How To Herd Americans And America...

Discussion in 'News, Current Events, and Politics' started by watcherchris, Mar 15, 2022.

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  1. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    How to "Herd Americans” without passing news laws or al...or the very approval of Americans.
    In observing events of recent here in America …I began to notice a pattern…
    We who Believe are instructed to notice the pattern of things in Heaven and here on the earth….,
    And I have noticed a pattern….

    What I began to realize is that someone is pulling out the stops ..big time to control or alter the behavior, values, thinking of Americans….against their will and at times even over their objections….
    I believe much of this behavior modification is being done and promoted by our phony puppet leadership and also by our Main Stream Media carrying the water for them. I believe also our public school systems are in on this behavior modification as well.
    Here is what I notice and am interested in whether the members here have noted the same or similar patterns as well.

    Covid 19,….I believe this was a test or pilot program to determine how far and fast someone out here could or would run or operate the other ”Herding Behavior Modification programs.”
    I believe this was a huge money laundering scheme….and a pilot program to determine how much control and or herding could be exerted over the nation and people.
    Huge amounts of monies were transferred from the US Treasury…,.to private groups to keep this program going ….and I mean Huge amounts of monies….Money transferred means power transferred….there is a relationship here..
    I am thinking that with this huge amount of monies transferred from the US Treasury to certain private hands….the coming mid term elections might indeed be up for sale….and not go according to many predictions. Be Warned….

    Climate Change….
    This one too is very very necessary to transfer huge amounts of money and power to someone out here and they may not even be American…..
    This also has great potential to alter our standard of living….and force us to buy products we do not want….more Herding…
    Force us to change our lifestyles…against our will and over our objections.

    I believe Climate Change is going to be “Massive Herding” of people and nations to a program ..a standard of living and conduct which is not our own. In the end I believe it will go against our liberties and freedoms….by severely limiting our economic and social choices….ceding them to another government program.
    Oh….Is Climate Chage one of the powers enumerated in the Constitution??? How about Covid 19???

    Inflation….as a herding tool..
    This one …”Inflation” cuts big time across the board…..and like Climate Change has huge potential to alter and or change our lives…our beliefs..our understanding of whom and what we are as a nation and people.

    Rapidly rising prices effects everyone but Government who under a phony fiat money creation scheme can get all the money they want without work and without risk.
    We on the other hand must work, labor, and risk for our monies…daily bread…
    This is a huge huge huge fraud scheme…money laundering scheme and puts government as the major economic force in this country ….not the people…not the free market..
    You cannot possibly have a free market in America when government can create trillions of monies overnight and inject it into the economy and thus cause inflation…
    Whenever government injects new monies created out of nothing into the economy….prices must rise sufficient to absorb these new monies….it works like an auction.
    And they are getting ready to create trillions more….
    This will cause the American people to alter their behaviors…conduct….in order to survive.
    In this manner inflation creation…is the ”Herding” of the American people without their consent…and even the knowledge of most people. They understand something is going on but not exactly what or why.
    I submit to the members here that this system is designed for Americans not to understand…but only to follow and change their behaviors as needed…
    Simplified…this means someone or some group out here…not wanting to be seen or known…..can control a nation and or people without their consent or approval…..and without passing new legislation…control…regulations…
    Be Warned…these Ishmaelites.

    Whie privilege and Critical Race theory. ….
    This one is official government sponsored and approved racism….to cure racism.

    Not really… is more ”Herding”…by race…
    As a government …you have to be incredibly stupid to promote this unless you believe the people can be made so ashamed and gullible that they can be so controlled by official government sponsored and approved racism.
    It becomes clear to thinking people who are the racists out here …dependent on government approved racism to control and manage the herd.
    Critical Race Theory is today being taught in our schools and on our very vulnerable children and grand children….
    It is producing an outcry in certain areas/states…and effecting elections….because of what is being done in public schools…but this government is still trying to promote it ..while denying its goals and or methods….
    They are trying to cover up their official government dependency on racism as a control/herding tool or method..for votes
    Be warned these Ishmaelites who would put us into their form of bondage and particularly on our vulnerable children and grand children.

    All of these are , I believe, ”Herding Schemes” while also fleecing our treasury to pay for them… laundering schemes…transferring billion upon billions to out of our treasury to promote and facilitate the ”Herding/control” over the American People and Nation …without our consent…or approval.

    This is bondage…this is Ishmael…

    It is not Isaac and his Seed..

    Be Warned these Ishmaelites and their Ishmaelite bondage programs ….designed to curb your liberties and freedoms..and much of it without our even being aware this is being done to us.
    And our Main Stream Media is in on the Hoax….as is much of public education….

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2022
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  2. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Now that some of you members understand of what I am describing here in control methods over the Herd...,

    Watch the news and or leadership for the next program designed to keep Americans properly herded..and without their approval or consent.

    If the members here can think of other such cases...please post them for our continued understanding and or improved knowledge faculties....our recognition...of how the Herd is being controlled against our consent.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  3. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Everything is B.S. in the MSM.

    This is why tens of millions of Americans are getting their news from alternative sources. This phenomenon is scaring the bejesus out of the deep state (lackies to international collectivist cells).

    OK, so this Putin fellow has been wanting to break his leg off in the Ukraine's @$$ for a long time. The sheeple of Amerika elect a burnt-out brain-dead alcoholic puppet named joe biden. (The votes for slurred-speech joe included masses of dead voters, voters who voted multiple times, plus invalid mail-in ballots; pretty bad when more people vote than the voting lists show exist.) Putin witnessing the U.S. without a commander-in-chief sees this as his green-light to go a'romping and a'stomping.

    But there is another reason for the war and we all know it. If you can't get your way, if too many of your enemies are getting ready to lock and load, you can always create an apocalypse here, an apocalypse there. Covid petered-out, people started to go out of panic mode, so "Oh my, what to do?!" Oh, Russia's military is heading into war, so the collectivists hitched their wagon to this war. Too, this war beloved of the Borg also gives Western Governments an excuse for rising inflation and sinking economies. Cyber warfare accompanying this bombing war would also create a means by which dissident voices on the web could be silenced. Government "Emergency Broadcasts" without retort, could be great mind-bombing runs. "Capitulate to your big brother, he will save you!"

    Must say, this war was VERY well timed.

    The deep state folk are pushing everyone into a war situation plus an economic situation that they imagine can work for them. What if they start something that they cannot control. Me, I see an enormous top spinning off the edge of their little flat Earth.

    Last edited: Mar 15, 2022
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  4. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:
    You know, most people are really not very sharp and if they were not herded we would live in a nation of CONSTANT bedlam. Out of a hundred people only about 10% really matter and have a thought in their near empty heads.

    When the "people" are truely allowed to rule themselves the result is always the same. War, endless destruction and a slow sinking into a primitive near animalistic mess. Anytime that war has torn asunder the rules and laws of a civilization that has been the result until civilization is again forced on the animals that we so easily become.

    I have seen this in the aftermath of hurricanes. Until the cops move back in and force it, there is looting and violence. When the National Guard went into New Orleans after Katrina there were bodies laying in the streets. Among those that stayed many of them took this as an oppertunity to settle a lot of grudges in a VERY perminant way.
    Old Geezer and TMT Tactical like this.
  5. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    maybe that is true in America I would not know, in Britain I think that is only true of denizens of the inner city, the suburbs and rural areas are more laid back and peaceful, nobody except SCUM looks for trouble, out here in the sticks we solve our own problems, you dont often see a policeman here as most are in the big cities and urban areas.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  6. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    From Morals and Dogma Albert Pike...Circa 1871

    I am certainly not against intellect.....or intelligence......but if not carefully and properly applied...this too is herding.
    It is feudalism...Royalty...the very system our founders were against....versus individual liberty and freedom...even the freedom to make mistakes...or go ones on way...not to be part of the herd.

    Also I know that most people are not two legged wildlife and do not want to so become....nor be surrounded them and their flock by two legged wildlife.

    But this is what one finds...mostly in the big cities.....the leftist big cities...way too much of two legged wildlife.

    One of the biggest assets to self His Word....a Way...A Way of life..not to become Two Legged Wildlife...

    And It is also a huge asset against unlimited Growth of Government....which is why leftist governments ....become Two Legged Wildlife of Entitlement....unlimited government ....against the common people and in favor of their Intellect.
    Leftist Governments tend towards despising His Word.
    So too much of Public Education financed by this same government.

    I believe this is one of the reasons they despised Trump....for holding up His Word for all the world to see...

    Also ...not being sharp is also not against the Constitution of the United States...and not justification for more Herding against people's rights and liberties.

    Once again I say people can be herded without passing any new laws controls and regulatoins....via the methods listed above....without their consent or approval...many without even knowing or realizing this is going on.

    This on the part of government is subversive.....even demonic...sometimes called "Failure to Disclose."

    It is certainly not transparency.

    Also I agree with lonewolf's versus 'rural..

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  7. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    I lived in such an area. Our murder rate was circa 2/100,000/year. Then the drug trade came in. Outsiders, a different breed of human, poof, random shootings. I will say this for one drug dealer, he did the right thing. After accidentally shooting a 12 yr old girl in the head, he went home and killed himself. This week, in our small-town nestled in the middle of a huge agricultural region, a boy crossing a street got shot in the head ... mistakenly. Drive-by. Minority drug gang put a bullet through his head (the press is trying to squash the story; I know folk at the hospital to where he was air-evac.ed). If the gangs can find or create addicts, they move in like killer bees -- and sure doesn't matter where this occurs.

    Rural Vermont:

    Had drug gangs not evolved on their own, collectivist government officials would have had to create them.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  8. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:
    Lonewolf, in the event of a social collapse what gives you the belief that the rifraf and slime in the innercities is going to STAY there and not move out into the countryside. When things go to total crap the rules are going to change. Right now the things that put certain people on the top of the evolutionary pile will not neccesarily be the same post collapse.

    People not mentally prepared to do what it takes to survive in this new reality will die in the second or third level of the collapse. The willingness to ACT on the first sign of agression is not something that is encouraged in a civilized sociaty. We are not suposed to take the law into our own hands. In a world where there are no police and no laws the criminal will have a certain advantage over a previously law abiding citizen.

    Remember the old saying about the quick and the dead. THAT will be the reality in a lawless world. What it refers to has to do with the difference between acting and reacting. People that wait and depend on reacting are going to be the DEAD. If I put a no trespassing sign up and someone crosses that line. If you don't shoot them on sight you have given up to them the first move.

    If you go out to meet them if they want to kill you then you are a dead man. If you kill them on sight you are a murderer. Can you deal with that? In a world ruled by the quick and the dead rule you had better shed your modern rules of morality FAST. Be QUICK in your change because that world will be very unfogiving with few second chances offered.

    Criminals will already have made this adjustment. It is going to be a long time before honor and fairness will be a good thing as far as survival. Being fair means that you put up a sign or offer a warning. Past that you need to act FIRST. I've seen to many fights lost because someone didn't want the be the one to start a fight after it bacame obvious that it was going to happen. When someone is warned and they come ahead it is time to ACT. Throw the first punch or fire the first shot and if you do it right then it is over.

    Prepare NOW both with physical items and with mental preperation. Lonewolf this is going to be a lot easier for me that I think that it will be for you. I live in a rougher and cruder place than you do now. I already carry a gun and a knife. They are NOT there for show and tell. If I am attacked I am going to kill my attacker. I am there NOW and have been there for a long time. There will be no warning. No stickem up either. I will kill them. This is a common attitude where I live and that is one reason why there is not a lot of violence like you find in the big city libersl piss holes.
  9. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    by Texdanm....

    No argument from me on this one....

    I was upset with that news video, of recent, wherein that fellow followed an olde woman into an Apartment foyer and then hit here many many times....

    I was disgusted by it.....two legged wildlife run amok...

    Police: Man who hit Asian woman more than 125 times in apartment building arrested (

    More and more pan handlers are showing up around here....and that worries me...

    I have no desire to pull down my piece on anyone...but must be prepared. Which reminds me...I've not been to the gun club of recent...and need to find time to go.....and put some lead down range.....skills can become perishable..

    My non Ishmaaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  10. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    I remember how organized and civilized the folk were in my region >50 years ago.

    All that has changed now.

    When heading back to my region, there are plenty of pockets of the original morality and goodness. However, loads of trash people have migrated there. Trash people and weak people. These weak, unarmed, couldn't use a rifle were it thrust into their hands, milquetoast people cause crime to go up because they provide the victim-factor. Worse, criminals start believing everybody is like the limp-wrists. Due to my being old, the criminal could think, "I'll just rob him." Any uninvited come to my door, they're gonna get lead poisoning. If I'm in the shower, I've got at least a 9mm resting on the toilet tank within my reach. Go to a knock at the door without a gun? No, not me. This is zero burden to me, because I love my bang-bang beauties. They've protected me before.

    "Oh that's an overreaction!" I'm reminded of the story of a white South African farmer who was taking a bath and who had placed his shotgun just out of reach. Due to that little boo-boo, he and his wife were tortured to death by home invaders.

    "Only the city people are like that and they're never coming here -- they can't even get to here." OK, go with that, but one is also risking the lives of their family members. And, no new migrants from agricultural lands had better arrive in your country. They may be in the cities now, but hard times come, they'll go back to farming ... by any means necessary. Too, in their countries, often times there was no electricity and heavy machinery fuel was unavailable.

    These people are HARDENED to all manner of pestilence and LONG dangerous journeys, often on foot. By definition they will do whatever it takes to feed their families. What else would they do? Not fight? Not travel? Yeah, sure!

    Morality goes out the window when starvation rules the land. Get in the way of packs of hardened people without a repeating rifle ready to fire and you are dead -- worse, your loved ones get raped and murdered.

    That which is coming upon the Earth is going to make Hell look like a winter wonderland. Mega-violence will be the order of the day.

    During mass-famines, all bets are off on what monstrous behaviors will be witnessed.

    This is why we spend so many of our energies getting ready for the upcoming years of horrific tribulation.
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  11. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    Because my friend, riffraff and slime in the big BRITISH cities know nothing about the countryside, they know nothing about farming or horticulture and they do not know where their food comes from, I have talked about this before and I keep having to repeat myself, although Britain is a smaller country than the US, once you remove the petrol and diesel from the equation-this will take about 24 hours probably less in the big cities,
    everyone will be walking, how far can they walk out of the city and where are they going? remember this is a country that has an obesity crisis and the vast majority dont cook they live on either take away food or convenience (nuke it in a microwave) food, sure anyone in the suburbs or just outside a major city will have problems with looting but further out? I doubt if many will get any more than 10 miles out before they give up and most will not even start, they will expect some kind of help or handout from the govt and it will be a long time before they realise that help is not coming, the danger periods are one week(water) and one month(food) after that the big die off starts.
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
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