Self Defense

Discussion in 'Guns, Knives, Tools, Etc.' started by Old Geezer, Jun 12, 2021.

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  1. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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  2. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Officer, I had no choice. I now need to speak to my attorney.
    TMT Tactical, wally and lonewolf like this.
  3. wally

    wally Master Survivalist

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    amen on keeping as quiet as possible....
    TMT Tactical and Old Geezer like this.
  4. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Notice on TV shows and movies that innocents blab blab blab to the police. Can't do that.

    Even if the district attorney brings no charges against a righteous act of self/family defense, still you will likely be sued by the knuckle-dragging family of the felon who tried to rob/rape/kill you and your family.

    If you've just been in the middle of a cl#####-####, your memory of what just went down is not accurate. I once saw a bad car accident and later gave a cop a description. My description was WAY OFF. Driving home, I figured out that my mind had gotten it wrong. All my mind was concentrating on was administering aid to the driver who had royally gotten slammed -- t-bone car wreck. For the accident details, my brain just did a "fill-in" = an inaccurate fill-in.

    All you can say to the authorities and anybody else is that this was an act of self defense and that you need to have an attorney represent you. You gotta get your head straight and your adrenaline down before opening your mouth. We humanz iz humanz an' that's all we iz.
    Duncan, TMT Tactical and wally like this.
  5. Morgan101

    Morgan101 Legendary Survivalist

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    You give your name and address. You tell the Police you will be the one filing the complaint. Point out any evidence that might be at the scene. " You will have my full cooperation after I have spoken to my attorney. " Not another word.
    Old Geezer and TMT Tactical like this.
  6. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    I'm hoping that these women will be able to defend themselves against the aggressive trash genetics let loose upon society.

    "Concealed carry is skyrocketing among Philadelphia women as the city’s crime wave continues to surge.

    "CBS Philly reports, 'Philadelphia gun violence … is leading to a sharp increase in female gun owners.'

    "They noted that women began flooding into concealed carry classes as crime rose last year. As a result, concealed carry permit applications from women outpaced men '51 percent to 49 percent.'

    "One group of Philadelphia women call themselves 'Terry’s Angels' after their gun instructor, Terrance Lappe, a former police firearms instructor.

    "One member of Terry’s Angels cited Philadelphia 'carjackings' and 'murder' as a motivator for learning to shoot.

    "She said, 'I’ve been living in Philadelphia for almost 64 years and have never seen anything like this.'”

    "Philadelphia reaches 1,000 carjackings for first time ever"

    "The police chief speculated that one of the reasons for the increase in vehicle theft, often through armed or violent means, is that it has become a crime of opportunity as deliveries rose during the pandemic and have remained high since.

    "The pandemic also normalized mask wearing she said.

    "'We also know that this trend is not unique to Philadelphia, as similar increases have been seen across the country during the same time period,' she said referring to other cities like Washington, D.C., Detroit and Baltimore where carjackings have jumped by 25 percent, 40 percent and 50 percent respectively since 2021."

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  7. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    A few years ago my wife and I took a concieled carry class. You don't need the class to legally carry in Texas but the class made sure that you KNEW what to do and say and what NOT to do or say if you were forced to shoot someone. ANYTHING that you say or do could later be thrown back at you in court either criminal or a law suit where you got sued. It was very educational. The first thing that you need to understand is that when the cops show up they are NOT on your side. They are there to gather information and make sure that things calm down annd don't escalate.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  8. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Years back, I got my concealed carry permit in the state of Tennessee.

    To get your permit, you must take a class and then go to the range and prove your proficiency with the handgun. We got read the proverbial "riot act". But there was a lot of good information presented to us. For example we were told that the weapon was for personal defense ONLY. You are not an "officer of the court". You are not bonded. So, if you see a crime call for the cops. We were told of numerous situations they had run into in the field and how complex the craziness out there gets.

    Here's one example we were given. You see a man with a gun pulled on another man. Is this a robbery? Or, is that guy pulling a gun on somebody trying to rob him using a knife? You DON'T know!!!! Call the cops.

    Also to get a permit, they finger-print you and palm-print you. Too, you get a more thorough FBI background check than if you are only buying a hunting rifle or shotgun. I don't know what that meant. What is beyond checking criminal records and psychiatric records?
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  9. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Note that a very significant part of the FBI is now a political enforcement agency.

    "Study: FBI Undercounts Times Armed Citizens Stop Active Shootings"


    "Massive errors in FBI’s Active Shooting Reports regarding cases where civilians stop attacks: Instead of 4.4%, the correct number is at least 34.4%. In 2021, it is at least 49.1%. Excluding gun-free zones, it averaged over 50%."

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  10. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    One of the oddities that I found when I took the concieled carry class happened when we did the shooting part of the test. I have shot tens of thousands of rounds over the years. I used to reload about 500 rounds every month and shot them up. I am an excelent and very practiced functional defence shooter. We did five shots at three different distances. When we were done the instructor came down the line checking the targets I noted that he told several of us to make sure that we threw away the targets.

    I later asked him about that. Evedently when you shoot all 10 ring hits if you ever shoot and kill someone you could be in trouble because they might convince a jury that someone that was a very good shot didn't have to kill the attacker and that it was murder instead of just selfdefence. I guess they would try to say I could do the TV thing and shoot the weapon out of an attackers hand. !!??
    TMT Tactical and Old Geezer like this.
    1. Old Geezer
      Good point. Can't say I'd really thought about that. In Texas, if some greasy lawyer attempted that, the jury would laugh out loud. In krazy Kalifornia, I can see that being attempted. The general populace of the states of the loony Left is unable to think (mainly urban).
      Old Geezer, Oct 22, 2022
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  11. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Intruder w/ Butcher Knife Shot By Homeowner After Kicking In His Backdoor"

    25 Oct 2022

    "Last Friday, a man kicked in the back door of a home in Harrisburg, PA. The homeowner was armed and prepared to defend himself against the intruder, confronting the suspect as he kicked the door in.

    "The homeowner warned the intruder to stop and leave, but the suspect was not deterred, and the homeowner shot him in self-defense. Apparently, the gunshot wounds deterred him, and the police quickly found the suspect nearby. They also found a large butcher knife on his person. He was taken to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries and was charged with trespassing, attempted burglary, terroristic threats, and recklessly endangering another person."

    "Homeowner shoots suspected burglar"


    "It was the second deadly self-defense shooting in Reno in the past week. One person was shot dead in another self-defense shooting near UNR on Wednesday night."


    "UPDATE: Investigators determined that the deceased man who entered the home had recently done work there. Evidence was presented to the DA’s Office and it was determined that this was an instance of justifiable force in self-defense.

    "MEMPHIS, Tenn. — A man is dead after Memphis Police responded to a shooting call Friday night.

    "Police responded to the 3000 block of Goodwyn Circle in the Chickasaw Gardens neighborhood and found a man suffering from a gunshot wound."


    "Defensive Gun Uses in the U.S."

    https://datavisualizations.heritage...between 500,000 and 3 million times each year.

    " All of the law-abiding citizens featured in this database successfully defended their liberties, lives, or livelihoods with the lawful use of a firearm. These cases are not based on hearsay, but on verifiable reports found through public sources.

    "According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost every major study on defensive gun use has found that Americans use their firearms defensively between 500,000 and 3 million times each year. There’s good reason to believe that most defensive gun uses are never reported to law enforcement, much less picked up by local or national media outlets."

    I defended my home with a pump shotgun many decades ago. I never reported to the police the felonious action of that inferior puke trying to get into my home that night. Nothing would have been done. Hopefully, somebody else inevitably dealt with him ... and permanently so. Aggressors have no right to exist.

    Everybody knows that the Judicial System is castrated by an infinite number of "judicial precedents", i.e. excuses.

    Johnathan Swift was an absolute genius concerning the core nature of the human species' behavioral patterns/characteristics. I would also take my hat off to François Rabelais. What wonderful writers / psychologists!!!

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  12. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    "Texas mom jumps into action when burglar breaks into home, opens fire on suspect"

    "Hidalgo County Sheriff’s deputies responded to a call of an active burglary in rural Edinburg on Tuesday just after 9 p.m. Authorities say the unidentified homeowner had locked herself and her children in a bedroom in the home after a suspect identified as Carlos Garcia broke into the home through the garage.

    "Garcia, 36, proceeded to try to break into the bedroom where the family was located, according to authorities.

    "The homeowner warned Garcia that the police had been called and she had a gun. When Garcia refused to leave and continued to try to get into the bedroom, the homeowner shot once through the door. Garcia fled the house," the sheriff’s office posted to Facebook of the burglary.

    "Authorities launched a search of the area and found Garcia about 100 yards away from the home with a gunshot wound to the left arm. He was medically cleared and booked into the Hidalgo County Adult Detention Center for Burglary of Habitation with Intent, the sheriff’s office said on Facebook.

    "You don't have to give notice, if someone's breaking into your home you have the right to protect yourself and use deadly force, and you're not going to have any problem with the sheriff of Hidalgo County," Guerra added in his comments.

    "'You have the right to defend yourself in your own home against an intruder,' Hidalgo County Sheriff Eddie Guerra told KRGV, commending the mom for protecting her family and home. 'I imagine she was in fear of her life … so she did what she had to do, and we support her.'"




    "Washington homeowner shoots and kills man breaking into home, authorities say"


    "Texas homeowner shoots, kills armed intruder: reports"
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  13. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    pity she didnt kill him, would be one less low life.
    Old Geezer and TMT Tactical like this.
  14. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    He was luckey. My wife would have emptied the mag into him. I taught her a long time ago that if you pull the trigger make SURE that there is only ONE story when the cops get there.
    Old Geezer and TMT Tactical like this.
  15. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    There were two other links above.

    One was particularly disturbing. A woman had a restraining order against her boyfriend. However, she let him into her place again. Mondo stupid. What happens? Yep, the boyfriend goes off on her again. She manages to get away and run to the neighbor's house. Boyfriend follows and tries to break in to get to his ex girlfriend. Innocent homeowner has to shoot Captain Nutcase.

    Me, I put myself in the neighbor's shoes. Here I am minding my own dang business, then all of a sudden I get a tidal wave of insanity crashing in.

    I don't see myself as anybody's savior. Never ever have I attempted to be Mr. Hero. Nope, not my job title.

    I'm glad this woman is still alive and that her crazy boyfriend is dead, but man oh man, this is not something one wants to EVER happen.

    In my youth, crazy people got themselves a ticket to the psych hospital and the dangerous ones were never let out.

    So today, it's not just a revolving door judicial system, it is also a revolving door psychiatric system.

    The guy who just this past week took a hammer to Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi's husband was a known psych case. So her husband had to have surgery to put his skull back together again.

    Known violent felons and psych cases (especially the paranoid schizophrenics) need to be locked-up. When released, felons go back to their criminal career. When released, psych cases stop taking their medications and go delusional yet again. Apparently, common sense has left Western civilization.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  16. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    just been reading a story in Italy of a noisy person being shot with a bow and arrow, arrow went through his belly and pierced his liver, he died in hospital a couple of days later.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  17. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    Bows in the hands of a skilled archer is in some ways at least as deadly as a gun. The advantage of a gun is mostly in that it takes very little instruction and practice to be reasonably accurate and deadly. This is especially true at the longer distances. At shorter ranges of 40 to 50 yards or less, in the hands of a practised archer, there isn't much difference.

    For beginners the compound bows make a big difference. Once drawn back the let off makes holding it steady very easy. Another thing is that when released the arrow is accelerated and the flex pressure on the arrow is minimal. I am a lot more accurate with my compound bow than I ever was with a recurve.

    Over my many years of survival practices I have tried to at least have some level of ability with nearly all weapons both modern and primitive. In a primitive situation I can make and use a functional primitive bow and the arrows to go with it. It may not be as good as a modern bow but is fine for small game and bow fishing.

    The nice thing about the old weapons is that they are mostly scilent or at least very quiet. A bow will easily kill anything that I might need to kill where I live. An atlatil can make a light spear into a deadly thrown weapon. I've made and messed with them several times and it is amazing what it does to improve the power that you can get with a light spear.

    In a world without power it is going to be quiet in a way that people now have no experiance with. A gun shot will advertize your presence, possibly to people that you don't want aware of you.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  18. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    a gun is only useable as long as the user has ammunition, I know many people reload their own cartridges but the powder etc is finite especially in post SHTF, once that is all gone its just an expensive club, a bow and arrows can be made from natural materials all around us and so are replaceable.
    Britain or rather England was brought up on archery, and practise was mandatory, its a shame that this isnt still so, in fact hunting with a bow is now illegal which seems crazy given our history.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  19. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    For your ammo crates (artillery shell crates, Army surplus) filled with hunting ammo, one attaches large casters to one end so that they can be rolled (too heavy to lift).

    My 50lb-pull compound bow has the standard peep sight embedded in the bow-string and post sights on the bow for 20, 30, and 40 yards. By the time I was in my early 20's, I got good enough to start destroying my own arrows. I'd split an arrow or tear the fletchings off (with target heads, not razor heads) -- at 20 yards, you shoot 1" groups. I could break Life Saver candies. Sooooo, I had to move out and move out, on out to 40+ yards so as not to bankrupt myself destroying arrows.

    Now I've gotten rusty. MUST get back into archery. "Silent death" and all.

    Just looking at bow sights. Holy crap :eek:, have they ever gotten complex! I never had any of this gear!!!!!

    A scope! What are these things?!!! All I have are posts for my front sight.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  20. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    I was fair with an old school recurve bow but when I got a compound bow it was like a new world. Almost immediatly I learned not to shoot several arrows at a single target. If I shot three arrows at a target there was a good chance that I would ruin one arrow by hiting it with another one. It was like shooting a rifle. Once I put up my deer stand I would shoot a few targets from there. I could hit an empty cigarette package almost anywhere in my little clearing. My compound bow was a 60 pound with an almost 50 percent let off. The day that I got it I went out and put a target up on my wooden fence. I drilled it dead center...I never did find that arrow. It went right through the fence and probably went under the grass in the field somewhere behind my house. All that I had left of it were the fletchings.
    TMT Tactical and Old Geezer like this.
    1. Old Geezer
      Old Geezer, Nov 6, 2022
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  21. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    to anyone familiar with shooting a rifle, a crossbow will be fairly similar, a traditional wooden bow takes more practise, which is why it was mandatory on Sundays after church services in the old days.
    where they practised was called Butts, thats why there are many streets in Britain with this in their name.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  22. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    The following is a developing story. The details are not in. It is something to watch.

    It's another psych-case who was not, has not, been hospitalized for mental illness out committing another copy-cat / MSM-induced mass shooting. But this potential mass-shooting was cut short of being completed by an armed civilian who intervened and prevented loss of life.

    Note that this is a very early report. The details are not in. What is being reported is, by definition, all we currently know. The mainstream media is promoting violence, thus the chaos. We are living in strange days -- sickenly obvious. It is beyond sad that ordinary people who are only going on with their lives are having to step-in to stop insane events from escalating. What words describe these days in which we live! If this isn't sick, I don't know would constitute such. I was born into a different nation. America wasn't like this when I was a kid. Back then, there was, at least, a semblance of order and reasoned behavior. These once-united states have descended into madness.

    "Man hailed 'hero' for stopping shooter at condo complex in Las Vegas"

    "A good guy with a gun shot an alleged armed attacker in Las Vegas’s Turnberry Towers condominium just after 3 p.m. Friday.

    "A resident at the Turnberry Towers condominium complex in Las Vegas is calling a building employee a hero after a gunman walked in and fired shots at the front desk on Friday.

    "This is when the resident tells us the man fired shots in the area of the front desk, shattering glass which is shown in pictures they have provided to us.

    "The resident says it was an employee of the towers who stopped the attack, and thinks they are a hero who deserves recognition for stepping in."


    Comment, Old Gzer: "As seen on TV"

    If this shooter/nutcase has some manifesto, I hope that no one publishes it -- else the copy-cat shootings will be perpetuated. To do so would promote the Leftist agenda, yet put more innocents in danger. The Left doesn't care; however, sane people care.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  23. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    In the first video below, a total idiot shoots a human skull simulator. His conclusions are worthless.

    To me, the video shows inadequate penetration of the human skull using a .22 LR high velocity round out of a handgun with an average length barrel. Use your own judgement after viewing the video.

    The fellow also shoots the skull in areas where the skull is thinner. One .22 LR round hits the brow ridge at a point between the eyes. This area is thicker, particularly in male humans. This round embedded itself in the simulated bone with great deformation, but without penetrating the skull. Put meat and bone on a male human skull then attempt a kill-shot through an area where the skull is thick and you stand a very good chance of harming the guy, but not killing him. As a matter of fact, this could get YOU killed. The felon could shake it off then end your life.

    Remember, .22 LR rimfire bullets weigh less than 50 grains. That's just not heavy enough at the velocities the .22 rimfire handgun can impart -- insufficient mass & velocity.

    Have many humans been killed by a .22 LR fired from a handgun? Yes, very many. Head shots? Yes. Body torso shots? Yes. Can you / should you count on a .22 rimfire as a self-defense round? No. Even if the felon goes down, it may take several minutes for him to go unconscious.

    A .22 LR high velocity non-hollow-point fired from a rifle at 25 yards or less will likely penetrate a human skull. This round can also blow through a human chest wall -- maybe even striking a rib on its way in.

    Is a .22 LR round fired from a rifle adequate for self defense. No. Even if so, it is at best marginal; plus, one will have to continually fire on the felon until he drops or retreats. If the felon is drunk and/or doped-up, then I'd really be fearful that after having been shot multiple times, his aggression would not even be fazed. Never imagine that an aggressor is going to be in a normal state of mind. They are going to be on adrenaline, or booze, or dope, or all of these. Don't pretend that you can understand how what's left of their mind is functioning. Any sort of logic on their part? No!

    "22 vs. Human Head"


    Stepping up a level in bullet weight and energy, let's see what the .32 ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol, center-fire primer) out of a tiny automatic will do. In the following video, the fellow misspeaks, one time calling his round a .25 automatic. Wrong. The video at its beginning shows a magazine of .32 ammo and the handgun. That handgun is available in .32, but not (not ever) available in .25 Auto.

    Even out of a tiny automatic, the .32 auto will penetrate a human skull. The .32 Long fired from a revolver has a heavier bullet, a tiny less bit of power, but will also penetrate the human skull. How do we know? Mafia hit-men on hundreds of kills used the .32 revolver to put lead in the head of their victims. This is not up for debate.

    Will a .32 bust through a chest wall? Yes, but not consistently enough to guaranty this. Therefore, if using a .32 Long revolver or a .32 Automatic in self defense, it is imperative to fire multiple times at the murderous felon.

    The .22 LR rim-fire and .32 center-fire cartridges are the smallest handgun calibers one will likely see for sale in gun stores. Again, the .22 LR is inadequate for self defense. The .32 -- revolver or auto -- is only marginally effective with most ammunition loadings.

    Here's another thing:

    The .32 Auto is a popular assassin's tool in that its fixed barrel is easy to thread for the attachment of a silencer. Sub-sonic (under the speed of sound, around 1,115 ft/sec, there is not "crack" to the sound) rounds are far easier to silence. "Back in the day" nobody trusted a .22 LR, nobody. The .32 was used mostly -- popular anyway -- not loud. I read that the .22 LR is most often used now. OK, maybe, but I think that's stupid. I've had innumerable misfires with .22 rimfires (I've been through tens of thousands of rounds of rimfire ammo; centerfire, also). With center-fire ammunition, misfires are mega rare. Center-fire cartridge primers just work, crude, but highly effective.

    I bring this thing up to illustrate that even marginal cartridges can be used for self defense ... but it is only for those who really know what they are about. Which is NOT to say some regular Joe or Jane. The .32 is ONLY effective as a back-up. If a woman is recoil sensitive, then that is a situation where a smaller caliber will just have to do. "Better than a bayonet" as they say. Ladies if you have a .32 and that's what you intend to keep, simply get good with it. Take it to the range and practice a bunch. If you are uncomfortable with larger calibers, then they are not right for you and will not serve you when say a .32 will. Your call.

    Under the category of "odd facts", back in the day, some of the best silencers came out of Chicago. Who was having these made? One crew of Chicago police detectives! :D Maybe they were making these themselves; hey, I don't know. Regular machining equipment is all that's needed. Maybe a metal stamper to crank-out lots of baffles. Nothing high tech. Pre-1900 equipment. Gotta watch out for cops -- they have the largest gangs, plus a small percentage of them are dangerously mean, off-the-chart mean. Power corrupts.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2023
    Ystranc and TMT Tactical like this.
    1. Ystranc
      Some of the best baffles I’ve found have been made from a cross drilled solid bar inserted into a tube as used in SAK moderators. Very simple to machine and with it being one piece. Another way is a series of washers and spacer rings such as the onelesscharlie sound moderators which are all stainless steel…ideal for putting a lot of rounds through on a range
      Ystranc, Jul 30, 2023
  24. Ystranc

    Ystranc Master Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    There are no end of old ladies who kept a baby browning .25 or a .32 in their nightstand even though they’ve been banned in the UK since the 1980’s. They keep on popping up when the old dears go into nursing homes. Probably the last thing you need is great Auntie Florence going potty and shooting a care assistant with a .25 when they take her a cup of tea. I’m sure it would hurt.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  25. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I'll never find the article, but read ten+ years ago about a lady in her late 80s (90+ ???) who shot a thief coming through the window. She used a .25 auto. The guy died! Took him a long while. His body was found by the police.

    I got no idea what this caliber weapon this lady used.

    "69-year-old Florida grandmother shoots and kills home intruder "

    "A 69-year-old Florida grandmother shot and killed a home intruder and later explained to reporters that she’s a 'fighter.'

    "Virginia Morrison said she was relaxing in her Azalea Park home with her 80-year-old partner, Charlie, on Saturday when she heard the front door open, according to WESH 2 News.

    "Morrison told cops that 38-year-old Ezequiel Rosario-Torres walked inside her house without saying a word and his face was a 'total blank.'

    "The startled homeowner said she quickly grabbed a broom handle and hit him twice in the face while yelling at Charlie to go grab his pistol.

    "The octogenarian grabbed his handgun and squeezed off a shot near the uninvited guest’s feet before calling 911, according to reports.

    "Rosario-Torres then retreated to the backyard, but refused to leave the property, Morrison said.

    "That’s when she decided to retrieve her own handgun from a cabinet near her bed.

    “ 'I’ve been shooting guns since I was 10 years old — I grew up on a dairy farm in Tennessee. We had to know how to shoot rattlesnakes,'” Morrison told the Orlando Sentinel. 'I’ve never had to pull a gun on anybody.'

    "Morrison said she went back outside and locked eyes with Rosario-Torres, who began advancing toward her.

    “ 'I went out the back door and I came to the fence and he sees me,' Morrison said. 'He starts toward me. I fired a shot above him. ‘Back off, dude, I’ll shoot you.’ He just keeps coming toward me. So I shot him.' ”


    Here in America there are innumerable, tens of thousands of stories, about "little old ladies" shooting bad guys. Sometimes the bad guys make it, sometimes they die. Nobody gives half a sh## if these bad guys die. Juries sure don't, but charges are rarely placed when it's a homeowner taking out the trash. When it's an older lady, there'll never be charged brought up here in the South.

    The above search-link provides numerous pages of links to stories of gradmas shooting burglars.


    "More Burglars Shot, Fewer Burglaries…Who Knew?"


    Here in the States, crime is ongoing and often violent. There are many "humans" here whose DNA does not dispose them to being solid citizens. Almost all the time it is criminals killing criminals. Less often it is solid citizens who have to protect their homes. Understand that the U.S. now has 332 million people living here. Millions are not citizens.


    "As many as 200,000 women use a gun every year to defend themselves against sexual abuse.

    "Armed citizens kill more crooks than do the police. Citizens shoot and kill at least twice as many criminals as police do every year (1,527 to 606).[6] And readers of Newsweek learned that 'only 2 percent of civilian shootings involved an innocent person mistakenly identified as a criminal. The ‘error rate’ for the police, however, was 11 percent, more than five times as high.'

    "Handguns are the weapon of choice for self-defense. Citizens use handguns to protect themselves over 1.9 million times a year. [8] Many of these self-defense handguns could be labeled as 'Saturday Night Specials.'

    "Kennesaw, GA. In 1982, this suburb of Atlanta passed a law requiring heads of households to keep at least one firearm in the house. The residential burglary rate subsequently dropped 89% in Kennesaw, compared to the modest 10.4% drop in Georgia as a whole. [16]

    "Ten years later (1991), the residential burglary rate in Kennesaw was still 72% lower than it had been in 1981, before the law was passed. [17]

    "Nationwide. Statistical comparisons with other countries show that burglars in the United States are far less apt to enter an occupied home than their foreign counterparts who live in countries where fewer civilians own firearms. Consider the following rates showing how often a homeowner is present when a burglar strikes."


    Beginning with the Obama administration, statistics on burglars getting shot along with statistics on the race of violent crime offenders have been not kept or actively suppressed. The numbers area not politically correct.
    Ystranc and TMT Tactical like this.
  26. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Under the category of "that would be impossible", the reality of needing a backup firearm / "boot gun" is a dark truth.

    Sorry. Welcome to Earth. Any problems, then take them up with our Creator. Such questions are well beyond my wisdom. I'm just another created thingy -- nothing more.

    Backup defense; Mother Nature provides most creatures the means of self defense. For this "backup defense", we humans were given a brain.

    We must defend our families and sometimes our community. Even as the beloved of our Creator, the scorpion, we have the right to self-defense. Unlike the scorpion, we have the brains to even develop backup weaponry. That which can be planned must be backed-up to include scenarios wherein our first line of defense has been compromised. Welcome to Earth. :(:rolleyes: So it goes.

    The North American Arms .22 Magnum mini-revolver with 5-shot cylinder is one such "backup firearm". The .22 Long Rifle cartridge in this tiny revolver does NOT provide sufficient energy for self-defense (a very long story). Thus, I have a .22 Magnum tiny revolver. Did I buy it as a backup? Hmmmm, truth be told, I bought it because it was cute. It's valid utility was, if I'm honest, only in the back of my mind. I like/love small EFFICIENT firearms. "Over-kill" is not part of my logical vocabulary. "If it works, it works." And, I don't own a big truck.


    Many have seen, or do now possess, the defensive backup weapon on the left. Note that the grips are insufficiently small. "Well hey, I wanted a concealed boot gun!" OK, understood; however, your hand simply cannot get a proper purchase / ergonomic fit on the teeny-tiny grips. Thus, larger grips are available. Above, look at the grips to the left. They look decidedly oddly large don't they?! :D Nevertheless, these grips allow you a FAR greater ability to point, shoot, and control the recoil of this tiny backup firearm. Note also that these puppies are beyond loud.

    I have a NAA tiny .22 Mag. revolver. The grips I ordered and installed are wooden and quite frankly rather beautiful. wooden grips for the .22 magnum NAA&qs=n&form=QBIR&sp=-1&lq=0&pq=ergonimic wooden grips for the .22 magnum naa&sc=10-45&cvid=C4DC97D5CD114DD7881EA4D674D0487B&ghsh=0&ghacc=0&first=1 wooden grips for the .22 magnum NAA&qs=n&form=QBIR&sp=-1&lq=0&pq=oversized wooden grips for the .22 magnum naa&sc=10-45&cvid=00D27875C47948C9A1EC051A66067291&ghsh=0&ghacc=0&first=1

    Oversized grips make all the difference in the world when needing as much shot placement as possible. I speak from experience.

    The following grips are what I have:

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  27. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    The demographics of America are much different from England and Europe. America has far more minority groups and illegal aliens. White Americans have the highest rate of gun ownership, yet one of the lowest violent crime rates -- only Asian Americans have lower violent crime rates.

    Chinese and Japanese Americans have suffered mightily during their history here in America, nevertheless their crime rates are profoundly low. Their rates are the very lowest when it comes to violent crimes committed. They are often the objects of race-related crimes -- Black-on-Asian is by far the most common.

    As foreigners fill-up England and Europe with migrants, the violent crime rates will go up. Sweden's current levels of gun and explosives (grenades et. al.) violence is a testament to this.

    "The Largest-Ever Survey of American Gun Owners Finds That Defensive Use of Firearms Is Common"

    "The results also confirm that 'assault weapons' and large capacity' magazines are widely used for lawful purposes."

    Begin quote

    The largest and most comprehensive survey of American gun owners ever conducted suggests that they use firearms in self-defense about 1.7 million times a year. It also confirms that AR-15-style rifles and magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, frequent targets of gun control legislation, are in common use for lawful purposes, which the Supreme Court has said is the test for arms covered by the Second Amendment.

    The online survey, which was conducted by Centiment in February and March of 2021, was based on a representative sample of about 54,000 adults, 16,708 of whom were gun owners. Georgetown University political economist William English, who commissioned the survey as part of a book project, presents its major findings in a recent paper available on the Social Science Research Network.

    The overall adult gun ownership rate estimated by the survey, 32 percent, is consistent with recent research by Gallup and the Pew Research Center. So is the finding that the rate varies across racial and ethnic groups: It was about 25 percent among African Americans, 28 percent among Hispanics, 19 percent among Asians, and 34 percent among whites. Men accounted for about 58 percent of gun owners.

    Politicians who favor a 10-round limit argue that no one except for criminals and police officers really needs a larger magazine. Yet respondents described various situations, based on their personal experiences, where "it would have been useful for defensive purposes to have a firearm with a magazine capacity in excess of 10 rounds." These ranged from muggings and home invasions by multiple attackers to encounters with wild animals.

    Thirty-one percent of the gun owners said they had used a firearm to defend themselves or their property, often on multiple occasions. As in previous research, the vast majority of such incidents (82 percent) did not involve firing a gun, let alone injuring or killing an attacker. In more than four-fifths of the cases, respondents reported that brandishing or mentioning a firearm was enough to eliminate the threat.

    About half of the defensive gun uses identified by the survey involved more than one assailant. Four-fifths occurred inside the gun owner's home or on his property, while 9 percent happened in a public place and 3 percent happened at work. The most commonly used firearms were handguns (66 percent), followed by shotguns (21 percent) and rifles (13 percent).

    End quote
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  28. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    I dont know why the UK govt treats migrants coming across the channel in small boats so well, it puts them up in 4 star hotels and such, they are all illegal after all, many to the detriment of the indigenous population, they get housed before any native born.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  29. TMT Tactical

    TMT Tactical The Great Lizard ! Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    We have the same problem here. Veterans, children and seniors go without but the illegals are provided for. Cities, counties and the federal budget are getting hammered but the illegals are getting top notch care. Free housing, free medical, free food, and of course free education.
    1. Old Geezer
      It's all part of the Great Reset.
      Old Geezer, Sep 13, 2023
  30. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Minnesota is an American state. Minneapolis / St. Paul is an Amerikan communist territory within Minnesota. This is a classic "tale wagging the dog" story. Post-SHTF, the citizens of Minnesota should wipe-out any urbanites attempting to obtain food in their rural counties. Repeating rifles and shotguns will be required to do this. Those only armed with handguns risk death. Handguns only marginally meet home defense needs post-SHTF. Blessings be upon the Constitution-following Minnesotans. Urbanites, you got your liberal policies, so live or die with them. Leave America alone.

    "Minnesota law won't excuse killing to protect property"

    "MINNEAPOLIS — Amid the chaos of burning and looting along Lake Street Wednesday night a man with a fatal gunshot wound was found on the sidewalk outside Cadillac Pawn and Jewelry.

    "A short time later police arrested a 57-year-old Wisconsin man who is listed in city records as the owner of that south Minneapolis store. As of Thursday evening the man was still being held in Hennepin County Jail with charges pending."

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  31. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Would-be burglars armed with 'billy club' pick the wrong farmer to try to rob: 'I will shoot' "

    Begin quote

    Washington state farmer Sam Krautscheid had just baled hay with one of his sons and was heading to an Eric Church concert when his evening took an unexpected turn, and he was forced to use his gun to protect his farm from suspected criminals.

    "... As he and his sons passed a farm store he leases and is in the process of purchasing, he spotted a small car outside the building.

    At first, he was met with silence and no indication that someone was on the property, sending off alarm bells for him to retrieve his gun from the truck and load it, he explained. He also dialed 911, and alerted police there was a likely burglary in progress.

    Krautscheid said he pointed his gun and used his booming voice to yell at the men to get on the ground, with one complying and the other putting up a fight and claiming they were there to rent the building.

    "The rear individual got down pretty quickly. The front individual stayed up for quite a bit, was somewhat defiant of the process and made me nervous to the point I felt I was probably a couple of seconds away from having to put one on the ground next to him to try to get them compliant. But, thank God, I didn't have to," he said.

    Krautscheid explained that Grant County, Washington, is "bigger than the state of Rhode Island," but despite its vastness, deputies were able to make it to his home in six minutes and arrested the two men. They were identified as 45-year-old Glenn Richard of Quincy and 28-year-old Jesus Rangel of Mattawa.

    End quote


    "How Often Are Guns Used in Self Defense? | Stats [2023]"

    Begin quote

    Guns used in self defense stats often try to measure the duck that didn’t quack. In other words, there may not be a police report or any other record when no crime was committed or reported. Most of the time a gun is used to prevent a crime, there is no record.

    As a result, data on defensive use of force and averted crimes due to the presence of a defensive gun are controversial, contentious, and range widely. Defensive gun use (DGU) statistics generally rely on self-reporting, interviews, police, and media reports which are then extrapolated to the national population using a variety of statistical methods which produce contradictory and often wildly inconsistent estimates.1

    The best estimates are that guns are used to deter or thwart crime between 500,000 and 2.8 million times per year, but the more likely answer is probably somewhere in the middle. A 2021 survey2 estimated that guns are used 1.67 million times per year in self defense in the United States.

    As part of the 2021 National Firearms Survey,2 participants were also asked a number of other questions surrounding defensive gun use. These stats help give more insight into how and why guns are used in self defense each year.

    31.1% of all gun owners who took the survey said that they had used their firearm in self defense at least once “even if it was not fired or displayed” (not including law enforcement, security, or military service).

    In addition, the majority of those answering in the affirmative had used their gun more than once in self defense. Extrapolating this 31.1% data out to all gun owners in America would mean that roughly 25.3 million adults have used a firearm to stop a crime or protect themselves at least once in their life.

    No shots were fired in 81.9% of those defensive use cases. 50.9% of the time, displaying the firearm was sufficient to scare off the attacker; 31% of the time, simply telling someone they were armed prevented the attack from taking place. Only 18.1% of the time was firing the gun required to defend their life.

    End quote

    Old Gzr: Me, I threatened a guy trying to get into my house one night (shotgun = my firearm). I never reported that to the police.


    Things to consider about America:

    We're a nation of over 300,000,000 people.

    We are NOT a mono-culture. Our genetics vary widely -- profoundly so. All races are represented here. Americans of East Asian descent have extraordinarily low violent crime rates, even if they are poor, even given that they have wide-open access to firearms.

    Our nation is full of people given to poor impulse control and violent behaviors.

    In the U.S., "home invasion" is the term used when a burglar(s) breaks into a home while the owners are there. Obviously more home invasions get reported to the police. Regular burglaries are massively under-reported -- all the police can do is fill out the paperwork required for insurance claims. If homeowners start turning in burglary reports, their insurance rates go up; so unless expensive items got stolen, they just don't report the crime.

    "20 Shocking Home Invasion and Burglary Statistics – 2023 Update"

    Jan 12 2023

    Begin quote

    Larceny theft is the most common crime in the US at 1,398 per 100,000 inhabitants.

    The State of New Mexico had the highest number of burglaries in 2020 at 648.8 per 100,000 inhabitants.

    In the United States, almost 7 million property crimes were committed in 2020.

    Peru has the highest recorded burglary rate globally at 2086 per 100,000 inhabitants.

    In approximately 28% of home burglaries, someone is home, and in about 7% of those times, they become violent crime victims.

    Overall, in 2020, there was an estimated $3.0 billion in property losses.

    Out of 702,449 homes invaded in 2019, 354,398 were broken into during the daytime hours.

    About 62% of reported burglaries are home invasions.

    End quote


    "23 Home Invasion Statistics You Should Be Afraid Of"
    Feb 2020

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  32. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    This post comes under the title of self defense for women.

    Fight dirty. Forget martial arts. Men routinely get beaten by pool cues and baseball bats and keep on fighting. Punch a man in the face and you can easily break your hand (one of my pinky fingers just dangles there / snapped off). You haven't time to wrap your hand for any sort of boxing match. We're talking about a fraction of a second.

    Fighting dirty includes knee to groin kicks, thumbs deep into eye sockets (blind-him-permanently force), breaking his fingers backward, kick, stomp, throw dirt & gravel into his eyes, letter opener, ashtray, beer mug, alcoholic beverages into eyes, broken bottle slashing, ... whatever is handy.

    If close enough (too close, yet you've been pulled in by him), your elbows can strike his nose or eyes ... and again, here you are close enough to put his eye(s) out with your thumbs DEEP into his eye sockets.

    Bight and bight and bight. Bight to draw blood. Bight to the bone. Bight the attacker's face, ears, hands, arms ... .

    While fighting, twist, move, get away. Don't just stand there in front of an aggressor face-first -- he'll beat the snot out of you. Go crazy hyper-aggressive. Go full-bore demon.

    With the heel of your hand, you can slam him in the bottom of the nose area. Breaking his nose will reflexively make his eyes water. This will impede his vision a bit. Every bit helps. If you hit him in the jaw, this will snap your hand back and can cause cartilage damage in your hand. My right hand cartilage is crunched and not flexible -- can't bend it back anymore.

    Fixed blade knife or locking-blade pocked knife:

    Here in the States, especially in the South, people have a lock-blade knife on them. Non-locking knives result in them folding and cutting the top of your fingers -- been there done that -- Ouch! My wife keeps one on her person. These are handy knives. If I'm cutting an article out of a magazine, I use one; candy bar, rope, ... . I have plenty and in all manner of shapes and sizes -- the knife has to be adaptable to your clothing. A serrated edge knife will allow you to even cut a seatbelt, should a driver be caught in her car after an accident. A regular knife blade will NOT cut seatbelts in time to get the trapped person out of a car. Keep a crowbar in your car for leverage work and for busting bad-guy skulls if it comes to that.

    If stabbing a man, ignore everything you've seen in the movies. Don't stab down towards his neck / chest regions. Don't stab straight forward. These will allow the attacker to defend himself, maybe even take your knife. If you try to stab their chest, muscle and ribs will stop your knife. Stomach muscles and gut fat also stop knife points. I've seen horrific scars (on big fat guys, but during the fight where they got stabbed, these wounds meant nothing at the time of the fight -- sure didn't stop the fight.

    Techniques (this list sure is NOT exhaustive; AND may not work for you -- everyone is built differently):

    With the knife blade facing forward in your hand -- side of thumb, forward -- stab into the groin area -- genitals and where the lower abdomen connects with the upper leg. All of this area is full of major blood vessels and nerves.

    With the knife blade facing rearward in your hand -- blade out past your pinky finger, backward -- turn your body and stab behind you into his groin region. He's likely still facing you, but toward your back. Again stab back into his lower abdomen / groin area. Obviously, get a death grip on the knife handle. Initially, blood is as slick as oil. A potentially slick knife handle speaks to NOT buying that knife ... not even for your kitchen use.

    In the backward hand position, you can also slash an enemy's face ... after first having caused initial injuries that compromise the enemy's ability to defend his face / neck area. Trust your triceps (muscle on the back of your upper arm). It is much more likely to be stronger than your biceps muscle located on the front of your upper arm.

    Do not show the aggressor your knife if at all possible. Let this be one of the surprises you offer your enemy ... quickly ... violently. Lightning speed will be necessary on your part.

    Just attack back if you are being attacked. Lose your gag reflex and violence inhibitions. Understand that these aggressive men certainly have lost all inhibitions against going violent on another human being. Testosterone makes the harming of another person pleasurable. It feels good to hurt someone you hate, given the right hormone mix. When I was young, it sure felt good. I'd kill animals just to kill them. Boys do that. Boys are cruel. I grew up. MANY men do NOT grow out of that meanness. In a fight, you must drop your inhibitions against doing harm.

    Women, your female body actually does manufacture some androgenic hormones in addition to female hormones. Use what you have. For a self-defense attitude, get in touch with that part of your being. Know that adrenaline will come to your aid for strength and for speed. In a fight-or-flight situation, the body DUMPS adrenaline and cortisone into your bloodstream like a fire-hose.

    Speaking of flight, should you need to run, only do so should you be wearing comfortable shoes. If you have heels on, kick them off to run. In the movies and television, women are able to run while still wearing stupid-fitting shoes = pure fiction.

    Punching bags are great. Wrap your hands properly before using punching bags. Get a punching bag that can be kicked and kneed from below. We're talking a suspended bag hanging in your garage or basement.


    Last edited: Sep 27, 2023
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  33. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Armed felons are armed due to theft. Sometimes they get a person to buy the firearm for them -- this is called a straw purchase. Those who engage in obtaining guns for gangs risk being flagged and prosecuted. This could get a person 10 years in a federal penitentiary. Problem is that firearms laws are not enforced. Firearms violations get tossed out by liberal judges ... except if you are a good guy. Liberals hate the white middle class.

    All states have severe penalties for committing a felony while in the possession of a gun. A felon found with a gun can get serious time. But like I said, the "justice system" here in the USSA has been packed with judges and parole boards who perpetually return felons to the streets. Over-crowded prisons is another excuse to return felons to the street. This is why we need penal colonies for gang members and career criminals.

    Until these gangs are crushed and any potential members terrified of the consequences of their actions, these murders will continue in America's inner cities. Of course, the Left wishes to disarm everyone. They do not believe in the concept of self-defense, "God government will protect you." And if a white suburbanite does get killed by a "misunderstood youth", the Left doesn't care because that's just one less potential conservative voter; indeed that person might even have been a supporter of the Nation of Israel, which to the Left means that the person had been a "far-right oppressor".

    Stating the obvious, felons themselves do not go to a gun store, present their driver's license, fill out the paperwork, wait for the store's police background check (this background check has now gotten rather quick if the computers are up and running; I've waited less than an hour), ... all the tedious hoops the decent folk have to jump through. Felons just steal. It's what they do. All of their firearms are illegally obtained, whatever the mode of acquisition. And they get a very early start -- often their criminal career begins before age 14.

    Every weekend, several, sometimes numerous, minority teenagers get killed due to gang membership or simply being at the wrong party.

    Part of the responsibility of being an owner of firearms is to secure those firearms.

    If you have a carry permit or your state allows open carry, NEVER leave that firearm in your car when you go into work or into a business. It must always be within your reach.

    If you are not allowed to take the firearm into work or a business, then disassemble it and only take the barrel with you. You are out of luck if it is a revolver ... and so is society if you let it get stolen. If you have a revolver, it must be kept on your person. An automatic without a barrel or a barrel without a receiver is not going to go bang for anybody.

    Having a trigger lock only means that when the weapon is stolen, the felon will have to use a tungsten drill bit to defeat the lock. Trigger locks keep kids from firing a weapon, but they mean nothing to a felon. Same goes for when you leave home. I don't care where you hide it, burglars WILL find your guns. Some burglars use metal detectors to speed up their job. Why turn over a place when you can just go after metal, i.e. coins, jewelry, guns.

    Buy a gun safe and secure it to the floor with bolts. Don't use a chain because burglars have bolt-cutters. Bolting a safe to the floor means that there is no gap for a tool to cut the bolts. If your safe is in the basement, put a heating rod in it to protect against condensation. Condensation will cause rust and will dampen any important documents you have also secured in that safe. Most safes have a small hole so that a power cord can be passed through one wall or top of the safe. Places that sell gun safes also sell these heating rods.

    When you get home, access your firearm. If you get home and you can't hear your dog, or your dog is going nuts, then don't enter the place. Note that burglars LOVE garage doors and doors with panes of glass near the inside locking/unlocking latch. For them, it's easy to get past these inadequate security entrances. Home invaders also love garage doors and lax security in any form.

    Note also that home invaders buy uniforms and create fake I.D. cards and simply knock at your door to get you to come open the door. Trust can get you robbed and raped.

    Many people have concealed carry permits for the purpose of clearing their house when they get home.

    When home, I do not answer my door unless I have a gun with me. If it is the actual police at your door, then they should have NO problem with you simply calling 911 to ensure that they are who they say they are. If an unmarked car flashes its "police" lights, then drive to the nearest fire station to get out if you fear that the car is not the police. Anyone can purchase or manufacture a police light.


    "At Least 30 Shot in Brandon Johnson’s Chicago over Thanksgiving Weekend"

    "Breitbart News reported 25 people were shot in the Windy City by Saturday night alone, with one of those shooting victims succumbing to their wounds.

    "One of the non-fatal shootings was as a drive-by incident just after midnight on Thursday that left five teens wounded near the United Center. The teens ranged from 15 to 18 years in age and, although wounded, were in good condition.

    "CBS News noted that by Monday morning the total number of shooting victims in Chicago for the Thanksgiving Weekend has reached at least 30. They reported five non-fatal shootings on Sunday, three of which were incidents in which people were walking their dog or simply walking down the sidewalk when someone opened fire on them."


    Details of the shootings by CBS Chicago:

    "Chicago Weekend Shootings: 1 killed, 29 hurt over Thanksgiving weekend"

    Last edited: Nov 27, 2023
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  34. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    A couple of stories about what Americans have to continually put up with

    Story one: Mentally disconnected drug addict or career felon in attack mode (can't / won't back down when ordered to do so):

    "Intruder allegedly breaks window in attempt to enter home, ignores verbal warnings — so homeowner lets his gun do the talking "

    "An intruder allegedly broke a window in his attempt to enter a North Carolina home Wednesday night and ignored verbal warnings — so the homeowner opened fire on the intruder, sending him to a hospital.

    "Police said they found 35-year-old Juan Acevedo of Knightdale with a gunshot wound when they arrived at the scene, WTVD said, adding that he was taken to WakeMed Trauma Center. The station said information on his condition hasn't been released.

    "No charges have been filed against the homeowner, investigators told WTVD, although officials are consulting with the district attorney's office to discuss the case. The station said no details have been released regarding what charges Acevedo may face."

    Story two: Psychotic (most likely paranoid schizophrenic, thus potential to go violent) out on the streets when he should have been in a hospital:

    "Evansville homeowner claims to have shot man in self defense after 'attack' in driveway"

    Begin quote

    According to a VCSO news release attributed to Sheriff Noah Robinson, deputies and paramedics responded to the 1300 block of Skipping Stone Drive in Stonegate Estates at 8:17 p.m. Monday after a homeowner dialed 911 to report that he had shot a "male trespasser."

    The upscale neighborhood is located about five miles north of Evansville Regional Airport.

    Once on scene, deputies located a man who had suffered a gunshot wound to his leg and the homeowner who shot him. The deputies applied a tourniquet to the injured man, and paramedics transported him by ambulance to a local hospital, according to the release.

    "The male is from the Vincennes area and had no known ties to the area in which he was found," the VCSO release states.

    The homeowner "fully cooperated with the investigation" and was not arrested, according to Robinson.

    Robinson said sheriff's deputies had a prior run in with the man who was shot earlier Monday after a 911 caller said they had observed him walking along Browning Road, not far from where he was eventually shot.

    "The 911 caller felt that the subject was behaving strangely," the sheriff's office stated in the release. "A deputy located the male near Skipping Stone Drive and Browning Road."

    The deputy who performed this earlier run noted that the man refused to talk. But he wasn't suspected of having committed any crime, and the responding deputy did not have sufficient grounds to detain him at that time, according to Robinson.

    End quote

    The deputy should have suspected that this person was mentally ill. Someone who will not speak is either a criminal or so mentally compromised that they could be suffering from a near catatonic state. If an addict, he should have been hauled-in if for no other reason than his own protection. Some police departments have special units that deal with these zombies. Speaking for the police, there's so many felons and psych cases on the streets that they can't handle them. The system is overwhelmed.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  35. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "FEEL-GOOD STORY OF THE DAY: 85-Year-Old Mother With .357 Magnum Saves Disabled Son From Intruder"

    Begin quote

    The attack occurred on March 13, 2024, and on April 10, 2024, Bingham County Prosecutor Ryan Jolley announced findings that the mother’s actions were clearly in defense of herself and her son.

    Jenneiahn was awoken at 2:00 a.m. by the intruder, Derek Condon, standing over her and pointing a 9mm pistol at her. He hit her, causing her to bleed, then took her into her living room, handcuffed her to a chair, and demanded valuables.

    The mother did not mention that her disabled son was in the home, hoping that might keep him safe. She then told Condon there were safes downstairs where he could find valuables. When he went downstairs to look she dragged herself–chair and all–to where she kept her revolver, retrieved it, and waited for Condon to come back upstairs.

    He came back furious after discovering her disabled son was in the house.

    Seeing her moment, Jenneiahn grabbed the revolver and shot Condon twice. He returned fire, shooting in her arm, leg, chest, and abdomen. However, Condon’s wounds caught up with him after that and he struggled to the kitchen, where he died.

    Jolley indicated Jenneiahn then “collapsed to the floor,” where she lay for ten hours before her son came to her and gave her a phone so she could call 911.

    East Idaho News reported that Jenneiahn was hospitalized for her injuries and then released.

    End quote

    Old Geezer: The .357 magnum revolver and .357 SIG auto do the deed. The 9mm sometimes does. The .40 S&W Auto and the .41 Mag revolver are also better choices than the 9mm.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  36. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    how did he get into the house? the time to stop an intruder is before they enter the property.
    my ex wife was awoken by an intruder whilst working on a ship, he escaped and was shot -by her brother- whilst climbing over a 3rd ship trying to reach the dock.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  37. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Some intruders hide and when the occupant gets home (usually the wife) and unlocks her door, they crash on through. Home invasions often involve multiple assailants. Some use crowbars and make-do battering rams. Some crash through windows. Some feign coming through the front, but it's their mates who crash through the back. In a riot situation, if you properly protect your home, you will anger them mightily and so they'll burn your house down.

    This is why I have fire extinguishers and garden hose adapters for my sinks. I may have to go up through my attic to put out a roof blaze. Too, one may have to lay down over 100 rounds of ammunition to scatter the members of a looting crowd so as to fight the fire they started in or around your home. Post SHTF, my idea of a warning shot is through the skull or through the lungs.

    As my dear old dad taught me, "Shoot'em through the lungs boy and they'll go off to die somewhere else." Whether it be four-legged dogs or two-legged dogs, the same principle applies. My dad's dad put a revolver round through an attacker's scrotum. The latter ended a robbery by a man wielding a knife. My dad had me fetch his revolver to shoot a couple of guys who'd run over our dog on purpose. They got away, but one of his brothers and his mom found out later who the culprits were. They put out the word that nobody was to tell my dad. Yep, dear old Dad would shoot somebody, but more likely he'd beat them to death with a broken-off pool cue or the blackjack he kept in his back pocket. Dad's chest was as thick as his shoulders were wide. Dad was unimaginably strong, but not as strong as his grandfather and certainly not one of his uncles -- that uncle, my great uncle by blood, was a monster. Locals knew not to mess with my dad, nor one of his brothers, nor their mates. Only a handful (if that) of their lot got sent to prison (never Dad nor his brothers). Wise men pay-off the cops and the state congressmen. One of Dad's brothers was a night-rider -- you really didn't want to mess with him. If the local "rough crews" know that the men in your family are killers, they won't mess with you, nor yours. When I was a boy, I didn't have a name. I was my father's boy, "Hey, that's ###'s boy, watch what you say. Be nice, he's a kid." I've heard the latter words come out of one guy's mouth. The fellow he was talking to was laughing at something I'd said. The other fellow shut up and quickly so.

    Me, I think I'm a nice guy. I won't put up with much, but I'm a nice guy. I have my dad's emotional set, but usually I can "stick a cork in it".
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  38. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2024
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  39. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    at the moment home invasions in the UK-mostly in the cities- are opportunist not planned and mostly burglaries to find what they can sell. out here in the countryside its farm theft not household, people here havent got that much to steal.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      Same here. Post-SHTF, there will be panicked people doing anything to find food for their children.
      Old Geezer, Apr 13, 2024
      TMT Tactical likes this.
  40. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    unless they have prepared beforehand for SHTF they are only going to find crumbs.
    doing nothing and panicking after are the actions of fools.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  41. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    You have inherited Dad's or Grandpa's .38 Special revolver. You have read that the .38 Spcl round is puny.

    No it isn't. Take the revolver to a gun shop where a gunsmith can check it out. Me, I'm NOT going to get into that info! Find a gunsmith. If the smithy sez its in good shape and shootable, ask if it would be safe to fire +P, i.e. high pressure, loads through it. If so, there is all manner of high-performing hollow-point ammo available that will suffice for self defense. Lighter bullets with higher velocities have less recoil and thus may be more comfortable to shoot. Put in lots of range-time to become super familiar with this weapon. If you a new shooter, then you must seek training.

    Now, let me get to what I set out to talk about. What if the revolver is deemed ONLY for standard velocity?! What if the revolver is only a snub-nose?! Regular pressure ammunition or ammo out of a short little 2" barrel is not going to give you much velocity. Lower velocities mean that hollow point ammo will NOT usually expand / give you the stopping power to keep some large, out-of-his-head, felon from causing you serious injury or death.

    What to do?

    "Wadcuter ammo" is for shooting competitions. A wadcutter is basically a lead cylinder that is flat on the front and back. Some of this ammo has an indent on the back/base of the bullet so that the bullet will expand and catch the barrel's rifling grooves. A wadcutter cuts a clean round cookie-cutter hole in paper or animal tissues. On a paper target, it's easy to see which lines were were cut by the bullet = easier to score during competition shoots. Hitting animal tissues, skin, muscle or organ, these rounds cause a whole lot of bleeding.

    Target ammo is loaded light, so target ammo is not a good self-defense round. What to do?! An ammunition manufacturer can load these rounds up to standard pressures, but this will cause leading of the barrel (been there, done that; not fun getting lead out of a barrel). What to do?! Make that bullet lead hard, hard, hard; this, by adding other metals into the lead. It works. Been there, very happy with the results.

    I know of two manufacturers who turn out warm, but NOT heavy pressure (standard pressure), full-wadcutter loads that really step out there and do damage. These two manufacturers are Underwood and Buffalo Bore. The following video shows the testing of full-wadcutter loads from Underwood. I looked for a vid detailing the Buffalo Bore .38 Special ammo alone. Couldn't find a video. Buffalo Bore also loads a semi-wadcutter hard lead load. I found at least three vids about that loading -- so will you if you search YouTube. For a stack of reasons I'm not going to get into right now, I go with the full wadcutters.

    The ammo about which I am speaking DOES RECOIL MORE than standard ammo loadings; however, again, their pressure levels are kept low ... not the velocity and not the weight of the bullets. In a small & light snub-nosed revolvers, these rounds rock-back-jack. Be careful! Don't use this ammo when instructing new shooters! People with small hands or who do not have grip-strength in their hand will find the recoil punishing!

    Buffalo Bore ammo in this loading is hotter than the Underwood ammo. I've fired BfBore out of a lightweight snub-nosed .38 Special. It blows a clean entry hole into a pressure-treated 2"x 4" plank. The exit hole splinters this very robust wood and it does so like mad. Thus, one can say that the ribs of a larger animal (don't go deer hunting with this, OK) would most likely NOT stop this wadcutter. The bullet would very likely blow through the rib cage and penetrate very deeply, causing a whole lot of bleeding. If you are waiting for an attacking felon to bleed out, then you will be attacked. Training in self-defense goes a whole lot further than just shooting a firearm. Get training. Get legal advice. I'm serious! I had a whole lot of training in my youth -- before I was age 18, I'd gone through thousands upon thousands of rounds of ammo.

    This ammo's "knock-down power", does it have it?! No. "Knock-down power" is a myth in the first place.

    I can think of better calibers and weapons. Hey! I began this discussion with the caveat (as it were) of stating that you inherited the firearm. This may indeed NOT be your choice of self-defense weaponry. But, if it is all you have, then don't disparage. This is useful ... especially if you load it with the correct AND SAFE ammunition.

    First video below concerns the Underwood ammo test. I'm gonna then include a vid. comparing Buffalo Bore full wadcutter ammo in .38 Special vs. the .32 S&W Long. I've posted the second video several times, I think. But hey, I'll just do that again for those who have not seen it. The .32 Long BufBore loadings I've also tried. Fired this .32 stuff in two revolvers each of which were well over 100 years old = shot great, didn't damage these old revolvers. Me, homey knows guns, so don't you imagine that your ancient beasts are still true = get thee to a gunsmith.

    This ammunition is expensive! VERY expensive, but then, other manufacturers just do not load these loads ... they don't.

    Links to the ammo manufacturers spoken of above. I don't represent these companies. I've shot this ammo. You may find other/better manufacturers.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
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