Terrorist Activity

Discussion in 'News, Current Events, and Politics' started by poltiregist, Apr 7, 2024.

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  1. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    --- While this link does not specify the sideways shipping mishap that occurred today was solidly identified as terrorist caused , does recognize the high probability , that it was . What we are facing with all the military age men Biden and friends let enter the United States , I decided it was past time a generic terrorist thread was made available .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  2. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    The likelihood of a terrorist attack tomorrow April 8th. is extremely high .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  3. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

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    Just a guess on my part , but consider those powerful Lazers , military ships use to shoot down aircraft . Such a device would seem reasonable to me to be able to disrupt electrical power on a ship .
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      Many ships have critical computerized navigation systems that have Chinese components. What with all of the processors and comm equipment, a ship can be hacked. A cargo ship in New York went dead this week and almost hit a bridge. Three tugboats couldn't direct it due to its size, so three more were sent in = 6 tugs and still they couldn't hold it. The ship got its power back and there was no bridge pier collision. Why blow-up a bridge when you can knock it down with a hacked cargo ship.
      Old Geezer, Apr 8, 2024
  4. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    talking of terrorists, 46% of British Muslims dont believe Hamas did the things they did on Oct 7th ( nor do a lot of non muslims come to that) and one third want sharia Law in the UK.
    "shocking survey": https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1885871/british-muslims-support-hamas-israel-war
    I cant say that surprises me very much.
    it was a mistake ever letting Muslim migrants into this country, Islam is incompatible with British law and values.
    Old Geezer and TMT Tactical like this.
  5. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    Shira law is Church and State combined....no separation....

    Dont worry.....Americans are really that dumb as well....as to go along with Shira Law....no Separation of Church and State.

    Just a variation of Divine Right of Kings....absolute power...

    Incompatible here as well.

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  6. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I'm wondering if after our next terrorist attack (with biden still ostensibly the president), the FBI will cover-up the perpetrators should they be Islamist attackers.

    Many attacks are claimed by Muslim groups such as Hezbollah (Iranian-backed). But let's say there is a biological weapon attack with hundreds of thousands, even millions killed, the terrorist home country may very well deny having been any part of it. Then, the perpetrators are tracked-down and it turns out that they were Chinese who came into the country within the ongoing swarm of immigrants at our southern border. The biden regime would keep that information far away from the American citizenry.

    Your government (any Western nation) covers-up that which you are "not supposed to know". In the US, there was a massive cover-up of the JFK assassination.

    When John Kennedy was shot, there were several (four, I think) railroad workers standing on the bridge just in front of the motorcade. They wanted to get a bird's-eye view of the president and the bridge afforded them a great view. When the president got shot, they ran to the grassy knoll to apprehend the @$$hole who just shot their president.

    The FBI and the Warren Commission ruled that there was no grassy-knoll fence-line shooter, just Oswald in the book depository building. In other words, "Shut up, sit down, grieve, then go on with your lives."

    Railroad worker witnesses to the assassination were recorded by a reporter, i.e. not a government man.

    A local citizen was filming the Kennedy motorcade at the exact same time as the assassination. This man said that he heard the shot come from the fence-line atop the grassy knoll. This man was standing only 10 to 20 yards from the limo driving the president. His film shows Kennedy getting hit. It doesn't show the grassy knoll because he was so close to the limousine. But he was unequivicle on the fact that he hear the shot come from the fence-line between the book depository and the railroad tracks/bridge.

    The following witness (Charles Brehm) had taken his 5 yr old boy to wave to the president. When Kennedy was hit, he and his son were only 20 or 30 feet away (less than 10 meters). This fellow had been a Army Ranger during WWII and was no stranger to combat and gunfire. Brehm said that one shot he heard came from the fence-line atop the grassy knoll.


    Another witness; later, this man took it upon himself to investigate the background info, eventually writing a book. In an interview in the 60s, he said that he heard the shot come from the fence-line, but then started believing the Warren Commission (said so on the video). Understand, at that time in American history, people trusted the government and the press -- to not do so, meant that you were a nutcase or an enemy of America. Later, after researching it all, he sure did change his mind, because he ended up believing that the evil deed wasn't just a conspiracy, but an overt coup. His research pointed to Lyndon Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover as the murderers. This is the fellow who interviewed Johnson's mistress. Johnson's mistress reported that he was on the phone speaking with whoever, slammed down the phone, then yelled, "Well, after Friday, I won't have to deal with those damned Kennedy boys!"

    Initial interview:


    Decades later:


    Last edited: Apr 8, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  7. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    Continued from above. I left out a graphic, so I have to start a new entry.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  8. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    Isis have put their head about the parapet again, they have now threatened to attack 4 major European football games in 4 different cities over the next few days, only time will tell if this threat is real or being used to terrorise people into staying away, terrorists dont usually warn people in advance.
    needless to say Security has been increased in all these venues.
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  9. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    The stories and or explanations I have heard about the Kennedy Assassination do not support the grassy knoll theory...

    That the reason his brain is missing is because it would clearly indicate the direction from which came the shot.

    Also another story that the Zaraputer film.....was shown in it's entirety....to certain audiences around the country .....what we see is a highly edited form of this Zaraputer film and not the whole thing.

    In the unedited form of the film it would show that when the shooting starts ...the vice presidents car behind Kennedy ...the heads are down.

    Also when you watch the edited version available to the public ....you see in the background....when the motorcade make the turn at the corner...there is a little blonde girl skipping along the other side of the road as excited kids are want to do....
    This blonde girl suddenly stops in surprise. I think she heard the first gunshot and stopped in confusion.

    What I have also heard is that the spray material coming out of Kennedys head...does not support a far off shot....that the shot needed to be within 3 to 5 feet distance to make such an spray pattern. And this from a ballistics person in one of the audiences viewing this unedited version of the Zaraputer Film.

    However ...I am not a ballistics person...but that is the version I have heard.

    I have however .... in curiosity...done a watermelon at 50 yards with a .35 Remington..and did not get such an explosive pattern. The melon did fragment but not so explosively.

    What I am thinking in the version I have heard is that the speaker is describing the effects close up of the muzzle blast..

    I have also heard that many witnesses in these events are often grilled in questioning to grill them out of any useful testimony for political reasons.

    Years later...when Ronald Reagan was shot...and after he had been transported to the hospital......and crowds gathered at the hotel site along with reporters....calling out for witnesses....someone said they were a witness.....to the reporter and before they were able to speak to the reporter .....they were carted off by plainclothes Federal agents.....

    This kind of thing is to be expected for multitudes of reasons having to do with certain political control of events.....and narratives.

    The ordinary American would be hard pressed to comprehend such....

    This world is not quite what we think it is.

    There is more .....on the Kennedy Assassination but this will suffice for now..

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  10. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    maybe this adds to the conspiracy theory, but the Kennedy killing , the Reagan shooting and the Munroe "suicide" were such a long time ago, TBH I am more interested in current terrorist threats than ancient history.
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  11. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    The next killing or might be a terrorist threat to cover the real intent....

    I too am more interested today in terrorist threats...but also aware of human nature....even in high offices...

    And the current stakes are very very very high......

    But then again.....even in history past....I suppose the stakes were always high....going back to the Caesars and Ancient Rome.....Greece..... Cleopatra......et al.

    Those who forget history ....etc etc etc.....

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  12. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    you dont have to tell me about human nature, I am all too well aware of it, modern human attitudes stink.
    watcherchris likes this.
  13. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    You may be on to something here...with one proviso...

    I am thinking that this may always have been true...but adjusted for history ...customs of the times......traditions et al....always in it's own historical context....stink....,

    We just don't often smell the real genuine stink behind books ....media ...and or the internet...

    Not an Ishmaelite.
  14. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    No, I dont think its always been like that, not in Britain anyway, people used to know how to behave but these days its all gone crazy , partly to do with 24 hour news and political interference and just plain modern stupidity.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  15. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I disagree here lonewolf...simply because of what happened leading up to the English Civil War in the 1640s as a result of King Charles wanting to increase his power and or control....and be more like Kings on the Continent....absolute power ...divine right of kings. To do this ...Charles needed more religious authority...over the people. The Roundheads...or Puritans were not having any of it.
    and it spread......

    It became the Cavaliers against the Roundheads or Parliamentarians...

    The very interesting thing historically and for us Yanks here in America...and I believe a history our ersatz leadership would not like us to know....ever.......is that this is the precedent for a people to turn on their leaders......when the leaders have trespassed and no longer represent the people....but secretly represent someone or something else.

    An Englishman set this precedent for us here in America......in Oliver Cromwell....

    Almost no Americans know of this history ...but our Founding Fathers Knew it.

    And I believe more Americans should know this history ....and about what Oliver Cromwell and the Roundheads did for us here in America. The precedent they set for us.

    Remember something lonewolf......particularly as a result of the publication of the King James Bible in or about 1611......

    The English people who were read to out of it..and could not read......learned that their King was in Heaven....and not on the Throne of England. The English King was not divine right..but only an Administrator of Just English Law..

    This is a very important distinction...for a people to know ...particularly as our government tries more and more to herd us out of our American liberties and freedoms........and more power to the government/internationalists....and away from the people.

    And this is a distinction our own ersatz government would never want us to know.....and or why it is historically....at the hands of an Englishman who did this for us.

    And now you know one more thing about Ishmaelites and their form of bondage.....

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  16. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    The English Civil War was mostly about Politics, Parliament vs The King, I was referring to normal people and the way they behave, in the past as opposed to now.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  17. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

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    History repeats itself....Santayana....even leaders can get so dumb they do not learn......

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  18. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    agreed, history will repeat itself if people dont learn .
    TMT Tactical and watcherchris like this.
  19. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

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    The reason I listed the Kennedy assassination is to show that governments LIE. The current biden regime is a lying, murdering cancer. Murderers are currently flowing into America hidden among the looting masses of illegal migrants. This is a war against American citizens.

    Hopefully, when the death-counts come in, the greatest numbers will be among liberal urban voters. They voted for it, let them eat it.
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  20. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    we dont know who or what is coming amongst the 99% male illegal migrants that come to Britain in small boats across The English Channel because they throw their papers away so they cant be checked.
    the fact that ISIS amongst others have threatened to smuggle their operatives into Britain amongst the illegals is a case in point.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  21. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Agree Olde Geezer....

    The speaker who gave the description of the Kennedy Assassination and or the Zaraputer film .....told that the Government and or the Conspiracy have clouded the explanations with too much evidence.....in addition to grilling witnesses out of any useful testimony.

    I believe this continues today.

    For a number of years ..I also dated a woman who was in Dallas in those years and worked at J C Pennys in the daytime and at night as a dancer for a fellow named Jack Ruby.

    The story she told was that after Oswald was shot....by Ruby...the FBI came in and interviewed the girls about Ruby and the business...and then came back one time to interview/re interview a handful of the girls and then nothing.

    She thought this very unusual and brief for a significant event as a Presidential Assassination.

    But alas....she has today gone the way of all flesh...

    Nonetheless...the stories I have heard in a lecture series...is that government...at the behest of the Conspiracy/Deep State...has clouded this event with too much evidence.

    What I found interesting ballistically ....is that very few professionals can make that shot with an Italian Carcano bolt action Rifle...from that distance and at a moving target..

    Also ....that is probably one of the worst tools for such an job...as is known by people educated in the disciplines..

    People who know how an accurate tool works would not choose that rifle....

    For such an shot at a moving target would eliminate half to 80% or more of the shooters out there.....particularly back in those days....and with that rifle.

    There are much much better designed and performing tools available today...but we are talking back then in 1963.

    And thus many people who study that event/history.....believe what you are describing...about the lies surrounding this history.....to throw the public off the scent..

    And this kind of thing...this kind of history has led me to understand that certain events take place in government and or history.....

    That there are people out there, whom for what ever reason ascend to the office of President Of the United States, who think that they are a real President...with real power and authority....and will not listen and obey the real secret rulers of this country.....and arrangements/re arrangements to the power structure are thus necessary.

    And this appears historically not to be a new thing but goes back, that I can tell, to the Ancient Romans...and even the ...Egyptian Pharoah's....

    That the real power structure is today hidden and concealed from the view of most people......and is not really what we see in public......but hidden and concealed...Occult.

    This has not changed....

    My non Ishmaelite .02,
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2024
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  22. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Now that the war is on between Iran and Israel/America, expect terrorist attacks here in America.

    It hasn't happened yet, but Iran will likely fire on US warships in that region. Since Iran now has terrorist boots on the ground here in the US (thanks to the biden regime), Iran will likely activate these terrorist sleeper cells.

    We will see. Everything has now gone hot.
    poltiregist and TMT Tactical like this.
  23. Brownbear

    Brownbear Master Survivalist

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    To be honest OG I am surprised that the US has not had more terrorist attacks, over the years, than it has. It may be as simple as it being fairly hard to get into the US from the Middle East etc.

    One of the key issues of migrancy (and we are awash with migrants in the UK just now) is that we really do not know who they actually are. We have had thousands and thousands of people arrive on our shores in rubber boats, they could all be terrorists coming here and waiting to rise up in an Islamic "Holy War' at a given signal - we simply do not know. Most of them have apparently "lost" their documents. Our Government seems to want to welcome these people with open arms but we really could literally be inviting an enemy army into our houses.
    Old Geezer and TMT Tactical like this.
    1. Old Geezer
      One wonders what they are waiting on. They are wise to our Big Brother surveillance of communications. DIY bomb components are everywhere and bio-weaponry is but a crude lab away. I know that Homeland Security, Border Patrol, and the FBI have made apprehensions ... yet y'gotta know that there's dozens of them out there waiting for the go-ahead. Maybe Iran likes having the current White House regime in place and do not wish to embarrass them. ???????
      Old Geezer, Apr 14, 2024
  24. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    if the Labour party wins the next election, which at the moment seems inevitable, they will open the doors to even more immigration.
    TMT Tactical and Brownbear like this.
  25. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    Iran tried a war with Israel once before and they didnt come off any better that time , what makes them think repeating the process is going to have a different result? those that fail to learn the lessons of history.....etc.etc.
    Israel is now bombing Hezbollah targets in Southern Lebanon.
    TMT Tactical and Brownbear like this.
  26. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    If Britain gets dragged into a war between Iran and Israel, a very real possibility seeing as how RAF planes intercepted some of the drones and missiles launched from Iran towards Israel, we need to arrest all recent migrants to this country especially the illegal ones and all the militant Muslims already here like we did to "enemy combatants" in WW2 and confine them for the duration of hostilities. I doubt our modern politicians will have the backbone to do it but unless we do they will act as a "fifth column" to undermine our efforts to protect ourselves.
    TMT Tactical and Brownbear like this.
  27. Brownbear

    Brownbear Master Survivalist

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    Absolutely - internment will have to be introduced.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  28. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

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    damn! internment.....that was the word I was looking for!!
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  29. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I post these articles in a "terrorist" thread. However, what I'd like to further convey -- beyond the terrorist aspect -- in posting these news articles is that there are savages among us. There are weak-minded people within the general population who can't get it through their thick skulls that terror happens in "civilized" societies. It is NOT just a matter of "war atrocities"! These things don't just happen "over there". They happen here.

    Post-SHTF, some will have prepared, some people are going to give up and die, some will continue to wait on government relief until they die, and some people will turn into monsters and predate on other humans to take their food, rape their women, then move on to the next community. Will these crews survive in the long run? I think not. However, they WILL get by for months on end until they run out of victims or until they are attritted-away by armed non-victims. Life and Liberty, you have to cull-out the monsters to make these things happen.

    The following articles deal with rape. I chose these because I find rape to be the lowest, the most beastly, of "human" behaviors. If a "human" male will do this, he is capable of anything.

    "Sickening new video shows Hamas line up female Israeli soldiers on Oct. 7: ‘Here are the girls who can get pregnant’ "


    "Outrage as eight of nine men convicted of gang rape of 15-year-old in Germany receive no prison time" [Hamburg]


    "Germany: Police hunt 6 migrants who gang-raped two 14-year-old girls in Rostock"


    "Sweden: 3 Syrian migrants charged with locking underage girl in bathroom and raping her, posting child pornography to Snapchat"


    "Females and Street Gangs: The Causes, Consequences, and Solutions"


    "Unfortunately for females the support and 'love' that they so much desire is often only given for a short time by male gang members who not only prove to be a temporary providers of love and support, but often become the problem themselves. Some researchers find that many of the women they talk to admit to having sex with more than one of the members of the gang. In what may appear to be extreme cases, gang rape seems all too common for some of these women. According to interviews by Gini Sikes, 'the other shocker was how widespread gang rape or sexual abuse seemed to be and how adults ignored or denied it.. .in San Antonio particularly, girls seemed to accept boys' predatory sexual behavior as a fact of life'. However some are able to avoid such a future when associated with gangs ...

    "Unfortunately, those women who do 'give in' to the sexual advances, become rape victims, or attempt to stay with a 'provider' after being repeatedly physically or sexually abused become young mothers with no real means to provide for their children. Sadly, these women who desperately wanted to be loved become part of a cycle of young mothers, usually single who can not afford to stay at home to raise their children because their situations force them be dependents of the state via welfare or forced to work jobs that underpays these women. The reason for is that many of these women are unskilled and many have not completed high school or have since dropped out in exchange for hanging out with the gang."
    Last edited: May 22, 2024
    Brownbear and TMT Tactical like this.
  30. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Washington Examiner: Illegal immigrants from Middle East arrested at US border over past 10 days: Steve Daines "


    Begin quote

    Illegal immigrants from Middle Eastern countries have been caught and arrested by Border Patrol agents on the United States-Mexico border since the start of the month, a cause for concern in light of the Hamas terror attack in Israel, according to a Republican senator.

    Sen. Steve Daines of Montana visited the Rio Grande Valley in southern Texas Wednesday to learn how people were traveling through sometimes more than a dozen countries to get to the United States and was alarmed by the number of people coming into the country, particularly those who could not be chased down.

    “Since the first of October, Border Patrol agents have apprehended individuals from Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya. Malaysia, Morocco, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Yemen,” Daines said in a media call following his visit. “This is just in the last 10 days.”

    Concern over the threat of terrorism has grown since this weekend’s terrorist attack in Israel by Hamas militants who killed more than 1,000 Israelis, as well as raped, tortured, and beheaded women and infants during the hours-long attack. Along with the deaths in Gaza, the toll is at least 1,800 lives lost, including 11 Americans.

    Since the start of fiscal 2023 last October through August, Border Patrol agents on the U.S.-Mexico boundary have caught 151 non-U.S. citizens who, after being processed, were determined to be on the FBI’s terror watch list for being a terrorist or affiliated with someone who was.

    Daines was not satisfied with the Biden administration’s approach to border security but did applaud its decision to build 20 miles of border wall across the Rio Grande Valley in hopes that it would prevent more “gotaways.”

    “Gotaways, in other words, you’ve laid eyes on him, either physically or through video cameras, but never had a chance to stop them and interview them,” Daines said. “Who are these 1.5 million gotaways that are in our country? And those are just the ones that we saw on video cameras and physical eyes.”

    End quote


    "Iranian militias claim to have active cells in Washington DC: Fox News"


    "DUBAI: Iranian militia groups have active cells operating in the US capital Washington DC and other US cities, according to chatrooms used by the groups.

    "Kawtheryoon Electronic Team, a Telegram network used by Iranian militia groups and supporters, claimed in a recent posting that Iranian 'resistance cells are rooted even in America and its capital,' Fox News reported, citing a copy of the English-language posting captured by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), which tracks radical groups."


    "Tim Scott Warns of Terrorist Sleeper Cells in America, Demands to Close Border Now"


    "Tim Scott: 'And then as we turn away from that direct support for Israel, we should go to our Southern border and close our southern border with the resources necessary. I believe that we have sleeper terrorist cells in America. Thousands of people that come from Yemen, Iran, Syria and Iraq. If we're going to deal with a national security emergency at our border, we have to do it now.'

    "Tim Scott, Scott Campaign Press Release - In Case You Missed It...Tim Scott Warns of Terrorist Sleeper Cells in America, Demands to Close Border Now Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/367663"

    "The FBI's silent battle against Iranian sleeper cells - opinion"



    "As tensions between the United States and Iran reach a boiling point, the specter and menace of sleeper terrorist cells hangs over the promise of safety and stability.

    "In the complicated geopolitical tapestry where national security is paramount, the silent but alarming threat of sleeper terrorist cells within the United States, purportedly orchestrated by the Islamic Republic of Iran, has become a prominent concern for the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security.

    "This insidious threat and menace underscore a chilling strategy – targeting not just individuals but seeking to destabilize through fear and retaliation, a tactic that underpins the Islamic Republic’s modus operandi on foreign soil. Albeit, this epitomizes the Islamic Republic’s strategy of leveraging terror to achieve its geopolitical aims.

    "The presence of the Islamic Republic’s military and clandestine intelligence operations in the western hemisphere represents a clear and present danger to the national security and interests of the United States. The early January 2024 assassination of three Americans, purportedly by Iran’s proxy groups, underlines a brazen willingness to strike at the heart of American life.

    "The politicization of such actions, including the portrayal of assassination attempts against Trump in Iranian media, reflects a broader ideological battle. It suggests that certain factions within the global political landscape might tacitly approve of such extreme measures against perceived adversaries, further complicating international relations and the pursuit of peace."

    The writer [EFRAN FARD] is a counterterrorism analyst and Middle East studies researcher based in Washington, with a particular focus on Iran and ethnic conflicts in the region. His newly published book is The Black Shabbat, published in the US. Follow him on X @EQFARD and www.erfanfard.com.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  31. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Military hid attempted Quantico base breach by Jordanians from Marines for two weeks: source "


    Begin quote

    FREDERICKSBURG, Virginia — Top brass at Marine Corps Base Quantico didn’t alert rank-and-file personnel of an attempted breach by two Jordanian nationals in a box truck until two weeks after it happened, The Post can reveal.

    The incident occurred May 3, when the two men approached Fuller Road Gate of the Marine base, were stopped for screening, and attempted to ram their way in but were stopped by military sentries.

    The incident was first reported by Potomac Local News and then highlighted by The Post, as well as confirmed by Capt. Michael Curtis, a spokesman for the base.

    However, a notification to Marines didn’t go out until May 16, according to Matt Strickland, 40, who had first flagged the incident to the local new site.

    Matt Strickland flagged the incident to the local news site.

    Strickland served in Iraq and Afghanistan for a combined nine years “down range” between 2004 and 2016. He said federal authorities have no right to bury details of the foiled incursion.

    “Every American has a right to know what happened at Quantico.

    “Citizens have a right to know what is going on in their backyard,” he said.

    Some reports speculated the two men arrested had recently crossed the southern border into the US, and one was on the US government’s terrorist watch list.

    Strickland was told one of the people involved had a Virginia ID, while the other was a terrorist. The Post has not been able to independently verify either rumor.

    Both men are in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody. Authorities would not comment further, only saying the two will remain in ICE custody until deported.

    “Who would they be keeping that information from? The reasoning would be so the terrorists, or whoever the Jordanians are working for, don’t know all the information. But whoever those two Jordanian men are working for already know what they planned to do and that they were apprehended,” Strickland said.

    “The only people who don’t know what happened are the American people.”

    In response to The Post’s inquiries, a Quantico spokesperson said in a statement: “The unauthorized access attempt was reported immediately to required military officials … In any case determined to be an immediate threat to the base or its population, mass notification and other means are always used to notify all who work and live on Marine Corps Base Quantico.”

    Strickland, a native of Fredericksburg, Virginia, said that in his experience of convoys under attack and later in combat intelligence analysis, the secrecy surrounding what happened at Quantico is meant to spare the administration embarrassment, not keep the country safe.

    “I’ve been an operational guy and I’ve been behind the scenes as an intel analyst. The government absolutely over-classifies s—t. A lot of what they keep from us is not for national security reasons like they say.

    “The secrecy is purposeful because it was illegal immigrants, one of who was on the terror watch list, who breached the gates.

    “And they’re allowing these illegal immigrants to come across the border.

    He also lamented how the southern border has been besieged, with over 7.5 million migrants apprehended and 1.7 million migrant “gotaways” illegally sneaking over unapprehended during the Biden administration.

    End quote
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  32. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Hamas and Hezbollah perpetually send rockets into Israel not caring about civilian deaths. How can they possibly afford all of these rockets?! Most of these attacks are simply home-made rockets, NOT guided missiles. Ball bearings are loaded into these rockets to maximize injuries and fatalities.

    They send in an enormous barrage of these cheaply made rockets along with a few guided missiles among this barrage. In doing so, Israel's Iron Dome missile defense system is overwhelmed, thus improving the chances that the guided missiles will hit their intended target. Israel's iron dome missiles cost upwards of fifty-thousand dollars each. Terrorist rocket attacks have cost Israel billions of dollars in defense spending. Israel also uses highly sophisticated missiles against terrorist positions, this to prevent civilian casualties as much as possible. Problem is that the terrorists hide among civilians and too, the Palestinian population aids the terrorists.


    How to make sugar rockets.


    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      Old Geezer, May 29, 2024
      lonewolf and TMT Tactical like this.
  33. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Record level of terror suspects caught at U.S.-Canada border far outpaces Mexico"


    Begin quote

    United States border officials are reporting a shocking trend of known or suspected terrorists trying to cross the Canadian border, far outpacing the numbers caught at the border with Mexico.

    Last year, the number of people with known or suspected terrorist ties apprehended by U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents at the northern border reached record levels.

    In fiscal year 2023, the northern border saw 484 individuals detained, surpassing the previous record of 313 in fiscal year 2022 and there’s no indication that the trend is slowing down.

    According to the latest CBP data, 143 known or suspected terrorists were arrested in the first six months of the 2024 fiscal year.

    This figure surpasses the 92 individuals caught at the Mexico border underscoring a shifting focus on border security concerns.

    These figures highlight a troubling trend of increasing attempts by terrorist suspects to exploit the northern border for entry into the United States.

    End quote
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  34. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:

    "2 people in ICE custody after attempting to breach Virginia Marine base"


    Begin quote

    The Marine Corps prevented two people from breaking onto a Marine installation in Virginia on May 3 and turned them over to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

    The two people drove up to the Fuller Road Gate of Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia, in a box truck and were stopped by military sentries, Capt. Michael Curtis, a spokesman for the base, said in a statement to Marine Corps Times on Tuesday.

    “When asked, the operator of the truck informed the military police officers they worked for a company subcontracted by Amazon and were making a delivery to the U.S. Post Office located in the Town of Quantico,” Curtis said in the statement.

    Because the two had no affiliation with the Marine base and no credentials to enter it, military police officers directed them to go to a holding area to undergo standard vetting procedures, according to Curtis. But the driver blew past the holding area and attempted to drive onto the base.

    Officers put up the vehicle denial barriers, blocking the truck from getting any farther onto the base, and detained the pair.

    No one was injured, according to Curtis.

    The Marine Corps later turned the pair over to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. That agency did not respond by time of publication to a Marine Corps Times request for more information about the two people who were detained.

    Potomac Local News, which first reported the attempted breach, reported hearing from multiple unnamed sources that one of the truck’s occupants was a Jordanian national who had recently crossed the southern border into the United States and that one occupant was on the U.S. government’s terrorist watch list.

    Military police in September 2023 shot at and ultimately detained a driver who had gained unauthorized access to Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms, California. In March, military law enforcement at the same base nabbed a Chinese national who had tried to get onto the same base.

    Chinese nationals have accessed military installations and other sensitive facilities in the United States around 100 times in recent years, sometimes by posing as tourists, The Wall Street Journal reported in September 2023.

    End quote


    From the New York Post:

    "Two Jordanian nationals in ICE custody over breach at Quantico Marine base: Possible ‘ISIS dry run’ "


    Begin quote

    Two Jordanians who may have been doing a “dry run for Al Qaeda or ISIS” have been arrested after allegedly trying to scam and then ram their way onto a US marine base in Virginia with a truck.

    Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) confirmed to The Post two Jordanian nationals are now in custody after being stopped at the front gate of Quantico Marine Corps Base, 35 miles southwest of Washington DC.

    “On May 3, 2024, Marine Corps Base Quantico’s Criminal Investigations Division arrested two Jordanian noncitizens for trespassing,” ICE Washington spokesperson James Covington said

    The incident was first reported by Potomac Local News and highlighted by The Post on Monday.

    The local site reported multiple sources saying the truck’s occupants had recently crossed the southern border into the US and one occupant was on the US government’s terrorist watch list.

    However, authorities would not confirm if either were on the terror watch list, elaborate on their intentions or what was in the truck, only saying the pair will remain in custody and will be deported from the US.

    The Jordanian pair drove a box truck up to the Fuller Road Gate of Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia, where they were stopped by military sentries on May 3, Capt. Michael Curtis, a spokesman for the base, said in an earlier statement to The Post.

    Former Navy SEAL Robert O’Neill told The Post the breach showed signs of being a possible “dry run” most likely for “Al Qaeda or ISIS” to “see how far they can get a truck into the base” and how the base worked for a future terror attack.

    “It looks like it was a test run for something else like truck bombs because they tried to get in saying they were delivery drivers then sped up as the barricades popped up.

    According to O’Neill, the Marines’ response shows they did a “good job” because no one was killed in the process.

    “The [Jordanians] are lucky they weren’t shot,” he said.

    The incident is the latest in a string of US marine base breaches.

    A driver without clearance did not stop or slow down when approaching the main gate at Naval Air Station North Island, part of the wider Naval Base Coronado in California on March 17.

    The vehicle passed through the gate and base guards opened fire on the vehicle, forcing it to stop. The base went into lockdown, closing all of the gates as a result.

    Base guards took the suspect into custody and he was arrested by the Coronado Police Department.

    Just 10 days later, a Chinese national attempted to drive onto Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center at Twentynine Palms in California after military police informed him he was not authorized to do so, Marine Corps officials told Military.com.

    End quote


    Old Gzr:

    These actions are intel-gathering ops. Think of these "immigrants" -- actually terrorist and Chinese very low-ranking soldiers -- as being human drones (expendables) "tickling" the defenses of US national security infrastructure / military bases.

    These folk aren't just planning truck bombs, they are seeing if they can get inside large facilities to distribute chemical or biologic weapons, i.e. weapons of mass destruction. Think, "a nuclear bomb on-the-cheap". Bio and chemical agents are FAR less expensive than nukes and they get the same job done. Biological agents that are very contagious (by DNA design) can spread out into the population much like nuclear fallout.

    If you are a modern-day monster and student of Machiavelli, you could vaccinate your own people, then take-out a population with biologic agents. This way, you could wait for your enemy''s population to die-off, then occupy that country with your own people or migrants who are used to being disarmed and told how to live. Biological agents, if engineered properly, do not destroy cropland. You'd have to get anthrax NOT to form spores. Altering the DNA of a bio agent is readily do-able in laboratories, witness covid-19.

    Americans generally wish Liberty. Can't have that!
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2024
    watcherchris and TMT Tactical like this.
  35. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "The Dark Relationship Between U.S. Universities and An Anti-American School Controlled By Terrorists"


    Begin quote

    Birzeit University, located just outside of Ramallah in the West Bank, is home to an overwhelmingly Hamas-affiliated student government that holds on-campus terrorist parades. It also has relationships with some of America’s most prestigious universities, despite the fact that its leadership and faculty openly harbor pro-terrorist and anti-American sentiments.

    The chairwoman of Birzeit’s Board of Trustees denied Hamas’s brutality and rape on October 7, and the school’s official account called for “glory to the martyrs” days after the attack. Yet its relationships in the United States remain largely intact — it has active relationships with Harvard University, Rutgers University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and others across the country.

    Harvard University is set to host a “Palestine Social Medicine Course” next month at Birzeit, where students will learn about “settler colonialism.” Rutgers University affirmed its relationship with Birzeit in May amid student encampment protests and William Paterson University entered into an agreement with the Hamas-run university in 2022 for exchange programs, sharing curricula and joint degree programs. Other schools, such as MIT, have recently co-hosted conferences, invited Birzeit professors for speaking events, or had student groups visit its campus.

    Birzeit itself has a troubling social media history since October 7, including calling for “glory for the martyrs” just three days later, praising terrorists, and declaring support for U.S. student encampments that caused turmoil on campuses, led to the harassment of Jews, and resulted in the cancellation of some commencement ceremonies.

    In multiple posts, Birzeit called the encampment activists “a live example of the importance of academic liberty and justice” and said their “voices are heard and appreciated from Birzeit University.”

    “From Birzeit University, we appreciate the stands where the students showed support to Palestine in MIT, Harvard, Yale, Stanford, NYU, PennU, and more,” Birzeit’s website states. “We reiterate our unwavering support for the Student for Justice in Palestine (SJP).”

    In a joint-letter with other Palestinian universities, Birzeit said the protesters in the encampments “are emancipating the university from structural racism and complicity with power and colonialism.”

    Jonathan Schanzer, Senior Vice President for Research at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, said he is not surprised that Birzeit’s radical views are expressed at the highest levels.

    Philosophy professor Abdaljawad Omar appeared at a PFLP-linked conference attended by Rep. Rashida Tlaib, where he praised the October 7 attacks for opening “so many doors of political possibility” and said the “promise of liberation it holds would not have manifested in our conference without the capacity to resist.”

    Omar also denied accusations of rape and criticized the IDF for refusing to allow Israel to be taken over by the “Palestinian military” in an op-ed shortly after the attack.

    While Schanzer said all U.S. universities should reconsider partnering with Birzeit, he stressed that Harvard should pay extra caution due to the Congressional Education and the Workforce Committee revealing its former Antisemitism Advisory Council noting pro-terrorist influence on campus.

    “We know from the internal deliberations that they are worried about the influence of Hamas at Harvard,” he said. “But the Harvard administration has already shown it’s more eager to appease the woke masses than they are concerned about antisemitism, Hamas influence or the potential danger of exposing students to radicals abroad.”

    Rutgers University caved to anti-Israel student protesters in May, saying it would “revisit and follow-up” on its relationship with Birzeit University, which was created in 2022. Rep. Lloyd Smucker (R-PA) asked Rutgers University president Jonathan Holloway if Birzeit is “really an institution Rutgers should be partnering with” before a Congressional hearing in May.

    “The information you just shared with me is new to me sir, and I will commit to reading it,” Holloway said after Smucker informed him of Birzeit’s terrorist sympathies.

    Schanzer believes that apart from the radicalism on Birzeit’s campus, visiting the West Bank is not safe for American students.

    “Israelis have arrested more than 4,000 terrorists in the West Bank since October 7 and have disrupted many plots and confiscated thousands of weapons smuggled through Jordan,” he said. “All of this is part of a plan enacted by Hamas and its key patrons in Tehran to ignite a third front in this war.”

    “We’re five minutes away from a massive confrontation in the West Bank and we have Harvard sending students,” he added. “This is the wrong time.”

    Harvard University, MIT, William Paterson University, Georgetown University, UC Santa Barbara, Rutgers University, and Birzeit University did not respond to a request for comment.

    End quote
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  36. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Tomorrow 4th of July , Preppers in the United States need to be on high alert for a terrorist attack .
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  37. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Yes, I can easily see the 4th as a "let's show America what we are capable of" date.

    There's a whole bunch of reasons, isn't there! Included: open borders (known terrorist-list immigrants allowed in), support of Israel (+, Israel is next going to go after Hezbollah), 2024 is an election year, Chinese military age men are crossing-in with "average" migrants, America has no Commander in Chief in the White House, ... on and on and on ...

    Y'gotta know that in America there are dozens upon dozens of terrorist cells from multiple countries. It's just a matter of time.

    Lately, I've been reading articles on DNA-engineered biological weaponry being a very high level of concern for our Dept Homeland Security. I call bio weapons, "nukes on the cheap". I mean, hey!, they are just that! You are a terrorist or enemy nation. You inoculate your people for the "current strain of covid", but oh by the way, the vaccine is ALSO protective against your germ du jour . Your people are safe. Americans die off en masse. No crop damage / no radiation. Your allies, even your own people, can now occupy the place without much of a fight. And too, the question would be "who did the deed?" America has stacks of enemies and bio-engineering is now omnipresent on Earth. Who would America retaliate against???!!!

    The bio factor is a BIG factor in my family's putting back food and medications. During a bio attack, nobody better come knocking on our door. At first, they will be invited to get off my property. Then ...
    poltiregist and TMT Tactical like this.
  38. lonewolf

    lonewolf Societal Collapse Survivalist. Staff Member

    Blog Posts:
    4th of July is general election day in the UK.
    I think a lot of terrorists and migrants are waiting to see who forms the next govt.
    TMT Tactical and poltiregist like this.
  39. watcherchris

    watcherchris Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Formulating an idea....a concept about terrorism........

    One which might be controversial even on this board....but still working on it..

    Based on an idea...an awakening by way of the recent issues and statements on the Illegals and what is slowly happening around the country...but still working on it to try to flesh it out more.....

    We shall see...

    Not an Ishmaelite.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  40. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    I'm shocked that we here in the States didn't get any attacks on the 4th of July from any the many terrorist cells existing across the country.
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  41. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Hezbollah fires over 85 rockets at Western Galilee; 'Time to exact price from Lebanon' "


    "At least 85 rockets and missiles were fired overnight at communities in the Western Galilee, some of which had not been evacuated from residents. In Kiryat Shmona, at least seven rockets scored direct hits inside the city and some 10 projectiles were intercepted over Mt. Meron, where an Israeli Air Force monitoring base is located. Although rockets there landed mostly in open fields and woodlands, they did cause fires. "


    Hezbollah Rocket Attacks Ravage Northern Israel: Lives, Land, and Wildlife


    Begin quote

    JERUSALEM – Only 24 hours following the October 7th attack, the terror group Hezbollah began targeting Israel's northern communities with rockets fired from Lebanon. Nine months and thousands of rockets later, this "undeclared" war is having a deep impact on the region's economy, environment, and its people. Since the almost daily barrage began, life in northern Israel is a dangerous and potentially deadly place.

    Noa and Nir Baranes died in a rocket attack on July 9, leaving behind three children. They're among dozens of civilians and soldiers killed by Hezbollah. Now most communities along the Lebanese border stand nearly empty.

    Another casualty is the land itself, due to wildfires created by the combination of rocket fire and dry summer conditions throughout northern Israel, the Galilee, and the Golan Heights.

    The fires started by Hezbollah rockets have destroyed tens of thousands of acres and thousands of trees, some planted as far back as sixty years ago. These are the worst forest fires in the history of Israel.

    Itamar Katz works with KKL-JNF leading forestry efforts on the Golan Heights. "I'm kind of young and I'm new in the system. I've only been in the Forest Service for seven years,” Katz tells CBN News.

    “But all of the older generation, I mean, I see them their whole life's work is going up in flames and it's on purpose. You know, somebody is doing this on purpose to us. It's not just happening," Katz explains.

    "For us, it's huge. I mean, these fires here are equivalent to the fires in Northern California for us. That's how we experience it. Although it might be like a 1,000-2,000-hectare fire. I mean, it's big in any scale, but in Israel it's huge," Katz explains.

    And it’s destroying regional wildlife, KKL-JNF Chief Ornithologist Yaron Charka explains how the fires are affecting Israel.

    "When fires start in the spring, in the late spring, in the middle of the nesting season, then there's a real damage to birds. We're talking about chicks and nests that cannot fly. The parents are leaving, but the chicks are burning to the death, and birds are losing a whole generation,” Charka said.

    Before October 7th, Miriam Arnon’s family had lived in the border community of Metula for five generations. Now, Arnon is among the tens of thousands of Israelis living away from home.

    Arnon says that while Israel is on the frontlines of this global war, the U.S. needs to wake up before Americans find the fight on their doorstep.

    "Open your eyes. Open your eyes and see that this is us now.” Aron explains, “But these kind of attacks can happen also in your own backyard. Just remember 9/11, it didn't happen so long ago. It started differently, but unfortunately it can happen again everywhere."

    End quote


    What with the biden regime opening our borders for terrorist entry, we preppers should expect chaos -- this is, after all, that for which we have been prepping. Terrorist cells here in the U.S. have been disturbingly quite. Disturbing for numerous reasons, but high among them is the complacency this inculcates. "Ah, nothing is going to happen."

    All Americans must now expect major attacks on power grids, venues where thousands of people are sitting ducks, major infrastructure destruction to include clean water being non-available, any expectation that state and federal agencies will be able to provide support (they will be massively overwhelmed), on and on and on ... Expect the unexpected.

    "The Threat of Terrorism in America Has Returned"


    FROM THE SLUMS OF BAGHDAD to the deserts of Kandahar, I’ve hunted Islamist terrorists my entire adult life. I lived among them, studied their languages, and immersed myself in their cultures.

    I’ve also seen the carnage that these jihadists leave in their wake. In Baghdad, a Shia group, Jaysh al-Mahdi, would rape children in front of their parents. In Afghanistan, the Taliban executed my brother-in-arms, Gen. Surab Azimi, after his men surrendered—and filmed the entire thing. That wasn’t new for me. Jubha, the Islamic Army of Iraq’s deadliest sniper, killed my turret gunner, and filmed the kill shot, releasing it along with others in propaganda videos.

    As a strategic-level terrorism analyst, I read vast amounts of intelligence from tens of thousands of sources. At United States Central Command, I led teams of analysts who were experts on hundreds of insurgent groups, each with its own ideological nuances, modi operandi, leadership, structures, and style.

    With all that experience, my mental warning lights have been blinking red recently: There is increasing reason to believe that there could be a terrorist attack on the United States in the months ahead.

    ON JUNE 11, IMMIGRATION AND CUSTOMS ENFORCEMENT agents arrested eight Tajik nationals with ties to the Islamic State in Los Angeles, New York, and Philadelphia. These men hailed from the same region as the Moscow attackers, underscoring the breadth of the Islamic State Khorasan Province’s reach. They’re not just factors in the Middle East and South Asia; they’ve now expanded into Central Asia, a prime recruiting ground that the Taliban is also exploiting.

    Most importantly, some of the men crossed the southern border, requested asylum, and passed the initial screening. It wasn’t until members of the American intelligence community sniffed out some extremist rhetoric on social media that federal law enforcement scrambled to apprehend the men.

    “By rallying foreign fighters and intensifying their propaganda, al Qaeda is clearly signaling their readiness for what they promise to be a bloody and ambitious phase of their war against the ‘far enemy’—the United States and its allies,” Lebanese-American counterterrorism expert Sara Harmouch told The Bulwark. “And to recall, Osama bin Laden said he would strike America, and indeed, he did. Maybe it's time for us to start taking their words seriously and consider them in our strategic calculations.”

    It’s true that Biden’s electoral chances may suffer if voters are reminded of the disaster of the American withdrawal from Afghanistan. But the choice may not be his. He can address the issue as one his administration is taking seriously and present a plan to deal with it, or he can cross his fingers and hope that the terrorists themselves don’t raise the salience of the issue as they did in San Bernardino and at the Pulse nightclub during the 2016 campaign.

    At a certain point, however, we will have to answer a difficult question: How many Americans do our enemies get to kill before we respond? Or, put another way: Why should American families support their children joining the military if their government allows them to get killed with impunity? Iran and Pakistan sponsor terrorists who kill Americans. They will continue to do so until we make the consequences too painful for them.

    End quote

    This article is by:

    Will Selber

    Co-Founder, GCV+F. Contributor at The Bulwark. Co-host Generation Jihad on Wednesdays. Retired Middle East Foreign Area Officer with 20 years in the intelligence community and 4+ years in Afghanistan and Iraq.

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  42. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    China was likely asked by terrorist cell leadership here in America to pay in actual money, i.e. gold. There's a whole lot of distrust in the U.S. dollar of late, y'know.

    China sends its military members / financing mules / intel operatives / saboteurs / ... across our southern border. If they get caught, they are released on their own recognizance ... which means next to nothing whatsoever. The biden regime has been a troupe of cheap traitors for the Chinese military.

    Were the Chinese gutting some other nation, I'd find it amusing how pathetic that soon-to-be destroyed nation had acted. In this case, I get angry at the voters and the corrupt voting poll employees who put this anti-American regime in office.

    "Chinese nationals arrested in East Texas, $250k in gold bars seized after traffic stop"


    Begin quote

    VAN ZANDT COUNTY, Texas (KETK) — Two Chinese nationals were arrested with $250,000 worth of gold bars after a traffic stop on I-20 on Thursday.

    According to an affidavit, Sgt. Charlie Hughes, with the Wills Point Police Department, was working traffic enforcement along I-20. Hughes was near the 533 mile marker of westbound I-20 when he observed a White Chevy Malibu with a Michigan registration committing a traffic violation.

    Hughes proceeded to conduct a traffic stop on the Chevy. The driver was identified as 25-year-old Chen, Weijian. Due to a language barrier, Hughes asked Chen to go to his patrol vehicle and speak to him using a translator app.

    During the interview, Hughes reportedly “observed multiple factors that lead [him] to believe there was criminal activity afoot.” Chen reportedly told Hughes they had flown from Los Angeles, California to Atlanta, Georgia to “play” but had only remained in Atlanta for one day.

    Chen claimed he was heading to Dallas and went to Florida to “play."

    The vehicle was rented in the passenger’s name, who was later identified as 46-year-old Lin, Wenqiang, who gave consent to a search of the vehicle but “seemed unsure.” A K9 was used to conduct an open-air sniff of the vehicle where the dog “began working the front passenger door seam and gave an alert” to the vehicle.

    Inside, officials found a boarding pass from Spirit Airlines that showed Chen had boarded the plane in Los Angeles on July 30 at 5:19 p.m. and arrived in Atlanta on July 31 at 12:53 a.m. The tickets reportedly showed he had no bags with him when he boarded the flight.

    On a rental agreement, it reportedly showed that the vehicle was rented in College Park, Georgia at 1:28 a.m. on July 31 and was to be returned by Aug. 3 at11:30 a.m. in Los Angeles.

    A bag was located behind the driver’s seat on the floorboard where officials found multiple pieces of gold bullion bars estimated to value between $200,000 and $250,000:

    Seven 1 ounce packaged 999.9 gold bars
    Three 5 gram packaged 999.9 gold bars
    1 gram marked with 20 squares 999.9 gold bar
    Eight 10 ounce packaged 999.9 gold bars

    Chen and Lin allegedly claimed they did not know who the bag or gold belonged to. They were both placed under arrest and were transported to the Van Zandt County Jail for booking.

    “Based on my training, I know that it is very unlikely that Lin or Chen could have transported the gold bullion through airport Transportation Security Administration security checkpoint with[out] filing a United States Currency Transaction Report,” Hughes said.

    After being arrested, Hughes contacted U.S. Homeland Security who reviewed immigration records of Chen and Lin and learned both had entered the country illegally.

    Lin reportedly entered the U.S. illegally on Sept. 15, 2023 in Tecate, California and was given a notice to appear. Lin had been released on an order of own recognizance and was set for further immigration processing in Los Angeles in September 2024.

    Chen entered the U.S. illegally on Dec. 17, 2023 in Tecate, California and was given a notice to appear. He was released on an order of own recognizance and is pending immigration judicial action.

    End quote

    TMT Tactical likes this.
  43. poltiregist

    poltiregist Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    Taylor Swift cancelled three concerts when information was obtained a terrorist group of Muslims planned a chemical attack with the packed crowd . I have no information on any of the terrorist cell being caught . I am supposing they will have to find another packed crowd to kill with chemicals .
  44. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    "Narrowly Averted: Taylor Swift Terror Plotter Pictured, Confesses to Officers in Interrogation"


    "The prime suspect in bomb plot to kill Taylor Swift fans at a concert in Vienna “today or tomorrow” has been revealed, and has made a full confession to police, the Austrian state says.

    "Two migrant-heritage teenagers are in custody in Austria after a series of Taylor Swift concerts at a Vienna city stadium were cancelled at the last moment, having been meant to have gone ahead tonight and the next two nights. Some 60,000 ticket holders and up to 200,000 fans in total were expected to attend over the three nights, given the large numbers expected to arrive without a ticket but in hope of getting one.

    "It is these groups of non-ticket holders who were expected to congregate outside the Happel stadium in Vienna that were to be the targets of the alleged attack, it is stated. “Functional explosives” and machetes were found when officers raided properties, it is stated."

    poltiregist likes this.
  45. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    How is one to protect theirself from a terrorist attack in Chicago during the upcoming Democratic Party National Convention?

    Just don't go anywhere near that city, right?


    OK, so the Mid East terrorists will likely not hit the convention because the Dem delegates and the opposition rioters will all be anti-Israel.

    How about others such as Russian or Chinese fellow travelers? Any liberal administration will do nothing substantive to oppose communist aggression against their neighboring countries -- look at what has happened in the world during the biden regime. Therefore it won't be Russia nor China backed crews, right?


    Airports are often considered prime targets for a biological weapon attack. Bio-agents that are viruses have incubation periods that are usually around a week to ten days in length. So, the terrorists spread the virus among tourists coming back to America so that as they scatter out to their home states and communities, so will the virus. Then in a week or so, the bio-agent goes clinical across the nation. Problem with that though is that in airports, people from the home nations of terrorists could accidentally be contaminated thus bringing the disease back to the origin country of the bio-attack.

    At the Dem convention, the delegates there are from America. Some of the trouble-makers among the protesters are from other countries -- often they are the behind-the-scenes leaders. However, they are not numerous in numbers compared to the vast majority who will be returning to their cities across America. I specifically say "cities". Leftists are primarily urbanites.

    Spreading a bio-weapon into rural areas is profoundly inefficient. Sure, it will spread; however, this will be mighty slow compared to cities. There would even be the chance to isolate the pandemic to certain areas. But if the bio-attack virus is spread to cities and universities (many thousands of protesters will be university students) across the nation. How does one isolate that?! You can't.

    One of the things we prep for is the pandemic monster. We put back food and fuel, so that we'll not have to venture out when civilization goes sideways. History sez civilizations evolve then crumble, thus those possessing an ounce of wisdom just figure that such could occur in their lifetime. Currently in our lives, all bets are off. Pandemics are high on my personal list of events to get ready to fight off -- VERY high. Civilization is even overdue for one were there no such thing as biological warfare. It's going to happen, period.

    If you've lost your marbles and are planning on going to Chicago for the "festivities", take both your asbestos fire suit and your hazmat suit. Please toss them before leaving Illinois.

    upload_2024-8-18_20-47-47.png upload_2024-8-18_20-48-14.png
    TMT Tactical likes this.
  46. Old Geezer

    Old Geezer Legendary Survivalist

    Blog Posts:
    More than a prediction -- veteran spec forces member who's stayed in touch with those in the know reports that the warning lights for a terrorist attack on America are not just flashing red, the dashboard is on fire and "giving off smoke". Not just a 9/11, a MAJOR -- could be nation-wide -- attack is sure to come and likely in fall of this year, 2024.

    We preppers, not living in cities, often say to ourselves that it's the cities that will go up in flames, i.e. "not my concern". Hey everybody, when the populace panics, you can't simply say that you and yours will not be affected. When a populace goes psychologically unstable, you too are at risk. Thus our guns and ammo preparations come to the fore. Having worked in the psych realm, I've seen the "aggressive psychotic episode" behavior. You don't want to be near that. "Civilized" people can pull a Dr. Jekyll / Mr. Hyde in a flash. Once, I narrowly prevented (with physical force) one patient from attacking/injuring another. The psycho guy "flipped" in a second, boom!

    A major terrorist attack is coming and I do mean NOW. I'm shocked to the core that this hasn't already gone down and in a big way. Squishy soft Westerners are not going to take this well. Heartlanders will be infuriated. City-dwellers will lose sphincter-control. Irrationality will rule.

    "Former Green Beret warns of October 7, Russian theatre-type attack on US"

    Last edited: Aug 28, 2024 at 4:46 PM
    TMT Tactical likes this.
    1. Old Geezer
      I often test Google's search engine to get a feel for its current censorship / propaganda settings. Today, I tried to test phrases surrounding "terrorist attack" AND "coming" AND ("America" OR "US" OR "USA")-- I tested all manner of Boolean strings.

      Got back crap. Often, first up, a Homeland Security link would pop up. Got one link to the effect of "no terrorist attacks after U.S. military leaves Afghanistan" ... as if all is well, "Don't worry. Be happy."

      One wonders if these squishy-soft little commies working for Google actually believe that they're safe. Me, I hope they don't prepare for any misfortune whatsoever. May their cupboards be empty and their electricity be cut ... for months and months on end.


      Old Geezer, Aug 28, 2024 at 6:41 PM
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