Migrants Filling Countries

Discussion in 'Other Not Listed Situations' started by Old Geezer, May 18, 2023.

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  1. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    The cultures from whence many British and European immigrants come:

    "Harrowing Stories From Rape Capital Of World"


    "Rate of sexual violence in African countries as of 2023, by country"




    If you value the honor of your women, then you will make this problem go away ... by any means necessary.

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  2. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    The treasonous biden regime is bringing-in illegal voters. This is why mail-in ballots are so important to Democrats -- they enable mass voter-fraud.

    "Shadowy Mayorkas-Linked NGO In Mexico Tells Border Invaders To 'Vote Biden' "


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    The Oversight Project said the flyer was initially discovered by a Muckraker journalist while touring the site of Resource Center Matamoras in Mexico.

    "They [flyers] also appear to be handed out when illegal aliens use the RCM for assistance in coming to the USA," the group said.

    RCM founder Gaby Zavala told one of Muckraker's journalists that she is trying to flood the US with as many illegal aliens as possible before former President Trump is reelected.

    "RCM bills itself as an operation which houses functions for Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), which helps illegal aliens enter the United States," Oversight Project said, adding that disgraced Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas "is a former board member of HIAS, which received numerous grants from Soros' Open Society Foundation over the years."

    RCM has connections with Soros-funded non-profits operating across the US.

    Meanwhile, new documents from Judicial Watch show Mayorkas has met with NGOs facilitating the border invasion.

    According to documents obtained by @JudicialWatch, Secretary Mayorkas himself recently met with some of these entities, including Team Brownsville and Angry Tias and Abuelas pic.twitter.com/8NBkv2vZQ6

    — Oversight Project (@OversightPR) April 16, 2024

    Oversight Project concludes:


    You do not need documentary proof of citizenship to register to vote. You can vote if you simply swear you are eligible

    This flyer obviously seeks to prey on unsophisticated illegals and encourages them to illegally vote

    — Oversight Project (@OversightPR) April 16, 2024

    Since the Biden administration opened the floodgates, 10 million illegal immigrants invaded the nation. A complex web of NGOs is facilitating the border invasion while the administration looks the other way.

    Meanwhile, in Mexico...

    America, Things Are About To Get A Whole Lot Worse 2 NEW Multimillion Dollar Massive Complexes Built To House Illegal Migrants


    Ben Bergquam (@BenBergquam) “Let me ask you, would you build a multi-acre, multi-million dollar facility that… pic.twitter.com/EoOnJp1Qok

    — Wall Street Apes (@WallStreetApes) April 16, 2024

    "A lot of Americans don't understand just how much Mayorkas is in bed with open borders lobby," Nate Hochman, senior advisor of America 2100, wrote on X.

    Yep — and Alejandro Mayorkas is a former board member of that very same NGO.

    A lot of Americans don't understand just how much Mayorkas is in bed with open borders lobby.

    This video breaks the whole thing down in detail:https://t.co/dxYRMaLStZ

    — Nate Hochman (@njhochman) April 16, 2024

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  3. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    you have to show I.D. to vote in the UK since last year.
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  4. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    In the States, Democrats call voter I.D. requirements "racist". Go figure. They are heavy into voter fraud, thus we are looking at a second civil war. Our civil war won't be between armies. It will be shoot'n'scoot shootings and sabotage of infrastructure. Very many Americans know how to work heavy construction equipment. This equipment will be used to rip-out infrastructure assets.

    Muslim terrorist cells here will be shutting down power grids this year.

    When the infrastructure comes apart, the mostly young male illegal immigrants will go on looting sprees. The migrants are FAR tougher than American minority looters. Many of these young men have fought in gangs and/or Central and South American military or paramilitary revolutionary units. Many out of Mexico have been members of drug cartels or are fleeing the cartels. Gang members out of Central America are particularly savage.


    "Machete-wielding man arrested outside US Capitol is illegal migrant from Venezuela"



    "18 suspects sought in 2 Times Square attacks"


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    Police say a 17-year-old, who they believe is a migrant from Nicaragua, was chased by a large group of people and stabbed near a migrant shelter located on 42nd Street near 8th Avenue.

    A woman, who didn't want to be identified, says she was on her way home from work she saw a large group men hanging out near the subway.

    "I said what's going on and I snap a picture.. the guy says lets go, next thing I know I was laying on the floor," she said.

    The attack happened right outside of the Candler Building which is being used as a migrant shelter, the same place where two officers were attacked by a group of migrants just last month.

    Two hours later, another person was attacked.

    A 28-year-old man, who police believe is from the area, was punched and kicked in the head and face outside the Hard Rock Cafe at 43rd and Broadway.

    The attack involving the teen is near the area where those two NYPD officers were assaulted by a group of eight migrants last month.

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  5. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Migrants Complain That New Yorkers Don’t Learn African Languages"


    "A hearing held earlier this week in New York by the Council’s immigration and hospital committees saw black migrants who have arrived in the city airing their grievances about public services they have been provided, including food and accommodation, with one woman even complaining that New Yorkers won’t learn Congolese languages.

    "The hearing drew over a thousand immigrants, mostly from countries in Africa, and many illegally in the country, with some claiming that they had been promised money, green cards or work visas if they attended."
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  6. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    if I moved to another country I would expect to be given nothing.
    if I had emigrated to Canada all those years ago the rules were that I would cost the state nothing, how times have changed.
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  7. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I guess we could move to England or Europe and get all manner of health "benefits" ... However, the governments wouldn't pay for my specific medications and they wouldn't let me bring in the firearms/ammo I'll need to clean-out the marauding gangs post-SHTF.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  8. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    " ‘Open Borders’ senator finds out her long-time staffer was killed by an illegal; her next step raises eyebrows…"


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    Dems’ open-border policies are backfiring in the most tragic ways, but honestly, it’s no shock. We’re watching a flood of unvetted illegals pour over our borders, hardly checked, and then they’re spilling into our communities, wreaking havoc. The danger has ramped up, lurking around every corner, all thanks to the Democrats’ misguided and lawless agenda at our borders. What’s truly scary is how innocent Americans have become targets of these criminal illegals, and even folks who support these dangerous policies can’t escape harm’s way.

    Take, for instance, the recent situation that unfolded for Nevada Senator Catherine Cortez, a staunch advocate for open borders. In a cruel twist of fate, one of her long-time staffers was just killed by an illegal. How’s that for some truly sad and twisted irony?

    Wow. An illegal immigrant driving under the influence KILLED a longtime staffer for Democrat Senator Catherine Cortez Masto.

    The illegal came recently in 2021.

    Senate Democrats help illegals flood our country and Americans pay the price.


    — Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) April 17, 2024

    Cortez publicly stated that “open borders” don’t exist and actively opposed Trump-era border policies. In 2020, she even signed a letter condemning the Trump administration for its “harmful policies” that, according to her, dismantled the United States’ asylum system. Oddly enough, those policies could have saved the life of her staffer.

    NEW: ICE says the 18-year-old arrested in connection to the death of an advisor to U.S. Senator Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV) is in the U.S. illegally and was arrested at the Texas border in March 2021, then released into the U.S. in June 2021.https://t.co/HtGyvOjWNa

    — Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) April 17, 2024

    This criminal had no business being in the United States, and there were ample opportunities to deport him, but it didn’t happen.

    Meanwhile, Senator Cortez seems utterly unfazed by the horrific and untimely death of her long-time staffer. In fact, she seems to have shaken off any semblance of sadness and is eagerly promoting more death by pushing abortion pills at pharmacies like CVS and Walgreens—a move that is raising eyebrows in Nevada and beyond.

    Well, it’s nice to know where her priorities lie. Her poor staffer is pushing up daisies while she’s pushing for more controversial policies, all while her team suffers from the consequences of her past irresponsible and dangerous decisions. This story, and so many others like it, make it painfully clear that these countries are not sending their best or brightest to the United States. Instead, our communities are being inundated with crooks, drunks, and other assorted ne’er-do-wells, and lawmakers like Senator Cortez don’t seem to care what damage it causes your family or hers, for that matter.

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    Old Gzr: Not to mention their men of military age. In the case of China, sending their spies and saboteurs in with the tsunami of illegal migrants from the south.


    Note to American preppers: We used to didn't have to take into account tens of millions of outsiders displacing Americans. So, as we all now know, we do now have to do so. Many of these locusts descend upon the cities. Good that, but never expect that to remain the same. These men of military age WILL be coming our way even if we live in NoWheresVille, Heartland America.

    I'm not going to go out and buy me an "assault rifle"; however, were I young man again, were we still taking care of little ones (our "little ones" are now in their 40s), ... I d'know ... maybe I would. This would certainly be a consideration in this current unstable world. I'd buy me something on the order of an M1A / civilian M14 in 7.62x51 NATO or an FN-FAL in the same chambering. Decades ago, I could have picked-up an FAL from Argentina (metric not SAE) for the price of $300. Oops!, should'a bought it, maybe. I was issued an M14 when in high school, along with a target rifle in .22 LR. I know an M14 inside and out -- 45 seconds, blindfolded, I could field-strip and re-assemble my puppy. We boys raced in this endeavor. The Army wanted us for Vietnam. Poor Southern boys = cannon fodder .

    Short story = normally, I never recommend "assault rifles". My "assault rifle" is an 1892 lever action.

    But what about now?! What about young men and women who live in the Heartlands with their children?! My day is finished -- for me, this life is over. This is NOT the case with younger generations. For them, I'd say, "Do what you gotta do!!!!!!"

    Matters have now passed the Rubicon.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2024
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  9. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Germany: Nearly Half of Young Muslims Want Islamic Theocracy, Third ‘Understand’ Violent Retribution for Insulting Mohammed"


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    A study on juvenile delinquency in the German province of Lower Saxony found that radical ideology is widely prevalent among the Muslim youth population, with nearly half favouring an Islamic caliphate over democracy.

    A “dark field study” conducted by the Criminological Research Institute of Lower Saxony (KFN) has raised concern over the Islamist beliefs held by young Muslim students in the province, about 300 of whom were surveyed for the study.

    According to the research, almost half (45.8 per cent) of grade nine Muslims — with an average age of 15 — said that they believe that Islamic theocracy is the best form of government, the Bild newspaper reports.

    More than two-thirds (67.8 per cent) agreed with the idea that the rules of the Qur’an were more important than the laws of Germany, while over a third (35.3 per cent) said that they have an “understanding for violence against people who insult Allah or the Prophet Muhammad.”

    Meanwhile, 21.2 per cent of the Muslim students surveyed agreed that the “threat to Islam from the Western world justifies Muslims defending themselves with violence.”

    As of 2022, between 5.3 and 5.6 million Muslims with a migration background were recorded as living in Germany, with the largest cohort being of Turkish origin.

    Projections from the Pew Research Centre have claimed that if the mass migration policies continue, the Muslim population of Germany could rise to 20 per cent by the year 2050, with the polling firm noting that Germany — with its historically strong economy, generous welfare benefits, and lax immigration enforcement — has long been the destination of choice in Europe for alleged asylum seekers from the Middle East.

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    Meanwhile in Amerika:

    "NY Home Depot hires guards, dogs to keep parking lot safe from thieves, aggressive migrants"


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    A New York Home Depot has deployed a guard dog — and other stores may be close behind — to protect shoppers from aggressive migrants and thieves flooding their parking lots, The Post has learned.

    The guarded New Rochelle lot was quiet and no migrants loitered there when The Post visited this week, however, seven miles away in Throggs Neck, The Bronx, at least 30 male migrants hovered at the doors of Home Depot.

    Some were day laborers simply trying to “shape” for work with local contractors.

    But many others aggressively confronted shoppers, trying to sell them phony Apple Airpods or soliciting tips for lifting items from shopping carts into cars — even when uninvited.

    “You come out and you’re a woman by yourself, they literally leech onto your wagon, and you’re like ‘No, I don’t need any help,'” one worker said. “And when they’re following you to your car, it’s unnerving.”

    She said a female supervisor saw one of the men washing his privates with a water bottle in the lot, and that several women have called customer service to complain that migrants robbed them of purses or phones.

    “I came to work one day and there had to be 100 guys out here,” she said. “And I’m like, ‘Oh, my God!'”

    Customers frequently complain about the crush of migrants, said LaurieAnn Masciocco, who works in the store’s customer service department.

    “It’s come to the point where they’re invading personal space, touching people’s belongings, just harassing,” she said. “I get it, you’re trying to make a buck. But when it becomes aggressive and harassing there’s a major issue.”

    Her husband went four miles away to the Pelham Gardens location in The Bronx earlier this month and he got mobbed there too, she said.

    One migrant at the Throggs Neck location, who said he was from Senegal, told The Post he makes about $300 a day, charging $10 every time he helps a customer push their cart or move their purchases into their vehicle.

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  10. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Migrants Make Up Nearly Six in Ten Violent Crime Suspects in Germany"


    "Nearly six in ten suspects in violent crime cases in Germany were committed by foreign migrants, according to federal police crime statistics released this week, sparking debate over the country’s open-door immigration system.

    "Non-German foreigners make up a disproportionate number of suspected criminals and nearly 60 per cent of violent crime suspects, despite making up just 14.6 per cent of the population, statistics released by the Federal Criminal Police Office on Tuesday revealed.

    "According to the data, foreigners without a German passport represented 111,517 suspects alleged of violent crimes out of the total 190,605 suspects for the country as a whole, or 58.5 per cent, broadcaster NTV reports.

    "The figures also showed that while the number of suspected German violent offenders rose by 2.2 per cent over the previous year, the number of non-German suspected violent offenders increased by 14.5 per cent, contributing to an overall rise of 8.6 per cent in violent crime reports over the previous year and the highest level since 2007.

    "Reports of theft also saw an increase of 10.7 per cent over the previous year, with non-Germans accounting for 187,000 out of the total 424,000 suspected thieves."


    " ‘Irish Lives Matter’ — Thousands Protest Against Mass Migration in Dublin"


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    The scale of alleged asylum seekers flooding into the country has forced the government to admit that it no longer has any room to house migrants while they apply for refugee status, forcing hundreds to sleep rough on the streets of Dublin in what Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris has described as “shanty towns”.

    Strikingly, the protests also saw demonstrators lash out against the IRA-linked Sinn Féin party, with chants of “Sinn Féin are traitors”. The pro-Irish unification party has increasingly come under criticism for broadly aligning itself with the government on migration, rather than backing stricter controls or opting out of the EU asylum policy.

    Speaking from the protest, Irish Freedom Party leader Hermann Kelly told GB News: “I think Sinn Féin have been exposed as an open borders mass immigration party. And now that leaves room for a nationalist party like the Irish Freedom Party, which believes in democratic self-determination for the Irish people.

    “They believe in the EU membership, subservience to the European Union. And we’re opposed to all that.

    “Ireland has an opt-out on justice and home affairs so they can say no to the EU migration pact, for example, but because they want to be the best boys in the class and get a pattern ahead from the real masters in Brussels, they would never say no to Brussels.”

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    1. Old Geezer
      Old Geezer, May 7, 2024
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  11. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Many southern border-crossers are Chinese military coming onto America to gather infrastructure intel, military intel, and to be available for sabotage missions in the event of a Sino-American war.

    "Alarming Rise in Military-Aged Chinese Men Entering US Illegally, Border Patrol Union Chief Warns"


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    The head of the Border Patrol union has raised the alarm on the sharp rise in the number of military-aged Chinese men crossing the U.S.-Mexico border illegally, warning that he believes some of them may be spies working on behalf of China’s communist regime to “infiltrate” the United States.

    National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd made the remarks during a recent interview on “Just the News, No Noise” TV program, which came as U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) released its latest data for January encounters with illegal immigrants who crossed the border into the United States.

    Aside from showing that Border Patrol agents encountered a record number of illegal immigrants (242,587) in January 2024 compared to any previous January, the CPB numbers show an alarming trend in the number of military-aged Chinese nationals entering the country illegally.

    Border patrol agents encountered 5,717 single Chinese adults in January, more than twice the number of any other January on record, CBP data shows. In December, that figure hit a record high of 7,581, while the total since January 2023 now stands at 64,979.

    He pointed out that there are “huge gangs” in the United States linked to Chinese nationals who are involved in drugs, prostitution, and other criminal pursuits.

    “They control everything that’s illegal in certain portions of the country,” Mr. Judd said. “We have to look into that. It’s very important that we understand why we are having so many people from China, especially military-aged men.”

    Mr. Chang explained that many of the Chinese nationals fly to Ecuador, which allows them to enter visa-free. Then, they travel to the southern edge of the Darién Gap, a 66-mile jungle stretch separating Colombia and Panama, typically crossing on foot. Once they get to the north side, they continue their journey to the United States, often by bus, according to the China expert.

    “Some migrants are almost certainly members of China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA),” Mr. Chang wrote.

    “These military-linked migrants, despite their affiliations, have been released into America,” he argued, hinting at yet another negative consequence of the Biden administration’s catch-and-release program, under which asylum-seekers are released into U.S. communities to await asylum hearings.

    Rep. Mark Green (R-Tenn.), chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, said at a press conference in mid-June 2023 that a Border Patrol sector chief informed him that some of the Chinese individuals encountered along the southern border had known ties to the Chinese military.

    “We have no idea who these people are, and it’s very likely, using Russia’s template of sending military personnel into Ukraine, China is doing the same into the United States,” Mr. Green said at the time.

    While Mr. Chang said it’s unclear how many “PLA fighters” have slipped into the United States unnoticed, the ones that have are “China’s shock troops” and “more are coming.”

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    " 'Their goal is CIVIL WAR in the U.S.' Americans vs Illegal Aliens | Redacted with Clayton Morris"

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  12. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "SHOCKING: Dept. of Defense worker discusses gun confiscation using the National Guard"

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  13. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Here are the top American cities Joe Biden is sending hundreds of thousands of paroled migrants - so is YOUR home town on the list?"


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    The Department of Homeland Security revealed that it sent over 200,000 migrants on a controversial parole program to 45 cities across the United States between January and August 2023.
    It was initially announced for Venezuelans, before adding Haitians, Nicaraguans and Cubans amid one of the worst migrant crises in American history under President Joe Biden and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

    Around 80 percent of the migrants were sent to four cities in the state of Florida: Miami - which got 91,821, more than any other city - Fort Lauderdale, Orlando and Tampa Bay, according to DHS.

    Another 1.6million migrants are waiting to get into the country via this same program, DHS claims.

    Multiple states, including Florida, have attempted to sue to stop the program but have thus far been unsuccessful.

    'Biden's parole program is unlawful, and constitutes an abuse of constitutional authority. Florida is currently suing Biden to shut it down, and we believe that we will prevail,' said Governor Ron DeSantis' press secretary, Jeremy Redfern.

    Multiple states, including Florida, have attempted to sue to stop the program but have thus far been unsuccessful.

    'Biden's parole program is unlawful, and constitutes an abuse of constitutional authority. Florida is currently suing Biden to shut it down, and we believe that we will prevail,' said Governor Ron DeSantis' press secretary, Jeremy Redfern.

    Since Biden took office, the U.S. has seen record-high numbers of illegal border crossings.

    Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has apprehended more than 7.6 million migrants illegally crossing the southern border – the majority of which are traveling from Central and South American countries in efforts to claim asylum in the U.S.

    Top 10 cities where migrants were flown via DHS program
    1. Miami - 91,821
    2. Fort Lauderdale - 60,461
    3. New York - 14,827
    4. Houston - 7,923
    5. Orlando - 6,043
    6. Los Angeles - 3,271
    7. Tampa - 3,237
    8. Dallas - 2,256
    9. San Francisco - 2,052
    10. Atlanta - 1,796
    (Source: DHS)

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    Florida has been voting conservative, thus the biden regime has been doing its best to do harm to Florida. Texas has been shipping biden's illegal aliens to New York City and Chicago -- those two cities are under Democratic Party machine governance, so the governor of Texas sent the illegals to the cities whose citizens voted for democratic socialism and the immigrant invasion. These cities are not happy. They can't pay the welfare bills associated with the unemployed illegals. Too bad, so sad.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  14. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    North Dakota Officials Vent Frustration Over Northern Border Crisis to Congress"


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    North Dakota officials vented their frustrations about the lack of border security to the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement.

    “The situation has deteriorated significantly in recent years and the current situation is untenable with millions of illegal aliens streaming across America’s southwest border, said North Dakota Attorney General Drew Wrigley. “North Dakota is already experiencing negative law enforcement impacts as a result of the Biden Administration’s refusal to shut down the border.”

    Wrigley fears “the worst is yet to come.”

    The majority of people crossing the northern border come from Romania. Officials discovered many have ties to the Romanian mob.

    The numbers are small compared to the southern border, but the jump is significant.

    Cass County Sheriff Jesse Jahner has tried to speak to Congress numerous times about the problems at the northern border.

    “Although these area [southern border] have been largely impacted and have experienced significant changes in their community’s safety, narcotics trafficking, human trafficking, and violence, we in North Dakota and South Dakota are starting to see changes in our communities as it relates to these same issues,” Jahner said.

    The states have also seen an increase in “narcotics trafficking and overdoses, a rise in mental health and addiction-related crimes, and homelessness.”

    Those issues have strained “mental health and addiction services.”

    Jahner also pointed out the lack of help from the feds.

    The agents the deputies contacted admitted 'that due to the current political environment, he was not optimistic they would be able to assist the sheriff department.'

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    "Romanian citizen pleads guilty to people smuggling scheme across northern border"


    "Seattle – A 27– year-old citizen of Romania pleaded guilty today in U.S. District Court in Seattle to conspiracy to transport those not legally in the United States, announced U.S. Attorney Tessa M. Gorman. Daniel Andronache was arrested near Blaine, Washington on November 9, 2023, after he and a coconspirator picked up 12 people who had illegally crossed into the U.S. From Canada. Andronache is scheduled for sentencing by U.S. District Judge Lauren King on June 12, 2024.

    “ 'We are seeing a huge increase in human smuggling attempts across our northern border,' said U.S. Attorney Tessa M. Gorman. 'As in this case, the conduct is unsafe, putting the lives of many at risk. The Border Patrol and Homeland Security Investigation is working diligently to stop these smuggling schemes and interdict those being transported in a way that keeps everybody safe from harm.'

    "According to the plea agreement, Andronache flew from Omaha, Nebraska to Seattle on November 7, 2023, and obtained a white Ford Expedition in Tacoma. Andronache and a coconspirator used the car to drive to Blaine, Washington. The men parked on a road near the international border. Twelve Romanian citizens emerged from brush near the border and got into the car. The car only had seats for eight people, and there were 14 in the vehicle. When Border patrol stopped the car, they found two children unrestrained in the trunk of the car, and another was unrestrained on the center console of the vehicle. The youngest child in the car was under the age of three."

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  15. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    The German cop that got stabbed this week has died. If you are religious / spiritual, remember him in your prayers.

    "Germany: Police Officer Dies After Being Stabbed by Afghan Migrant at Anti-Islamification Rally"


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    A police officer has died after being stabbed multiple times by an Afghan migrant who attacked an anti-Islamification rally in Mannheim, Germany on Friday.

    Public broadcaster Deutsche Welle reports that local police and prosecutors confirmed that the officer died after being stabbed several times around his neck and head. The officer, identified as “Rouven L” was initially put into an artificially induced coma while doctors tried to save his life, however, such efforts proved unsuccessful.

    The injuries suffered by the officer were sustained during a stabbing rampage carried out by a 25-year-old migrant from Afghanistan who reportedly came to Germany in 2014.

    The horrific attack, which was captured on video and shared widely on social media, occurred at a small anti-Islamification rally in Mannheim on Friday organised by Michael Stürzenberger, an activist of the “Citizens’ Movement Pax Europa” campaign group.

    The migrant knifeman, identified as “Sulaiman A.”, came upon the rally and stabbed Stürzenberger and four other members of the group. During the chaotic scramble, Officer Rouven was filmed diving on one of the members of the rally after which the Afghan knifeman approached the policeman from behind and stabbed him several times.

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    "Police officer, 29, stabbed to death anti-Islam rally in Germany"


    "Rouven L, 29, was killed during a knife attack that left five other people injured on the central square of Mannheim, officials said Sunday."

    Murdered officer:





    "Gunman who shot 2 NYPD cops revealed to be migrant who recently crossed into US via Eagle Pass: sources"


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    Two cops were shot by a 19-year-old Venezuelan migrant early Monday when they tried to stop him as he was riding a motorized scooter — with one of the injured officers rendering aid to his partner since he was “more concerned” about him, according to police and sources.

    The officers had tried to pull over the teen, identified as Bernardo Castro Mata, after spotting him driving the wrong way down a street at 89th Street and 23rd Avenue in Elmhurst at about 1:40 a.m., police said.

    The suspect quickly ditched the moped and fled on foot for several blocks, according to cops.

    During the pursuit, the teen allegedly pulled out an illegal gun and fired multiple rounds at the officers.

    One of the officers, Christopher Abreu, 26, took a bullet to the leg while his partner, Richard Yarusso, also 26, was struck in the front of his bulletproof vest.

    At least one of the officers returned fire and struck the alleged perp in the ankle.

    In the immediate aftermath of the shooting, the cop shot in his vest “was more concerned about his partner” and frantically worked to apply a tourniquet to Abreu’s leg to stem the bleeding, Police Benevolent Association President Patrick Hendry said.

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  16. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "One of Every Five New York City Hotels is Now a Migrant Shelter"


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    In late 2022, as thousands of migrants began to arrive in New York City, city officials scrambled to find places to house them. They quickly found takers: hotels that were still struggling to recover from the pandemic-driven downturn in tourism.

    Dozens of hotels, from once-grand facilities to more modest establishments, closed to tourists and began exclusively sheltering migrants, striking multimillion-dollar deals with the city. The humanitarian crisis became the hotel industry’s unexpected lifeline in New York; the hotels became a safe haven for tens of thousands of asylum seekers.

    The average daily rate for a hotel stay in New York City increased to $301.61 in 2023, up 8.5 percent from $277.92 in 2022, according to CoStar, a leading provider of commercial real estate data and analysis. During the first three months of 2024, when prices traditionally dip, the average stay was still 6.7 percent higher than during the same time period last year: $230.79 a night, up from $216.38 in 2023.

    About 65,000 migrants are being sheltered in hotels, tent dormitories and other shelters, in large part because of the city’s legal obligation to provide a bed to anyone who needs one. The city projects it will spend $10 billion over three fiscal years on the migrant crisis.

    The number of Airbnb listings in New York City for short stays — under 30 days — plummeted by 83 percent to just 3,705 apartments in March 2024, down from 22,247 listings in August 2023, the month before the law went into effect, according to AirDNA, an unaffiliated company that collects data from short-term rental listings. Most of the remaining Airbnb listings in the city, about 90 percent, are only available for stays of over 30 days.

    The law, Local Law 18, was aggressively backed by the hotel industry and the hotel workers union, both supporters of Mayor Adams.

    End quote
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  17. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I'm in a bit of a quandary as to the thread into which to post the following news article. I could have put this under gun control. Sweden has very strict gun laws, but those laws do nothing to stop migrant gangs from using machine guns and hand grenades to fight in amongst themselves. Laws mean nothing to felons, especially when the technology needed to inflict harm on society is crude. Building guns and refining drugs is easy peasy. In Pakistan and in the Philippines, guns are manufactured in remote village tin huts using common milling equipment.

    Well, I'm just going with this migrant thread. Sweden was once a safe country, then it opened its borders.

    "Sweden introduces draconian ‘security zone’ in gang crime hotspot, giving police indiscriminate powers to search anyone"


    Begin quote

    Swedish police have introduced the first “stop-and-frisk-zone” in the country’s history, giving officers the power to search any individual or vehicle without the need for reasonable suspicion.

    The draconian measure is in response to a double shooting on Monday evening in the Hageby residential district of Norrköping, a city southwest of Stockholm. Two men were pronounced dead at the scene.

    As of Wednesday, the authorities are introducing what is also known as a security zone or visitation zone in the area as officers continue to hunt for perpetrators. A man in his 20s has already been arrested on suspicion of murder.

    Monday’s double murder was the latest in a long line of serious crime fuelled by a dramatic rise in gang warfare across the Scandinavian country in recent years.

    District prevention officers have been deployed throughout the area to provide support for residents struggling with the dramatic deterioration in security throughout their neighborhood.

    A police report published in March this year revealed some 62,000 people in Sweden are connected to criminal gangs. To put this into perspective, consider that Sweden is a small country with only 10.4 million people.

    Last month, an 18-year-old Iraqi migrant was detained in Sweden on suspicion of murdering Mikael Janicki, a Polish national who was shot dead in front of his 12-year-old son as they were cycling towards a swimming pool in southern Stockholm last month.

    Similarly, three Afghan nationals from the same family were arrested in Sweden on suspicion of murdering their 25-year-old female relative in an “honor killing” before burning and dumping her body in the woods.

    End quote

    In the following video, a "60 Minutes Australia" news crew gets attacked while filming a report on the streets of Sweden. The violence begins 12 minutes 20 seconds into the video.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  18. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Migrant arrested in broad daylight rape of 13-year-old in New York park"


    Begin quote

    Christian Geovanny Inga-Landi, a 25-year-old from Ecuador, entered the country illegally in 2021 near Eagle Pass, Texas, with his three-year-old child, NYPD leaders revealed during a news briefing Tuesday.

    After police released surveillance video showing him near the scene of the crime, tips started pouring in, police said. Ultimately, a group of at least 10 neighbors swarmed him and held him until police arrived around 1 a.m. Tuesday.

    "Everybody knew who we were looking for," said Chief Joseph Kenny. "We had tips coming in actually naming the perpetrator. They knew who he was. They saw him out on the street."

    Inga-Landi was treated for minor injuries after police said he tried to fight the good Samaritans, who bound his legs with a belt to keep him from running away.

    "I grew up right near there," he told Fox News Digital. "Something like this was unthinkable years ago — unthinkable."

    Trump recalled being able to walk down the street as a child.

    "You could go down and go to the candy store, walk back — your parents never even had a thought of anything happening," Trump told Fox News Digital. "This is a different world. My parents never would have even had a thought that something could happen."

    But an unchecked influx of illegal immigration across the southern border is getting out of control, he said.

    End quote




    "Results. Quantitative data shows a very significant increase in the number of crimes of sexual violence against women in practically all the provinces of Ecuador in the past three years. Likewise, from a qualitative perspective, patriarchal culture is very present as one of the causes that explain violence. As for the manifestation of sexual violence, its most frequent form is within partner relationships. However, cases of incest, sexual abuse and aggression against minors within the family environment are also common.

    "In Latin America, various studies have been conducted to try to establish the prevalence of the phenomenon in the region and have demonstrated the seriousness of the problem of gender and sexual violence (Contreras, Bott, Guedes, & Dartnall, 2010; Bott, Guedes, Goodwin, & Mendoza, 2012; WHO, 2013). Contreras et al. (2010) reviewed more than 200 published and unpublished documents on sexual violence in Latin America and the Caribbean concluding that sexual violence is a serious problem in the region and that it is most prevalent within a couple’s relationship. Moreover, according to these authors, if sexual violence is caused by someone other than a partner, its most frequent forms are sexual abuse of children and youth, trafficking and sexual exploitation, sexual violence in the migration process, sexual harassment at work and sexual violence as a result of emergencies or armed conflict. The aforementioned study also shows that this type of violence has its origin in a social order based on gender inequality and power relations between men and women, where there is a tendency to legitimize violence against women in intimate relationships, to blame women, to justify men or to consider women as sexual objects.

    "In terms of the prevalence of the problem in Ecuador, the Demographic and Maternal and Child Health Survey (CEPAR, 2005) noted that 31% of Ecuadorian women of reproductive age reported that they had ever been physically, psychologically, or sexually abused. Similarly, the National Survey on Family Relations and Gender Violence against Women indicated that 6 out of every 10 women in Ecuador have experienced some type of gender violence. On the other hand, 25.70% have experienced some type of sexual violence and 14.5% have suffered sexual violence from their partner (National Institute of Statistics and Censuses of Ecuador, 2011; Camacho, 2014)."


    "Rachel Morin murder: Illegal immigrant from El Salvador charged in rape, killing of Maryland mom of 5"


    Begin quote

    A former FBI special agent gave an inside look into how federal and state law enforcement apprehended the El Salvador migrant suspect in the multi-state homicide investigation of Rachel Morin.

    Retired FBI Supervisory Special Agent Scott Duffey told Fox News Digital that, at the beginning of any homicide investigation, law enforcement starts with those closest to the victim.

    CODIS is a database used by federal and state law enforcement to compile DNA profiles of convicted offenders, unsolved crime scene evidence and missing persons.

    A break in Morin's homicide case came after a piece of DNA evidence showed up thousands of miles from Morin's Maryland hometown in Los Angeles weeks after her disappearance.

    The former special agent said the unexpected twist came after investigators discovered Morin's suspected killer, later identified as Victor Martinez Hernandez, an illegal El Salvador migrant, was not a U.S. national.

    The FBI international office in El Salvador was used to "bridge that gap" with law enforcement in the U.S. on Morin's case," Duffey said.

    "But having an FBI office in El Salvador, they're able to bridge that gap with American law enforcement and with El Salvadorian authorities," he said.

    El Salvador authorities then communicated with U.S. law enforcement that Martinez Hernandez had fled his country of origin after brutally killing someone in the Central American country.

    Duffey said it was "amazing" Martinez Hernandez, a wanted fugitive, managed to evade capture for 10 months after Morin's homicide.

    Gahler said a first DNA match for Martinez Hernandez was from a Los Angeles attack in March 2023.

    "Once in our country, and likely emboldened by his anonymity, he brutally attacked a 9-year-old girl and her mother during a home invasion in March of 2023 in Los Angeles," Gahler said. "And as everyone I believe is aware, that was our first DNA match linking Rachel's case to the one in Los Angeles."

    Morin, 37, was reported missing in August by her boyfriend, who said she never returned after going out for a run on the Ma & Pa Trail, a pedestrian trail in Bel Air, a quiet and typically safe town about 28 miles northeast of Baltimore, Aug. 5, 2023.

    Her body was found on a trail the next day.

    End quote
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  19. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    The following web site allows one to view the serious crimes committed by illegal aliens by year and month. It includes this year, 2024, and goes back to the year 2015. When you click on a year, the site opens crime data for each of the months therein. I've bookmarked this site, because there are so many crime stories one can't read it all in one reading pass. One can read a few months' worth of crimes committed by illegal aliens, then come back to read more -- another year, another year's set of months.

    "Examples of Serious Crimes By Illegal Aliens"


    "Taxpayers Spend $600k per Unit for Homeless High-rise in L.A."


    "A new high-rise residential tower for the homeless that cost $600,000 per unit to build opened Wednesday in downtown Los Angeles.

    "Los Angeles has tried to fight homelessness over the past decade and-a-half by passing a series of tax hikes and taxpayer-funded initiatives that have failed to stop the growth of the homeless population."




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  20. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Migrant charged with murder of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray was released into US just weeks ago "



    "Police in Houston have arrested two migrants from Venezuela for the murder of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray, who was lured away from home, then strangled and dumped in a bayou.

    "One of the suspects crossed the border illegally less than a month before the shocking murder, and was released into the US after claiming he feared for his life if he was sent back to his home country, sources told The Post.

    "Johan Jose Rangel Martinez, 21, and Franklin Jose Pena Ramos, 26, were charged Thursday with capital murder."


    "Johan Jose Rangel Martinez, 21, and Franklin Jose Pena Ramos, 26, were charged Thursday with capital murder KPRC 2 "

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  21. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    What are the murder rates in the countries from which America's illegal immigrants are coming?

    Some are fleeing criminals or their government (there's not a whole lot of difference between criminal behavior and government behavior). Some migrants are getting kicked out. Some are fleeing due to warrants being out for them in their home country. People bring their cultures with them. Migrants in Western nations are not assimilating.




    "Immigration without Assimilation Endangers Europe's Future"


    Begin quote

    Nahel Merzouk, a 17-year-old French citizen of Algerian and Moroccan origin, was killed when he resisted arrest and tried to run over a police officer with his car in Nanterre, a suburb of Paris. The 38-year-old officer, who said he acted in self-defense, was subsequently arrested and charged with voluntary manslaughter. The French judiciary will determine his fate.

    Merzouk's killing, which was recorded on a cellphone video and widely shared across social media, unleashed eight days of extreme violence that left a trail of destruction not seen in France since similar migrant-related riots in late 2005. Police said they were "at war" with "savage hordes" of angry rioters with an "us-versus-them" mentality who destroyed police stations, schools, shops, banks, town halls and courthouses, and torched thousands of cars. The riots, which caused more than one billion euros in damage, were contained only after the French government deployed 45,000 security forces, who arrested more than 4,000 rioters.

    Even if the riots were triggered by police misconduct, the hate-induced arson, looting, and vandalism on such an unprecedented scale point to a much larger failure of governance in France — especially regarding immigration and integration. For at least 50 years, successive governments have been unable or unwilling to limit mass migration or to properly integrate immigrants into French society.

    Myth of Return

    In France and Germany, non-Western guest workers hailed mainly from Turkey and from former French colonies in North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa. Many guest workers lived on the margins of the host society and never properly integrated. In France, millions settled in so-called banlieues, working-class suburbs on the outskirts of large cities.

    The second- and third-generation migrants who grow up in the banlieues often are effectively stateless citizens. Although they technically are French citizens by virtue of birth, they frequently are regarded as second-class citizens by the rest of French society. Many have never left France and furthermore do not identify with the culture of their parents or grandparents. They constitute a permanent underclass that numbers in the millions. Many of them abhor France and all symbols of the French state and are a powder keg ready to explode at a moment's notice. They are the ones largely responsible for the recent riots that laid waste to cities across France.

    In Germany, police have identified at least 40 so-called problem neighborhoods (Problemviertel), areas where large concentrations of migrants, high levels of unemployment and chronic welfare dependency, combined with urban decay, have become incubators for anarchy. "In Berlin or in the north of Duisburg, there are neighborhoods where police hardly dare to stop a car because they know that they'll be surrounded by 40 or 50 men," said Rainer Wendt, president of the German Police Union. "These attacks amount to a deliberate challenge to the authority of the state — attacks in which the perpetrators are expressing their contempt for our society."

    End quote

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  22. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    "25% of world murders are in Brazil, Venezuela, Mexico and Columbia"


    "With just 8% of the world’s population, Latin America accounts for roughly a third of global murders. It is also the only region where lethal violence has grown steadily since 2000, according to United Nations figures.

    "Nearly one in every four murders around the world takes place in just four countries: Brazil, Venezuela, Mexico and Colombia. Last year, a record 63,808 people were murdered in Brazil. Mexico also set a record at 31,174, with murders so far this year up another 20%."





    Whites have the highest gun ownership rates, but very low homicide rates. Most homicides occur in urban areas where gun ownership rates are the lowest.

    "Key facts about Americans and guns"


    Begin quote
    • 47% of adults living in rural areas report personally owning a firearm, as do smaller shares of those who live in suburbs (30%) or urban areas (20%).
    • 38% of White Americans own a gun, compared with smaller shares of Black (24%), Hispanic (20%) and Asian (10%) Americans.
    End quote
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  23. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    It's not just an invasion of migrants we here in the West must now prepare, our countries are being invaded by heavily armed foreign gangs. It has happened in Sweden. It is happening in America.

    "California Legalized Drugs. Cartels Took It Over."


    Begin quote

    Six years after California legalized marijuana, the bodies keep piling up. Earlier this year, six men were murdered in the Mojave Desert. Four of the men had been burned after being shot with rifles. In 2020, seven people were killed at an illegal pot operation in Riverside County.

    Violence like this was supposed to disappear after legalization. Legalization advocates argued that making the drug trade legal would end the grip of the cartels. Instead, the legal market has failed, and the cartels are taking over sizable parts of California and the rest of the country.

    While the legal drug business is also collapsing in California, the state is spending a fortune fighting marijuana even as it tries to tax it. Gov. Gavin Newsom paradoxically promised to close the budget deficit with $100 million in drug revenue, meant to be used to fund law enforcement and fight substance abuse. The state seized over $300 million in illegal pot this year and uses satellite imagery and heavily-armed raids to fight untaxed marijuana.

    But despite all those efforts, illegal marijuana has won and legal marijuana has lost.

    Cartels and gang members dominate the business. And open borders allowed them to bring massive numbers of laborers to boost their ranks. Not only California, but places as far afield as Maine that have large open areas and limited law enforcement resources, have been overrun by drug operations that more closely resemble parts of Latin America and Asia than the USA.

    A few years ago, four Chinese people were murdered at an Oklahoma illegal pot farm. Chinese organized crime had "taken over marijuana in Oklahoma and the United States," the head of the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs revealed.

    Once again, "the mafias set their sights on Oklahoma when the state's voters approved a ballot measure that legalized the cultivation and sale of marijuana for medicinal purposes." Now the Triads run their own compounds "ringed by fences, surveillance cameras and guards with guns and machetes" with 3,000 illegal grows having a value estimated at as high as $44 billion a year.

    The Triads are not just in the illegal marijuana business, they traffic in everything from heroin to fentanyl. Legalizing marijuana, however, provided them with a profitable and semi-legal market that gives them a base to expand their efforts trafficking in even more lethal drugs.

    End quote

    As society collapses, organized criminal gangs may attempt to replace disabled local governments. This has already happened in Mexico. Drug cartels rule over the people of Mexico. The people there haven't the ability to fight back. Here in America, we as citizens, need to be prepared to wipe-out these monstrous invaders when the time comes. Being merciful will get you and your family killed.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  24. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    "Biden under pressure after countries refuse to take back illegal immigrants: 'National security concern' "


    "House lawmakers are urging the Biden administration to do more to push back against countries, including China, who fail to take back their illegal immigrants -- amid an influx of nationals across the southern border.

    "The 14 Republican lawmakers, led by Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, raise concerns about the record number of Chinese migrants that have flooded across the U.S. border in recent months, and that it is one of a number of "recalcitrant" countries who fail or who are uncooperative in taking back their illegal immigrants.

    " 'This is concerning as China and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) pose grave threats to the United States’ economic and national security. In fact, China is one of 13 countries considered uncooperative or "recalcitrant," systematically refusing or needlessly delaying the repatriation of their citizens,' they say in a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Secretary of State Antony Blinken."

    "Fiscal Year 2023 set a record for the number of Chinese nationals coming across the border, with 24,314 nationals. With FY 24 still not finished, that record has already been surpassed at the border. It has raised a number of national security concerns, with lawmakers and officials warning that it could open the door to Chinese espionage.

    "Recently, DHS touted a new charter flight of Chinese nationals, which it says was the first large charter flight since 2018. The lawmakers cite reports that fewer than 150 illegal immigrants were on the flight, while only 288 Chinese nationals were removed in FY 2023, only a small fraction of the tens of thousands coming across.

    "House Republicans have focused heavily on the potential threat of Chinese espionage at the border, including holding hearings about the threat -- but it was dismissed by Democrats as fearmongering.

    "Republicans recently called the entry of Chinese nationals a 'major national security concern' and cited data showing that there have been over 100 incidents in which Chinese nationals have been caught spying at U.S. military installations and other sensitive sites."
    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      "Migrant Choir Teacher Imprisoned in Texas for Child Porn"


      "This week, 33-year-old Orlando Diaz Ramirez appeared before Chief U.S. District Judge Randy Crane, who sentenced him to 97 months in federal prison. Dias Ramirez pleaded guilty on September 2023 to one count of possession of child pornography. The choir teacher admitted to having received 300 child porn videos in a USB storage device from 22-year-old Israel Flores. In that hearing, Flores also pleaded guilty to his charges in the case and received a sentence of 97 months in prison."
      Old Geezer, Jul 11, 2024
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  25. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    Sweden's gun control laws are very strict. However, when people from other nations flow in, they bring their cultures with them. If a people are violent, then gun control laws mean nothing. Fully automatic weapon designs go back, at least, to the 1890s. "Assault rifle" M1 carbines were sold to American citizens by the train box-car-loads in the 1950s and this had no effect on crime. Crime didn't go up. Crime didn't go down.


    "How deadly gang violence has gripped Sweden: Terror on the streets of Malmo as two British men become latest victims of brutal mobsters who are turning peaceful welfare state into Europe's gun capital"

    By Katherine Lawton

    Published: 08:57 EDT, 17 July 2024 | Updated: 12:47 EDT, 17 July 2024


    Begin quote

    Once seen as a peaceful Scandinavian welfare state, Sweden is becoming the European Union's gun-homicide capital as terrifying gangs bring death and terror to the country.

    Deadly violence linked to feuds between criminal groups has escalated in recent years against the backdrop of high levels of migration into Sweden.

    Mafia groups abroad branded the country a 'haven' for their activities, while organised crime groups have infiltrated business sectors and discovered ways to smuggle in military-grade weapons.

    It comes as two British men were shot dead in a suspected 'gangland hit' in Sweden's coastal city of Malmö last weekend before the car was set on fire - with police probing links between the deaths and gang violence in the country.

    The driver and passenger were found in the gutted remains of a Toyota RAV4 that had been rented in Denmark and driven across the border to Sweden.

    Their bodies were recovered after firefighters were called to the scene of a blaze on a dirt road in the Fosie industrial estate in Malmö on Sunday.

    Göran Adamson, a political consultant and associate professor with a PhD from the London School of Economics (LSE), told MailOnline: 'You can see a very close correlation between migration and increasing crime rates.

    'An area can be seemingly peaceful on the surface, but the reason can be that the tribe [...] or gang has won. So the Swedish police of course have decided not to intervene.

    'Just the fact that an area is calm is not always reassuring.'

    He added: 'Sweden is changing rapidly and it's not really feasible what's going on.'

    The country's share of non-western population grew from 2 percent to 15 percent within the space of 20 years.

    Mafia groups abroad called the country a 'haven' for their criminality, while organised crime groups found ways to sneak military-grade weapons into the country.

    In September 2023 more than 40 violent episodes and 12 deaths were recorded in just 20 days - earning the moniker 'Black September'.

    In all of 2023, 53 people were killed in shootings across Sweden, which is home to around 10.5 million people. In 2022, that figure stood at 62 - and Stockholm's per-capita murder rate was roughly 30 times that of London's.

    The killings have turned Sweden, seen for many years from the outside as a peaceful Scandinavian welfare state, into the European Union's gun-homicide capital.

    Gangsters carry out personal vendettas against each other - or hire youngsters to commit the crimes.

    Almost half the suspects in the gun-related murders in 2022 were aged between 15 and 20 - youths who have been groomed by gangs that are largely run by second-generation immigrants.

    Mr Adamson previously told MailOnline that there is a clear link between migration and the gang crime in Sweden.

    Pointing to his 2020 study 'Migrants and Crime in Sweden in the 21st Century', he said someone with a migrant background can be two, three or even four times more likely to be involved with or a suspect in criminal activity than an average Swede.

    'When some people say there is no connection between migration and crime, they are not telling the truth,' he said, adding: 'The data from the crime prevention agency tells us this [...] these are just the bare bones statistics.'

    He added: 'In the suburbs, there is a lot of shooting and a lot of killing going on and it's mostly gang related. I would say 99 percent gang related.

    'When someone is shot - if someone who is under 20 - is shot or two people are shot in a suburb of Stockholm, you can almost count on them being members of one gang who are killing members of another gang, but these are still young guys.'

    End quote
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2024 at 3:28 AM
    TMT Tactical likes this.
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