Jakarta, Indonesia In State Of Emergency

Discussion in 'News, Current Events, and Politics' started by Pragmatist, Mar 21, 2020.

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  1. Pragmatist

    Pragmatist Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    Per ...

    Jakarta's situation mirrors many cities in the US.

    Medical staff and health workers criticize President JokoWi but do not self-criticize. As dangerous as the COVID-19 spread is, there are other things going on that are just as dangerous. The medical folks, like in the US, are myopic; they have a narrow view and much is self-serving - just like here.

    If Indonesia does not have the "medical staff, training and equipment", will the 700,000 test kits have value ? What will be the disposition of the positive-tested patients who need assisted respiration requiring a medical machine ?


    If you believe the doctors, nothing is wholesome;
    If you believe the theologians, nothing is innocent;
    If you believe the soldiers, nothing is safe.


    poltiregist and TMT Tactical like this.
  2. varuna

    varuna Tree killer & a cat person

    Blog Posts:
    One of the underlying problems is, the administration has failed to address for contingency in the earl - mid February (when the plague hit Singapore), this is mostly due to some ill advise given by President Jokowi own top adviser particularly the Health Minister whose clearly complacent in dealing with the crisis (but can't sack the guy yet). Moreover, rather than began stockpiling PPE for domestic use, the industry was encourage to export more of them to China, and now our own medical responder end up with severe shortage of PPE to the point of resorting to "improvise PPE" at county / borough level hospital. Although PPE export has been halt the damage has been done (but better late than never).

    Another problem is in the trade & industrial policy (too long to list). Suffice to say I've got a personal friend who is part of the public health policy maker team, and what I've heard isn't good at all. Another more technical issue is the gov't effort place nearly all the burden on the Pulmonologist whose end up taking most of the work load and has already began to burnout :mad:(A pulmonoloist friend of mine has already yelling out loud to her association to get some relieve from her work load :()
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  3. Pragmatist

    Pragmatist Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Good morning Varuna,

    Addressing a contingency means the use of resources: personnel and finance. presuming they've been pre-allocated snd on standby. President Jokowi is prioritizing the emergencies on his desk.

    There was a reason Indonesian PPE was exported mainly to China. For different specifics, the US did something similar; keeping PPE production offshore ... mostly in China ... FOREX is more valuable to address more dangerous threats to our nations than the pandemic. We do not have all the information in the public domain, but it's present if looked for.

    So far there is no warfare - big generators of sparks next to powder kegs are still present:
    - Chinese aircraft and missile boats close to Taiwan when WHO allowed Taiwan to participate in a WHO conference (teleconference section), the Hong Kong riots (still occurring), North Korea launching missiles in direction of Japan.

    Again: even with the pandemic, there is no big warfare. President Jokowi is doing good work.

    Jarkarta - and Los Angeles - can make it. Places like Chittagong, Bangladesh will leave the scene as part of greater Middle Kingdom. Both Indonesia and the US have wealth. The wealth was allocated to non public health matters. Not too much is new under the sun.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
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