Mung beans: an easy to grow crop

Discussion in 'Gardening, Plant Propegation, & Farming' started by Corzhens, Jun 21, 2016.

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  1. Corzhens

    Corzhens Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Although a vast majority doesn't relish mung beans, it is a favorite in our country. What's good in mung beans or mongo beans is the ease of raising. All you need to do is to sow the seeds and they will grow by themselves when there is enough water. In the rural area, the folks there sow the seeds during the rainy season so the mung beans would sprout in a day or 2 and grow leaves in a week. After 2 months they begin to develop pods. However, harvesting is not that easy because you need to pick the pods one by one.

    But mung beans can be stored for a long time so you can have reserve food in case there is shortage.
  2. Harrysung

    Harrysung New Member

    Blog Posts:
    I have never heard of mung beans before. I'll google it to see what it looks like, if I like it, I'll order and plant it.
  3. Neiltarquin

    Neiltarquin Member

    Blog Posts:
    My uncle in the province plants mung beans during summer when rice planting is not in season. It is really easy. It's like a gadget, plug and play. The tricky part is to remove the beans from its pod. It was so freaking hard.
  4. remnant

    remnant Expert Member

    Blog Posts:
    I have heard of mung beans but I don't know where to source the seeds from. I think it grows in a wide variety of conditions and I live in a tropical area. I will renew my quest to look for them. There is another hybrid heavy yielding bean cultivar in my country called chelalang which yields 2kg per plant!
  5. Tumbleweed

    Tumbleweed Expert Member

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    I have sprouted mung beans, and I really like them either in salads or in stir fry ; but I have not tried growing them into bean producing plants. When you grow them, @Corzhens , can you eat them like a green bean when they are young, or do you have to leave them until they get hard and shell them out like a dry bean ?
    Do you also sprout them inside and eat the sprouts, or just eat the beans once the plant has grown and use them in a pot of bean soup or something along that line ?

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