Is Climbing Mt Everest Worth Dying For?

Discussion in 'Safety' started by DeeFree, May 30, 2017.

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  1. DeeFree

    DeeFree New Member

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    Notice I said "climbing" in the title? That's because lots of people don't even make to Mt. Everest and die just trying. Lots of people do make it to Mt. Everest only to die on the way down and they never it back home - in fact MOST people die on the descent. So sad. All to say they stood in a place where no human being should stand. I always wondered why Europeans were so keen on reaching the top of Everest when the people who live around Everest, whose families for generations lived around Everest, who knew about Everest way, way before the white man and yet never yearned to reach the top of that mountain. It was good enough to just live at its base and look up and admire the wonder of nature. Not to go traipsing up to no-man's land for no good reason or purpose. It's absurd. And yet 10 people so far have died in 2017 fooling around Mt. Everest. These people KNEW the risks and difficulty - one climber survived the devastating 2015 earthquake that killed 20 sherpas at once and CAME BACK TO TRY AGAIN and this time he was killed - and they spent a small fortune to basically die a torturous death on an ice-cold mountain located far, far from home.
    Last edited: May 30, 2017
  2. Bishop

    Bishop Master Survivalist

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    Hell no or getting frost bite
  3. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    in a word NO.
  4. igkolev88

    igkolev88 New Member

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    I become very close to nature when in the mountains and really feel them as a second home whenever I roam through forests or climb peaks. I've thought about all the people willing to risk their lives climbing the highest peaks and I guess they feel the same way towards nature. And when you feel that close, you worry less about what could happen to you in the worst case. Not that you don't think about it or prepare for, but be more open about it. I must say, I've talked to people who'd rather die trying to climb Everest, than not try at all and die of old age or in a car accident in the city.
  5. Corzhens

    Corzhens Master Survivalist

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    I had seen the movie Everest which was based on the real life of a tourist guide who died while on a climbing expedition. Maybe high mountains are reserved for the adventurous who have the capability to climb. Especially the Himalayas, with countless of deaths in its record books, I guess people should stop climbing that mountain range. And what did Sir Edmund Hillary say when he successfuly climbed Mt. Everest? "It is there" which means the mountain is waiting to be climbed.
  6. jeager

    jeager Master Survivalist

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  7. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    However amusing it is to watch monster egos freeze to death on Everest, these "intrepid" souls should die alone and not get their Sherpa guides killed along with them. I wish the Sherpa could/would tell the climbers to go stuff their money.

    Were I Everest, I would scratch humans off of me like a dog trying to get rid of flees. Maybe the killer storms on Everest are the answered prayers of Everest.
  8. kgord

    kgord Active Member

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    Personally, I think these adventurers should find a better use for their money. An expedition costs in the neighborhood of 100,000 dollars. I mean all that for the potential to climb a mountain, and one that might cost you your life? Contribute to programs for the poor or something in my opinion. That is a lot of money.
  9. Anniee

    Anniee New Member

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    Well, to each his own. You can't say why until you've asked what if? Some people leave for that kind of adrenaline rush. I can't for the life of me put myself to that kind of situation. Not to mention the kind of money you'll spend to go there and climb back and forth. It is not worth it at all. But if we say why, what of those that spend a large chunk of their lives pursuing wild dangerous animals, crazy stuff in this world of ours.
  10. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    nothing is worth dying for.
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