Men Should You Protect Women?

Discussion in 'Mental Preparedness' started by pacmantacman, Apr 20, 2019.

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  1. pacmantacman

    pacmantacman Expert Member

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    What does getting in their pants have to do with offering your strength and protection against physical danger?
  2. Oldguy

    Oldguy Master Survivalist

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    Oldguy, are you so old that you don't remember what it was like to be a teenage boy??? Be honest,

    To be honest I remember but a bit fuzzy now:(

    I never changed to get female attention, I was just me, no shortage of females chasing me and I rarely chased any female.
    As a teen I fit well into the tall dark and hansome mould if a bit salty. I learnt early what females were like due to long ears:)
    I found the less I chased women the more they chased me but that is all history for me now I am just left with memories the big "C"saw to that. I have learnt more about the big game as a spectator than I ever did as a player:D seeing and speaking the truth as I see it gets me branded a woman hater but I am actually a feminist hater
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  3. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    Every mans dream... to be 18 again but with all the knowledge that you have in your old age. I was really lucky with my lady though. We met when she was 15 and I was 19 and it has been nothing but good ever since. I never had any trauma in my love life or with women in general.

    Nobody much likes a Feminazi but nowadays they are few and far in-between where I live. Strong women don't bother me a bit though. I didn't have enough sense and marry money but I sent my wife to college and she has supported me in the style I wished to have ever since.
  4. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I've had one or two women who wanted to change me but they never lasted long, what you see is what you get, my wife realised that when we met over 20 years ago and that's probably why we've lasted this long, the longest I've been with any woman so we must be doing something right.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  5. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    I've been thinking about this Texdanm...from your post above. It got my gears to thinking about a Hoax....a falsehood...or more formally a "Legal Fiction....Fiction of Law."

    You do you not......that this is a description of a Matriarchal Society....not a Patriarchal Society.
    This puts what the women's groups are falsely declaring as a Hoax...a Legal much of what tries to pass for politics and leadership today.

    And remember ....there are more and more women rising to leadership positions today. What are they going to be presenting to the public as facts and the solution to these issues??

    What most women want is a "Man." Not a man they can control and manipulate constantly. Most of them quickly tire of a man they can control and manipulate....who will constantly try out for their approval like a lap dog.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,

    Last edited: Apr 27, 2019
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  6. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    I must have missed this in your post before posting my last. My apologies for that.

    You are not possibly serious in asking this question of males??? Are you???

    I am given to ask myself what are you possibly thinking here in the OP of this thread and continuing.

    You seem want to make an assumption here which for the thinking male is not valid.

    And that assumption is that a male is socially required to risk life and limb...for a womans comfort, safety, and piece of matter what the circumstances...but remember....equaity is happening out here....and we keep getting this shoved down our throats by "Progressives."

    Now....pacmantacman.. I am going to take the liberty here...of offering a line of thought forbidden to most males today in lieu of the social defaults you are want to imply here in your threads..and I have taught this to a number of young men including this bit about how to handle an oil shortage mentality woman. cover charge..

    The most valuable commodity any woman or female can bring to a man who "Peace....not Piece!!!"

    Understand now?????

    This is the one line of thought forbidden to most males today and also most females.

    And if the Male does not would the female ever know or even care???? This verses her ability to manipulate the male through an oil shortage to keep the goods and services coming ...without risk and even without work????

    Remember the deep dark secret to Occult Politics....."No one sees what we do!!"

    Peace requires real commitment and understanding from a woman........Piece does not and often requires only "The Appearance of Commitment."

    This is very much and closely akin to how a politician works. Appearances.

    Do you for one minute think that todays woman is going to settle for "The Appearance of Commitment???"

    Why would a man be stupid enough to settle for the same..yet many do ....for Piece and do not seem to know the differernce.

    Only a male with an Oil Shortage can be this naturally stupid...but many are ...indeed.
    Most women tend to be smarter in this arena than are the males.

    Peace is the most long lasting and valuable commodity a woman can bring to a man...not Piece.

    And Peace requires much much more commitment from a woman than does Piece.

    Now...pacmantacman I am going to take this back to your statement in your OP on this thread..

    In am posting the thought or concept appear to me to be non open ended in general discussion...not open ended. Just making note of it. the man who knows.....rescuing or saving women or women and children ...time after time not my definition of Peace.

    Got it now.???

    I am not against Chivalry or such but I am against stupidity.

    Remember something here today pacmantacman.....todays modern woman is doing everything a man can do and doing a better job of it..says the bill boards/adverstising of the feminists.

    These women should be rescuing me and or "Flashdancing " me out of my difficulties and equalilty...correct???

    In like manner to what I said or stated to Texdanm...

    The feminists have deliberately turned what was once functional into dysfunction. And in SHTF or TEOTWAWKI is going to show rapidly.

    Though we will disagree in many arenas I am in agreement with Olde Guy here...

    Older women taught me that just because a woman does not hunt and gather as does a does not mean that she is not hunting and gathering. The second lesson older women have taught me and for which I am ever grateful.

    My lady friend of many many years passed last February...

    It did not take long for the word to get out among certain women. I have been a bit stunned to find women plopping into my lap...physically ....once the word got out that the marketplace had changed in availability.
    Perhaps in grief...but the reality is that I should not have been surprised....knowing what I have learned from older women.

    Don't think for one minute that as a male that you are the hunter gatherer. Women can be quite efficient hunter gatherers in their own right...and or methods.

    Peace...pacmantacman... not Piece.

    This translates into .......I am not expendable or disposable for women or women and children because they have not prepared and they believe it is some kind of default setting ..automatic...

    This ...good times or bad.

    As I also stated of the worst things I can do is let a woman or a woman with children know I have a pickup truck and know how to use tools. The results are not Peaceful.

    I get the same results, feelings, sentiments watching these leftist politicians declaring their next giveaway programs on the public purse for votes while..expecting someone else to pay for it and someone else gets it for free.....because they are "Victims."
    It is the same social you are describing in your OP.

    Not peaceful ..and expendable and disposable.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2019
    Sonofliberty likes this.
  7. pacmantacman

    pacmantacman Expert Member

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    I didn’t make my decisions about being a warrior by learning from old ladies! Equality is a discussion for “modern men” over a cup of overpriced coffee, and should have nothing to do with how Men deal with violence. Progressive thinking may have been shoved down your throat but it seems to have taken root in your theology of risk.

    As for me deserve has nothing to do with it. Do I ever deserve to be injured or killed by any unwarranted violence? No. Not under any circumstances.

    However, I am extremely anti-violence and will not tolerate it in my presence. Stopping violence and protecting people from violence is who I am. That definitely includes women. Does that expose me to great risk? Yes often it does. Have I risked my life for people who even hate me? A multitude of times. We all live our lives as we choose. As far as being expendable? There are just actions and consequences, sometimes good, sometimes bad. I’ve accepted that.
    poltiregist likes this.
  8. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Wow pacmantacman!!!! ,

    What an insult to women ..even olde I stated...what are you thinking here???

    Equality ...violence...Wow!! Equality is what you impress on someone else through violence to let them know they are not equal to you...understand??? But thinking people hope it never goes this far.

    Theology of risk......Wow!!!

    The fingerprint of Progressives is always to get someone else to underwrite the risks in life for their votes and power.

    In case you missed it..this is very very feminine conduct...and not equality.

    This requires making some people expendable and disposable for others...big time.

    For those who know this is sometimes called..."Politics."

    There is also something very akin to this called social/sexual politics and it is covered extensively by authors such as Warren Farrell.

    Why Men Earn More..

    Why Men Are The Way They Are.

    Oh...while I am at it...I work in a shipyard an outside machinist. I have worked on these Nuclear Submarines and also Nuclear Air Craft Carriers....including handling the uranium fuel cells to be installed in the reactors...including installing them. What are you going to teach me about RISK???? I too accept that I am journeying into a arena that can become very rapidly well as dangerous ..every day.

    While these females are trying to maneuver me to take the risks out of life for them do you believe for one minute they are examining the RISKS I have taken to learn how to do this ...or do they just want to be "Flashdanced" through these problems????

    You are presenting the wrong idea here..posing the wrong question....very feminine of you. Much akin to a politician.

    The view I am presenting for consideration is a time of equality do males deserve to be made socially expendable and disposable by default....for a woman or a woman and her children's comfort levels...???

    I too am extremely anti violent...and will choose my time and place to become violent...or not. It is not something determined by someone else's beliefs or defaults...someone else's religious zeal or beliefs.

    You handle it according to your beliefs...bon appetite.

    I just believe differently about expendability and disposability...and do not believe at all in equality. I think it is a hoax...akin to climate change...pure politics for the purpose of Herding people so that someone can put others into social economic bondage while others reap the benefits of this bondage.

    I have no use for such Ishmaelite practices.

    Not an Ishmaelite
    Sonofliberty and TMT Tactical like this.
  9. pacmantacman

    pacmantacman Expert Member

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    Based on all available evidence? I doubt you will learn one single thing from me.
    watcherchris likes this.
  10. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    I believe I can agree with your statement above based on your OP on this thread.

    When you can come up with something reasonably intelligent and not hinting of Male Expendability and Disposability....or trying out for approval, touchdowns, or goal posts.....I might be able to learn something from you.

    Till then keep plugging away. One day you may learn about Salt...not just OODA loop thinking.


    Not an Ishmaelite.
    Sonofliberty likes this.
  11. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

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    Okay, I will bite --- what is SALT? AND for the jokers, not the table item. :p
  12. pacmantacman

    pacmantacman Expert Member

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    I saw a man stand by for five solid long minutes while his girlfriend was cut and slashed with a knife by her ex, before I finally showed up and stopped him. She is permanently and deeply scared. Five minutes!

    You talk of getting peace through not being manipulated by women in social settings. Really that’s your experience with unrest? Trivial. In my world the peace is often kept by good men taking action against real bad actors. It’s not about touchdowns, favor, politics or browny points.

    We come from different worlds. Save yourself watcherchris but don’t pretend it’s an enlightened viewpoint to let other innocent people be victimized. I’m sure you will live to a ripe old age and be popular with the ladies.
  13. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

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    Why should a man OR woman risk life, limb or permanent disfigurement for somebody not part of their social. family group?
    Sonofliberty likes this.
  14. pacmantacman

    pacmantacman Expert Member

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    In regard to the theoretical it’s empathy, or in some cases an actual love for others even if they are strangers. Or even the selfish “do unto others.” You would want someone to come to the aid of your family in your absence, so you do for others.

    In application it becomes context based and more complex. There is a lot of territory between the extremes of A. Intervening from a position of advantage with very little personal risk to B. A full blown martyr complex. This is for everyone to work out.

    Third party incidents have their own complexities in regard to sometimes not having enough information to make a good decisions.

    But the fact that people have to ask WHY to protect an innocent person from evil is a sad commentary on our selfishness narcissistic society.
  15. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

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    The real point is your maybe risking your life and the future of YOUR FAMILY for a concept, nothing required. Sad narcissistic society has no baring but the reality of people getting injured and killed, thus injuring their own families are fact. Playing the guilt blame game is what is sad. Can't justify the need, so resort to casting disparaging generalities.
  16. pacmantacman

    pacmantacman Expert Member

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    Yep it’s all about people not getting hurt or killed. I agree on that much. Different worlds. Part of my job is to demonstrate to my family how to live, not just exist. I don’t have to make a case for, at a minimal empathy for other people, it’s a timeless concept.

    Do as you wish. This thread is intended for those to think about risk and develop a well thought out ethos, theology and ethical decision making.

    However choices have consequences. Mine might mean death. You being willing to stand by and watch my family get brutally victimized also has potential consequences. I’ve seen men do this and yes I have strong opinions of them.
  17. Oldguy

    Oldguy Master Survivalist

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    "However choices have consequences. Mine might mean death. You being willing to stand by and watch my family get brutally victimized also has potential consequences. I’ve seen men do this and yes I have strong opinions of them."

    Any man standing and watching may have a family that depends on him! he would be foolish to take risks not for his familys benefit.
    And you would judge him just on that?
    Who are you to judge anyone other than yourself?
    You must consider yourself better than the rest to presume to judge them!
    You are sounding more and more like a pompus git!
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  18. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

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    Here is your mistake. I did not say I would stand by, I asked why anybody should risk themselves and the possible future of their families for unknowns. You have not been able to present any logical reason why anybody should. Just more platitudes.
    Sonofliberty likes this.
  19. pacmantacman

    pacmantacman Expert Member

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    I’m “foolish” and “pompous” but you state I shouldn’t judge others? Hypocrite!

    Yes it’s wildly unimpressive when a man stands by and let’s anyone be victimized when he could step in and make a difference. I’m holding to that option, if it makes me “pompous” so be it.
  20. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

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    Why should a man step in? What demands a man step in? Who should decide when a man should step in? Since it is the MAN risking his person and possibly the well being of his family, who has the right to decide when a man should step in.
    Sonofliberty likes this.
  21. Oldguy

    Oldguy Master Survivalist

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    You are sounding more and more like a pompus git!
    I’m “foolish” and “pompous” but you state I shouldn’t judge others? Hypocrite!

    This is not a judgment just an observation but seems I hit a nerve:rolleyes:

    you have been here six weeks and you seem to have a very narrow theme to your threads ay
    Sonofliberty likes this.
  22. pacmantacman

    pacmantacman Expert Member

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    Double standard.
  23. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

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    What double standard are you referencing?
    pacmantacman likes this.
  24. pacmantacman

    pacmantacman Expert Member

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    Oldguy. Since I’ve been here he’s called me “yellow” “foolish” and “pompous” stated based on my comments I’m not a “man.” Then complains about ME passing judgment but HIS comments are just “observations”. Double standard. To top it off, my comments he’s objecting over, while passionate, were much more respectfully presented. I don’t add eye rolls in my comments for example. Antagonist.

    It’s a case of dishing it out but not being able to take it. It’s a double standard.
  25. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Against his better judgement, Old Geezer can't keep his trap shut. I'm on pain meds for ortho surgery; had my bones drilled to put a joint back together again. I'll blame my being all talky on these horrible, horrible meds. Oh God how I hate pain meds. The Rx insurance company won't pay for Islay Scotch -- what's with that?!

    I should have said that I've not seen women go as physically aggressive as men; nor have I seen women with a blood-in-her-eyes smile from enjoying hurting a person herself. I must admit however, that I've seen women use men to do their dirty work for them. I've seen women delight in the injury they have caused others via societal mechanisms outside of themselves. So actually yes I've seen women go way dirty; seen them do spiritually damning stuff.

    But as far as doing "the deed" themselves, it is men who can be the royal demons. A friend of my dad's killed an innocent fellow out of revenge plus no small amount of raw satanic evil. My dad's and his brother's "business acquaintances" & friends were generally NOT even like this AT ALL. And I've known really, really nice guys who killed other guys only because they had to or the person needed to be killed. Women would have had trouble with this. I don't think that women derive anywhere near as much pleasure from killing as do men. We men must always chain up that sort of meanness in ourselves. When I was a kid, I'd kill things just to be killing.
  26. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    the trouble with stepping into an argument or an attack which is none of their business is that that person then becomes the target of that attack, something that had nothing to do with them then becomes very personal.
    I will not risk the safety of me or my family on something that had nothing to do with me, either now or post SHTF.
  27. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

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    Here is a scenario . Man beating up woman. What you don't know is she knowingly gave him HIV. So should a total stranger risk his life, limb or family to protect this woman? AND WHY?
    Sonofliberty likes this.
  28. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    I think the days of chivalry are long gone, the woman is just as likely to turn around and attack you as the man.
    Sonofliberty and TMT Tactical like this.
  29. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    I believe once again I have missed something in your posts up above. My apologies once again for missing out on this important concept and understanding.


    You should try to get your understanding wrapped around this on a prepper board.

    Most of us do not give two hoots about what you think is your warrior spirit. We know what it is basically wild.

    We are interested in survival...and preppring...not warrior spirit.

    For most of us...the Warrior spirit is dedicated here to daily problem solving for ourselves and our families.......not fighting and or protecting the per comic books or television and or"G.I Jane."

    We are not interested in becoming "Television and or movie super heros." We are interested in surviving...and prepping with surviving in mind...for ourselves and our families.

    We are as a whole .....not interested in taking on someone else's our detriment.

    For that is exactly what the last Presidential Administration did with Obama Care....put others into social and economic bondage to their detriment order to get someone else...goods and services for free.....without work and without risk.....very very feminine. They put the country into social and economic bondage and involuntary order to "Flashdance " some others for free.

    One has to become educated to become this stupid...but the Obama Administration certainly did it to the whole nation...held them hostage...and in bondage/slavery...economically and get others free health care.

    This is what Ishmaelites do ...put others into bondage/involuntary servitude/slavery and separate them from their stuff..monies or labors....often putting them in high risk a

    Ishmaelites tend to put others... who take first place risks in their occupations for their monies and goods.... into second, third, and fourth place in their own country to get others goods and services for free.....while these Ishmaelite leaders get votes by free give aways....all the time trying to make others who protest feel guilty for not following or going along with the herd.

    Read Amendment 13 of the Constitution of the United States.

    And here you seem want to imply in your posts..that others lack morality and or ethos ...if they do not go along with your form of bondage or involuntary servitude and want to protect a woman automatically by default ....Astonishing.

    You keep your default settings as well as your type or caliber of warrior ethos/tostesterone ....some of us do not automatically go along with it nor do we feel immoral or lacking if we do not go along.

    Many of us here have no interest in being warrior ethos or anything else.

    Most of the heroes of which I've ever heard are dead...and no one much writes about what happened to their families.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2019
    TMT Tactical and Sonofliberty like this.
  30. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    we aren't all Rambo's on this forum far from it.
    our main and probably only duty post SHTF is to see that we and our family's survive and adapt to the new normal , we cant do that is we are forever getting into firefights and taking risks which we may not survive, who looks after our families then?
  31. pacmantacman

    pacmantacman Expert Member

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    I’ve made no bones about it. Different worlds. But you bring your own biases into the conversation assuming my motivations as testosterone run wild. Maybe when I started down that path, but that was a long time ago. I’m not a casual thinker or emotionally driven in my decisions on risk.

    I’m also interested in prepping and surviving. I freely admit I’m out of step with the live at all costs and look out for number one mindset. But that doesn’t mean I don’t want to survive. My ethos has served me well in regard to surviving many things.

    In regard to heroes being dead, I’ve known them, risked with them, buried them and personally know their families. I also know a great number who are very much alive.

    I’ve seen a lot of other deaths also. Many unnecessary deaths. A lot of them preventable to one degree or another.

    I don’t care if you give two hoots. I didn’t know that you were the spokesperson for everyone here. But it IS a moral question and issues. It’s ethical decision making. You do what you want in this regard.
  32. pacmantacman

    pacmantacman Expert Member

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    This is why you ask root questions to begin to build you principle based theology of risk. TMT brings up a scenario where a woman is simply being beaten. You bring up a much more complex post WROL scenario.

    Solving these problems takes methods based thinking and decision making. To get involved or not? But those decisions start with who you are, and then EXTEND to ask the next question, what can I do? Or am willing to do?
  33. Sonofliberty

    Sonofliberty Master Survivalist

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    I love strong women, but feminazis are a poison to the soul of America. I am happy for you that you found a good one though.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  34. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    political correctness and the "me too" brigade have taken root over this side of the pond too, any male who gets involved is liable to come off worst with that lot, its not worth the risk.
  35. Sonofliberty

    Sonofliberty Master Survivalist

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    Quoted for truth. I wish I could "Like" this post 100 times.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  36. Sonofliberty

    Sonofliberty Master Survivalist

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    Let's talk about risk
    This video is actually made by a leftist, but check it out anyway
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  37. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    This is a tell tale symptom of No Peace for the male in such circumstances. Where the male comes in last place no matter how many first place risks he takes for woman and or woman and family.

    This is putting the cart before the horse as the olde saying goes.

    And it will be the downfall of the UK and of western civilization.

    In Amaury de Reincourt's book........"Sex And Power In History" the author describes the fiasco that the Communist Party made out of relations between males and females in seeking to reach Utopian Equality.

    With the males coming more and more in last their version of political correctness...and the political party seeking to perpetuate itself by more appealing to the females....the men started leaving their families...women and children.

    This caused a big social catastrophe in addition to rising and rabidly runaway juvenile delinquency.

    The party had to reverse many of it's previous decisions on male female relations.

    Among the worst areas of Juvenile delinquency ...the party/police stepped in and executed juvenile gangs between certain ages...and this put the problem back into control. Children/delinquent gangs were executed above the age of 12.

    This is what happened when the Party tried to separate the children from their parental controls. Juvenile delinquency.

    Not only that....but Amaury de Reincourt declares that in Soviet Russia and what happened with their political party plans for women...the women became the most exploited human their time. What happened is that the average lifespan of women began to where by the 1960s women lived on the average two years less than men.

    Freeing the woman sexually freed the male from family responsibility...and put more and more on the women.

    This is the historical preview of what is coming to the UK as they become more and more socialist in their thinking and practices.

    Coming to America too as we are being attempted to be remade in the template of the UK social policy/practices. To make us as Englishmen.

    Ishmaelites at work.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Sonofliberty and TMT Tactical like this.
  38. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    When in another state, I got my carry permit; the sheriff's department range master gave an example: "You see a mean-looking fellow holding a gun on an innocent citizen. Do you pull and hold your weapon on that mean man?" Reflexively, a couple of folk began to raise their hands. The instructor then said, "What if the fellow with the gun is a good citizen holding a gun on a guy who just tried to rob him? People, it happens. See this, you call us."
    TMT Tactical and Sonofliberty like this.
  39. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    This entire topic shows the differences in various different cultures and in how we were raised and reflect the views of our parents and their ancestors. My family is militant in the sense that they have gone to war every time there was a need for someone to go out and defend someone else's freedoms.

    We went to Europe in WW1 and WW2 even though Germany at no point attacked the US. My family was already involved in the defense of Britton before there was any American involvement. Like idiots, we have fought and died for other people's freedoms all over the world. We are stupid based on most of what I see here. We had absolutely no reason to help any other country...but we did. We stupidly feel that right and wrong is a personal choice and that if you stand and watch wrong being done then you are no better than the person that you are watching do wrong. I was raised to see that as a form of cowardice.

    That isn't how most people believe. I read about it all the time in other places where people just stand and watch old people and women be attacked and robbed. I couldn't do that and then look myself in the mirror. I don't even claim that this is smart. I'm sure to most people you shouldn't ever stick your neck out for someone else.

    This attitude is dying even where I live but it isn't gone yet. This is also why where I live we are ALLOWED by law to protect ourselves AND others from attack and use lethal force. We are not nearly as concerned about the poor criminals here as is common in most places even in the US. The legal carry of weapons here acknowledges that we are to some small extent expected to care for each other.

    The legal concealed carry in Texas was the direct result of a killer walking into cafateria and killing people that had no way to protect themselves because the law didn't allow it. NEVER AGAIN. We threw the Governor out of office next election and elected one that immediately started the process of allowing good people to never again HAVE to sit and be killed like sheep. We are free not because we begged for our freedom. We are free because we repeatedly have proven that we will fight for freedom
    watcherchris and pacmantacman like this.
  40. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

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    I think the whole point of this topic is not to claim one way is the only way. I do not say MEN Should Protect women but men can follow their own choices and the dictates of the situation and their circumstances. That is the real message. If you feel you can intervene and should intervene, then go for it. If you don't feel you should intervene, then don't. I also don't say men should not protect women. I think each male has to evaluate their own responses, not based on some other persons concept.
  41. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    I have a new neighbor of about a month now. What appears to be a single young or middle aged female......military.

    What began to stand out to me is that after a couple of weeks of minding my own became apparent that she has no electricity. What her status with natural gas and or city water...I do not know nor do I want to.

    I have no intention of running her an extension chord nor one of my four generators.

    I can only surmise that she cannot afford the deposit on getting the electricity hooked up or has a very high deposit as a result of not paying her electric bill on time.

    Nonetheless I have no intention of coming to the rescue here. I pretty much keep to myself.

    There are no children involved and if there were I would most likely do the same. Children can complicate a situation very very quickly as well as raise the risk level...undisciplined children...or even undisciplined not grown up adults.

    My first clue was coming home at night and sitting in my truck in my driveway and talking to a local friend on my 2 meter radio. I witnessed someone moving about in the house with a flashlight and their car was in the driveway.

    It is spring now....but summer is anon...and soon enough fall and or winter......Winter is coming.

    Still no plans to rescue. I've done enough of my life and to my detriment.

    I like to think that by winter ...they are resourceful sufficient to solve such problems for themselves.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Sonofliberty and TMT Tactical like this.
  42. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Pisses me off Texdanm...that we went to fight for Europe and many of them today look down their noses at us Americans.

    I feel very differently about olde people than do I the younger. I was taught to respect the olde folks.

    Yes.....I know about that incident in the restaurant in Texas.....tragedy. Glad it changed things across the state.

    Seems to me that Texas and Oklahoma are very independent in that arena from many of the states. Good for them.

    States rights.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Sonofliberty and TMT Tactical like this.
  43. Oldguy

    Oldguy Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    As they are neighbours they may have influence on you and yours at some time and it may well pay to Not have them as potential neutral or negative influences!
    I would be introducing myself at the least and maybe learning about her somewhat! she might be worth knowing.

    None of my neighbours are friends but I know there names etc, they are not lily to ever help me but they would be reluctant to go against me. We pass the regular hello, goodby greeting thing and the odd wave but that's about it.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  44. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    if it was me i'd mind my own business, its not our job to pull their chestnuts out of the fire and you could get involved in something you can get out of very easily, could cost you money or could cost you a lot more.
    TMT Tactical and Sonofliberty like this.
  45. anniew

    anniew Member

    Blog Posts:
    Some of you really seem to hate wonder you've had bad experiences. I feel sorry for you.
    pacmantacman and TMT Tactical like this.
  46. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:
    A lot of this really has been enlightening to me. I know that people in Texas see a lot of things differently than people in other places but I guess I didn't understand HOW different.
    pacmantacman and TMT Tactical like this.
  47. Oldguy

    Oldguy Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I used to love females and I still love "Ladies" but they are few and far between.
    Hating "Feminazis" came AFTER all the bad experiances not before.
    Don't feel sorry for me feel sorry for all those lonely middle aged feminazis that have over priced themselves and now are commiting suicide as they can not get/keep a man! nearly all the females in my family are going through this in one way or another, single, lonely, substance abuse, kidney failure from pills, scars on wrists, bonkers up top realising they are failures etc. But they have all been feminazied and were free and in control of there lives, great to start with but dues are dues and they always get paid one way or another.:confused:

    As a young man I envisioned growing old with a nice wife and just fading away some day. hahahahaha
    With the state of todays females I am content to be and stay single, there is NO benefit to me in having an over priced wowser hanging around telling me to put the toilet seat up/down blah blah blah.:D
    Sonofliberty and TMT Tactical like this.
  48. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    My woman and I have been together for over 40 years. We got each other's backs. She is far better at paperwork, has had accounting & business coursework. I build & fix things. I've taught her to shoot. She's met me at the door with a loaded gun -- which was good in that she'd received a death threat by phone. I'm much better with firearms, xpert marksman rifle, instructor rifle & handgun.

    I've seen women who were good with a rifle; I've trained them. I'm certain that their are women out there who are experts with a handgun.

    Some men are not aggressive by nature. Most are. Given the correct training and rational motivation, they make great soldiers.

    Women's aggression most often expressed verbally or via societal structures. Some can be physically aggressive, most simply don't have it in them and if they do, it is not cut-throat, to-the-death aggression. Men can accidentally fly into that mode.

    If the male of our species senses threat, his reflexive action is to go for a weapon. This is genetic.

    Watch little boys play. Watch little girls play. You don't have to train them to be the sex they are.

    Women who during their pregnancy with a female child, have a ovarian tumor that produces male hormone, will give birth to girls whose chances of becoming homosexual are as high as 40%. These girls at play engage in male behaviors such as sharpening sticks, wanting to start fires, playing with trucks, getting very dirty and not care, ... . They do not have their dolls talk to each other -- they'll bang their dolls together ... as will boys.

    Are there overlapping behaviors male / female. Sure. Duh!

    There is a male brain and there is a female brain. EEG, MRI, CAT scans all confirm. In Anatomy class we'd take a human skull and name from which Earth continent the human came from and what sex was the human. One of my undergraduate degrees was in psych. And I've lived for one long dang time. Seen a lot. Seen too much, actually.
    Sonofliberty and TMT Tactical like this.
  49. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:
    Geezer I am a little rough in a lot of ways. I always knew that if my woman was weak that I would dominate her and make us both miserable. I never looked for a fluffy bunny for a wife. Fortunatly in Texas you don't have to look far to find a woman that will be your partner in all ways. I knew that it was true love the first time I saw her take her big brother down to his knees. She also took down a boy on the bus for getting fresh. Grabbed him by the hair, bowed him back over a seat and dropped about three hammer blows to his face.

    If someone jumps me I don't have to worry what my wife is going to do. she is going to clobber my attacker with whatever weapon is at hand. She took her big brother down with a pair of pliers. She is a lady in every sense of the word. She looks beautiful, is brilliant and totally able to take care of herself. 25 years in prison and not a single inmate ever wanted any of her. I have had several corectional officers tell me that I must be TOUGH. They have seen her handle the worst of the worst on death row with no problem.

    We've been together for over 45 years and they have all been great years.
  50. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

    Blog Posts:
    Geezer I am a little rough in a lot of ways. I always knew that if my woman was weak that I would dominate her and make us both miserable. I never looked for a fluffy bunny for a wife. Fortunatly in Texas you don't have to look far to find a woman that will be your partner in all ways. I knew that it was true love the first time I saw her take her big brother down to his knees. She also took down a boy on the bus for getting fresh. Grabbed him by the hair, bowed him back over a seat and dropped about three hammer blows to his face.

    If someone jumps me I don't have to worry what my wife is going to do. she is going to clobber my attacker with whatever weapon is at hand. She took her big brother down with a pair of pliers. She is a lady in every sense of the word. She looks beautiful, is brilliant and totally able to take care of herself. 25 years in prison and not a single inmate ever wanted any of her. I have had several corectional officers tell me that I must be TOUGH. They have seen her handle the worst of the worst on death row with no problem.

    We've been together for over 45 years and they have all been great years.
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