Surviving A Bee Swarm Attack

Discussion in 'Survival Stories' started by remnant, May 18, 2017.

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  1. remnant

    remnant Expert Member

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    I remember when I was in primary school when I was playing near a tree where a swarm of bees hung from a branch. Scout bees located me and soon a part me the swarm was after me. I ran towards the other pupils in a bid to distribute the beds and it worked. Have you ever survived a bee swarm attack?
  2. jeager

    jeager Master Survivalist

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    Have I ever survived a bee swarm attack.
    You bet your bippy I did!
    Weeding a flower bed I moved a large rock and unwittingly disturbed a nest of angry
    yellow jackets.
    I felt pain in my back, then legs, then chest, neck, head and not being completely stupid I figured
    "hey them must be bees!" and ran for the house throwing my clothes off as the critters were
    even in my underwear. OUCH!
    G-friend counted 49 welts. No telling how many welts were multiple stings.
    Most welts were gone at the end of the day but I was one sick fella.
    I should have gone to the e.r. but didn't.
    I have a high tolerance for bee/wasp/etc. stings. But it could be one more sting might send
    me into shock.
    First, when bees sting they release a chemical called melittin into their victim. This venom immediately triggers pain receptors, causing a burning sensation.
    Clara1993 likes this.
    1. Ystranc
      Sounds like an underground wasps nest to me, very different to a bees hive. Most wasps nests contain less then 200 wasps where there would be at least 30,000 bees in a honey bee hive. Sometimes they number close to a million in a wild tropical hive
      Ystranc, Jul 21, 2017
  3. Harrysung

    Harrysung New Member

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    That's true! also in a situation like that, never stop running until they are all gone.
  4. Dontavian W Hill

    Dontavian W Hill New Member

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    I remember I used to actually hunt these back when I was 6 years old.
    I would use rocks, sticks and fly swatters and openly attack their nests.
    Looking back I realize just how Brave and stupid I was.
    Although if anything I was a very very fast child.
    Because when I hit a very serious business they came out in the storms and I booked it.
    I Ran So Fast my friends could hardly keep up.
    Lucky for me I was only a block away from my house.
  5. jeager

    jeager Master Survivalist

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    The bees that ate me were yellow jackets.
    Nasty, nasty, nasty.
    I think yellow jackets are a kind of wasp aren't they?
    I was sick for a few days from so much venom in me.
    Now I might be immune from the venom or hypersensitive.
    Don't wanna find out.
  6. Nia

    Nia New Member

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    Yikes. I have never been attacked by bees myself, but I contribute that to the fact that the ants were already on a mission to end me. Then too, I think that the wasps use to scare off the bees while stinging me at the same time. Yea, I'd take wasps and ants over bees any day.
    jeager likes this.
  7. OursIsTheFury

    OursIsTheFury Expert Member

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    Those bees can appear out of nowhere. I woke up one day and the front gate had this massive bee hive that apparently was created overnight. Lots of buzzing, and people had to bring the guard dog in so he wouldn't get stung. I have no idea where they came from or why they decided to settle in that particular area, but did I swiftly called the landlord and told him about it. I left, came back about 30 minutes later, and the hive was gone. No idea what he did; didn't ask since I figure he knew what he was doing.
    1. Ystranc
      It sounds like a swarm, that is when a hive divides and the old queen leaves as a young queen takes over. They gather in a big clump and then move on of their own accord....leave them alone and they won't bother you. The longer they stay the hungrier and meaner they'll get but just leave them alone.they will be sending out scout bees to find a new home.
      Call a bee keeper if you have to get rid of them and he'll take them away for free.
      Ystranc, Jul 21, 2017
  8. WildSpirit

    WildSpirit Active Member

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    This topic reminds me of the day I was bitten by a bee. I think she was about 5 years old, and the bee bit me on the shoulder (leaving the sting in it :(). My shoulder got very swollen and I had to go to the hospital to remove the sting and take the vaccine.

    Well... It wasn't a good day, not at all. :confused:
  9. Tom Williams

    Tom Williams Moderator Staff Member

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    I will take all hney bees i canget no bees no food i have ten hives here atm honey bees if yiu dont swat and kill them they not going to attack hornets wasp yellow jackets on the other hand ATTACK aoid them till after dark like 11pm then burn spray kill completely bumble bee hive leave but adxoid
  10. Clara1993

    Clara1993 Active Member

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    When I was a kid My grandmother had hives... and I enjoyed to poke on them and provoke bees Oh My God then Run to seek shelter hhh You know kids they can play with fire sometimes :) so now as I grew up I know that it's dangerous to provoke bees and to avoid that you need to know what disturbs them and that include Noises, Perfums and poking at them ike I used to, And whenever they attack don't freez just Run and if better run to a place where there is wind or in a building and close it because bees don't negociate hhh just kidding :)
  11. streettallest

    streettallest New Member

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    I think its not common for bees to launch attack on people. We had a lot of beehives around my village streams then an honru was a common commodity then.
    The best way to survive it is not to provoke it in the first place. Because you may not survive to tell the story. Lol
    Ystranc likes this.
  12. Ystranc

    Ystranc Master Survivalist

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    So far this thread is full of misinformation about bees. Most of you don't seem to differentiate between Wasps, bees, or hornets.
    There is a difference between disturbing a wasp nest while digging in the garden and a swarm landing temporarily on a fence or gate before moving on of its own free will.
  13. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    if you see a swarm move out of the way, they usually swarm when there is too many for the nest and they are looking for a new location.
    I guess its back to having your wits about you.
  14. Ystranc

    Ystranc Master Survivalist

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    facts about bees; there are hundreds of different kinds of bees each one is distinct from the the UK alone there are around 240 species of wild bee. Some live in holes in the ground and have a tiny colony that die out over the winter with only the queen surviving while the other end of the spectrum black bees will have colonies upwards of 30,000 bees and need to keep themselves warm and well fed on a store of honey, our domestic honey bee is bred from several strains of black bee. Bees for honey production have been bred for a mixture of traits, docility, productivity and health....wild bees however live in a world where survival of the meanest is the rule.
    If you are attacked by a wild hive of bees you must as far and as fast as you can because the first sting releases an attack pheromone that triggers all the worker bees to heightened aggression. A domestic hive is only comparatively docile and you will still get attacked on mass if you mess with the hive but Africanised bees have been known to chase a person over a kilometre before giving up.
    When each bee stings you it stings only once, the sting has a tiny barb which causes the sting to stay in your skin, it tears free from the bee along with venom sacks and musculature and will continue pumping venom until the sacks are empty. The bee dies.
    Bee venom is strongly acidic and extremely painful, to reduce the pain of the sting it should be removed immediately by scraping with the edge of a knife as soon as possible (the same action as shaving.)
    Do not follow the old wives tale of putting vinegar on stings, that will only make a bee sting worse. Instead use a mild solution of bicarbonate of soda.
    Vinegar is suitable for treating wasp stings and some insect bites though.
  15. TexDanm

    TexDanm Shadow Dancer

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    Generally in the past before the "killer bee" thing swarming bees were pretty easy to deal with. We would go and get a swarm if someone had one on their property. I didn't even wear a bee suit. When they are swarming they have a one track mind and are totally focused on taking care of and covering up the queen. We would just gently brush them off into a box and when the queen fell in they all would follow. We could them carry them home and put them in an empty prepared hive with a queen keeper door and have a new hive. We would feed them until they got going and then they were happy.
  16. Ystranc

    Ystranc Master Survivalist

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    The Africanisation of bees across America was a PR disaster for bee keepers. All those stupid 1970s films just spread misinformation and panic.
  17. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Just this past week I overheard some flaky liberal talking to another flake about how he got swarmed. He was topping a dead tree and when climbing down, accidentally kicked a hole in an area of rot, exposing a hive. Keeps on climbing down, such that he became face to face with the colony of whatever kind of bees or yellow jackets (?) therein. So they swarm him. Makes it into his house, finds his kid's epi-pen. Wife gets him to hosp. As they strip him, more bees are found.

    One summer when I was a kid, I worked for the Forestry Service. Were poisonous snakes the greatest worry? No. Bee hives were. When headed downhill in a forest, NEVER scotch yourself on saplings because one of them will have a hive of stingy thingies up top and when you jar that little tree that hive will shoot straight down to give you a reception "party". Oh, and rotten trees are a haven for hives. Duh!!!

    Here is another really complex concept: Don't climb rotten trees in the first place. Maybe they could snap and fall with you! Just sayin'.

    "Can't fix stupid."
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