Priceless...someone Must Have Asked Him To Bake Them A Cake......

Discussion in 'News, Current Events, and Politics' started by watcherchris, Dec 29, 2018.

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  1. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I found this to be truly priceless...but while you are laughing....on the serious side...just remember ..this is the future of this country when the left gets back into queens......

    As I stated....someone must have asked this cashier behind the counter to bake them a cake!!!!

    Ishmaelites run amok....... you think CNN or MSNBC will put this on the evening news in prime time???

    My non Ishmaelite .02

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  2. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

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    Of course the clerk will file for unemployment and claim his safe space zone was violated by the MAGA clothing. The real issue is not this person being stupid, but the fact this person felt he had the 'Right" to try and force his views on a customer.
  3. Keith H.

    Keith H. Moderator Staff Member

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    Personally I can quite understand this person's rage. I don't find it funny at all.
  4. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    I fine it hilarious Keith.....have you ever heard of the term ..."Professional??"

    How about the term.."High Maintenance??"

    This individual has the manner and or mindset of "I'm sitting on the only one in town...." Or another way..."High Maintenance."

    I've seen too many people like this including my own brother...before I told him to leave my house.

    Expecting and or demanding someone else do what is needed to get them Peace of mind and soul...

    While demanding tolerance and inclusiveness and al....of others...

    Only to find out how intolerant and un inclusive non diversive these people really are...

    Ok...let me translate...for the emotionally challenged........

    We are not entitled to our emotional satisfaction and beliefs when dealing with the public....because we disagree with someone's political beliefs or even with someone else's dress....and particularly on someone else's payroll.

    When working for someone represent them...not just yourself.

    This is where it comes into conflict with many people's beliefs that they are sitting on the only one in town.

    This particular fellow does not have the faculties to reason this out for themselves and obviously lives in a television and or movie world where emotional fulfillment is everything to them...even more important than thinking.
    Thus he clearly misrepresented his employer and fired himself.

    He did not know the difference between professionalism and entitlement.

    I find it hilarious that this individual chose entitlement on someone else's payroll.

    You have to be educated in classic stupidity today to not understand that.

    But this is what we are educating today in our school system...

    This ...sadly the future of leadership today ...preying on peoples unguarded emotions.

    Life takes discipline Keith..not runaway emotions and drama.

    I understand it too..and have no sympathy for this individual. I would never want such a drama queen with me on my job...not happening.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2018
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  5. Oldguy

    Oldguy Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Classic Dumbocrat
    All Emotions Zero Logic, Dumber than Dogsxxt

    Just part of the pandemic of "Stupid"
  6. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Here in the USA, conservatives are pro-Liberty and Democrats are pro-central-control.

    If you can't trust citizens with semi-auto rifles and handguns, then you can't trust their vote.

    Whoever protects you, owns you. The collectivists know this, thus their insistence on gun confiscation and mountains of regulations on all aspects of life.

    Hopefully, Western currencies will collapse just as has Venezuela's (and 20+ other countries with un-backed fiat currencies during the last century). This will deeply harm collectivist goals. Here in the USA, soldiers and police, those in uniform, are 90% conservative. Maybe we can return to Constitutional government when we rebuild.

    Leftists have the freedom to travel to Canada where they can be neutered into sheeple and protected by Big Brother.
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  7. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Wow Olde Geezer...

    You have me busting out laughing with this one....

    It is simply that I recall...many of the Hollywood people ...who believe they are sitting on the only one in town...declaring that they will move to Canada......

    I've not seen the list of how many or who has move to Canada.....Have you or the other members here??

    The list of who has put their money where is their mouth????

    I put them too in the Snowflake category .....and they do not speak for me. Gaslighting!!!

    Also ...many of these low lifes...their security is hired out ..and armed...but I am not trusted with a firearm....

    Snowflakes....tolerant , inclusive, and diverse.......NOT!! Ishmaelites.

    My Non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  8. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

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    When the celebrities were called on their statements to move, they claim is was a joke or they really did not think President Trump would get elected. As far as I know, nobody moved to Canada and is enjoying their much higher tax rates. Funny how that works. All mouth and no action. When you get paid to pretend for a living, then you can pretend to have the courage of our convictions.
  9. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    When our Forefathers were penning documents back in 1776, they were intensely familiar with European laws that spelled out incarceration or death for having incorrect ideas.

    Today, it would appear that they are returning to such laws in Great Britain and Europe.

    And too, there's the matter of Canada:

    In the following Wiki article, the writer emphasizes a section that bans "advocacy of genocide" and uses terms such as "hate propaganda" to describe the "hate speech" laws. Who could disagree with banning the advocacy of murdering millions?!

    Liberals are great in how they craft their words and their laws -- they are, after all, educated adolescents who will never evolve into an adult burdened with painful honesty. We adults are painfully aware of how painful can be the truth of Earthly existence. But here is the article and I'll allow you to sort out the propaganda within the propaganda to ferret out the intensely neurotic condition of semi-free-speech in the land of the maple leaf.

    Here is a castrated male justifying limits on free speech:

    Do notice the sir-name of the author. Oftentimes, God's sense of humor is as searing as a hot iron. The author should have changed his name to Richard Head.

    Due to my enormous ego, it would appear that I am unable to stop myself from one final observation:

    When madmen froth at the mouth, not only should this event not be suppressed, the photos, video, and text should be published far and wide. Charlie Chaplain provided the best anti-Hitler commentary.

    Last edited: Dec 30, 2018
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  10. Ystranc

    Ystranc Master Survivalist

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    Ok, I live in Britain and I've got no idea what you're on about, can you reference what new laws or what old laws that are being 'returned to" you actually mean old geezer.
    TMT Tactical and lonewolf like this.
  11. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Incorrect fall under the category of PC...Politically Correct. This is the term I often use or describe as "Herding."

    In the Olde Days this was anything the Royals did not like...or did not approve...and free speech was not encouraged.

    This has only taken new guises today but it is still "Herding.'

    It is happening in many European nations today...censorship leading to arrest...for not having the correct socially/politically authorized thoughts and in particularly expressing them on the internet. Europe is much further along this ancient road than are we here in America ..but don't worry ...someone here wants us to rapidly catch up.

    Now for those of us Yanks who still know..and mind you many here haven't a clue having been raised with television and movies doing most of our thinking/emoting for us....this is herding is also called..."Dumbing Down."

    Futhermore..I often call it Ishmael......a word to describe particular bondage in thought...

    If someone can control the words you use..they can control your thinking ..if someone can control your words and thinking they can control your actions.

    This is why today, in dumbing people down, it is very important to get people to emote and think they are thinking...and also not know the difference.

    Why ...such can control them right into a voting booth!!!!
    AI/Artificial Intelligence is already here...right now...
    Think about it....

    Thanks for asking...

    My Non Ishmaelite .02,

    Last edited: Jan 1, 2019
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  12. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    While I am at it Ystranc....I will remind you of something very powerful in history and an event which is totally avoided by our very skewed and dumbed down education system here in America. It should not so be.

    And I believe I have covered this before..I just do not remember if I covered it here in this board.

    It was an Englishman who led the charge in ending the dogma called "Divine Right of Kings or sometimes also called Absolute Power."

    It was Oliver Cromwell who was to lead the charge when they finally awoke to the truth..that King Charles was not negotiating with them in good faith...but was still holding out to reach back for Absolute Power...or Divine Right of regaining his throne.

    That an Englishman could speak their mind and not have to worry about what Royalty thought...
    That An Englishman had the right to turn on their King when it was determined that the King had violated Just English Law.
    That the King was only an Administrator of Just English Law and his power was not absolute.....the Kings power was limited.
    So when the leaders here in the Colonies searched for an historical example back into history of a people turning on their king or leader...they learned quickly that Oliver Cromwell had settled the question of Divine Right of Kings or Absolute Power.

    We here as Yanks owe much to Olvier Cromwell and the Roundheads...for setting the pace for us here in the our early this.
    This is part and parcel of our government policy here of "limited Government" meaning the government does not have absolute power.

    PC is nothing more than a return to Absolute Power or Divine Right of Kings...under the guise of tolerance, inclusiveness, and diversity. It is Herding people into an Ishmaelite pattern...bondage. PC is censorship...control..loss of freedom of speech.

    Ironically none of this is taught to our young people today in our AI type public Ishmaelite education.

    I learned this from Elders well versed in history...and did research this ...only to learn how badly no one here wants the name Oliver Cromwell and what he did for us here in America....taught in any of our schools...or what happened in England in their very bloody Civil War.

    I quickly realized years ago what PC is and will be..and have been watching it morph into and towards a return to absolute power.


    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  13. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "European Hate Speech Laws"

    "Britain Turns Offensive Speech Into a Police Matter"

    "Great Britain's Free Speech Breakdown"

    "Freedom of Speech and Independent Journalism is now Illegal in 'Hate Speech' Britain !"

    "The Slow Death of Free Speech in Britain (America, You're Next!)"

    "Social media companies facing fines for failing to remove hate speech, illegal content quickly enough"

    Here in the USA, one can lose their position at a university for saying anything that offends or is not in keeping with political correctness. Example: Were I a sociology professor and in one of my lectures used Department of Justice statistics that show that Hispanics have 2x the murder rate of European-Americans and that African-Americans have 6x the murder rate of European-Americans, I would lose my job. Even if my intent was to get to the core causes of violent behavior, that would NOT matter. Sometimes truths are downright painful. One cannot however pretend-away unpleasant realities if they wish to get on with the business of trying to ameliorate the problems we have in our nations. Good heavens think of the horrible realities existing in one's own family! Will these problems ever be solved without having to speak the unspeakable?! NO.

  14. Ystranc

    Ystranc Master Survivalist

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    Ah right, hate speech....your previous comment made it sound like we'd brought back the death penalty for something trivial. It's a pity that the UK and European governments should feel the need to treat basic good manners as a matter of law but bad manners seem to have become almost epidemic these days. Thankfully it's not something that even shows up on my radar as I don't have to interact with outsiders very much these days.
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  15. Ystranc

    Ystranc Master Survivalist

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    Thankfully our respective political systems owe quite a lot to John Lock as well as Oliver cromwell.
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  16. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Ahhhhhhhh....Thank You Ystranc....for reminding me also about John Lock...I'd not used that name in awhile.

    Indeed...a lot to John Lock as well.


    Not an Ishmaelite
    Ystranc and TMT Tactical like this.
  17. anon.amus

    anon.amus Well-Known Member

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    this is sad, sad because it shows how far the brainwashing has penetrated some people.
    but also sad because the people who see how brainwashed this person is, dont seem to realize they are also being manipulated.
    divide and conquer.
    they have us divided over right, left, gay+, straight, male, female, sports teams, usa vs caravans, christians vs muslims, citizens vs police, white vs black, im sure i missed a couple dozen, but would that info keep anyone from falling into the trap anyway?
    TMT Tactical likes this.
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