY major illness may put them over the edge.

    I am very happy to report that in texas other than in the big big cities and the places run by idiots like Austin all is well and there are no noticeable frictions between the people of any color or nationality. Everyone mostly just shakes their heads at what is going on in the north and can't understand why it is happening and even more puzzling is why the people that live there are putting up with it.
    TMT Tactical and Dalewick like this.
    1. Old Geezer
      You are correct in your observations.
      Old Geezer, Aug 16, 2020
  48. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    I cant take the death rates over here as truthfull, they only tested people who went to hospital and died of it, if someone died in a care home or in their own home they werent tested so makes a mockery of the figures.
    there were a few youngsters over here who died of it so it isnt true they cant catch it, even if it dosent affect them they can spread it thats why I'm expecting the rates to skyrocket once the schools reopen in September, they cant socially distance in the senior schools once they all go back there just isnt the space to do so the classes are so big.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  49. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:
    When the kids go back to school it isn't going to affect them that much as you say. It is the adults and especially older adults that they are going to take it home to that it is going to mess up. My chances of surviving it if I catch it is not good at all. I can avoid most people and do but I am never going to turn away from my Grandbaby!
    1. Dalewick
      TD, COVID was bad (hurt like hell, fever, chills, heavy breathing) but I have had pneumonia that was way worse. I don't believe it is the death sentence for older folks that they say it is. Unless you have breathing issues already. Still not sure then. The wife also had it and she has severe asthma and still didn't need to go to the Doctor for it.
      Dalewick, Aug 15, 2020
      Old Geezer and TMT Tactical like this.
  50. Dalewick

    Dalewick Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I know the infection rates in the USA are being manipulated. In Florida they were reporting 90,000+ cases reported until President Trump announced that the Republican convention planned for Jacksonville was canceled due to COVID-19. The very next day on radio the reported that the state had announced an error in there calculations that morning and only 11,000 cases of COVID-19 had actually occurred in that time period. A error of 79,000 cases. Gross negligence or a lie, judge. I now know 3 people that went to clinics to be tested for COVID that got tired of waiting for the test and left without being tested. The next day they received a phone call, informing them that they had tested positive for COVID. When they questioned the results, they were hung up on.
    When money is involved, people will lie. When politics are involved, people will lie.
    My home state has approximately 1.7 million people living in it. We have had 118 deaths attributed to COVID. You do the math. Is that a pandemic? My county has had one death reported and that individual was very ill before COVID and was not expected to live long regardless. Even with so few deaths and so little sickness, our idiot governor has issued a "order" that everyone has to wear a mask in stores and public places. I sent the Governor an email letting him know where he could stick his order. Still no response. I have had COVID and I will not wear a mask. Nothing is said to me when I enter local stores and businesses.
    If this disease is as prevalent as reported. Sooner or latter everyone will have had it (just like a cold or flu) and everyone will have antibodies for it

    watcherchris, wally and TMT Tactical like this.
    1. Old Geezer
      A guy killed in a motorcycle collision was listed among the covid dead in Florida. Die of the regular flu or emphysema sequelae, any form of pneumonia, poof! the number goes down as covid. All the socialists have left is lying and cheating. So now if Trump cheats, I could care less. We are at war.
      Old Geezer, Aug 17, 2020
      watcherchris and wally like this.
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