Muslim Terrorism.

Discussion in 'News, Current Events, and Politics' started by jeager, May 31, 2017.

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  1. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    dont do twitter but I know what you mean.
    The Met Police are led by weak woke senior chiefs who are afraid of upsetting anyone, the rot probably started with the London Riots all those years ago. mind you Sadiq Khan and his political interference dosent help.
    TMT Tactical and Brownbear like this.
  2. Brownbear

    Brownbear Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I believe that with the Met a lot of it is Sadiq Khan. I have been starting to think that it suits him to have a large multiracial population in London, he is, by logical choice, the mayor for imported faiths and cultures. I read recently (New Culture Forum) that 67% of people in London are not not native British people. Mr Khan broadly does represent these people quite well.

    I hope he gets booted out at the next mayoral election in no small part down to his introduction of ULEZ which is a tax on driving in London. He himself is exempt, to me that is corruption, pure and simple.
    lonewolf and TMT Tactical like this.
  3. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    most new migrants to the UK head to the capital, at least 2 boroughs-it may be more now- have majorities who were not born here.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  4. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    I too do not do Twitter or any of those ...I think they are called social forums...

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical and lonewolf like this.
  5. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    so is this forum.
    Blitz, TMT Tactical and Brownbear like this.
  6. Max rigger

    Max rigger Master Survivalist

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    I'm on all the main social media platforms, always use a different name, different password its just basic online security oh I also use a VPN.

    If you isolate yourself from them your just limiting yourself as to how you hear about some news and new social trends and they can be amusing as well

    This is a good youtube channel, he's an ex-cop and uses a lot of police bodycam footage. This is a great vid, undercover cop is sitting in an unmarked car and some idiot decides to carjack him...does not end well for the lad .

    TMT Tactical and Brownbear like this.
  7. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    why dosent that surprise anyone? HAHAHA!
    TMT Tactical and Brownbear like this.
  8. Max rigger

    Max rigger Master Survivalist

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    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
    1. TMT Tactical
      Works for me. How many times do they need to step back? mess with the Bull, get the horns.
      TMT Tactical, Nov 18, 2023
      watcherchris likes this.
  9. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    One day, terrorists are going to use a drone to attack a sports stadium filled with tens of thousands of fans. If it is a biologic attack, the people panicking will spread the infection far and wide = no need for the terrorists to spread the engineered virus (such as a variant of Ebola).

    " 'That's a first': Drone sightings caused two delays during Bengals-Ravens game"


    "Drones are a looming domestic terrorism threat"


    "Terrorist Digitalis: Preventing Terrorists from Using Emerging Technologies"


    Very important article that deals with drone delivery of biological weapons:


    TMT Tactical likes this.
  10. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    why did we ever let Muslims into Britain? that was the fault of one Anthony Blair who wanted to " rub the Rights noses in multiculturalism" well that isnt what we got, what we got is many cultures most of which never integrated and even had their own laws which came before British ones, no surprise we now have home grown terrorism, what a mess!!
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  11. Blitz

    Blitz Legendary Survivalist

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    Tax on driving! How does it work? We never experienced it when last in the UK. Does it only affect London, or are there other major cities that are affected by it?
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  12. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    at the moment I believe its only in London, £12.50 each time they go into the low emission zone, but other cities are looking at introducing it, another reason I dont go into cities.
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  13. Blitz

    Blitz Legendary Survivalist

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    That's criminal!

    How do they police it? Do drivers have to pay at a toll booth when they enter London? Hmmm. Or do they charge by way of number plate recognition? Never heard anything like it! I hope the pollies in Aus don't go getting any ideas.
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  14. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    not sure how they collect the fee but they have a lot of number plate cameras many of which have been vandalised.
    I havent been in London for 40 years and have no need to do so.
    Brownbear, TMT Tactical and Blitz like this.
  15. Max rigger

    Max rigger Master Survivalist

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    Wales has introduced a 20mph limit on many town and city roads, its crazy.
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  16. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Why should Israel gut the West Bank? Why should Israel neutralize their enemies wherever they are? Here's some reasons:

    "Israeli police say extreme sexual violence, rape by Hamas terrorists was systematic"

    Begin quote

    JERUSALEM — The first suggestion that Hamas terrorists committed acts of extreme sexual violence and rape against victims during their Oct. 7 rampage through southern Israel came on social media early on that fateful Saturday morning six weeks ago.

    Two short videos, shared by the terrorists themselves, quickly emerged showing groups of cheering Palestinian men, some armed, in the streets of Gaza crowding around half-naked and bloodied young Israeli women.

    In one clip, a woman later identified as German-Israeli citizen Shani Louk, 22, can be seen barely clothed lying unconscious in an unnatural position on the flatbed of a pickup as men spit and abuse her body while screaming "Allahu Akhbar."

    In another video, 19-year-old Israeli soldier Na’ama Levy is pulled from the back of a jeep by an armed gunman, her hands bound behind her back and thick blood stains between her legs, as Palestinian men jeer at her.

    While the victims of gender-based crimes committed during that brutal attack have yet to come forward, either because they were murdered or kidnapped or are still reeling from the trauma, the Israeli police and Israel’s newly formed Civil Commission on October 7th Crimes by Hamas Against Women believe sexual violence during the terror attack was widespread, systematic and even endorsed by the Islamic fundamentalist group’s religious and spiritual leaders as permissible during war.

    The witness, identified only by the initial "S," recounted on camera that while she was hiding from the terrorists, she saw a group of them pass a woman with long brown hair among them.

    "I understood they were raping her," S said. "They were passing her from one person to the next. She was alive and standing on her feet. She was bleeding from her back."

    S then described how one of the terrorists sliced off the woman’s breast and began playing around with it. Another, the witness said, shot the woman in the head while he was still penetrating her.

    "He did not even lift up his pants and shot her in the head," S said, adding that she spied another terrorist haul a naked, dead woman over his shoulder and walk off with her. Another, she said, cut off someone’s head and was walking around with it like a trophy.

    Additionally, the police shared graphic photographs and video footage from the festival showing women, charred and bloody, their underwear visibly ripped and their legs spread apart.

    Videotaped interrogations of some of the captured terrorists show them confessing that they had orders to murder, rape and kidnap Israeli civilians. One suspect told Israeli interrogators he and his men had received religious permission to kill children "because they’ll grow up to be soldiers" and to decapitate "to sow fear among the Israelis."

    A commander with the Israeli army’s National Rescue Unit told journalists in the initial days after the attack that he had found multiple bodies of dead women who had been stripped naked. In one case, on Kibbutz Be’eri, Col. (Res) Golan Vach, said he found two women tied together on the same bed with no clothes on.

    In another case, a soldier from the army’s special forces unit who was sent to search for survivors on a kibbutz told one media outlet he found the dead bodies of two young girls together in one room.

    "There was a teenage girl, 14 or 15. She was lying on the floor, on her stomach, her pants were pulled down, and she was half naked. Her legs were spread out, wide open, and there was the remains of sperm on her back," he said. "Someone executed her straight after he brutally raped her.

    "It was like a slap in the face," the soldier said. "It was the first time I realized that we are not acting against terrorists here, we are acting against savages."

    In the morgue, too, those working to identify the dead and prepare their bodies for burial spoke about brutalities consistent with rape and sexual assault.

    "We saw evidence of rape," Shari, who works with a team of female volunteers tasked with cleaning the bodies of murdered women, told Fox News Digital in a previous interview. "Pelvises were broken, and it probably takes a lot to break a pelvis. … And this was also among grandmothers down to small children. These are things we saw with our own eyes."

    "This is not an isolated event in history where crimes against women can be ignored. What we’ve seen in Israel were rape and gender-based crimes under clear orders and under full control.

    "It was rape unto death, rape as massacre, rape and crimes made to kill and torture women, using them and their bodies as an instrument to force exile of those communities in Israel. It was rape to be seen and heard by others, women’s and girls’ bodies used as spectacles of victory, trophies of war."

    End quote

    Widespread sickness:

    "Uncovering Iraq's religious front for child prostitution | Iraq's Secret Sex Trade"

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  17. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    6 terrorists from Syria backed by Iran have known to have entered Britain by small boat across the Channel in recent weeks.
    the whereabouts of 3 are known but the others -using false documents- have disappeared, they are thought to be targeting the UK govt and or public services.
    this brings the total of known terrorists to have arrived by small boat to 25 just this year alone.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      I sure would be avoiding big cities, even larger towns, right now. Easy to do, because, like you, I loathe being in crowds of any sort. I get a "haunted house" / eerie feeling when in such places. I feel the spiritual illness in those places, I guess. I've only been to a hand-full of large events. Only reason that I went to one huge sporting event was that on a business trip, we got free tickets. Even with free tickets, I'd stay away what with the current atmosphere of "crazy days". For now and likely from now on, it's me and mine. People have lost their sh##, big time!
      Old Geezer, Nov 19, 2023
      TMT Tactical and watcherchris like this.
  18. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Israel takes heat for not being nice to civilians in Gaza, yet Muslim nations won't take care of them at all. Arabian nations might send food packages, but it's in a decidedly hands-off fashion. It least Israel is attempting to get civilians out of northern Gaza. Israel is trying to feed them and is providing medical aid to them.

    "More than a million Palestinians in Gaza are now displaced; why are Arab countries not opening their doors?"

    Begin quote

    As the death toll in Gaza rises, thousands of civilians continue to flee the conflict and head southward, where the Israeli military has said it is safer and where truckloads of food, water, and medicine arrive daily via the Rafah Crossing with Egypt. The U.N. estimates 250,000 fled in the past week alone.

    The two Arab countries bordering Israel on either side — Egypt and Jordan — have both pointedly refused to offer refuge to any number of Palestinians from Gaza, even though Jordan already has a large Palestinian population and Egypt’s expansive and sparsely populated Sinai Peninsula is just a few miles from where the thousands of Palestinians are now being cared for by international aid agencies.

    Earlier this month, Egypt’s Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly dismissed calls for displaced Palestinians to resettle in the Sinai desert, saying his country would protect its land and sovereignty at any cost. His comments came following the revelation of an Israeli intelligence document proposing that residents of the Strip be evacuated to tent cities in Sinai as the Israeli military works to destroy Hamas.

    "We are ready to sacrifice millions of lives to protect our territory from any encroachment," Madbouly said in a recent speech, advocating that a two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinians was the only comprehensive resolution that would guarantee regional peace.

    End quote


    "King of Jordan tells Olaf Scholz: We won’t take refugees from Gaza "

    "The king of Jordan poured cold water on German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s hopes that neighboring Arab countries could take in Palestinian refugees who are fleeing the Gaza Strip ahead of an anticipated ground offensive by the Israeli army.

    “ 'I think I can speak here on behalf of Jordan … but also our friends in Egypt: This is a red line … no refugees to Jordan and also no refugees to Egypt,' King Abdullah said at the press conference."


    Muslim nations kill other Muslims and in particular, Palestinians.

    "Violence against Palestinians in Iraq"

    "A sizable amount of Palestinians came to Iraq after the Nakba.[1] Before 2003, there were about 35,000 Palestinians in Iraq, mainly concentrated in the large cities. After the 2003 Iraq War, the population is between 5,000 and 15,000, although it's difficult to get the exact number.

    "Things quickly went downhill for Palestinians after the Iraq War. Since then, they have been the target of attacks, persecution, eviction, expulsion, harassment, rape, and killings by Shia militants, and the new Iraqi Government with militant groups particularly targeting them for their support for Saddam Hussein and that they were treated better than Shias under Saddam's Rule. After the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003, Palestinians in Iraq were subject to discrimination, violence and mass killings by the new Iraqi government and many militias. al-Hurriyya, al-Doura and al-Baladiyyat in Baghdad were Palestinian neighborhoods that were also raided and attacked. UNHCR in 2007 provided details of violence and persecution against Palestinians in Iraq, that included abductions, attacks, torture by militias and the Iraqi Ministry of the Interior and the deaths of many Palestinian women, men and children. After Al-Askari Mosque was bombed, Palestinians in Iraq were immediately blamed for the attack and became targets. According to Human Rights Watch, in March, a militia known as the 'Judgment Day Brigades' passed around leaflets in Palestinian neighborhoods, accusing Palestinians of working with terrorists and said the following: 'We warn that we will eliminate you all if you do not leave this area for good within ten days.' Ali al-Sistani issued a fatwa demanding killings of Palestinians to stop. However, violence continued and the mass killings and death threats put the Palestinians in fear and forced thousands to flee Iraq, stated by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees."
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2023
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  19. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    by Olde Geezer....

    I've been around a lot of dry docks in my time....a whole lot of concrete...but.......I understand the function of such a massive amount of concrete.

    Cities and concrete are not natural settings for me.

    Down here on the Chesapeake Bay ...people pay good monies to come down here and see the bay...salt water...

    I tend to want to go the other the mountains....ironic is it not???

    Planning a trip up to the Sherando Lake area outside of Waynesboro....soon and to rent a cabin for a few days...with a nice creek running behind it. Will bring my long range ham rig and power supply to make contacts and a wire dipole antenna....very quick to put up and take down...the olde school way.

    There is something to me....about the mountains....very peaceful.

    My lady friend..her brother lives further up into the mountains near the border in a town called Coeburn.....very nice....nice river near by...looks like good fishing...too. The deer just come right into his back yard and graze.....

    That is some good eating ...trout!!!

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  20. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    The people of Jordan are from a different stock of Arabs and do not get along with the Palestinian stock of Arabs....going back hundreds of olde tribal squabble.

    The Jordanian people are from a stock of Arabs known as Bedouins....and the Palestinians are Fedayeen.

    This is seldom told to outsiders so as to give the impression they are all united...not so as evidenced by the Jordanians not wanting to take in Palestinians. We are not to know this by a design to keep us we are kept ignorant by so much and by our own leadership at that.

    In history...the Jordanians did take in Palestinians ....some time in the 1960s and into the 1970s and those olde animosities came back...along with troubles between the two tribes.

    The Jordanians got tired and disgusted with the Palestinians and their weapons running around their country and turned on them and kicked them out ...killing many of them in the process. We as Americans are to be ignorant and not told of this.

    What so many Arabs are anti Israel....not necessarily pro Arab per se.

    I suspect that Egypt is also well aware of this pattern and reasoning amongst the Palestinians and Jordanians and know that taking the Palestinians in would be big trouble for Egypt.

    We Americans are not to know this history ...but be like mushrooms kept in the dark by our leadership and backed up by our phony pimping news media.

    How dare we Americans have the tools and or historical knowledge to think outside the box....and on our own.

    How dare we not follow our Ishmaelite leadership, a pimping media .....and their deceit.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2023
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  21. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    a bit like the Sunni and Shia Muslims they dont like each other either.
    I think we should ban religion altogether, its old fashioned and has no part in the 21st century, most people these days are atheist, they only go to church for the big show off wedding then never go again. and the Mosques only cement hatred towards anyone different.
    after the collapse I would ban religion and ban governments, the only thing allowed would be a village or community council and that would only be to organise the harvest and regular market and any other community event....thats if there were any communities after the collapse.
  22. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Capitol Police: Anti-Israel DNC Protesters 'moved dumpsters in front of the exits, pepper sprayed our officers and attempted to pick up the bike rack' ”

    "Mostly peaceful? '24-year old Ruben Arthur Camacho of Woodbridge, NY, was arrested for Assault on a Police Officer after an officer witnessed Camacho slam another officer into a garage door and then punch the female officer in the face.' "

    Begin quote:

    After unhinged leftists attempted to breach the DNC headquarters in Washington, DC on Wednesday night, lots of people are wondering if we’re going to see any sort of investigation on par with what came after January 6th. No one is holding their breath, however.

    The Capitol Police released this statement:

    Last night approximately 200 people gathered in front of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters to protest the conflict in the Middle East.

    We have handled hundreds of peaceful protests, but last night’s group was not peaceful. The crowd failed to obey our lawful orders to move back from the DNC, where Members of Congress were in the building.

    When the group moved dumpsters in front of the exits, pepper sprayed our officers and attempted to pick up the bike rack, our teams quickly introduced consequences – pulling people off the building, pushing them back, and clearing them from the area, so we could safely evacuate the Members and staff.

    Six officers were treated for injuries, from minor cuts to being pepper sprayed to being punched.

    End quote


    Had these been conservative protestors, the media would have published this for days or weeks. Plus, there would have been congressional hearings. These Leftist protesters trapped members of congress -- not unlike the Jan 6th "riot", if you ask me.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  23. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    LOL LOL LOL LOL are sometimes a riot....

    Ban Religion....LOL LOL LOL>..

    GFW Hegel ...the philosopher....and his famous dictum....,

    "The state is god!!!"

    Hegel: The State as God's Will | Mises Institute

    Many people have heard of this...but not that it comes from George Fredrick Wilheim Hegel..

    The history of men ...always is to drift towards absolute power.....more and more power in the hands of a few...often abusing the liberties and freedoms of the people to attend to their own favor of the state or a handful who are the real state....often hidden and concealed from the general public.

    This knowledge of history....or in many the absence of knowledge of history ....becomes laughable once one knows of the existence of this pattern and tendency of men...

    And it does not matter how much education one tend to return back to absolute power...divine right of Kings....on the backs of the people...and their freedoms and liberties.

    The eventually descends into lack of economic and social liberties.....or economic the hands of intelligent, illuminated, enlightened of letters.....who appear to have forgotten this history in favor of personal gain.

    Oh...and lonewolf....this pattern often repeating itself in and throughout a religion...and one often left undefined for us. We are not to recognize it as even possible today.....becsuse we have so many of these Enlightened, public positions of power...

    Be very careful what one thinks is religion...for often the real religion going on out here remains undefined and thus unknown to a design.

    This is how todays Ishmaelites prefer to work....on the backs of an ignorant and gullible public...a television and or movie trained and groomed public....a drugged public....

    Remember something in bed with leadership is also a devout and zealous religion.

    Economics is science as well...a discipline....

    Yet for all this education, enlightenment, Illumination.. ...prowess...we have these people who cannot balance a we not?? Over and over and over infinitum. Experts!!!

    What devout and zealous religion is this Lonewolf????

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2023
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  24. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    Mankind has always had some form of religion /cult belief system. Mankind needs something to blame for it's failures and something to be used to explain the unknown. When it hits the fan, the gods must be angry. When it goes as planned, then the God are with them. The unfortunate part is there will always be people that use religion to exert their need for power. In the name of God (which ever god) has ben used to kill more people than all the natural events combined.
  25. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Now that medical technology is snatching people back from the brink of death, we have thousands of accounts of souls leaving their bodies and facing a review of their lives by advanced souls in the next world. Brain hypoxia and medications had to be ruled-out as the origin of these experiences. During these out of body experiences, the dying have witnessed events far from where they were dying. These accounts have shocked friends and relatives when the person who died (temporarily; only for a few minutes) tells them where they were, what they were doing, and what they had said during the time the individual had been without any brain activity.

    One thing these accounts reveal is that one's religious affiliation has next to NOTHING to do with how one is judged. As a matter of fact, one's soul isn't judged by the advanced souls. One judges their own self when their lives are played back to them so that they themselves can see not only what they did in their lives, but also the effect that their actions had on others. One's career means little. What means a lot is how you have grown in wisdom and how you have shown love for other souls. Prayer causes growth, but prayers for others is more important than centering on oneself. In this world, self-serving behaviors sure don't help you in the next; however, being of service to others means a WHOLE LOT in the next world.

    Again, it is being validated that most religious dogmas are nothing but man-made B.S. People of different backgrounds and religions have the same series of events happen to them when they die. What do the Prophets teach?! They teach us to get along with others, help each other in times of need / be helpful, learn as much as you can in the years you have, and avoid pride as if it were the plague. Getting together to pray is OK, but "religious" rituals don't mean much of anything at all.

    Where I live is one of those "buckle of the Bible belt" areas. Though not a member of the Christian religion myself, I believe that the people are better people, more moral, due to their following the the Teachings of The Christ.

    Thomas Jefferson and other American Founding Fathers were not dogmatic Christians at all (they were Deists). Thomas Jefferson literally cut-up a New Testament leaving the spiritual parts and tossing the man-made crap. This can be found online:

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  26. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    LOL LOL LOL...diesm.....

    Deism is what we have now Secular Humanism and has been defined in the courts as a religion....

    The religion of Wise Men....the Religion of intellect....Enlightenment...Illumination....

    Here by TMT Tactical...

    I quite agree TMT Tactical....a cult belief science in bed with the case of Covid 19 and whatever is next needed to herd people into the next election and the vote drop boxes again..

    Be Very very careful of science in bed with government and used/misused to herd people out of their vote, time, and monies.

    Put another to use/misuse science to rig the system.

    I am not saying that science is bad...just to be careful of herding scientifically done politically and socially for someone's lucre or profit...a lot of it based on fear.

    Or I am want to state...

    Ishmaelites run wild...

    How do we know this is going on.....simple...

    Even leftists...devout leftists...did not vote for what is happening to America Economically....socially.....inflation wise...

    That is how you know you are being scammed.....No free lunch......but there is politics...backed by science...

    Remember...we have economic Experts guiding leadership in office who cannot balance a budget....correct????

    This no matter what political party is in office.

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2023
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  27. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Remember something often not told to us....but if one can think further than ESPN and or the becomes obvious about Islam....

    Islam is state and church combined......

    Remember that about the Religion of Peace...

    Remember that too about the religion of secular many wars and conflicts it has gotten us into.

    What religion was Trump Practicing in trying to keep us out of conflicts.

    Knowing this .....also helps clear up why he has to be kept out off the office.

    I don't think he is an Ishmaelite.

    I do not think many ...even in America want us to know this fact or history.....about Islam.

    Be Warned these Ishmaelites on both sides of the Ocean....

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2023
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  28. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    There's been some "incident" at the customs checkpoint in Niagara Falls Ontario on the Rainbow Bridge.

    Seems a van out of Canada was speeding on that bridge, swerved to miss a car, slammed into the station/checkpoint/whatever, then burst into flames. After a few seconds, the van exploded. Both people in the van were killed/burned-up. One U.S. Border Patrol agent was injured, but not seriously so.

    Terrorist event? Speeder? Crazy? Somebody who wanted to get-past the check-point? Nobody knows right now. It's too early. Every agency imaginable seems to be investigating.

    America cannot police its borders right now. The catastrophic situation at the U.S. / Mexican border right now is using-up too many B.Patrol agents, so we're left a bit naked on the Canadian border.

    Whoever is running the White House is hiring thirty thousand, yes 30,000, Internal Revenue Agents to rape the bank accounts of American citizens, but is refusing to police our borders with a sufficient number of Border Patrol agents. The cost of hiring / enabling the IRS crew is now at 80 Billion dollars. The biden regime sez they'll get the money back after shaking-down recalcitrant taxpayers. Side point: Let's say that all of the multi-millionaires and all of the billionaires were utterly divested of all that they own and this money put into paying off the U.S. debt, that amount still wouldn't put a dent in how bankrupt we are -- not even a minor dent.

    I'd say that America will definitely get hit by terrorists sometime during this holiday season on into 2024. Then, there's the 2024 N0vember elections where Americans could go for each other's throats.


    Begin quote

    Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) on Wednesday claimed there are “sleeper terrorist cells in America” as he called for greater national security measures on the southern border.

    “I believe that we have sleeper terrorist cells in America. Thousands of people have come from Yemen, Iran, Syria and Iraq,” Scott said on the debate stage. “If we are going to deal with a national security emergency at our border, we have to do it now.”

    Scott’s latest claim builds on previous messaging from his campaign that levies unsubstantiated suggestions about terrorists crossing the southern border.

    In his campaign announcement speech, after talking about the southern border, Scott said, “Hundreds of people on our terrorist watch list are crossing our borders.”

    A Washington Post analysis noted Scott specifically used the plural “borders” and said Scott’s spokesperson pointed to DHS data showing “terrorist screening encounters” at all ports of entry.

    That data, according to the Post analysis, showed the encounters significantly higher at the border with Canada than at the southern border. The analysis also noted that those numbers track people who were stopped at the border, not those who crossed successfully.

    End quote
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  29. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    it is being said the driver of the car had a "medical incident", and was on the way to see the band KISS, so not a terrorist incident as some have said.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  30. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    "Mass stabbing in Dublin leaves 5 wounded, including 3 children "

    A mass stabbing near an elementary school in Dublin, Ireland, on Thursday saw five people sustained knife injuries, including three children.

    Eyewitness accounts described a male suspect wielding a knife, Fox News reported. The individual was ultimately subdued by civilians before police arrived. The motive for the attack remains unclear as of press time. An adult woman and a five-year-old girl suffered sever injuries and all five have been hospitalized.

    Thursday evening saw irate crowds turn out in the streets of Dublin amid unconfirmed reports that a person of interest in the stabbing is an Algerian national. Video footage showed demonstrators attacking police cars and set them ablaze.


    Old Gzr: So far (23 Nov 2023; 14:30 hours, EST; 19:30 GMT), it has NOT been confirmed that the following attack was committed by an Algerian. I found one publication stating he was Algerian, but that is only one report, which doesn't mean very much until confirmed by multiple sources. Could be a report based only on rumor.

    Needless to say, the people of Dublin are way past furious about this sick event.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  31. Max rigger

    Max rigger Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Really kicking off in Dublin tonight, last I read online the assailant is from Algeria (TBC)
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  32. Brownbear

    Brownbear Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Yes a big riot there last night Max. Of course, this morning, the protestors have been branded "right wing" by the media, which is half the problem.

    We are doomed of expressing a concern that thousands of migrants arriving may contain undesirable elements and, then, when one of them commits an awful crime to be annoyed, upset and angry is to immediately be branded as some sort of right wing racist is simply lazy ignorant press and politicians trying to cover up their own massive failures.

    745,000 migrants came to the UK last year, according to the Government's own figures released yesterday. Amongst those will be paedophiles, thieves, rapists, drug dealers in exactly the same percentage that would occur in any population, from anywhere. The problem is that they arrive unchecked and uncontrolled. Take look at the anti-Israel protests, chants of "from the river to the sea" climbing all over war memorials etc. So many of these people do not have respect for our values and, I suspect, simply don't care about them either. Yet if we complain about it, we are immediately right wing racists, not people hoe country has been utterly usurped and turned into one of the crime capitals of Europe.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  33. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    The Police have yet to confirm if the attacker is Irish or non Irish, there is supposed to be a press conference later.
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  34. Brownbear

    Brownbear Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    The media are saying that he is an Algerian asylum seeker.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  35. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    I dont believe anything the media say, they usually get it wrong.
  36. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    Looks as if the same olde "Usual Suspects" running your phony left/right....paradigm....are trying to run the same scam here in America.....

    It gets tiring....

    I have for some time now thought that the real purpose is to conceal.....what is really going on in the background......whom or what is really causing the confusion by having people fight each other to allow the real movers and herders to do their work on the social structure. Unimpeded....unlimited. No matter how much chaos they create.

    Ishmaelites run wild.....

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical and Brownbear like this.
  37. Max rigger

    Max rigger Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    He is Algerian who went to Ireland and is now an Irish citizen, so not just some muslim twat out to kill children. The fella who stopped him is an immigrant from Brazil working as a motorcycle delivery driver, when he saw what was happening he attacked the knifeman with his helmet, batted the snot out of him, Caio Benicio without a doubt saved multiple lives.
  38. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    I think it was probably a "domestic", anyway he is in custody and the Garda say they arent looking for anyone else.
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  39. Brownbear

    Brownbear Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I was watching an interview with Peter Whittle on YouTube regarding the incident. He made a very good point in that I does not matter whether the attacker is a Muslim or not, the perception of those who protested was that he was and it is that depth of anger towards the immigration situation in Ireland that is most likely the root cause of the issue that become violent, likely due to the usual "types" that will get destructive for just about any reason.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  40. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    the stabbing incident was serious enough but not to the extent of all that rioting and anarchy, the suspect is already under arrest.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  41. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    People who can still think for themselves realize that what is happening in their own country is that they are being moved and or herded like cattle into a Non Representative Government.

    Their government is representing someone or some thing...but not the people of their country.

    These people are sensing that they are and will be taking second, third, and fourth place in their own their so called Non Representative government. They will work and risk for first place..but this will be given to others to have the body politic keep and maintain power over the herd.

    This is called.....Involuntary Servitude...or put another way....Being a Subject...

    This is what happens when you are a subject ...and not a citizen with rights...but a subject with privileges granted by the Sovereign. be fair...most Americans themselves do not have a clue about the differences in these two systems at law.

    It is clear that people in the Uk who complain about what is happening in their country can be punished for speaking out.

    Very strange to thinking Americans.... so many of us take our rights for granted....and have no clue how as why we have them.

    The Government in the UK is proving this out to those of us Americans who still know why this is...why this history....of Subject...versus Citizen with Rights under the Constitution of the United States.


    We too have Ishmaelites who have infiltrated our form of government and would like us to become and not Citizens with Rights.

    This is what happens when you have years of Fallen leadership ...infiltrating our public school system.

    And I mean Fallen here..

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  42. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    If the government won't protect the children, then it will be the people who will have to do so. The same goes for the nation itself. Western governments are allowing mass migration to degrade the quality of life of the lower classes of the native born. Seems the people will need to stand up against that rape of their nation.

    Seems that Europe's newly arrived have zero respect for women and children. Can't have that.

    "Addressing Nation, Irish Leader Spends Seconds Condemning Stabbing of Children but Minutes on Protests That Followed"


    "Fearing More Anti-Mass Migration Protests, Dublin Borrows Water Cannon From UK"

    "While the foundational story of the modern Irish state is one of throwing off British oppression, Dublin has been quick to request the loan of water cannon from a United Kingdom police force."


    "Irish Establishment Sneers at Anti-Migration Riot as ‘Hate, ‘Lunatic’ "

    " Poor Irish people staged a riot in central Dublin following the stabbing of three children by a man described as a homeless migrant, yet the Irish establishment is portraying the Thursday-night anti-migration riots as merely “hate,” “lunatic” and 'far-right.'

    "The unprecedented riots come after years of growing community protests against the migration that is impoverishing Irish people with rising rents and flatlining wages. So far, none of the established Irish political parties have sought to curb or reduce the impact of migration on Ireland’s people.

    “ 'At the risk of sounding like a bleeding-heart lefty, that [riot] an expression of the disconnect that has been festering amongst disadvantaged young men for a long time,' reported an anti-establishment Irish news outlet,, which added:

    " 'But the media, like the government and the Oppositon, were eager to change the conversation, and Dublin city centre being set on fire gave them perfect cover to do so. So the usual nonsense about the ‘far-right’ started immediately, and the front pages are full of those photographs this morning.'

    "On Friday morning, Ireland’s migration heritage, pro-migration prime minister — Leo Varadkar — quickly described the rioters as hateful and suggested he would clamp down on free speech and Internet-organized protests.

    "In 2020, Vardakar defended the deadly and destructive Black Lives Matter looting and riots in the United States. But he described the Irish protestors as 'cowardly champions of Ireland'.

    "The government is a coalition of establishment parties, all of which support the mass migration that has pushed a huge number of Irish people into poverty.

    "Conor McGregor, the very popular Irish martial arts fighter, slammed the establishment media and government for ignoring the migration-caused crime and poverty;

    " 'One of the most horrific crimes this nation ever seen has occurred, we do not care anymore what you [media] sad cases have got to say. In a war you are nothing. We are not backing down, we are only warming up. There will be no backing down until real change is implemented for the safety of our nation. We are not losing any more of our woman and children to sick and twisted people who should not even be in Ireland in the first place. Call it what you want. We do not care. May God help us all. Ireland for victory.'

    "McGregor’s statement suggests he may try to revive Irish nationalist politics. If so, it is possible he could force Sinn Fein and the other parties to reduce the migration that has shifted massive wealth from white-collar and blue-collar Irish to investors, landlords, and CEOs."


    I was watching a debate between an Irish socialist party leader and an Irish conservative leader. The socialist said that there were major issues in Ireland dealing with the lack of housing in Ireland. Yet, she still supports mass migration. o_Oo_Oo_O

    My wife, a son, and I were watching news reports about the stabbing of the Irish children. We were delighted that the locals put that trash assailant into the hospital in serious condition. Me, I wished that they had beaten him to death. I know what my dad and one of his brothers would have done. I know exactly what my community would have done back in the day.

    You can't allow children to be attacked. You gotta send a message. The message has to be loud and clear. The enemy must know deep-down fear.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. TMT Tactical
      Anybody that attacks a child, must be put down like any other mad dog.
      TMT Tactical, Nov 25, 2023
  43. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    The history of leadership and in this case...Deep State leadership....leadership owned and bought by Deep State secret players...working through Proxy to put the people and nation in last place to their program/programs.

    And runaway migration seems to be one of their programs...internationally.

    This in the Olde Days...used to be known by many of us as The Conspiracy. Today it is known as the International Deep State...on a World Wide Basis. This is a world wide system...a World Wide Program being run...mass migration.

    Now....something none of us are supposed to know or even pass on to others that they too...know...

    Something not allowed to be known or taught to us in public schools.....about rebellion or revolution.....ever..

    And that something is......

    That whenever a and large...determine for themselves that is cheaper/less expensive to revolt or rebel against the power structure putting them into Ishmaelite their standard of living......that it is cheaper to revolt than to give in....

    When a people by and large determine it is cheaper to revolt against such an system....than give into it....

    You are going to have a rebellion....a revolt....mayhap even leading to a civil rebellion.

    We are never to know or be able to think this far on our own...without permission of our proxy leadership...without permission of our betters.

    Notice this is a concept taught to us by our news media ....looking out for us??? Yes?? Not !!!

    Yet when someone explains it to you becomes obvious.

    And when someone messes with another's children...that is just such an spark to get people to rebel.

    Government is apparently too stupid to figure this one government obeys it's secret proxy leadership.

    Remember Englishmen reading this post...

    A variation of this happened in the 1640's with the Roundheads against the government...the Cavaliers...the King's rule...eventually leading to a English Civil War and the Execution/Beheading of King Charles 1st in January of 1649.

    Do many of you Englishmen even know this history??? Most Americans have not a clue.

    This is very very important to us here as Americans though it s never taught in public schools so as never to have Americans know the true nature behind our revolution one hundred years later.

    For the truth of the history is....that an Englishman...Oliver Cromwell and his Roundheads....set the example...the precedent of authority ...for a people...we Americans to turn on their king...their leadership..

    And our founding fathers here ...knew of this history and precedent before our Revolution.

    For when a king or leadership has gone a step too far.....the Roundheads set the pace/precedent for this.

    And in this recent Irish business....going after children is a step too far....

    Is your government system as stupid as is ours America.?????

    Are they banking on the concept that no one knows this history.

    Is not our history today strained and filtered out of any real substance..any real particular by what pases for public education today ???

    I learned of this history on my own reading and studying.....not in public school.

    For the Irish are the stuff of legends in their stubbornness...stiff necked rebellion......going way way back into history. This followed by the Scottish.

    Way back into history ...why do you think the Romans built Hadrian's Wall as well as later the Antonine wall.??

    This stubbornness goes back that far into history.

    And their descendants here in America...just as stubborn...many of them hill folk...just as friendly as can be....but don't cross them.

    And now you know the rest of the story

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2023
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  44. Max rigger

    Max rigger Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Hadrian's wall was never a real military obstacle and the Roman's new that, it was always a demonstration of military power built to deter but not effectively stop Scots going south into England.

    I've been lucky enough to have been outdoors/camped in Scotland a good few times both in the army and as a civvie, lucky enough to have walked and camped on and near the wall...Scotland is a hikers dream.

    Did this a few years ago
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  45. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I'd love to visit Scotland. Would be a bucket-list thingy. Ireland for the wife. Her dad was blood Irish. The wife and I were married by an Irish priest. We'll not be able to bring such dreams of travel to fruition. The raw hell of life has eaten our savings.

    I've zero care about religious sects. God doesn't care. The Prophets don't care; or should I say that the Prophets would condemn such ignorance, such nonsense. Disgusting!
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  46. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    Christianity is a religious sect that started in the Middle East, I dont know why anyone is following a sect that started on the other side of the world, whats that got to do with England or America?
    we had our own religions and gods in Britannia before the Romans arrived.
    TMT Tactical and watcherchris like this.
  47. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    Wow Lonewolf.....Wow!!!!

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  48. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    just my personal opinion Chris.
    less than half (46%) identify as "Christian" in the UK and I'll bet most of those dont go to church, congregations are very small these days and many Vicar's run several parishes.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2023
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  49. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    Remember something...

    England under King James created one of the finest translations of the Bible ever the Authorized Version...of English.

    Now translations of the Bible in English were not new....the Great English Bible...was available...the al...

    The Great English Bible is the one which came here to Jamestown , Virginia ....some 30 miles north west of 1607.

    The historical problem which came about with the King James of 1611 Version is that when it was read to people ...the ordinary people became aware that their King was in Heaven...and not on the Throne of England.

    Thei King on the Throne of England was only an Administrator of Just English Law....and not Divine Right Kings with Absolute Power as were many on the Continent...the Tsars included.

    And your King Charles wanted to be a Divine Right King as were the kings on the have absolute power.

    This wound up in a Bloody Civil War in England .....and when it was January of 1649.....King Charles was brought to the scaffolds and beheaded for Treason....

    This is to my knowledge the first time in history an ordinary people had executed their King....

    This is very very very bad for the King Club....bsd for those wanting to work towards absolute power ..divine right of kings.

    And this is religiously based.

    This is also Lonewolf..why we have separation of Church and State in this country ...though I believe that worldism is becoming the new religion..the new political religion ...a .very very devout and zealous religion by the chaos and confusion it is bringing about in many nations and people..

    This new religion is Ishmaelite in origins...bondage...for the people of many nations ...and putting them on the Ishmaelite puppet strings.....and we see this in wokeism.....particularly in places like the UK if one complains about what is happening....

    And I believe this is what is happening in Ireland and soon enough to many nations wherein the people get tired and disgusted of coming in second, third, and fourth place in their own country.

    Be warned these Ishmaelites and their is only more puppet strings on us.

    And this lonwolf...

    Much of this because todays ministers and divinity schools..have taken the Salt out of Christianity....and replaced it with sugar...

    Christians are supposed to be the Salt of the Earth...not the sugar.

    My non Ishmelite .02,
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2023
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  50. Brownbear

    Brownbear Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Chris you're right on this but also not right, there were a host of other issues that were the real reason for the English Civil War, that were not related to the Divine Right of Kings which you describe beautiful in your post (most of the underlying reasons are not generally acknowledged in modern teachings the events). There was great hardship at the time and a deep schism between Catholics and Protestants which really did not help (this was a legacy from the Tudors that had not been fully overcome, each doctrine was suspicious of the other). The wife of King Charles 1 was a Catholic and this was deeply unpopular. There was high taxation and repression of the poorer people. Continental Europe had moved forward but England was largely still stuck in a post Elizabethan malaise. All this different aspects added up to largecale dissatisfaction amongst the nobility who sought an excuse to remover Charles 1. This resulted, of course, on the civil war and the execution of Charles, but the underlying causes were far broader than the accusations that led to Regicide. Incidentally most who fought on either side did so because their Noblemen told them to and it was still a time of indentured servitude.
    TMT Tactical and watcherchris like this.
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