Men Should You Protect Women?

Discussion in 'Mental Preparedness' started by pacmantacman, Apr 20, 2019.

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  1. pacmantacman

    pacmantacman Expert Member

    Blog Posts:
    In the women’s section I brought up some questions asking how women felt about men protecting them. Now, here I’m asking the men.

    Men. Do you feel it is your responsibility in times of crisis to be a protector to women? Do you feel in general it’s your job to put yourself between them and danger? Do you feel this is what women really want when a real risk materializes?

    This is not a specific scenario just an open ended general discussion that can span many situations.
  2. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    Men & women are individuals, it depends on the woman & the scenario. Would you step in to protect a man from a woman?
    Sourdough and TMT Tactical like this.
  3. Ystranc

    Ystranc Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    It depends entirely on the situation, one thing's for sure is that it's unwise to get between two women who are intent on fighting.
  4. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:
    I basically, in a normal world, am an old-time southern gentleman and my Dad taught me that as a big man I have a responsibility to come to the aid of those weaker than me. I have and will defend a woman from an unwarranted attack. I will also extend this to include children, older people and men attacked that didn't do anything to deserve a beating. I was raised with a code of honor that I will carry as long as I live but if the world turned sideways survival of my loved ones will take the forefront for my decisions.

    In an apocalyptic situation, that decision might have to be reconsidered.
  5. CountryGuy

    CountryGuy Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    If it's my wife or daughters or a lady I know, without hesitation. Beyond that it depends, in a post SHTF if I saw someone taking advantage of a weaker person (woman or child, maybe man) I'd step in. But also don't get sucked into an ambush where the woman is bait and then she pops you in the back of the head with a .22. I think it was last year where a concealed carry holder was killed when a couple stormed into a Walmart. Guy walks buy and he draws thinking he's defending the woman when in fact she was the second perp. Pop! and the lights went out.

    So be weary as the situation might not be what it seems, and it's becoming more common in our society for the woman to be the aggressor (Fatal Attraction anyone... LOL) and might play the victim card as pat of that.
  6. Sourdough

    Sourdough "eleutheromaniac"

    Blog Posts:
    And it could all be a choreographed "act" to draw you out, and expose yourself, and a third or forth un-see by you party takes you out of the survival game. Maybe even knee or hip shoots you, so while your screaming in pain, they are hoping that others might come out to help you.

    It would be very hard to watch and hear someone you dearly love scream and beg, and flop around, taking an hour or three to die, while you know they are just waiting, hidden, hoping someone can't stand it any longer, and runs out.

    Then you could have several people out there screaming, begging. Then what do you do.....? Shoot your own family members to put them out of pain. Do you go out the back ant try to flank the bad people, what if they have a team watching the back, now you have loved-ones screaming front and back, flopping and begging.

    What if it goes on all night, maybe even days. How do you deal with the mutiny of your team. The hysterical children.......??? How "HARD" is your heart.

    There was a long part of the movie "Full Metal Jacket" that dealt with exactly this trick.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2019
  7. Oldguy

    Oldguy Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    As females have been demanding and getting equality for decades and are at the least equal to or better than men in there eyes I see no reason to protect them any more than I would a male
    Equal is equal I will not discriminate on gender in good times or bad!:D
    Sonofliberty and TMT Tactical like this.
  8. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    If need be.

    The better she is with a gun or any self-sufficiency, the less she needs a man.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  9. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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    Ask anyone in uniform who has had some experience, women are much less predictable & the inexperienced tend to underestimate the danger.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  10. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    only if they are part of my family, otherwise no.
    TMT Tactical and Sonofliberty like this.
  11. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Hmmmmmmmm......seems you got a lot of replies on the Ladies forum....pacmantacman.

    Why do you suppose that is???

    You might want to think this through a bit more....before filling out the proper forms.....

    The women in this country will be fine as we become like Europe or the Middle long as they wear head covering... or even burkas.........and don't forget as long as the rest of us are disarmed....mentally, physically, as well as spiritually.

    Can you say.................................baaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

    My non Ishmaelite .02,

  12. pacmantacman

    pacmantacman Expert Member

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    What are you trying to communicate to me?
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  13. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!!!


    As I recall ..the English language..this is sometimes referred to as "Bleating "

    See GFW Hegel....thesis, anti thesis, synthesis.

    Aka...Good Cop/Bad Cop.

    Or another version is "How to run touchdowns as a career" without asking yourself the real intrinsic value of your risk taking ability.

    See ..the dogma and philosophy called "Male Expendability and Disposability"

    Do I need to make an appointment to Dr. Phil or Steve Wilkos to learn how to become a properly authorized and sanctioned "Victim" and thereby get life without work and without risk????

    You do know of what I am you not......POST SHTF or TEOTWAWKI.....welfare systems!!??? Yes??


    Thanks for your post,


    Not an Ishmaelite.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2019
    TMT Tactical and Sonofliberty like this.
  14. Sonofliberty

    Sonofliberty Master Survivalist

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    Simple answer #MGTOW. Unless she is my mother, daughter or S/O, the answer is no. Especially if she is some dimwitted SJW or voted dhimmrat. Honestly, unless they are one of the 3 categories mentioned above I don't much care what they want. Especially if she was a feminazi or SJW. There would be exceptions for group members of either sex, no dhimmirats allowed, or very close friends of either sex. If you are just asking about some random woman met on the road, she is not my problem.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  15. Sonofliberty

    Sonofliberty Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    This was posted in the ladies section where we are not supposed to reply:
    I noticed that no ladies replied and the OP herself never gave her opinion. Why is this?
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  16. pacmantacman

    pacmantacman Expert Member

    Blog Posts:
    I appreciate taking the time to respond. Good cop/bad cop?
  17. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Holy crap! I'd best stay out of this!

    But I can't ...

    I've a woman friend who is a light colonel. As instructor, I've helped females get their expert's marksmanship badge in riflery. My dad's mom kept a revolver about. She'd part your hair with it. My wife has met me at the door after I was coming home post-2nd shift -- she met me with rifle in her hands. "Something I said, dear?" She'd gotten a phone threat. "You did right, sweetheart!"

    That said, women do not have as much aggression in them as do men. It isn't a good thing, but many men enjoy, even for recreational reasons, hurting other men. In fighting interlopers and overt attackers, having more than just the will to kill comes in handy for the good guys.
    TMT Tactical and Sonofliberty like this.
  18. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:
    My wife is probably more likely to shoot someone than I am. I raised my daughter such that she has no need of a man to protect her. Honor, as I was raised to believe in, is dying and in the younger generation almost dead. As a man as I was raised, it is my HONOR to defend the weak and helpless. Honor, as long as I live, will not be totally dead. My father will not ever have to hang his head in shame because I was a coward and too afraid to do as my honor calls me to do. I will kill the evil just as fast as I will defend those worthy of my defense. I will defend a LADY because I am a Gentleman.

    I beat a man half to death one time for tripping a retarded person and laughing at him and made him cry. When I was done the a$$hole was crying and the retarded man had his just revenge. No matter the cost, I will not allow the evil to walk in my presence unchallenged.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2019
  19. Oldguy

    Oldguy Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Tex you will be hard put to ever come across a "Lady" any more. As of the 90's they are an almost extinct species.
    Most every western female has by the time they get tothier teens been turned into a feminist if not a full blown Feminazi.

    If you come across one can you record the time, date, location and a photo or two for historical reference please:D
    Old Geezer and Sonofliberty like this.
  20. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    when I see some of the crime reports in the newspapers it seems women these days are more aggressive than the men and they have no "off" switch.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  21. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I disagree....Olde Geezer....

    Women can be just as aggressive as men...but they apply it by different techniques and or rationale than do most men or males.

    Think Subtlety.

    Just because a woman does not hunt and gather as does a male ..does not mean she is not hunting and gathering.
    And she is very very well aware of competition from other females in the field...and on a level which may escape the view or thinking of many males.

    Women tend towards having a radar which works on a different level or frequency than that of most males. And thus is this applied to their brand of problem solving.

    There is some truth to this ...for on this thread.

    I have been casting out the bait for pacmantacman and ready to set the hook for what I consider to be a dumb post...particularly in lieu of the absence of any replies on his other thread in the Ladies section.
    There is a reason for the absence of replies.

    I have seen a number of posts on this forum since being here and causing me to ask the question...

    "Is someone using this forum and doing a survey..... taking data for someone or some group out there.??"

    A data taker to speak. Sampling trends....cataloging ideas...thoughts...for someone.

    Well...enough of that.
    Gotta make haste now.


    Not an Ishmaelite.
    Sonofliberty likes this.
  22. Tsavo

    Tsavo Well-Known Member

    Blog Posts:
    Hey Pacman

    Interesting question, with multiple answers, some in the realm where angels fear to tread!

    The modern liberated female may require no assistance at all from their male counterpart.

    In fact, depending on mindset, as well as the ability to effectively execute the application of training to crisis-related situations, the female may indeed exceed the performance of her gender opposite.

    I am of the opinion that gender plays a minor role, that role relating only to the general acceptance that on average, male physiology is more "rugged" than female physiology.

    At odds with the physical, is that emotionally, males are genetically hardwired to perform a “protective” role. In addition, the fact that human society has laboured for millennia under a system of patriarchal rule exacerbates matters further.

    I have heard (hearsay), that it is for this reason, that the female combatant is generally excluded from frontline actions, as the male combatant may compromise methodical decision making for that of emotive decision making, which may, in effect, lead to mission compromise.

    As I recall, the issue of the female combatant gave me pause for thought when I watched the 1997 action film “G.I. Jane”

    Closer to home, and on a personal level, My mind is a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, each time my wife and I arrive home and perform our standard perimeter check.

    I am better equipped than my partner, to manage a hostage situation. To that end, I cannot be the first in.

    My elimination is certain to result in the termination of my partner, whereas the seizure of my partner will allow the execution of options.

    The terminator between cold logic and genetic programming is dangerously thin. It is gut-wrenching to watch my wife enter our perimeter, knowing that she is first in the line of fire, but such are the trade-offs when living WROL.
    Morgan101 and pacmantacman like this.
  23. pacmantacman

    pacmantacman Expert Member

    Blog Posts:
    You think I’m working for someone to capture your ideas?
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2019
  24. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:
    Maybe you need to leave where you are and come to Texas. We have a lot of ladies here. They may not be the weak-kneed wimps of the past but they are still ladies and respond to gentlemen. I open the door for ladies and some I mistakenly misidentified but the real ladies are always a pleasure. They smile. offer a nod to me. and thank me. I open the door for them though, not because they are ladies, rather I do it because I am a gentleman.

    Something that I have noticed is that as more and more ladies have started carrying guns they have returned to a more gentle and sweet nature. They don't have to look and act tough to feel safe anymore. They are armed and have very little to fear. Once again the guns have made all people equal and Texas ladies are loving it.
  25. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    You posted...

    The thought has occurred to me ..and not just from you but by others in the tenor and pattern of some of the questions posted here.

    A lot of fishing in the questions.

    I tend to watch for patterns ....out here among the wildlife.

    This by Tsavo..

    I don't necessarily agree with at all.

    Most modern liberated females of whom I know will draw the line at certain risk taking wherein they might be physically marred and or scarred and lowering or losing their physical characteristics/beauty traits and thus lower their value against other females competing in the marketplace for males.

    This is almost never spoken about in public in any of the feminist articles for what it is....primordial competition.

    And it is one of the reasons pacmantacman has not received any replies in his other thread in the ladies section.

    Women do not generally put Light on this MO which is why I am astonished that the question was even asked.
    In SHTF or TEOTWAWKI ...this question will never come women.
    They obviously understand far more about it than do the males.

    I agree with this statement in only one Tsavo...

    And that aspect is in generally being superior in getting someone else to take risks out of life for themselves and their run the touchdown or goal for them...without them risking and yet receiving the fruits.

    This is not a sign to me of a patriarchal society....but a matriarchal society....concealed and hidden as a patriarchal society.

    In case some of you cannot make the connection this kind of feminine behaviors......getting others to take risks out of life for someone else gratis......also travels today under the name of "Politics."

    Be Warned.

    Oh...and this works and happens most often in economically advanced social structures...not in third world economies.
    This too is mostly avoided by todays feminists.

    The male is indeed hardwired to perform a protective role...risk taking......but subtlety is often not his strong suit..versus the female.

    The female may perform a protective role..but usually and most often for the children..not for the male.

    This is gender roles....and will not change no matter how much education the female receives. And it plays a huge huge role in how thinking becomes action. And females do not generally want this out in the open. Again one reasons pacmantacman
    had not received any replies. Male expendability and disposability.

    Male expendability and disposability is not a sign of a Patriarchal is a sign or symptom of a concealed Matriarchal society.

    It also means equality is not happening and never will happen. Equality is politics for votes. Another well known name for such whoredom. non Ishmelite .02,
    Sonofliberty and TMT Tactical like this.
  26. pacmantacman

    pacmantacman Expert Member

    Blog Posts:
    Watcherchris the reason for my question is fundamental to security and safety, that is to get everyone on the same page, the same OODA loop if possible. So in the moment OODA loops are not going in opposite directions. As in, the man thinks he’s expected to or is compelled to do one thing. But the woman is expecting or wanting something different. It’s a great topic to explore that could prevent a lot of unnecessary loss of life and bad decisions making.

    In regard to the women not responding. The reality is this form is by far not the first group of women I have posed the question to and generally I get a lot of feed back. So I certainly am not reading too much into the silence on this one occasion. However others can draw their own conclusions.
  27. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    OODA loop....Wow...!!!

    John Boyd's OODA loop???

    I think you mean herding you not..Herding in the same OODA loop???

    I just noticed you did not get any answers from women on this forum as I know not what other forums on which you post.

    I've Read Robert Coram"s book on John Boyd and the OODA loop but I don't think John Boyd was a keen observer on women.

    You might want to try a book by a fellow who was at one time a member of NOW....named..Warren Ferrall. Warren Ferrall also has several videos on U Tube on this topic...

    His book is titled...."Why Men Are The Way They Are" and also covers the concept of running touchdowns very well or running for the goal post. Also picking up on a woman's clues and cues to run touchdowns or goals for her and children.

    You also might want to study a book titled "Sex and Power in History " by Amaury De Riencourt. Very interesting in what it tells of such things in the west and even behind the iron curtain nations.

    Not an Ishmaelite
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  28. pacmantacman

    pacmantacman Expert Member

    Blog Posts:
    Watcherchris it seems like you have strong opinions on the subject.
  29. Tsavo

    Tsavo Well-Known Member

    Blog Posts:
    Thank you, Watcherchris, for setting me straight.
    I am no longer in any doubt as to any perceived value I may have as an expendable and disposable male of the species.
    You are, of course, quite correct in stating that the issue at hand, is prevalent only in "economically advanced social structures"....why, here, we have barely climbed out of the trees! I apologize if I was just a little too "uppity"
    Being new here, I am not yet quite sure of all the rules......Is it OK with you if I still correspond with Pacmantacman?....I wouldn't want to offend.
    pacmantacman likes this.
  30. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Oh..certainly ...I do not control with whom others correspond. You are certainly free to so do...and no offense taken.

    Disagreement or agreement is not for me to take offense. I can disagree and agree without taking offense.

    Working in this must needs have thick skin ..or the other workers will try to put you into a corner and watch you squirm in discomfort.

    No problem on being new to this forum...and welcome.

    You know took me some time to recognize that the feminist template works mostly in nations and people with more advanced and diversified economies....producing a plethora of goods and services. For only the more economically advanced nations can afford such ignorance and survive. Life is much more difficult on both males and females in less developed nations.

    South Africa....ahhh...ok...I see now...the relationship to the name you use here...Tsavo.....very good.


    I do indeed...

    As I stated to Tsavo...I work in a shipyard and as a result often take serious risk/risks for my monies.

    I have no intention of taking first place risks for my monies and coming in second, third, or fourth place to feminism or whatever nonsense governments or social engineers are want to foist off on us as Enlightenment today.

    I do not live a television and or movie life....which is why I found the GI Jane comment to be nonsense. That stuff works well in movies and television ..but in real seldom find females trying out for the most hazardous...death or maiming involved occupations....and then spending their hard earned monies to take care of a male.

    The willingness of the male to take care of his woman and children often at great one of the greatest adaptations in the history of humans...and the feminists act as if it means nothing. Also here this often includes taking care of his woman and children from the grave...with some level of security blanket.

    The feminists will only survive by subtlety....and mostly in economically affluent social structures/economies. In those places they do not have to risk as much as women in undeveloped nations.

    Ask yourself a question pacmantacman. ....a serious question of women of equality.

    What security blanket do women traditionally preserve, pay for, or insure for the male should they perish first????

    I mean feminists believe in equality do they not????

    This is an important clue as to values and thinking....and the actions to follow.

    Are the women/feminists looking for that much equality???

    I mean here that the male of the species runs around with a perpetual "Oil Shortage mentality" and seeks to constantly strike oil....hence the female must, in equality, be working to pay for and preserve a males sexual security blanket/oil shortage.... should she perish first....yes???

    Do the feminist believe in that much equality????

    Be careful of emotions....pacmantacman.

    If you notice today ....much of leadership appeals to emotions ....and not to thinking.

    This is an important clue that someone out here is appealing to the feminine... not the masculine.....even to feminized males.

    Male Expendability and Disposability.

    Politics is quite feminine once you know....even Occult....hidden and concealed.

    John Boyd and his OODA loop did not go here.

    Thanks to all for their posts,

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical and Sonofliberty like this.
  31. pacmantacman

    pacmantacman Expert Member

    Blog Posts:
    I don’t have the slightest clue on what you are reading from me that is causing you to draw the conclusions about me that you have determined?
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  32. Morgan101

    Morgan101 Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    If I really think this through I would say "no" I would not protect a woman. or a man for that matter. I will qualify this by saying it is a woman, or man I do not know. If the incident escalated to where me or mine could be harmed then I would intervene. If two people are having an altercation, regardless of gender, my first inclination is to stay out of it, not intervene, and take sides.
  33. pacmantacman

    pacmantacman Expert Member

    Blog Posts:
    General staying out of third party disputes is wisdom. Although there are alternatives to full blown physical intervention. For instance simply making it overt to everyone that you are observing the incident to be a good witness can cause a lot of attacks to end.

    However I’m not completely referring to third party incidents. Female friends or acquaintances are the main focus of my question. Third party intervention is relevant to the question, however complex enough to add many distracting variables.
    Morgan101 likes this.
  34. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Don't get upset here...but I know that.

    No problem.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  35. pacmantacman

    pacmantacman Expert Member

    Blog Posts:
    You know that?
  36. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:
    Well, this thread has wandered off into the odd...

    Chris you asked,
    ""Is someone using this forum and doing a survey..... taking data for someone or some group out there.??"
    A data taker to speak. Sampling trends....cataloging ideas...thoughts...for someone.

    I don't think of it as a survey per se but I like the spread of opinions offered here and yes I do sort of catalog ideas. If I wasn't interested in what you, or anyone, has to say I would simply stop reading your posts.

    Tsavo, You said,
    ""Working in this must needs have thick skin ..or the other workers will try to put you into a corner and watch you squirm in discomfort.""

    Why do you think this? I worked as an Inside Machinist for alomst15 years in a big shipyard building and repairing ships and offshore drilling rigs. I loved it and had the oil industry not crashed in the 80s I might have stayed there. I guess we were a pretty hearty group but also kind and caring. If someone got hurt or had a family problem we all were good about collecting some donations to help them out. Most of us were skilled craftsman and were pretty intelligent. Are shipyards where you live so different?

    About the Women...

    Women today are in a state of change. More of them that are older were raised by women that might as well have come from another planet. Even the younger generations have almost no guidance that is experience-based because prior to the late 1950s the world that women lived in today had NEVER existed before.

    Before the invention of the pill women basically had two choices. They could live a celibate life or they could get married and spend the next 30 years or so raising kids. Rich, poor, smart or dumb as a stump if men and women got together babies happened. There WERE various "techniques" to try and reduce the numbers but none of them were as dependable as the pill. Some Catholic friends of my parents religiously practiced rotation to try and not have sex at the most fertile times. that way they only had 6 kids. Another Catholic friend of my Mothers had 17 kids.

    It is hard to almost impossible to have a career when you never know when you are going to get pregnant and when you have bunches of kids you HAVE a career! Women had to be a lot more careful about playing the fields because a pregnancy out of wedlock was a serious problem.

    Men protect women because in a primitive society if you lose 5 men your tribe only lost 5 members. If you lost 5 women you lost the women and the children that they would have added to the tribe. You weren't protecting just the woman you were protecting your tribe. Men were easily replaced and you wouldn't notice their loss in the next generation. These are just the realities that people lived with for thousands of years. We are not going to change overnight just because things have changed in our culture.

    The place of women in the Western culture is changing. Get used to it men...that means things are going to change for us too. More and more boys are being raised by their Mothers because their Dads took a hike. Those boys are not going to be like men of my generation. I was raised to believe that my word was my bond and unbreakable...Women were raised and told that a woman always has the right to "change her mind". This is just one of the things that is causing changes. Hang on you younger guys, you have a rough road ahead of you...When women truly decide that they don't need you it is going to get rough.

  37. Morgan101

    Morgan101 Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Given that scenario, friends or acquaintances being the main focus, then "yes". I would intervene. I would never want to see a friend get hurt, especially if I could do something to prevent it.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  38. pacmantacman

    pacmantacman Expert Member

    Blog Posts:
    I’m almost entertained by the fact that if I give an opinion I’m “preaching” and if I ask an opinion I’m “data mining.” But for the sake of “why not” I’ll throw my 2 cents in.

    I do believe as a man my job is to shield women from harm when it’s reasonable to do so. To at times even take great risk and sacrifice even when it isn’t totally appreciated by some “modern woman.”

    This certainly extends to friends and family but also when clarity exists to make a good decision absolutely to complete strangers. Living and remaining uninjured is NOT my highest priority.

    This responsibility to women’s safety extends to being available to train them and teach them to look after themselves when I am not around. Which I like will not be, because men typically wait until a woman is isolated, which further validates the value of being present and available as a protector when possible.

    In regard to women’s thoughts on the matter I have personally spoken to a great number of women on this topic. Of course they all have a unique theologies on the subject. However most will at least admit that if a male friend is present they are essentially left alone by other men. To the point it eliminates almost all harassment, cat calls and attempts to chat them up, approach them in general and even greatly reduces creepy eye contact. And reduces the chances of sexual assault to almost zero.

    Most have expressed gratitude for a males willingness to protect them. I’m sure there are some who will answer politically on the subject but I find most women are practical when answering straight forward questions on the subject.
  39. Oldguy

    Oldguy Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I used to be a "Gentleman" but experience has taught me otherwise

    Saved a girl from getting abducted, a week later I had to get a restraining order to get rid of her.
    Saved a girl from some druggie, when cops arrived they found a little baggie in my side pocket, bitch!
    Saved a girl from getting beat up by partner with BBBat turned by back on her while calling cops and got slugged by her with BBBat, put her on her arse, nearly charged, lieing bitch.

    Helped a girl with a broken down car, giving her a lift to town she put a knife to my throat, wanted my car, phone and wallet
    Interrogated for six hours by police, part my fault as I had duct taped her head to the headrest and hands to dash handgrip.

    Common theme here is "GIRL" and "TROUBLE"
    I now mind my own business and stay a long way away from girls
    Not interested period!
    Sonofliberty and TMT Tactical like this.
  40. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    as a child and as a teenager I was brought up to respect women, but these days I see very little to respect and generally mind my own business.
  41. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    The role of women in economically affluent social structures..nations is indeed changing.

    What was once somewhat functional is becoming dysfunctional between the sexes.

    This will last only as long as does the economic affluence last.

    A sampling of this dysfunction, carefully hidden and concealed from us here in the states...a sort of preview of coming attractions, is what is happening between the sexes in England and Australia.

    The disposability and expendability of the male is much further advanced in those nations as the social structure becomes more and more feminized.

    And the politics in social engineering is catering to this template to maintain the feminized vote.

    You are about to see this go into full swing in this up and coming election here stateside in 2020 as the very feminized left tries more and more and more and more free on the government give away program after another to buy votes in this election.

    Someone is going to have to pay for this.;..meaning someone will be paying twice or more and others not at all....but receiving someone else,s largess without work and without risks.

    That one of the tell tales signs of the feminizing of a people and nation.....someone must pay and risk...and others get it for free...for political

    It becomes a type of redistribution program or policy by government.

    I do not intend to become "Expendable and Disposable" for every female with children who has not prepared. Males too.

    Probably better described as "High Maintenance Victims."

    Don't get me wrong here...I also have little use for "Two Legged Wildlife" but on the other end there is also what I am describing..High Maintenance types.

    One can work and risk ones self to death over such...and then ones group will be left barren ..unprotected.

    Oh....and England and Australia are making/remaking themselves in the feminine....they choose to follow....disposable and expendable to something very very destructive and they will only realize it when it is too late.

    It will come here too...if the very feminine left has it's way ...socially and politically ...the difference here being that we are for now..... still armed.
    And someone in this whorish...perverted ...upside down system is trying very very hard and subtly to change that we are still armed...physically as well as mentally and spiritually.

    The pill..........LOL LOL LOL LOL.

    Between the pill and abortion ...the female of the species is making her traditional role obsolete....leaving only her value as a predictable, controllable , malleable, puppet on the string

    And remember...this structure is trying very hard to feminize the males.

    Women have always tried to change their minds.....
    Difference was that in the olde days fewer men put up with it or tried out for women's approval as such.

    The changes in women you are describing are to me Ishmael. Same with the feminine political /social structure.

    My thanks to all for their posts,


    Not an Ishmaelite.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2019
    TMT Tactical and Sonofliberty like this.
  42. Tsavo

    Tsavo Well-Known Member

    Blog Posts:
    Hey Tex, remember the 11th commandment. Thou shalt not allocate to Tsavo, those statements which he did not make!
    The statement to which you refer originates from Watcherchris. My spell-checker would have a meltdown! I have a huge smile on my face as I write this. Anyhow, no harm, no foul.
  43. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:
    OOOoooops, my bad. Sorry for the misquote. That is what I call either a senior moment or a brain fart. When you get old it seems to happen more often. My spell-checker is in a constant state of meltdown. I can't seem to get the feel for this keyboard and the space key and the shift key seem to require a more forceful stroke than my older laptop keyboard required.

    Pacmantacmanyou said, ""I’m almost entertained by the fact that if I give an opinion I’m “preaching” and if I ask an opinion I’m “data mining.” But for the sake of “why not” I’ll throw my 2 cents in.""

    Preaching is GOOD. It means that you have firm feelings about a subject and have thought about it enough to have lots to say on a subject. I have a folding soapbox that I carry all the time in case I feel the need to get on my soapbox and preach.

    Data mining??? Isn't that a description of healthy curiosity?? I'm an info-junkie and am data mining almost all the time.
    TMT Tactical and Tsavo like this.
  44. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I don't spend a lot of time rescuing or protecting women or women and children as did I in my younger more foolish days.

    I found out that one of the worst things you can let certain women do know that you have certain experiences with using tools and also a pick up truck.

    They are always stereotyping ....asking you to help them repair stuff or to move. And some of them move constantly.

    Get a U haul woman!!! I'm busy watching Television, movies, or out in my garage or fishing.

    When you get moved and set up.....invite me over for dinner.

    I learned quickly to screen my phone calls for some of them....high maintenance.

    This will be far far worse with this caliber of women and even with their High Maintenance children in SHTF or TEOTWAWKI.

    My non Ishmatlie .02,

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  45. Oldguy

    Oldguy Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Arh yes the feminization of weak males is sad, but again it lets the weak expose themselves and the strong know who the enemy is.
    Sadly many males surrender there manhood and authority to there wife, it is a sad thing to see.
    It usually starts by the wife isolating the husband then bombarding him with female speak forcing him to think like a female if he wants a conversation or sex or anything really. I have seen it happen several times now, missed it the first time but I readily recognise it now
    I really pity them but it is there own weakness that has allowed it to happen

    One case I know of is that the woman had her female friends around flirting with her man, he quickly abandoned his male friends to be tittilated by his womans friends and the feminization started, ( he never actually gets anything from them other than making a pathetic fool of him )he quickly became very concous of his appearance, his weight, his manners and his words, now after eight years he is a girl with a dick.
    Once a year he gets his set for a camp with a few old mates where he tries to make up for being a pussy all year and go's overboard with the macho bit and shooting. He used to feel like family but I have had to part ways less I catch the same disease.
    TMT Tactical and Sonofliberty like this.
  46. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    I guess that this is a regional thing. In Texas, we actually have a lot of really nice ladies. I have never even heard of anyone that has had the kind of troubles that Old Geezer describes. Some young women are ill-mannered but even they seem to outgrow that. I don't think that I would be able to live someplace where all the women were evil sluts and the men avoided them. In general, the women that I know are a very independent and self-sufficient sort and none of them would be a good person to mess with. That said, this doesn't mean that they can't act like a lady. In general where I live you mostly get back what you give. If you act like a gentleman the women act like ladies and if you act like an ass they will kick you.
    TMT Tactical and Sonofliberty like this.
  47. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:
    As far as the feminization of men that is simple. I have always said that basically how men act is mostly in line with what the women want. Men act like cavemen because they think that is what women want. In Highschool who had the girls following them around? Was it the guys in the chess club and poetry club or the football players that in general treated women as things more than as people?

    The metrosexual male is simply a result of more aggressive self-assured women that want males that don't always try to top them. If suddenly the women decided that men in tutus were the sexiest thing in the world and the guys in tutus were getting all the attention of the pretty lasses then young men would be wearing tutus.

    Older men are less affected by this sort of stuff and make fun of the actions of the younger guys. My Dad was sure that males wearing their hair long was a sign of weakness and maybe homosexuality. The fact was my long hair got me a lot of attention from the ladies. I never was a hippie, I was a long haired redneck long before Wayland and Willie. It worked for me...

    I have little doubt that if I had thought that acting prissy and sort of feminine would have gotten me more attention from the ladies that I probably would have done that. Boys and young men spend all their time trying to get more attention from the ladies and are mostly sex driven.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  48. Oldguy

    Oldguy Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    OMG Sissification has even invaded this place, sorry tex but you have been infected, you need to get a Testosterone shot or two!
    Your whole post assumes females are in control get a grip and "MAN" up! that's part of the problem.:eek:
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  49. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I like and prefer the company of women more than do I the company of men and males. I prefer the company of certain kinds of females.

    But dating older women taught me something for which I am certain it was not intended for me to learn.

    I have no intention or enjoyment in sitting around with a bunch of males drinking. I am not against drink...just against stupidity. And I can do stupidity quite well when sober and alone.

    I also do not like drunken women. Been round my share of them....and find them quickly tiring....even disgusting. Males too.

    What older women taught me without intending to so that there is no oil shortage out here. And a knowledgeable male need not spend a lot of time trying out for female approval and pick up on her clues and cues in order to strike oil.

    It is very important for a young man to be able to handle himself in the "Oil Shortage Department" because sooner or later most women and or females will try an ages olde strategy or trick to increase their value to a male by getting him to jump for them by a verbal strategy...hinting at a Oil Shortage.

    They will come up with a verbal line which goes like this......

    "You come to me for only one thing!!!"

    It is very very important at this very point let these women and or females know that you are not playing that game or interested in being maneuvered by an artificially created "Oil Shortage." This because if you do not set them straight.....they will manipulate you using said strategy.

    What I taught a number of young men to do is cut these women off right there and then...and this works because women and females understand the concept of competition far more intensely and personally than do males.

    I am so proud of a number of males and their feedback to me of what happened. Their females were not prepared for what happened to them and never tried this with these males/men again....never.

    They will try other strategies but not this one again.

    The guys told their women point blank that they could stop that nonsense....right now!!!
    For they knew several women who would gladly come over and take off their clothes just to let these women know/prove to these women that they were not sitting on the only one in town.

    Oil Shortage mentality is a powerful inducement to a weak and unthinking male....trying out and often running touchdowns or to the goal post for female approval.

    Once these men knew how to take care of this ...strategy ...these women never again tried it with them.

    How much are you as a male willing to run touchdowns or for the goal post for a woman or even a woman and children with little to offer you outside of "Oil." Few real life skills...outside of their maintenance requirements that someone else take the "Risks" out of life for them....or even protect them..and their maintenance requirements.

    Particularly once you know there is no "Oil Shortage " out here.

    A woman may offer me "Oil" but that is only " In addition to a real genuine intrinsic value or commodity."
    Oil alone is not it.

    This is where many males get sissified if they do not learn how to handle it.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2019
    TMT Tactical and Sonofliberty like this.
  50. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:

    Oldguy, are you so old that you don't remember what it was like to be a teenage boy??? Be honest, if it would get you in a girl's pants you would have been all for it almost whatever it was. Some men never outgrow that level of need and can't ever keep their trouser worm out of trouble. I found out young that women talk about wanting a man to be sensitive but then have no use for them. I was a mean SOB when I was young. The ladies liked the bad boy more than the poet so that is what I offered them. I grew up though and am much more gentle-natured than I used to be... BUT I STILL will kill a man without thought of worry if he tries to harm me or mine.

    I have always written poetry. I hid it because my Dad didn't like it and thought it was queer. I think his proudest moment of me was when I knocked out three seperate boys in one football game. One was taken to the hospital. I have a 147 IQ and he wanted me on a football field and not acting like a pussy. I really couldn't give a rats fat ass what people think now. If I'm feminine I am the biggest, ugliest, and, meanest bitch that you have ever seen... and my wife of 45 years is an even meaner bitch than me.
    Sonofliberty and TMT Tactical like this.
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