
Discussion in 'News, Current Events, and Politics' started by EarlyMarksman, Sep 11, 2019.

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  1. EarlyMarksman

    EarlyMarksman Master Survivalist

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    Here's one thing that astonishes me, people who claim to support the Second Amendment that also support President Trump. You have to choose one or the other in all honesty. We've seen the president ban bumpstocks, threaten to ban suppressors, consider enacting nation-wide red flag laws, and even picked Chuck Canterbury, a known anti-gunner, to be the director of the unconstitutional ATF.
    It's funny how Obama would allow the sale of bumpstocks and he's an anti-gun left-wing nut!
    But when Trump does all of these anti-gun things he's considered a champion for gun owners and is deserving of a second term!
  2. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

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    AND is there anybody running against President Trump that is PRO-GUN? How about closed borders? Anchor Babies? and eh list gets bigger. People can kneel and give away their freedom or vote for President Trump.
  3. EarlyMarksman

    EarlyMarksman Master Survivalist

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    I would disagree. We had Ron Paul back in the day and plenty of other freedom minded individuals. It's unfortunate that we have to beg our government by voting for useless politicians that are ultimately swayed by lobbyists.
    TMT Tactical and GateCrasher like this.
  4. Sourdough

    Sourdough "eleutheromaniac"

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    May I ask, "Roughly how old you are, just roughly".
  5. Morgan101

    Morgan101 Legendary Survivalist

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    I wouldn't consider making minor concessions to gun hating liberals anti-gun.

    Trump has given us a much safer, more conservative Supreme Court, and we can only hope that it will get even better.

    He was definitely the best choice at the time, and continues to be the best choice now. Would you have voted for the other side? Is there anybody on the other side you would vote for now?

    We may not agree with everything, but when you look at the bigger picture I for one like the direction we are going, and IMHO we should continue.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  6. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

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    Wish in one hand and defecate in the the other and see which one fills up first. Wishing is a waste of time and effort. You have a choice of re-electing President Trump or a Democrat. NOW who do you elect?
  7. EarlyMarksman

    EarlyMarksman Master Survivalist

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    Unfortunately I cannot deny the argument you are presenting. My only question is how did our ancestors allow such a corrupt and centralized system become the way of our nation? We now have to choose a new slave owner every four years to rule over us and decide what is legal and what's not. True American patriotism isn't being a boot-licking cop lover or someone who wears American flag swim trunks. I just wish that more Americans would wake up and realize that this two party system is one of the many ways they control us, and it's quite sad to be honest.
    People vote Republican and Democrat every election and then become angry when nothing has changed. The definition of insanity is doing something over and over the same way and expecting a different result. The government has us by the balls and has created a police state where our liberties have been and are continuing to be trampled.
    I reckon I'll stop here because I'm just ranting at this point.
    TMT Tactical and GateCrasher like this.
  8. EarlyMarksman

    EarlyMarksman Master Survivalist

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    I believe that conservatives and liberals are two sides of the same coin. Both believe in the massive centralized state we are forced to comply with today, the difference being their way of running it. Both sides believe in taxation, surveillance, gun laws, and a whole plethora of unconstitutional agencies.
    TMT Tactical and GateCrasher like this.
  9. EarlyMarksman

    EarlyMarksman Master Survivalist

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    What is the purpose in knowing my age?
  10. Morgan101

    Morgan101 Legendary Survivalist

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    I think what you are describing are the current Democrat and Republican parties; not liberals and conservatives. Both parties want a centralized state, and both want to maintain power. Taxation and over regulation are rampant.

    The Everyday Joe the Plumber Conservative does not believe in that . There should be massive reductions in government, and regulations. I don't need a Nanny State telling me what to do, or telling me what is best for me. There isn't anything the Government does that the private sector can't do better and cheaper. We need more individual Liberty. Not more Government control. Liberals want more Government.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  11. EarlyMarksman

    EarlyMarksman Master Survivalist

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    To an extent sure I'll agree.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  12. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    The Republican Party is nothing more than Democrat Lite. The Republican party ..like the Democrats are not the product advertised...

    The Republican Party ...in like manner to the Democrat Party...are concealed Ishmaelites ...hell bent on the bondage and or herding of the America People....

    Bondage and Herding = Servitude...loss of liberty and freedom.
    And herds are often branded too.

    Read carefully Amendment 13 to the Constitution of the United States.

    I am with Morgan 101 on this....Morgan just states it differently than do I.

    My non Ishmaelite .02
  13. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

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    You can't fix a fight unless there is an opponent. The fight between the political parties is all show. Both want to maintain their power base. Both want to grow their power base. So we get these little fake wars, when both side know they are not going to get anything accomplished. When one party does have absolute control, then they blame the other party for being obstructionist but again nothing good get accomplished. We end up voting for the lesser of two evils.
    Morgan101 and randyt like this.
  14. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    You ARE aware that in the last election he was running against Hillary Clinton, aren't you???? The sad fact in the US is that we almost never get to vote FOR someone. We nearly always vote for the lesser of two evils. If you think that Clinton would have been a better choice I just don't know what to say to you. The Clintons KILLED people for legally selling guns.
    Morgan101 and randyt like this.
  15. randyt

    randyt Master Survivalist

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    as the old indian said, left wing, right wind, same bird
    Morgan101 and TMT Tactical like this.
  16. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    You know, all that left-wing and right-wing crap is senseless. I have butchered a lot of birds and noticed that most of the part of a bird that is worthwhile is in the body and NOT out on the wings. I think that people in politics are much the same.
    Morgan101, TMT Tactical and randyt like this.
  17. Snyper

    Snyper Master Survivalist

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    Ron Paul, who was in Govt for decades and never really did much at all, and who got less than 10% of the vote when trying to run for President.

    Let's not pretend we had better choices in the last election, nor that we will have a better choice in the next.
    randyt, Morgan101 and TMT Tactical like this.

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