Mint and lavender repels mosquitoes

Discussion in 'Natural Medicine and Home Remedies' started by tb65, Jul 4, 2016.

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  1. tb65

    tb65 Active Member

    Blog Posts:
    If your looking for natural ways to repel mosquitoes try mint and lavender . Mint and lavender should be grown around your house because mosquitoes can't stand the smell of it. Even tho mosquitoes cant stand the smell of these two plant's they are pleasant to humans. The good thing about the mint plant is it also repels ants. This is one of the most natural forms of mosquito repellent that most people wouldn't mind using.
  2. filmjunkie08

    filmjunkie08 Active Member

    Blog Posts:
    I learned from the local plant nursery that mint is also good for keeping squirrels awsy? I do have have squestion though. Can a person rub mint on their clothing? Will it work as well keeping away the mosquitos as having the mint planted?
  3. Valerie

    Valerie Active Member

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    There's a number of plants that repel insects and other animals. Marigolds, for example, repel furry critters like rabbits. Lemon balm is great for keeping away bloodsuckers and be used to make a mean herbal tea. I use it for both purposes. Peppermint, spearmint, regular mint, basil and other like herbs also serve as repellents for insects. If you can find essential oils from these herbs, a few droplets in the corners of a room can keep away spiders. I find just growing these herbs and keeping them by windowsills drives away bugs too.
  4. tb65

    tb65 Active Member

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    I believe it would repel insects if you put it on you. I've heard someone say that mint oil got rid of ants in there house, if you put mint oil on you not only would you smell good but pest would keep away from you. I think I will try mint oil if I ever see ants again.
  5. tb65

    tb65 Active Member

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    I've heard of all these other plants keeping pest away. I think the marigolds would work if you were trying to start a garden, keeping the rabbits from eating your food would help. I think growing hot peppers are good if you have deer or rabbits around they won't eat this stuff. I'm going to try some of these essential oils eventually.
  6. AnnaBanana

    AnnaBanana New Member

    Blog Posts:
    I read about these plants, and a a few others, that have the ability to repel mosquitoes in a yahoo news story. My aunt puts a lot of faith in these plants, and the citronella plant. She and I are terrified of the Zika virus, so this is our preparation.
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